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About The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1891)
1 ALL KINDS OF IU I HE SOOUT HA3 UT n i n lu" 411 I Double the Circulation uommerGiai priming l if DOSE AT KEAOnNlM.K R ITE. l ov ANY 1-vrKR IN Tl! COUNTY. Hero Will tliu lrv tlit- 1v.p1ph llRlits Nttilmuin. VOJj VIII. UNION, OKEGOX, TIIUKSPAY, DISCIHIBEK 81, ISOl. NO. 28. 1 J .I ft m THE COVE. The Pavurtisc of Union County. HISTORY OF EARLY SETTLERS. Old Land Marks Educational Contr Agrlcultural and Horticultural Pursuits. Nestled among the foothills in the ex treme east side of Grande Itondc valley, 1!) miles east from La Grande, !) miles north east from Union, the county seat of Union county, is Is the beautiful and picturesque settlement of the Cove. Its altitude is J.5G1 feet above sea level; it comprises four townships of Innd, consequently contains !)2,1G0 acres, about (S5,000 acres of which is I the verv best nualitv of nprfoiiliuml lands, the residue, grazing and pasture lands. PIOKKKR 6KTTLKKS. In the winter of 18GI and '02 a lone moun taineer, whose history was truly romantic, and who was pleased to call himself "Mike Bukh," was the sole occupant of the Cove. The writer found him, the fall of lsC2, living in a rude stono shelter immediately south of the subsequent residence of S. G. French, a short time after which he left for the Snake river mountains, since which time he has never reappeared. The fall of 1862 was the advent of a large emigration to the Cove, principally from Iowa. I regret that I cannot call to mind the names of all the pioneers of 1862, how ever, among them were S. G. French, A. C. Smith, Dr. Stockton, Scaberger, R. A. llnhinsnn. Edward I'nvnn. .Tnnnh Cnnnnr i.Cyrus Barees, 8. n. Cowles, the Ulooms. ie ISabingtons, -the Hender- ny others the writer cannot mind Many of the old nio lain, some have drifted to d ome have passed beyond r iiison aivi Kdward Payne, who were excellent citizens, located the first claims in the I ove, their locations being made on October 0, 18(12. Mr. Robinson is stillfjwilh us. Mr. Payne, some sixteen years ago, succumbed tn tlic grim monster. 'u i.xxn mai:i;.. Among the old land marks which should I)0 he'd -.acred is ''Owenby's Point'' which lis situate t on the north side of Cove pro- Ecinct, at the foot of which now lies the re mains of the old pioneer, Father O'woliby; Hondo'--'tott's Point" at the south mid Mt Funny'' ;it the east. . In the j ear 1(15, M. C. Urn el of Union, IJ. W ttli, Mrs. Fauniu J. Pauline, now Mr . . P McDaniel, and Minerva H. corur noi si: ni .i ll' llm rsioi;t . ii mi I H, Eaton, made . ii whkb iv;?" which .Kc:iim Mi. Fanny." no ,i saored and ;..nus imagery. Ihe it ..i tit. BCC vi - fit I thr , t- c i i i-i-f. It) l, n:oii I'll- Ehubilm in in Tlic loii.l m i i to ti i .rreati t reat. Whef nit u . i im.i 1 ; ,m i sv.flll testlmo i i nc-i-of the Grat i-,o in fcolit.f y maa--olll Wldt e.i i'ded , - .1 m pHi'.i'e v. ,:' pla n "i pilet M' itlimuu tin- leiih "f a wbole w.ui't.ent : kvhethi r bciihiu;-' aniriy ilamer. muniheir ,iitnmi wlmtliar xiarint.' aloft n -ciau to untrodden heights, where wn.tei 1U n everv n.l.i'4t and ill eel.Vl"l'm inountnlus ar'o the lit representative-, of everything groatot and migw-e-. m material world. -( F Nl.ltt Kotwltlistandiiij the -ul.lime ! I'U'"' ineina entertain in ngmdt'.tM iiiiumI- oum Imn.liuork . f the Dcitl . he v o '' the niagniiiiuii xceiwrv ol thu 1,1 ' in nMi.r H.t,.iii.limeut The feo.lil t'lenely c.-.e:od with nr. pint. ' 1 ' K' ' .Itler. iiirch ami otlwr vrieti : llH-' CouritinL' .town the "loin-mto ll' v'll,x '"' i.r.nulie. ume i . ot.iue l VI " i.... i. i .i-i.i iu.i lie Million m w . , , . . .l....fl,,l mum A- :mmmn i"i. i i jrj. i i limping, plungu'lf. buhblmg doau ill , hillsldf, ulUii.inM t'.ne Willi -'-h for'od, iimU .inginK.a-'ih i UalUiluJuli Ut llmlr l uMlor i-""' " il lout in uwrtilt) ol Htt-r" 1 ""' ht)Tim tlmt iwn wltnw .mcI. e'"iM'i j up. i Ut In and nu M grmWul K " W I I mieh iiiiinllllwnl glfl KIUTATIOXM.. The Cove has for year leen cotiMdered an eiucational center. Vc have in the vil lage of Cove one district school with an attendance of one hundred scholars, with Miss Collison as principal and Mrs. '. Corpe as assistant, both venj thorough teachers. We have, also, two sectarian schools under the auspices of the Kpiscopnl denomination. Ascension school, a day and boarding school for young ladies, Is .situated on the old home of Mr. S. G. French, wno very generously bequeathed the grounds for the education of young hujios.A more beautiful location would be hard to find. The buiUU ings are large and commodious upon an elevated spot, a leautlfiil lawn surrounded by lovely shade trcts. Adjacent is a large orchard containing all varieties of fruit grown in Oregon. The school i under the supervision of Miss R.II.Uocock.of 'Virginia assisted by Mrs, A. Rooney, who use every elfbrt to make the school a success. Leighton Academy, a boarding school for young men is under the skilfull manage ment of Rev. Mr, Roorfty. Aside from the schools mentioned, we have in the precinct three other district schools, Shanghl, Frosty and Kendall, all doing good work and in charge of lady teachers. HELIOIOUS ORGANIZATIONS. We have three dcnomlnal religious or ganizations in Cove, the Episcopalians, wha have a beautifnl house of worship the Baptists, who have aborrt completed a very handsome structuie the Methodists, who hold services In the Universal church. Each organization is trying 4o ameliorate the human family, and 1 trust will succeed. We hare a very flourishing lodge of A. F. A A. M. SOCIETY. There are few places on the coast where society in the main. Is superior to that of the Cove, the citizens are peaceable, are moral and are Christians. Anyone can be religious, but it is not everyone that is re i ligious that is a Christian, they arc Indus i trious, sober, attend to their own allairs , neither do tjiey ever turn u deft enr to the wants o' the worthy poor, it that is not the quintessence of Christianity, the llibln is a mistake. 'Tis true we have a few. very few, "undesirable citizens, but in a short time, when they be-oine better acquainted, thor oughly acclimated and get that aeidtieous t;t out of theii system they will improve wy' rapidly and become worthy citizens. How much better it would be for a com munity were all to observe the golden rule, the burdens of life would be borne with more patience, the sorrows of life would be sweetened, and changed to joy, the pleas ures of life would boa foretaste of heaven if we would only follow that precept. ' lir.M;S INJlTTBir!8. We have in the village of Cove 300 inhab itants. One general rnerchnndUti ostubhtdi- j men t owned by E. P. McDaniel it Sons, UNION, OBKGON. ..n drug storejby J. G. Bte'vens, un excel lent Untiring mill, by Foster Bro.. ne tan i,..ry, wyf ehf-e fttctorie-. one tioe simp, oue I j ery tnble, butcher .-hop, one-barber . a sona fountain, candy stand. lot and leu-t ! two temperance billiani saloons Outsldv , r ... Tti' vin..t.. of itie vulage are iw w m, milU and many other enteYprlae of im- j.ori..we. Tw o miiiirti-r and one pby.lcHn are ihe iftily .trofiilliaI Jilfii thjidn- .-an ela-ut. M.HICX'LTrBAI iMi ion: I l I I." ;L. lhere ar ' ' "in 4:,'Huere- ol land m ,-nlm i'I.-i .' -v- "' "'real.-, we this M-.ii :ti" jifioo.) l.ushels.of wheat. l.-m.!i i- "f barley .nl about Piono busheN b o il- be-ide a nuali aliKiunt of rye. T.!o aeiaeo' the ilifferent grain lieraerca- 1 co' t ;,"' maehlne men was 3l) bushel-f wheat. 4'. of barle . S of oats, ami '"e. Tine ' ' ''" l! "' i ove. it U that there wa . ,,i ha put io "b- ve thi sjhi , ,.,..riiv.f which i- of Hw vt-iy t-t iv ol untoilo 1 are tiM,""' .,,. ,w. herethitt baelieu inue t-.r!! l-l aMiuge "l"- . i i. .i, i.. i it ...! !' ' , '"" h.t ibey UU any fernlunu turm ihe iir lime II,,. horiit uiliirjl II.I.I..I--Hhe ow u. lKmli( "i xre-t Import"""'- lh .,.,1 bMiKU I.ud. vtlth.urHH.-l .,,,1 l,.U H ."" -Upltilofl.C Mid U.f ,.llluri....l.i'i'l."lb' " J" "' rafw'uiluN ( Muslim inM.uwrf. IrMit Im4i of ihn vjllcy . All.. Apple, p-ars, peaches, clu rno, nitric. is. prunes, plums and .ill other varieties of fruit grown in thl latitude grow to per fection and as for henios of all varieties, al so tomatoes, vines of ail kind-)ield aston ishingly. It is quite difficult e en to ap proximate the amount of fruit produced in a single season. There were five fruUtlrytrs hi constant ne during the setion. There is no place in the United. StatM where prune can be grown so abundantly and cheaply as in the Cove, and any one who will plant an Italian prune orchard and attend to it, lays thu foundation for a fortune. The lion. . I L. Rusk, seorotnr.v of agriculture of the United States, is au thority for the fact that last vear "we CITY HALL, Aiiiericans )itid to foreign fruit-growers $20,00O,0M for fruit ami nuts we imported." No ono need fear over-production as ours will equal any imported fruit. The day is not far distant when thu value of fruit pro duced tn the Cove will excel any product of tho soil. . CLIMATE, lUUI.TlI, 1'llICB OK UV.N1I. Owing to the fact that the roothills on tho south of tho Cove 'project some throe miles into tho valley, wo are sheltered from many of the rude blast of winter that pre vail in other parts of the valley. The henlth, as Is the ease throughout Kastem regon. is remarkably good. No nialarin, no chills and fever in faet, If one does not aliuse tho laws of nature they nev er get sick, mlo-s thev brought the germ ol tho dUease with them. "Whilst a very large portion of thu inhabi tants of the Cove are contented to spend the remainder of thelr.days here, there are some restless spirits who are willing to dis pose of thoir farms that they maybe able to migrate- to some less civilized country, where their uncouth natures may be un trainineled free to ihinl; and act as their untutored natures may suggest.' "Farm lands vary in price. It depends upon location, improvements, etc. Froin, .flo to $10 per acre Is the ruling price. cose i.rsiox. . .' I.. ...,i,i,li,Li.iM lt inn iv it tlit. miin realtors of- Tin:' Scdi t thaUf they too ijjpf prospering as they sJiotfUP whore thoy.ajej, and wl1i io conic to vi0o belluvvto bo one ol t)fc bet .CUjih'uVsv on the' Pacific-' sloue. come to' the' Covo.' This country in' but In iu iiifuncy. .K ijiibuuIom ko has witnessed the marvelous cliaiWUv tliat,liavw ItlKeii pi tce in life lahl iiiut-tr ut it uiij.j)-i can give an itccrirate conception of tfie po ibilitie in store for it u the future. Now. wi-hln-' yourself, the muiiyj-cadcr of Tiik N "iT, In fact the entire nation a Happ Christina-, luiu It. spectfully Yours, .1 OH IlEMiEliiillOTT Cii, I niiiii . oiiuty, dr.. I)e-. 24. W1. HTAVKK W ALK Eli. Tiie attention of our ruulerbi called m the unique tnuuiniotlnidvertUoiuent of Messr. Ktuver it Walker, in this is. sue, hs it sets fni tli a lew faet that are not to bt gniiiiiaid, a.- there in uo doubt of tin- fact thattlit ir buvinu intrcdueod into this country full and coinpliPtt) Died to ml ihe I n)lc.h coun(v Inn of iiiaeliintry jjerfflly ailnjited the soil, weather, conditions mid cliiiiati of tnir tuiiuty, Iimm bud IO U Willi lIUMinliiTii in insi wmuv, n wil proiH.,y prepared, seed proper- lv sown, and gram pioiteily harvosttHi, VOslCU, and tbreshei' with oioj r machinery, will not only greatly inertuuu tho crop, but will enha-Tc- ;t value in tliw umr ki t in . i remark.ihU) extent. This fact the farmers art beginning In lake into foiuidvrulinn which prolmbly jccounU in a measure fur the large triuledoiio ny " " . ' Slaver A uuikt r 111 He- county ami in lai i in the enure norihwe-t, wln-reevtir the) haM 11 braticli liuiue. Thoy mu tlte'l. ml. rs in their line, and it i 0(ir tnlnly 11 maUifr of pride to them thai they lnvo micuoodud by youra of hnril . a. mass aiana sta "mm 'J' j' i i if !tr AY sm A ' " " UNION, OREGON. practictil work in getting together s-o lino" it line of goods, and goods so well adapted to (be ditVurcnt sections of the countrvtbis tboy lutvo done by Ktudy ing tbo. leqtiireiiieiits of the diU'oront localities and then seeing "tlmt the proper improvements were made to meet the demand. Shiver it Walker have shown them selves interested in the country in which they do business as ovory enter prise tending to tbo upbuilding of the resources of this county has received thoir hearty support and iniluonce, and that the people of tho county up prccintu this fact, is evidenced by tho large pationntje they have accorded this house. Thoir business in this county is con-' ducted under tho management of Mr. J. W. Whann, a gentleman of largo ex perience in this lino of business, and whose maxim seems t6 bu, a well as sorted stock of machinery adapted to the wants of tho country, highest quality of material uted in thoir con- .Btf.uction, reasonable prices, una a fair )id honorablo tieatmoiit to each and everbody, which has brought him a large and increasing volume of busi ness". . Staver it Walker have branch houses 'at every important business center in tho northwest and wo doubt if there is a firm in tho United .States, or m fact in the world, who carry under ono roof .'gcVlftrg'' and eomploto an assortment of Idriu onaehinery, vehicles,-engines i -i l . f . ..11 !.!...... ..!.!.. uoiiciv, piaumg nun iiinuiiiiiuiy glo nulls, etc. shin-' 'TJJK -lOCI'UT H OTIS I.. 'i'l'lui popular huuno in located at (he lip of tile hill jut opposite the depot. "X. C. Craig, tho proprietor, is ono of tlur lftlDBccr of Union county, having held many offices of public trus, including 6henf and judge. The Depot hotel is a large and commodious, building. The west bound moiiiiiig train slops here for breakfast, and the hotel n uoives a goodly nhnre t.J patrouugf from (he traveling public. About a quarter of a mile alwve the In del is a boiling spring of inineiul water with great health retoiiug, powers. The water from tiiis spring is convoyed lo the hotel through pi aiid i lued for duim-ctic ami bathing pnrpoMw. Mr. , Craig has several good bath roonm , ,,Uo1 "I for 11,0 t-,"'wll?11 of 'u ', '"w,t'- " . "i'ons v,lt! this plaeo for tlmir houlth. lho water, tM1,1,,,il,s i', HUllihur, luagnubmmid , , , , ,Zti uv,ur -v....b Tm! iuj-jj LK.UT SALOON. Thit popular retort was opened nl this city about a your ago by Messrs. Johnson A" Woodard, who uni'-iiow lasted iu the Bemlllard bulidTrtg , u , Main lret. lhy carry thu imi binnils of litiuor mid eigni. jiiiil Imvij ..... , -i .i. i.i.i i . ...; III Milium ami pom luiuuiur uiynuuoin- nti-Utiuii of ouittomurii. To thutuiiiMber of yonm, during which time, he olimal to Indulge In something for thy has piireliased (ho lino .tiiil siibulaiitial "Innur num" or engage iu u soiial ! More building hoielii illiinlriiled. bu guino, no butter pluou of i)ort will U) Uv u lino dwelling on the corner of found than tl Itluu Light." ' Second and 0 utront", where he rcnides. LLUSTRATIONS. Sonio of Our Solid nesH Houses. Busi- TWO BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCES Wllion's The Court House and City II 11, Eloct:, Lbvy's Storo a&d Oth er Structures. WILSON S Ul.OCK. This is the most substantial and finest looking building in Union coun ty. The construction of the building was commenced during the summer of 1SD0 and was finished ready for occu pancy in February last. It is n two story brick, with basement, construct ed of the best of material throughout, and hard finished on tho inside. It is ornamented on the outside with gal vanized iron cornice and has an iron front with large plato-glass windows. Tho building, as it now stands, cost about $10,000. Mr. S. L. Hunter, tho architect Rnd contractor, is a first class workman and has built many of the substantial structures in this city, and elsewhere. Tho lower story of tho building is occupied by Mr. Wilson for his saloon, the "Cornucopia," one of the finest in Eastern Oregon. Tho upper 6tory is divided into ten large, airy rooms," lifted up in tho best shape for sleeping apartments, each room being carpeted and supplied with com plete bedroom sets. Mr. Wilson is ono of our most prom inent and prosperous citizens and is deserving of much credit for his work in assisting to build up our town by his substantial improvements and lib eral donations to all public enterprises, as well ns to charitable, purposes. Sl'MMKKP it I.AY.Ni:. About two years ago Mr. .1. C. Sum mers and Mr. Dave- L.iyne, two of our enterprising citizens, associated themselves together under the above linn name, for tho purpose of engaging in the stove, tin and hardware busb ness. Such an establishment was greatly needed and Messrs. Summers it Lay no have built up n nice business in their line. Tho linn now occupy tho lire-proof brick, unjoining .lay cox's store, a cut of which will be seen elsewhere. Mr. Summers is .til expe rienced tinner and first-class workman. Purtio- desiring work in this lino can always ivly upon having it done in, the very' best manner. Besides a largo KLKCTltlC LKiHT l'OWKB liOUf-K, UNION, OB. htoek of Mnwaie, grauito-iron ware, wooden ware, cu ., they carry shelf J hnrdwaic, cutlery, and iu fact ovory-j tiling in the hardware line. Thin firm , it si ie m-iont for the Charter Oak I stove and ranges, a largo and vnriod stock of which will alwnya bo found at( their More, also the lutiwt designs in parlor and heating stove. i AllOl.I'll I.I'.VY, the pioneer merchant of Union, carries one of tliH litrgodt and best selected stocks of general moruhandisu to. bo fmind in the countv. It is a common oeourrfiice for parties in search of who llov ,mV(, fuill!ti l0 lllHi hu jji trtiuio elsewhere, to ie- mark : "W ell I am sure 1 can find it at l'vy'-, for he curries everything.' This fact being gonerally known has caused him to gain a largo trade among our fanners and miners, which he justly deserves. In his storo will bo found ovorything needed by the fanner, miner and utoc-kmnii, and for ' sale at reasonable ruton, Mr. Levy ?i i .. 1....1 1 1 1 uas iwii 111 oo-oiu-- umv twi imnt S. r. Mit.i.Ktt, our furniture denier, in a young num lioru n tut rniswl in Ui.ioii county. About two yoiii-s ago lie bought out the furniture utore in this city, then owned by P. B. Wilson and Arthur Miller, lie ha added Inrge st(x;k until tocluy lie lias the finest store ol that kind in Union county. Besides hia line tOlk of nil kinds of furniture, j carpets-, blinds and picture frames on exhibition nt his sule.sroom, lie 1m? n. large amount of goods stored in his ! warehouse near the bridge, including sash, doors, blinds, mattresses, chairs, I moulding, bedding, etc. llo is selling j goods very cheap and in consequence I has built up a gootl and paying' trade from all parts of the county. In fact ho conies near supplying tho entire county with goods in his line, lie is a pleasant and agreeable gentleman, with whom every one likes to trade. J. M. IMIY'S ltKSIDKNCK. This beautiful residence was pur chased from Henry Striker a short time ago by Mr. Thy who has fitted it up in fine shape for himself and chil dren, who now reside in this city. Mr. rhy also has a nice house on his farm four miles north of town. Since purchasing the Striker property Mr. l'hy has in ado many improvements, .both the inside and outside of the houso having been thoroughly over hauled, additions built on, and the house papered and painted throughout. The yard has also been beautified by the addition of new fence, cement sidewalks, etc. Mr. Phy has one cf the finest residences in Union. THE KI.KCTRIC 1.1QHT l'OWKIt 1IOU8K. This substantial brick building is also owned by Mr. J. M. Phy, who lately purchased it from Henry Stri ker. At tho time tho sketch of this building was made it was the inten tion of Messrs. Sholton it Phy, who cwn tho electric light plant of this city to have tbo same located in this build ing, but have sinco changed their mind and iiavo erected a temporary building for that purpose on A street, where a piece of giound has been purchased. It is their intention to erect iv substan tial brick power-house next spring. Mr. l'hy is ono of our most substantial anil enterprising citizens and has late ly acquired much valuable property in our city, M.S. WAHUKN'S ItHHIDK.Wi:, about a" quarter of n mile wost of Union, is built upon a lino block of ground, and is sunounded by a fine growth of shade trees and shrubbery, making it u very inviiiug and pleas ant place of abode. Mr. and Mrs. Wan-en have acquired cuuaidorable of this world's goods, and liuvo built u good anil mibatantiul home iu this city, when- they might rear their family and take udviintiigo of our school tucilitiee. hut CITY HAM.. tin our lirct pace will be found a picture of thi magnificent and sub stantial structure, now nimrly com inloted, Jtis a two-story brick, built . . . . 1 .hi 1 Ann at a cost to tiie city 01 aoout u.yiw. The lower story k provided with a city jail nnd 11 room for storing tho l lire aparalus of tho city. Tho upper h 1 f 1 v iMiiiiiiiimi iiiiii 111111.11. 1111 recorder and marshal, also s largo council chuinber, with a firo-preof vault iu one comer for the safe keep ing of city record!. - i-ti 1 Till: KBNUVKV MlJUOIt H10(i:. now owned by A. Wood it Co., Is an old established Iioumi whero tho publio will always II nd tho choicest wiiicn, liquors and uigiM. ThiH is n neat and orilorly establiiihinoiit on the comer of Main and 11 streets. Miliars. Wood & Co. mo nolo iigoutH for (ho culi)l;ratl Jesno Mooro bnuid uf liiuior. Tlwy dho have good club rnotn ami a tfiw billliml liilihi1 for lho tiomkth! of their uiittniiiuia, '