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About The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1891)
LOVE'S EVENING STAR. Oh, welcome to the sunny May, When opening buds reveal tno (lowers, And nil nrounJ melodiously ( Sweet matin Jill t!n rcrwil l.pwrs: it brins auali tliat bll-wful hour. The brljthtet far of Ur i to tne. ' When, fondl prcssluj he; . . lo heart. Wo felt love' thrilling ecstasy. The dew of lovo was on thy check : lis nema vt pearl wen; In thine oyes. As from thy ruby tinted lip Chme for. "j the sweet, consenting li?lis. Twos iiflw lorn Joy that made thee weep, Anil every tear was fuinctlfiml: Two IiMnrts were melMHl Into on" , When henvea gavo thoo to ho my liride. Ah, when 1 fondly callcJ thee mine. And fervently thy rows were nven, Tho worrtd tvoro caught from o.T thy lli And et&oe I to the er of huaveu; And he whoever deigns to llfs VJien ffiilMeM love Implores Ms nld Simla record of the holy bonds And blcu'd tins union he had insula. Through all the days till froaty af,'o Thy kve hrj crown mora aweet nud dear, As it Iirm brijbtcned all the way, A cliar.ii r. 'id anlacjvver near: And now, w jen near life' ovenlnjc close. How beautiful the day decline! As otuthly semes are growing dirk Lore's evening star more brightly slilnosl Iter. Sidney Dyer In Now York Ledger. UNCLE PETE. Uncle Pete wns nuniiintiiig. How ever, this was nothing new, aa ho liiul done but little else since tho timo ho was a. mito of a darky, watching tho sparks ily up from the burning log heaps scat l!reil over "old master's" now ground aind die away in tho dusky spring even ing. IIo would hit upon a stump with 4he dark, freshly plowed ground about "him giving forth odors of earth and torn jgreon roots, whilo tho frogs in tho shal low nhining branch, marked with wil Jows, sang a happy, monotonous refrain. His kink3 wero turning from black to jgyay and many a problem a3 knotty as bm wool and just as powerless to bo straightened had passed through his "brain. Ilis great passion was wealth "'twas tho only thing ho cared for. IIo Qbml dreamed of it in boyhood it seemed 3i pity those log heap sparks wero nor Teal gold had striven for it in his way in manhood, and now that old ago had $!gnn to pay court to him in a sly and "wholly unaccountable manner ho still dreamed of and strove for wealth. When .a lxy ho would grasp ever' peculiar .'looking rock lying in his path, with tho tfiopo that it might bring hint a fortune. Tho sun glancing on a piece of glass would cause his lazy legs to move faster ithnn was customary, for porhaps it puiight bo n nugget of gold lying there csjMjeially for him. L5ut ho found to his -tlisnppointiuctil many times that "all Avus not fold that glittered." "Chicle Peter had never been taught to iroad, nud wan too lazy to work hard. In jlact, he shirked dreadfully. Liko "ole Brer Itabbit" in those wondrous days when animals wero gifted with speech tho recital of which illls every childish 'heart with tho pleasantest emotions ho lid all of tho grunting and comparative ly no work. lie lived with old master's grandson, .Marso Bob, as a cropper, and invariably camo out in debt to him on umnverugoof i0u year. Each Christ .mas Marsc Bob would storm at him and (threaten to send him away, but Undo (Peter was sly and would "lay low" until uMarso Bob's sweet lit tlo wife drove all iiiugry thoughts from his mind, am then ftio began to put in his best work, usually (making sundry suggestions " 'buot do (fattening horgs," an 1 ashes, salt, sul jphur and copperas for tho hors mules land colts, until Marco liob finally finish ted u contract with him almost before fthe thought of beginning had entered (Ills mind. It would burst upon him each (time liko a thunderbolt, and with an in ttornal groan began the turning of now (leaves. But those leaves became dog tcaroil with too little turning and much tfingering. So Undo Peter lived on at this kind benefactor's, with his progeny of grandchildren and one unmarried daughter, the idol of his heart. Undo Peter was ruminating on this Sviirm, (lump January day. Tho prospect ifrout his cabin door did not invito very jploasant thoughts, but ho was paying no attention to tho gloom, Tho clouds hung wet nud gray over ,tho Holds, roads and pine grove, which Kva.1 the only green spot insight. A maul lay before tho ilro hardening for tho next ttlay'a work splitting rails. That was jnothing to Undo Peter, either, for ho 'knew very well, tho sinner, ho would got tout of half his work by sharinming 'wedges for tho other hands, making him elf uselessly useful. "Now, if I could dig into dat gully and tflno a gole mine, wouldn't 1 bo rich?" hu (mused. "Oret big peoses, big as my jfwtu den 1 could sot up at tho big 'ousu liko folks, and not work my poor olosoff to doth," sighing, as he got up to turn ihi.1 niatil. "But den dat's Marso Bob a land, s'poso 'twould bo his golo. Nor dat -ain't right, neither. What 1 Hue is mine. 'Ml 1 was to lino a quarter out yonder, I "awoldn it would bo my quarter, and dat fgolu mino would too." So soared hit itkoughta to a realm where roads wero lined with gold instead of red mud, and Hialacca in tho places of pino trees faced thein, and ho was the richest of all in 'tlint country, IIo was awakened from 'those yellow toned reveries by some one Ihollowing; "Peter, you Poter-r, why tdon't you answer nw'f' Sir? rousing himself nud standing in (liU doorway to soo Murso Bob on the fence somo distance away. "What uro you doing?" "Burning iny maul for to-morrow." "Well, you can do that to-night. You always get mighty smart at the wrontf time, anyway. Go on to tho house and help the other boys shuck corn." Undo Puter got up ami crossed tlx jBeld with ivluclunt footstopd, whiU JUunw Bob growlol to hliuwlf on the Suzluivu of tho "colored raw" in gutiurul. Sunday morning camo and with it SrootU at (ho big hotuo ai usual, Uncle 'nlixr wont up to black lxxita and build irtnw, u wiwhia oiutoiii ouu ho udojUl Wrniwlf mid duo hu itivurlul'y kept. Mr Jtob'a wife' hrotluir wu (hero, MJid iu Peter came 111 ho lutkodi VN'Jm( tilntl of wtthr, PolerT wWi tlr, Itihly' ww (hu reply In always gave, no matter what tho weather might be. Hot or cold, wet or dry, Sun ilay morning was always "lubly" to Undo Peter. "Whero did you get that shirt, Peter?" came Frank's lazy tones from tho depths of a feather bed, from whero ho could just see Poter. whose shoes wero shining brighter thaa his ebony face, sitting on the woodbo.t nibbing away witli brush and blaekin? for all hs was worth. "Bought it!'" a proud glance. "You ought to bo a good citizen with such a shirt aa that on. Let me see! Stars all over and a i.triped sailor collnr. Stars and stripes, jrrctty good!" Uncle Poter gavo : complacent smile as Frank ipoke in a half sleepy, half mischievous tone. "Eow' cropc? Going to get rich this fall, aren't you?" "Well, mebbo so," brightening up. "Do yon think so? I can't say, but 1 know ono thing, you would liko to have ft smile," as Peter placed both shoos side by tide, and shut up the blacking Im.x. "Uncle PefJ-r's black features lighted up in quite a marvelous manner as Frank offered him what ho loved next to money. "Yes, imr, deed I would, sar," bowing and rubbin.' his hands gleefully. "Hand me that flask on tho table. Now, hero i your smile," detaching tho silver drinking cr.p from tho bottom of the ilask and pouring tho clear red liquid into it, which ran out with a jolly gur gle from the mouth of tho bottle. I "You drink fust. Marse Frank." ' "Oh no, P.'ter, I never drink. I carry it about in case of an accident." "Well," smacking his black lips and wrenching tho cup from tho pitcher of water, "if 1 owned dat dream accidents would bo forebher huppning," grinning and bowing himself out. IIo turned his oteps toward tho kitchen after leaving Frank's room. There ho sat himself down to wait for the coffeo pot. This coffee p'it was a great consolation to Unci" A'L.:-; ho never went to his work w.t.iuiit firot draiuing it, even eating tho grounds. It was too good to waste. IIo wa;i a great deal more likely to be on hand when breakfast was over than most of tho iamily when it was ready. o I It was raining and not only raining. 1 but pouring and had been for an hour. Undo Peter tat in Trout of his huge fire place, which was filled with burning logs, and nodJled, whilo mammy pieced up a quilt witli colors so startling, such as pink and yellow, side by side, or green and blue with each other vied. Their pride and delight, a pieco of ebony hn pudenco done up i:i checked homespun, Bat by the little wi.idow reading. Labo riously who spelled out the words, more la boriously absorbed their meanings. Now and then mammy would give a grant or "dat's so," someiinies coming in at tho most absurd times, for she never under stood what Angelino was reading: there was such an interval between each word, tho ono had escaped her memory before the other wan called out. Uncle Peter still nodded and bobbed his head around dangerously at times, for it did seem that it would pop off. IIo was thoroughly awako all at once. What was that? "How to get r-i-c-h. rich," drawled Angelino. Undo Puter was all excite ment in a moment and exclaimed fever ishly, "Head on, uiggor!" Angy looked up astonished: sho was not accustomed to being addressed that way by hor ad miring father: "Writo to J-a-ni-o-s n-a-r-l-i-n-g, Ilar ling, C-o-r-t-l-a-n-t Cortleut street, Now York; I duuno what dat street means after dat word. It can't spell nuthin' cordon to my notion. 1 reckin it must mean, ah. I dnnno. Hit wns jist got thar by mistake dat's hit. Dat typewriter got jess a little too much onto dat." "Ugh, humph!" assouted Uncle Peter indifferently; but hi3 little black eyes wore sparkling, and after a while ho got up, stretched and looked at tho elements. They wero clearing up a little; bo put ting on his great coat, which struck his "dumpity" little figure about tho beds, ho sallied forth to tho preacher's, his dearest friend and closo3t ally. He found , him at homo making foot mata, as ho , usually did in wot weather. "Howdy docs" being over Undo Peter set forth in a most cautious maimer to feel around and leant what tho preacher thought of tho scheme ho had hidden in tho back part of his head. "Brer Hamblotou, does you reckin you will ebber git rich workin' 'mongst dem shucks?" "Whut! git rich? I ain't a-working fur riches; I am workin' fur do Lord. Ef ho wants mo to got rich ho will make me, 1 reckin. And anudder thiug, I never thought about it," replied tho un worldly old fellow. "Well, ef you will juss read hero in dis nowspajmr you'll sua fiumpiu," pull ing it out of his iocket. "What's it 'bout?" "Gittiu' rich," droppiug his voice to a whisper. Brother llambloton pulled out his brass rimmed glasos, put them on his uoso and grasped tho ixqwr. Ho scanned it closely for a whilo, and then said: "Hit must bo this here, 'Riches air very desirable things, but there is something moro desirable yet, and that is health. Now, this can bo obtained by taking Green Le:tf Tonic' "Ilolo on, Brer llambloton, you ain't readin' tho right one; leastways it don't sound liko dat whut Angelino wad," ex-' daimed Uncle Poter in some alarm. Was tho fortune which seemed in his grasp to run through his fingers liko so much water, only leaving them damp as a sign it had Won there? I "Well, how did it start, Brother Poter'i" , asked tho Reverend LVujainlu llamblo ton, looking over his glasses in a grave miinner, as much as to say, "Brother PeUr, I'm afraid you'so had a very largo smile 1U day, ami you dreamed dat thing." "Oh, I don't 'taotly monnumble, hut hit wiuu't dut, and I huril her rend it alio'," with homo uiclUuiluut. iook Wgulilt Hf"!4 llHinblt Um." llenjmnln llambloton omo injuui looked over (ho naMir ami thou wu altout to give It up lu iluquUr whwi u lit tlo n4vrUMiiiiit In (hu (en (U'lii (tgliiiiiu n4Uht hi eye. 1U rtwd It nut wimI IJiiylo JVut uliuoai wvpl for joy aa ho heard tho sentence he ;honght ho should never hear again. "Now, what do you propose to do?" in qnircd Benjamin llambloton. "I says fcr you to writo to dat man md seo whut ho says. "We'll share profits. Of courso you kin have mos' baff," generously. "3Ios' haff," indignantly. ".Mos' half, when I does all de writin' and reading? Ho, sir! I gitu whole haff or not write." I "All right, all right," hurriedly as ri.sions of a' lost fortune again float be fore him. Amiability being restored, they worked and plotted together liko tld cronicn should. Tho letter was writ ten and posted; they had only to wait a week or two brfore they could dress up r.nd live liko folks in the big 'onse. Uncle Peter began to wear "the big gest'"air imaginable. Ho became busier than ever and plagued Mnrae Bob al most out of his wits. Tho negroes all wondered what had got into Uncle Peter. Ho usually bade them good morning in tho pleasantcst manner, but now it was with tho condescension of a monarch. Angelino was no longer tho "apple of his eye." She found herself not noticed at all, and thereby became sulky and switched about moro than over whilo sho walked. But it all was lost upon Undo Peter. IIo was going to got rich in his old age, and that was all he wanted. IIo dreamed of it at night, and went a-day dreaming over it too. Uncle Peter was too talkative, how ever, to let his secret remain ono longer than a few days. Ho had no idea ho had ' let tho cat out of tho bag," but be fore one week had expired all tho negroes on tho plantation knew ho had discov ered a method for getting nch, and all wero on tho qui vivo for discovery, but thoy did not let Uncle Peter havo an inkling of their intentions. Ono Saturday afternoon as tho clouds in tho west began to loso some of their exquisite coloring, for night was creep ing on, all of tho hands, Undo Peter in cluded, hail gathered about tho back door of tho big house. All eyes were centered upon Marso Bob, who stood on tho stono steps with a stono jug in ono hand and a cup in tho other. Every face was wreathed in smiles at tho thought of a dram. As M-arso Bob poured out tho liquid which ran with such a good old sound, "So good, good, good, good," it seemed to say, ho talked and gavo much good, good, good, good advico whilo ho distributed it around. Tho darkies had just wiped their mouths on their coat sleeves preparatory to leav ing, when a littlo negro boy camo up with tho mail. Jlarse Bob glanced over it hastily, and called out: "Halloa, here, Poter a postal for you." "Yas, sir," responded Uncle Peter, stepping up with happy expectation in his tones and movements. "Shall I read it for you?" with a twin kle in his eyes, for ho had read it while speaking, and had heard something of Peter's boasting lately. "Yas, sir. s'pose you do," responded Peter, who was feeling generous after his smile. He didn't caro just then if all tho darkies in Christendom know how to get rich. Marso Bob cleared his throat, while all tho hands turned around to hear what Undo Peter's correspondent had to say. "How to got rich. Eat nothing, wear uothing, and work liko old Nick." There was a shout of laughter from j every pair of lips savo Undo Peter's. I IIo was dumb with disappointment and ! rage. IIo said not a word, but turned j away and walked off "a sadder and a , wiser man." X It is a month later. Riches aro never mentioned by Poter now. IIo is cured. His fellow workmen plagued Ids poor old lifo almost out of him, until one morning ho turned liko a wounded lion at bay and made them all fly. Sinco that timo ho has lived in peace A curi ous coolness grew up between him and tho preacher at ono timo, but tho genial nature of both old darkies has thawed that out, and thoy aro tho sanio old cronies, only they never speak of wealth to each other. Mrs. E. M. Stowart in Atlanta Constitution. Tho V11I110 of Sleep. Q011. Lord Wolseloy, Englaud's lead ing Boldior, i;i :; man of simplo and ab stemious habits, and is an emphatic ' ndvocato of sleep. When ho is his own master J10 goes to rest between 10 and 1 1 and is up before 0. Ho is a sound , Bleoiwr, and can sleep at almost any timo , and under any circumstances, which is no doubt ono great secret of success; for ! in war, aa in politics, tho man who can- not sleep might as well rotiro from tho 1 running. "Yon cannot put in your' timo moro profitably than iu sleeping," Lord Wolseloy says, and tho saying is , ono that may well bo taken to heart by j all hard workers. As long as you can sleep you can always renew your strength. It is when sleep fails that your balatico at tho bank of lifo is cut , off. Best Things. I Tho Vuluo of Armor In Wur Ships. Tho vuluo of armor has been a matter constantly discussed sinco ita first intro duction. So long as it remained, as it did for a timo, superior to tho attack of tho gun hs desirability was certain, but when tho raco logan between tho two tho gun early seized and maintained the lend. From that time to tho present ad vocates of tho abolition of armor have been very numerous. They compare the ntnU) of affairs with thai which existed prior to tho disuse of jvrsonal armor, but ho long as armor can Ik so arranged as to protect certain vital jHilnts it u probable that it will 1k so mod. Still thero aro some good arguments in sup port of doculrussdiuunt to um a French word that U particularly exproosive. Now York Herald. I'ull lluuil lliu lllliuls. TtitUl Nuin't tMHjiuUivi witli Vtiiiutlitii bllluU luiilo tlinir window boo tlmt llio dluU itru liirnixl imnifully ilnwn foru I lilt lati iik it immlliltttu, ur muiiuIkxIj tumw lint nUi'ul will Imvti tut iiiuuli fun (Ml Of til? ODIillllpll)' U llio llll'llllHJMl.- iiJuutfoTitbuiiOi SOMKTIiINO FOlt TDK NEW YKAlt. The world-renowned success of Hostetter's MmiiMch Hitters, and their rontiriued ixjpnbiritv f rover u third of a century a u tomiichlc, fs Mdrrely more wonderful than the welcome that Kf-eetf the iiiimml nptienriince of lIoKtetter'c Al umnae. Thin valuable inedlcrl treatise lc pnb-H.-hed by The IfosU'tturConipniiy, l'ltlpbnrc, !'.., lindtr tbelr own immediate Mii-ervWon, m . pioytiiKflxty hand in that department. They aiv runnliiB about eleven moiilhs In the vcar on this work, Hiid tho Is-mic of fume for lew will be hfire than lO.tWO.COO, printed in the I'.nsilsh. .t lutiii, French. Ueih. Norwegian, SuediMi, H. laud, HohemlHii nud Spanish latiiniaKts liefer to a copy of It or valuable and InterenUni; read iiiif coi.cernlna hfaltn, and nuinero'm ttniimo tdalft a to the effltaey of lfotetterV Stomach Ilittcry, iimiitement, Varied Information, astro ijiiniioi.l cHlculiitioiiti and chionoloelml items U v.hh h chii b: decoded on fi-r eirrMnw. The Almanac for 1392 can beobtalneil free of cowl fiom driitrn.Mo and general country dealer in all part of the country. The Hewrdlim AiiRel never strike a balance , on his books by what U said of a uiait on hit, I fcravtMone. ,TIIH l'KOUJttKS.S (H' TirH CKNTUltY ! Leans tnin from superstition and blind idolatry of isms and ica- allopathic in eluded. It leans lu cunt universal, slUlPtcr iiiiniiiK law; towa-da facta, not fancies. It leans towards immutable principles and in j vulnerable truth, and away from superan nuated authority, organized ijctmnince and dyed-in-the-wool prejudice. Jilind empir ; icisin in medicine has, with other fossilized hivulvf. had its day. Yes, there are plenty of " Mated crabs," hut being horn of durk- iicps and loar -twin sisters of intellectual 1 infancy they cannot much longer with , stand the civilizing influence ol advancing I science. They are slowlv hut surely "dy ' in k Egypt, dying," be'fore the "search ngnt " ot investigation. The advancing thinker wonders how it was possible for that monstrosity the medical science ( ?) extant now to nave survived to this late day! Hut whero was the reform to come from? It is not only passu to attempt re form, it is outright dangerous, it requires a boldness akin to recklessness. Legion is the name who have tried: thev have left their bleaching hones as a warning. An at tempt at reforming theology brands von a " heretic;" in politics you are charged with every infamy under the sun, and in medi cine every duck intellect " quacks " at you and you are accused of havini: no diploma when your diploma is on tile in the court house under the very eyes of the slander ers. All this is caused by besotted ignor ance, and since books are sent free of charge to every applicant and we pay the postage, there is no excuse for ignorance when it costs notliing to be informed. People who berate the Histogenutic system of medicine are either intellectual pariahs incapable of counting five in succession or understand ing any 2x4 problem, or they are mental sluggards and cannot screw themselves up to the point of information by rending up and forming a conclusion. In either case their opinions are as valuable as that of l'uget .Sound oysters. JJr. Jordan's otlice. is at the residence of ex-Mayor Yesler, Third and James streets, Seattle, Wash. Consultations and prescriptions absolute ly free. Send for free book explaining the Histo genetic system. Caution. The Histogenetic Medicines are sold in but one agency in each town. The label around the bottle bears the fol lowing inscription: "Dr. J.Eugene Jor dan, Histogenetie Medicine." Every other device is a fraud. When a man hub loht his opportunity he docs not know here to look for It uiruln. USING TIIKM l'Oll KVUKVTHlNC. Peter Magerus, L'ot Johnson avenue, Hrooklyn, X. Y., says: " During the last eighteen years I have been using over fifty Am.cock's Plastkus a year in my family. 1 have found them a most perfect external remedy. They have repeatedly cured me of rlieumutibiu, to which I am subject every winter. They have cured me ot pains in the sides anil back three times. My wife, children and mother-in-law tell 1110 Amaock's Plastkks are the best remedy ever made, so agree able, so certain. 1 know they have cured my wife of pains in the back and of a se vere cough. My mother-in-law has been cured of a mo-it severe cold, which threat ened to turn into pneumonia, by Ali.c ock's Pi.astkus." Those who have not used Boschee's Ger man Syrup for some severe and chronic t trouble of the Throat' and Lungs can hard A Throat and Lung Spoclalty. ly appreciate what a truly wouder ful medicine it is. The delicious sensations of healing, easing, clear ing, strength-gathering and recover ing are unknown joys. For Ger man Syrup we do not ask easy cases. Sugar and water rnay smooth a throat or stop a tickling for a while. This is as far as the ordinary cough medicine goes. Boschee's German Syrup is a discovery, a great Throat and Lung Specialty. Where for years there have been sensitiveness, pain, coughing, spitting, hemorr hage, voice failure, weakness, slip ping down hill, where doctors and medicine and advice have been swal lowed and followed to the gulf of despair, where there is the sickening conviction that all is over and the , end is inevitable, there we place German Syrup. It cures. You are a live man yet if you take it.. 9 liifioioeti THE SMALLEST PILL IN THE WORLD I TTJTT'S Z tiny liver piixs Imvo nil tho vlrt nca trt ho lurKT one t finally trectlvj purely vcu-ctuble. i:urtslio shown In till bonier. YOUNG MEN! Tho Specific A No. I. Cur. Million' (all. nil rr rf J r lucii Jlr-l, lie muilfi 1 1 i n ' ( il.nlu t I'irVVI l lrii l"r' It Ih i t. f .1 rule iv (iin m in ivirj linn, x ItuslaiK'il rv l lt.s ut. liruegUls. Ma' ulacturi'ra; Tit V feWi'lirllMfilt'it I', llf. DU.OU. ( a,. Kail Jum- iab nt( n lathark nowlMiiM Iraillllf louisMir (or tkll Itt unualuial dlelia( 4 inlvatdlsil l"'..f (-rlalorui lur Ibr dtuli talliir tkusi4 )culltr u l jlllru. i rii Mllann wiiui III HMHlUlWDUDItl II M usm i ; ixerman syrup FlTUtllA VH. TaW U(UWIm4 iIH Bsl TklNlalDKlktirtlfVl HOW'S TI1ISV We offer One Hundred Hollars Reward for any ens.- f Catarrh that eannot be cured by taking Hall's Catarrh fur-. F. J. CHK.NKY ,t C O., Props., Toledo, 0. "o, the iindcrliied,hae known F J. Cheney for the last liftmen yeuis, and bellete him ;er fectly honorable lu all buineM transactions, and financially able to carry out any obliKatiolis made by their Arm V.esl.V Truax, Wholesale Pmpglsts Toledo. O. WaldltiK. Klnnnn .ic Murvin, Wholesale DrUtf ftists, ToMo, . Hair Catarrh Cure Is taken internal!, acting dlRK-ily upon the blood and mucous vurfau-s of the syKtem. I'rfte, 75c per bottle. Sdd by all LfrugKlot. "What killed yoar goat; circus noiler'."' "oh, tio: he fattened on circus pouter". It was a p.irkHge of cia-itrelie papers kiltal Marina dim e." For coughs, sore throat, asthma, catarrh ami other di-woes of the bronchi! tubes no more useful article can be found than "Jirown't Itrmtrhml Troche:'' Oallalin has a man so mean tbf he atole an oven-oat beioiiKi'iK to preacher. Iu the next world he will wenr no overcoat. Formerly tobacco chewers in Oregon pur chased their tobacco by tho plug without considering its weight, but emigrants from the Eat. wherp titar tobacco is universally used, refused to take these short-weight plugs and demanded Mar Plug, which ih not only the best tobacco, but each plug is a f nil sixteeii-outice puund, and nuw most chewers in Uregon use Mar. Uk sosTmMTip Stove Vollsi tk'1, nr-m'r Both the method and results when Syrup of Jn ia taken; it is pleasaui nud refreshing to the taste, and acts Efcntly yet promptly on tho Kill 11073, Liver ami Uowelj, chnnscj the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head tcliea and levers and cures habitue'. i'on&i:patiou permanently. For sale ia 50and $1 bottles by all druggists. CALIFORNIA FIG ' SYRUP CO. SAN fMNCISCO. CAL, LOUISVILLE, KY NEW YOSK, N.Y. CONSUMPTION CORE. The success of this Great Couch Cure is without a parallel in the history of medicine, i All druggists are authorized to sell it on a pos , itive guarantee, a test that no other cure can sue j cessiully stand. That it may become known, I the Proprietors, at an enormous expense, are 1 placing a Sample Bottle Free into every home l in the United States and Canada. If you have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, for 1 it will cure you. If your child has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use it promptly, and rebel is suie. If you dread that insidious disease ! Consumption, use it. Ask your Druggist for j SHILOH'S CUKE, Trice io cts., Ko cts. and $i.oo. If your Lungs are sore or Back lame, ! use Shiloh's Torous Plaster, Trice 25 cts. THE HOME MUTUAL FIRE IHSUflAHGE GO. OK C M.lI'OltNIA. irtf.wireJ 1MW. Ass.-ts a,v;7 ' ."ilil'.i I,osms imld Hlnet oruumiainn. Si 27."i.7 'i..l I One of t lie nuis-t Micc'CRnil lltv inMUiuu'r companies 01 llie iii;H. - oir'iis i;oou DUsoiHss upcii us ri'puift tloli tor solidit . honorable UralinK. equitable ml juslnieiits ami prompt payment ol lire loso Acents nt nil principal points. Olllce Concopl iiminiiiK, I'ortiaini. ur. u. n. liiisii, .Mummer xortn I western Department: Arthur WiUnn, m-c'j ; Joe J-. K. Wenner. i asliier 1 f Watson, special Ai!t. PIANOS and ORGANS, WINTER a HARPER, 71 Morrison Street, Portland, Or. tW IIDX N02. J. McCRAKEN & CO., DEALKR8 IN Roche Harbor Lime. Portland Cement. Gol den Gate and Utah Platter. Hair. Fire Brick and Fire Clay. LAND PLASTER. 00 North Front Street, Oor. I. I'OKTLAKI), OK. WILSON'S mm -srV w.fiP$yw SEED PLANT, TREE and .lla..1,,l.f '" r.H0 I'lno Kii(rravlnan, llnnilxiunn iiiioriimuoii. uno oi tno rej auie catHloue iublllied. Uehcrililnir nil IIiiiIm ol'iriiurii ntPt'il .nrilrn. I'Iom.t mill l-'li-l.l vtt. I'riilt anil Oriiiiiiicntul Tnw, Sin II I'Viilt". C'IioIcp t ocs, l'lo orliiu I'lniitH mill liiil.lm. Thormiu-hbrc.l l.iiml nud Water INitvlM. l"c!rltcred rill-, li'i-''" ' yc eat Irei-.or.api.lla.tloii. Address. iiientloiIintlilg pHpir. " SAMUEL WI LSON,crowdirMECH AN tCS VI LLE, PA Best Cough Jlcdicine. Cures where all else fails. taste. nuarcH taKO it wiuiout objection, liy druggists. Buy Ifour Own Goods if Your ADVANCE THRESHERS, THE BEST IN AMERICA. fTkVaa 1 A1 Mm atiia4iVA mm A W at - k s... i Hon Tlnninniirl Hntlln Tlinoacr? 11)1 UMhv UUU UaiUu uic'juouo. CUKES Cuts, Cnc::ln;s, Druiscs, Sprains, Cs!!, Strains, Lamcnc:s, Stillness. Cracked Keels, Scratches, . mis? Contrsctlcns, i ' Distcmpcr.t olic, yhitlow.Pall Evil. FIsiula.Tumcrs.Sprnf-;, j fllngboncs, and Spavin In the:." tar.y Stsges. Directions each boltlc. DISEASES OF HOGS. sur-crsrr.Ai' nmECTioK.-.-i e fmolv i-i the hoKMVlll , If tlKyw;l ! 5 t .III, .llC'-'l V.IHl inlllj V, .111 ll a-, !..'! nunniityof tho oil 11 : d;cca3E3 cf poult r,v. i ' tll.M, Pir.r.CTIONS.--itjr: ' a lull i f t1 'f urvwl, wi 'i .Ia. n,-.- (.1 ; una jorco u ran i fo,Tlsthrout. Wo have a dIr f-tock of Hubbvr Goods bought of a lew'.iiig house retiriug from buhiness ou this eniiKt Child's rubber shoes, 5 to 10 250 Mln-us' footholds, 10 to i 150 Misses' overshoes Mls-es' an ties and lilsh ruts tl.OO, f 1.25 Ijidles' oveisboes, nil styles 35c, Wo, .tOc, 60c Ijidles' arctics mid snow excluders. . ?1 00, $1.25 ladles' hlKh-cilt pilteis 1.50, J1.75 Ijulies' Loots, sjeclal biirgalns M.50, ChildV boots 100, fl.23 Misses' Ixiof. tlM Hov's boots ?l-50 to ?2.00 Mill's short boots, extra t!.M to ?.l..0 Men's hili boots :i.60 to tO.OO Men's overshoes, eicht Btyles -15c, M; Mc. 7bo Mi n's arctics and snow excluders. fl '25, 51.50 Kubbtr ( lothtin; of all kinds nt n big discount from reirulur prices. Ask for our full list of KubU'r Ooods. Address SMITH'S CASH STORE, 11 0-1 IS Front .Street, Sun l-'ranclMco, Cult 43 BEST and SAFEST OS L ftflanufactured. Give This Oil a Trial, AND YOU WILL USE NO OTHER. Best in the World! Get the Genuine! Sold Everywhere! ATp , fT. . LAST & BEAR like WHOLE IT KdsLQjEsO KOOT Trees; ee "FrnltB and r f, i m . ui Fruit Treei" l'rcc. Anier. (ninJti. ays novel, UoEFUL. to the point. OranieJudt Farmer: Ably written, glveitruitjr INFORMATION. C'a. Fruit (irotrer; Surprising LOW prlcesl Apple, Fear, Cher ry, lUum.Pl'.UHE, Teach. Ap't. Quince. Nut, Or. Trees. Qratti, ROuEB ecerulhinu. No largerstocilnU.B. No BETTER. Nocheaper STAItlC JtKS.,l7th St., I.ouislnnii, 3Io. Founded 183; OLDEST. 1000 Acres; LABQESTl The Greatest Temperance Book EVER WRITTEN V) IIIIIIICII O.IICA i ci.. : Large Profits Arouis wanted every On.e. No previous ox- r.cuce necessary. For icritisnnd territory ad dri..s, J, Btuabt A: Co., UTO Mnrkct Street, Sun "iiiclsco. Cal. HflV PFVFR CURED "l0 STAY CURED- llri I ILVLri We want the name and ad dress . f every suflcrer in the ill flVTHlUlil u S.and Canada. Address, i limn p.h . Harold Hayes, M.D , Buffalo, K.I. CATALOGUE. LIVE STOCK ANNUAL.' Colored i'liitcs. Full of uef ui mid Inatructive KeconiinendevI by PhyBioiana. Pleasant and agreeable to the Dealer Does Not Garry Them. PARRY CARTS AID ROAD WAGOIS, est and Cheapest In tha Wort. Girts, SIS UL Wipu, SU Dp. . . . Initn, MariM im w 5 1 AXLE L L law, m u arnlNi Mmt, WTUH. m. h, V, N, U, Nu. V, N, I), No, m