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About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1871-188? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1873)
1 o '. . o rP"Plf?IP,r2Si"'?53a I THE IZrl 8 fcllrhSfeS. fllJt- i-BJUis-ati . nnnnv tf..-T i i i -- ORECflN ( U , OREGON., A I l.l ST b . ; NOTICE! . 1 The memlK rs of tho DemocmMe fount y ; ... . .. -..- .a......-.- ir- re- ( 11111111 ITT'" I or V. laCK.tlll as ... 'i " . 1 . wt S .IniO; . . . 11 most cue. to Onamvin- alio .mo . . - .si-ned to utlty .n toe S'.. ( i.o I too i I vhieh huihun-' as then on me Our : assistant Kn.uine.-r -',ven in -'' ?-' ol the Sal.u, enume ami nan. a nil in J arriving at foilianu m ,...nmm-tloll 'A Ull UK in, ui' i i . t ..i.i i i i i 1 1 :i. in tiit i ' 1W . i . Mi-(.i-c ir li r?i liii'Siiav . t i.tiiK-; lor our vi a. e services ren- ' . . J " 'i me eases i :n sf. I';ii'.ls sco:..l i. lurch. M.r,-ct i " '.o iji, i.ui'ie. t. q"vf mi mi lt'h -.t'-'ovioek ,... A full i dered in aiAin-in savisi-tho Sufharlos i ooc Indians recently tried have ; 7! II-,ST:-bv ,!l ' il v- I"lm v- 'H i, ' :', 1. (.(). p., Meets on tho w-r , ;;aan1A.ut...l. -I..'-' o.lo-vinrf ; Hotel and 1 feel that hi.t for I he timely j not been received at tl;J WM-Dovivt- .V-,K- Vu'' -Vf V!'"" Nv' '-,'n'1 Fourth lit. "rv,,nsar.'r.finiTs of said om in if t : it;iival ot yotirs.-lves aii.iS.dem friend laont. i..aud MwJhKi H. Por. t t his eity. dav eveiiin-s e month Av-V,y' F. llcl-es.S. Ilu.-!:.T,C. F. F--uli.-nllI. . it Vui!ld at tins writin-jr i- a n,a- of I Von- T1,--o T 4TT Piymriu ;.:i)rs pl-as coj.y. at 7 o'.-l-..k. in tie- d' ""S Mraiht. A.N011NK1:, hiiinnan. rni,.s. I am unaUe to stifiieientlv i Jl ' t "'-In liieX-int- j . Fellows' J 1 .,11. Meinhorsof the De-ree . thank you hut I will ever cherish vith j 0,1 "lt" inet Court to-dav pro- i Ut' UV:,r 1 , ar lAf arc invited to attend. in., ;noi s,Tvi' r U' are inform- juetul niemory the son iocs rendered : cr-i-dll:j;s were conHja-need '-.ini I Tlv ear.-s, a n x U-t i -s and mi-fort un.-s of , 7 . I", o.- the i oil '-yvot., I have the honor to remain I C. K. Carrison, AVm 1 l'..,.. r.''j l "t"" Imv as mueli to ,!.. with short Miinj; it il XOMAII LODCi; M). I, A.l ed that the mejniers ot tin. U..oii . . ol-edient ,.rx-r:t i....: i 1 '''c1'. J - -H. . : , - A- M n..i.:. , rity Fire departments u I, -nt -M K. A. W.ur, 1 e iV ..f "i i ou nhd V: ! , VV1" L v in ner.s nd .Vh;,! iliv i u,,.: -i-.tioV. Vm t hV-: and . I. . iiss stall' ol 111 e -eoiae x ... ....... . -- lv , M. :JU u , .u . . ..... , . i 1 1 ! I . t n i-.l. v, i , , 4 - Ha lUrf uh- ."o. ; - . : -se eiai i-osi.ioiis or irusi in IIl.S c)Ulll V . o.isiits, Lii.- noi.Hi ot Vice ,,. ,. ., . ,. , , , .n.rllii-. i,r-c Iri.lil ilusMllL' -''"I"' ...,,1 h., I...,.!,-, ,.i;;-i.n 1-.. .; .1. w:i . .. . . . - 1 - t-.I i.v la ill ily 1 roi 1 bl-s. or -.vcit. '1 l,y snr . -- , . . ............... 1 oei.i, o ii. S( ci. W H iV i n . .. . - . Kin street. 1 .tad I he me ' 'o--' ; and is ill-hi v esipemed for his intei-ri- V'i ... I ' .', ;" l"!UI -V s I illation, or j. -rplcved I'.V a inuitii.i.c.ry rioii street, n would have l,ecn much j ty aiu tho faithful manner in v.hi-h ! - ,U ' 1 1,'"m ihiiiroved and I ,.Ilt, r.ris, s. or in anv way overtaxed ,ore des ru.tne ua u , . - ,i:,s oiscuar-cl the Ihms the people j - ' - Jits hy.wician overworked, should ke-P up their stand,, fctad ol the niSM-s O-lilU UUIlu.n.sii ,, ... H.o. I..V I ... . i Sa VS t ie; f-f pi-v i m 1 , . . . .. ... .i ,. ...1 ii mo-iM ! i'e connled ' . ,,, . i i , ..." , , .- . , . -""r -ks v.oinfd t'J bv tin U:my us. ol a wliolcsoin. toai thousands, l;.ev oa.o ' , 1 cess attend him wherever he u -os. ins ln'ud e;i(K- -nil l . 4 1 1 1 1 millions of dollars. hih v,; r. irret j ' I . -; - L- v '.ni he talk.-, oi 3.1 r. Thousand. of persons thus eireiintance the n-cessitv which calls ua- i.osLo Srm h-in I.V I i.I.. 1 )r. V. 1 1 . 1 :..sS was ! T - V -. V 1 r ldnieiic'. ar .:);i!.le.I to up against, tie- ti iroudofthen, am. their h-.m unci, ; taken .-ry suddenly i last U cones- , m,t ((, alt t' tak(. ' 1 . the enieiuciiey arises. While e m , . lay Avh lie s, a no in n t he sale m :d k n ; lt, vr, : ,,!!....,.,. J " ot .usiie to detract fr.aa any other, fro1.t oi Fi,ll!s tt Strlckh rs store. ! 1 y- ! ' ' r VlC tire department the ju-t ti.ialc d j oausod hviiii affection ( tlv b-nrt It i --;--h .- i niy dl. Jen per praise, to w hi-h th. y are ju.-tly eiiti- I W)IS Se eial hours'o1(. , was al le ('t nt l:( iV;ll"'i' tol.o paid to iuforui-ll.-d. wo cannot hut toe i.--uor ol , to he r inoed to his n-.-idetr-e and at ' er:- U i ho T i easiir v i ei n mr t m, stn,.,.inx the nr. v.-h.-re it did 1-r our j (hlj. lt NV:;S thor-U the attack i .sh-ud'of in ' ' hoys, and als the Jurtner hot. or o: ,.nh! prove fatal. Al les accounts lie v . . .. t ..; .hi . .;, , k- a e .tr h. iiiu thus insirum. utai m nimi,; mi- ; lions ofd. .liar- v.oi ia oi pro; ert . W arc ii irmed t.hat som. o. our :.a n , were in sudi eh-.-c pi..imity tin- lire j lli it IheV ha to keep lilt n.selv.'S drenched to ! - (lit tin ir i lollies iloio j Mcssis. l'ope A' t.'o.'a store was when eatdiinu hr;;. j'hr, -e ehe. rs the Ur- j , p,. p( ...Vl.,. iUx,Ut.y Avas ,.,,ined. We euon i ay r ue iM-p.uiio.-oi. Mauk!k...-11h- mar.bue oniony j ofMr. Williin, F r,,si y oiOKm; 1 ,, j and Mi- Ma.y 1. i'ost m thiseity, was witness. o l.y a J. . r-e eirelc o friends al t. riadss i i.-. id i'h!i:h c-tt i dav . The iereii,oi: was ; -r-l ii hieu hy iti v. y r. S. ihuM.,1, u.-::u t a- illlpi'es -ivc ;.i: i I eauidul --' i v ii i of the 'tiureh. A ft el the ceu liii.nv WHS c. nel li i. , I . tiiev ritliliud to the resid. use "i the i Tele's h.oih. 1', W la Ic t lie v I eo i ed ; larue numla r o.'iiivii i I iiiciid-, and a(!i r ii -ho! t time h it l'..r Portland. We. in i m.i n lae m.uiv iticii of th- 1 !!!" trust h-r HI .-i s e .'ll, ue e p-i-h t 111- of id th r I ru n-t I.-. La 1 ! i: he 1", o e.e I ii ..clou i of adversity may ever ei, -s I h p::t Ii ' !' the I o Va:::, 'heal i s v. hi.-h I were made on.-. 1.,-. en,- 1 . : ( i . i a ! ; i;a ve h i- t ,, p. is aim i:-.s int-t-o t;;..ti ; pnt-eu'ecll v o:--; ): -d b-.dios of ev, nuiu on ;i rauu ii::. J-..;- t-.ii I h ; ;! oi i,-s. lie will make ;i faithful of- :. .. . . ., 'i,..' , , , F,anei-eo. :;..d ev..e-t shnlh lo n-jhoer. ; Icneiy . tll-iohei.d J. UUIi.- loin to l,in'i;i. tin: hoioe of Mr. i ! iicab.s alut I" ; : 1 . a ( 1 ra ; J nt Cio.'.y. ! Aiu.i: 10 Pa y. -An. .11 ' he I i.m: ran- e ; eoiupaiiies tioimr i-tisini s in oi; . ily i Ilia Were tin s.-rs li in- I'-! ; la-i.i : 1'iie :io th- Pa en:x :i:e' J 'i :ei-1 ; 's 'I'a.. f. ,r. .. i- 1 - , ' .. H.H1 . ,.. ! I ) . 1 d vr ?1.V Me. i. t', .,:' ;:- .-. ' an rea I v to adhi-' 1 h-i: l..-s. -. ai'u! not ! i-i ; a: i ; . ;r i a ; ' i. 1. M i h, v; is i . r. . : ia'taisciiv f-i:;.:e p...--u: am'. '.: i . I .1 -r v , ., , . ,. i.- ,.e ! n h rt i.e l- .it man s. i ft l io to o.'s J ni: r .tie - '. nt i - . n is a V c- : eo:..-t Hi! Cl.: a 1. ta-roii-hl;. M-h.d-ie. t mi '. , H i;n.. n p. in -a. ia: ;. :i. in. i e. n.-i c-i. d 1 l i o. lil i- l alii 1( C. i.'o- ! - - j is no 1 -i.e; : ; A i'i i V v. '. . r ill III d-li;t t Sea to eon ! I : i- 1 . v..:k is ; ic is ! it V-w i :... Til- c ii, p.,;, y hav- a d v it 1 for c 1 -t i-is s i !;. v ' i" ; a i " ; : : i .".s. and a; s. , ; ;:, y d sir p . , m . ! y .- - ; a 1 .- .-P'.i-n.-i.'i u.iii i-.- !.. w .;:-.. - ai tun .- ! i i t:. a is d an ! i ' t .1 r :i .- : - : -a.e ; v .-.-iii . ai I " l.l a-: ! . - i ! i' ; . i 1 1 1 a I e I vv i - - .e I h- ii.' -aia-iir' ,-oi:i. oi-.- i -1 : v lii.d :. ru- lac,., rat.- - t:... an; fa, w o: j W : . ! I .. . -. . r : e. i. . I .i . -a . , . i , . 1 1 : I . '. ' P.m-.-i:: r.v : 'on. --Whil F a-nt tin lo.s-i'o. X-.. 1. v.-, n d i iil'.'i r last Fri d ty evciiini., M r. Walter i 'l--:,, reseij- ed ih- in-iil'i -rs ofth- a i" 1:1 n ,- ii ! of hn- . i-it s. T!a- menu -r- iti .ii! . a . ij u-eiaii t i:n- u n a. u- i.t, i , pn st ii in ; h - - i i ! . h.d " ! ri im ti tl- ir Ia i!,!.-Oi Mr I" - a ! a- id- lii . i i!av mid that tlu-V Will leu.' ,-. u: .-. toe ,'ivei- W.- -.. I on. s'. ! lav, :.- II. IS, for V. hil il Wo ,;.e, : ..ill- li,;dd.S. - I "I. ? i ,-- v. . . . - - , i - . , T . .-. r ...... t .1 1 : . . . t- a lll-e aedi'dion to our! J ; .; ion . . - . . . ' . ; ii-i u u r i i ij i :ic . p -a. wiaiv. inn a en i t Kial- (Vi -i:. l' U . I , .-; i. ! : .ur tiiatii s !'or .-aoilar J. . v -rs. 'Fit stp.s-ri.-it ion list of th. K i p i-i: r i mee,-i-mr rat. a;l i. 'A- a--'i:e t.r f: i -u -s that il a iii 1 o:u , vor'o -: i v e t iieni a p.l per '..'" t 'i V o- !la ir s:., lot! i .. - . - ; !u.-ic by s. a.diau '.!s. l-r No. ,1 I ; I , r.t ' i: opt , j-.s Oesceh, !e, t ;e.,,i!f P.o;n HI ' 1 "" ' nnm - m-tit lomd. Ai.i.iNM-t:. -The Anti-Chim so A I li- .i'i,.r .ta.-u7.,7 : er t h- last e-.jriit iiiimi- rs Saltirday, and have entirely destroy- j Awsv.r .f me',naV, Vodu,-iiiu-e nuits at the Court lloii-o this will b. s.-i.t you, post-paid, !'r fu'. Address. J ed tho corn and oats. The wheal is : Clackamas county, .u. .si h, " w eveuimr. A full alt ndarav of all is re- ' J. I- Peters, .V..; i'.road way, N-w Y.rk. J out of ail i ian-. r." There will be flhe i " nested lion C !' P, t-i- will :.!-! -ess the Miiaiie- on the (ines'i.m .,.' j Cldre ,' 1 iaor. K. t th.-n- ! ,- a full V i . . i II' 'USt' I ..'vie T i k t' 7 Fit! t i! II.. P-si. v, ua.-! show hat we::;- in earn- i v . lit 1 l-T-fc fit. t . v 1 ' ' I nt 1 I II h utd. 1 . vm, t M i l, t: Pa s s l N l "ss. Tii fellow- . i-: was transacted at. h- Land o.:i.-e i,, .his citv d. rimx tl-.- nmidhof; p.,.. , ..,,! . i, .: -... u.ate'n e-rt!tiatos. Id.- acres; i h, ni--te:i, ii!ii,s. 1.771 a 1 1 i i ea, I l I l . l n toil - i : s,.-,.' ..oti-i.-s 7.-o . s: a tin., eats; l pi s lih-.P din acres.. . id . . ' " ... ' I nent.s fee. i -,i on di. nil-, in eon hi. ''- Ne.d il ,met'-ad p; tent. 1' vi ied p. No. :;;-. Ni.w Posioi i iei:.- We hn r, ( . iv, ,1 h. t'.ee Pop., M .-. II- hard t iefdes, tin -stni.isp-r, thai th- el-lee soniei iine s-'!i-e es;a! li-'hed at Smdv. is now in1 I-- oun n alio tuat II,- malls are leeoiv- T..!some, : neuhural eoumrv. whi-!i "is rat.idfv -td:, p with euiierams. " ; rap, n and t ;.o ti, . ,,.-,;C o I'wionv iiam.s "ANiFi.AYoare ; miornied that tin- Supertnt. lah nt of ; .-ciaetoi-yin thisepy ,h si r. -s a n u m- j 1 ' ot htiUds. ,. Sl i so b arn I hat it is ! D- i;teutioii of tiit v.n.'jai.y to em-' V' t. Ki t those in of work inake applied on a ...a-.. In the Ore-oni.u, ot'last Men dav we nti-lth- iollowi, c-mi'lhneni to the : orc.n Citv Fire Department: The o--,... 4 "it v Fire 1)-; arimct rosoond- 1 ; io,p tjv to our ry f,r h- lp and. ". -'ht the Ihiuies v di, the utmost -al- in trv til! the .o.ii!a-:a!:o.i vv-ts. o,h-,t ; - till' lelllleSMiiii me Mimes . T it!t!vt!l!theeo.iila-:ation wasinih.,! I r " .. . i ( . , i 'int. i.. I ataraoi and i- r '-s-n the Moialla. about fifteen j ' to m this ,-jtv, was Hiii.w n from ': t '-.,r,.. .,t s.,turdav and severely. ; ai-h , t dan-ei-ou -lv in hired " ' t '-,, , - 4, " ' i t ' 'hi t:un St se I , , x- i ... t W, "-o. 1. t.u-ets next ;.""-d.,y ,.vtn5l C-.tarait Ibst i nn.i-.-t i.taraci ami la:...,t:.m Hose . p.,. w;ls Uv,Av aT1(1 thpt tho t-c meets at IVitland to-morrow. It ; Th Popular sir.-in--Sch.xd p.k.k. ': :;:'.ip s ware out iast i- ridav even- , ' ' i . , , , . -n i -t t - it t "t - t t -t - w ? iia," praetjei,,- Tho leys are 'in 1;Kn v'rt V--d fr-:o. Had tho is hoiad that every county will be J- Y 1 I. Is. I'J-d i Ivl. s. - trim, and wo-hl -ive th- ti-ry th -nd 'hnr-j:e been true, tlie tiromen would i represented and that its -proceedings PrK-e ST.. "o si.i;;if f.ipii sent, P'rlZ "Valkmd - h;nt' W ?i hi giving the fer- i ty be cltaraeterized by d-gree A,,rss 'Z.' ; o-faii ; rvinan a duekimr. ! of liaimouv fo nocs.-;irv for success. ' 5m ii-e-itiyy, i I , A u -ust St h, Im. .ewor?c a oa-nKii.-Mr. Warn n Fisli. who re- ( Jkntjial. Tho St ? l .'h ' ,s n":vt dda-iav ev, i;:n-r , V)i l''n''1',rn' '"Ody ne,tin-s. y ! f litiiNni.:..,, ii , , , I ' f-di,av -" oian.i and I . .I1-- Mdh-y tldsuV.k 111 iht5r i:it up - I ; i, . ' '--I "S.I'l'K, , 1. ' '- rMt T i n ;;Ul:i.v started - " ' '" ' this week. : o Titan k. Tj- T. Uarin, Secretary of the 0rt-11 CUy Fire T-u-tmcnt, re- tho foI)mvjl lett WJ. , speaks for itself iii behalf of the serv- ronip,,ed by our 1)ovs at the lv,rt. land I in: hist Saturday: j Poiv:-i.AXi. Antr. I'd. 17:?. To thf. Orkoon i li v 1- mi-; I)i-:r'r. ,;KNJ r.i:;.iKN Assumum t his'i-ei hod, . ii ..- i. o. ...a.,.., i.. .-. .. ..... ..; ait. ' - i . . ' ' i j , , . . : nicru w. ...... ..... .....a. . ii,u. j .- . a t, . . (, Treasurer: v.iuv 1 1 1 'l " 1 1 ; at tne last term of (V,rt. fr. MH'ar- i v.-r proposes soon o take up his home ut T:eoma. where his :o:(() ' fatlur lias ! aivf rrril .-t:iU inft-nU Iii. h.l 1 . 4l,.;,r v.,.m ..n.T . :o . ... ; . . .;.... .iw a . i . Al ., ' i 1 ! .1 I U1.1 1 .-.- i i 'il.ieun iv 'a n il ,1 In F.uiain. V' were in error l.-wt I Is receipt : l i . t on i la t ion t hat val u . . . . . . I ., 1 l . . . : u . . e ... iii i wee;v m slat in--that the prosi. nt site of ., ,,, ;, ;,,t th.iiip.e soot wiivietiu- - iMirn sio.el was wh ie li. v.- st-.u is ! heicMdenee ot Heuhen F.s.p. i'-haps t , ... Loss. Our v. ill ro-ret to h-arn that t in- h i:.,w citt.i n, Mr.J.T. ! 1 1 hiis..!:( r, !io ri sides just helow our ei'e, lost v.-rv heavilv in the i. it It r.i i; re. Ih- o i. , i lui ii iiie. ui'el- ! it'-us ai-.d the I hdiiiii-- know n ihe - W H..C Cheer Ih.-tiM. tie est una., s his i .sses ;,t ai.oui twentv tiion.-.aim del- ! " j ! Aitoin i pp.-The County Court ap- : ' " (' F l-"a'de to the posi- ti-u, of County Tre:i,.un r, in p-lare of , "i . .'. MeCalVei', Mr I'-eiltie 1 We an inform- -1 that tho el.. sin- ex- : , er -l.-.-.s ,,f M iss Kihi (ie.-r's ch....l last i y v in y,,. p: v, Vt ! ,. ., j ! e re -I i n j. i a i the pco ! ve !1 tii-us, d i : - i - ...n...i.. ....i.n. . I.. .CI-.1I Y I. Jam. i-ooiv leek a : Toll last wc-k. ! I ! piirorjahts from Mi and six .-in.) a half d. 11 ;.s in com. i' r w. :!.-! Ie is m.w si.rvin; :; liny.s in the coiai.y p il , PhtN-i Pppa i; en. - We ! ar:i that the standard. . I ills al M i! wriukie. a re un- .-' ' i - . a r-a ' a-- ii.uii i i .air: s i of, .tir ei.rj i nters are cur !oy d oo (he ' NV.'t'k. I . .. . . , . . ." . , ".11- . ...... T 1. ., M .-...-wl 5 , r, 1 ., " . '.;.. . i , ' 7:' "V ; : i i .- - I t i a ....... i ... i .... -1 .. 1 T a '.- .' '.' "'.' '. ' .' . "' , . ' ; l I ..-.ia It is i...t a-hint; d f, u c; ::u: hi hit us. eiop. --If -on wa'.nf t" loprh : t.- a. lead -t.-r.V 'at ti:- fealliil pa e--. i n e ; h i i cm-- and J.ira." on the Wt-d-iha a:'. , : s i . p, K. , . . Ti,(1 i;!i 1 ., uf .... w wl :.t oii-t- -I--.-:::!.! liv er !? Wednesday, j i i e !e,e:i uso e:-..p win soon , .e n in- . - ii.iit S. it-..,. .!,..: S; 1) P o.e ..... - !.. oo-n a uULl ,,-hool s!n rt 1 v. It's t I t " 1 I i ' " 1 1 1 . i ...-.!.. , :,. I! .. M 1." 'a,-,--; ti of i - "' - '. , , ,,.,';:!;' l"''"'1"- SU": 1 vei.ier, o.v ia V . .M I . a no v . P-: i i:us- ,Dsie. t. ;-1 ti i.v, N-. P to : ...... i ... a ,1... I..'l.... in..L..I ...:..,-. ' x- .- 1 wav-,on-..;eaorns H:lvs ! .,ind.r,ie-i.,;,e,.s...:;-r-i:-y ! ''.-i.i,- h, . -.-.. 'it -s , .nr,SV'e:;V''' ' VP 1 : i':iV,',. i . .-ink. I ; V:''i i Fo.-t a ml t a.-t a My i.-ve si. . p I 1 i II eol 11 - m ! v d'-ar-'a met IP-ar 1 ie- O i-: i- r; i -'s s- , i a Ail i ; . a r ; n i- n i . .on- i ' ! .:.. ' i. oi.i 1 1 Hoars. ...or--, e.e r-a:on... w n.-on j on cm n secure i he above pi.-is of New i ... " i 1 irsi;--i:r: t. Act. laisi Saturday ! .v1..l - :m. - .."iTl.l.-..:ii.T'iM-.'-e.i . . . . ; i 1 ; v i t.i i i ' i - - ."Iram,;, ,1 at I '-o:t hind just tllt.-r tu'l dat IVe-i.aml just aPer t"' riied!-e,.ased hml vvoil.edl.ard jhtv. J i .o.I f..-iTl f-db- ail dav .m.l when in ! .' . . . ! ;-' T P'oin- to his I .oat. ho iejl oil some hut's ami vtis probably i . -, . t - i ui can-lit hetv( oil and tirov.ned. Iho ., -, , .. i . it , ('..roner, I ms. Irynr, oi whom the , , ...... .... .i n... ,,,.,-.1.. ..n.-h to i,vn.-..,.t K..t.-.ri sine- i I - 1 ' i idonod :i jury add l;ed an Uiqn-'-t. I.. ,. . -i ; i on u;e person o; mo ni-.u nn.ii found -12 00. Of this Dryar sent 8 -0 to iho family oi' tin: deceased and (p0 i,ah,nee for his fees. This, . " n . iii wasjiiitho inopev mo iami:v n.ui. " " i lh" i 110 li-hl U 1' ! l'"n.oll. 1 1 w as no Letter than steal- ; inr. Wo hope (hat tho Xultnoniali ' County Court will iiivcsti-.tte this ; matter and not allow such a diirrace I t ( han lllon the rood people of . , ! u'"1 1 -"('e j Ixctirjii-cT. Several papers imb- ! . V ' ! 11 ',1,:irt'" :'Ptst the forryiuttn ; on the Jau-tiaud f.-rrv to the eP- -H J , t .1 ' - vf 1 V ' ! bout t.iOulM-t ,'ire frm th "ha went so promptly to the a-;-i.-tance of j fl , . , .L ..... , : tde Otp:o Oi ti-u cay. Ihis charirc i ,,. , ,, , .t . the .OtV:e oi tuat city. Ihischr h , 1,..,.., dr..-? ,1 ..-.7 ,"4 . . ... ... 1 it i i . - ... i .i ,i mi ii, .luu ll is MaiOU llUli 1 press thron-hout ; tl.eStuto has enc-rallv approved ti . 1 1 , ' . l' 1'OIK'. t( t rtct laonuidonf in honor of John I'le'uine the Fiom or Th iet-ref fh. ' t' li.C 1 iOIlt irl 1 later OI tin. ..ortnwes.t. . , .,.., . . Vv'e luu'o those who havert-et ived siib- scriptioii li -ts v. iii do their duty, and see that everv printer in the State- 1ms an opportunity to subscribe for ' . 1 . 4 this object. . cml m your li u .soon us possible, as it is desired to . erect the monuinent before the rainy ; e;rson t-et.s in. Telegraphic News Washington, July 30. Tt is stated ! that mlvh-es luva 1 - ' , ! count v, on the LTth ult., by s. II. -,rmird Uiat ..a, ts Jhle been received at i .1. P., Mr. P. T. Johnson', oi In I-,,-" V' tho ar JJopartmeut that tho Alili- ! lo Mrs. Olivia V. Hansford, of Lewisvill -' tary Coraniission ut ln-t Klarrml't ! a11 of 1olk Ctu,!t' Ur'n'" fnind all t!lO 3(,loo Indians ,m iU ' Julv rJIt, 1ST.;, at Payne's T.ari.!i:i- !.v .ruilty cf murder and ordoreil !,., i ! l .a,,,, t . V- tuebl si,ot- -Later 1iih1ip--.s of tho : 1 . . .....: i - i rr- t , . . , . - "V -i-H amount of del i. t llscoverod win 1 1 1 . 1 ) Vx-.liIN(r,()I, j, "' " ".,u, ' "'ir- 1 "l' 1 V'1 , f vv, receiv- jei.v, id recover f-oli . ' 'l I :- it'll, r ItjMl:-V lvinn utL.l- las- It is l.elievod, however, li " '"""!-;ust t. IlioCom r.u-' ioi.. i- ot i he (oMieral l .iin.l Oillce oi utui lutvo i.i'en dis- covei-ed by i.nuy olueers .stationed in .Vliis!; a. YY AS-n-vOTov, Au-tr-t 2. Tho thv- err.ment i;i-. mo-it oi ird; rest oil I'-p K;p!ro.d l.ond.s am'uo.inted t ,!(!;,.!(:;) total s;un paid f..-r iutei-st on tlies, . n -.1..... holms, ! ,H. .i?H. ...r S.lh .(iod. (nK! more than 1 ho 1 .a ;s ha ve t paid l v Hil ls xniatioti OI trooos allli Iii. -li s .is t i.v N. Y.. An -'nst 2. In tho three mile me- for yl (.'!) ',,, i I,,,.," i ...f .. ir ..... . " . I.'-iV-. i . ' - 1 ""-... -i-nm, ...:. .-,i:v.' i. oi : ;i , it- t . ,t '.I. 1 he li o,-7o j ha", a do'tl'le-Jeaitod o,liori il on ! jh-nu K-rat ic part v and it - allies Ti ai". e. li: bc-jins tilh- i.he ! i n .... ! j s.i'lies of the J )em,!t ic jiaiiy, at the pn-aont til..e, uj-o t o Juoro ' or J"ss tni- - thin-- to do is to eii'-oiirajro oil!,- , . . . j lea. rcso.utely to maiir.iiin i h-ao -r.d ;c ideas of polfica; j doctriu, Jo: llt.i -. i.el.ioe:.icv call bo I a:;.-: n ii :a. e ; 1 1 i - e. ;'i vl; T a 1 1 1 ti a I hlild, li toihIS of -ovelllinent 1 I ' ' 1 I I . , ' . - . V11, 'V, 1 ' ,;Ut,!" ltl,Ji''J tl,:tU s";:l ! l.l :.!. s.'.v e..:". .Vu-". i. V ;.'rahd jo j e.-tioii c.;i.-ia - ;i!i I ball v. iii b -hen ! at the ()-,,,:, !:,,,.,.., J..,,, jr jt:a:i,-!i. "u-.t h.itah',:V o on:?-', i'.,.i- tl;e hem.'- i : 4. i' i: .. .-. -. . t ot oi tne Fortialnl, Ore--;.., S'liiCl- I ... I )..::.. . ..a . I i ...-.I... .ii x.i.t:.,, i.u e i.ii j or ro-spi.ait ()f ih.p t i ..: i . ill b.; in ;.tt -lidnoC.. i Xi.w Vu;:-.- .i:-,i-t (',. Sojcdoi i ?.r,.rto:i h;.s addi Morton. h:i I Holes to l:ia j iiiti of l'riv- a -s icintes i;n the I i.ial !'-ii ..-iitJUs. i!'iii:'::ii,-' a ' ii . -. . . - . ! ha- aili- oi t o'.-lllltee m as i-j, thi lie: 1st e tf.'I i :ei' i.e-' oil lie: 1st el O.-lahe;-. lor ! lo-.thi- oi Ih- '--.e -1 I 1 - ' " I 1 a,-. f' in- v. - il i si : t ; I i i' . ! . ' V.ieell Si ,-:.,-. I l-!l.ll!a' l.l t.i 1.. . ..I. ... , i I I ) -1 . . : i ! - ' a- ,o !! . ii.-.; x M'-.. .a .il Vi-e l'i '.'idont. It is itltejale-l to .'.;Ve tip. soss s of the 't-mroittee ,,. ,ow ork a jan.ho c lairact-r. and, .--y-i-al C -n ti:::lh -al Ihwu-i-s' and . : ,-i-s on t ,i i s special .sul.toct Will he H'Uir th- Co'amirlec (.'ot.I'M ! I s. vhiio. Aueltst (i. The j S-? tie i ,'at u Convention a.-:-..i- I l.h. I 45... i. .. li . . '...'. to. n c.i l:ie v,pe. a !( ,ise tUis i a o r : i - 111 - .-eitlil n. s.-nt- ! I ..,-. 1- P., ....... .'..I , t, !,. at :, !is. i. Ji.r.i,t. oi ! lamiipin. was e'.-)--en I lap.uarv Chaiiiiian. h- made an t I ei,i;-st speech, i r '. :-. I !P : ' a n in-f.vp 1 ih' t ho eot.iill.o cam oai-1, . a:a 1 i h i a re -reainess , ( tll,. ,(.m!. j t'r::.t!e pa ,-y. j lo wah t.-. I tin ore to ! -: ai.loal 'that " the Old "Hard dies i 1 ,o - ,. ' i but lien ! M,nv: i,. j ('--.! Mi.. Al".-.-t 4. Fepoi ts fro.n ! f, ,..,. I i .. :.a.. :..a.. ' ami po.nis . i tne , or.) part ol tne ist.te sav that - lass- 1 - . : crops. I i lie break r-Mior.-od in the m.nm- i 'I.'iill II' I - I I ' I V I Tli I i . i 11 . 'L- ---- -.-1. -cit.v-ji x u - id' K.tiJroad has bee- full " reiialiei! i T!u. ' :,!oria .porte.f as fearta, j i witi, raid, sleet and hail combined ! !. .... i lie Ih Some 1 dae-s Was i-.i e.l no I -a . f... a Pi.rl, 1 i - .. ' i ! -iMiiin.i: (,cn. Hu'dor- , , , , . ...w. ..... .....oo. .ii.o. . , . , 11 -u 'J'i -' .ironerais. vat) nii-t imeti .sn; if! IT' " t'.-lst 1 101--.cs niel ,i'l,,-,i-,ris,i , r- . . ' ' , ! 111 .-1. ......,., Ill nil" l.ue.v 1,11- j proved ii adi nt vie, has been d-tc-t- ! rd in a snndl pin::.- of .-teal iip.; to tin imount of thirty thousand dollars. IS IT .'-iff forest trrovo ; elianros the editor of tho ' 7 j, .w(y, Ilollr.dav's or-;an in! uiK.tim (.ouuly, vilh desertion -r ryt r w i r t . , ( f j ps fauiilv an 1 s.-.vs tliat ho voted i for Greelev'last fall, lt is stran-o of ! , pat 3ll:;i Iiieals make their editors. i ,.o)r tt;,-..,! l,.,s ! v-oa-'.i-i' ....... -i o j . - .... ....... jis ehan-od. mid stccovd.imy: to i - , t. u " 't t n ' - '"' " ( i to the name of John II. j :,Uu.hi:h We do U-d know wh, tln-r t... Tr e.,,.,. fo). Hi,...,,, or IIiiM-le tho 11. tddos 101 iiiiaiuoi iiipiut. - ' "IV.,.,...T..4P, s'i ( Central ftotrom't- J'aiei.u:i . ,.i. v " FrnxuntK anu P.kppino. W;l,!t a r-,,,,r vr "lr",a SuU" a I,uro i Curled Alattress. a Spiral Sprimr p, ,i or a Woven Wire lt. d. jro to Hpuokkv A Si'iNPLKtvs.oonv. r o! Sd- nnm ami First stieets. l'ol'tl.tnd. Im -..- TliC Kllicnu-isc fertile Campaisril. i e will furnish the KvrKRrr.i-!: fnun th Kt of Amrii-t until after the Or to-, Lor el.-t tion for the sum of nttv cents. Wo hopo fur friends will see that the paper is in th-hands of t very voter in It- the county. It is our purpof to w in. ,se to li-:ht jiaiiuieo. At Hip ri-shlence rif Si IT ncr. ?i .-.I i i ..i. ...... '. ., . . ' lil.H 't 'V,'1 ' ' '," 1 -y -Mr ' ,Y''i'T,1',HSt to Miss .i.-irv C.iculm-' Payne, all oi Clarke I county, V. T. i . , r. . l . . .. .t ...r....! . ...... . .. . r . ... . tue uer, ui.-.ur.aue.-. 'i in- iKjw.-l' l.. .. i . . .. i . .1 I ii ..u.ic.i ii.i jioe ii' tin. i i.v n.i.i mono- urn nia ar anions t !e-s.- distr:-Ssin j truiis. it is, therefore, of ki' :,1 iaipon-.n-e that persons wliosj liiiiuls arc opnr '.ss..,-t with ol or ii aic. d i Hi- cult i.s in vvhicli th-y ;irc involved, ami 1 r. hi ; a t lieir st r ii.t h, le-al! h ami 10 --i it ;i 1 e! -arnesrs, 1 y Ilie r-,Jldar us-' ol llostt Ut r'.s X-toaiaeli I.itt-rs. IKs -a.s.-s which ar prone to ilLtact tin' b.-Hiy w Ir jl U 'aiiiah il and l.roii-ii .iouu iy . t-auiert Iraiu work or e "ua u: i air physical labor, are kept at hay hy li.e res.s! .1 1 a. p...-. r ivitn Wl leii lilts i lie im paia i i I o. i eicioivs tne n r oils -t ...n ami tne vitul o'V.tns. At Iniss ,!.-.! n, wh'-ti I ii- h-.-at is i va j icra l i ti;;-tie- . I. iii.-iii.-. 01 sir 'ii;:tii trotti ev ry p.u-. oiv;..-ora:it is a.-.s-iiutely es.sei.i ia 1 to ih .'ii-t.v aim eo-ntorl of th mali.", at.d is r -ipiir- - ii i veil by I h 1 1 a ii. - roi nisi it i h- y u sis- t o a- e i t n-ii al ill i i- c . pa 1 'i I a i s iii siatiis'iuo. li i.e a ( an rs-ol Jlosi-tt rs lait.-rs is p i r" ieni iriy us -nil at this p. nod oi t a- a r us a d. i- iic- auai iet tie- inv is iiib' dis -as- atloat ia a .-ii!!y ataio.ij.iii r-. it is I ir - nio-i pot n! of a 1 1 pr--V- ntivc ned-ieii;- s, and lor all eoinp'eiicls w liieii a:'.-et lie- siou:aii, tie- i i v r ami tie- 0. w. is, and iiii.ii i niii;. i:. '. v.i;'siioaiiIU I assimilation ol ..,:. ii is ine st,.n.-'.-,r,l l!iteil--r Willi t!.' p -reel d : st ;o:i at.d Itlivir i : i.i ill :i :t . Anion;-: the new and s'lcc-sstul rmcdi. s, noae 1'ii v. exi-it-d .- latieii woink-r as t his 1 " wl ' " -.-'. 'o nr. -lose uniua i toi,.;s I h--.r. hit -i prodia-in-- iin r liable eviract. of the -r at r--m. ..iy, which i "..w - r oid ami sm- prisiii''; results it-.i pa it i ia: in a Woi.'l-r: ul 'iurv'.-'i:'s'-d it. "..'i's, Vh ..tli l-'ra! o. " 1 1 s.i a mi i i: : . . u i ioi i i a i i who a.s. 1 i ii-itey A. I 'o., an; 1 :n:!. N'.: i:::i,i :i i "i.e.! it oh" u lit ii 1 o-inor-ro-.v " wild s,-!epv. t'oiil-.s. ( o!:s, arid 1 .ranch a is s.,,,i; Id In' ! :. a . d ' '..a ' if ' " - to s-nv !-.u,isdi ih-- lrn-r- nr.lleiTnpii.i c in ; T an. la-. WisTAi.s p.alsam of U ii.o euiaiav .iii ;ur.-ct. ' " - cur s, as i n,.i, sa m.s nave att. st. d. vu "V" r i .- .... .. ,. . ,. ( ',,,li:i, ,::.. ., ,i, a r.t s a-.-i 1 1" I. - :i I o n-rs s ',r ' " l-- ' U,-." lo lior-. s Mil l (;.!!. i llial jr..Z.' i a -s-iimu.-r thi-V -should oiilv b. U'v. a in wiT.t. rands;rii,;:. iiiie'-r.-. S'it:?iirs ih.i si-rve! i.alh ! aim-, piiv sic-Oi... su-l; and mi'i-nt :. n a.-d .'.... i' ,-i i -'-re li -r -. y 'i n in r-- . It I a- .1 d I au' .a.o..v..- .1 .a'.-..oe J .7 II ? 'ti .'f t to ii. iii- i i ut rn.-i i a: id . ' ra..i iauiil.v . .1' ii.i a ii ' - .. . l ill.eiiici.. 1 . ill. I .1- i-ri. ,-. ' "' ' h" v ry i si pi-.oto.'i iphs, -a. i-.r.-ei- ' ouln.oa's i .al r W.t iiout- s l Allis --;-"-' "" !-aio-, pjti Mont-oincry ''" '.an 1-ram-i.-co, I a h 1. .re ia. Prcftfi-icnrd and Aruat .ar i..a5 -a- aid es:uiii:i,- th 1 ! .; -itioM s' --.! . . . .. i ... , . " . . . . K . i . . . . i wi i ' i h . al P. - . A m. ,-:t P. ; ie .-. i . .., ,,r 111! l-r -a ' I o n : I . , p. 'iii!. i:c:.!an. a ;. o-iioa-soio. not a a:i j. 'IJ K i't '.No. , !.- -o.i pi, lone- piano, i.-a v. hi n -v rr-por - p.min-r. s - ad- Wi v r:i mi aa in a;m: d.-r jiduma. ;jan! :ma XEll' TO-DAY. i ? ", i.' " f S i ! T ii I O.I I o ti U i L I 4 .V V PFIi.-i )V Id -. pa ,1 s , o.' ii-n-v ! ir. -fih ey-nin-r s- e-...:.s m th- .rasu- ",;:r ' i-'1"."" '"! ' 1 1 " r, , a, n con - lo! ! li.- I i. :.-,; ;i , on 'u!i,-iy -. ( a 1 Ii a r 7 . e 1-. k , I a i rooms- ; .- -.- nt -eei,- t l"d n t ia - s a al s -h-,ol. Pell i n ; hi a.-d urns ;:iv!i as ! s;i ie -ct ..i sea i.v tau-i-id, tn;", r-Ui s .te. st I. ; a-, .-. i - I'fjihiiv Ass-ssop'n .!,.'! JK ' J 1; h I;-V C I VKN TH A f o N ll,. I' "I si h-" -'ar! o, I'mmli: zal i-a in ar.-.i to.- t !.. e,a;nf v .,; 'Pieita mas, ol O,-, i ,. will mtet.d a! the 1Pe-ol ' 'aaty t I ot sild couth v, ami l a -j ; ,.., ., , , , , , tu'i..-t I.e A.-s s-umiu hop- and (an-'-et ail ennrs in -' mat ma,.;. s.-r,:-l ion or una ht i-s o! lamls. p ,r s or ,.: h r prof,. i,v. and all p. in- fr-st-il -ii-.- Ii-f-lv cit": .- a-.n -an t He- . : I ..... . i ' ' . -M IJ S I O New, Ercs:i, ituil Sottrklhi;! T P 3 5 C? T fc " fc U i l it . ik. ... . l Mar -t rv i n "n- l-... r.-. i ah Vi Conventions, Singing Classes. , ' Church. Clioirs, AMI TitK IIocic Circle. B. T" n S 5 f- -I r- j I litai feM J cd3 a trl F.Y S. AVr.Tit;C MUIT1X, ,i. m. n ru,i.:i ax, a n n r. .'Hi;'ipTov.-p, ''ri tl'-Urt jtrr J ur. Sin-ilv coji s srnt, poU- jx'i'i, ; !..;. AimilKSS : J. L. PETES.?, 50 J Ih-caJvaj, New York. IOJi SCHOOLS. FAIR Y"V 0 I C E S AIIFAV SINCIHO-CL.S EOOK. Oh! I' AM) AUKANOK!) j;y U'tr r r V Ti li 's'S' J'R P,? ' 's r . .i ''l.?'' Al,l,r S' "" 1 ' mi i e, ,1 ,va v "' V,'rk- . . R ra , . . TKEGOHOECHO - my WIFI- it'isp II WIVf; I EI-T 1. my b-d and boar 1 without just oauv r provK-ati'in. I h-r.-lv ivc notice that I v.ill in.r b- r- sptaisihl- for any d-i.t.s con- trai - ted by her ir-ni and :itt r this d if-. kio.vahd i.-od.insux. Clackamas county, duly 11, lsT-l. aulwl. TH TP V't Tl M?sJ 1 v UVUt- " oron Citv, July t. l Teachers tl-sirins to apply for places the or -non City Seminary, will be exai in- d on Saturday, Au-ust ft. Is7-t, h-tiinnii in exam ri. IS7.1, h-tiinnins; at t i) cloclc, a. m., at t h- s--inireirv. W. C. .loHNsON, City School Supt. IV. . I 1 1 - i I i ....- . ... ..I ti.... t . . . COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, TJiNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SOCIETY X0 TICES. IHMVov 1 onr.i. . . - ,. . . Meets i-verv TimrMl.iv vv-.-,-.. ev-iiis,.r ;lt 7 o'clock, in tho -r&"- d,l 1 lows' Hall, llni.i :T--" street. Minn : u.i-u . .i 1 1... i ,. -f. kr arc invited to attend, liv order x ,; .-".-. uii at 7 o'clock iioiu tieedih of Sap tember to tite it, nli of .March; and 7 ocloc; ti-oui the ift.Mi of March to the -i'.Un ot Scpieiniar. ihethn n in -rood stanum a; are invited to attend. by order of W. M. I'M. i.s i:camjviikx r sa. 1,1.0. O. F., M.-et.s at .)thl Fellows' ry JIall on tiu Fir-,-, and Third Tues- tSjT day ot ea-li i.e utd. lat ri; relis Y 7 m uood stan.iiiiu ar.. inv iled lo attend. m i s c li j. i. a x an r s. JOHN 31. iJACOX, IMPO UT F-U AND 1 !t A FK 1 1 V.-. Ft hooks, Stat ioiscry, P, nuin- i-r,r --i" y, eu., etc. tt.;..Ces in ry "ii';'n fiy, Oivi'iin. y. r'lKirm.-in Vnrri"rs old st:irid, l itely occupied I S. Ae'keniiiii, Main m. W. II. illdJIU lELl). lt?a olistnal siiae ' lis, ut iiif oII .-.(and. .Voiill SifiTt, lliv-ioii ( iiy, Oivihjih An assort in -nt of Wat lies, Jew. 1- f!-' ry.alid.-- ! il l h. .rnas" V iht Clocks :'.T it 1 oi which ar1 warmnted to be as "i'-U-z r (a- -s.-nted. i-v-il-pairhi-r done on short notice, and hanklid tor jia'st. piiiroiiae. ri E V VCliK HOTEL (i)eiu fcie-s Gaithaus.) No. 17 Front Stre-t, opposite the Mail SteUlnSlilJl i.,llKlil--, Pdm tlam), oii2;(x. IMlOTiinjS, J. J. uiLkOS, Pftiidcrs P.. iard v Week ?".( " I P.oa I'd v Wee,; w it tl i.oduirs. hoard .' J my l.iiii WATCHES AMD JEWELRY. f II II K F N Id-! Its i U N K I) AN- V-v JL mil. m-. lo t i..--it .. i,s . a , i;- -on 1' City and Clack a mas Coanlv t iial t hey l.a c jttl oil. a JLWLL'if ESTADLiSIi.ViEKT J N v- repn Csty, Main s'r-a t, n- t d-or nortii or shades Sa loon, v. ai.-r.- I n- y wiii hei j, ,ai li.ami .-did i-r .', I- ail .-.' ids ; rta irnn - i t h ir hn-, at Ihe i.o.-1-..-. t ! l; i: a i -.s. i-:s, . ia I ;i! ; .at ion iiv .',, ;., : a.- r. pii d-ii.- ot 1 i m: i i a k Pi i.. ks. All oi .i.- i .,d and work ion- arr.i lit a. il.o. A. Ii a.Vs A: SON. or. -on City, Feb. ti, i-V i-it. CHOICE MSATcJ! T Ct.Ph'. :d;:ii.:I l la. v just in- e. i 1 1 :t line I. it o! i ill i ,.t i p. i p in i t he j.Jo.-.u lay cii-itrv. 'I are tin- la! -! v r nr. .m.'hl to li.;s va'l--;. lore, aim wd. !e- i.-ia vie .- d ior this mark-t. 1'h y no ; se ,o .. a -:. (i.v- theni a call, and a. t the ciiolC. -M of ill i! ! ur -ifiii City, May --ki, p;.. tf. t ii o a as o h r, n r-i a n E3TAELISIIED 1853. H;:s to inpoum 't in-: citizens it f o! ar u..a Cily ami .f t h Willamette ail Ie- i- -; : ;i ..ri h a mi :i ad iii a a has. n. ss on I lie old motto, t hat -I A t.;'.. .Si J't iter i.s J t!-r t.ini a ,s-'.'ii' Mi "in. 1 have just r 'turrn-d from San Francisco, wh-re I pureha.s. .1 one oi tin' LJI r.i.Lt tk.xi wLLCwIcL .'v Id CA !' : an S ever b' fore off T-d in this city ; and consists i u par:, as mi 1. ws : lrfjo! s a ml siioes, Clothin-r, Dry Coeds, Hat s a ml ( 'aps. Hosiery of Ft very Description, Hardware, ( troceri-s, Paints and Oils, Siish a ml 1 )oors, China ware, Qii'-ensH are-, Siom-war -, Crofk-ry, Plat ed ware, CJ lass ware, Jewelry of Yuri-us. tpuilitie.s And Styles, Clacks and Watch, Eadi-s and (ii ids' Furnishing Pal cut Medicin'.", Coeds, Fancy No- F.ope, ratnin.u' t ions of livery Impl-incnt s of Description All Kinds, Carpets. Matt iti-s, Oil CUilh, Willi PapT, etc., Of tlm above list, I can s-iy my stock is tho M s t : t at i ii i: t i: ever ole-reil in t h is m a rk-f . am! was s"! "-t d w it a -.a-ci;i ! c;i re tor t he ir"-on City t rad--. All ot vvhicli I now oiler for .sale at Inc. Lowest P.iarket No us-for the hull's, or any one else, to t hin.': of -roiri to Port hind to buy -oo,is for I :nii ' li rmiii" to S-.II C'i'iji and not to allow myself to be ObTuSOLD I Til C STATE OF ORLTntt. All I ask is n fair chance' and ipiick pay ments, beli-vi::-: as I do t hat Twenty Years Kxrericiico In Or . ron City enabl. s m- to knowth- re-(inir-'ii'-iits oi the trad-. Com- om- ami all and s- e tor yourselves that tii" old stand of THOMAS CIIAItMAX cannot ho beaten in quality or price, it would b- us- I- ss lor t.i to tell you all the :ei v:i iiliiu"-? I ca n -r ymi in t h-sa lc of ir-x as, as every slor" that advertises do. s tiiat, ;rul probably you have been disaii pointed. All I wisn to say is Coiiip, ;i:i(l Srr.nntl Exaiuiii.. for Vctirsrlvps fori 1o not wish to make anv mist ies My ohj-ct istotep nil t old Vnt-iitU novy tliat I am still alive, and (h si roil to s-ll f.MHU eh -ap. for cash, or upon sm-h terms as a.-r-e.I uih.ii. Thankin-all for t he liber al ptilrona-- her-etolor- beslowed THUS. CHAPMAN, Main street, Oregon City, I.e-nl Tend"r.s and Count v Scrip taken at mark, t rat- .s. a. Hus. CTIAU.AiAN. fo'l.y) lbs wool warded hv THOS. CIIAITA.V. r CTrI.S. I-I. CLA. LTIoiELD, DKAl.Ell IX GE NEE AL 3 1 ERCIT AND JSE, CORXEU of EVj:xrir AXJ JIAJX HTJIEKTSt oregox city. Ila.s J ust Iieeeived a Now Stock of Calicoes, Dress Goods, iJrown and Bleached Sheetings, House Kining, Sidninu-s, iaUe-Kinen. Irish Bosom Linens, Kincn Towellinu:, Table-Cloths. Corsets, Kadies,' and G S)ts' Hose, Thread, Cambrics, lhutons, i;ibl.,,ns, Kaces and Insertfems, Fmbroidery, White hou,ls. Millinery, Fancy Gocd. A. Also, a full assortment of q LADIES' Ail 3 CHILBtRri'S SKGES. o Groceries, Crock ( ry, tilasswaro, Coal Oil, Coal Oil Kamps, Witks aiKlTiinmeyn, "Wliitli liave 1; tIo-.(cl -.itli sisei i-il tart- U.r U,U mai ' i t uiiU cannot m: si kpas'. ::o ix ucALii'v oh pi:ice. rmiiiK.Htisi M.vihvhv l'Asn iou coi iitv i-iioduce, March 1;'., Is7.-J :tf MEV STORE ! HEW GOODS! NEW FIRM ! LEVY BEOTHEES Have Just opened, in ZMjiv-slitill.-? New AJiiilcliiiir, Oreron City, rgIIK FINKS 1' ANl MOST ( PMI'i.Fi'i j: ST H K OF i'ii'Ill!N(i AND DIiY-iOOr. JL lolsand Sine s, 1 J aT s a ial . aps, l ii-iitl-.-nii-ii's 1 iiriii.iiii..-- o'His, Jlostries, Js'u lions, Ciill. ry, liasiiets ami leys : .-.ij.o, j ro ries and Pro, isions, and a ;i-; .isi(i!rMi;.T ir i ii uit coons, Too numerous to d -sc-ribe, which wo propose to sal! at th- ia:. est Ioihle liutex, Tor C Sti.. Jil. 1.. I.KVV, lieitera lr;n I lea ! .Jeweler of Ion a; ex p. ri-nce, w e wt II also deal iu a .'id man u ur and r-pa ir .1 .. weiry . Vv'c -uarant ,. ail oar ;o, .us and Work, or lio pay. Givi. as a ea 11 ami irxaininu our ociils, anu sav e twenty p. i cent. LEVYliltOS., Sccoml linr nciili i-l2t' r-i.-.lulli e, JJaii, ti et', Un-vn City. PM PpflhQe,.rsav,,,a,,o,i,,CIP(S3ia VPTIR kjykmh'.Quiu' iHiindi-:xtract oi cucai.. p-Li;'if ifai tt a I Uw Itis is a pi. -partition combining all tin- valmibl- imoiral ii!:iitr s oi t lie Kucalypt us, wtocii is eioiivan u in nearly every Cahh.rnia tr irdi-n P,r its nc dical utility haviii" hc eonie the hon hold r tie ,i;. p.r all di-as-sot iin- KJItSJiYS, JiLAIlKll ami VJil V ee A 'f-' -'V1' s--,''-v-' i: st ems to have a direct ailimtv for the 0 l,.N l u l-t ,AN S and t ie ir . urroumiiu-s, jijid cur. s th-ia bv its a lti rat i ve "healing arm balsamic prop, rt n - more t IT elutilly man anv otic r kica-.n r.nieuv it is an i:i ainanle i. in . dy l-r a i! dis-a.-es ol I he nuicoi: : lad serous niem br;i IO -such i:i;y;urix ny ui.; o -., .xac.sxa m j y.7;(,-xhvci;'Jtl'- JA, t.ill '.'it,i.-.i,,.l.ite. 'I hi.- prepare.! ion i-.tii.-r suit of :r i-ol -lmors , xje-rirm nts v. it P. tic medicinal prop : It I -s oi til-tree in Ih, 1 . s. .Visr;m- Jlospital in San 1 raneisco. in 1ST and lsTL' where he li-m iimis.ial pieilites 'ore stun.-tne various m. I hods ol -r- parin-t he r. ui.-tlv, suat its us ... it can lie relied upon as c, rt.dn lo uive iil(. prom is. -u a-Mii's, ami hundreds of 0- st iiiamin Is o, its .-ni.ti-y ear, n- s , n at his niiW-e, ;e.-, I C'-si r.. v stent s-.ii l-'r-inciseo Ci,.ye.t.l.V.s oH ill.ti i-.-XTUA'-V o' JA-f.U. F7 7 .Vis ,-.ow- ' amisto. ertiil,ei harmless, lebruu .: -. aim is a sn-eia! pr par.uiou i. rth'- h 1 r at i n nt oi ! h- malarious !" . r-, oi oar i.-'it-rior ;( i .- s -.'-. r. jk v f. a raid dlo fi.r.-a.iy eascoi KKVKI! AND U JPK t r-at-U wit ii it te ' .'rd- HZi 1-'1-'to tur- ; ii!is, wh.:i tie- baa -ml results oi the usual tuinin ami VTfiC. arsenical rem. da- lor tiio.s td.s--a.s.-s are -ntir iy aT.-if-A- FOU PI!YsrCfAN Col mil a IPs Fluid Rytraet of Kucalvptti-? :n !-"'; 4i)fAft botrls. P-war--I imitations, ami take none Inn i , .mi, . n v h.r Z Ta :',.d.Q f 5 V rsc, ,af: 5?rM i" '-vcryw h-r.. ami by lhl-e. f 7 f-'M' :V:ml A i W l U V ' lV Tioh .vile Pru i.-is, Port iaml, Sol- A- UWctru jaC a S UU oi-pon. :mavis73vl ! f a p ?? p o twB 1 i i Il V J t d f uiTU K in postoffht: ra.'ii.MNG. l.e-a' Ti'inlHrH. t'la t'a !:: s County Or- it i'm, a ml -en I j . - lii ilci -j EGGotTT ArP ?0LD. N dT.U?V rl!rri so. l oans n-.rotiiit-d. Cole t i.,n.. attended 1 o, ii mi a t.iem ral l:r"ii-,i;-i. u:i u-ss curri-ii oa. i-in'iif tiiU. ViUliOo u tub Tii- most rem :' rka'a- i nst ru meid ever ) r- J f-c; id: ca ja hie of the most b ;itit iia 1 mus- I leal idf'-cis, ami in the' mo.'t eha-ant ca. All Lover, of Music should sec them, ami hoar t ln ir COfElFJAilJioJ SCLO STOPS, m. ( i. Ti A T ( i K K, lias 1 h -in. J'.iiici-ini. Vt ir.. HIM I (ill TON 70tI.H HKSPFC I I td.I.Y INTui-IM T III" cit i;" us of r. -on ' it v ;i nd viiin ity that In- is prepared lo lurni-h I-i r, Sj.rsiti' :t:.ii e;nr 1 1LJ IH 11 X. til even dep.-rin: ion. I ry l-'loorinjr, Cell i ii-r.Spruc"- ( for Shelving), j Lattice, Pickets, Fence Posts pa dar). Consc Fitly on !'and. St reft and sidewalk Lumber furnished on th- shortest notiee. :..t as low rates as can be purchased elsewhere in the state. C. i v c me a c:.i I, at J he OiiKT.O.Y IJ'V, SAW PULL. March -Jl. Is7:t-tf. icjz-cnnAr-ii salooh, LOUS SUL, : : : ritOPClETOK. r WOULD KKSPKCTFFKT.Y AN I tiounc' to th- eiMz'-ns of Oregon e'jty ml vie in ity, t hut I have opened u n 1( 5!.( KIM-1.' ami ('OXnXTlOMlP.Y establishment in the huilding forme rly occupied by L. Dill-r, on" t he Corner 'if I'ourlli niirl JPiii Strrrtx. The ArtU- Sei'a Feitiitain . h- in op'-r-itioii to supply th- demands tif f!e thirsty. I m.imdaetnr ' all my own stock, en-is. -iiiierllx th-y arc J'nr iml J-'rr-h. A shire of public palroiia-- is respcctlul! v so-lici'.i-d. Omgon City, s.-j'tenshor Mh, P7'-tf. OAPJiUM RESTAUnAHT LKON DeLOUEV, rrorrietor, (Late of the Chi House.) MA IX ST1 WET, OIWHOX CITY, OCX. r--sx tiik i-.n dkpsp ;kd C- J. J r o-ctfidiy annoiin- Ct T?v v- f J t-i-sm his tri. tnis .v the -trK v t ra vi iin-; imiilit, .fcJLJr that ho ha5 re-nju n -d the aUive mimed NO CHI.r.SE COOKS EMPLOYED '. The Propri, tor knows how lo .serve his customers with Oystcri, IM-n- IVet, A Uo.m1 C'ii of CcfTce, Or is l.o.l Siiorc Menl. I.F.o.N Dr.LOFFV. Oregon City, March lis. ls7:Mf. A Bfiirdifnl Farm l or Sal. ! 10 AfTirw oii:x till m.i: i. a xn, .t Far-- iirchrd. Splendid Sprin-r, Ijoom iiousc within t hree miles ol Aunmi, at i .-.-s than S L I'KIJ ACT?-! This ot' r is only rood for t wenty days. Kmpiire nt the Fix i rni-ntsE c.Tliee. Op-c;on City, June 0, W-i. tf. LAND FOU SAIJ!! 0-)A A I ES O FiTa N D FOK PALE AT For pnr! iculars inquiro of R. IKVIN . Vr.dv, rinckamas county, Or!?. icnis for STILL I N I II i: FIELD! WJLUATS A KARDiKC, AT 1HK L I 11 C C L N BAKERY, Kl i "P'tlli; Most OOM1T.KTE STOCK Q ol Family Oreceri, s to be lotind in tho . c:ty. L'limis viarralit. il. Goods tleliverf d j in t he i .i y ir.-c oi chartr-. 1 It- hiuhes.1 cash price paid p.r country produce. or. -on City, March .s, ls7;:. ' -t r c rr r r n r tf p i I ' l tl L L t O ft H O AV A X t i: 1, AM) ALSO V I.I. OT1IF.K KINDS OF HIDES. FOIC , 1 which 1 -lM pay 1 h- h ii; h.-s market price in o as if 1 .ri ; r on our hides and jot v oiir can a .-l In ni. J IIN StTIHAM. O Saddle and Harness Maker. Cr. eon City, ur.--.-on, July 11, ps7:-mo. I j 1,,1:000. Oregon City. e O K, ap const a nt ly on hand Jr sale I-lour. Middlings, Plan a'nd Chi-ktn Fetch Parties jain ha.-iti"; leed must turnisitdhe stick. A. Q. V. ALLS S FIOHEEO DOCK BINDERY. r-i.Si.tK's l?n iuj ( ornt r of Slark l ie ;il studs. 0 FOHTLAMD, 0RCCN. 1 KNK LOOKS PIT KI) AND r.OPND . lo any d' sir-d pattern. At nsie books. Maim am s, Ni v. s. papers, eic., I omul in ev ery v;,rn ty of M.vle known t o t he t rrado. t.'rders inmi the con n try promptly at- t'-nded to. iSPKINCi AM. SUM31KKG00DK 0 JCST liKCKIVKD AT .1". DKAl.Ell IN I )ry ( ioods, Clot iiintr, Poots and Shoes, Hiirdwiire, (.iroceries. Crockery, Notions, I.iuii.-s and 'ients Purnishinjj; GfHiils, etc., etc., etc., etc. "atit SIiitI, Ore troxi C ity. IV, .due.-( if all kinds boutrht, for which I pay the hiiihi-sl market price-. If you de sire -ood Goods at Ixiw prict s, call at I. ,S H A I. I x ; ' s ii ml ex a m i re - his new stock of Spring pootls. Civ- itu a call anil convince yourselves. My motto is, " QUICK SAI.KS AN I) S3I ALL PROFITS." The highest market, price pa ill for wool, I. SELLING. Oreeon City, March -21, 187a-tf. OREGON CITY SREWERY IFoilv TIlH'l-.oT rrrifsrri 1 Jl.V-.l.l ........v., ,,.41 4 T5"avin; i-FnriiAs- MItvII, g ed the p.bove 1-r-w- jhJUitfel ery wish's o inlorm the public that hols now proiitired to manufae; un a No. 1 uuhI- ! ity of . A (I K li li E X li, as -rood ns can l o!'taiiiel anywlier,' in the stiite. Orders ftollcii-U ami promptly tilled. Justirc's Court for Ilie Prrrinrt of Ore gon Ci!y. STATE OF OltEOON, ) County of Clackamas, j Henry Ilumhel, ITtr.,1 Civil notion vs. for a. Kinrrorn, Deft., ) Money. To l. Linirorn, the above named defend ant TV tii E nnmc of the Stntc of Orcpon, you ar- hereby required to apjx nr t he emlcrsl Mir ii", a Justice of the peace forth Precinct aforesaid, on the I.V li day of Su rnd 1S7:; at n o'cinok in trm forenoon of saidViay at t Im office .f sa idJtiFt ice. in Hind iY.cjmt.'toansw. r the above named PlaiD litr in a civil action. Tho I. fendnnt will tnkc notice, that if ho fails to answar the complaint herein, tin-Plaint in" will t-.kc pid-rment "fa-r8-him for tlm sum of one hundred nnd n ft n i p c do! I n rs a n d 1 1 i n t y-se yen c-nts ( f I'--( ami lor costs and disbursements of tmi a7iiv"n under my hand I hM ffigy 1"S Just ice of tbc Peac. JOHNSON .1- McCOW.V Attorneys tor Plaintiff. TO LET. j as the r.v.ur.cil Chamber, In Pr. Tber-pfns-s brick Milldinf. App-V -"P- O O G O O o o G O o o o o o o o O o O C O 11