Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 15, 1873)
o o o o O o o o O o o o o o o o o o o oo o o o O O O O O O o o o o 0 V rife? OREGON tin, (H1EU0A, AIGIST 15, 1 The llest Wife in the World. BT AMY KAXDOLTH. "The best little wife in the world !" Baid Herbert Ainsccart. q" Of course I dare say," resjond ed Mr. Portcross. '"Cut what's your er&ct-idea of the best wile in the world? Jones says he's got the best wife in the world b-cause she keeii: his stockings Uarnc-d, takes mm to church three times of a Sunday, and never lets him have au idea of his own. Jen king .says u:'s yot the same identical article; but Jenkins's wife keeps all the money, draws, his salary for him, and makes him live in the (-back kitchen because the parlor is too gtHxl for the family use." "Oh! but Daisy in't a bit ogreish a little submissive, soft-voiced thing that hasn't an :d-a except what is reflected from me. I tell you what, old fellow, I'm the master of my own house; I come when I please, and go when I please. Daisy never ventures on a word of reproach." " Then, you ought to be ashamed of yourself, larking around at the Cclubs as you do, dissipated-bachelor fashion." "Ashamed! v.hat of?" " Why, I supp jso you owe some Gclntifis to your wife-" "Where's the harm? My wife doesn't care." "Probably you think so because she is quiet and submissive; but if bhe were to object " " Object ! I'd liko to hear her trv it." "Now, look iVi-p, Ainseourt, your ife may be a model wife, but you certainly are not a model husband. People are beginning to talk about the way you neglect that pretty little- blue-eyed girl. O " I'll thank peopl-? to mind their own business. Xegiect her, indeed ! Why, man, I love her as I love my own soul." " Tlmn -.. In- ,i why don't vcu treat her as if vou did ?" "Oh, come, Portero:v, tliat unes- tiort-just shows what a regular old bachelor you are. It wont do to make too much of your wife, unless you want to spoil her." Mr. Portcross shook his head. " That sounds seltb-h. I don't like the ring of that metal." And ho went away, leaving Mr. Ainscourt to finish the game of bil liards at leisure. "What a regular "old fuss-budget Portcross is," laughed the latter. Always poking Ins nose into some body else's bnsine.-i. There's one comfort I never pay any attention to what he says." Meanwhile Mrs. Ainscourt was sit ting alone in her drawing-room, her two little white hands tightly locked in one another, and her lair hea l islifjjitly drooping ; delicate, little apple-blossom of a w man, with 1 lne, wistful eyes and curly ilaxen hair, looking more like a grown up child than a wife of twentv-one summers. "Oh dear!'' sighed Daisy. Jt is sp dull here. I wish Herbert would come home. He never spends any time witli me now-a-days, and i prac tice all his favorite songs, and read the newspapers, so I can talk about the things he's interested in, and try ko hard to be entertaining. It's very Htrange." And then her oval face brightened into sudden brilliance, and the spark les stole into her eyes; for the ipiick ear had detected her husband's foot steps on the stairs. The next mo ment he came in. " Well, pet,'Jiow nv3 vou playful pineh of her cheek. v. ith " There Where are some LniJjOi. for you. are my light gloves?"' "O Herbert ! vou fire not going awav again " I must, Daisy. There firo a lot of fellows going to drive to High JJridge and I'm one of the party. You ran go oyer to my mother's for dinner, or send for one of your friends, or something. There, good O by, puss, I'm in a deiiee of a hurry." And with one careless kiss pressed on the quivering damask rose of a 0 mouth that was lifted up to him, he qWuh gone. UAisy Ainscourt r .either wont to her mother-in-law, noi sent for one of her girl friends. She spent the evening all alone, pondering on the shadow which was fast overgrowing her life. "What shall I do?" thought the little timid, shrinking wife. '" Oh, Wl)at shall I do?" lint, child as she wa, Daisy had a strong, resolute woman's h.eart within her, nor was she long' in coming to a tlee'sioii. "Daisy," said her husband to her the next day, "you iiuven't any ob jections to mv attending the Orion 3as(1ue ?'" "Are masked balls nice jdaces, Herbert?" "O ts, evervbodv goes; onlv I thought I'd pay you the compliment of asking whether yon disapproved or not." " Can I go with you?" "Well ahem not very well, this time, Daisy. You see, Mrs. Ten church really hinted so strongly for me to take her, that I couldn't help it." "Very well," assented Daisy, meek ly, and Herbert repeated within him self the paan of praises he had chanted in Mr. Portcross ears: "The liest little wife in the world I" Kilt, notwithstanding all this, Mr. Ainscourt was not exactly pleased, wlien, at the selfsame Jld Masque, during the gay period of unmasking, lie saw his wife's innocent face crown incr the meturosoue costume of a Bavarian peasant girl. " Hallo!" he ejaculated, rather un graciously, "vo" here!" "Yes," lisped Daisy, with a girlish smile. " You said everybody went ! And oh, Herbert, isn't it nice?" Mr. Ainseort said nothing more, but Mrs. Fenchurch found him a verv stupid companion for the re mainder of the evening. He was late at dinner the next day: but, late as he was, he found himself more punctual than his wife, and the solitary meal was half over before Mrs. Daisy tripped in, her ca dimore shawl trailing over her shoulders. Cand her dimpled cheoks all pink with the fresh wind. "Am I behind time? "Really, I am so sorry ! But we have been driving in the park, and " "We ! who are tec .'" growled her t&sbancl. w THE ENTERPRI !; :ifi "Why Colonel Adair and I the Colonel Adair that you go out with so much." "Now. look here, Daisy !" ejacu lated Mr. Ainscourt, rising from the table and pushing back his chair, "Adair isn't esactiy the man I want you to drive with!" "Cut you go everywhere with him !" "I dare say but you and I are two different persons." "Now, dear Herbert," interposed Daisy wilfully misunderstanding him. "vou know T never was a bit proud, and the associates that are I good enough for my husband are j good enough for me." me give j you a few more oysters." j Ainscourt looked sharply at his ! wife. Was she really in earnest, or j was there a mocking undercurrent of i satire in her tone? Cut he could not decide, so artless was her counte nance. "I'll talk to her about it some time," was his internal decision. " Daisy," he said carelessly, when dinner was over, I've asked old Mrs. Carberry to come and spend the day with you to-morrow." "Oh ! have you ? I'm sorry, for I am engaged out to-morrow." " You ! Where?" "Oh, at Delmonico's. I've joined a Woman's Itights Club, and we meet there to organize. "Tlie deuce take woman's right !" ejaculated the irrate husband. ' "Of course I don't believe in them, but it's the fashion to belong to a club, and such a ni"e place to go evenings. I am dull here evenings, Herbert." Herbert's heart smote him, but he answered resolutely : ' I beg you will give up this ridic ulous idea. What do women want of clubs?" "What men do, I suppose." " Cut I don't approve of it at all." " You belong to three clubs, Her bert." "That's altogether a different mat ter." " Cut why is it different?" "Hem why? because of course anvbodv can see why it is" ." I must bo very blind," said Mrs. Ain.-conrt, demurely, "' but I confess I can't discriminate the essential dif ference." Herbert Ainscourt said no more, but he did not at all relish the change that had lately come over the spirit of Daisy's dream. She did change, somehow. Khe went out driving, here, there, and everywhere. He never knew when he was certain of a quiet evening with her; she joined not only the club, but innumerable societies for a thousand and one purposes, which took her away from home almost, con tinually. Mr. Ainscourt chafed against the bit, but it was useless. Daisy always had an excuse to plead. Presently her mother-in-law bore down upon her, an austere old lady in black satin and a chestnut-brown wig. "Daisy you are making hit son v.-retchod." "Am I," cried Daisy. " Dear me I ha l not an idea of it ! What's the trouble?" " You must ask himself," said the mother-in-law, who believed se:;si- iJe M lady m yov.r.; pie settling their own mrried peo diiiieulties. A11 1 htiow is the bar- f u-t." .So Dai.-y went home to the draw ingroom, where Herbert lay on the sola pretending to read, but in reaii tv brooding over his troubles. '"What's" the matter, iL-rbert?" said Daisy kneeling on the floor be side him, and putting her soft cool hands on his fevered brow. "The matter? Nothing much, only I am miserable," he -oiillenlv answer ed. " But why?" she persisted. "Because vou- are so changed, Daisy." " How am I changed'?' "' You are never at home; you have lost the domesticity which was, in my eyes your grandest charm. I never have you to myself any more. Daisy, don't you see how this is em bittering my life?" "Does it make you unhappy?" she asked, softly. "You know that it does, Deisy." "And do vou suppose that liked it Herbert?" "Y "I do you moan ' an that I ia " he asked, sod the fm m- year of my married life in just such a lonesome wav. Yon had 110 'domes- ticity.' (Tubs, drives, billiard play ing, and champagne suppers engross ed your whole time. I, your wife, pined at home alone." " But why didn't you tell me you were unhappy?" " Because you would have laughed at the idea and called it a worn tu's whim. I resolved when we were tirt married to fritter away neither time nor breath in idle complaints. I have not complained; I have simply followed your example. If it was not a good one, whoso fault was that? Xot mine, surely." " No. Daisy, not vours." " I do not 'like this kind of life," went on Daisy. "It is a falso excite ment a hollow diversion; but I per sist in it for the same reason, I sup pose, that you did because it was the f.ishion. Now, tell me, Herbert, whether you prefer a fashionable wife, or Daisy ?" " Daisy a thousand times Daisy!" " But Daisy can't get along with a theatre-going, club-loving hnsbaud." "Then she shall have a husband who linds his greatest happiness at Ins own hearth-tone whose wife is his dearest treasure ulm b.. ..:. i tht , mi--' L 1 1 I expeneu-e of surface and finds it unsatisfactory. Dai: y, shall we be- gm our matrimonial career anew?" -inn uaisv Yes." & - .1 1 V v. hi -pered answer was, "But what r.:ust vou have thought of me all this time?" she asked iiTm. alter a litte while. "I knc;w what I think now?" Ano what is that ?" llllilK, 1 t paid Mr. Ainscourt, w. t ..1,.:.. i. "iwnj.iUMs, iiiat vour best wife in the world." are the A ibbixoTo Bzt. A conscientious little boy in Oberlin, who had been taught to lelieve he would have whatever he prayed for. ran a race with a playmate, a short time aero, and w as beaten. When he said his evening prayer at his mother's knee taat night, as he had alwavs been tau-ht, he added the words, "Oh, Lord, let me pick up ray feet like lightning, Amen!" and rising to his feet, said, "Now I'll bet I can beat him to-morrow."' EXTERP1USE AXXO UXCEMEXT. THE EMTERPBiSI '.3 A LOCAL DE&QC3ATIC NEWSPAPER I' O II T II E Farmer, Lusinrss 3Ian, & Family Circle. ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY. V. NOLTNER, EDITOR A XI) PUBLISHER. OFFICIAL PAPEH F0"3 CLACKAMAS CO. OFFICE In Dr. Thessins's Trick, next door to John Myers store, up-stairs. Term cF KuimrrSpliiiM : Single Copy One Year, In Advance $1.0 " " Six Months " " 1.50 Term of Ailvertssintri Transient ad v rt is"iiients, including all b';:al notices, square ot twelve1 lin-s of." week S 2.5') I-'er each s'.i'js 'iU"iit ins-riion l." I n" Column, o:ie year 1M.'H jj.jIC ti'U'" Quarter '"' Pusiness Card, 1 sruar't on- year 1J.0O Jt U S I A' E S S C A K I S. J. AV. TsOIiI7IS, AT. 13., iiivsici x xi sn5(ii:o, o Ji iz a o y c i t y, o ii i: a o a. CvOfllee Up-tair.3 in C'harman's Trick, Main Street. auHtt. FDRTLAKD, G?,E Tjjrrr..' u it. CirnvviCK Od 1 Fellow's Tern ple.eornr First and Ald -r stivts. K- sidt nee corner ot Main and S -vetitli stn-ets. Ir. TIch V Thoniiison, el's io j OFFICE IX MjCULJUJ O I) D EE L L O rS TEMP L E, Corner of First and Aldvr Streets, I'OliTLAM) - - - i::t;JX. i jr Will be in r-ron City on Saturdays. Nov. :U S. IIUF.T.AT. CIIAS. E. WAKKF.N. Attomoys-at-'Law, G3EGSN CITY, - - 8 "OFFICE Char.nan's V.riek, Mrdn st. oneirlTJ :t I. j o v ti 3 o n &, r? ceo w w attoesey;; and conscious at-law. Orison City, Cros'cn. RWill praetie" i:i all th" Courts of th" St it Sp eui! attention jiiv n to eas '.s in tiie C. S. Land odie- at i r -on City. 5airis,.M :. L. T. 13 A 11 I IS", AT T O R N Z V- AT - L A V , OREGQX CITY, : : OEEGOX. OFFICE Over Pop 's Tin St or". Main str;et. 21iii.ir7.j-li. TJ ? V rT A U t t A I i it i v.. a t. ! i : i i ; J lit 4 twi l s n i ? q r " c,T ?3 ? s pt r5 "5 7 LEO a DcLOl'EY, Tioprletor, (Fate of the Clil? IIous'-.) MA'rX UTRZET, OREGOX CITY, OOX. . ( J r -s; etlully atnioun- 11 J cestohis friends At h v"iJ isf iiiivclii' I'uJli.-, that he lias r j-op-n'-tl the above nani-'d The Proprietor knows how to serve bis customers wit h Oys'ciw, Pi in" IVet, A Goori Clip of C'ofor, Ok- n Cirl Sijiiarc "Toa?. I,r. N li:I-Oi'KY. Or-on City, ?.Tnreh lT.J-tf. Vt 111. r.KOUOKTOX 957)i;r.o ni-:spKCTrci.i.Y inform V V the citizens ol r -oii City ami vicin ity that h- is prepared to lurinsh Fir, Spruce anil Cotlar i . U -O K. of every description. Dry Flooring, Ceiling,fi'rucc(for8hr-lving), Lattice, Pickets, Fence Posts (Cedar). CorjGtar.tSy on S?anc!. Street and Sidewalk I.umb'r furnished otitic shortest notice, at as low rates as can be purchased clsewh-re in the Stao-. Oive nie a call, al l lie I i;;:(i(:,- dry, saw ?itlt-, March 21. LSTO-tf. BCII-CInJS: AT.1 SALOGTd, LOl'IS SAU, : : : PROPRIETOR. y WOl'LP UF.SPF.CTFT LI.Y AN a non nee to the citizens of Or -iron City and vicinity, t hat I have opened an ICE-CKEAJ! nnl rOXFECTIOXEnY establishment in the Imilding formerly occupied by F. l'iller, on the Corner of Fourth nml Jfitin Street.. Th'" Art ic Sosln Fountain will bf in op-ration to supply the (l,jmands of tho thirsty. I manulaeture all my (iwn stock, consequently they are I'urr ajt-l Fn'h. A share of public patronage is respectfully so licited. Oregon Citv, .September, ls72-tf. A Bra ill i fill Fiirm Tor Sal? ! .-40 ACRES OPEN TILT-i!i.r: LAND. r Farz- orehr-.l, Splemiid sj.rinpr, and (iool House wit bin three mib-t. of Aurora, at less t ban R A rE17 ACIJE! This offer is only jrool for twenty days. F.ti'iuir" at th" Kntkhcrise oillce. Oregon City, June ti, IST.'J. tf. LAXD FOft SALE! OOA ACRES OF LND FOR SALE AT 1 tj J $1.W pr-r ner. I For particulars inquire of It. IRVIX. 1 Needy, Claoknmas county, Oregon, SEWIXG MAC1IIXES. FLOEENCE. Special attention is reat improvements made recent 1 in tubs is excellent .-.lacum-vimi ioi"-- ele-raiit stvles 01 Cases udueU tJ our list. FLORENCE. 7,'ort'jos.' ivha prefer si ?I:ie'-iiiie f m Aj in -x l lie work away from t !ie op rator, we ru;v have on oi that d serii'tion, pii"t, easy riiiiniiivr and haviti.jr all t ae otn.r pe culiar exeeHeiiei s ot t he other styl'-.'. Ti an re tojle:ise. ITtliere Ijoix'iviCi in a thousand mil sot San lr:uieiseo notworkiiiijw. il, I will attend to it with out any espens to the own--r. SA.-iICEI. iilil., Arent. FLOPJXCIil Tstticiin'jOlK'.iiiictlia ran seiv I" X. m or" tlein one direction ha viier a re-v.-rsihie fe 'tl a rr-at advantair in laten in ends of s -ams, in iuiUin, ete. FLOIiEXGE. TTiir.iiiic tJte I'lovence, or :en:l fr i j c'ir -ui ir or sami!"s of 'oric h"fore vou parc!ei'- a .Sewing Mn.ehine. liU V tjie i;:-:s i'! Machineji sold on liberal terms. FLOHEXCIC s iei'ia' ::a(imf. S 'i.MUi:L HILL, Ardent, A'.'. IDA'ew 7i::ii"o;)i( ry StriTf, (Iniml llitrl P.iiihliii'!, Sua J 'ranci :rn. '':h:i l7:i!nS. y"-.vA-...v;?, ( y y. ', '" 'c-J -Cf-"i t rA""V-.A. - 1 - . i ;. r March 2'., l.l;Kii:i 5HA03 3A190N, v-. A. trim EES2l!I"Zaia Sirctt, Orojjo-i City, Prop. ?rr.sT r.TT.r.TAi'T TAr.i.ESiN onr.noN ei have iif-n i r,t :-, i :c !, :i ; i J ),; t piprj. tor invit-s ti:e ."U -nrion el ' t h- lovers of this popopuhir amus 'irietii to them. the r.Aii js sv rvr.ii-:r with all tiie r in st Mi!if i-s of Lienors and i'lirs. .Lei.;cli, irisli ail I;ouron air -sidy lamous iiisiii s aud Punch ; also a No. 1 nii oxirci c.j-" Ljjiiziv is connctd with the fvibwei. (Jregon City, Jan. 1, PS72-1I. . "bSsLciiaj i S-itiU Uici, .tf"M Jll - JL j ..3 z jl a fj iA; rpiIK T'XIiEUTGXr.P PK 1 PH I ETO II OF I tiie Livery stabl -on Fi'th sir , )p'on City, (.r--gon, keeps coiistantly on hand Snd.I'c .vn.-I !?iT.r- Horses, Prices Xv ea r?oii ;T)le. lie will also run a line:-: to and from the durinp: th" summer sMwn, with pood hors is.competeiit :uil g'-nt le manly drivers. TAES AT LIVING HATES. J. M. FlIAZEU, Prop,ri. tor. Oregon City, :uy "7, ls7S. SODA SFHIHOS! THE FAVOKITE SI HIER KESflPJ ! 11 .hiies HOi'Tii av oi:?:ox citv, IX CLA CKA MAS (JO UXTY. TOSfTPH WRK'IIT linving leased th Wilhoit Sola sirincs, il r-ir -s to intorm t wishimr to s; -nd a fevv days in t !i" mountains this is the most ibdbjrhful place in the Villam-tb" -Valley. . pkkI Hotel, stable and bat h-hous" ior th-j ac comniodation of visitors. These Springs have been rcote. mended by Physici:ms a li'i-r th- hr-a It hl-st and best place for invalids or persons atilict"il with any complaint to spend the heated season. Parties desiring to visit the Springs will find a hack in railiness ff.r their accomo dation, uion applying to J. M. Frazer at Oregon City. niavi'ini). f VERYBSST WWtM - --j. - r7i'yy,- -7TS -V '.. . S, JV yL--:-.- cs- V :. y 3 vi ST'O ffifA 1 mfmM COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, DIVERSITY CF CALIFORNIA, MJ2i CIIA. N D I SB. JOHN MYERS, OREGON CITY. DIALER IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, ROOTS and SHOES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY. a n r GEHEHAL ERERCHAHDISE, Books and Stationery. I will pny the hlghost prices for ."Butter, Eg;g:s, and all kinds of GOOD CGU87KY PHCDUCZ. I will ficll as low as any lious In Oregon for CASirOR ITS XQVfVAr.liXT In Good M rchantable Produce. I am selling very low for GIvo me a call ami satisfy yours' Ives. JOHN MYERS. Oregon City. March 21. 1S7.1. GREAT EaOITEEHT!! GOOD NEWS! PRICES BEDLTED TO SLIT THE TI3IES. LOOK OUT FOR OOOD m - W k. U. Si. i -4 km Cpw f J m K.TAvr .test keceivp:d a large k JL stock of SPRJXG AXI) SUMMER COOP.?, which they offer CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST ! Wo would say come and convince your self befor-? purchasingolsewhere. Our stock consists in part of Fancy and Staple Pry Goods, Clothing, Hats, P.oots and Shoes, Ladies and Gents Furnishing Goods, Notions, Grocer 1 c s. Hard ware, and a preat many other nrtlelcstoonumer ours to mention ; also, I)oors, Windows, Glass and Putty, etc., etc. AJ I kinds of Produce taken in exchange for Gxh1s A L S O Wool "VVYiiiioiI For which we pay the Highest Prices. S. ACKERMAN t CO, Oregon City, March 21, 1973-tf. iVi'v ri"i rTix Mkit jkih MA X UFA C TO 11 1 US. VACCN AMD CARRIAGE 35 A N IT FACTOSY ! niHK UXPEKSKl NED. X having increased thedi- ff -'i?j mensions is oi ins promises, at C--CZ---rv-land 011 the ' the old stand 011 the Corner tf 3Iuin anil Tlirl Street, Oregon Cily, Oregon, Takes this nvthod of informing his fld pa trons, anil as many new ones as maybe pleased to call, that he is now prepared, with ample room, good materials, si ml the very best, of mechanics, to build anew, re construct, make, paint, iron and turn out all complete, any sort of a vehicle lrom a common Cart to a Concord Coach. Try me. Iilaclisnltliinr, Horse or Ox Shoeing, and Cipncral Jobbing iirntlv, quieklv, and cheaply done. J'AVll) SMITH. WILLIAM SINGER has ksta nr. isiikd JZgT, A FACTORY Mlf FDHTIaE P,TAKUFACTUr.E CF Furniture, Blinds, and Doors, am) :iorr,ii:vcs .m.l. sizes. They will also do Turning of every de scription to order, WITH NEATNESS AND HIPATCII! ftjAll work warranted. Shop on the River, in Lewis' Shop Oposite Oregon City Mills. J O S Tl 8CKR A FJS , 3I;iin St., Oregon Cily. MlM'FAl'Tl'KER AXi) LilPOHTEII OF fy. S a 1 Inrtesty t-i&; Safll!ery-j:ari- Nj ware, --., elo. 'V'" 7HICir HE OFFERS AS CHEA1' AS f can be had in the Stale, at (IiUlluhLl J. iiCii.i Cf I warrant my oods as represented. Oregon City, April IT, is72-lt. masonic hall ruii.riNo, Grcgcn Cily, : Xr EEICS CONSTANTLY !V. on hami and tersal", tj - 'h ;i p ior cash, v "-"-'"- I'arlor, L-', Oiliee, Hittingroo!)!, at.d KJtcla n 1 urn t ure, l'ureaus, Lounir"?, Il"cking 'hair';, hatiK.ts, bed st. .-('?, V.".-i.shstanb',("r.rb"d Hair, and Pi:l:j M 11 1 t r e s I'll hi Pillows, Spriiij; 1 cs. Picture Frames, Mi;!i! in.cs, io.. (e. Sp'ci.vl n;tiitHn ;x?ven to I'ld.c.lM' rv wo,-!; in all its I ram-hep. ; r ! r, :!! o. v. i' i; pr ' 1 k p! : ss. l -pji irs mr ;? !. h n- :.t- ihs :. nd dispaten. I ii rn it nr.- mad rd- r. Call and exatnine tor yours ves. ITmavTJ 'rT"T!r-"rr3 0'" "V f "'." n !-- OUKGOXCITY, : OKI-C(N. Wl' ARE PREPARED TO EX EC PTE ? f all kinds of JOB PKIKTIIsCr, siu has CAi:rs, HILL-HEAPS, PAMPHLETS, PEEPS, MO ETC AGES, LAP ELS, li:t'pep-j:pads, in fart all kinds of wrrl; done a in Prii tir..r Cflice, at jrOIITIiAND rinci-fi. A L J. K I N I) S O P" LEGAL ELAK EtS constantly nn hand, an.i r,r m1i p s s h.w a price as can be had in the State, A N D SATISFACTION CUAHAKTEED Or.-pon City, March 21, lS72-tf, PACIFIC BOOT AHD SHOE HOUSE. OPPOSITE OCCIDF.XTAI, IIOTJCL. AM IMMENSE SICC's AS USUAL. GEORGE A. PEASE, src-CFisoi: to PEOTZM.lf GILUUAX k CO. Corner First mid Jlon l son i ree. I'D II TEA XD, OEEGOX. November 22, lS72-f. AVCTJIOX- AXIJ COMMISSto A- B. R5CaARDSoV Con ner or Front A Oak 8.,Port, an;, O Of Real Estate, Groceries, Gener-,l XT. .... ,4VA iior.S'.'s ALE DAYS AVednesdav m.i c . 1 a. a kiciiauKi-v. I . -uetiorift.r ; i' Enplish Il fined ati.l Fundi., t Enplisli Square j.n.i ( cta.i, A ,n- c fcteel. Horse Sl s. l;-.s.,s Saws.screv. s.Fiy-Pa,is ' ' i Sh" t Iron, R. ' j iron. t A LSO A larpe assortme nt of :rror-r;,. a , . 11 or Jan. 1. lS73-tf. Auct ioiK-ir $0 tO SiO'vn d?V Aui y at w.rit tor us in tle-ir si j.n- ie.,ei. rail the time, than at anythir.p eijj p" ieulars free. Address G. Mins.ei ,",-'!r ortland, Maine. 2Ts.-p1.s7 'vil; Al)Otit 1 .) pniinus oflo!! 1, lin er, of wliic-Ji this is an imiesi(1n. Has lioen in use but a short tim,. p;ood work. Price 2r cmts p y. either tied up or in eases -:iM s extra. A 1. s o, A smnll font of Noup; ric of wliicli rl:is ,- irt impression. I'li.-e rents - J.. As , a- v v There is enrmph to s-t albeit tun; coliimu f rhs Iair y.lia. Address this T!i" if.ini'T'i ' rv ior ... ii r. m;;i. Stiff ''. .--it , i oti.i.:ti ( 'i,in I fn.,,. 1 i i r i'l.t,: 1 :!,.i:t , J irum .;; 7,'.', n.i,,,, o'l.'t Lrittrix, ai.n ! v. ) y at.fitio!. o: tl..- ", 1 r..;i-, I 11 a 1 1 1 h S' , i i.e. ud nu I .( , t-vy. 1 1 n. i :.t::' t :.ivt .1 .. .t-.l K b-ji (..,. t'i t dry t'p a ( o'ih.iid ! o. it- it, el- ":.!;., the liii.i:s, ::r:d :!:y, thus rrim.rimj tit i it::-f 01 t !. no t b ii i. N one tr nt::in- 1:1 -! ss - !:. ! I. 1 r-ns. Pr. pj-r d by snii W KnVI.K Sons, 1 olo!i. So d by IU:MM;-;(.y lios'i kti Fit ." ., san 1 rai;, undty d-.-al- rs f:--m rally. EXTIi A Ori'EK. to-' w 7" ' " "&" t ". in V -i i. i, i 1 lie Cl.rr-mo "Cute" i:!e-:ilit ly Fr:i::. I ami ji sb."- In tin- t':!r:' iMi..-ii 01 t:-. n nimias ;.!::.!. 1. 1:,-. to ; !!, i.v. c ; aa'ay to I 'very ?:;.?cr:irto t!:r.t P ; u!;;r V. u:; . 0 5 T5 ;' r f c r p r r-nirvn C! r rtii-s are u- -:v r. d at ct.f .-. 'be c: tril v.::i po;t;v. ly take place- 1: ;v 20th (!;iy i"Aiitr;tt .1 -"-?' ClT Cbn ilNi ''Cl.'e" js i! v-Ji im le s In ?;.'e, ael.nov Jeep d j0 be the s:t..t bu lidsr lr i :t ::;;re t I'ajM-r. e t'i U tuT if rn :-l : vr - ::n iv v. i I. ; a. .is v in bf t bird .!r.;::e, ;. - 't St'l.-o:! vi-. ai.d r:; fit. !y k-T'-.T'.vz, v 1 i ; t t : ii.: i-r; s the ..n-i s : ; l.o I r s. .; .:.-i::": i;.t.. i . -j j,... j ,;l rs ( f ' Ur i it' .v: '- ; ; J... Ve Si 1. 1 to ,15 f!.! si i : i r- t i ! . r .. . r ." (in!; '1 ::m l.u -,:;,. v ,.; j t 1, . , ,. ., , .,, , - ". , , ;. H' s! j I 1 t.i er i s .:y.i;-.y. srl st r.; t: n JTiti , 1 t:r; - c;-::,ii. p. r ; : r, v i.: . tbt M! :-r.b. rs I lit -t t. I.t.SI-l , T '.; ,b 1 .-t ii.i,.i: V'ukij, tie bi.ii.. "i i.v. " tun Jy ii; r- .! ! ft i.i:i:'i i r . (i rti!i. :i! ' l.tlti-I.. ! I ; t. ,.. r to i i.t. si.?-re II. li.i l.l- tnl.uji..i. r jri..ii:;,s : r iv:.. si:!sr,.' ''A v. ;f 1. i h. tit r sid liii-1 1 K. ;i. Pi: ol 11 n r. rj-. n s, p.ri.i i. eie., s'i I : ;r- e. ictr Ji.c:i: CIjiuis to l.iuj' s l -. i .I t I. Ar:;:!-M!!u(s i:v I c n Cv Mlik Is i u ii l'ti ;i vti'.i's m:1s.::J ii; ti to '1 .- X(v Y ik .i.i.-iiAN AT Wol-.K .-', Ni I'll II!;.' WjHilV, vi'.h 11 ir r.r n.; i.ibi i,i l.nii.: " .. . t: M, i i:!.jj,! " C :;1 1, ir Mis, ,U 1." "Si iiri. Jl. uiis." tiLctli.i ih tcf i u ji i,i j :! : i t ,, ;(. As'ilu t l:i ii,, :.I,"i.f v. cit'i rt 1:1 JrlUditotKHti, :-i ii ; s tlse V'k pit lie:il: n is (-m-iv A:.y f.rst-i i i ri si ids :.n v i " i ; s i . : : j j j itniiilv t if si i it . 1.-. 'j;,, ( ,1( s j; j.ce ly I'2;.i e :i;a tiltlndni iiusi"-. r.i u i (. i1M;,,(;iit juiLj ily ly li.i.ii j ) t ; M.-ciile. j-i.y sulscilcr I'es'ic Hie t v. o iii st r.: ti:i d t l.u it . s. tl.i w id I (' M l!t With liiO two i nl li. til rs je ll 1 t: the 1 ul lislu-r of this j ;ij O". AG E.MS FCU 1 IIU EMEEI'fclNC 1 lie To! lowing jh rsoii.s are fliitliwi'"'1 act as jiciits ior the Ksii-RFKitK: -'. P. Mowcll & Co., 40 1 ; rk licw, " w it-rU. .(', Wei hi rill v Co.,0('7 Chestnut Mre.i,. I'hii.-tui ipbiii. Abt tt ( o Xo. . and St Nassau strf'.. New rk. . , Portlai.d.crru-or I-- "'1 , t- , . CI bos. I ''in I ranciseo, p jrish.- St. Helens, Coliimbi.-i i. nnt v "s. A. -'!rs Asti.ria, Ciatsoi, c.iiiilv A. Van 1 Salem... b. "Willi:"' llarrisi urj. b H. m:"1 I ala v. ti. -.!. ml. iii eonnf ri;s 1 alias, Folk toiil.ix I a ve 3 A 'f 11 Vi !. Mon.i.unt. J W.A.V''? -orall:s li. i...bbn 1 Canvon t ...W. I . 1 1''. . Albany , . - -rn."i 1 'alies, i:si o ioiii.iv, N. I';'" ,' liibriiniic, I'nion f-f:ui.t v-1 Penokt. n, b matiila county S. . K" -- tJ. M.'ll.fn-d'"11 I.itpenc City -JK 1 I rist w Posebnrr : ...linn. J.K.I n T , - I '. 'I . .l !ib"'r l' Lrl a nor , Jj ,, i;:1ist. n J.itksonvillr Hon. K. P. I i'-r; Foil-'loin Ii. C.H n CLACKAMAS COl'N'IV. Peavr r Crei k C. F. Tcfl I liitevilb John 'Zi:niA"; t'asead. p r,rv .Mi'"?1" Con by i S..J. . straws.; ( nttiiifi's I. V'ris'' Faple i n 1. 1 rank W. F!fJ HardinK's C.-i t. .. C lower Molalla W. Morel'"1" Jiilwaukie j,.bn H'Il,'CTZ Oswc uo John I" Fppt r Molalla W. H. Vane'-8" liUt In ( v. rytfn, ::t 1 i:-.. r ! L. H C? travi bt;.. I S-. i:sl. 1 K . ft.l K Ft :,:! lib. ;.-,l j. mii,ii:s :.r ti.'tld f tJ r;t Uit:u i;j, e;uls. "JlebJ-". i 1 1 : i . s, ,;u .... , j.c,.i,,r 'j i ; ii s i'i o l :ilt:e iih:rs. .et:r ss, a 'i l i jt ( i.. . ui." i-.-in.-iis-ini.j I 'nl s., C hu ::;e. O- D