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About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 26, 1873)
o o o 9 THE ENTERPRISE. aiESO.. (1TV, PRECOX, BIX. 26, 157.. Mtfu' oYtl"" Democratic State Ceu- tral Committee O The Democrats State Central Com mittee of the State of Oregon, is hereby requested to meet at the eitv of Port land on Thursday, the d iy of Jan vary, 1S74, at rtVloek, p. in., of said day for the purfose of designating the time and manner of holding a IX'ino cratle State Convention, in accordance with the usage of the party, and of transacting such other business as may properly come lefore said J-ommittee. Said Cmmittee is oonii)osed as follows .' ttenjamin Haymond Jack son A. Kose Douglas V. II. Jackson S.i 'oos Win. Tiehenor -"" A. I- Waldron ...Jos"phine J. t Avery lien ton r V Prnun I.llin .T '.T Walton. Jr ltf I i. .V. Grav II. N. V. IloliiP'S J. II. Upton K. A. Jiailey W. Ii. White Kujcon: Kemple W. A. Musirrovo A. Van Imsen W. II. I-ancett J. M. Haxt'-r lLCPaRe A. C. rait; J. 1. Hains J.-W. lialdwin ? .... Marion j ".".'.Yarn hi 11 J ....Washington t Clackamas i ....Multnomah Columbia latsop Z:.!!! ,....L-matilla ' iii-n Tilla mook linker (,nt! "Shluld anv vaean.-ief liave oecturt .,1 j in anv of the eounties, the County Com mittees arW recommended to till such vacancies. A full attendance of the Committee is earnestly J1-;. Chuimvin Dcm. State f 't ntral Com. Oregon City, lec. "Oth, ll'.i. Newton Booth ami .Imle I'.lectod Senators. Ilas-cr The Senatorial contest in California which lias been a very hot one, has l?en ended bv the election of His ii Vo Kj-w-htt'. trn T IP .id . t- l-.xeeueue Ion" term commencing on the fourth 'J 1 " . ' ' iuu o betttr prepared for the eniovment of of Mhrch 187o, and Judge 1 lager for 1 1 J - ' ' -i the future. Mav we continue to pros- tLe short term beginning now and - . 1 T ., . , .. . per as a State and the spirit ot enter endmg when Booth takes his seat. I 1 . . . . . . , . i irise and advancement which has We had entertained strong hopes L . T ill l , l marked it during the past.contine to that a Democrat would be elected for 1 ' A, , . iitii t. .1. ! increase, and that we mav be able to the loner term, and believe, had such , . . . been the case, t?iat he would have more nearly represented the sover eign will of the people of the great State of California, than Booth does. But we will have to be satisfied. The election of Booth and Hager has virtually broken down tho Itadieal or Administration party in our sister State and staggered the power of the Central Pacific Bailroal Company for the control of elections to its fall. Booth is entitled to ogrcat credit for breaking loose from the ltepnblican party which elected him to the Exec utive chair, and lighting the combin ed powers of the Ilailroid and the Federal office-holders in California. to triumph, which culminated in his election to tlie Senate. Judge Ilager, who has been elected to fill the unexpired term made by the resignation of Senator Casserly, is a Democrat of the old school, .trictly honest and faithful to his trusts. The Democracy of the Golden State should feel proud that they will have at the Capital of the nation, a gentleman of such high standing to represent them in that city of corrup tion aud clashing interests. Senators, for thev were satislietl bv i electing Footh and I lager, that two honest men had been found who omti not itarrer away incir iiiernes i i - a i ii i-i i- in the swindling jobs in mid around Washington. Senator Sargent has V-en warned by this election that his power and days are iumb-red as truculent tool of the Hail road Company and on the 4th of March, 1S70, his political career w ill pass away forf ver.- O 1 hec ( Tuusx Capped. The Washington correspoirdent of the San Francisco; tier, writing under date of the 2d inst., pays this handsome compliment to Grant and Geo. II. Williams, his r.nnointee for ! lire 1i.uiuu.u.i in iovj . u.iir .ne i uu te.i . iuii-.o iv-...j .. o..c i , j,,,,. jn vhicji t o j 1 1 1 il i -i i his deiii- i I1!l ,,lr.V a:ni aoopi procceomgs : passen on saiisiaei..u u.v. .v large pro ' stronges of the three parties in tho I half billions of dollars? Why is every i' 1 xn order to assent aud direct his ! i?nst the? Virginius, and against ; gramme has been prepared to llll Legislature and thev wore willing ' State government in debt so deeply, ! 'mind to the material points in the ! "' l'."" who may appear to have three days beginning on the 20th in . . A. 4 .. " r , i . i , t , . ! ..i,..,,,,, u-,. u-ill vest -t,, t ,c css.'i.c- of ' 1,mi -lll,t.V of illegalities in connec- : stant. A lecture will be delivered to concede tl.5 election of.tho cham- ; every cotinty, town, school district; , lion therewith. As Spain has proven i eacli evening .luring the session. ad pioraeof the Independents as one of j aud a majority, also, of our mereh- j '..V V",,. Wi"b oo m ide i 1 to satisfaction of the United ' the days will bo occupied bv imuort- Tim t t 4-1.. i ' in I V t , t..r i x-.T.l .1 .bt f.f f UT. OO. I m ct.i.-t t . i- r ' ease and pains, so, the American peo- tne bluet Justiceship. Tne writer , ,..o.o i , . . , i ido to-dav are making a desperate ef- pays : General Grant ha?, during 1 . 1 the past four vears, done many ! fort to rul themselves from the ef things that were Wandcdons, reflect- ! focts of t,,t'ir own rava-unc. It ing disgrace and odium upon him- j ls 1,0Il, knowing the cause, and ex self and his Administration, but tfie ' Piencmg the effect, that they wiil ium total ofddiem all and there are many would not till the measure of outrage and wrong that, he has per- petrated by the appointment of a , , ' , fourth-rate lawyer au.1 trading poll- eian Attorney General George II. Williams to the highest civil office in his gift that of Chif Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. That the cat occupied by Marshall, Taney and Chase should be rilled by one like Mr. Williams, will cause regret in the heart of every Cgood citizen. It caps the climax of the degradation that wo, as a nation, have undergone during the past four vears. When the appointment is mentioned here Republicans, as well as Conservatives shrng; their shoul ders in contempt of tlie insult to the American people. Wu have drank the cup of humiliation to the dregs ; there is no further indignity in storo for us; we cannot fall much lower. This last indignity beats Gen. Blair's picture of the man on horseback. Of one thing rest assured; Gen. Grant had a motive for making such an un- fit appointment; who will solve the l t rTi it i i , problem? The thing is done lejond question, for of cemrse a subservient Senate will corinrm iu-3 nomination. So we go." Roseburg is to have a- bank, cot a fro bank either. ! A Happy Xew-Year to All. Before we shall pay our weekly visit again to our readers, the year 1873 will have passed away, and be numbered with the great unknown, and shall have entered upon the year 1871; and we shall soon b called up on to record its passage to the great numbers which have preceded it. To many of our friends, the year just drawing to a close, has been frought with deep sorrow, while to others it has been a year of joy and pleasure. Many of the familiar and loved faces we saw a vear ago, are no more among us, and who knows how many j of those now amomr us will be joined I with them before another year passes away. To those who have lost their near and dear relatives, the year 1S73 will ever be remembered with sorrow; to those who have been prosperous in everything which adds to earthly , ;f 1 r(,mf.,,,l lered "u'l,,"':i,- "" with jov. But who knows what anoth er vear has in store for those who are to-day bouyant with happy thoughts? TIje (.-ose of the js an occasion -' . -. wJiicli shonhl cause us to rezicci on ., . . , ...i i.t,J the iasr, ami mane ni; uu resolves for the future. It is an oc ! cassion when our joys and our sor rows, our prosperities and our adver sities crowd upon us, and admonish us to shun the rocks and shoals upon which we wreeked our frail barks in rears past and gone. What is in store for us whether it be joy and gladness or grief and sadness must be hidden beyond that impenetrable rail, the future. Eet each one reflect upou the changing scenes of the past; tll ,,, r l-nnwli-l l.e point to LS74 as a vear in which we. have realized our expectations and the people all prosperous and increas ed in all that may be to their present and future good. In conclusion, we wish our raaders, one and all, "A Happy New-Year," and many happy returns. I'xtravagatice ct American Icjle. An exchange truthfully says thai "we are living in an age of extrava gance. Though there is a race be tween men for money and office, and the power they give, yet one of the means of fecuriug both is often lost sight of; and that is frugality. As small leaks sink large ships, so do I r. little cxtiavagaucies ruin the pros pects of many an aspiring youth. Even the ladies, to a great extent, (especially the slaves of fashion), contribute not a little to this end. Like the hidden worm, it gnaws, jmd silently devours the fruits of our in dustry and toil. Does anyone ask for evidence of the facts just stated ? Lot him Only think of the "back-pay steal." Wiiat made it necessary? Whv has the Uni- ! ants, mechanics and farmers? Xs it not caused by wide-spread extrava- trance ' If the same continues our ! gance.ii me same louuihu.s our . a : 1 1 i... i. 4. ,11.. : . . . . i i cuunirv win luiuuv ruiinni in ; very few years. j Philosophers recognize the follow- j ing law ; "Like causes produce lik effects." Extravagance caused tlw decadence and linal ruin of the Gre cian llepublic, of ancient Home, Uabvlon and Persia; and will tiot a 1 like'eause produce alike effect to- 1 tiay r This great financial panic, ami all the evils that liow therefrom, are also its legitimate effect. As the natural body, when loaded with impurities, will make a desperate effort to throw tiff the same, and be freed from dis- 1 A remove both as fast as possible. Ex perience is the best of teachers, and doubtless much good may be reaped i. ." i. , - i T ' 7 Y V"l i and corrected habits. It is hoped timt, xerbum ,irieHtibu& talis erit. a word to the wise will be sufficient. ... . - The Virginias Again. After all the fuss and bluster made by the administration in its indecent haste to find some person to punish iu the late trouble grow ing out of the seizure of the " Virginius," we find that Grant and his Cabinet are now on their knees and begging the pardon of the Spanish government, for their unwarranted demands in re questing the surrender to our gov ernment of the Virginius. It re turns out that the Virginius had no right to carry the American fia- aud j that her papers were fraudulent. This, the Administration should have found out before placing itself in such a humiliating position before the other nations of the world, as that of demanding a salute to our ! fl.-iff on r"hri.if mo j 71 o I. a.. i - . S.tnrt- 7 ' ' rran" I lsa authorities, and now counter- j manai the orfer. This bungling of . our Foreign Af fairs is in strict keeping with many other of the weak and unstatesman like views of Grant's isabecile adrcin itTf".iic?? . Hardly to the Point. After the Xews asserted that At torney General Williams had sold a surveying contract to Mr. Meldrum, the Surveyor General at Eugene, ap- nearimr to have a guilty conscience, wrote to Mr. Meldrum, ana ne. ' - ii Mr. Meldrum's reply : ment. , . Oregon City, Nov. 28, 1873. -1 The steamer Edgar Stuart, which H' Odell U S. Surraor Cenerul, ! made a successful landing of her TH vis Sik Your favor of the 25th ( fifth cargo of arms and men upon iiist is before me. You say that it j the island of Cuba, is said to be nt i,.,VllW11 reported that some papers , ting out at Baltimore for another have been shown to parties going to show venality on my part. It is as i ii .i ,.,,-.,lf "ff TTnfliriiin. sei'tPu mat. uin .-ei.., --.. -. Judge Williams ami myseii, weie I i v - - -m parties to this corruption, as shown by these papers. In reply, I will .t",fu th:t f do not know, nor have ever heard of the existence of any such papers to which yourself and the other gentlemen named were parties. If any such papers were ever shown to anyone I do not know of it. I am, very resp. yours, etc. Jr)H2 MeLPUCM. To this littkr epistle, the Xeta of last Monday replies as follows : The assurance and dishonesty of this defense is perfectly astounding. Iet it be observed that Mr. Mel drum's card is not a reply to our article,- that it does not answer the charges we made; that it does not re fer to them by any indirection, nor in any manner, however slight. . The card "seems to be a reply to some communication from Surveyor Gen eral Odell, in which Mr. Odell ap pears to have informed Mr. Mel drum that it had been reported to him (Odell) that some papers have been shown to parties going to show venality on my (Udell's) part, and that it is claimed that yourself (Mel drum), Mr. Hoffman, Judge Will liams and myself (Odell) were par ties to the corruption, as shown by these papers. And now listen, while Meldrum declares that he never heard 1 of such pnjcrs. Thi answer would have been contemptible enough haa i ' it stopjied here; but now let us hear Mr. Meldrum a little further: "I do not know, nor have .ever heard of the existence of any such papers, to which vourself and tbo other e-en- li iiiw m i. ;i iMiufn'r v e are an- 1 swered that Meldrum, Williams, Odell and Hoffman were not parties to papers going to show venality oil Odeli'a part. This, tlie Dullt'iut says, shows our statement to Ih wholly unfounded. The contract between Meld runi and Williams. even if Meldrum had ; tlemen were part, es. ixohl he whole ; . ; ,n. 31. 11. Church Smith. foAhis coast, j " inT f" matter up but for an instant, and see i , 1 , , - ' handsome, newly .ie-o.:ned, toll luIi, m!... i ii i- i ., i . I An ex-clerk in the Surgeon Irene- ... ,, . . , i,-e-k -md wi'l be s, i-t r,, -nv ui.i--s liow the light streams through it.' ,. . , Since tho snow fell in the Coast 1 u -1 !L Sl ; ..,, ... ';, . . , - ,.. i ral s oluce has, with an accoinp'ict, .. , , . on receiot ot or;.-e bv toe pu! di.- iu rs. it i. e.m.o ant. irm V. ikk !i:ivi!i e said ttoiiiuiT ttiont the venal nv . , i -,. lJaniro. the vdves n:iv come down ... . i. .. . i ' ... s .. i no t ... ..... .-. .' . A at i i i 1 Oeen convicted ot the charge oi His- ;J . . ouig an i-nwiu -oo a ;p. . ,!-mi- I j;.'""..;;"-" 1 ' m.ti-r of O. tell nor Meldrum nor have we . . , , i ,.1!;m. o:! tl" ' sheep m the folds ni i a:n- ( 'hi -istmas present. i . !'.. 1 b ron A- ; ;v n :.. -nan, a. a c-4re i..r a ci-ii. t . - . i . interring dead iioiiies siini soiling . ... , ., . i. .. i . i i i: i i . . 1 "' or mt-i-iiTv o, i.r ;en m :i said anything of papers, lo wluo 1 , t t i -t hill and r;lk counties, and niauv br.lhcrs ji:i- 1 lody jai! If-hed a paper i jr.,' ,,f t , jxi ii t i ir iv them, were sentenced to-day to 11 i , , - , ' , , I ... ,Ve-ed i' i of Wi! '.- 'e ( ' I ;is' ,v. ! ' J,,, ".' "' "'"''' iif sat.- i Odell or Jake IIo!man were parties. , ' . . , , , J4n r ' sheen and a few wolves have been j . ,'N ' .'' l: . I" " , . . , " !i" ; ov -r i hr t oons.i n-i :,rt I s , r av. . rjt. , . , , 1 , ,,ro vears imprisonment auo a line of i , ... , !,, . laoerr s t'oniMbte Works on ( .,.,., -,.; ... . w..i.r , J We charged t nut Meldrum and . il- . v, -Min .killed, -hcmUirv ' Ti,e Mat. . of (!,-..vbi,k ! l-l.l V" !l ' b dared to refer to it. might not go to svr. ij0ri3 Dec. 10. On Wednes show e?):ditv on Odeil's p;rt. We j .-Jo.. .,.t f.,r,ner livinfT near f'ani- d.m't know that Odell got any f the ; C-,f'O0; we presume he did not. We , prrsume that Williams had other ; teans of forcing Odell to comply with Iiis wishes. That contract, had lie dared to refer to it, most certain would, snow that oake Jlooinati mid j Odell did not. sign it, and Mr. drum can, tliercfor, very safely say . w,. ' iwoe . 'i,:.wo.f t.. 1 th.u v.e ,vi:ow not,..,0 of papus t w I.nd, t'if.y were partioa. Molarum's card is a substantial ad- , , , mission of our charge, and we are w, bug that it shall go Md, 1'ysMle witn it to all candid and intelligent inst.ection. I If Mr. Meldrum wants to deny tin eharge, we invite him lo do so, and he need not goto Kir'encCifv to find ' ',,,... n... 't .f ,,:,;,.i, Afel- ! drum was to pay dak.; Hodman a cer- " tain sum of nmiP'V. and was to re- ; . .. ? ! lt(4iii oomt m .w- i, ....-I jceiveas a consideration iherefor, a j . ., r , . , .1 f atI 1,,,,., v . (.;ins(. to bo, the money, as spocilied, and did receive the contract. When Meldrum gets through w riting letters to Udell, cer-tifvino- that, t'.tf latter is r.ot venal. anil did not, with Juke Urifuiian, j eently while oiT the banks t.f New si,'ii n.'uierj "o-iy to show it. we foundland. The captain and three trust he will direct his mind to this j hT - TJ1C i"'" -lar?reis true. i Meldrum knows it. He dare not lace it ! It will now bo in or "er for our friend John to come to the front, and make further explanations of irlmt he lov A'ttouu In his reply to Mr. Odell, he only said what he did vol know. But would it not bo interesting for us to be able to give the secret work- j in-s ,f rlf T...od nnh.n In V.n u-nc ! for the nast two vears ? As far as Mr. i Meldrum is concerned, wo cannot see that any censure can be attached to him for paying the $2, 000. He is a surveyor by profession, and he was aware that if he wished a contract he must biy it ! But he may be taken in as an accomplice in the mutter if he allows the venal crowd with whom he had to deal to enlist him in their A . i ilefensc. hctlier the case is nre- cisely as stated bv the Ver.s', or not Mr. Meldrum knows that survovm- ..,,..,.. ti. - contract have beenawarded to mem- bers of the last Legislature, who sold a $3,000 contract for SI, 300, and nev- ' er had anything to do with it; nor' did the parties have anv knowledge of the business. Mr. M. further knows that a certain contract to awarded to Messrs. Moody aud Geo. Thurston, the latter the step-son of the Surveyor, and that the corner posts are not bigger than "two fists;" and yet this contract has been ac cepted by the Snrveyor. Will the Surveyor tell the public how Mal lory Barin, Powers and Martin, all members of - the last Legislature. come to get contracts? The Survey- oi n.ui oetter remain silent on those questions, and we advise our friend Meldrum not to defend the "lling." He may be called upon to tell what he does know. i . - -i kWltzerland' with a population of little over two and a half millions, boasts of four hundred and twelve daily end weekly paper. Telejraphlc News. New Yohk, Dee718. The owners of the steamer Ismalia, from tins port for Glasgow have given up all hope for her safety. She had a crew of 43 men. .. Minister Sickles has announced to to the Secretary of State the estab- to iiifi ntpn lishment of th'e Castelar govern run. Wasfttxotov. Dec. IS. The fune ral of Mr. Dent took place this fore- noon, irom me .- un In .adtlltions to tlie meinuers. in m family there were present all the heads of the various Departments. Chicago. Dec. 11). The Illinois State Farmers' Association conclu ded its annual session at Decatur, last night, after adopting a platform embracing the following points: They declare that every American vo ter should do all in his power to se cure the election of honest and com petent men to otliee. The farmers are absolved from all allegiance to old political parties. That the re peal of the salary-grab law should be retroactive; that large salaries are antagonistic to republican princi ples; that the civil service should be reformed. They favor improving the navigation of lakes and rivers, and oppose a protective tariff. They de precate the system of subsidies, and favor a legal tender currency, issued directly by the Government, and in terchangeable for bonds bearing the lowest possible rates of interest; and they demand the revision of patent land, and insist upon biennial sess ions of the legislature. They assert the right of the State legislature to legislate for the control of railroads, and oppose any attempt of Congress i to exercise such control. j Washington-, Dee. IS. Full par .1.. .-.,.! ..fnrn;nn in .lilt.- J llPAIrl. I ... , , . . , , v-,,.,. 1 M1 , , , f,T'il. ; u-i cui'i' hir h fin t r;t or iV 1. i J j : ill in.: a i. The President has signed the bill for the redemption of the loan of ISoS, and the Secretary of toe lreas- The Secretary of War was before the House Committee on Military Affairs, to-dav. concerning his accu sation against (Ion Howard. Secretary Delano warns Territorial or other ollicers that absence from their posts without special permis- i sion, will be considered as a resigna- Hon l,ridgo, 'm.o.. was attacked by live I men while on his wavhome from : el- ! i,irr lliKrS killed, "and robbed of I sil .'o:)0. A gentleman coming along shortly after heard the robbers quar- reling over the division of (lie in.n I e, in an adjoining thicket. Quickly j gatliering together a fi:w of tho ,.v, in an adjoining thicket. Quickly g'atliering together a U-.w of the eiglibors thev surrounded and sue- i i ; o c .I i c-ed-'d in capturing three of the rob- bers who were hnng immediatelv. : Washington, Dec. 21. It s.'ems : i t ii i ,f now to oe the general ojumon in olh- mal cmdes that the "V irginins had forfeited lu-r right t bear tlie Amor- i ican ilag at the time of lier capture. In view of this opinion, our Govern merit will, in accordance with tlie ierms oi me protocol, an , Whites that the Virginius was. at tho ''l 1 ' 'I'11"'- :,ir- "'r. I a : ri i - . 'f -Cte.l States, without ( right, the salu e on the 1.Ai of Do- ! - . .. . - T , 1 toe salute on the 2otl, of De- 0?tliri" W! I I .- ills:tnviMil With If appearing that the clearance paoers j . tt -" ii - i t oi the irginins were obhuncd bv perjury. .lisich from To-idou state- (! " i ; v m- Jj;,1lo11 Siat" i that the slop America foundered re- , ' ' l 1 'p ' '4 1 1 t II , A 4. , men were drowned. The remainder of the crew took to tho boats and were saved. A special dispatch from Paris says that Spain demands the restoration of the Virginius. Thpro was also great exultation caused by the admis sion of Secretary Fish that the Vir ginius had carried the American ilag without authority. The demand was delivered on Friday, the l0t!i inst. Sickles has telegraphed to Washing- ton insisting on the acceptance of his resignation. . 11 lu"'. ' L J .. t ( I 1 lOsrm aster nt I ,:i t . ov. 1 1 vol o- i ,, ...... .0. ......j Jackson co., Oregon. w:w lollK. Dec. 2J. A telegram ! irom ivey est gives an account of the surrender of the Virginius oris- oners to the United States authori prints were with them, taking their i eoiifessinn nnd rKn.ntinrr ur,-, t look to God for pardon. They were tak Ilt of lrison in lolr, but on their way to the slaughter-pens, as they supposed, their eves fell up! on the Juniata flying the flag of the United States. Washington, Dec. 23. The Presi- eiu SLilt(rtl t!ialat.ieally to-tlay that the nomination of Williams for the position of Chief Justice would not be withdrawn. Washinotox, Dec. 2i. A promi nent llepublican says that after the holidays Williams will request the President to withdraw his name, for- seeing its rejection otherwise. Al though most of the cham-oa !.,; him vanish on close inspection vet he i3 seriously compromised by the 1 statements of United States Attornev Gibbs, of Oregon. It has been said that a SC00 carriage, used bv his fam- was Pilil1 for out of tue Contin gent Fund of the "Department of Justice." That Beet. A Los Angeles paper states that J. Welch, a citizen of that place, has a beet in his posses sion which weighs 230 pounds; and that Mr. Layman, a' neighbor, has two, which weigh 201 and 213 pounds j rerectively, ties, iiappears mat tiie poor wretch- ,:n;,.m"1 " V'.' 's Mari-t lioeu' i,,!! . - ' it is equal! v sua- si ,til. V : nt.r. es had been kept in ignorance of their j y to Oregon to take charge of the ; dcn 1 1 b mll; 1r,cos lir,n : ' Ir ex, -ma My. and it' stamN lo-ar. prospective release, and with liend- i 11'iscopal Church m Eugene City: j Wool-Tic mario t wi:i;m-s dull and i I'l'f,-1! ''l .'-,y- 'I1'. -r-:U cataiopi" .f !l ti. ii ' . 1 ii' uu i i Ui,nllmnl j t ,' tn. quotat ons are lurnisiied at pi -r , ' ' i ' 1 'a o ne uiei n. s. Jt is suil ,- -nt .-vi'lcnm cruelty they were le.l to suppose ibtmmoivd, late pastor , i smj.l(. urmjiUt at 1 -'a-k tor , n, its virta s s,s a standard in-diciii-Mo that thev would be butchered Tl.o i ft the Meade Memorial Church, i Paeon ihe sunnlv ot, i,,t I know that. :t ir, no.v uh a in all parts l th 1.;. -T 1 . .1 . . f,OI....... . . fl..- ..l.i..nri.i....i .i.m. , I I'nl'K Mll-r.. Il..l..l 'i''. ?. ... Summary of State Xcws Items. A valuable horse belonging to Mr. F. P. Hembree, of Lafayette, was frozen to death one nay last week. A bridge has been built across the McKenzie at Hayden's ferry. An ef fort is also being made to bridge the Willamette river at Springfield. Messrs. Durbin fc Co. lately pur chased a farm of 277 acres, on French Prairie, about six miles below Salem. Price, $0,000. G. C. Curl, Fsq., of Salem, Clerk of the Supreme Court, who has long been seriously ill, is 110w in a fair way to recover. Articles of incorporation for the erection of a woolen mill at Albany will be placed on tile in a day two. Capital stock, $00,000. Miss B. A. Owens, a well known lady of l'ioseburg, will shortly start for Philadelphia, where she proposes to graduate as an. M. I). A brakeman on the Eastside road was thrown from a platform car near Oakland last week, and so badly hurt that he was left at that place. At the morning services at St. Paul's Parish, in Salem, last Sun day, the rite of confirmation was ad ministered to eleven persons. The Kc'i.-iter says Dr. Alexander is still seriously ill at his farm, some nine or ten miles from Albany. His friends feel quite anxious about him. A Grange was organized at Myrtle Creek, Douglas county, on the loth, inst., with 30 members. B. G. Gibbs was elected Master, and It. Weaver, Secretary. F. Sutherlin. of Douglas county, was la-,t week offered $12. M00 for a bit of a sheep ranch which he owns, on the Umoqua. The ranch contains 1,000 acres. Several people were dumped into l"L the Willamette, near Springiield, the thor day, by the upsetting of a ve- hu-le. Ihev all re.iclu-d home in a wet and '.lemoralized condition llov. Joseph Fmery, formerly of ('orvallis. has been elected Corres ponding Fditor of the Purine Jf, ?to- Henry Waters, of Looking Class Douglas county, met with a severe and painful accident. A team that he was driving ran away, throwing him from tho wagon, and liislo 'at ie.g his shoulder. Ija;t ?Tonday evrning Thomas Ward find Kiiicaiil.t wo citi.ens of Siiverton I'recinct, got into a dis pute about a halter. Tin: argument VM' h;l( ended in a tight, in which Kinc.iid 1 his log broken. A man named John McMorral, of polk countv, has been put under bonds to appear before tiie (5 rand Jury, because he was umihJe t ex - plai'o how h" became iossessed of a iiorse owned by another man. plaiu how l.o became possos.-w.-.d of a" horse owned bv another man. j T' r in f. M. J?:itlrtr. of Monmouth, ! j .wM- (,,HM.. v p,.. ,,.,,.,,;,.:, 1 'U 'v ' - V: ' , ' ' " ! V',' A . -""'iV' .m'?' -j, , ) , . '"r bi'nu r. ibtrold A. bag ey !i;'.s been bv t,;e Gtl,,.rn,;r :l Co:n. .U.ner of Dee, Is for the State of (. . . , x s -''V- y : ;' 0- S ul sireer, .v,' .mrs iii- The meeting recently held at Sa- iem, io arauge ior t no .si.r.i' tnsxnuie, i mt discussions. The Coos P,a A'-.-.'-.s' of 10th inst. :.s,ios. . i n lluireilltJUtlNJiltmH, ; ()f J? j.,!n believe . . . ' b v livingon South Slough. V . ' V , V ' the bursting of a gun wit h w Inch he , i t -e Sj.,t,t,n- S,;:if11r; .f owvr , 1; ! ;U': "M ""'V, j bears his .-ain.s wnh, extr.iortunary j fortitude. .u. f,.;.,l.,rn I Mr. James, bettor know n as One-Arm I'rown, for many years the energetic messenger of the Indian viiico, .inn v. iioso noun? uas oecit in Salem most of that time, is about to start, on an expedition among the Malheur Indians. In case of death while absent, he leaves by will, the sum of one thousand dollars to be given to the children's Aid Society. A young man living near Independ ence by tht; mime of Lick, while out hunting the other day met with a sirious accident. It appears that a:.... i ...l.. l t i wiuie loading ins cun. it was ttis charged, tim ing the ramrod entirely iiirougij ins iriiiiijiitiwi i u ine ilium o nnt fore linger, while the ball was bWd ,v;thm tin in,.l, of where the i i . i : . i . . i i , . . a . n t . rod come out. The Richmond Inquirer speaks as " lor his new home m.urgon : WItll uie rogrel.S stn.l oest wisue.s ,u i on r ent i re eoiiimmtit v." Ham- I mai1 is evoecfed to' arrive on the I Uoth mst. i The man who shot the robber just across the river from Salem, i 1 1 1. . T.. S 1 Lill. .a .;,.,,, mi-Ps tl.e following 1 particulars: "After drawing quite a sum of money from tho bank in Salem, Conger crossed the river and stopped at a house a short distance from the ferry to spend the evening with a voting lady. He left about nine o'clock, ami hail ridden about 130 yards, when three men stepped into the road and informed him that he was the man they were looking for. f 11(3 replied, I guess not,' and at the sarnu tillie drew his revolver an i fire, I amongst them, bringing one of them to the ground. lie tired a second shot but without effect, and snapped I his revolver several time, out it miss ed tire. lie then returned to the house which he had left, and, reload ing his pistol, started in search of the robbers. When uear,a man said Carry me light, to the liack for I am liurt, and hurt bad.' The voting j fT" nSS?."? V ! the house to procure assistance, and, in com nauv witu otaer. acrain fthirti : in r.-c,,a. K-t ' - Tted, ami tie llwleS ntK men were not oyer taken." 6 Uterarj' Notices. Sr. Nicholas for Deckmbkk. The second numher of Soribner's new mag- azine for the young is as bright and as full of Rood things as the first issue-in fact, it contains more matter and pji tures, for it has eight additional pages, "there are torty-tour putures this mourn, ami iue lociuuc orawiiiirs bv examining a man through a mk-ro-seope; one of a sailor dancing with white bears; and another of a coura geous youth riding a whale into port, will excite the curiosity of real f.ovs ami girls. Celia Thaxter has a seasonable poem, "Jack Frost;" Mrs. 1. 11. Da vis contributes one of h;-r fust-class stories, " Nay lor o' tlie li.wl ;" and there are several short stories, one of which "The Water Dolly," by Sarah ). Jewett is as sea-bree.v as the coast it tells about. ' The (Jianl W'atabore " is a caj.ital liit at certain follies, ami will lie apreeiatfd by t!ie .lder read ers of the magazine, who will also en joy DonahKJ. Mkeht ll'sstorv of "How a Tinker Wrote a Novel." The serial. " What Mi-ji-.t Ha ve i'.een i: pecb d.-" by l-Yaiik K. Stockton, promises plenty of; lively adventure At theconclusio'n of the installment in this number, the Ix-ro is k-fi at night behind a "turkey- I lind" in tlie depths of a Virurinia for- est, and something we should like to know what is just about to happen, Tiie French story, for young tran:da- ioi r-,, i. ei ai.iu:iiL;. j i :ishiiuis u Morv ;w ;i r;ii i.m;:i. l ne l el- ow ( ottaire is an exquisite- b tie m by Marion Ioiigl.iss. bu; i earns o i liirbiood are seldom more delicately told th in in these verses. ( '. Ila- loran jwuo communes a verv eliect- i imns eaus.-u oy some ut. riiu- disor.i r :p" ive frontispiece), Stephen's Shepoard i w ,lI,r" tl,(' iir ' t,UIS 'dy al.i. i-rh";,;a' d I'.eard, and other American artists n ' ,m"-1 !,": ;iro .-'""rant .i th.-I!,10' There are six wonderfullv funnv )-: l-rn'X u,"il IV" tures of learned eats, a.ul the art Lie m' , t- !;7f ;n,Pant2 whi.-lV the.n is as innuy as mrlhelay uMlK tlie eats. A curious Tn-tur it ;i ;, ,!..;. ; , , ' " r conn n. . I - v . . , . l.lHt ( VliHIIIO llHlll.'.ilIlU W kins otters some ex-ellent and humane i world. The siusili. i'V of construction propositions regard! ml- the relations of , u,e Kw.t. w5t!l j.i, jt' , 1(,:uU.(1 ooys aim l.iriN; and " Jaek-io-t m-l'ul- j nob .aoed. t he !;,ilitv xx i; , w hi.-l, thf pu. who is last becoming a general fa- ; J..:,d can be changed ironi small to votite, uas a lai; 1 ol lively and useful ! large .xSe-t d-linu the s.mrUmin in .natter to t dk about The page for lit- ! an instant, to adapt "his chlmg to "anv "lkT, .l?1V,' '"A l!US lllnnt-y :l.,,l i zcd gatue that may present itself-thV "the Kiddle box. is crammed witlu! ea--with wiii.-h it n-av be Kent clean good things. iuav.ii! d.ility to a count rv w here no'tli- A IArnn-t. Fikno: ok Tuuofoit j J.-f, u'l rn'lTUUiii,'n . ,T '" !''" "l. o. com. .me to recoin-riti-: I-iKK, is Die startling name ot ; in- nd it to iv.rv spoilsman who can Mrs. l'.iiiua D. K. N. Sout !i wort Ii's r.ew ! !l, !"' -" :- perfect fowling .ie-e! book, to be published in a few days bv 1 "' " arren Sent niel ;" ( Front Koval, Va.) T. II. l te:son A r.rothers, Phibulel- . pnia, l'.i. No wo: rom us are ne ei-sai'v to eoiiinieie i tii:- k to Mrs. S.iijlliworth's many admirers: they will lind iu it. no !':.! 1: :i :r if of the pow er th 1! h ;s made her pn vious books so attractive to them : tlie style is spii l: d and the iuien interest sustaiii'-d to tic end. All of Mrs, South wort it's Thirty-six Popular I too k a re put u: in lo y .Mrs. iienrv i i: neiiehoou ;:ei r ',;. ig., by Mrs. Ann S. Siepii: ps : New and I ant i ;'al e :: i. ns for i he Il. - d - ilavs, of i '. -a ; it i " is 1 Snow arei of Outcast, bv .J. W. Wat.son : Mrs. I f-d New (',l; f.oot: r Keonet . . '.-. I'.nl of tJlengy. , by ;. W. M. K v-..! !,: VI: i b dress in I fie l'.imiiy. by i rs. I) to: 1 : '. 'K ,t .;' M aito ( Vito. ! ;- h.i' : The iJips.v's Warning, by Miss l".. .. puv: and they w i send their Nt w il lustrated Catalog ue to any athli ess, if writ!'-.'! for. i I it D tuber n;:ii:i.i r oo: s ;l'T-i::o:.! aoa.i.nk is i. pl -b- with go, I rc:e i in x , tit eri am i :e.r sicefeli. s. i .,; :es. tie., eP its table e? j .. v"p((ar.g-'('i.i'tit rv !-' M-."-'' j"' "''. I w I! : An Ktigim 's' Va'rn. b'.Ub'ert 1 Williams, dr.: :,.:- Pufy at "s.-a. by j ai-v. s i -kinridge : Two Kothu.-:- C )!llel ii s t 1 ;i : j; ices tiie ;i.g :;r: Williams. )o.- 1 u v at " S. a. by JC-v. .f. s. ':,-cek:o-idge : Two Knthu. - ': - u!S-i'j; , r w'u!n1; IVe-nee- of -d md. Key. I-. W . ! b .!! md : Cables. D. A. lorb ... M. !.: Cless-dness Ki-'e-s. To,...',...,.: Ha:,, D .odb-dee Ka.l. lpli M-ntel: in.;allme, of Max im-ojut ;mj: hor o; .Jessie-'s 1 'ii st pi-iv. ,'r ': c!.,!:ish -Itel lu ruWr il, '-' or K;,i : Misery Jippcau! liapters II, 1 1 r. bv ! I. V. Osborne. 1 n addition t th.'' articles an- several pretty poems, a cnarnipig little I ottage Design, and editorial departments ein- bra'-ing Our 1 loi.sekeoper, Correspond-, Literary Notices, Laughing I.iterarv tc. etc. " . -i.n ., ,ie. etc. i oe e 1 1 l: 1 .1 V 1 1 1 g lor I ills ... ...i. : 1 . 1 t t 010010 IS COllUC'l roi l olKs. All the above for only one dollar per year or with ( '!i roino "V Semite' one dollar and a halt'. Address Wood's iloi'snnoj .f,o a.ixi:. Newberg. Nv".v York. Tin-: Ai. pink. We have rce ived the D 'cembt r nr.uioer of tiiis periodical. and audit is even superior to its pr deces - ............. .,v ..o e.o oes..y re- J-pmnion.i it to our readers Now is the t one to .ul isenoe tor u. i',r i.articu- los s-e io-.,s, to .i. , I V. b frV?. p. , fully til price iJk, I V ,b ' ers. M ! no Mil-vni,.,- who has a v., - umo ,,C it, woul I take doU: !e its su! - - ription price at thr- close of the vc;,r San I-'ranci'-r') .t-Iarlict Keporf. San l- UANcrseo, I-v ". V.'h-at in Liverpool A vera- .California VU t-.l; Or 'g:m, 11 ti ls vl is. Klotir Sup -ilitc-, fiiT.i: extra, ?7 0) Wheat nasi, gv ;:j . 'oust l ;-d, f 1 lii vi S ) $1 :V-. iiay t.r -wing. l liny fi-e-.I "jits (.iuiiil supply ia in t ; j.ri s are r; "v t o i. ooi pii.-t, line to elioic c'.ar H'...i'i S'orliami .'.iarkct ttce.;)ri. WKiisKoiai-Ji-o. '2i lr.i tioM in X rk to- lav. 1 1 l'ort land bega l i Vrul.-r rates. ia C'lmvi:,.. J)li s -bing. Wheat Hcmand is gKl :,t k) n Cental, sa."!;e,l. - Oats !.: 17 t l)U?!ir-l, sacked and d -Pv-er d. I'donr In cons ipa nee of th- condition of tre wlvat market, ilour has y ad-vatic-'tt to f'i oM.-vi aa. irifi rl.-et M-- II to, e ,,. ,!. .. ,r I'.utl. r l ne rec -i'iis :ir l:ir" !in,l ,i,.. ........ . .. ....... n ii Mil illl fp:a lilies, ; ".a u s,,, -, t , , ; 1c - ..i, i Oregon City .Market llcimr!. " Enterprise okkit, Jy-r. 2-. ls7:l Iif'Kul Ti-nilTs, ha. 'mix, iS'.i : sl lifi r -ia ( i'anty script, : rit.v scrip, 8.5. " ' " lit- lodoWill- ;lr the liiiVin-.,' pric-s for produc and tlie s -'din- ,.r!ce tor oi l... r ,J) .a '''e'1 ,!,d !" S--ilm at ?l"05 ,n' .ti.v.,A': ,Vru',P,'v ,n market. anl sell- I- I .in i : .. i i . .didd'iin.-s-Are qtiot-d at '5 ner ton on hand. rv ,uu ,n:ui with inn supplies Oats Supply to d-inand ; h.n-ers are paying .i-i.T, ) c .;i;s -" Potato- s-No d 'tiiand, and tho market overstocked, at Irom i5,ij c !IH.s n r has ,- Apples ar bringing lcv '?'. x. price .or.Ti i t-aeii. sr e nriori li: viiej- a h-'.i r . utm: inn tor h..... Onions-Quotal.l" at. l' c-nts p r ix.untl l-.ggs soarc'., Sy,iii . d7. n (-.aiek-iis i.MM-.o .-, ) p t do, -n., SyCV) e-nts lor -oo'd fr -s!,. ooll or ,., ic.. lots -j.f c nts lTled 1 raits Full ti,i,. :.. . wringing lcv.v5ci iits nr tioundi ' ,or--ign conntn -s. s II cuts; Currants l'l'-;1.5 c-nts-l l'rk. J cents, ;V rents and 1 pr ! cents. j ).!:i!i;t uAVts&sox.i'r iii io.iik'i.: I'ltltllS ia, ',rll1"Tr..n,sfl::d- c-nts: Island fl i ' 1!1 I-raneisi-o r..(1 T, .-I t .:i u: , V ,'Rt '1'iality ?l p-r pou nd, and oth er 'brands ranging ironi 0;;,,T5 cnts. ( otr Jest article 15 cents. lf Hanging lro;n lt-J'.:. Syrn( 5:) cents per gallon; best articl? '- ,;..-:iln. A cnrsTH.W cmlVrTM"ul!hOM,l,'r5' ) I-rd IVr prnml lVilt. cents. .! StT'.'SKi ,5.- rfon loot (irKxi fat cattle find ready com son ioi. 1'OrK VVf C UOff at b(S,ti CPntS. . - ' rZX ffcrinS atflW2 50 ,33' WiDe 4 thC TREATING THE wr.CNS DISEASE. ' , Many tim-s Womon call iipon th, i , tll,? Irust, a:.oiii r witu win h?lWeof YVV! 1,1 v!lU v uv u''- aii , , j tinot dlsw. lor w h h f ! pills ami .t ions, assumi,,.) tho? 's l ' sucn, wnoii, m rvalit v. tht-v -.r.. . .. D itirrctf-Utothc causo wouki t,a ve i ,,, "? remove.!. tlv r,-l,y i itiu:ns hVTilth 111111 il tirnn... i Alliens Co., )., (k-t. llth 'ls7-.. IjAIK1'ado, "lr. It.. V. i'l-rce, Cuir.iioT 'v V v favori'e- pr, .-rii tion is workin- aTmT like a nuracle on mo. I am bci " .o'"10, 1 tl.ay I l.ave I,-,,, for over two V.I:1 1 rom MissIii!ixnAF..ST.fY.,s;i ", " lr. l'leroe I recr ivea tl. m.'.'in.. , -vn.tmeanabe:, usin. r,,,'. !' As a r.-sult of the !r -at meet I t . i tlMin 1 l.ave lor three w'" Kvl U,Ur Mar!"". lS7J-:J',IiN K-"llA "x.Odoll. 1,1.. "l.r. U. V. IVrcf-Tho favorile j.n srri,. tion has done me o.l vi ii..i. t . nI- i thanklul ltir." ... , r j y ' ; Thk Pai:ki;ii (irv-W,. (.,i f. , , i - . 'u i.ikc- ifc, ! 'J1;0 111 "Ubng attention of ur Vh1U-v i friends to the wonderful merits of tho ! double-barreled bu tch l,, ,.!;,,. 0 j cutis m.-inm'-iciurcd by 1' iii er 'l'r ti ers. West .ieriden i Vun ' ,;r(Jm- i lie highest tt stimonial receivod i iroill all see li,.i-. .i i... ! t he t ho, eil, t.,-t ,iv, it i the t . ! j by our ti ivi i. i ( 'a , t. ( ; ; ecu 11. S:uiuiels j warrant us in a-seilii -- th- t it u , ; i.-e.-.t luveeh-loatlin,: shot "Vm in cuniry, iui.l CBST.UXKS T' M.VUIil.VCJE. HapjV- II 'lief for Young Men frini t!m etr-cts of Krrors ana in carlv lit.'. Manhood r-stor-'d. Imp. lUm- ats to' Mar ring" r-mov d. N i:i "l h. l oi I r. :.t ne. nt. N"v a?iI r.'inarkaMe r m dies. Looks H-i-i circulars s - nt ir -e, in s -nl-.l cnv.-lo Ad.":r-s, HuWAI'i .ss lATh ).V, Ni. i south Ninth St.. I'iiiia.t-biliia. p:.. '-m i" a i minat" ! ! If yoer !.oi;i us- ' wash ti. - p;,r : t . i ' s ir- it ;'!! . veti i" .1 ..' je' I.i .l :,rnl; :: ii .. ij an.t . ;.r:.i w raiv.a." r, no. orv. :V'. .t t i an c!n:. to ;:p. iy til" I . i : 1 i : i : at, i'a'o in w- ii wit'i tie- hand. H.iv-tii" r iii: ftc KNTKiicKijiEirr us -u any '..i,i.' '..-.- .:;; yvz.-y a vliy :: . i:! cr-i'i s: . inm;! . p::yi.- !.esiies '; rig i h- r.r st a: a i-'.a',ion r-iu-!.. th -r is in this country. KS . Ti'.- t:" 1 r r. - t.t tor I i r n ,1 having -n no- 1 1 i iiO-rl -. ill .-!! lor l:'r iiltr :;t t.:i-Vo!io,vi.-i.r r it-s : ' p ,,.f r p 'Vp-V' 'I'V'' j ' ' :s '- iTl i; " " ih r-- ; :--".-.j,-r r, :.j a t ; r.l ! le oi ,r uisirit. j - s ; j ih;fd : j ;; ;; i-wir: a i; i i.:n I!o;.::?s' .M-,:,.,-! . i-a: hi -as, ir b-n j r r -"n ' '' 7k, r 1, .orts.-Th- i, . ,.. i ... . , .. , . j i! : " " 1 r l 'K i i r 1 S !:' A:;), r- t ti: !i 1 -vi 1 no .!. M. ;l.- ON. "t , 17-. ioUo.'.ing t-xt t-ook r: tin! il ?b'.:.f..;ry 1t. t 'lark's Itejian r's annual- J.i ( 1 t lar.t's Nf.i-inai b'. aoa.'o- .-. T ! Monti a h's p.Tr .:a.-i e.n to (. .-, i;y . -ii :nc 1 ,:isi i.o.tioa o M:iiii- !h' l' it!,, pit rii-.j,'.' ( J -o.:;-ao1 p., 1 :S St'-d 's I- or: -t . : ks in ' h- ad-tr. 1 i.i V tu -.;.: 1 m is: VUv A .!'' 1 "'.vi! P..t.-in: :t -oei ! '!..;-: 1 " l'a-C.i'; i.-is: i ;rg !: ::.! r l' S " S -i-o-.e: li -.ue r ' " 'i'hir : -a.-!- r , l"o-i:-: h l; -Mi r " I : i.i r ' ; ir-,i.::his- r.ranual bi li-u ".:rh 'n-nl-r 1 r .- r c--v, a. .It.'lIN 2l i Kits j i-.i,,- . . , , , , e i ' "i u.v. r.t ii!!.-1i11-rnri!.sI?nt,irn't- i 1 -v-..,.-, 1 - Mont.arr ': t,s-,;i fram is-o. Cat.fornm. ! - - .. ff ti li-rn Tt'it.rt i J "i -. -.-( Ytiritty of Cii-.-) ;'-, ,.-..' ,.. .l-.., t Krrrjt XaHon It i the coris:ra:t '''n paiiion aiul f stl- ( .11.1. ... i,i i..i in in;- j n isiona ri aitu in" ; travel -r, oi s a ;,n l Isind, and no on sh -a; id i ravel on our I -k' S or rivers will. -on:. I ! I .isli-Mi Wo' tiie i.m-o (i,-r tiiirtr ars, an,: pr.-ha! i:1s a v, r an,j b- tt-r r tt! w :oa lii in .iny ot a-' j rojin; t.irv tie'd l. :r. oi lie yr s -;.t Cety. At tlus"p' r',K' to 'rear-' 1'ltt ! "V e l n.roi.i :iO... I . itli t I e-ne-rpiaiiit.-tl v.ith tl - ti.... i . i .: i . , 1 ::i r:fs ol 1 :.- !'a , I'.vir i i; a-; a ni'.iiti- m, i ic y know 1 ut ht;l j oi i:.s o , v -r:u asi:-.-- : ain"Wh.-n ta!;'-a in I t --ivially, v. ii : ! n r i:s- if , -.t-raallv ii . o::, i:ii. "it. 1 ",'r!1" r- ;.t :ii(....-s,!.ii! tir-' ecpiall v ijitior wit e .tdair virOi s hen a- i lied , xt -r:i- i .li!v i ' U 1 w e I a- , Z wid-ss.r -ad $.!- or -lv..t, such uiilvnal sat isiael ion. it is a nnrelv veir'-lal,l" cm - j runl, and ji ri -c-aV sain in unskiUiiil nanus Alt -r thir.'y year, trial, is still r'-cMvinR the most unqaaha ! testimonials to it virtues, from persons of the hili -st chnr-.'ict-T awl r's; onsioility. Pip. sicians ol th" first r -speerahilit v-.r.-coiniiviid it as a rnnst ii' ,-tn-tl j r paraiioii ior tic extinction", prim. It is not onlv t!i" b st r--tii."iy -v,'r no . li Ii ir I . c I nfc .urns. l:no ". ii tur I c c nfc I. urns. etc.. elit lorll- , ,'eo u r r a. v s..rtf I ' cmnplaiat, it is a r tn- dy uiisnn,a-"" ; ; ri . ;.i ,ltl.rh,.tcii- s it" triii-n mat -s, it has b-com the standard .i ein- tor all snofi fom plaints, as well as 'r lor His: ei,si:i, l.ivr' om lanits.aiui oth' r Joadr -d d'isord- rs. 1 or I'onghs ami t ank-r, Asthma, and Kheumatic dithcul tt. s, it has 1 1. ni nr v -d t-y the most and eonvin'emg t stimoiiy to be an in valuable ni- dieitii-. Jlnruri- of nil Imitation. Th" I.i:n-KilI'-r it wl'l l,y till rspfcti''!'' drte-'iststhroticiK'at the L'nilttl Stafsan'1 l .ii lligli str -e, Providenc it-'. - STILL H TIIE FIELD! RE.V.DVED SECOND DOS?. SOUTH OF HAAS' S.VLOOV. WILLIAMS & HARDlSC, -VT THE- LINCOLfl B A K E R Y ! F7EKP111E MOST COMPl.Ki h. f :"ur s.-t-rr K I f C -. ; 1 m s,x I w- IfUIIIU : -t r-.ii... vro-i-. I",'" iV.-p-- llrr "S&li! , Vtii-'a ioo! haehe p.- : s f.:r ' o 1 : i ! t if J SlUlY, CALIrORWTa