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About Roseburg review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1885-1920 | View Entire Issue (June 18, 1886)
ROSEBURG REVIEW FRIDAY, JUNEtS 1886. A. O. U. W. ROSEBURG LODGE No. 16, meets the sei-niid aud fourth Monday ot each month t 7.30 P. M . in tbe Odd Fellow Uall. Member in good standins are invited to attend. E. O. Hrsii, T. Ford, Financier. Koconlcr. O. E.S. CnAPTERK.l. ASHLAND OREGON Reeular meeti'iin 1st and 3rd Tuesday. All mem be in are cordially invited to at end M b. Anna Carter. W. M. W. H. Atkinson . P MISS ANNA ANDERSON, Secretary. PH1LETARIAN I.ODC.t No. 8, 1. O. O. t.,"eei. n fiaturilitv evening each week at 7 o'clock, in their hall a Members ., the ordsr in good standing" are invited to attend. Kv order of the N. u. UNION ENCAMPMENT, No- . F".meot! Odd Fellows' Hall on the first and third Thursdays of each month. ViBitinjr hmnrenn E. G. Hi'RMi, Scribe - t i-hfi. TODfiF. A. P. M. WILL HOLD retmlar meetings oir Wednesday on or before each fun moon. u. a. " Duxcak, Sec. J. P CJirQUA CHAPTER, Nell. F. A. M., hold i-jCyi their regulr communijations every first and third Tuesday in each month. All f,3itta members in irood etandintr will Uke due and .,,i m.rrn thmtlves accordinirlr. ViHithur riimnsnlans ar invited to meet with the hanel when convenient. N. P. Bl'SSELt, II V. I. Fribduasbkh. Sc-'v. P. lloi SE to Rent. A good house to rent, with good rooms, well situated and all out buildings necessary. Apply to Mrs. Snyder, the dressmaker on Main street near the engine house. School Exhibition. There will be a bchool exhibition at the Velzain school house to-night, which promises to be an entettaining affair. With Henry Smith as teacher the suc cess ofthc exhibition is assured. Several Rose burgers are going. Coyotes. On Thursday Al Herrcn, assw tcil by his dogs, killed seven coyotes on Joshua Turvinc's place over in Polk county, and it was rather a poor day for coyotes, too. He took the scalj to Dallas, and received in return for them $56 in cash, Polk county paying the same bounty as Marion: That was a very good day's work. Statesman. Fruit Cannery. Why don't some enter prising business man start a fruit cannery here such as they have in California? They ship canned fruit up here from California and sell it here, when just such fruit is raised here and let go to waste for want of some one to take hold of the enterprise and save the fruit that is and can be raised here. Lost. One day last week at Wilbur a cow belonging to surveyor elect (Britt) ate up a $25 green back and part of a pocket book be longing to Dwight Reed. Mr. Brill on hear ing of this and finding his cow gone started before daylight in search of his then (as he t hought) valuable cow. He was seen about five o'clock two miles from home inquiring for said cow, but since which lime he nor his cow has been seen We suppose he for got his compass when he started and con sequently the result above mentioned. ,.-New Westminister, B. C, June 13. 1 1 P. M.' Parties arriving from Vancouver state that at 2:30 this afternoon the wind rose to. a gale and caused fires which were burning n the Canadian Pacific railway reserve to Spread toward the city. A house on the ex treme west end caught fire and the flames spread rapidly to all the adjacent " buildings. : At 4 o'clockthe last house was in ashes. The Hastings sawmill and the Royal City planing mill, being situated on points of land outside the town, were saved. Five persons are re ported dead, and several seriously,- if not fa tally injured. The firm of J. M. Clute & Co. lose $5000; insurance, $2000. The total loss is estimated at$i,ooo,6oo; insurance, $10,000. One thousand people are homeless. It is impossible to obtain full particulars to-night, on account of the telegraph wites being down. Oregonian. 1'ire Bell. On last Sunday about three o'clock P. M. the fire bell sounded and every body rushed out to see where the fire was, and a cloud of smoke was seen rising from the residence of W. F. Owens. The Hook St Ladder Co. w as soon there and by the aid Of others soon extinguished the fire with but little damage to the house. It caught from a defective flue in the kitchen. Mr. Owens and most of his family were absent having gone to campmeeting, and narrowly escaped finding their house in ashes on their return. It was fully insured in one of the reliable Co's. for which Will Moore is agent, and the indem nity has been paid. Those who want to in ure should call on Billy. , Farmers Read. To the farmers and fruit growers of Douglas county, Oregon, why pat ronize nurserymen from abroad, when you can get a better variety at home. We have every variety of fruit, shade, and ornamental trees, shrubbery etc. We are responsible for any guaranty thai we may make, and we will give you trees suitable to this section and warrant each and every tree just as recommended. Kcnicnibcr that every tree is grown in this climate and warranted true to name. North Western Nursery, located at Salem, Oregon T. D. Jones, Prop. Chase iv: Ford, agents, Red Front, Roseburg, Oregon. Rosf.uurg Reform Club. Tuesday 'mid the booming of anvils, and music from the lunior Band the members and visitors of the Reform club was called to order. The exer cises w as of a congratulatory character, and the several speakers rejoiced in the stand they had taken, and the grand success that attended their efforts of reform. Mr. Tichenor, Mr. Eustic, Mr. Ramp and Mr. Gaddis delivered fhort addresses promising a hearty campaign for 1 SSS . The programme was select and well tendered. Meetings will be held every two weeks durine the summer at the club room V. Alexander, Secretary, RASrBEKRY AND PRIZE FESTIVAL. Rose. burg Lodge No. 16 A, O. U. W. will give a raspberry festival ira Friday evening June 25th in Slocum's hall, where a general good time will be in store for all those who may attend. One of the features of the evening will be the presentation of a beautiful Toilet Set to the lady who will bring the nicest boquet. The prize to be awarded by competent judges selected from the audience. Grand Master Geo. V. Dorris of Eugene City will be pres ent and enlichten the company with a discourse on the objects, benefits and general character of the order and its relation to the wellbeing of society, the audience will also be favored with vocal and instrumental music and other amusements that may make the evenings en tertainment pleasant. The prize is now on exhibition at Chase & Ford's Red Front where the gentlemenly proprietors with take pleasure 'n showing it to the ladies. LOCAL BREVITIES. No rain. Crops are short. Having has begun. Everybody praying for rain. T. C. Ward the photographer. Ripe cherries are in the market. Summer fights have commenced. For photographs go to T. C. Wards. Go to the Post office store for bargains. Ice cream every day at the City Bakery. A few drops of rain fell Monday evening. New rustic scenery at T. C. Ward's gallery, W. E. Weekly gave us a call last Saturday. Call and see the new photographs at T. C, Wards. 1 For nice cool summer drinks go to the City Bakery. Ice cream and ice cream nectar at the City Bakery. You can pet anvthiricr vou want at Chase & Ford's. A new lot of cigars just arrived at L. Lan genberg's." Go to Clements & Co. the popular furni ture dealers. A number one Organ for sale cheap at L. Langenberg's. The editor of The Grants Pass Argus gave us a call yesterday. For fishing tackle, musical instruments etc., go to L. Langenberg's. Miss Nettie Bell returned from her visit to Corvallis Tuesday evening. Miss Annie Kent of Myrtle Creek was in town a few days this week. A bridge across the Willamette at Salem is being much talked of now. Miss Belle Moore went to Jacksonville last Monday on a visit to friends. A great many Roseburgcrs went to camp meeting near Oakland last Sunday. Miss Belle Denning of Looking Glass gave our office a call one day this week. Still comes to us the cry lor rain as crops are being badly damaged for want of it. Jesse Gage called on us last Monday and subscribed for The Review for a year. For fresh' canned fruits, all kinds of gro cerics and stationery go to Billy Moore. Maurice Abraham returned home from the State University at Eugene last Monday. That Hacking Cough can be so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure, at S. Hamiltons. A ereat many farmers came to town last Saturday to get the returns of the election. Dr. Little al Oakland relieves you at once of that terrible toothache in a dental manner, fine candies, nuts, cakes, pies, oranges, lemons, and strawberries at the City Bakery, Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey went to Garden Valley yesterday on a visit to Mrs. Hanan Mrs. Kramer of Mcdford is visiting her sister Mrs. J. C. Aiken in this city this week. J. C. Fullcrton went to Portland last Tues day to attend the Grand Lodge A. F. nnd A, M. "IlACKMETACK" a lasting and fragrant per umc. Price 2? and fifty cents at S. Hamil tons. James Calvert has sold out his interest in the Coos Bay stage line to his partner James Laird. Hoi. Abraham returned from a business trip to Portland accompanied by his daughter last Tuesday. John Livingston of Mt. Scott was in town Monday. He says everything is quiet on the Umpqua. A second hand two seated hack to be ex changed for wood. For particulars apply at this office. Dr. Marsters coroner elect was serenaded by the Junior Band last Saturday, -and his election ratified. Shiloh's Cure ; will immediately relieve Croup Whooping Cough and Bronchitis. S. Hamilton agent, j A Nasal Injector free with each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Trice 50 cents at S. Hamiltons. : L. Langenberg has just received one of the finest Tot of shoes ever brought to Roseburg. Go and sec them. '. Miss Delia Party left last Saturday for San Francisco to spend the summer visiting relatives and friends. John Hall our commissioner of Myrtle Creek was in town last Wednesday and gave us a substantial call. G. W. Day of this city left last Tuesday for a visit to the eastern states. He goes over the Northern Pacific Route. Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy a positive cure lor catarrh, JJipntncna, ana Canker Mouth. 1 S. Hamilton agent. Why Will Ycu cough when Shiloh's Cure will give immediate relief Price 10 cts., 50 cts., and Si. at S. Hamilton s. On Monday last James Starr of the Cala pooia had the mislortune ot Having nis leg broken by a horse kicking him. G. W. Wonacott had his fooA mashed a few days since by having a wagon run over it. He is able to walk upon it however. Jack Chapman and Creed Gillam oi Wilbur arc going into tne mercnandisc business at Grants Pass soon. ! Success to you boys. Mrs. W. S. Humphrey is improving much in health, now being able to drive out, and he will soon Vimve completely icconmrf.' If you want asct of teeth, or want teeth ex tracted, in first class shape, or any dental work done, go to Dr. Little of Oakland Oregon. A. A. Engles of Mt. Scott was in town yesterday and Bays he is improving, having had his shoulder dislocated about a week ago1 Roseburg now has a street sprinkler which has been a long felt want. All such enterprise should be patronized by every business man in town. All the business men on Jackson street were out sweeping and cleaning the street last Wed nesday morning which looked as if they meant business. Since the fire Chase & Ford of ihe Red Front are sellmg everything in their line at prices that would astonish any one. Give them a trial. We heard a Republican observe on election day "It will be a "cold day when the Republi cans get left. That accounts for the recent cold weather. Messrs. Standley and Thrush of Camas Valley were in town this week, and report they had quite a refreshing shower out there Mc day evening. E. B. Gabbert of Myrtle Creek was in town last Monday, and while here dropped into our sanctum to see that is well to learn the news about the election. Sheep shearing is about done in Eastern Oregon, the clip being better and larger than ever before, and with fair rates will circulate considerable money. Are You Made miserable by Indigestion, Constipation, Dizaness, Loss 01 Appetite, Yellow skin? Shiloh's Vitalim is a positive cure. S. Hamilton agent. Mr. W. S. Humphrey has just had his house repainted, and it now presents a nobby ap pearance. He now has one of the nicest res Jences in the city of Roseburg. From an exchange we learn that the wheat crop in Northern Dakota is nearly a total fail ure on account of frost, and that the crop in Chili is the largest ever known. Miss Addie Smith was in town last Satur day. She had just closed a very successful term of schcol in Garden alley. She is one of the best teachers in the county. There will be a celebration in Ten Mile near James Byron's, on Saturday the 3rd, of July, for celebrating the fourth which is on Sunday. Let all attend as a good time is an ticipated. Messrs D. Welker and E. Wimberly of Mt. Scott were in town this week, and say mat the preparations for a celbration there are being pushed forward, and a good time is anticipated. James Laird lias the contract for carrying the mail from Roseburg to Coos Bay lor the first quarter commencing on the first day of July from O. J. Salisbury the government contractor. J. L. Williams the agent for the 0 & C. R. R. J. W. Mullen and F. P. McDevitt left last Wednesday for a trip up the North Umpqua hunting and fishing, to be gone about ten days. MUs Birdie Short of Coos Bay, who has been visiting in Portland about a month, re turned to Roseburg last Saturday, and will spend a few days with friends here, when she will go to her home on the Bay. Some 75 trained teachers have been sent out this year from the State Normal School at Monmouth. These go into the Schools and are making a great success with the improved m ethods of teaching learned at the Normal School. Notwithstanding the fire Clements & Co. are still on deck and are receiving new furniture daily to keep their stock complete. Give them a call and sec something nice in the way of folding chairs, bedroom sets, and anything you want. Mrs. G. T. Campbell who has been visiting her sister Mrs. T. H. Whitsett on Roberts Creek, left for Portland last Tuesday where she is to be married to Mr. C. W. Mogill of Wapinta, after which they will go to their home at that place, . J. K. Mitchell returned from California last Friday evening having been gone several weeks and he says he likes the country very well, that times are getting better there, and a pros pect for a good crop this year, harvesting hav ing begun in some parts. The meed of merit for promoting personal aesthetics is due to J. C. Ayer & Co., whose Hair Vigor is a universal bcaulifier of the hair. Harmless, effective, agreeable, it ranks among indispensable articles of the toilet. To scanty locks it gives luxuriance; and withered hair it clothes with the hue of youth, For constitutional or scrofulous catarrh, and for consumption induced by the scrofulous taint, Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the true remedy. It has cured numberless cases. It stops catarrhal discharges, and removes the sicken ing oder indications of scrofula. J. W. Cunningham of Medford is here this week introducing a new patent gate. Mr. W. C. Winston has bought the county patent right and has one of the gates on exhibition here on the vacant lot between Stanton's and bnerdian s stores, a armers should examine ;t when in town, as it is a folding gate and the handiest we ever saw. The beams of the sun, as every intelligent person is well aware, are necessary to bring all vegetable productions to their full and perfect maturity. The tea-plant is no exception to this beneficial law of nature, and this is" why "Sunbeam Tea" occupies such a high position among the natural-leaf teas of Japan. It is the product cf the tea-plant in its full maturity, and all the strength and fine flavor of this maturity are perfectly preserved by the Per fection Tea Can, in which package alone this excellent brand of pure uncolorcd tea is ship ped. One trial of "Sunbeam Tea" from Mr, Abraham's store will convince the mostfastidi ous of its unsurpassed quality and strength . Peculiar Weather. On Saturday there was a fall of snow at Baker City lasting for about two hours. It was very soft and stuck to the shade trees and loaded them nearly to breaking down. It soon disappeared, however doing no damage. There was quite a heavy rain at . nion and Baker on Sunday and considerable rain leu at different places in Eastern Oregon, which will be a great benefit to the crops. A cold wind which prevailed in some parts of the inland e mpire a short time since did some injury to the grain which the late showers, it is hoped, will counteract. Serious Attack of Heart Disease. Gen. John E. Ross, of Jackson county, a pioneer of 1847, arrived here by the East Side train yesterday afternoon, and just as he alighted at the East Portland depot was pros trated by severe illness, which at the time was thought to be paralysis. He was speech less and unconcious and thought to be dying. Without delay he was taken to the Portland general hospital and placed under personal charge of Dr. Keenc. The attack was palpi tation of the heart,' and the symptoms were most alarming. His pulse was over 150, and as Gen. Rossis about 70 years old, there was litlle hope of his recovery. Lndcr skillful treatment the pulsations were reduced, and at 9 o'clock last night the heart beats were 120 per minute, and conciousness had returned bough the patient was sun speechless, it is thought he will come out of the attack all right. Gen. R oss has suffered in years past from heart trouble but never until this time bad an alarming attack, li is visit tiere was for the purpose of attending the grand lodge of Masons and the pioneers re-union at Ore gon city to-day. Prebably the excitement of the trip brought on the attack, His daughter, Mrs. Reams, and her husband are with him, and he has every attention that loving hearts and skillful hands can provide. It Memory of Xettie Churchill. Written by her Aunt, lias. Nims drcacmu. Little Nettie is dead how full of anguish the words; during her illness she suffered with great agony but peacefully and camly she gave up her young life and fell asleep in Jesus. She was a fragile little flower and was with us only four summers. Grieve not fond parents for your litlle darling has only gone before and will be waiting to meet you at the pearly gates where parting is no more. The beautiful white robed Angel Came down to the river side And carried our darling Nettie Through its dark death shadowed tide To the glorious realms of Heaven Where dear Nettie's feet Will never wish to stray From the beautiful golden street. Elk Head, Qr June 12, 1886, IIOW TO BUILD VP TOVIt TOWX. Don't fret. Talk about it. y Write about it. Speak well about it. Beautify the streets. Patronize the merchants. Be friendly to everybody. Advertise in its newspaper. Elect good men to all the offices Don't grumble about hard times. Keep your side walks in good repair. Avoid gossip about your neighbors. Do your trading with your home merchants. Sell all you can and buy all you can at home. If you are rich, invest something; employ somebody, be a "hustler." If you don't think of any good word don't say anything bad about it. Remember that every dollar invested in per manent improvement is that much on interest. Be courteous to strangers that come - among you, so that they may go away with good im pressions. Standby your churches. The condition of your churches is an index to the prosperity of a town. Always cheer on the men who go in for iniy provements, your portion of the costs will be nothing only what is just. Don't kick at any proposed necessary im provements becauso it is not at your own door or for fear that your taxes will be raised fifty cents. Don't use rubber stamps on your letter heads, that is a dead give away on your business, on the town and newspaper published in it. Get your letter heads, envelopes, business cards etc., printed at the printing office. Never condemn the local paper unless it has unfairly misused you. If it has dealt with you unjustly write to it or go into the office and tell the editor about your case; if he is wrong he will loose no time in telling the public about it. Remember that no man does as much for your town as the local newspaper. Every pa per ;nt out is an advertisement of the busi ness the resources and enterprise of the place; and people abroad get a better idea of it from the local paper than from any other source. If you want to draw people to your section of the country send them your home paper, not one or two stray numbers but a full year's subscrip tion. After they have read the paper for six months the western fever w ill set in and no power on earth will keep them from coming. ,- -- Vudigctted Food, In the stomach develops an acid which stings the upper part of the throat and palate, caus ing "heartburn." It also evolves, a gas which produces "wind in the stomach," and a feeling and appearance of distention in that organ af ter eating. For both this acidity and swelling Hostetter's Stomach Bitters is a much better remedy than alkaline salts, like hartshorn and carbenate of soda. A wineglassful of the Bit ters, After or before dinner, will be found to act a a reliable carminative or preventive. This fine specific for dyspepsia, both in its acute and chronic form, also prevents and cures malarial fever, constipation, liver com plaint, kidney troubles, nervousness and de bility. Persons who (Observe in themselves a decline of vigor should use this fine tonic with out delay. Important Fact. A few days since, I traveled from Ihe Co- quille country through Camas Valley to Rose burg and was Surprised to firid the growth of timber that might be manufactured and also the facilities for converting the same to shapes for use and so few being utilized, and when arriving at Civil Bend found a planer in full power turning off the finest flooring from yellow fir I ever beheld, and on inquiring found that the lumber was hauled from Camas Val ley a distance of eighteen miles in order to be dressed. Now why is it that so little interest is taken? Why so litlle interest in a road of any discription? As I find nothing but a trail and that of a poor order at the same time a grade for railroad of less than one hundred feet to the mill is found. A Traveler. Dully Scene in Jtotteburg. Republican meeting Prohi. Rep. You Prohis. helped the Democrats. Prohi. No Sir! We tried to help you fel lows and did elect two of your representatives and Dr. Marsters. Rep. We could have elected them without your aid. Prohi. We will beat them next time. I say d n the Democracy. Rep. I agree. Prohi. All we ask to defeat them is that you join the Prohibition. Rep. To the devil with you, I had rather vote for the Democracy forever than vote for Prohibition for a minute. They parted, frowned but did not say a word. Meanwhile the Democratic auditors smiled and departed. Eruption of Mt Etna.' On May 16th the eruption of Mt. Etna be gan, which, according to the latest dispatches, from Catania Sicily, is daily increasing in pro portions, and now threatens destruction of a number of villages scattered over the lower slopes of the mountain. Vast volumes of flame, and torrents are issuing from eleven of the smaller openings to the south of the main crater. Earthquake shocks are constantly oc curing. Mt. Etna is one of the most celebra ted volcanoes in the world. The first eruption of this volcano within the historic period hap pened during the seventh century B. C. Since that time there is a record of seventy eight dif ferent eruptions. Many thousands of people have lost their lives by eruptions from this vol cano. ' A Faultless Family Medicine. "I have used Simmons Liver Regulator in my family for the past eight or ten yetrs, and found it to surpass anything recommended for chills, fever and ague. Has taken the place of calomel, quinine and all such remedies. It is all that could be desired as a family medicine. I give it to my children, from one year old up. Very truly, "E. II. Urbanks, Crawford Co., Ga." xoriCE. To all whom it may concern. Being about to leave Oregon I have authorized j. a. Filihugh of this city, to receive and receipt for any and all money's due me, and to trans ; act all my busines, until further notice. G. W. Day, Roseburg, Or. June 11, 1886. j The Mt Agreeable. As well as the most effective method of dis pelling Headaches, Colds and Fevers, or cleans- pleasant California liquid fruit remedy, Syrup . pleasant . . . . v a lm K tl-inn a fw rincM rt thA of Figs. 50c. and $1 bottles lor sale by Hamilton. BOBN WHTTSETT. To the wife ot Thomas J. WhiUett 1 on South Peer Creek one 14, 1386, ton, all happy. ' A JO TF CI JE VEST. The marriage of Mr. U. S. (Story) Sheridan of Roseburg to Miss Jessie F. Lftvenaof Can yonville, which took place at the reisdencc of" the brides parents at the above named place on Thursday last, is well know n to the readers of The Review. There is a part of the pro ceedings, however, which took place in this city on Thursday evening, that were not re corded in last weeks issue. Story and his beautiful young bride arrived in Roseburg safe and sound from the preachers hands on the evening of their mariaagc and took up their quarters at the redidence of Mrs. T. P. Sheridan (Story's mother) who had prepared an elegant reception for the new addition to her already numerous and happy family. The Y. D. Band of which Story is a mem ber, hearing of the arrival, immediately or dered themselves out for the purpose of ser enading ihe happy couple and joining in the festivities. ; Mrs. Sheridan was as well pre pared for the Band, as she was for her newly married son and brand new daughter. Alter playme a few tunes, the Band were invited to walk in and you can rest assured that they did walk tn to the greatest variety of eatables and drinkables that it has been youx reporters good luck to be invited to de vour for many a day. The whole of the Sheridan family, male and female were on hand to wait upon the Band, and it took all their energy and strength to keep the table supplied, so great was our joy over the happy event. ' Joe Sheridan paid particular attention to the spiritual part ol the entertainment for which'the boys return especial thanks. After some moreeating etc., and some singing the company adjourned, each wondering to himself, as he wended his lonely way home ward, wether or not he would ever be as lucky as Story was. I will now close with a little bit of advice to the happy couple. "The most smart pangs which "we meet with are in the beginning of wedlock, which proceed from igorance of each others humor, and want of prudence to make allowances for a change from the most careful respect, to the most un bounded familiarity." 1 For Sale. A small house situated opposite the public school building on the street leading to the brewery. Terms reasonable. For particu lars apply to Mrs. R. C. Hoagland at the house above mentioned. Tiro Men Drowned at the Lurkiamute. Mouth of the Albany, Or., June 13. Yesterday after noon, while the steamer Isabelle was on the down trip from here, she ran aground near the mouth of the Luckiamute. The purser, J. F. White, and Sherman McClung, son of Isaac McClung, of this city, got into a skift and started to the shore with a line. When they were within thirty feet of the shore the skiff was capsized by the line becoming tangled . The men started to swim ashore, but the swift current prevented them, and after being swept down the current fully 250 yards together, they sank, and both were drowned. iThc captain, upon seeing them in the water, threw over a gang plank, jumped on it and started to their assistance When seventy-five yards from the steamer his plank struck a snag and was overturned, and but for the assistance of a man who was fish ing from a skiff near by, he would have drowned. : Another man on the boat, being a good swimmer, threw off his coat and boots, and jumping into the water started to the as sistance of the drowning man, and came ncarjlrowningjiimself, after, drifting with the current a quarter of a mile. Willamette Unieer tit y. Willamette University, of Salem, celebrated it's forty second anniversary from June 12th to 17th. There was the usual addresses, public examinations, graduating exercises, a prize contest in elecution and an exhibition work etc., the whole to conclude with the reunion of the conservatory alumnx, at 8 P. M. on the 17th. There have been 219 graduates from the University, and among them are Prof. T. H. Crawford, A. M., City Superintendent of Public Schools, Portland; J. B. Waldo, B. S. Chief Justice State Supreme Court; Nehemiah L. Butler, A. B., late Democratic candidate for Congress; Millard O. Lowndale, A. B, attorney at law, Portland; Wiley B. Allen stationer, i Portland. Following are the officers of the Alumni. President, Mrs. Jane Dawne, class '73; Secretary, George B. Gray class '78: Treasurer, Mrs. Cora L. Moorcs class '78. - ; State Teacher' Atsoeiatlon.. Trofessor E. B. McEIroy, State Superinten dent of Public Instruction, has decided to hold the annual meeting of the Teachers' Slate Association at Yaquina City, commencing on July 6th and closing on J uly 9th. The railroad companies (both the Oregon & California and the Oregon Pacific) will make greatly reduced rates to all attending over their lines, and th hotels and boarding houses at Yaquina City, Newport and South Beach will entertain those attending during the days of the association at not to exceed $1 per day. Arrangements have been made for the accommodation of 320 per sons at this rate. Englih Settlement Item. - Three days rain wanted. Harvest will soon be here. Last Sunday a week ago was a fine day for fishing was, it not? Sunday school is now going under the management of Ed Layne. Mrs. Bainbridge who has been quite ill, we are glad to say is recovering. I hear one ot our Shoe String boys is about to take the contract of a bridge. 1 Why does a certain young man of English Settlement like school marms so well? Mr. Charley Gray of Eugene has been visit ing his brother of English Settlement. Mrs. Ogle of Washington Territory is visit ing her daughter Mrs. II. C. Underwood of this place. Miss Rose Buffington who has been staying with Mrs. . H. C. Underwood has returned home to stay a while. - Mr. Wj C. Underwood spent last week with his parents in English Settlement but failed to go and sc,e his girl. I ' Dixie. An Snterpritinff, Sellable Houc. A. C Marsters can always be relied upon, not only to carry in stock the best of every thing, but to secure the Agency for such artic les as have well-known merit, and arc popu lar with the people, thereby sustaining the tan of being always enterpnsmg, and I r r(1ibL TTvIn .k. A ever reliable. Havine secured the Aeencv tor the celebrared Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption will sell it on a positive guarantee.: It will surely cure you and every effectiou of Throat, Lungs, and Chest, and to show ouf confidence, we invite you to call and get A Trial Bottle Free. OAKLAXD ITEMS J. H. Mahoney went to Roseburg Monday. C. A. Sehlbrede spent Monday in Roseburg. S. E. Hamblinhas returned from Roseburg. J. II. Wilson and wife have located at Lewis- ton, i R. P. Dear now works in the carpenter Albert Smith is the father of a fine boy born Monday. Boys get your cans ready another wedding on tapis. Dr. A. G. Deardorff of Salem is visiting rela tives here. Miss Maggie Mires of Ihe Calapooia was in town Wednesday. Mrs. R. Thomas has been visiting in Port land for several days. Norwood, Taylor and Hart Bristow w ent prospecting Tuesday. W. B. Hammitt and wife are guests of G W. Dimmicks family. J. C. nutchinson is building a new fence on his farm east of here. John Frier relumed from Jefferson Monday much improved in health . Mrs. Dr. Page and children arc visiting Mrs. Dimmicks' folks nearElkton. Fawn Smith and Smith Bailey have made up a horse race to be run shortly. Large crowds are daily attending camp- meeting being held near this place. C. II. Gaddis of Roseburg was visiting uncle Harry Pmkstons family Sunday. Miss Laura Pinkston who has been teaching school at Rice hill is now home spending her summer vacation. Birtie Brown says he could not think of letting his girl go down on the river withou1 paying her a visit. Dr. Dimmick accompanied by Katie Med ley made a flying visit to W. T. McCullocbs in Camas swale, last week. Wm. Gammon has been busy for several days hauling rock to old town cemetery for the purpose of building a wall around the Kellogg lot. Hon. J. C. Hutchinson and lady are in Portland this week, he attending the Grand Masonic Lodge .nd Mrs. Hutchinson purchas ing a replenishing slock for her millinery store. James Starr had his leg broken by a colt kicking him Monday night and is now getting along as well as could be expected. I hope immy will have no further trouble in his present case. Willie took his girl to campmeeting Tuesday evening but having the new buggy and not being accustomed to its ways could not stop it until way past the grounds but nevertheless they got there before the meeting closed. Lee Adams and Miss Hattic Garoutte w ere married on Richards camp ground Sunday by Rev. Gittens. The new couple are now so journing in the pleasant summer resort of Shoe String and will shortly leave for Eastern Ore gon. Mr. Julian : Picketlc and Miss Margaret Mackey were united in the bonds of holy matrimony in Brown's store in this city, June 14th 1886 by P. C. Tarkcr. The newly married couple went on their way rejoicing accompanied by Jonathan. S. Goff, Friday night while up in a tree watching for a deer to come after dark had a very narrow escape from death by the limb on which he was standing broke and let him fall about twenty feet to the ground but fortunately got off with only a few bruises. Q Furniture Stock for Sale. 1 mm -1 ... E. B. Berg, Oakland, Oregon, will sell hi entire stock of furniture, (including cabine makers tools) at cost. He prefers to sell the entire business, stock and tools to some me chanic wishing to engage in the furniture business. Otherwise he will sell in lots to the citizens of Oakland and vicinity at bargains never before offered in this market. Come and obtain bargains. This offer will stand open to the public for two weeks only. Drain Item. Wool is being hauled to town. Judge Fitzhugh was in town Tuesday, Rev. Mcjohnson preaches in Yoncolla Sun day. Prof. Rippetoe came home from Oakland Monday. Mrs, Clay Slocum of Roseburg was in town last week. K. L. Shelley had his foot mashed recently by a horse. Mr. and Mrs. Stark of Elkton passed through town Saturday on their way North Mrs. Frank Smith who has been insane for some time was taken to the asylum this morn tog- Ed Estes and family have moved to Grants Pass. The good wishes of their many friends attend them. Rev. T. L. Jones came down fiom Oakland this evening, whether he will remain or not, we cannot say. Mrs. Emma Bean of Eugene City who has been teaching school at Gardiner passed through Drain on her way home recently. M. S. Lamon of Gardiner spent several days in town. Mr. Lamon has been in W ashington Territory purchasing thoroughbred cattle for Ellis Blackwe'.l. Hon. Chas. Drain is seen upon our streets again. We are glad grandpa, may you be spared many years yet to your friends and loved ones, we would sadly miss you were you called away. We understand there has been a separation in town this week. The parties are people in reduced circumstances and the wife , who is a crinrle has for vears supported a careless and indifferent husband who feigns his reason for not working. illness as The Echo asks, "who'll be the next to start a new parly." Well-we don t know whether there is any need of a party or not, but all people who are desirous of the entire reform of our country, and the elevation of its morals will aid in the suppression of all houses of ill repute and if possible the reformation of loose characters connected therewith, and if not punishment be resorted too. It is an evil equally as great, if not more so than liquor and as demoralizing in its effects upon human ity. Orsiki. Testimonial. I had my dwelling house insured in the Agricultural Insurance . Company and hut Sunday had a loss by fire. W. N. Moore the Co's. agent settled the loss promptly and I would recommend to all persons desiring their property insured that they patronize that company for its fair dealing and prompt set Uement. W.F.OWSKS, XOT EASILY SCABEV. Editor Review: In your issue of last week my attention was attracted to quite a lengthy article entitled "A Reply," signed "Prohibitionist," the purport of which, was that of criticising ray opposition to Mrs Owens Adair's plea, both of which were published in your paper sometime ago. I read the prohi's reply with deepening interest. It seems that the individual is a person of considerable ability, as the reply wasquite forcible and to the point. My short article "No True Woman's Duty," conveyed in a plain simple manner my opinions concerning woman at the polls, ho unnecessary amount of language was used, but, as I said be fore, I was plain and unequivocal in my state ments. That there exists a -difference of opinion be tween Mrs. Adair and myself is quite evident, and I must say a very marked difference. Of all ridiculous ideas conceived of her are the worst. Not only to that letter do I object, but to one written to the Prohibition Star in which she de sires young innocent girls to join in and assist in this work at the polls, sweet, guiltless crea tures to come in contact with all classes of men and in all conditions. Will such wonders never cease? Mast our girls be dragged into the strife, the most beautiful creatures of all the hand work of the Creator? Must the blush of shame mantel the fair check caused by some rough expression, or some insult coming from the foul mouth of some debased man? Oh no, it will never do: Let us hear no mere of this. In tem- pera'nee I believe thoroughly, surely no one would object to the entire banishment from our land of that sincursed sondestroying element which has for so many years went so for to in crease the misery of so many of our otherwise happy homes, I believe in women doing all within their pow er, within their present sphere to advance the cause of temperance, but in this work at the polls they out step the bounds of all propriety, leave their proper position in life to mingle with the baser portion of civiliza tion. Man is material, while woman is nearer the spiritual, nearer God, and if by her earnest entreaties, her prayers, her pleadings at home, and manifestations of her undying love she cannot reach the heart, and bring him to re pentance, and reformation . She cannot do so clsewnere leastwise at the polls where the ex citement of the day tends to increase his desires otherwise than toward her, his mind concen ted upon one thing, his ballot and the exertions of his influence upon others. The young man at twentyone considers himself capable of di recting his own course in life, and following the dictates ol his own conscience, considers his mind developed and thai he may now do as he deems best, and despite the sayings of mother or sister he follows the course marked out for himself, by himself. In order to show my ideas of a true woman's duty still plainer, we will take for example a young man who has been reared in a home of refinement around whose family circle has been thrown the hal lowed light of Divine love, where prayers have ascended at a throne of grace, and all seemed so bright and fair, bidding bright hopes spring up within the heart of father and mother at the sight of their handsome boy so manly, so noble, good and pure. Time passes swiftly away, to day he is twentyone, tomorrow he will go for the first time to the polls and cast his maiden vote. " Before leaving home his mother and sis ters cluster around him and explain to him the temptations which will be thrown around him, the pitfalls and snares into which he may be entrapped and warn him lovingly, earnestly to beware. He listens, but yet in his own mind arises the thought "I am a man, I know what is best," and he goes his way. Silently each one prays, the one for the brother, the other for the son. They have done their duty, if he falls, no blame can be attached to them, he has been reared amid hallowed influences, and" God in his infinite mercy looks down upon the bowed heads, and sorrow stricken hearts of that once happy home with a pitying eye of tender love and compassion. , This is a mother's duty a sister's j ust the same. They have done all they could they plead with him but he would not hear, he has forgotten that parents know best You may well say 'has it come to this," that our laws are being made by men whom ignorantand besotted wretches have helped to elect to their position, and we will answer it has, there are men who go to the polls and vote year after year who do not know their own mind, and men so hardened upon which the winning ten dcr smile of some youthful maiden, or the plead J ings of an aged mother would have no more ef fect than upon the walls of Babylon were they now standing. Mothers do not subject your daughters to such contamination. Young ladies do not be influenced by a few women who have banded themselves together to go out and sub ject yourselves to wrong. Have your temper" ancc nnions if you will and aid with might and main in endeavonng to procure the privilege to cast yury vote for right. When women secure a voice in thegovering of our nation, when we obtain Uic freedom from the chains with which we are bound, when we can retain the privi lege and imperceptible rights and procure the liberty accorded to man, then we may rid our country of this curse; then may our banner of victory float out over the world and we shall without endangering ourselves to vice, have triumphed at least, and succeeded in assisting at least,' our land to the climax of perfection, When the Prohi. spoke of how ladies could travel without being molested or insulted, he was entirely off the question; we are now speak, ing of a true womans duty please remember. Now of course I "seldom if ever write for the public." As yet, I am but a beginner in the pursuits of literary attainments but I hope that sometime in the near furture I shall be able to compete even with se zealous and talented a person is fantical prohibitionist. ! I do not either think there is any probability of a "rush of women to the polls in this county as I con sider the majority of them of better sense, and capable of more profound thought and there fore will aspire to a higher and more womanly calling. I am in a sense a prohibitionist but not such a fanatic as some and my sympathy shall never rest with that party until such picas and appeals are withheld. You claim that a womanly woman, refined,, gentle and pure would not be a subject to such insults as I have spoken of only the more masculine female with her cheek of brass. Now Prohi. you are incorrect in this as in other statements made in your article. Men who go to the polls, that is, the entire lot of drinking men who attend such places, arc of course, under the influence to some extent it may not be. de tected in the outward appearance but never theless the demon is raging within and no matter how pure, how gentle the woman who endeavors to prevent his, (as Mrs. Adair terms it,) "falling below the level of brute creation" is liable to the most harrowing in sults. It almost makes one shudder to think of a few thousand women who have the audaci ty to do such are endeavering to drag others of our gentlewomen into the ranks, j You harp upon the women of Atlanta; I venture to state to you that not one fourth of the sex went out in this foolish errand, only those who had a tendency to do something, they know not what and the thought struck them that this would be a good manner in which to gain notoriety. If a woman is not already brassy surely such will make her so. J With due te spect to Miss Willard and all ot1r connected with the cause, I will say to .;.at it re quires cheek and brass to do th.;. The weaker sex are . by nature timid and none but the cheeky will follow in this palh. Home is the place fur the true lady, her labor k tended there to make all bright and cheerful which of jtself goes so far toward preventing the father, or husband from so throwing himself away. Attend to your homes ladies if you would en joyon earth the estimation of your friends and reap in the final close of life the reward of eternal happiness. OxsiNI. LIFE'S JSrXTID. (Respectfully dedicated to the memoir ot Hiss Florence Casebeer, by Llszle B. P. Underbill.) Softly falls life's eventide, Softly as falls the close of day. Deepening twilight brings the gloom Slowly fades to night away. Weary souls must find their rest Just as Nature seeks repose. Lovely forms so bright and fair. Death, their eyes forever close. Softly falls life's eventide Sweet release from toil and pain. Deep, sweet sleep, safe in the tomb Slumber but to wake again. Softly tolls departing knells Falling gently on the car Fainter, fainter yet they grow, Life's day is done, fast falls the bitter (tear. ! , Loo yel watcher by the dead See the beauteous brow in death, Sweet and fair as when in life, i E'er she drew the parting breath. Pale and cold, she silent lies, Her, whom death claims for his own, : But up above this world of woe She stands with angels 'round the throne. ' HI ' , . A Black San Machine that Work. Abe Rose is working a machine of his own invention at his black sand mine at Randolph which gives very satisfactory results and is pronounced by practical miners to be superior to any methods yet devised for separating gold from sand. The machine consists of a number of sluice boxes, on the bottom of which is laid a half-inch board, with anger holes bored in it as close together as possible. Over this is a torn iron, between which and the board is a space of an eighth of an inch. The upper sluice box or machine is 64 lect long and one foot wide. The sand after passing through this runs through tail race cut, and from thence through an other machine 20 feet long by two feet wide. From thence it runs bto a receiving box 64x2 feet. The water draws out of this re ceiving box on to 4 other machines similar to the 20x2 machine mentioned above. The cleaning up is done from the lower machines to the upper, with a small head ol water The boxes are set with a fall of 3 inches to 16 ft., and the more water that can b, ;i, the better. The most careful prospecting of the tailings fails to disclose any colors, and the simplicity of the machine, and its trifling cost is comparison with others, will bring it into general -use when its merits become known. Several of the black sand miners have already discarded the coppers and quicksilver, and are working the new method, which saves more gold at less expense. DEBIt CHEEK. PSECIXCT. Gannon .......... 300 Harp ham.. Cawfield... Beath Wilcox . . . . Bales., ... Tunger Mathews .. :!fl .107 4S .141 .170 .100 Justice of the Peace Constable Cur for File. Piles are frequently precededbv a sensi of weight in the back, loins and lower part of the abdomen, causing the patient to sup pose no nas anecnon 01 the kidneys or neigh, boring organs. At times, symptoms of in digestion are present, flatulency, uneasiness of the stomach, etc. A moisture, like pers piration, producing a very disagreeable itch ing, after getting warm, is a common attend ant. Blind, Bleeding and Itching Piles yield at once to the application of Dr. Bosanco s Pile remedy, whioh aota directly upon tbe parts effected, absorbing th tn. mors, allaying the intense itching, and ef- tecting a permanent cure. Price CO cents. Address, The Dr. Bosanco Medicine Co., Piqua, O. Sold by Dr. S. Hamilton. SyrMpofFig. Manufactured only by the California Fig Syrup Co. San" Francisco Cal. is Nature Own True Laxative. This pleasant lianid fruit remedy may be had of Dr S. Hamilton at litty cents or one dollar per bottle. It is the most pleasant, prompt and effsetira remedy known, to cleanse tae system; to act on the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels gen tly but thoroughly; to dispel Headaches, Colds and Fevers; to cure Constipation Indigestion and kindred ills. WIVES! MOTHERS 1 DATJOHTXBBf Be Toca Own Phtsicixs! X lady who for years suf fered torments worst than death from Cterfas trou bles, Prolapsus, Leueorrhoea, Suppression, 4e. so common among our Wlve, Mothers and Dathtera and bad despaired of belntr cured, fioaly found edict which compteuij cured her fcttor all else had failed. Any lady can um ihe remedies and tore herself, without being subjected to a medio) ezaa lufetlnn Pnwn )! nAm aVa tarlil BMul MM feuJ. Uis)UUU S VUI g 1 WUi saV WUt SSUU T HM) XXWIjM and full directions sealed Address (with fUmp) Mrs W. C. Houcas, 053 Broadway, Xew Tor - s s Farmer And MecKanie. Save money and doctor bills. Reliev your Mothers, v ives and Sisters by a timely pur. chase of Dr. Bosanko's Cough and Lung Syrup, best remedy for Coughs, Colds, Croup and Bronchial affections. . Relieves Children ot Croup in one night, may save you hundreds of collars, rnce 50 cts. ana $l.oa Sampht free. Sold by S. Hamilton. - ' Proper Treatment for Vpf. That the reader may fully understand what constitutes a good Cough and Lunp Syrup, we Mi . v . t- iirni -i . win say inai 1 ar ana v 11a vnerry is lac oasis of the best remedies yet discovered. These ingredients .with others equally as effica cious, enter largely into Dr. Bosanko's Cough and Lung Syrup, thus making it one of the most reliable now on the markeU Price so cts and $!.oa Samples free. Sold by S. Ham Iton. . - rousiLC. The undersigned offers for sale at her residence on Deer creek the follow ing : described property: 1 mower, 1 nay nuce, l zan mill, l hay fork, 3 wagons, 1 harrow, 1 krge iron ksttle, 30 geese, 20 hogs, plows nd many other useful things aboiit a ranch, in cluding one cider mill. Sale on June 26th, 1886. Terms cash; or six montla on time without interest Mrs. Sesexa ADAMS Dr. Marsters will soon commence the erec tion of his new brick. He is now having a well dug in front which will be one door south of the Douglas County Ba&k,