Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 15, 1873)
o o 1 o c n S4 O c H 1 o O THEENTEiPBISEB OSEHn-q V7REC" A1CI ST 15, 173. Democratic County Convention. Tne Democratic voters of Clackamas rountv will moot in Conve nt ion on the 80th ihiv of August, 173, at the Court House in Oregon City, for the .urHse of, lectin- seven .lelegates to the State Convention which will meet at Port land, Sept. 9, lv":. r tho i"irr' of pla-citi:? in nomination a candidate for Congress- Tiie respective precincts will hobf their primaries on Sat unlay Aug:. l at the u-uul places of voting. The f!,n'..wim? the number of votes to which the re spective precincts are en titled in said Convention: Oregon City . . Linn City Cuttings Tinhorn Upper Moh.lla Cmoii Pleasant 1 1 i 1 1 - -Marsh fieM . . . . KiM-k Creek . . Soringwator . . Eagle Creek... Caneinah ( 'asea'lcs Hardin l,.wer Molalla. M.irquam ( 'anb.V M ilw'atikie ( weg. Heaver Creek.. . Total A. NO I IN KK. Chairman Pen). Co. (.'. .rumiUee. TTiK)uK(ioN City Skminarv. Tho Oregon City Seminary will open on Vn.lav, An -ust li"th, is?:). The a Ivan- t I 'csnowoll'ereil bv this institution tor oUaiiiiii-.r a g.ol e-!tieati ii are, so far I as teaching is ooneci ned, unsurpass l ;,i the State. The followimr is t!ic course of, and it end. :i!l that is rejiiir. d' in a liberal education ; and the lies of study, exeeot The ory of Tea -lung, that aie n qir.reu to obtain a teacher's ceiti:icate or a life diploma. . Courseof stud vClassseHl and Higher Kimlisti Dei. ii'tiu- nt : Kveliiig, Or thography, Etymology. HNtory, Kug lih Iianima: , Coiup'.sUion and Rhet oric, Penman-iiie.!'-' kl; )iiiur. Mental S.-iciice. Moi; i Science, American Lit eral ure. S-;ence of Civil t i o ver in ueiit , L itin and I a eiUioii. M-ttheiiiatie.-l Department: Mental Aritlnii' iie. Written Arithmetic, Alge bra. i oinetry, Trigonometry and Men sural i- n. Seicntiiie Department: Oeogmnhv, Phvieal (J. 'out mhy, Py.-dol. igv, A;-t ron otu'v. Natural lVii'h.s. p!iy, Cl'ieniistry, Z i"loirv. t ;.!. ry, and Hot. any. Primal v D.'j.artments. 1 and' 2: Spell ing. Keaiiiiiir, Slate Printing, Kleineii t.irv Drawing. Elementary Arithmetic, and writing. Prof. I. Alb-;-, Macruni is l iiieipal of t h school, !. ! s teacher of the ';;l and lliiriu r i'.ii jli-Ii Department. Prof. W. . Mori l.m.l is I'McliiT di' t he S: i;i; ti'ie Dcpartne :it. Prof. Thomas "Nich olson is' teacher if & he Math'-matienl Dcpartm-ni. Y'.vo lady teachers will le ele.-ted for the Primary 1 o part incuts on the evening of the lM:h inst. The aim of the s-h.ii,l is to educate the students mentally, morally and ji' to .-n i out as graduates young men :.r.d v.c.!t--!i ed'.ieated for the practical di, i:-s of life. It isencour aging to know ; ha to ver eighty percent, of the teachers ,if t he county- -who obtain- 1 ceriifica' -s ;;t the pm!. lie examin ations. Itcl 1 1 i : t i : 1 the last year, were students ..! the City Seminary. The sum .milling cemmmiity has n- ver U fore had s.i.-ii :lv:i:itgcs of ed n-.-ation within its r.-ach. 'I"Jiis; desirjiei to jit- tend daring the eoin'.n. well to er.L r at the I . inarter, th it they may ran-.l ;-.nd classified." y ar w. u hi tin .finning of the be sa!isf;u:torilv Panoi-.aka. " citizens will have the pleasure of seeing tiie Oretron pan orama, painted by ' 1. C. A. Ked, of S il.'iii, an ack.n-1 led zed artist, oil next edn- sd;iy an-1 Friday eveiiinirs. Tliis panorama eoie,i-.ts of". '-52 v iev s of Ore- f;oj secpi-ry, v hieh ail' said to lil'SU- j p- rior iii their eeeutiou nil win liave seen t.iem. It has p ivd the ' . . .',. j i-ud' r !:t lit i f , all the r.n.m::, em i.elis of ! x. e n 'pe l ne both e eniivs I'i.l lice lie ITilWii'1.! I ild iive li;at encourn:;e- I iiti-nt to th" proprietor as ill show a roper appn ci :'i"n of art. It isttu- in tention 01' Mr. T.iv. l, the owin-r, to take this paiior. .m. 1, wb.ere it will do much to a -ivti tise our State. O UF.vvr.N'.No. 1 ne pi -asure-seekers who have 1 ei n olT to ti- vari-u:s sum mer results are all returning, and each nnil every one of th- rn express them s. Ives highly j h-ased vi;! their trips. Mayor M t 'owi 1 i"-l .-; i pa ;i y : e; nn ied 1 v.a" Wi ti ii-s. 1 i-; Mr. I..i K u i.- and f.imily returned Saturday; Mr. CM. Kesti r and coin any ret urned Tiiesday. Mr. K. in fori 11 , us ti::d he did n'f 11 a h the top of Mount Hood, f ul Mr. A. "Warner and nvi eliildcn from (ids city di 1. M rs. l!::eo;i and i 'apt. He 'd:(.. a:i.J f.ninlv have a!-o iclni iifi!. Son p. X,.isl Saud.iy afternoon a p-n-tl 'in in from this city was walking to faucinah when iie imae-ined he saw a jHircupini- si'tin the I hi!!', ami h steep and rock v ; io a t r e at t ne ton of W.' patn it tor it up the 1 I i ' 1 1 - less than .Vm :. . t high reaching the Imagine hr: chagrin on des; re-1 place lie found his had developed intna piece p ir.-u : 'ine till Ml.s tided in tl'.e top of I he tree bv a wire chor! a leverlv devised triek th-uight the i liml el as lie slow ly d. seen. led tho n eky precipice. V 1 n k lh i.i.. ('apt. J. T. Ajipeisoii, of thisc'iu lucight of Col. S ive t!se t!ir oug!i hr. ,1 -1 year Id bull Mathcw the -"Hi. IP- ;s of the- 1 Mitchos Rates stock. pine 1 'iiriiam, and his sire was an im ported 1 nil. ec-.ting fi;.oi, and the lianie $J.neo. '';,,. :itock is consi lei eil siprior milkers. The Captain paid f ovki for this voung bull, and with the tjiorougli-bred cows on his place, ex-'f'.-ts to raise some line stock. Tt its Vkri.ixs. This society was permanently organized last Monday evi ning, and t' llowing ollicers were ehuy'ii for t he en suing p carter : Jeo. A. Harding, l'nsi. cut ; llemy lbdgcs. Secretary; Capt. W in. II. Pratt, Treas urer; A. Schuhman, First Reader : R. Revy, Second Reader. Tiie soei.ty is lining up a hall, and before long will have gymnasium exercises to amuse themselves with . Smash V v. -Messrs. Williams A' Harding's horse felt his oats last Wed nesday, and toek a notion he did not wisli to wait for his driver who was in s houst- dcliverieg a load of goods, so he broke his halter, and ran" at an unexpected speed, broke up the wagon andsm ashed up things generally. That kind of stock needs to have its bats di minished for such unusual conduct. Conk w Yanhh ykk. Mr.J.C. Ton er, and old and iuich respected citizen of this place, his removed with his family to Vancouver. He is engaged in Jdeaniboatiiig 1 etween that place and Portland. Siuvtss to him. o Pkaohks. We noticed a line lot of: Oregon ioaehes in the show w indow of j Messrs. Williams A Harding. They Kenerallv have t! e first of everything ui the market, and sell as cheap as thev j can to make alivi.ig. TailLKNKI). V, VYcdiicsday to t ates enter our l ack to take his e were pleased last our friend A. O. llice. He has come place in the factory out ex expects u dad of it. to remain in our citv. e are I KMOVKD. 11 II, ,..!... . , . . "i;iK.-iiiii H iiiue' i lusstoek of grods in the storeroom Under our office. bet every 1 rinrcr i n, least eon.nbute t, the Fleming Jlonu- o o O -ill County Court Proceedings. AUOl'ST TERM WAIT, JUDOK, SHARP AND CAWTEIX, COMMISSIONERS. 111 the matter of the report of P. M. Pinearson, J. Ij. Cason and Win. Hess, viewers appointed to view a new eoun- tv road from Foster's, in Eaile Creek Precinct, by w ay of Marsh held to Ore gon City ; Viewers reported lavorably, and road ordered o'iied. In the njatterof the report of William Cook, James Winston and I. (iradon, viewers of a county road betcinniii at Sec. id, T. 2 S., K. 4 K., and intersecting the county road leanniLC from J.Tuttle's farm to Chas. K. liooks;said viewers report favoraLle, and the road ordered opened. in the matter of the report of Fred. C. Mack, J.:s. S. McCord and A. Warner, viewers of a new county road befiin n'm at Sec. T. :$ S., U. 2 JLoflhe Willamette meridian, running to Ore ir 11 Citv ; viewers report favorable: po- I tition not granted, and bond forfeited. I 1 n the matter of the petition of K. II. ; Sconce and others, for a county road j commencing at a point where the eo in j ty road from Molalla I'raiiie interst ,-ts j tie old Territorial load in Sec. 7,T. b S., ! It. 2 II., thence to Hubbard's station, j lleiuan X. Smith and A.Car I mieluu 1 appointed viewers, to report tit i the next liilil of court. I A. It. Shipley, superintendent, filed iws report siiowimr that the eoxerimr and enclosing of the Tualatin bridge was done in a substantial and w ork ni uilike maimer; report approved. T. J. McCarver pres iitea his-resijn:i-tion as Comity Treasurer, which was accepted, an.t C. b Healio upiointHi to till the vacancy. In the matter of the report of N.N., Jas. OiHct r, Jr., and Jos. A. Fields, appointed to assess damages to Nathan (iraham, J. W. Cochran and others caused by the location of a new county road from the Monitor Mills io H ub hard's, station ; Court ordc ii d ap praisers to amend tlu ir report to cou foi ni with n.otice served upon tlieiii. Nany Flliott, a Paiii-r, all.-.l the sum .if'i-:; week tioni June 17th to August .".th, 1-7.5. In the matter of the j tition of John Naehand anil olln is, j. ravine; viewers to be appointed to a county road pro posed to Ik? vacated, leading from the south l ank of the 'laekamas river to Horace Hakcr's; Court ordered road to be oik ned. Hills to the amount of $1,420' jy were allowed and ordered paid. In tiie amount of expenditures for the month were two bills of A. J. Hell, t hat h id been previonly contracted, one for lumber amounting" to i-I-io, and tin other for covering th- Tualatin bridge for i M. A bill from the Justice 'seoui t for .i2!. It will be seen from this tiiat tho actual county expenses for the past mouth were only i;7i42. Every reader of Tho Aldine for Ati jrust is sure to be charmed wih its beau tiful and seasonable illustrations, as well as ph ased with its fresh and liter ary contents. A mariiideiiet ful!-j aj?e maiine. view opens the number, irom tho pencil of M. F. il. de Haas, N. A., oi'.y of our ejreat jdulers of water scenes. Jt is a truthful sketch of what mav be seen aimoy' an v dav on Ijotv; Dhlnd snnd. Mr. F'. T. Vance, who has made the region a si udy, contrib utes u series of original pi.-tures of tie-li'raii-l -lii 011. lack loountaiiis and lakes, which are very timely, as that legion is now lull of pleasure seekers. liter.u-y contents of The Aldine keep pace v, ith its ii'ias of art, ami are ti:is month nnusually interesiii!r. S11I1-.-.ription iriee 5-, incbidinr Ciiiomos " Viilae;e JJelie" and ( Yossini; the Mui.r. .JiMiies Soilon J.Z Co., lublisii ei's. 5s Maiden Lain-. V,"e iiu 1 the pleasure of re ceiving a call from Jude Ij. I,. MeAr thur.ef the Fifth J District. The Jud-o w as on his return from the ses- sion ol the Supreme ( 'ourt, -losod, aim e;,)t s to l! J'ailes ii Siatiiiaay, wh'-r.- he hold 1:. xt M-.udav. k 'cia 1 it n;i o 1 i uiii'i Jill- M -A 1 1 hur i-i one oi toe risiiie men ol" our Stale. lie, lo !er and itv and m;hiii.- me peer 01 mueii 01.: 'xperi-!iced m'ii.:-.:i-l !i;s integri . i . . . . .. . . 1 . . . . iiooci is iieyonu qisesn-ju. no is an h nan io our jmiieiai y. l)oN'r PuoivisK r. (;i'.iuu;r,.-The Statesman of last Tuesday is under the impression that we claimed too much credit for our firemen at the late hre at Portland, and did not do their Lows justice c don't propose to quarrel over this matter, and would stale that what we said in behalf of our hoys is l.ul true, and that tiie Salem t ovs did their whole duty. ni:r i s hk.u: i iiom nr.- w c nope those who have received the subscrip tion lists to the Mo:u:m nt fund will mal.e i :u ly returns. It does not mat ter whether the persons who have re ceived tne list.-. Siavc their names upon it or not. I .el the proprietors of the respective papers every u here atlt nd l the matter. l'p 1.1.. - Ni.'Lwit! tanding business ap pears dull in our city, wo believe that j l,-r town is as lull ot people as at anv tune t ast lor v ars. .Nearlv every fi r - ars. Near house in town is occupied, and no soon er is there one va-atel, before olln. rs are ready to move in. Oregon City is still alive and in a healthy condition. Nkw.-Wc c;:ll the attention of our readers to the cat d of Mr. V. Fish in this issue. Mr. F. is an old merchant in this city, known for his fair-dealing and intciii it v. and we can recommend ! him to all "who wish anything in his j line of business. ! iMKitoVKD. The I'll. enix Hotel, Mr. J. . Siiattuck proprietor, has Pi -en undergoing some important improve ments in the way of painting and paper ing, and now presents a very handsome appearance. Thanks. Wo have added quite a number of new subscriiiers to our list this wick, for which we are thankful to our friends. Mr. W. R. Rnsswell, of Canyon City, has our thanks for quite an addition". i'.Ki.KiHU's. The Rt. Rev. Rishop Morris w ill preach at St. Paul's Rpiseo- pal Church, in this city, on Sunday morning next. There will l-o 110 ser vices in the ev.-nitiLr. RoronT. Mr. C. F. Reatie has pur chased a house and four lots on the blutf, and expects to reside in the city in the future. Mr. Reatie is the kind of men our town needs. Nkaki.y ki. Mr. George Clark has nearly completed the stone foundation for Pope's brick, and will bo ready for the sleepers of the lirst tloor. Srnuii-Ai.isM. Mrs. Chamberlain and Mr. K. W. Sh.ntridge have been holding a series of spiritual meetings in this city during the past week. Kev. Mr. Mathews, of Portland, will preach in the M. K. Church of this place, Sabbath (17th inst.) morning and evening. Whkat. The mills in our citv are paying NJ and s. cents for wheat. This is considerable advance from our last report. For Astoiiia. Rev. Mr. Sellwood.of this city, goes to Astoria to preach next Sundav. The AlarshheU school taught by John Wortman, closes to-day. T. J. McCarver left here last Sunday for Trtvcpia. Contributors to the l-'leniing Monu ment l-'und. We aclcnowlod-e the receipt of the fol lowing contributors to the Fleming Monu ment Fund. The Albany printers were the tirst to respond to the ietition. ALllAXV KKGISTKIl OFFICE. Col. Van Clove It-v. J. W. Van Cleve Alex I'ardon $ 2 DO 1 00 . loo f 450 states rights democrat. Mart. '. I'rown C. II. .Stewart J. A. s; an-il.-r " W. 1. I'aruer ".'.".".".". Clarence ia. lard !'.!!!".". Clias. Harmon $200 1 U0 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 CO CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE. Knoch Turner Wells 1 irury Newton till ha 11 1 EVENING NEWS OFFICE. Hol linger fc Currv J. S. Hughes .. .'""" O. H. Know lion w . j . 1 . . ( e 1 1 y'i J. '1'. Stevens Art titir Jacobi w. it. West ".'.";;;; J. 1 . I ioJma 11 A. W. De Itny units co.'s job office. Hirnc s A Co liobt. Ij. OJIosup OliKWIN CITY ENTEKI'KlsE. I-. 1-'. Horning John heii-weth t 2 l 2 J 1 00 (500 I 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 I 00 1 00 1 00 $ 4 00 1 00 $ 5 00 1 no 1 00 1 00 5 00 $12 00 $500 Isaac II. Hinearson W. Jl. Warren A Noltlleri '"" CONTKI II t'TEO BY FIUXTKKS NOT NOW AT WOIlK AT THE tco. W. Hioe (Orofron City,).... W. C. Joinisoii " ..." K. J. s.vairord ' .. i. Iocey " W. K. llemelit J. il Haekl- nian (All,aii) S. .1. .Mccormick (Pori laini).... Julius Mor- laml " Th. o W.vgant (a friend) " $13 00 2 M 2 oO 1 00 2 00 2 00 1 IK) 1 00 We hi-n .1 PI end a card from W. Carv Johnson, of this city. It si-euks for itself: Oregon City, August l:!. 1S73. Editor Enterprise : I leel an interest 111 jour eiTort to have a suitable monument erected over the re mains o! John Fleming. I am not no. van active member of tie-' cralt, but it is among the b asant memories of my life that, twenty-rive? years ago, I had my lirst exjrf-rienee'.as "roller bo " and ih "sticking type" under the direction of this 1 ioneer printer of t he Pacific ( oast. For many years past I, with others. I have lamiliarly called Mr. M'-ming j " I'ncle John," and iivthat he is gone I i revere his memory as an hour it nvtti, a g.xxi printer, and fait hfui public servant. 1 herewith gladly hand you my pittance I and trust your endeavors may meet lull I success, lam respccuuiiv 1 he pioneer printer's devil." ' W. CAKY Jl UINSON. Persona r,. We had calls during tin past week from Sandy Uarelay, the ohlijgiiig: and eiitleiiianly purserof the iov.-rnori ' rover ; Mr. Morris, if Port land, anil (Jen. IScll, of Portland. Ca?ipjii:i:i inj. There w ill he a ea 111 iv-meetiii held on Conference Camp ground near Canhy, commencing" on Thursday, the lsth of September, and holding; over two Sahhaths. Kki'.yi king. The (Jovernor (Jrover has been laid up for repairs, and we learn that she will he out in about a week, looking as line as new. Conkh'.m !:i. lit. Kev. Ilishop Mor ris administered the Rile of Confirma tion on three jersoiis in this city re cently. Tho Oregon City woolen mills have ere tills, resume. 1 operations and will not employ Chinese labor ers in any capacity. Peg 0110 for Our friend of the Coos Bay JVccs will have to tak - out that peg, as ho will lind a number of the Celestials working around tiie establishment. EioHTji Volume. -The Albany Dem ocrat, has entered its eighth volume. It is a good paper,, sound in politics and deserves the liberal support which it is receiving. May our friend liiown ever prosper and the lh'mrjcrut long Hourish is our sincere wish. San I-'rancisco larkct Report. San Francisco, Aug. l'J. IJveriVKil Wheat, lis. Md -vl-'s. 2d ; Club, l'is. Id. vl2s. CI. l'iour Siiip.-riitie, ?)oi,t"7; extra, fij (V VVh -at Co 1st, it !)D. Parley (.oast Ie, ,(, f 1 1J;,1 lo:bav feed 1 -(n.l 21: bay br.viiig. Jl g;,l 2S. a: s i iood supply iii market ; prices are 1 .Vj- 1, 1 T'i. Wool liuiel, fine to choice clear, llWjdS. Portland Market Report. Wkdnk-sday, Aug. t:i, 1S73. 'old in New Yrrk to-day, 1I53,. Port land Iegal Xeiidi r rates, ti.) buying ; s.-lling. Wheat Demand is nominal at fl55;.i Ki v c --ntal. ;its Udio V bushel, sacked and deliv ered. Flour The shipments have been rather light lor the past few days and prices are t.riu at lormcr quot at ions. 1-utter "the rci-.-ipt.s are large and the mara- t well stocked with all qualities. Prices range irom c-nts. I-'ggs Mark'-t supply short ; prices linn at 21 .2o c -nts do.en. W.miI The market continues dull and quotations are lurnished at lh'usic V ft tor a good a rt icl--. bacon '1 Ie- supply on hand remains abundant. Sid-s are quoted at id-vl'ic: 11 ams, U 'Pic, anil prime Shoulders at 7-j, He. lree;aii City Market Report, Knteki'Kise office, Aug. 11. The following are the buying prices lor pro-hie--, and tne s -lbng price tor others : Wheat fiemand good ami selling at 80 lS-'i laishel. l-'lour liiKul supjily in market, and scll-in-Z at 1 1 -'v Middlings Are quoted at fj.5 t r ton : shorts, ?); and bran ibi, with lull supplies on hand. Oats Supply equal to demand; buyers are paying cents. I'otato.s No demand, and the market overstocked, at from Zoii cents p. r bush- 1 Onions None in marlo t ; quotable at 2 cents i r jx und. K'.'s-Scare , J0il v dozr n. I 'bickens r'l 51 in,f )' per dozen. putter Scarce, etK-ii") cents for good fresh. Wool For choice lots, - i cents. I Tied I-ruits Full stocks in market; Vpples are bringing .xw'i.t cents per iound ; p.-aches II cents; Currants PKiPi cents. Suair Crushed, lfi'tli cents; island 10M ;San Francisco r- lined, IilUV.. cents. jea best quality fl - r u nd, and ot h cr brands ranging irom j e.To cents. O.freelfc'st' article ' c nts; interior, 22 cents. salt Ranging from l'-V-IVf. syrui OiJ cents per gallon; best article SO cents. Ha eon Hams lJiill cents; Shoulders, S cents ; sides, 11 cents per pound. Lard Per pound 11 cents. Oil I levoc's Kerosene per gallon,GU(i,.4 cents: Linseed Jl ii. P.ecfon loot ;od fat cattle find rcady sale at 5 c-nts on f.M.t. Fork We quote at 6 cents. Sheep Few ottering; quote at f!7-3,2 25 per head. - . Hides Orcen at from $2(4-3, owing to the size ; dry 15 cents ir pound, Hurgren Shindlcr liave reopened in their former warehouse, the Lutheran Church, Fifth street near the I. S. Custom House, where they will oicrate till a per manent business l lace is ready. They are pre 1 ared to fill orders lor mm it 11 re and all kinds of bedding, including first class hair mattr; rs- s and the celebrated woven wire mattress, children's j eranibulators.Ac, At this season of the year cramps and rains in the stomach and bowels, dysen tery, diarrhcea, c, arc cjuite common, and should be checked r.t once. Johnson' Anixlyno IjiniMfntls the best article that can be used In all such cases, and should bo kTt la every family. L scq Internau DIED. At rortland, Wednesday evening, Au gust lilh, Hester Patterson, adopted daughter of ltoss and Jane U. Merrick, aged. 17 years. OUR DEAD. Respectfully to Mr. and Mrs. Merrick, by the teacher and scholars of a class in the Episcopal Sabbath School at Milwaukie, where Hest-.-r had been a member of th class for several years : Shall we meet our loved and lost one When the toils of life are o'er Will she clasp our hands in frladncss On a brighter, better shore ? Will her heart beat jrlad with rapture As we ne'er the further shore? Will she joyfully out to meet us When we", too, have crossed the tide? .Will she jniide us to the portals Of the e itv on the hill ? Will siie tell us in soit whispers. As of old, she loves us still? Will she calmly, ireiitly lead us, Hv the rivers bright and lair Where immortal jrlory c-restt-th Every brow that is welcomed there ? While our thoughts lost in wonder, Every breeze that Ircifrhts the air Whispers in the mildest accents. Ye shall surely meet " up there" Meet beyond the mystic river Meet on yonder Purple Heights Where the da s of joys are laden. And win re's no shades of night. Cheer up, then, des) ondinj; mourner, Sailing o'er earl h's bi!l.n ing sea. For the goal is not far distant. Where the loved one waits for thee. The IVcar unci Teurof I. if.. The cares, anxieties and mi.dortunes of life have as much to do wit h shortening it as disease. They are in fact the source of many ailments and physical, disabilities. Nervous weakness, dyspepsia, afreet ions of the liver, disturbances of the bowels, headache, hypochondria and mono mania are among thes:? distressing fruits. It is, therefore, of great importance that p1 rsons whose minds are oppressed with heavy business responsibilities, or harass ed by family troubles, or excited by spec ulation, or perpk-xed by a mult iplicity of enterprises, or in any way overtaxed or overworked, should keep up their stamina by the daily use of a wholesome tonic. Thousands of persons thus circumstanced are enabled to bear up against the diffi culties in which they are involved, and to retain their strengt h, hcalt h and mental clearness, by the regular us-- of Hostelter's Stomach Hitters. Diseases which are prone to attaet the body wlcm d-bdttatcd and broken down by over-mucu brain work or cxhausuug physical labor, are kept at bay by tne resistant power with which this incomparable tonic endows tlie nervous system and t In- vital organs. ' At t his season, when t he heat is evaporating th-elements 01 strength from every pore and invigorant is absolutely essential to the safety and comfort ol the. punlic, and is required even by the more roliust il they desire to keep I heir athletic capanilii i.-s in status. pio. Hence a course 01 llost. tter's iiilters is pari icularly us.-iul at this of the y-ar as a d"iej,ce against the invis ible disease afloat in a sultry atmosphere. It is t hi- most potent of all prevent tve med icines, and lor all complaints which afreet t he stomach, t he liver and t he bowels, and intcrlere wit h the periect digestion and assim ilat ion of food, it is tiie standard remedy "I'iiiu- trie all Tli ng- " and has proved that Int. WlSTKIi's of Wji.I) eilKUKY is the rctte-dy jxir t xecilcm-r for tin- cure ol coughs, colds, croup, s hooj-ing-coijgh, bronchi! is, asthma, phthysic, re throat, anil mlhi -nza. It cures comrhs and colds iiistiiut i: II soothes the irritated parts ; it. It--:! Is t he intlamat ion : and even c-onsumi'tioii itself yields to Its magic in fill, -nee. lireat harm and discomfort Is caused by the us- of 1 .urirat ivs'hieii tiri p.- a ml rack th-- sxstem. J'liraons' J'urintici' 7i'. are tree from all impure matter, and tire miid and health-giving in their operation. For the v -ry best photographs, go to Drad ley A. Rubicon's ( ialery wil bout STAIRS Ascend in the Rlcvutor, iJ'.l M out gonury Street, San Francisco, California. Professional asd aiate'ar Mubicians should examine the combination Solo Slops fon 11 a only in HKi. Woulis A C.'S OllliANS. ill)-: .i'.' (LINK. A most delicate, soft or breathing slop. TlIK DX HUMANA. A baritone solo, 110 a 1:01 r 1 remoio. fllK PIANO. A beaut ifully toned piano, which will never re.juire tuning. See ad vert isment in a not hi r column, jun l:m:l XEW TO-DAY. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERY, A N II R hZ ID STO IUZ ! Factory Elock, :::::: Oregon City. Agercy for tiie San Juan Lime Co. Lime sold in quantities tosuit. augl-tf. REED'S PAHORAMA O F T 11 rc O rout 3STor tli west! The Finest Work of PANORAMIC ART Kver Fxhibited in the United States! rjHi: MOST COMPLKTK IiEPUESKNTA .1. t ton of the unrivalled scenerv ot Cali fornia, Oregon and Wasington Territory. Alter mont hsoi careful and laborious study the well kno.Mi artist, COL. C. A. ItKUl), OF SALEM, Has com. 1 ted his series of paintings rep r s -nting the grand -st scenery of Pacific coast, and comprising Sceitcn on tiie Columbia Hi ver, Including Cape Horn, Castle K.ick, Lower Landing, Islands of the Columbia. The 1'allcs, and View ill the Willamette Valley, The Cities of Portland, Fast Portland, Sa lem and Oregon City with the ' alls. The Mountain Momiiths ot llje AYest. Mts. Ibxid, liak-r, Itaineer, Shasta, the Three siiers, and the world lamous I-i A. V A Including views of Captain Jack's Cave, Massacre of Peace Commissioners, and t he wonderlul 1 rater Lake 01 Southern )r.-gon. IX ALL TlIIKTV-TliKEE LAKUE VIEWS! Tliis magnifici-nt work of art will be exhibited to the people of Oregon City, : : At the Court House, On Wt'diicsdiiy mid Friday Evenings, August 20th and 22d. COL. C. A. IfEED Will give graphic ib'sciptions of tiie various scenes as tliey pass beiore the audi-.-itce. Admission, 50 cents -, reserved seats, 25 cts extra. s u ii:r o ?sr In the Circuit Court of the Stato of Oregon, for the count v of Clackamas. Frank Schlunt, Paint iff. vs. William Knopf and .1. S. Gunbicrnor, dfts. To the I'ftnlint. fihove nmnl: T N THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OUE- .1 fxon, ou an- hereby r -quir d to apear and answer the comelaint lil--d against you In th above entitl-d suit uitlnu ten days from tic date of the service of this summons u on you, if served within this count v, or i l served in any ot her county of this Mate, fh-n within twenty days from the d ite of the s'Tvic- of this summons ui ott you, and if served tijtn you by publi cation then by the first day of the the next term or said Vourt follo.v inz t he time pre scribed in the order of publication, viz : Tiie Itli Monday in September, l"?7:i. and if you fail soto answer for want thereof, the plaintiff w ill apply to the ourt for the r-lief U'-mand-ed in the complaint, which consists moii' other things as asainst s:tid defendant. Knoef. in eausins him to I execute a deed in tee simpleto the plaintitr of the property described in the complaint, ! and as against said defendant tiunbieruc-r I in exclttdin-z liim from any inti r-'St in a ! lien on the property described in said com- j plaint; and urn ar? furtler notifi-d that I by an ord-r of the Hon. V. W. Upton, j Judeof said tourt, s-rvicc is to be had j upon you in said suit by publication ofthe I summons once a week for six weeks in the ; Oregon City Enterprise, a ncvspapcr ! published in Oregon City, Clackamas coun- , iv, urejioa. j. ii. ut.r.i., I ... t- . : . la i - .iiurite. lor x ;- j August ?Hh, 17S. auglon. COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, Elixir Uamlaua, Among the new and successful remedies, none have excited so much wonder as this great restorer of the vital energies. To Dr. Jose Z11 nigra belongs the credit of producing the reliable extract of the great remedy, which is now producing grand and sur prising results imparting in a wonderful degree, fresh and youthiul vigor to all who have used it. Agents, Chas. Rangley fc Co., San Francisco. auglm.'?. S0CIETV XO TICES. OKIJCOX i.odci: XO. 3, I. I. O. !., Meets every Thursdav oveiiingat 7! o'clock, in the twa l-el lows' Hall, Main street. Members of the Or der are invited to attend. Ry order N-ci- Ki:iuxc'A madii.i: lodgu xo. I. ). O. V., Meets on the Second and Fourth Tues day evenings each month, at 7 o'clock, in the IMd Fellows' I lall. Membersof the Degree are invited to attend. MuirxoMAii i.oih;i: xt. i,a.i-'. it A. M., Holds its regular com- a municatioiis on the First and wv. Titird Saturdavs in each niontli, OK at 7 o'clock from the Li th of S,-p. ' N tember to the LDlh ot 'March ; and 7Si o'clock from the LOlh of March to the 2uth of Scitember. Rivthren in sgood staniling are invited to attend. Ii.V order of Yj-.1- I'AM-S UM'AMl'MKXT NO. 1,1. O. O. F., Meets at Odd 'Fellows' I frill mi f ho l ..i..l 'CI,;. ! 'I'.i.w- day d' each month, l'atriarehs V in good standing ar inviteil to attend M I SC H L L A A" 1! O U .V. JOHN 31. 1SAC0X, IMIHIRTKK AM PRAI.EIt n liMiks, Stationery, I'erfum- S'ar -3?' ry, etc., etc. VMi.kW Oregon t'ity, ttregoix. y.t Charman A Warner's old stand, lately occupied by S. Ackeman, Main St. AV. IK IIKJIIFIKLD. Kstal.lished oint-t '1'.), it tltt 11 timd. Main Street, ()r.'?o:i City, Orfjroii. An assortment of Wat hes, Jewel 5V X ry.and s.-t h Tliomas' Weight Clocks all of which are warranted to be as represented. j"Kepairing done on short notice, and hauklul tor past patronage. HEW YORK HOTEL (I)eutfches Ciafthaus.) Xo. 17 Front Street, Opjxisite the Mail Steamship Landing, FOHTLAX1), OULIUUX. H.UOTHI U.S J. J. WILhENS, I'roprklors. Board j Week J'i.IHI board v Week with bodging. ... (i.00 lioard & lay ft l.tjo WATCHES AND JEWELRY. Yy H E U NDEKSlliNED A' JL nounee to t in- cit i.ens ot Oregon City and Clackamas county that they nave just opened a JEWtLRY ESTABLISHMENT I N Oregon City, Main street, next door north of Shades Sa loon, where t hey will keep mi hand and lor sa le ii 11 goods pert ai ning to t heir li ne, at t he I.OWKSl I.1V1NO KATKS. Especia 1 at t e 1 1 1 ion given to t lie repairing of I in k 1 1 mf I'l ix i--s. All gMds sold ami work i!..ii" warranted. Ui;o. A. HAAS i SON. Oregon City, Feb. 0. i.ST.J-tf. CHOICE MEATS! JOCfSA Al.UltltaiT hiive just r J ceived a fine lot of beef cattle irom the John lay country. They are the latest ever brought to this valley before, and will be- butchered for this market. They pro pose to sell cheap, ciive them a call, and g"t the choicest of meats. Oregon City, May 2.d. 1S7.1. tf. J. T. APPERSGN, OFFICE IN POSTOITTCE BUILDING. BK.OKER. Legal Tenders, ( Iiu-kiiiiias Count y Or-U-rs, anil (intuit City tfnlcrs BOUGHT AND SOLD. NOTARY PUDLIC: Loans negotiated, folk ct ions attended to, and a Ge neral Lrokeage business carried on. jantitf. : l u s i o New, Frcsli ami Sparkling! THE clIister V . A M- Ml'SIC BOOK FOR TIIE USE OF Conventions, Singing Classes, Church Choirs, AND TIIE Home Circle. THE G LUSTER I'.Y S. AYES LEY MARTIN, J. M. STIU.MAX, A X I) T. MAKTIXTOWXi; Iiice 513.50 per Doz. Single Cfjitis sent, jiost- jfti't, S1.5-. ADDKESS J. L. PETERS, 599 Broadway, Hew York. iron schools. F A I E YV 0 I 0 E S A NEW SINGIN0-CLASS BOOK. COMPILED AND ARRAN(iEJ) ' WILLIAM DRESSLER. Price ' Per I)nz. Single C'oie sent, rst-p: id (ill lenU. Address, J. L.. PET Kits, 5tt UriKtilM y, New York. THE SONG ECHO The Popular Sinjrinjr-.School Book. 13 V II. S. IMSIilvIINTS. Price $7. 50 per I)oi. Sin-rle copi bent, Post-paid, for 75c. Address J. I. PBTKKS, .!'. Uroal-vny, Aujrust 8th, 4m. Xrw 1 or It.. MY WIFE, ROSANNA, HAVING LEIT my bed and lxiar.l without just cans" or provocation, I le-r by (rive notice that I will not be responsible for any debts con tracted by her from and after this date. EllWAUlJ RollER'l'Sl )N. Clackamas county, July 11, 1S73. aulwl. Count y Ass?.ssor's o!ict'! OTICE IS HEREI1Y fHVEN THAT OX a. the last Monday, to-wit : the 'JTrfh dav of August, A. II., IST.f, the Hoard of Equall- , zat ion in and for th count v of Clackama j state of Oregon, will attend at the office of the County Clerk of said count v and ! will then arid there publiclv examine the j Assessment Hoi Is and cirn-et all errors in J valuation.description or qualities of lands lots or ot her pronrt v. an-1 all tM-rsons in- tcrested ar" hereby cited to appear at the j time and place abov mentioned. N. R. WORSIIAM. Auentor of Clackamas County, Or. Clackamas county, Aug. Mh, 1:T3. w3 r DEALER GENERAL MERCHANDISE CORXER OF SEVEXT1I AXD JIAIX STREETS, 0REG0X ClTYn Has Just Received a New Stock of Calicoes, Dress Goods, lirown and Iileached Sheetings, House Lining, Shirtings, Table-Linen, Irish Iiosom Linens, Linen Tow elling, Table-Cloths, Corsets, Ladies' and Gents' Hose, Thread, Cambrics, Buttons, Ribbons, Laces and Iiisc rtieim, Embroidery, White Goods, Millinery, Fancy GecU, Jt, Also, a full assortment of LADIES' AND CHILDERN'S SHOES, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Coal Oil, Coal Oil Lamps, Wicks and Chimney. "VVlticli liive lt-e selt cteil itU sjieriul rare for tliis market and .aituot BE SI RPASSED IX UUALITY OK PRICE. TIIK IIIGIIi:ST MAKKi:T PHlCi: IAII l'OK COUXTKV pkoiuck. March 13, ls73:tf O NEW STORE! HEW GOODS! NEW FiRK! LEVY T3EOTI-IETIS 0 Have Just opened, in ISiai'.sliair.s Now ISuildiiiir, Oregon City, riIIK FINEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK Or CLOTHING ANIt LinXiOObH, JL Loots and Shoes, Hats nd Caps, Gentlemen's Furuishinjj tiotnls, Hos: ra-s, Nw tions. Cutlery, flaskets and Toys: also, Groceries and l'rovisions, and a GICXKItAL. ASSOKTJIKXT OK OTIUCK GOODS, q Too numerous to describe, which we propose to sell at the Lowest Possible Hutes, for CASH.. It. 1. LEVY, beinara PrartU-al .lowcler of lonfr experienc1, we w ill also ceal In and m an ul ait ure and repair Jewelry. We guarantee all our roods ana work, or no pay. Give us a call and examine our yoods, and save twenty jkt cent. LEVY 131 v OS.. " Second door nortli of tiie PostoUU-e, Uluiii street, Oiikvii C ity. ' ir. J . s. t oieman s iom pound Extract of eucaly-j His is a pr puration combininj; all the valuable medical ijuaities oi t be Kucalyptus, which is cultivated in nearly every California frarden for its medical utiliiv, bavin; In come the household renouv for all diseases ol the K1DX K'S. JSLAJHHiJi and I'lil.V A H V t.'A y'A I., a nd SKSHXAl WHAKSKSS. It seems to have a direct affinity for tho GEN 11 iMUCbAXS anil tln-ir surroundings, and cures them by its a Herat ivc, healing ami balsamic proH-rti-s more eir-ciually than any other knowrn remedy. It is an inva lualif - r-tti'-dy tor all diseases ot t he" mucous and serous mem bra ties, such as lllHU niTlK. ItAVUlXU UiH.GJ, -XAl'SJtA I'liKU -XAXC-y, lH'Sl'Jil- ,SIA, I. Jit UOUUIllKA, etc. 1 his preparation is the result of Dr. Coleman's experiments with the m dicinal prop erties ol the tree in the U. !s. Msrine Hospital in San J'rancisco, in IsTI and li7l, lin he had unusual facilil is tor test inn t he various methods of pn-pannir the r. iu tlv, and its uses, it can be relied upon as certain to (rive the promised results, ami hundreds of testimonials of its efficacy ca n be seen at h is otliee, -la", K. arncv stid San 1- rancVco. n.ii.i.ii . ,1 j7ei jii.H J1.W..1L1 x j t. ..jiij i I'll .s r is a pow erful, yet harmless, febrifuge, and is a special preparation for tiie treat merit of the malarious fevers of our interior valleys, anil is war ranted to cure any case of l-'EVKK AM AG UK t r-'ated wit h it accord ing to directions, while the baneful results of the usual iJuinine and arsenical reinedie for those diseases are entirely avoided. FOR 1'IIYSICIANS, Coleman's Fluid Extract of Eucalyptus in 1-lh bottl-s. I'.eware of imitations, and take none but Coleman's. For iPRnAia ? 'irYlZ ? SAl" everywhere, a GEO. WOODS & CO S The most remarkable Instrument ever per fected ; capable of the most beautiful mus ical eirects, and in the most elegant cases. All Loven of Music should sec them, and hoar their CCMBI NATION SOLO STOPS. V in. O . Ii A 1 Gf 1 0 1, (If Till Suiisoitte St., Sun l'liUKisoii, has them. junel3m3. THOMAS C H A R ftl A U ESTABLISHED 1853. DESIRES TO INFORM TIIE CITIZENS of On-poii City and of the Willamette Valley, that he is still on hand and doinjr business on the old motto, that A Himble Six renee ii Setter than a Slow Shilling. I have just returned from San Francisco, where I purchased one of the LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF GOODS ever before offered in this City ; and consists in part, as follows : Roots and Shoes, Clothing, Pry Goods, Hats and Caps, Hosiery of Every Description, Hardware, Groceries, Paints and Oils, Sash and Doors, Cliinawarc, Quecnsware, Stoneware, Crockery, Platcdwarc, Glassware, Jewelry of Various Qualities And Styles, Clocks and Watches, Ladies and Gents' Furnishing Patent Medicines, Goods, Fancy Xo Rope, Faminjr. tionsof Every Implements of Description All Kinds, Carpets, Mattinps, Oil Cloth, Wall Taper, etc., Of the above list, I can say my stock is the MOST C O M PLET K ever offered in this market, and wassoleted wit h especial care fort he Oregon Citv trade. All of which I now otr-er for sale at the Lowest Market Rates. No use for the ladies, or anv one else, to think of jroinjj to Portland to buv poods for I am Detenniimt to Sell. Cheap and not to allow myself to be UNDERSOLD TIIE STATE OF OREGON. All I ask is a fair chance and quick pay ments, believing as I do that Twenty Years Experience in Oregon City enables mo to knowth" re quirements of the trade. Come one and all and see for yourselves that the old stand of THOMAS CIIAKMAX cannot be beaten in qualitv or prieo. It would bo useless for me to tell you all the advantages I can offer you in "the sale of gooOs, as every store that advertises does that, and probablv vou have been disap pointed. All I wish to say is Come, and SiT.nntl ExiiKiiue for Yourselves for I do not wish to mak any mistakes. My object is to ti ll all my obi friends now that lam still alive, and desirous to sell goods cheap, for cash, or upon such terms as agreed iion. Thanking all for the liber al patronage heretofor" bestowed. T1IOS. CHARMAN. Main street, Oregon City, Legal Tenders and County Scrip taken at market rates. THUS. CHARMAN. BjjOiXjO Ids wool wanted by TIIT-TS. CIIARMA . O IX , G '5 G O O :oenLPTus ind by Hodze.Cal.-f Lirujrgists, l'ortland. Sole Ajrcnts ror oHmavISTSvl. STILL IN TIIE HELD! WILLIAftfS & HAHDINC, AT Till LINCOLN BAKERY, KEEP THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK of Family Groceries to ! found in th city. All roods warrantu!. (mkkIs delivered in the city tree of charge. The highest cafch price paid lor country produce. Oregon City, March ih, lv,:. 1,000 DEER SKIHS WANTED, AND ALSO, VI.E OTHER KINDS OF HIDES, FOR which I will pay the Inches market price in cash Pring on your bides and get your coin lor them. JOHN SCIIRAM. Saddle aiai Harness Maker. Oregon City, Oregon, July 11, L-To-inS. SfYlPEREAL Fi L L S, Savior, Lalicccr.e -V Co. Oregon City. Keep constantly on 1 ami for sale Flour,. Middlings, Plan and Chicken Feed. Parties purchasing feed must furnish the sack. A. G. WALLiftG'S PEONEER BOCK BINDERY. rilloil.'s Itiiildiiix ('miiir of Murk mid Fi-unt Sliulik PORTLAND, QREGCN. BT-VNK ROOKS Kl'I ED AND rOl'.Nl) to any di sir. il p.itti re. Music I rKifcn, .Magazines, Newspapers. tc I ootid in e- ery variety of style known to t be tirade. orders from the niw.try t romi.tlv at tended to. SPUING AND SUMMER GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT DEALER IN Dry Goods, Clothing. Roots and Sho; s. Hardware, Groeerirf. Crockery, Notions, Ladies and (ionts' Furnishing Good, etc., etc., etc., etc. Main Stre-, Oregon City. Produce of all kinds bought, for which I pay the highest market price. If you de sire good Goods at Low prices, call at J. ,ST K Ij Ij I : (i ' ,S' and examine his new stock of Spring good. Give me a call and convince yourselves. My motto is, QUICK SAT.KS AND SMALL PROFITS." The highest market price paid for wool. I. SELLING. Oregon Citv, March 21. lST.Mf. OREGON CITY 53EWERY Henry Ilumhel, T F AVI NO PURCHAS- I I ed th atxive Drew- ery wish'-s to inform the pulmc that he ) now prepared to manufacture a No. 1 qual ity of Ij a a mi n kk a, as goKl as can be obtained anywhere In the State. Orders solicited and promptly tilled. Justice's Court for I lit- rrrrinrt of Ore pon ( i1 v. STATE OF OREGON. I County of Clackamas.) Henry Humbel. Pin..) Civil action vs. 5 for G. Lingorn. Deft., ) Money. To G. Lingorn, the above named defend ant : IN THE name ofthe State ofrcgon, yon are hereby required to sippf ar Ix-fore th undersigned, a Justice of the IVnce for the Precinct aforesaid, on the 15th day of Au gust, 1K7., at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said dav, at th office of said said Precinct, toanswerthe above named Plain tifT in n civil action. .... The pcfendant will take notice, that if he fails to answer the complaint herein, the Plaintiff will take Judgment aP,'"' him for the sum of one hundred nine dollars and nin ly-.v-vi-n ccnts(f '-' and for costs and disbursements ol tnim " Given under my hand W.T."1 10"' Justice ofthe Pcc. JOHNSON A Mccovyx. Attorneys for rintntlfT. fw- TO LET. -v,t-ittt.v nrct'PiF.n I Jl as th Council Chamber. ln 1r- T" slng'S brick ' 0 C o o o o o o o o O O G o G o o O O o 0 o O CT o 'Jt- -