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About The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1891)
ALL KINDS OF The Scout has 'Commercial Printing ! Double the Circulation i'NE AT RE.V-ilNUII.F. ItVTE. OF VNY l'MTIl IS T II K (OtNTY. Hure Will tho Press thu lJoile h KlRlitt Maintain. VOL VIII. rIOX, OKKCJOX, TllUKSDAY, DECK3I KKK ti l, 1S91. WjaiiTrrJrairtr,it,frriir,wr?,iT'w'iifc'.iiiifuiiiHii''f PROFESSIONAL CARDS. II ; It ItT 1 1. Mi's mil si I. W. -OlKl.TON. J. M. CABfcOi l. S HELTON & CARROLL, Attorney sat Law, UNION, OREGON. attention Klrra Wmll htK-tuev. entrus ted to II1-. oii'ic- two (I'inrs south of bank. R. EA.KIN, A t o-r n e y UNION, C a t L )w. OtlKOON. i mi. i! i attention paid l all busiuet- tjntms toil to ,.i-. oitio two loor Mjuth of hardware store of i i-limilHT-yiV l.;ll ill.'. I. X. CROMWELL M. D Physmtan and Surgeon, 4 NIOV. DKKtiON. 11 calls promptly attended to day or night Office n Ith I!. Kakiii. Ketddonce on1 A Ktmt. fourth limine est of Wright's store. E. HROOKS, m. D., Physician and Surgeon, ISLAND CITY, OUKGo Prompt ntti'tttion given to all profet-sdonal culls, ilny or nilit. T. McNAUQlITOX, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, elgin, OREGON. All rails lynnptly attended to, day or niglit. W. II. EWIX, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, COY)-:, OREGON All rails attended to, day or night. MRS. A. M. PELIIAM, M. D. Iloinoenathic Physician, Disecsci- of Chijdrcn a Specialty. Ollice at the Ulm residence. North Union. ' O. F. BELL, Conveyancer, Abstracter and Searcher of Rec ords, Notary Public. Union, Union County, Oregon. ffjgf-OIIlce, North Union. (for the present) at reMdenco in U-2f-tf. OPENED - ANEW! THE EL1CH0RN Livery and Feed Stable. . (Near tlic Court Houte.) Hulick & Wright, Proprietors. Good Teams, lluggies and Hacks for the ac comodation of customers. CHANGES REASONABLE. A share oi the public patronage solicited. C-l-tf. LUMBER for SALE at the High Valley r TV T I I m v a a r i.i i OAVV JVJLIJU. All kinds of lumber constantly on nana or furnished on slioit notice. 1'rices cheap as the cheapest. Patronaae Solicited. 5-no-tf WM. WILKINSON it SON. City Meat Market, UNION, OIIKGON. BENSON BROS. PROPRIETORS. Beef, Pork, Veal, Mutton, Hams Lard, lite,, Kept constantly on hand. Cornucopia Saloon, UNION, OREGON. WILLIAM WILSON, PROPRIETOR. Finest of 'tines, Liquors "and Ci gars Kept in Stock. W Liquor for medicinal purpoo a spe cialty. Good Millard table. Drop iu mid bo sooluble. Do You Want to SAVE FROM 25 TO 50 CUNTS V On Every Dollar You Sjioml? If o. writ fr Mr JHuitruiud Utlup Hung mmufMUml in the Viilljd uu , at inuimlmaurers' priaM. WJMO lllu tion., all hues rprnt'! aUlogu . niilixt tnm o'i . 'li '"" Adii'iM Hill Alio liKXKIUi. Mt PPI V '.. IT Vt Vmh . , ! I i vl For Sfiil. IliL&I In ...hi . .ji.Wlliw ut I' Uw. MMtll MtUH tU I )U UwlUUW " f n. . .iUUMti(t tui l i t III ! II f)U( "W "1 Pi am W 2 Ml Thev do sav e nil's the finest CHRISTMAS and NJV. YEAR CARDS. Everything y.m want ami enough Candies Snts, Tobacco . iirn (ia itL 1 1 t ( O-l No . eontr.iit to S 1"0, 1 ';iin J 1 lbidenrcleh a it i (' containing HO acre. i!iM nit 1 i ,t- i I Works, tly Fob. J(i, lS'.d, lie hi' '. i 1 ciery p.irc let It, and 1 de hire to iviviui'K .ici tiim'toittn ..fid nil parties ilelritu to Inn r m''I prnpe.-t . i" i rustlor and (atlsfae'.orv i i .- 1 1 t i do lan-itte m Ith. a. w. i:yneiok. . litttKDi!, Orenon. IKh'. 10. isro. We, the undcrjdjtiied, reeoinniend J. I,. Ilci denreich as mi effleient, relinhle I'tid energetic real estate agen!. To ierbotiH dcsirfiig to iur ohntseor disposu of y.ropeity ewill sny that Mr. lleidanreleh is a man who knows better how tq, mid wl attends to his tws'ucts lietter than any real estate rleiiJ"r vve ever met, and we timl from our deulinm itli him that ho desires above all to srixe sutUiaetioii to all parlies doing K..ut. ...... v.1... lr..u....t.'i.ll.. uupiiiv-a mu'. .vi-v- ii'iui, C. V.. l"!10'T, i". 1 MoilKLOCK, n. W. Moukuk-i:, 1. c. Mobki.ock. La Uua.nuc, Oregon, July 10, 1NI1. l.llie mii'.et signed, John Vuthony, proprietor of the liirniido Candy l'i.etory. remo; ed i.iv stwk at the ilre of July 1, 18U1; next day Mr. J. L. lleidenreleh. ie.-.idetit agent at this place for Mhe I'alatine Insuranee Co. of Mnuehester, Kttg- lintd, er.-.ite around and advised me to straighten up mv stoek anil take good rare of tho damaged goods', and the damage v.' ill be fairly and promptly adjusted as soon as thu adjuster gets around." Today my damage, was satisfactorily adjusted, and the cash paid for said damage. Jons Anthony. We, the undersigned, wore insured in the Commercial insurance Co., J. L. lleidetncirh agent. Having moved out on account of the lire the Ith of July, and damaged our stock, we received our monev prompt and satisfactorily. I'ai.mki: it De.niiam. Having suirereda loss by the late lire, and being insured in the Palatine Insurance Co. of Manchester. Kngland, J. L. lleidctirclch resi dent agent, I take this means to return thanks, for prompt payment of my loss, to said agent nnd insurance company. Very respectfully yours, Chaiu.ks smith. I, the undersigned, lost a building hy ilre on the 1th of Jttlv, which wis Insured In the I'ala tine insurance Co., Manchester, Kngland, re insurer of the Commercial, California, recom mend J. L. lleidenreleh, their resident agent at this place, as a rustler and reliable man. Many thanks to the I'alatine Insurance Co. for their fair adjustment and prompt payment. ltespectfully, J.T. llAKEIl. DRIVER & MARTIN, i urn AND- : WAGON WORK. Care and attention paid to Shoeing Trotting Horses, In terfering and Contracted Feet a Specialty. ZCST-l'low work, Laying of Cylinder Teeth, Ilalaucing, etc., gh en special care. Shop Main St., Union, Oregon. 5-7-tf. JASPKH G. STEVENS, .Propr. DEAI.KIl IN IE DRUGS, Patent Medicines. Perfumery, Paints and Oils. Prescriptions tfnrofutly Prepared. AI0 IlKAI.KU IN SPORTING GOODS, Consisting ot Shotguns, Itiues, Pistols and Cartridges. Imported and Domestic Cigars School Books, lite. ASCENSION !-i SCHOOL! .1.-1 .; ' ' wn.i toi oirU. '' I'lllol. 1 1 .1 I; 1M Hi Kv H i 0 , H0lm Hm N M 4ii i- til I l N.lo of I lib 10. 'Htltt I I IT, -v- -I t .1 BiacKsinitJ Tlie uove Jj Store ''HiiVi HOLIDAY GOODS! stoek nnd ollin,' cheaper than any and Cigars and all .staple goods Constantly in Stock. WABHlHQTOH. News of tlie Wtek From Our Ef ular Cor rcBtfoudaat at tHo Capital. Proiilont Karrisoti's annual tnes-s.t-i- to congress if, iu spite of its length, :i well written nnil intorestiug docunient, anil no man interested in national nfl'ain? can nflbrd to skip a single paragraph therein. There is, of course, the usual dinbrence of opinion as to those portions of tho message treating of the subjects which arc in dispute between the political parties. That portion of the message dealing with foreign aflairs, which may be supplemented soon by a special mes sage on Chilian aHairs, is generally commended by congressmen of all parties for its dignified language and conservative stand. The message rec ommends the passage of a bill lending the government endorsement to the bonds of the Nicaragua, canal com pany, ami expresses the opinion that tho canal is of sufficient importance to justify tho dnoct appropriation by congress of money suflicient to build it, if it can be built in no othor way. This recommendation has opponents in all parties, particularly in the house of repieseutalives, and it is extremely doubtful whether such a bill can be passed. It, reiterates tho statement in the last message against Tfcc coinago at this time, and asks that the present silver law be let alone. This is also u suggestion that will bo warmly op posed in both house and senate, by some of all parties. It repeats for the third time Mr. Harrison's recommen dations for the protection of railroad employes, and presents a startling array of statistics showing tho neces sity for such a law. That is a recom mendation which should bo acted upon, nnd it will bo if the Labor organizations will bring a littlo pres sure to bear upon congressmen. It recommends tho adoption of a consti tutional amendment for a uniform system for tho election of congressmen-and members of electoral college, and tho appointment by tho supremo court of a non-partisan commission to impure into and recommend a remedy for the evils of our present election system. Young Sherman Hoar, who is a democratic member of the houso as well as a nephew of Senator Hoar, who is about as radical a republican as could be found, is said to have cried like a child when Mills was defeated. If he remains in political life long, ho will get bravely over Unit sort of thing. Representative Jerry Simpson drew a first-class nrizo iu the lottery for choice of seats, and selected a sent in tho front row, where ho cannot fail to attract tho speaker's attention every tinio ho says "Mr. speaker," and un less ho changes his mind, ho will say it very often during tho session. No business of any importance except organizing is over dono during the first week of a now congress, ami this congress is no innovation iu that respect; the houso adjourned from Wednesday to Saturday, when it will adioum to next Wednesday: and - owing to the nearness of tho Christ mas holiday season and tho doubt about whether Speaker Crisp will get the chairmanships of committees an nouueed before the recess, it is safe to assume that tho torious work of the bt'suion will not begin until January. It in just us null perhaps for tho mu jurlty iu tho liutitu Unit this is so, as tho hoothiiiK ull'uct of tiiuw will by bmdleiiil to the so roue wliiuli now exUU ammig tliutfu who fought w hard U miiko Mr. MHU iwkr The viglll llilliUcri of lite furjllUlV (illkUMM who MlMHrltl IUrwniUUlvo WiMi, ut Utturgtu, Ui mUt, dmy Uwi Ui4y wmm Ulwt;MtuUMl Ummkjm iuurtf id Ui uiUtiiiB HiyinUr Uk) nut vh uifvOief. mw1 tttaiui dial lhay will utHiM. um itgMitbi wliMi any ulM I . I WMlwWiJjl MM' ui llt MllMHtW JiniilM I 4m klill MM4iv lo twin 111 Him lnwuo, rwmlli ! Will I nMti Hi ; er we are o& LAY IX Di li SUPPLY OK- hou iu town. You should jut sec hi tor ail. display. It is slated here that the old light against Ir. Mactine, who is a member Of thb executive committee of tho national twiners' alliance and the edi tor of thu National Economist, the national organ of tho alliance, is to bo opened again at tho meeting of tho executive committee to bo held here in January. Again tlie air is full of tumors ittkntt Mr. Maine's intoulion to write a letter formally announcing that he will not be a candidate, and declaring in favor of Mr. Harrison. It may be true, but it cannot bo vouched for by your cor respondent, becauso ho has been un able to find anyone authorized by Mr. Maine to make such a statement. Tho election of Speaker Orisp, whether justly or not, is generally regarded here as a black eye for the piesidential aspiration of Mr. Cleve land. The democratic members of the houso made Mr. Cleveland's nom ination the principal issue of tho speakership campaign, with Mr. Mills as the Cleveland candidate. Speaker Crisp refused, after his nomination by the caucus and previ ous to Ins lonmil election hv the homo, to ptoiniso that he would so make up tho committee on coinage, weights and measures, as to ensure tho"smo4tierTng of the free coinage legislation. This may mean much, or. it may mean nothing. J. II. C. County Alliance. Union, Dec. 18, 1891. Tlie Union County Farmers' Alli ance ami iniiustrial union met at Union Dec. tho Kith inst. in regular monthly assemblage. A two day's session was liciu ami mucii business of importance to the alliance of this county was transacted. Much en thusiasm prevails throughout the county yet, reports to tho contrary notwithstanding. There aro sixteen local ledges in tho county, with a membership reaching into the neigh borhood of one thousand. A fair at tendance was present and tho annual election took place, resulting as follows : President, 1). Logsdon, Union; vice president, C. D. Huffman, La Grande; secretary, IL W. Huffman, Union; treasurer, Jno. E. Hough, Cove; lect urer, Dunham Wright, Medical Springs; steward, Geo. W. Dillin, Union; chaplin, Kov. W. H. Fancher, Suinmcrvillo; doorkeeper, Win. Swiger, Union; assistant doorkeeper, H. L. Daughcrty, Cove. Tlie next meeting will occur at Un ion, on tho 20th and 21st day of Janu ary, 1892, and a full delegation and full force of all committees is earnest ly icquestcd, as there is business of vital importance to come beforo that meeting. All members not delegates are re spectfully invited to attend tho Janu ary meeting, and lend a hand to tho furthering ot tho cause. A matter of importanco was brought beforo tho last assemblage, but in jus tice to the lodges not represented, was doferred until tho January, meeting Particulars later. Como everyone; it is necessary that every lodge in tho county bo represented. A two day's session was decided upon iu order -to have ample time for the disposal of business. Tho inoothiK will bo at Wright's Hall, Union Orugon, January 20th and 21st. 1892. Itmnumbor it and oome. II. W. IIUI'l'MA.V, County Uiw'y. U nUould bo In Every llouee. I it Umi, HI l'l Mtmi, lMrtlM4ftf. I'M U i'.l wH lw witliuui lr Hint hum ItiM.mii i 'MuuiHiiii, ' .Mini U! ' wUU, lb! .1 .!! hi oil b tliniMl ullli pin m. ui. u afti u llk ol 'I '.ilpp, nlwi- . il'.u .rfbvi li'i.iwll" CU'I 4l' i..i iu bw mi i I Hulmii MrlMf, 4 i .ii it, iIim In kn..fc i!4.i mi kM 4mm Mm ihm tun iIm mtUiius U vim mm4 M 14 ImmiU b4MM DM ' i, t lilai liMttu 4 II II 4i.iru. li iiu.. ii l TO stork of VASES, JAPANESE UOODH, PLUSH GOODS, DOLLS, T YS. One ior North Centennial Hotel. WOLF CREEK HEWS. Toaaff Man in a Bad Predicament Personal and Nswi Notoi. December, 21, ISM. Mi. Nick Nice is on tho sick list. Mark Oilkison made a trip to Union, Saturday. Harold Parker was with Hakor City friends Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. James Clilkison went to tho county seat Sunday. Mrs. Thomas O'Hryant made a busi ness trip to Union Monday. Kov. llramblot, of Klgin, is the guest of John O'Hryant and family. Mr. Thos. O'Hryant is gradually im proving and will bo able to be around in a few weeks. Quito a good time is expected at the Christmas tree at North Powder Christmas ovo. That young man over on North Powder river still continues his friend ly visits on Wolf crock, with great reg ularity. Tho dilferences existing between Gor ham & Kothchild and Mr. Eaton, rela tive to a power formorly owned by tho absconding Gus Hutchinson, have been amicably settled. Road carts aro becoming quite fash ionable hero and seem to bo a drawing card, judging from the number of trips made with ono to "Quartz gulch" and tho fact that it always conios back loaded and billed for church at North Powder, with ono of tho fairest of tho fair of tho gentler sox; but this is not tho "littlo red wagon," which in its day was a drawing card, and has boon known to draw with moro magnetism than tho well known vcgotable, tho cabbage, but it is tho "littlo yellow carf and owned iu fee-simple by ono of our rising young men who still lanionts that tho avoirdupois of hie "ducky darling" was so great as to give tho cart the lock-jaw on tho haw side. As the writer was returning from church, a weary prodigal, one evening last week his attention was attracted to some mysterious being which at first ho took to bo a ghost, but not being a firm beliover in ghosts, ho drew his six shooter, presented arms, aroused courage and proceeded to investigate tho Btrango, mysterious being. At a first glanco ho thought it was an inhabitant of somo strango and unknown planot, who had had a batl caso of somnambulism and getting too near tho planot's edgo had dropped off and lit in this strango, wicked world ; but great was our surprise when on closer investigation wo found tho mys terious being to bo ono of our young farmers, who wag quoting from Shako spcaro as follows : "Fair Ik my love, but not no lair an llckle; Mild uh ii dure, but neither truo uor trinity ; JlrlKhtor titan kIuom. uutl yet, iih glass in, brittle. With a goodly amount of threats mixed witu high-flavored persuasion the writer succeeded in Ketting the young man to alight from his porcli on tho lence, where ho said ho had intended to stand until ho became completely potrificd, and then ho would have his noblo form exhibited a hundred years hence at the World'a Columbian Exposition to bo held at North Powder, as ono who hud died a martyr at tho shrine of love. As ho alighted from his porch on tho higea t fence stake ho was heard to say: Qui tulle te posisil (imautcm'l which showed plainly that ho had once been a man of oluseio learning. The writer baiiig liinibuir a imtdioinu limn called to liU it it 1 H. ',. Herman, of North Powder. ami at once proocwlwl to invutiiUu thu wIivh and whyruforo of tliU ntnuiMtf buliiK, Afior due ilnlibunitlun mid a Hiin)ilut dluKiimu, uldiul by u thorough muling up of Dr. Jhium' iiiwllnul uliiiiiiiuu, ih imllotii via pro iiuiiiiuihI tin Milliiflnir fllllll it I'll! wuti of hraln-hriiikiiK0, Mini a ohuntcu ui uliiiitiUi ruyuiiiiiiuniliwl i but like IU' uhul iif oi h nllll mfiiien lo lw iiMP IMfltHl Wuu Anon- GOVS ovtuitas covk, Dec ' . Sleighing i the present Prof. Vanter, the pianist tii. ent v n in town last week. ; Quito a number of entertainment are talked of for the holidays. The Uoble Pros., of Medical Springs, spent a few days in Covo this week. Walter Pees accidentally foil through a show caso and cut his arm very severely. Services were hold at tho Morrison church last . Sunday, Row A. Le Hoy officiating. Dr. llardinge expects to move back to Cove this week. Ho will resume practice hero again. Tho Covo Academy has closed for the holidays, after which it expects to open up with a full attendance. Jas. 1! m ford sold his ranch, consist ing of 2f0 acres, to Cowles & MoDan iel. Consideration not known There will bo no service at Aecon- sion church next Sunday, the pantor being absent. Sunday school at tho usual hour. Whilo coining from Union, ono day last week, one of Kd Imblor's lino mares was taken sick, ami had to bo killed next day. Mrs. 1). Wright and daughter, Grace, and niece, Miss Enielo, of Medical Springs aro visiting in tho Covo. Thoy expect to remain until after Christ mas. Quito an excitement was created last Sunday evening by tho burning of an old hut in Pees' field, peoplo think ing it wos Frank Mitchell's new resi- donco. Mr. Keavis, tho dentist, took his de parture yesterday for a visit to Wal lowa. Ho expects to visit tho Covo again, professionally, as soon as ho returns. Married. At tho residence of tho groom's parents, Mr. Thos. Tolly and Miss Hattio Myrick, How Lo Hoy offi ciating. Tho ceremony was porformcd at 2 o'clock p, m., Sunday. How A. Lo Hoy has been holding a Ecries of lectures upon his travels in tho Holy Land. Thoy were fairly pa tronized and woro well worthy of it. Tho proceeds aro to bo applied on tho now Haptisl church. There have been a good many peo ple in town tho past week and most of them bought thoir holiday goods of E. P. McDaniel it Son, who presented them with a year's subscription to the popular monthly, Good Form. At tho annual o.cction of Covo Lodge, No. 91, A. F. k A. M., hold at Masonic hull, Cove, Or., Dec. 10, 1891, tho following ofllcors wero olected and installed: 13. P. McDaniel, W. M.; A. J. Foster, S. W.; J. E. Hough, J. W.; C.G.Olson, Sec; L. IL Holmes, Treas.; H. S. Powcl, Tyler. Regular meetings on the first and third Satur days of each month. Agents Wanted Our agents make. 1100 to J.108 u mouth cllluir our good on thoir merlin. Wo want county und general agctitu, and will tako back all KootU uu Mld If ii county agent fall to elear 1100 uud cx cim after a thirty day's trial, or ii general agent le than iV). Wo will tend largo lllus trated circular and letter with a facial offer to Milt territory applied for, on receipt ot three ono cent Mampn. AMly at onco ami gel In on tho boom. AddrenK, UuNNtu MASurAirreiiiNo Co.. W.yi I'ltuunruM's. Take It Before BrerUtraiU Tbwtftsut appytUor, ivnlu awl (vr regulator. In wm lw suite tlutn SO yters In Itiigiuml. l'ol U tolSo tor liver ettmpUUHt. Had lato In Urn HMih n arteiHff in tlie inonitiui. dull palim 111 llM NtfMt Ut! tMOfc ul ibu V)M, ittv.1 iwulliiir. 4IMIWM. kUCIMM1 fMituMM IIVW COIIl mUImi IUsmmI) -Hr- llswlr llwrlUh pudo liuu Tuute. llelUte uiliwilwi. liarioti tho awMttn s4 umm l IIm muIIi )'lwu- UvC tfwiulM from yuur druiutUt for II. sikI isVo - - Hon R4 WSIOII f uu, Tmu viuiii of uiksI, lii'uvy Iihiwii iuiliPttMll'l Inn wiMU t'tf M' n