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About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1873)
o o 0 O O o o O 0 5 a y n ffi a ;:--..-.--: - ----- .' OREGON flTV, OREGON, AfGIST S l7i. ' To the .Members of the Ieimcratic i nz, e bursas emners i.i uc V,t,a,,trai,c . the lirst 3Io:i.Iav in Julv. It wal.l ! l White, St. Charles Hotel dam i Central Committee. . i .-i .,,,1 r,.n ;tnr. i,v w.r,.P I appear from a casual glance at the -to f,a ; , W' .,1 3 r, t 1 . :iii 1 inc. ? I!',i 1 'i ; nol m.-iucu. Jnnoov C ir v, July 1. ligm es that our count v has been run- : p. A." White. International Hotel, isiaie Or 111 consequence 01 a vacain-v m tlie .. .. '.. ... . l 1:1 i t :i ism t o me 1 e orrai c m.ik; : v. - i i i cmiiii vi'iiimiui v, nie ii i e ie i s ig , iei i a ... . .t. . niemuer 01 mai '.umiimut' Mri iacKa- . mas county, would resjieetfulIysnL-.f' st ; that the members cf said Co:niiiitt-e : meet at the city ot I'ortland on Sat sir- C,)nvt for tli rear endia" Julv 1 i l. . 1 : .V Aio.-rsn, saddl.-ry. .va. tla-, August I'th ,1;::. f.r the purpose : ., ' ,- , ., ' 4, ' : Asa 11 :t K.-r, inum 1 uihimus, ,mh : , T ..... l!Si.i. wt-ra l.V-i 10 m-re than ti)L ,, rt making arrapircments lor tne a; - . " ' . . ",. -r. ,..,,.,,,. l-roachm-spxial el--tion formem'.ir pi'-Mot.s . lor thv 01 1 o.,1jv . ni..ri.l;II,ls, .-I.'kk.: i. insurance, of Congress and tlie transaction ofsucli Court is not responsible. J.l;e tit ( o:;Jr,- Ai-i t n. h . , o.nn is -ion mer O other business a mav be ii-.-s:trv. , increase of exienditures occurs in '-:'-nl' ''i',-"',- l'' ' s" ''-'A, w T. . . ! 1 ! Low er e.;ile, .-H.M ; 1 ;o 1 1 11 I ! 1 e. It is reconuneiide.l that all vaean.-H s tie fNjunty Court. This incr.-ase ; a. . Uiu-mi, ir;i.H-i.-t, c1,h); no in the Committee Ik- tilled by the res- i . T . .. . T . . ; innra in-e. ' . comes lfoui tne J usi ice ot t he lf:'.ce s 1 . , ., ....,.. .n..,i..,. :,, n,r,i,. .ttiTil Itective Count v Commit te s. ;n oner II. H. Jutde. tc:l 1"J 111 n.! i i( .l.ll.KU that estimated thftt the lo.-s ranount s to near one million dollars, exelwsie of the . - . 1 ; i i amount of instira.,-, v. Inch is aboi.t , Uft imrter of a million u..,iars. j About 2,tm people were thrown out oP homes and employment. The i portion destroyed was constructed .. nt t, i ;: -i j in the uv-iiU-i n:i oMoo!( n l,ui;d-; C." "A tl ; ... .-r' T-i. 1 t i. . ( ii-i . , ., ! .: 1 i, t- , .. T 11 "! ,n'",n;i V. 'V'"V' ! tumty for its worn, of o. struct, on. ! Klsewhcre in to-day's pap.-r will be ; found a comph te Its; of the sidh-rers. : disp.tidi wis r -eived hv Chi.-f : ,u- r,ui 11 i . i lUt 1 . Engineer White about 7 ' oYloek on " 7 , , p ; i.aiun , 7. v .' ' : asking for atd. J.very ei.ort to ge. ready was made but the expr, -s, . tram being aliead of time, v. inch : o ' w.iQ not anticiiiiited, our bovs w ere not reabvjto go on it. A mrssagi was imuiediatolv sent to the S.-cre- i ! tarv ot the Steamboat ( ompanv, . w ho in reply ordered the boat to ; 1 ..-.H., .1lt I .S .,., 1.,. ,..- l. -.-S, ... .u.ui ..--..v "'o """" a full attendance mav be p.oent. ! t,nu' mMl ,,as i i1. J: A .V-.V. . ' V. ....-J .-. iit ! A. D. Shel,v, crock, ry, cijrht hun- ted by the Modoc troubiv. have been September, with Mrs. John C. rev as . i-'TrVr 1 'uu" ''Hshels W. I. Wlirm j boarders and drawn the fees in many , ."iTmnei, ,;; no h-m- red dollars ; n;. thousand I - ! Jp"" ni fl at Coif. lx CreCUun f - ! 1 1 jcases vhere tlicre were really no aiy;- ,i , w no dolia'rs: i o'in-uram-e. tudn.-s will be resumed in the A letter from Khlorado, Haker j " ." .. . , fl DcMnc-lve Fire- at Portland. I tound of action. As for '. wj L,'''.1 ' ' " ' I!- r- "''-.den, p, rsonal piojierty .Sixers' Academy at Jacksonville on countv. savs that Jlurnt I liver Pitch ! ,n .1S etni are.i iiiium .() hnhoU rt , , 01 . i at the present term ot tlie Countv "Mr, dry p is merchant, Hp- Se'r'lld- th:;,10t!l ', ,oo inches of va ter, , ' . ' V V' tlJ'T1 On last Saturday, the 2d mst., : .. a 1 ,r,,!t.a frm ; """Z: VrT, Is merchant. f lb-sand dollars : i,,u,,,c . There were ninety two deeds filed UM a ,rcat tatnn- miners arc idle be- i ' tcottl ear' Portland was visited bv the mo.-t T .. . ' ;,. itl , ,,. j two th.-nsan.t two tiunorca tni.i tun . , m .u.,non -on:tv for record durini M" u? cannot gt-t water to vov,, ; - - , , P Justice Ltinis court for ...).., the j '" '7'i y, V; ;.r .i, Km- no it-i ";lh bande.t, Irame em dm-, one tllC. v.lst t j, their claims. Sls the c,inpa:iv is usm- James 1 lc.ett will be handed at destructive fire that has ever occur- ; . . lj((.n to(1 M; 1';hl - U ti,.usa,,.hv; hundred: j w. 4, the most of it in their ouart. uh-h. Moi.e Cdy on the-.t , of August for red in our JState. lwentv : i , .f v-s: .-. i.. ei-. uih n-s and to-ic, i r "V " .V.'"7 " . t,.- ... . . ' the murder oi an in, n Ofrom Morrison str et on the north ; , T j T larin. v. ho is at the ' " .V-. U 'Vvil m-nb, ... hra-k buildin.z, . NV; 3L ''d'J'V'T' .,"'or''rly' ! arrive '"in this eitv! " ' assist:!.- to save Smith' Mills f.-om j and Market street 0:1 the south; see-: . .. P ., , .. . , . ;:.-7.e..-.; i ii,... j nV,' V i'.' , . ' ' n V, i.eMe,., Tl,re i ci,-' n t..,..f , tlie lire, at JN.irllaml Ja-t Saturday. - i bottom of the-e u.seless (. K-ii.-o, , , ,,,, : . t1..r,-h mts Ibirol l't ter il, one laohutiu;, 1 J.iiele l.s a cirejis the .n , ,.' ., . , , , , ! 'r:,,i A r.T1 str.,M tU V.1.-1 ,,.,1 tl,o rivr.r . . . . . . .. ' . K.t Oil . .1 os., e, .. , I II' .-sjojl 111. It nalil.., , t,. .,,,,.. (i. , . i started to cross t he n V 1 till, i W illle j "t 4, I r V ".ith-T-hthe had, and l;,e result was ; t om. ; ; ; huddin-s. , , V" () " ' -'"--- .Jki,! across a boom of logs to dined to h on the ea,t, were destroyed, ! tn tho (.(,ulltv (:f f;:5 ::,:..,,;";" - --'-.l.i.i lu,e deal,,., . (. (. lll((,i:iMl, l s . o!S!U,.n lhn,. ; -' Oiegou. . : Ms boat, fell in the river and i 1 0.KN) while three blocks within this boun-, ...4Mvi . , (1 ' t'- dil:- ' ' i;v,Vli.- v !'..:,-, 11. pre.di.y.- an ' thou-and live !iii::dri o - A m.m nana! "Ma-y, av:n;; on XV:l ,i,-,ued. His body was recov- posed Seatt dry were partially destined. It is ! , ' " ., .'" . i..,1!f : oisur.n-e v,,,.,, ;:' ;; :.ud ! , m I--k f;; -1; t-'- ; Howell ju-aine, had a on,- hor,e tox- on.;1 ondav. all the assistance possible. In a o . . i Ci-'uhort tim; the Chirl dispatched t.-at- i ' , ar.iet Hose Company mid us mam- . firemen as possible' with six 1 urn ! nrf mi n as possioit, wti.i six nun dred feet of hose. Thev reached ., . . ... .. . . lort.and m good ton , and did noble . ervice. About (d (.Clock tinother dispatch was receiv.'d, asking that llook'.'v: ladder Com nan v l;e sent 1 1 down. vIho b.p.s wre soon t the depot with their trucks, and num- 1 , . , , . tiering twentv-sp; nv-n, but while , ' .,.,, I awaiting the arrival of the loeoino- ! tive, th" welcome pews came that j the lire was under control and that ! i their services wotnd not b n --tied, j 6q It has fallen very hoa II v on the poor- ! r .1.' - . i er or mauuiaci iinii" pi teres, s 01 ine , 1 , j.lace. lie- principal bmuP-s s por- tiVn f the citv his iio' bi-et! to ;,'hcd.. vet all classes of btwiu-ss mu-t s.t.s- ! iblv feel the ed'eets of the destru"- ' tion of so much weaith. The ci(v officials of I'ortland t- ok in.imediate : edeps to relief the wants f those who were made ihvtdute bv this cahim- ! w - i itv, au.l be it said to their credit. they feel thenis.dvos amply able to supply all nece.-savy relief v.itho:,; Usking for outside a ssi -lance. Many of those who host in the lire, are ,-d- it.t.P...,.: p. r.,,-i ' 1 1 1 ' ii - I ' 'iain i readv engaged in rebuilding an 1 do ..... p. i: i n : . jiol .i'j'i.ii lo i . .. , : l see i i ;e.. . l . Il i " indeed a sad calatenitv t lhirlland. -.-. . .. ,..ii... ..p c- .i.. i . i.i " 1 1 find a young city like it. indeper.d- ! ent and willing to rdv en it-- own generosity to relief the sufferers and ' : for its future rebuilding. Consider- ; ,,. , .v . . , i ',l'lv. o!U'n'a fn'm ! bu up to the preset writing, the ! ;t 't iT'iiV1 M" n ampaii ,p,p. ; j Too I.cmrtln- on a Sainil S.iiP-i-t. ! i- A correspondent at. Woo.lhurn K-iuhs us a long letter iti regard to fAtli.v iiii.1i ot our d.-ii- tsP i- ll'iid- ' w .-r-- - -. --- . . - .... ..... way at thatSplace sometime in June. Whileour alVictionat,- sh b-r cmtin- , u lies occasionally to r.-f.-r to us in rather disrespectful terms, we do not : propose to devote much space to her. ; l. , , ,-. . , , , Sue is a lady, and as v.e got lt-v ptvt- ; ty badly down in our List eiicounttr. 1 i .P..P-. i : .m ,u ui' ii"i ii, sue io j'eeoti.iie;i.i, and are willing to oeit ' as long as ,' ,f ., . i, Llnl 1 t. I I ! v., s Ii..i' IPO 11 iP ' ' -v piv the closing paragraidi of our C jrresi londent's letier, as follows The hist feat she atPMooted to o.-r. form ratal near resulting in a most disatrous a'd'air. She bodlv att-i.bed with conoer ball-word ..from a brass- ivff.lvia- the i .-nr. ta t i. ,11 , ,p arried men and wop- n. oar, .1 ai v 111-11 villi, iinri. liveeebes to -Pio 1...I- i,,.... ...... ..... ....... ... ..... tongue's unearthly iitiele. Si,..-boast- ,t,,..,j,;..,r .... .,;,., -r.. ,U 111 luiii.-iiiii .ti :;. il 1 i;i" ' t '. nivi'ii t ii m heiioeeb :i T l:,'i- li n sli oid kicking the Chinaman cook out of the kitchen, throwing hot water on Iter 11 el rl d nil's ilil'K l'or i.!ll"- o--t i of the swill bucket: bed Ipt pet name. lipploes, sp,.Kc of her . . . . . . rarm-I.-ither s great giatid-tat la-r rppi . . , . i . . , i manv other won, lei im tmngs, wnicii I omit for the present. We are informed that the ladv in ... , question sneeeeited in making herse.f ridioulous, as usual, at this Place. ... G it Oonk To tue 3ror.VTAJNs.-Hon. -r t l'-..-,l . -ii ...i-i ... -t O 0 O .r,. outitianutanuiv, ox xot.ta.:.,, ,it.nvif t; r ; Jf-diniov- llill. J,-; liiiil lps- "''i'- " "'v"!a i b' let soon. Thev are begiii- V V' T ' "ir '"'"'.v. We should .say about certain Democrats taking last week started for toe mountains. tli(. investment UtTUv ' ' " mliaWdi ?-m" to for sr"h :U1 ! y .-orry to haVe the their back j-av. We have not seen The many friends ef Mr. Smith will j ing them wpc but not' Vntrr,: ? T"' 1,i';,i? ,'"Slllh , , Jc-r th. re. ipi-u ili.ation makes ! -Hnhonng-city think am-hiliJ? in that paper against Grant be pleased to learn his health ; eouns.-l. r.p, their asSo.,iations. ami ! A- VvhUeak,,., one wooden building, i Tot a! I ' , V"0 UmUCU( taking his increase of "salarv, nor this summer is much letter-than it ; Jr hmirs an anxiety " 1 j. Frv,.r Im.rchant plin,15n;r anl ! rTip.-.TT IT t n J iXr'c f n ??.lclu'r : those w ho came to tho ruo from uit a certain editor who took was in the early part of the spring. : t,Li,r Viav J' t -ntl : Vl1 ff , ,,. i- lh I?a'1 l 1 I'" (dbm t,l we therefore, in s8PO to sell out the Democracy and i , - i. p " , V J l'nL'!it,:ii Is!.:.- ..t ooir-p Pratt, one buibliip-. ! in nialLtn- Drniacratjc , ales for .AU 'ul. ftr 3 r-ars past, intends . addition to the correction in our We- r i i m , The Salem ,,,-,,,, ,n entered its ' fc'; iLY ---m swell- , VuHmrri.cSer ,,lofn i Congress. The Democratic CVnv I iTV t0 011,1 1 l"t il" ,' editor of that the twelfth volume on 12th inst. 1 eriinin.d ci.. tiiG ai:f'k'a tniih.mmioEn ' i' 0;":, ,k1 i tion will in all probability attend o ! (.eologist, Uev Mr. ; this lirst opportr.nitv to n?akl public h' J-bt U l very careful what- factory, sbuo.; insnran-, linoO. this little matter. i ., p. i' ' i.'s c!mreR of lll? i reparation and begardon of our gen- , Lf I::LS to say m regard to taking pay Oar County I'Mnaiwcs. v at.. niiv t. i t i - 1 1 vu IUC -UlU Ult. W e pU OllSllCll tilC ' mfal WUt f the county asmuJe to the County Court at it term 0:1 the lirst Moud p.,, v, 1 ; -1 - . 1 rung "Jun.l, uik. that our ofheials 1 fire not itinc a due deirroe of econo- , ...-- p..i. .i, . ... "V - '-' i .i-c, - " , shall proceed to show. In the la st ! place the expenses of the Circuit j s,ooti. In the m.ifter o icre is a of f:h-'V'.s, . Of i.i ... i t;i am;nilf t!i(, Jd fV.ard had con- ; ... ,.,.,-tl the :'.-:'ih -f .1 uve.psTJ, . ' . s., )Ul h Uni ?,!;t:;,. r,p7, ..n.-r new I ...-, rd I 'V 's'o,dd'm d e it el !-- "N"iit i.i. '- .i j , , (. , ol 1 , ye u I aoie o. t.a i.v,.ii.ts oi la .a,. ... .... . i The jail cp ns-s are ,bd tnove this j lVin I:lvt rt..;lting from tie- ae- ! (Vi,. j., tho t.t. ..ntire increase . f expenses 1 . . tni.s oui- an' one to the two o .trees ! , , v ,..!;, ,-, i -o,., t . v .. ! uchuMMaeldloued. !.t let us sec : - a lather there really va an increase ', . .previous ,e ar. Ti.e aniotpit ! ,f n,w; ;1 hl ,,71.7:1 ! ... , , , , ., ; was ir. 1 i , . Add to this the j amount oi. v :'"2.t'J2 '-, which was c-n- j i t,-,,.f. for node,- tee T'l.e-d wtd d. ! . , . - . , , ,, t - suoi this M-riPt. and we nave t;-e . , , : 4 4. 4.1:.. 'il. . u.i; ...I",' iv ii... . Xow deduct the amount eomracted 1 f,,,,,, ii i ilV,,:;,o ,. , " , . , we tuai tne amoi;nt ..! a; t oal expenses , - , ., f to be ;.utl,l. 1,'. or a nub retice of )w 0 . . , ., ... , "lj ' 1"V"" 1 r .1 ;. i1- f.,rur.. 41 r..,;t(. r"kl"" V V ' are, and it wnl be .seen thai ot.r pis- rn, 5luY0 nt p.ed t:s much m "i.ev is the last did. besides ih t- l,. i n p....! ...... 4-; o,.i, .1. n- : I Itillin i:..,os i.u.ii , i :i:ir. - I"; o , ,n , f sale ot taxes to the am.:tr.t of 1 ; t;r hik. i.l:.t v,,;, ir u.asoI,iv .VUT, ! '.. , . - ' , , , ; a diiterence ot about ..'. .-dd to . ... , -, this the new sale urcna.s. d, t-.nd we : . . , . i have aootir ci.-oo more to 1. ice lo 1 J( ;.r ...).(yli jt .jp p;. j.,.,.,. il.,.n t'. ' ,, ' th it in'"- iV' m -r-.-s 1 tin--, li.iito. t.,.u in ..ii 1.....1C.S ; whole the Counlv' Court has been . able p, retrench, tlcy hav( dote: s. bid ia win le ImcV ha.vo no Col : , . , . ..... 1 tr.e, lic.v ;u-e not lesj.on.-itse tor tne ; , M, H:. Vi.,th, ri.,lt.n u s ;:...;.: tie- pi 's,;,t Eoard of Co-pitv ! 1 1 , .: . ......... r . .. 1 j.i Oi :i e i .- -.01 1 e 1 :i 1 01 L.lf .i.'i, llL.i. o. L , . ., ... . , ! 1 1 ;e , i e i -o, j . , ie. le; i i : le i, a 1 1 i i i before ihe present year ( xpires. they ,, 1 1 1 , i. ii iii. , l , : e . ... ..... ii. . c. ... 1 1 - ' - - . I i.e:j:i.e ii .ii are their faithful i i.p.; ens. umi our ; couiby ihiai:--' w . . ; - c oi i e i :i ;i : a i 111 i e , J" " ' ;" : " L .":"t u ' reeei p om ;u omuon e '.pa. i.. v - - - : 'i lde So;: : pi'.CJi t. J t on. b.dw ard L. IV-r-c 1:1 his : ; -T ! i ti T I : is I . (!il i . l , , , . ,. i I , w ,-rs. seeelisi-ia!e'. . ... ....... . in ti'ni'i ii"n :i.,t ui ; 'it la - ti '11 p po- t ' t"," I ' i -i ii setts pi. .trii ot r-Piie t par,:, es i or i ...... , . . .1 ... 1 . i .1 . 1 1 1 o. - i ... uio'ls It.e xcoo .i p.g I riP .ii Ui i . and m.ble sentiments : ; . . . J i t there is one sent iment more i bar another which should b.. cu t van d .,s ,.s,,ential to that nial mvo'-vcss it j is of s, uoi.ah v and, broth, rhood i between all the vu. ml-er.s ot the Jin- . . : 1 . . e'.. ..:.'.... i .. d , " d w . '-l . " " : : ,avon.-,i se.o-ii'i i.uve a e.eepe, i'.'ii-M in the poor an.i b-,s lana-.i. liv , thi it is U(1 iutt,,ded s, , much that li,, ,iKi -h:-t-S ?5'-,i'1 5- ; Ine:, r wap,-. or j.aie a-,, bnpc'i u. or greater jptPie rrm isiou ...... p. i. . P o ,!.. o ; . ! i :. - i , , . i ui, .-a, iii.ii, ia,:iv iUtiai- ' 1-M ,.,0! ..("iso. ll Ili e-t'Sls'iil lli . U- taketi in i:n ir r.;.e;s. tlieir gri.-fp t-cir i'm -r l,.e. t.u ir aiiPisement 1 a el tiietr well-l t t ""v may sip.;,-, --dhat ot servants in J;p;;i,i"s. Ipev are in a thousand v a Vf, ..p t;, nu. I which tic- int.-rval b-etweer. tlie l.-ay- j ':p' of one and the coming .f ja.oti.i r I -lV s il !ivr ' stic,o!i. , ourpiiiows; th.-v .r,-p.uv our food i u,: f,Ui , . our to-a.-ures, s i. lo.-n abusi-.e- pa iiC; tret- lb..,- ,...,.f.... ,i r .,. . i ' - - - .. . .-.,,..... i i i i.staeiiiosi I 'dices. v are not spii aiu- 1 i111''''1- oy any s- . 1 1 Pieut of bio,,, or i , Kilc.ireil; t !.ev w ait tps.n oin- u ibes 1 ; early aial lab: thev minister touVin i civin-ss: and it tvol, il w iib oi-PP.. I J1 1 -V "Pld PesS--t 1 . oU - a , , a.,th. notn. r re- I iev idemi- I ! 1-4':',,n a,i'1, !i,1"ll:(,r ra.-e--th. i hv tacinselves w:tn our households. ! j -U''' iu bip. -mess of our I , tier.-av, mcuts; a: : , ... 1 . p 1 ' I-1'! l.t-aiPlg 1', out . , I'-'.ill-r t' a -sc.-sin cuts ' s . , 1 J 1 1 1 O : l,ul"-pT -";d;.- ,, : " . ,110 . ..- , , : , i , v t . : , . i i ti . t , - r , . t . i ii , . ; -n.i their eo-.d:- i ... . o.p'.ow.i in ad re- i sneets it Ih.c.v i ; .-- .... Uu.i mi -tresstw., , ei-e to take a per-oPid and svmna- : i';' 1U d1'1 ,""n:s .t..m. aii.n.gji.g i...r thmr davs of relaxatioitand .-hv.reh-g.-.inir. provido , them wita newspapers and books when able to r-ad inorb-h.-r , . i their ivd-,.iv t .ln i1-11111- to i ja n i; -i.n es atul fm-nns. earing for imii oiesses. assist, ier P, ti,.-, i id all tips is for a ' . e. ' pa r-il Hall, I. O. (. 1., .r..eo) no rara-e two hipioo d ,; ll irs. miles from Co.-vidlfo , . t' o , f 7.. ! j Mtii the shtU'e line of the bav. Tho haiv. hich n:ay be ail f ad ! ;d'V.Vo.P..e ,v. p,,u p,. ... c-! b'uo .-v- i 'V.- l""1"1 lT"l"-rty, ; iaori.imr last wa Hp kilied ii'v... dee,- ' An Apoi.ooy. -"e re.-vei ,v,,.,l. ! :""lb b -'SO bvdtfUfctt, p s. but which dt...-! r' i- 's; ll.,, o,, '.'.;:.,. v,,., J I '" lv' ,:'': u'- . , , . ! and .ii.;.....-.! .,;. .., a... o. '...a' s itii'lv tboan- si.',, p,:..,p, '.. iveive lots each, btl bv fpd f,et to .. , 1 ,- . P I v. IIUI -MUlso.'l. Val'.':llll:lKi r, to. as..,. ,' .i, .n n.e v un.ii- ; . -. " .:;.! vv on -.1 j i i t . . ' - ' ilot.ung. i i.-eting church ! f '-!": n-- msaran.-e. one hundr, .h-Pa-. ;lismaiPet before ip.on of the -am"- I li" 1:" :'t;" was made in tlie ib-sf, : l",1lopi ,-' wnle alley ef 40 fet t ir tsaui coiitribatii-g f , i ks ,p, d w ciluig imtw, , .Mr. .. k -!i. p., t.i: uiiure itc.rme timu- I dav. ' ! edition of the ),;,(,, vp'.-'bv ; W" block: .-.'re,ts all S') feet ia J iMdy i-hltps. i1,'ii'livi?'?'V'';;':M'o'!'V'-..i; , ; sand doHaps. j rr,,,.,. . , T, r r . ! of the m-rito; ions' s,,A.d ' " r'Vm. i J'lth, and avenues Kill. Konie (Mt or -deoil 1 -iv v, I--.., ., . . .v. i .i iw-.i o ... o.ue,.- uni nAiioes, . ;n, j Ut t p..-.,, v. :" t o house a i ;. 1 ' '".v --!..:. , i.m ., oi piarion n . ... ' ' a--i-e (lnlvP i . i i tv i ;., : s. y ,1 -h.-r .- ,r-31,,t ,H1- i --iV,;'::"T , ,- 1 fur.u:i;!e,e!.t!p;n,o-ed dollars; fdlv U-nty, has s.-owed aw: v in his ba-n I Y' , A ho came i ?n . , ,V ht0ff 1 i i . Jl" .!'"-.. -Pi'ucy m idaces ; i ri y Im v o. w En bmldrng. :.-,, M ; ; . ' I this v,.-o- t-.i Pi-o, p.. i i .:.,. c .... i Pr ,:ul '! t' to the assistance ,,f ,. ,a : : t -e maiuet. A.oout the centre, snr-- ol service would he ,:i-,,e....,l . ! .-.' Ill-Ill:. nee .a.:;.;l). i r o..-.. ; o ! . ' - '" o,o. ,.. , M.viv live v e..t i . . l'liiai, tor ., P.. ,,,.,T., n.- r ,.,,...1 - - pi oiuoici , . i : i i- i m I i i I t ; iii.'i'iiiii.. r!i--i:iii-t'ttJ.'-.. -t -r r . . . jt-.v i .i -j..iiiii-("v- i ,,m. ri-i - i .pan i i i n p nil mi n Losses bv the Portland Fire. The following is a complete list of ' 11 tl . tP t ' lTl j the rcg n:an : .. - 1,0 insurance. : .; T ,,.,.;,,.,. " " .-.- insurum- , ...1-. .. Jacob H..nii.ei, j)U!, . ,, m :un e 11. Smn-.ttt, sal.x.n.l.H j'j'. Vi'ii'dhVs a-la'r 'taiid. t.i.'ttxt; liist.l ,U;- ', ' .-'.in' sh-p, . ... ; ..u- j.h 1 lHk.n. name bud 1- -';p , i . di" .u he'r.' .si..,.' and boot shop, ' ; ;. in-" ;,"V . , . K" "K'r' U nt:st' ,l" :,:S;" " " " xv '"bt. frame buibiiic, : ... I' it V i I i :-.h -i' c-" t'i-iii'" br'l-i- i . i 1 1 a i a . i . . , ii. in., on. i . 111' S t ..e1' 1 i. i I ! InU t':; Ml'l 1 'j,; y 'I-'- J. Ik P.mue 11. .M Ho, lis Hotel and bib rK-n-. no i:.- a'ranee. ' ' w.d'ur ;!,(,, it, bnildiic.-s. wharves .... , ...,,... l-,,,;,, p.C ;. Kt .p Pedd-. ' -s -uiT ' 'i p-f .( -l-s,, u Kt.oo, t , ,lt m, ....a.., .--f. K:lrKa junks- ; insurance. b:; e. . j J-;;!; !. TS, K,,,,i' 1 i; ',,, t si,v .-.! n., in- '-. i.. .n, p.o.a sea,, .,,,n.,in .1. !'. .Jones. .fiVe and s;le, d-. al r, j 1 n.o insurance. . . .. , I, 1 l'-l". , ' 111, n ll"l' s.n i .i j i i- .i '.,' s.. een,ni:s,ii p. n.ei- j eli .l.ts. ; ;iisur:i!' e lu.l,:"!; -b.s. !u Meohen, frau-e build:::-. 1 .... ,.. . , , . , I V i t . . . . v. L.,,.rv .'. vTs ." eTtdi-r-s -o.'d y, . . .'.i' ; . ; . , , .. l' i : '"'V M , ., ,. , , ; oes 4V U at kins. Irame 1 -uihb u-s ' t o e.-:.i-, i I " ' b.un.,, ... .. ,. :. : F OM ,1 l,. a,,,! 1 More, j ....,.. I I I'da.d: ,V shmidt. grocers. ; in-nraie-e. ll.tnai. ! s.-.i r A Smith. s ,w indl, ei,eii: ii; o.o: -.. .......... . i '. Ud-o. sr !i and d. or Cacti ,,,-. ;.,,;;,,,, ImvM M 0-. e andry and bi ine-s. -J-i : e m.-urance. .-Vinson v.- Co.. biud-cr, Tjn no in ., ., ... -u-' j . . , .... ' 1 . ' d build - ;, Ivuapp. I'-irr.- !i Co., wag-ms, IJ.c-o-. n,, Edwin :,.ith. bl t.-lvsr.-dth ' ''' ! r'r) in ;M ": (i. . p... ins. irn-cci-i-.s am p..:-,. n.. ine ranee. m l w.. .- n 1 furnii m e. C. C. 'ricil, 00c. ).s,- si w ,ier IM.'l-!, ; . s Pi 1 iiMuros. ioiir c u;,d l 1 d 1 1: bi o - : ii. le-eean.-e. : r ,d'e-. ll,.-Psedlh shoo, six-' ho.n.le.i -e n o's : no insurance. ' E-:.d-' ;. ' '.nvm. frame bpj'c'.iic.;. ' .1 11 in' 1 1 1 :e:. ... ... , . . . , .... 1. a. b; -,. ic biobbii.', one .... , i -, . i ...... , p . t ; i i si rl . iol 1 : r : ia. i e-o ra nc. . j,,!m Ki l! -s ,v t P.V 1 1 i I PIT j,, ' ; i p , .' ! P,,..- ,,ti,l live hundred ...i i . 1 i!i. ;.s.:i;ii i,. inn ' i ' i . . ' . "v1. .: ,'':.' ; i -.. . ..0,01 I . 11 .ill.l'l , S. I S , I . O 1 , O Ot I ! . ' . t- irv. P: u: I r n i i nod i s 1 v-, v 1 !u:i-: '' 1 ' "i -: - :" .. .. a. .-. i -ii i it, hhiii" i i::,-.iicj. t a i oo t Ii .,, -.: n l d. .1 ! a i s. I I laid. 1 .Todi.s, lii , !;.P', tram;; l.ipi. i i i; r. si lo :ir , red di 1 l.p-s ; no ie p ;ps i i ,.. i .. , .-, , i ... i, . P.-a.-s, I i: i her .-t.e ne h::,, 'p :, d ! ho : p.-msur;,.,. " .......ic-. o. . oe, , ,,. .., - . . ii-i. . . . ir. I b : ymoi n. to' p. dry. two thoU .- -n ; de.o e... u.. n. o-.iu - I .erg iiu.o:. e.o. ! . , one i.iou-:- .,., .;, :i ,rs . ,,,, ies-.i, oe.-. I'd i li-r, I'n'.s., -"i-rl'-, i;!li' t'.e e.-. oei two bun -ire.! dollars;;- ''o' ." ':' J , sp: thop-.-nd dell.u-.-: no i:..-m . . . . 1 1 . . , . ii -. .. i ..d .' , ,d' do-1, - . '. - .' --. ! ddd;: " .:; ; u,.;i,:I .,, . 51 , ,'.V, I;. "I '; M" ' ' :;' ' l'' ' 1"' 5" ' 1 ' - !- '-'hum o.-o ,, o-s. , .ov is Love, h b buibbiwps ;l!l . "n Vo'1,Ml'';V i'm P. i : . : . !i :'P-i :i t h ii.siii : ;n ,;n :1 1 ' . e . .' t. 1 cceal prop, nv.:,: no i ; '; .ud. m..e h iactoi; i i i . . i . . . K. oeth. Piiiut'i r an t ban lil: ; s;p. "a-o y,,,,-i;;;, . iPa e. ed ii ! a-, is. c' Co., lumber S7.(!ei) ; no i---;;', ,' ' ." " . 1 ' j '!',. 'll','', to-., ;-.,,, no . y " . ,;:o;.. : 'v Pr. P etioii No. ; Ib- k and b sidc p No. 1., and , !l ! Vb:''---; -d!." n; aden.dvm lion.,-. M."ee; n- m. - i'u -i . Wiitl,,.,,., ,1. T I . fy '.,1 11,1 illll. " ' j-ji s,d il ,- shop. -v. V. 1, dla k. bre pe e b ah-.-end 'at -s,.,., i, nrchant, -.t.O-di; nsiliviifv, :'-,"''J M. burl r. seeond-h'ind furni- j tai" d.-nlcr. s,-iu; Piur;i nee. f n p,;? ' biMi ksiaPn shdi. speiHt; no fn-umm-e. crazer, b; as, Pa.n iiy ; no msu- : V. s., lamps, noin- suranee. '!..,..,-.. l, i .a s . -i i ( ".;... .. .................. i ,. : , '"i n,''rc'1;n,t' " ; InM'" ; 'V!...'V,.i;.n.s E,d (ross, regalia, etc.. ;!-: no'in.-ciance. ' 'V. Il:!im,n. frames, pictures, etc. : ?T,: 'Vi ui':,,,,;!.n,'t'-, c ,u, W. H. Crow, saloon. ; no insu- ran.-,.. j Hur-r-n A- Shindlcr. furniture and w::r--i,...i..-- .iii-ii2i. ......... -,:..i i ot :.?; s I i: l.i ine ,n ;.1 i s, ' .. ... . i bmldin . one theiisand dollars : iie.ii- A man m JJenton countv f ' i rb t -1 1 : (ut lucontormny .i - ' M . I'MiiKi' Coec ,ei die -s , ... . . :. TP ,o-..s , a j,:ty. tie :?S Pio-e in n- - ' . VV "'"ou.g. Xl:e ' i P . ' , ,;.:; v. : i .it. .-im,.. i . ' .- . , io . io 1 1 n , e i ia i s ; no i ii ii i ii : : e. I Kd Ch-unbreau, second-hand furni i 1 11 re d ti .r -'PO , Bros, second hand furniture dealers 500 erc-hant, Ounese me li.ltOO I. sin-siu inn r, turi.ituro maker, :V-0 .telin,-v A: Sicinnie, yroeers, 4,Kh ; ! and ,-,.re ro--.i-;s, niu.-ty tiion-and d,.l- , n.s. ui-iii. .n,, . on;, i. i. ,. n.o... : ( S V p , , i,.-,-. Vi: i e; !.'' t - ae aml'sloouc Ih.! I dollars , . !, ''l;,; ';'n-:'l1 'V,';. . ! s'n l Z-" I S -hi m-er, and C,o r:.-. wo.-.L.tU c tlam- : s.ind ..oil o s. i.:rke. n'T-onal nro..eit v, tour I,..,.,:..,.,: .,.n :r 1 1 ' , .. .Ill, I' .. ,M ll :s. j ; Ai. rains i'lV'i Ii...t:ue, 1 r, four ; muse i.d.l. I! cs ; m, u.;ua.,ce. j Jv ..V 'S, l'UihUU:'' i Ihnm.di SmiU:, nood. n bud-hng, two tooiisan-t c., cos. . . ! .?. Ii. i;..vd, .-.! -,,n. iiit'-eii hundred b'H-o s; no -psunoa c Vi.rlUut;,A:ill Vwiter Co. for -up- ' "in ,l mains. t.ii,-e.i bundled dollars; i " s p'p'oV e,. f,...e !. two M,ov- ! -j-i ; P"' ! ' o i l.o.d. di eg sioje, three tnoti- i , ,.. ; v i,,,, .James .b.l.nv.n. persona! property, six d. 11. os. (.. o;-e A. : -c. ho- t :n 1 :-,..,. stock mjnrcd by uaiet, one thoteend I 1 1 ., r , 1 i .pi.iiM.r . ; , 1.. 1.. Vv,..-.( it IO. olli K I'llii'iliL i 1 1 tie us-.add. liars ;:nsii5au,-, venthou- lb-v. .1. F. 1 vnre, two dwei'dnus. i '0111. h eii o 1 i .i s. V . Ji. lane..,,;.. ,bv. twi-r'v- '1 ,e I .,,,,1.-, ,i ,(,m.-, " ' ' ' i( ' 1 ' - , ." !.dd p'o-.-, I 1 !'11'"vM! J ' , ... , 1 .ars. s. . ii.loot. iwo dw 1111. two i '-.-' .":"-. , . . , Js. p.em. Ii.,ucI.m1. , go...... one th..,.- r,"!'1 "i-hos : insur. two Jbon-au 1 tin 1 i- iiu 11 d ; t ,1. Mrs. resideii.-i 1 i . . i . 1 1 1 :. ; j-, . ! . d he-Jp-ehi ! j h. .!'- I 'i-o n ! !'..!;;': ! b-e Vo;-l. .. .1 : , . . 1 1 ami i'. iie t'a u-.-u .; . 1 , J.nv. '."i ,!!-b tuo ,l-v , !L.:.l I .I.C. .Vies v. itu. four i!v. Miia S la ap ! : it. si ; ; i.. e t dr. 01 I I 1- il i iVeS. II bin.', two : 1 ! i s ; fa nee. t . o t ! e n s-. 1 id . ' , I"- 'c:-p: ran-d.o omi:- tod-A. do, ; ' v ;p ; -.a 1 : o-n .; ure i v P. 1 v: 1 , 1 m 1 - 1 , p;o re. 1 . e liars. o.l.n 'i'.mne . v e-:n t -'oie an-! dv. lie--, tin. -:...e ...1..1 -rs. M:;,C:.arl-.. C 1 a.,. . , i ;. dr n . c.-c 1 .. V i : V';. r ''11-' , Ml' i!ri ! ..I I'. P.. : " ; . e side of S -e ,- .! I :::1 !l!c-s en w -1 1 ti....l e, t . I 1 : o . . . . . .... , .... . ....... I o, 1 . . ... . . i.'.V ; cf- - i 'r '.''. i . 1 o i . ! ' ; . ' , ' ' I : . ., i ' ", . , , - ; " ' " 11 ' ' -. c v ej i i u . 1 1 i ; o i oei 1 l s 1 1 v 1 1 : i : . .".ee,--. y e:, . a; la r. si: . 1 : . .. I ..... :. I . . .... , 1 . .. i lilV.-i IK 1',. '!, .n. .. Sdniih la. s. :.ii;;:,',;v alid 1 1 1! e I . i 1 . e k. 1. . . . . ' '' rf e ',.'.. I . . , - I ... ' . . . :' .... , : i -. . . i i , i.i , 1 1 - 1 1- i A,- r. ,.a,sni.!, K,,,,!,,! .1.... . i . An.- r, o:nsmi.!i, f-.-ar liandp d d,. : t CO-s. iilie cr. s-!,i,.i. live hundred d-1- larvjnoie , i ie-eeii loo., i mil iPi.-e.-atel ' ; , r,,vVli .. , ,ri.(. . i , . - . - . . . ; .1 , e,.., . ,. , ., , ...... , i ... 1 I. .1 , ... i ... . i,!:;1;:;;;':;.!4"1' sU'iV' tw - 1'. . 1. A. l.-.venpon, -J w b-., hens. -. and pes. u;d e'o'-;i!v. t'Ai ply -:. t.;ous:i.;o ooi! i:s; no K:-i,,;oice. ' V.nLcd'i, iii'iv. ; ,i.u. ' iifi.v. ; ..T-' I':.,1IV; , :' ph ''Vl.. .':rti' ' ' 1 . i - 1 1 1 .1 1 1.. e. .1, I , i I e !i i, lie p d i- '-.-'nner, an-! roj... sje-e store ' . . . . a. ii. . p e;l , , a lot oe r': : c i er , da 1 1 1 - t 'X- ! -d in moving ,Ue m.ndo d d, -lur.:; . f-V?:i'-,i-. . , , j p( rd nunVb-i; j lavs. ' " h. p1: r:"l ibVi. vVW'nrM'''' tW" I ll. c: hep i;,v ..-.! ,', Av, ,.,, ! dred doil-e-,: u,. inpn anl e ' h"U' j ,. !: Kojs-istan.ipeidin-n bve- ; !:X,.;.V ". " u. " r"l,ll,a"--s- lh";- n .s a:.. I ?d vin'-r-ar il. ;.l- .... ..... i,, .i,. .1 ., ,,. .. . : ('...; ;, ' ' , i?.', . ,. , , ! tlnV, t ' ui j Hda-n -i. (i, a(;,;, house ! h 'j' lj-P-i 'il '''1 m 'd-a-' -'v ''V f br, , u; hjip..',,;aU'' dollars : insu ; ,,,..,., thousand. j P. .1. lCervipm. aal,,,,,. eiuht hun : a,.,. o -,.a: ! 'I'l 1 T. . .. ' . - no... -s ... .c-sn, vocers, MlUC'ii aindree. i!ial;a-;. Mar piam and Deal, oilie,. ibxturcs, ; o.i.- l::,,.or. d rhv and r. 'inpany iadt'iue. H.lnn,. J'ie.aMi, jev iui prep. : in. ,ic , er.::a n nucitre'i ii,,ii-irs. Western I nioll 'iilcvaaoh C- pob s :i lid. w it .-. 00c h ui! i -. I doll . 1 -;;"-- ' d. i ';,v" " -O . ei os,. , . !c ilisi I ic 1, 1 : u:-a;r;: thousand s.-v,-.,i hundred. .vi iss i ai lie i a. m-.t. ( our sr. CP 1 I ::: m lb yu. b'.s :,nd i dav, I'm iland lb til. ! tw ., t i,..u-:M.,i d.-ll-o-:: M. ?Iarks shoe .-hop, oil'- thousand , iieiiar.s ; r.niv muri o. : 1 i.os.-r.s a.m. i.vspk.v.nck. : ! T'd ?I.Vi , ! ,V!uZ,r'''T, ,7;,T"V;T"- I ! r'.'i'w sMn.iiru o. mru- ; ! .s, n,r a. have ..-.-r, ahic o. ascertain, j th-MohoHing liiMir-mc ',i,1,a,:i..s ;lav,. ; MiMaincit losses.-,. (..IIovn; i ; bondo,,. .w n et and ;i.,t,e f m,-. : 1 ir-iaaiPs F nil,: .iokmi' P ilars ; tally iiis-a:, iiisuian. -e 2-"o. j viuo.i xempiar s j.oto,e at Us- j captain l orno. ine owner 01 m- , " , na. onven Sttii J I. Sin.dieiiner, liiusic dealer l, )Oit. ; we.o has been diseoutiiuied'. i schooner 3lila P.ond, which was 1 head of iexas cattle into the Wall, .,.-U;?!i, !!':sV:::'V :11 U':iler (,.11 (i,r-lttho mtl, ofTillamook wa Valley. s(nh)- ,J . k' rArns'worth, grocer, ,0!H); no Salem, died at that place last week. ; T'y 1:ist Winter, has succeeded m , The AVashin-ton Territory i.eiiitM,. ' ' - ' ;,. 1 . . ,..... -,-.1 i mi i-.n.r i ,. u i n ,.. .--.. !.-....! 1 " . . , i i . .. 1.1. iOIIl.Uld K it,, i foe rrv-:;t :v( mi r .' . .. i 1 l"C nrst lluss House, l--! . i,)i.r,im,n. N..T ' ! emnne hous,. u l.;,.!, ' 1 " ' , Vt-i launching. j ot .November. "'t: '".!.V; ' L-iotht,, , " Vi ' : s,..u .i,,,,.,!. (in;,v o. v. i a st,.nrt t, , i Ar.-.viVni r1,.,!,.,. - ' Adams, of Cove, Union countv. tit- ; I,and Oliice ar Ohmpia inn-,.;' i . . U'm. IVthlcfsen, l-rsonal property, , X n C n, ,U Commissioners ; a t( . fro?n ;l inirir;. :n:J M:ss Abby Hunt last week' U'UeJ He J clM,t 1 1 1 " s have ordered a 'new map of that " -,,n;rf"V T 31lss 1;lst eek. Fern a, v KoU-rt. -rocers. 2N; no countv. ! ft l ,,v',1':; h..-r h-jr t.- , The amount of wool alreadwl,,-,, i,.,iii in -e i i . T , , ! tween tue ankle and knee Siietnus: , f,..,, Valla Yd!-i tl ; ' 1 YV Ahenifim. poultry ,ie;,ler. W A -on of John lloyer, of Trereh hmtlf IJIethe horses ran about b'O ; J J,, i to 14 p u n fs Mrs.'ii...i.ias II. I'earne, brick bmld- j settlement, had his arm broken List i i un,,,ints 1 ' r 10,m,ls- h..!r. l!.o.M:insiinii:ce 1mm.. i Saturday. , , , . , ! AVells, Fargo Co. have concluile.1 J. I. F.OOK1-, two frame bmblin-s, , T, . i ine binl.lm- formerly oceujuetl 1 to nlu.n .m ,-X.ress o:h-e in Tvo f, :,!!,): ..hi-ur:.iie.-. , , V , , ITo,i,-ry ramifactory 1v sisiers Silnv.l at Salcn Has i .lMll'lIobert C. lfavs his U' . Hiehar.lsm, and Cook, woouei, bmld- at Jeltersoa has stoi.ped work for the b:.on 1,,.,,,! for the use of tlie Mute i Lvlit ' iniis. i,.;h.. 'present. .. , i i i n i . iioi.1lO(1 ,i0ein. C M Martin -r.eer, damaged by!1 Scliooi. 1 Ins school will be reopt n- ,lf iVi,;.. , ' 1- ' . , . ' .1. ... ,i. it.... ' The snrvevsul,;,!, u-n,,.;,,!.,,,.,,,,. ...i tl,.,t t. iii.i;... n... ilf t i ne cdieii.s ot W hitman eoiintv COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, Summary of State News Items. irinnville College will open -r 15tL. rojis of sweet otatoes are in Jackson county. The Mcm: ! Sept ember Fine cro i frro Ain , c i Mr. AV. C. Ki.i:s is ccettin ui Ill, .1 11 . V . . i.i. -!..- js an.. lil' ... : ,.-,!!,' tor a.hiU-tOU COUlliV. alUl i . . . , , , ' i li:!V' :t -!j":tl-v" j The X.'nited Siatcs mail-, vil! Jtere- :d:''1 t'uni1,! i,l'hv,ril Salem and i 'Iverton six times ueek. j A number of visitors are at pros- , c . t c. u : i ', u 1 1 g a t .Newport, on laouina, ; , , , 4t u 1 1 ' i ng t he salt sea. ; l l:e amount oj receipts over ex i in biiimi county for the vt ar 1 t tiding July '21A was tio.) (!. j The coal shipped from Coos !.;, since the loth nit., amounts to L'.dJ : ions, ami r.imoe: - ii,.,,.-.; i...... The lir t term of the colh-i -e . Y,,.u. )f Vp,.U!V Institute ! '"'rH on Mondav, Septeml.-cr 1st. I 'll...,.-t IhPmr f.Krlv of this i w. , n.s to Me. "i -P-,,, d.,li . a. is m ui to m A.c, I. on tons, ami Ititiiber :T0.f.!eO feet. ; "'--n, 'a i'la.icisco on ine .n nit. . A little child of Mr. Callowavs of , r ; ,.tl. ,. . , -, ,,p,.,;. , i s 'i.'; i V. .".'.v"' ; f-i ,., ., , , , . I he S(J i t le rs on ( i oo i l' e b ' c ! , r , , . 1 "V , " . petitum o tne ,f:.ekson ( etmv Com- ini-spccers xor a count.v roau to t,.eir i vi:li-y. ' . , . T , I A little boy. son oi John jlovonr. f .. -, , , m ai.-.-. . l-""i -'.as c i ., . broke both boa-, of his fie-arm I ,-t : s.,,..t ... , ,f ( , p p , ; J la i. ( Hotel. Portland. : h,s been reopened. ,p,-e th, h,, by Mr. !.. A. Jute, ine owner of the 1 -- ,,u'-,,ili;'- Heme- j'.rov.-n end llobert Long. Ihdd hae been sent to iail at K:t- peue, i-i-arg; it viiiii burs.-1 arc and iareenv. Ti te l ( i nee 1 1 . . ; oc 1 . a 1 1 !i ri'iil ' vn 0.1 la (irande, v.. Thurs-la.- h,t. ?.o.-s, in -uia:,e s 'i he oje-osino.i h-t d: r,- f - Cornelius to Cor. -1 (.ire,, ni. . c ; .... , , ,.(,,n j, io r; tiie die of trade. O.-ie ii;-t. it; Albany has purchased 1-., ... .. , .. . I . ,. ; e:.; po . i . ' O rtug c, io or p,--he,r tits .- peine was tne jirlee p;dd. i'l -. i , , - ''.' ' on. now as ;i tcnipe :::!. ec t . -e o : -j a art . ,!' i . . , 1 ' i', 1 . . . . : . .,.! a .'in ii .1 :.. -- :u:::pe Mo-u-e. of P.osebu .i.i 1 uei i . : 1 f..:: .:. ;:j;o !,er an i. ;. : ' , . . p , ... i ., .. -, ,. i. , . . .... i . Pi located Iiy Peoe- thi-ov. - f , : wagon i; M.'.ndav lad.' ' i 4' V V...-1 1... ...... ..t l .. :.,...,.,:..,.,'...;,. . . , ' . ' hA did! v i . t : . . . , i i .1.1 - i I v . i t " . t u -u ; : o.; u,p up conn: r . r - , v" : , ; "iT'-::-' 'bn -mngand Aora- ham .vie.'.e. r ag ic i , t i ; , .u stuot :;vs, : t o at t end ( .or va ii l s Co pe ' l , A.ii. Meacham' has gone to j 'be lava l,"its. to attend to buncss ... , , ; iiV;l i"iis. to attend p iup.css i coppeeteii witn ,!e' .poeo' 1 ' 'u "! '-''"V '- i !i ( V. I P i . i-i ee. , 1 1 i i .. , I- P ! 1 !, . fT .ine name ot ine . .uitPUer P'it.i' ' Post OlUcc. Clat-oo Piaimp has ben : -d:.'m:e.l to S aside, C. -rp-mcl Postmaster. ! Last S.itnrd.-.v. Ered. C.dbeH xvbo I.ast, S.itnrd.iv. Ered. Colbert, who "f -t Chln hauled out ov-r tour hundred salmon. J uev I are now bein -,- packed in barrel,. ' Abij.ih S. Hendricks, of Yamhill ! coc.utv, who setlJed in tlds Kt ate in 1 lof'l, died at his residence on 'idles- ' day last ia ihe .th n-ar of his ag. ; 'idie contractors of , diich are l r.shing it I manner, and thei-e is : , that it will be linidie ! SJieciiit.'d. ! Mrs. Yu-ighf. rpi oh llnehapted Prairie, ; or.c dav last week. j r nrnia m:,; -aus,-d by u dog running; nguimt her i leg. Site i,: recoverhr' ran'idlv 1 log. Sac ia recoverhl- rap dlv . . -1h'-i.- L 0,;yf,;,rs corrected l:st of ; losses bv the lire of the L'd . p.l.p'es i t--l ut -T,1S2.:,; total iu- suiance, P'; total loss alore ,tne amount of insurance, To. UoU, and 'expects to cut fror.i his 1-unn over three hundred tons. - , -""""""' learns Cup- tain Coilin has received several tpee- . . ".,.;, leat n.- uiai i up- tain CoiMn has received several spec- trn Ochco in which he h-a.-.'s t;,.. lie also received fl,,ni Y:iiiuux. specimens of had ore o.-e.l to be rid, in silver. Tl . Tt is stated that the t-.ntr"-t 'or building a iail in Tji 1, s- ... . "'.("-o 111 -o'-mooK o.llitx n J ' ,l- 1 ';o.e. cro. is neighbors.- 0v"o.. V remarkal-le f.-,',1 h a 1 Avas re- found lv T. C. Lance, near i ,T:lfksonville It reset uhlos the head j of a rriv Wax; althou-h nnu-h I larger, boincr twice the size of that ( of a horse, with teeth in proportion, The !.re:.t (drove 7 ev Vo' has . . . - ... 1....... ,-! ...... .. . ... .. l.,..e -r. r . . i :r'.. -. r .... gl(), 11 ill J lOOVel S Iari.l . mar Ch-m-oe, which was , iaht feet :n le-i-ht. :lr. :d reports that the crops are b tter this year , than they have been since he has been in Oregon. iv,-ft ) J,, li lorth,nd pi- t ' ,, . , , , l. ' pels are full ot a.-eount s of the ' hu:r ,1 nil 11 I'll .i;. .'.l'o:FjLoo, bi-eaotli escape of a lad name. i J'.aik'-, v. ho g"t be, ottd the breakers, at the seasnle, at week. W e have tie-dto ham 'but::".- j'articular.s,' but nobody si em.- 10 know vm-ther !.1 1.1- 1. j ,!'tl'i",J1,',i !'i"i"i 1,1 ' uurdav about d o clock, a ' SJ:1;:51 lin- Was KlIi,tl"' lu a ,,t m ; Aurora, to bum some b, h. whh h ' V f ,'J '? T! iC t.ens thieateUed the tov.ii '.m1.i i.,.t t - )f :ltri,.st ..xe.-lou. t!a- thi-ces n.-re evtimMi--s',e. vi'I-o-t i-.ich ,--p e " ' ' ' " ' ' ' " 1 ' ' 1 The T.iun C.ettd.e Farmers' Idilm, " mouse at !. hi v. ,.i m iroi-d t ,. , , . . 7 " to, th- rcce t :-.m ot gram a , . i .. i ... e opening ot iue lr.o ve t season. p, o, :, V' '.. "; .. ' ' -1 : - 1 ' .s. f.-ci :t:c br rce ! .,,.r . " . ' V :d.!rnig gram a.v n.-i exe.IIe. Ore,,m. .IVom t!,.- C,,:-us ibTorl of ?. utef ue learn tiiat theie jp Oregon h;tv-p,,r boot ami dp., it pas lien Turn:.- ;e! v.i.iia .strata i 1 . 1 , -. , . . 'ope.; an: a in Census ib-ptc-i of M:i:i ami is- tabiishmee t ihat ta.-t :o-e. I be . 1'v,', ;i ;;'- - ' '.vorrh of I b...c.s and s .. ar;. two oti-rs. m.'tpii.;.-f.:r--.I .-.".i':'i voit!i. 1 '" .-".ui t.,ta. man .i.i i.i:--.l . : 1 h'.MJ. ii'tvil around t ,.vi. .PiTliej- th. Mitt- f, .ih:!.-. 1 M-ii.-l'.S II) J.' ': l! b '-'d o- ; O -:;, :,. -..-h, re : , ' ' '" :i ,i:-- ' ;v-1 m p .- :-t --k ' ...i .e.-:. ,r :i year or tv.o. 11 is . bdhcr ininks tin- repo.t la,.-, m. p.nn- ' ----.i.. .,1.. '- .."..I - ; ... ." !.. I'hii !::;( at s;n..o.- "r .t. Cover: or (Ji-.e, :i-.-s in ;;s .1 : ejsiop reg-ir.i.opr th- .., ati'Mi ,,f tin ' " a. 1 f e.-n c. e;eT- t i 1 VPi! ,1 P.f Pv a si . ....... .,.-f to! t ee ! bl ind '' v. re. that u pr."dani . . i , ...... i i :.. i i , o p a.:: v i t oi' r !.- i V ,p . . ; -.. i i ,. ... " be the eo-iuty s,. ( : ;.s po ..:-,. ilM :;r.s to Cmco r-.e.-: p- 'i a i:..;j rily m i ..!! .- '.'.-JJ ' .... .... ... .... .. " -'"- - i p ,, ,..e . - . ... ot ,. ,',., .,:..,:., ;) ..;;; ; t s:iV ... s ' ' ?1 . ! ; ,. . . ' ll ! " ' '-Pi . : p ! i ppe at ,. i are niak i ::p ' li?. T-t the .Nurt'im-n mip-owners come down Sou', i ..... . i i.i ;j jj . mil. -owners come down Sou:! and i : tn-y can !o t ::.-t-.ap.m. The -dati dies . j shw yarn can be man-ifa-hir. .1 PiP.-ppp ,. . - , ! V ( u-il5,i- trassportea to the -N:th, pay a commi-ion of five Per cent, for selling, be ,oM at the of Northern v.;,i..(;. i of Northern production and - : yield a i:ct pr-mt of five cents per ; tu . -, , , , . . , . : iUlh A 1 1 A n Uil ' - -trnlor- i 0,1 ,f "' ritn d-;)l'; - Itere, ami t hl t tiie North ot the cost of pro- dnctien of ; imih op.s tuere, and ; "-""-; i'u;e .,i ,,,, ;l ar:,;:, r ' i;e t;.o Nortk.-rn mills lose lueih-y; und whta the North..,.., h Jooney: and whta the Northern ! mills am doing th: ir best the Sh ,t ern -v'is v, s?i;l l,eC .,. T ". , - ' .f "s d 'dp,. 7 1 10I":ii ; ehinmw a.aod.liiili;;;;,;- : fact ttiv-rs ;f New Kngland fo-to th-it i or clodng your doors, ve'mu.-t eonie i "-y avi,ler.t.,l, and i jvas at to the haste ,nd eon- i fusuni that are unavoidable of such '. occasions. Tne injustice was d;sco--- i ered as soon us the Paper as m . occasions. j. ne injustice was d'"s ered as soon us the riP,r was' ip" ' ; whm, the demand came forasecl . i ofx! edition, wo took i-ius to ,.,.-. l- justice dopd in the V.n' i liremen did Lett, r sewh-e",,,- h'd n-i ... i-i 'uo1 behaved j ' theiuM-ht's more noblv than the I Oregon City hoy, and thev ...... r ' - . . i''t!eit! ' l f f " I .1.1 i.i... '4- . ? j the Septiam a pound. Again vr- s ; e-.P. ;,, o d- ; -,:"! through each daypual on in a swift ' Saluda factory have been shine t ' V11'" vil"ia f e. doubt but r.ngiand. and sold in M ae-beU ... . i b' 'u 1J."S. l't n. t'-antiy employtnl 1 11 '" : ' I -di"1' !l :l':'a; py ' t ti o Vent ,., M . i i -.-i...i.-.4,1vlv. i mui I'M f a laui territorial News Items. . . 7 e ! ' lul -Lnnisou s house, rioar Tn , coma, was Imrned a few days ao. s The be-.i Lrands of Hour ilr,Ml sold at alia A alia fur -:5 per h:lrr,. an-.voman. T rler was committeil in An trust alia Walla Sf.-;f,'snn, is jn. ul't their ability to raise toward building the pro le and Walla Walla lUi- Tle i, -;". learns that Fort Towi i .l.-l . SlMWi IS III ill1 11UT 11 T 1 1 ' ll'l ,11 r , ..... . i.,J nil i n, l-..,. vun.ll,. t; i, ' - ' -' ...Av iililliji j 1:0 . v .uiouio tune Wli ! garrisoned by legular troops-rr j ably live companies. I There is a report current that ' E. J). Titzhugh. the lirst Supo: teudent of the Jb-Iliugham !iay ( Mines, and founder of tlie towi , , . - J oi'liuiu-, has become insane. ' rol ,- Mr. erm- .'oal town of j Vancouver is considerably excited al(mt the u tart, mines e.p-t' of tint j j.iac. Ca pt. I'tirns worth has g,i,e iiiere for the purpo.s,- of s-leetue a j site for tisc e rection of a tweiitv i. ... ! tamp i The Whatcom (W T.j .VoMells ; of u family in that countv of sv, : person ti.e hea oi which is only ' C "M!" T? : ana tne oaa-t ot t tie tive children ti ,.,..i ... -i ! -r,, , t ., . .v , . r , I ' , s.iA-ndl having re- ; naved tfoni Its Umi.oriirv - i '-.!:, " ,ccaioiied by some bieakaw, ai.d having a O.g iue oi ltnnb r ou I . . l i . l - - ! tue -Ali.i :f shipping, is now readv ! t , ...... .. ,-e wvi,,., e. ... , . eonuu -ja-e to .supply th- i.oo.e ,i .u.-um. '' I 'i lie i". rt I.-v.ns. :id An, .- ca'ds for ; tne , r. cfpei of a Custom llous;.. ; h.silop.ig a: that point. T'cit has . oem. a -orl d entrv ier tlie ;lt - I t'A'-nty years, and the Oovei in ; las always rented an old uelapidiitej o.ii.. .:,iii. - ' IP 1 -.-. " T. : 1 ..rt 1 i ' .'..-.'-'-ii.'...-.i.'ii-iisieii,i- ! lit,r .. v. ,.,.-. i5, v,,.,liU lornou.iit- j but has air.-a-i" vnta-.! u lot and U-.t i the co'-.ti-a.'t for br,:l in-- -i chui-el. dr. Wnlir-, r.r Oi . mpia. is t 1 1.,' col 1 lid II... . i t.t i. J. t paivoiiage fur . 1 no r-.-me:. t ce'igymaii has ,tav,i,iy bee U - reeled. i rack la ,p ;s li is r..irlv lumiitii need j ,.P tie- road f o:n Wa:i..Ia to Walla I Waha. Ai-.,..c a mi'-- is now down. ; Wdt.i their pp-s. nt f .rce thev lav . a t dr.t of : mile per daC. It ' i.-. the , ?...,,-tat.o:, ,.f the conmai.v .-i .. . -. . . o i . , ,.i... i.e.- iiii oe in 'Ue.lllo;, lor i. e a ;:: ,e. I oticht t w ithin the next f, -.v- day:-. A few d: ys s;-lH.o ivtor Kinnev.son o. ,i;r. "o:.n i.Pil.ey, ol lvliePltat AV. 1.. avvil :d,,...t L'j.-'.,n veus. was ih:- ,e. f:.m a h.-rr-e and dr cT"ed i." i -ii tt' he was .lord. "When di..,-oven-,l on-,-' rope was found tied to his p showing that the boy ha.! made i tiu- r n t.'u- r pe ia.-t to hi-, arm before being tnrow n..p..d vv.i i:t tips manner itrag- g"' i over two Pi des. The .New Ve-p,.un:d. i ,,.e Aew W esti.un:d,r 7.,r,ih: I s - - i ' . . ' 1 v, ,,. , ; , , , , ; co;Mo.l:i, to eop-nu. t a raiiw.iv fp,u ; that p-ohp to the -t.?th paralleh The ; liank of California, to uhieh institu- . e i 1 5 t- 1'.- ' ii 'p; - , p-nv t. 1 n ii j belongs, is to aimnj' the "rV-qite 'aid , lor t!:e enterrse. ! ctr. i-.p it. Mapel, of Seattle, n- . t i -....' .... . . . ! 1 - ' 1: Jvi:itils x illit." cd- neaa, auo reiiorts coos in that ,ii;u iu ,,,p ul(1 lt; , U ear. Mali v 1 s,h irs 1 v r" ,UtP : taken up claims, and arc busily cri ! faged inrproviu- them. T hrou-dmnt. i faged improving them. Throughout. ."V"-" Vt'rT r'TVT5 t ! bilim '--I'g unable to 1 md a market for tlieir produce. TheS-attle .'A ,-, of the pdth ult. S;v-: 3'"or thep. t wo davs the Trus- i ; t,,('s th- S.-attle and Walla Walla leulroad ami Transportation Co. have : !,., i p, 1 . ... . j -.ntei to Vn " i fc I ; V '1 U'f U1L1 iheia to put a , V i'"Vm to put a i 1 f llr"'".r the field, and - US s"n as b'':'--:l th-reafter co:i- tra.-t for the building of ten miles ef 1 M January. I A S'-th-inan connected with the vs informs the 'iniu, that Ta- 1 .' i , i T l!f ' ! ;V t.:d aVenr.e from tic ' 1' V. 1VU iU v'y ! '"tt'niplatn'iii tor the country tram. l''n' leisUlv driving. A dock to vi..oi!.i.,i.,.u ior me couuu n.i' 1111,1 l)le:lsUlv 'hiving. A dock to later, Hit a front of bou feet 'U be constructed at once aud track "1'on it for the cars to go down to tll shij-s. 1 The Sfafw,,,,, has a great deal tft on any account.