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About Roseburg review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1885-1920 | View Entire Issue (June 18, 1886)
ROSEBURG REVIEW! TOm3rrtJN,-i8, 1886, ' fdriduatimr essay read at Slocuru's liall June 3d. ,b MissUora Lewia.. t ; Friendship defined, ia an attachment I to a personi, proceeding from intimate j acquaintance, and a reciprocation of kind offices, or from a favorable opin- ion of the mind. .. It is one of the great eat blessings enjoyed by mankind, be- cause it unites humanity. It differs from benevolence, which is qood will towards mankind in general. Keal, true friendship is a noble and virtuous attachment, a love springing from a pure source, and is a respect- and ad miration for noble qualities. To us our friends are the embodiment of all that is good and true, and " our confi dence in them is great. The author has beautifully said "There can be no friendship without confidence, and no confidence without integrity;" cons .jyr v,Au.0u,cumiu.nC. auuuoty our mtmuamp amounts to nine; tuere- .... .1 1 ;i .tl iuic lev wry hicau ui tue IUUI-U UllO Vt the great and true, and we shall find our pathway strewn with perennial blessings arising from truly merited friendship, There is not enough friend-1 . ship m the world, and the cause of this . condition of affairs is a lack of honesty on our own part. Society is so regula-1 tea urns we in tue mam receive ouri ini- florta or.fl if ivo TiomrtAk -j who can we blame but oai-selves? Why can we not be honest! ' - - I Th moral srandeur of honesty is the . 1 sublimest thins in nature. If we would practice it a little more we intent cain for ourselves the lasting friendship of many a noble man and woman whose influence may bless us throughout an entire lifetime. There is nothing more absurdity of many of the notionsof so to be desired than the possession of called society people, that Chalmers, friends. In our school life we have so many opportunities to make friends of j our acquaintances, and I trust we liave all striven to do so, thereby adding link after link to the chain of friendship, that, instead of being broken, will be strengthened throughout time, and be perfected in eternity. TZrjST TALVE OF TIME. Graduating essay ot Miss Lizzie Parrott read in I Slocunrs hall June 3d. Have you evr considered the impor- j tance of saving time, thus turning qvery through which they peer darkly at man moment to agood account? If not, try kind. As to consistency, there is not it, and you will be astonished to find a mau of the school who would not be how much can be ac3omplished in a short interval. If we are but prompt to improve every moment, even the j odds and ends of time may be worked up into results of the greatest yalue. An eminent writer once said, and cor- J rcctly too, that "to save time is to lengthen life," therefore it would prove vastly beneficial to ns to study how to economize our time. I have seen some j persons to whom their time seemed to be of no value, but rather a burden hanging heavily on their hands to be j disposed 01 witn as nttie exertion as possible on their part, while there are others whose time iu so fully occupied that they cannot find an opportunity of doing many good deede that they are desirous of doing. Why this vast difference? It is because they do not trouble themelres to seek profitable employment but are ever prepared to shirk it, should it happen to fall to their lot. Is it a wonder that such i .. . 1. i a: l ptJisuiiaimvo m, mucu aurpiua uuic . 1. 1. 1 ,ii xt guiuK u.. uauua. u indeed. Think of the precUua mo ments that are wasted, or what is even rj - .t 1 worse, occupy m aoiue uamonmsu g way, that if but profitably spent would exert an elevating influence not only on themselves but on all those with whom they associate. The poet has beauti fully advertised under the head of "Lost," a valuable golden moment which added to others made a whole lifetime. Our time is given us by God to be improved to the best of our abil ity. Life is to short to waste. Even those little fragments should be util ized as property that is above all price, for our whole life is but a succession of moments, and when they are once gone they are forever lostthey can never be recalled. So if they are allowed to pass by unnoticed they are soon num. bored by days, then months and years, and a wasted life is the sum total Some of the greatest men the world has ever produced have obtained their education while following the plow or doinjj other work on the farm. There was once a writer of note who com- posed some of her best works while -tt;tJnr frp rlinner. And manv others that might l mentioned have become famous by properly weighing the value of their time. This busy world has use for idlers, who before they are aware of it, find themselves in the background, while the more energetic are far in the lead. The idlers let dav after dav slin awav wunout yieiaing rnu, anu tney pass 1 a M Si. .1 al through life leaving no more evidence of their having existed than a cloud of smoke that passes through the lt us one ana au strive to so employ . .i oui um, wyroiuute t,uc trainn our fellow creatures, for if we do our very best it will be poor enough, and even then when we have reached the the last page in the book of lifa if we CK ana r8Tiew we win una ti i - i , manjr uiau wuero couia nave oeen inserwa a niuiiiiuae oi gooa aeeas uiai wouia nave in ine grana sumtowi highly improved the condition of hu- manity in general, VARIETIES. JThetlog iu the. kennel barks at his fleas, but the dog that is hunting docs not feel them. Chinese Proverb. The pedant is so obvious to ridicule that it would be to be one to offer to explain him. lie is a gentleman so well known that there are none but those of his own class who do not laugh at and avoid him. Pemiantry proceeds from much learning and little understanding. Sie Richard Steele. ln Scotland, on the ordinations of elders, a grave old doctor delivered the charge: "Me brethern, rule weel, rule weel but rule sae that nae a man or bairn i' the kirk will ken that they are ruled.; Me brethern, pray God to give you common sense. It is a chief grace 0' an elder." Florida has become to the United States what Italy is to Europe, a sani tarium for invalids in winter, and resort during that period of the year for well tc-do people desirous of escap- jng th. r;gors of the frosfcy season fche NoHh New York D News. An elevator boy is authority for the cfnfamont l,at lorl.'o i...,.-.ut r" "-. - UUF, . . . 4. , , , , . . . . t, . , j v . . c , l"IK,JUU8 . J 0 uia we not sneak 01 Ueorse Ji,liot s 0- poems the other day? In one of them ... sne declares: Ti " 1 " n -ver mnB r0S8s: wnea we waut To have more roses we must tlant . mOTe " ees- We want morc love' more kindness, more We must plant more Ifc w a striking illustration of the me great bcotcn preacher, wiien a tutor, was not allowed to sit at the table with the parents of children he taught. When he became famous, and the multitude were wild to hear him these aristocrats proudly boasted, "Me was our tutor!" The Baptist. A sensible cynic or a consistant mis anthrope is a lusus natural Instead cf seeing more clearly than do their t.J1... ti.- xi jj-h i iaiu iu-y wxwvl mem selves is microscopic, is a distorted lens utterly miserable if he had faith in one- tenth of what he proclaims as his creed, For the first time in over twenty- five years the Eothchilds, of London, have allowed their name to be con- nected with American railroad loans. They have loaned most of the six mill- ions recently borrowed by the St. Paul. WallStreet financiers say this loan will have the effect of increasing European confidence in American securie ties, and be of great advantage to the entire country, Maxwell, the murderer of Preller. confessed to detective J. T. McCullough that he killed Preller. McCullough had been put in iail under pretence for the purpose of working a confession oufc 0f Maxwell and succeeded. Max well seeing the mistake he has made oreaks down, loosing his hopes of es- caping justice and refuses to be inter viewed. Thus it is with the murderer, Coutier You mature to ronrsfilf tl, hnanf. I J - . braver and steadfastness. You let your imagination wander in delight over the memory of martyrs who have die1 for tmtL And j. daly comes which ia your martyrdom, the lamp for your oil and if you will not do it how your oil is spilt how flat and thin and unillumi- natod your sentiment about the mar.j tyrs runs out over your self-indulgent life.- PHiLLirs Brooks. It is related that a German maiden who could speak a little English, once piesided at a mineral-water fountain at a certain German spa, at which there were two kinds of syrup to be had by those who liked them with the water vanilla and lemon. To her came a young Englishman, who said, "T wronf a rrlaac nf rnfor wtf Tinnf avwtn " .h" rAniipn Kftfrinft! innnt vat kind of sirop yoa want him mitoutf- . on Diicoui vamiia, or mitout lemoiit Prof. Bledsoe was Professor of j Mathematics in the TJniversiny of Vir- g""a more than twenty years ago. A young man was plying him with ques- tions, to each of which he answered, "I don't know." "Why, Professor." said the youngster, "I thought we came to the Univei-sity for you to tell ns what we didn t know. "ioungnian, said the Prof. Bledsoe, "you came here me to tell-you waat 1 know, and that's a very, short story; to tell you hat don't know would be an end- less undertaking." Thonrrh nature is constantlv beauti- ul sie does not exUhH her highest powers of beauty constantly, for then thev would satiate us. and oall unon th0 sepses. Her finest touches are ti x aj.- tnafc mu8t be waited for: w moStnerfect passes of beautv are the mo8t evanescent. She is comtantlv I joinw aomethinz she has not done be- fore and not do again; some exU. Mhition of her eeneral powers in partic- i w i lllar circamstances, which, if we do not catch at the it u passingi win ,.f w fav ns Tin!- ; 1 Subscribe for The Review, A Sal Feguard The fatal rapidity with which sltaht Colds and Coughs frequently develop iuto the gravest maladies of the throat aud lungs, ia a consideration which should impel every prudent person to keep at hand, as a household remedy, a bottle of AVER'S CHERRY PECTORAL. Nothing else gives such immediate reliei and works so sure a cure in all affections of this class. That eminent physician. Trof. F. Sweetzer, of the Maine Medical School, Brunswick, Me., says: "Medical science has produced no other auo dyne expectorant so good as ATBB's CBBBRT Pectoral. It Is Invaluable for diseases of the throat ond lungs." The same opinion is expressed by the well-known Dr. L.J. Addison, of Chicago 1 il., who .says: "I have never found, In thirty-fire year of continuous study and practice of medicine, any preparation of so great value as Atbb s Cmsby Pectobai, for treatment of disease of the throat and lungs. It not only breaks up co da , and cures severe coughs, but is more effective than anything else in relieving even the most i nerioue bronchial and pulmonary affections." ' AYER!S Cherry Pectoral Is not a new claimant for popular confi dence, but a medicine wnicn is lo-oay saving the lives of the third generation who liave come into being since it was first offered to the public. There is not a nousenoiu m wmcn tms , invninniit( rfiiipdv has once been in troduced where its use has ever been ohoninncii. and tnerc is not a Hereon who has ever given it a proper trial fnr miv throat or hms disease suscep- who ha? not been made wnll hv it. AYER'S CHEEBY PECTORAL has, in numberless instances, cured obstinate case9 of chronic Bronchitis, laryngitis, and even acute Pneumonia, and has saved many patients in the earlier stages of Pulmonary Consumption. It is a medicine that only requires to be taken in small doses, is pleasant to the taste, and is needed in every house where there are children, as mere is Homing bo goou an AYEE'S CHERRY PECTORAL for treat ment of Croup and W hooping Cough. These are all plain facts, which can be verified by anybody, and should be re membered by everybody. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. LOOK OUT! CiUlO Bros1 Bran New n ' alia sfl COOS BV Stage LlllCl I rf LAIRD & CALVERT, : PROPRIETORS. THROUGH TO COOS CITY IN H HOURS' J WUERE oounccUon is made with Coo Baysteam ers for all points on the Bay. Staes leave the Post JXJZL THE gggT ROUTE TO COOS BAY particular attention given to the comfort of va angers. Careful drivers .nd e od stock NEW STORE AT DIM.ARD, OB. would respeWully inform the pubUc that he has on hand a fine assortment of . ' . ' , Ready-Hade ClOtlllng and fact everytning usually kept at a first-class store, Uive mm a call. Rnnd o svt. tow PPices. Takes in Exchange for Goods. 'cAli orders promptly attended to, IJpUMNnOJiE PALACF, UNCLE JOHN GILDERSLEEVE , lias the finest stock of furniture south of Portland I which be sells as cheap as it can be bought iu the State. The new tangled DO UBLE BED LO UNGE. AND . PATENT CORNICES. Also 1ms oil hand a full assortment of beds auif bed ding, cliairs, tables, . BUREAUS AND COMMODES, And all kinds of Childrens Chairs, etc. J. GILDERSLEEVE. 6rold dro J Will stand for the Season at Joseph Carton's Livery Sta-1 hie inBoseburg. Beginning I March 1st and continuing1 three months. DROP Is a thoroughbred Jersey Bull, pale red, short horns, weighs 1100 pounds, is five years old, and has all' the char acteristics of the Jersey Stock. TERMS: Insurance' - - - - $3.00 To insure sex of Calf, $6.00 N. P. BUNNELL, FOUNDRY, j Machine Shop, Wagon Shop, Blacksmith Shop. 0 AN MAKE CASTINGS FROM OXE ounce to three tons weight. Small Cu pola for small castings. Money refunded if work Is not satisfactory. Jfortland prices! Save telegrams and expressive. LANGENBERffS Qml m& Bhm Star, Jackson StreetOpposlte Post Office, Boaebnre, Oregon. TTEEPS ON HAND THE LARGEST AND BEST IX assortment of Eastern ana San f rancisvo snrt other makes oj BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, SUP PERS and ever thins the Uuoianu snue line, ami SELLS CHEAP FOR CASH. Boots and Shoes Made to Order, and Perfect Fit Guaranteed. I use the Best of Leather and Warrant all my work. Repairing Neatly Done, on Short Notice, Also a full stock of TOYS, NOTIONS MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS and VIOLIN STRINGS. LOUIS LANGENBERO.l CIVIL BEND STORE V. L. ARRINGTON, DEALER IU. , Dry Goods Ckoceies to All Kinds of Produce Taken in Exchange CIVIL BEND, DOUG. CO., OREGON. T. L. Gannon, C. A. Blackman CARRIAGE, WAGON, AND Adamson's Old Stand, Jackson Street. MANUFACTURERS OF CARRIAGES, HACKS, BUGGIES I All Kinds of Repairing Done. Terms ar Reasonable. Gannon & Blackman. GBANGE BUSINESS ASSOCIATION OF ROSEBURG. W. F. OWENS, : : : : Manager. -DEAL IN Wool and Grain! ALSO, AGENTS FOR 1 T Agricultural implements OF AIX KINDS WE TRANSACT A GENERAL BUSI- V V ness in our line and pay the Highest Market Prices for Wool and Grain. A full line of Agricultural Implements kept con stantly on hand, or furnished on short notice opposite ithe depot. Give us TcViL w. r OWENS THE- New York Cof f ee House And Oyster Saloon Leading Check Itestaurant in the City. 8IFERD & HACKNEY. PROPRIETORS' 132 FIRST STREET, PORTLAND OREGON y Private Rooms of the latest Designs for Ladies- OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. INSURE IN THE Jflji fill il 1st or Capital. S100.000.00 ' MWJ Insures only Farm Property, Private dwellings, School houses and Churches. Also Detached dwellings in Cities and I Towns with contents. I have also a few CHOICE FARMS and stock ranches for sale on reasonable terms. DavidS. West, agent Office,at Court House, Roseburg Or.; PJ Mm CHICKS BY With the Mot Perfieet and Jnccc ful Isaltau af tka UeoV 1 1 t r"" i i' LiU FOLDING irJCUBATOF?. ftlmnllcltr Itself. "J uiciiiiuut. no DKienes, clockwork. remlatora. m-i j get out of order. Ko cost or experience, and Ter? little Sr anotfraefn Hatches aU ferUla egga. The upper portloa fol5s baVke" e lid of a triTances 10 watching. work of the hen. . the meals can heat 49 Rrranwr i Tenn. From SOOeggs I hatched 197 uii:kb ib me iraig incubator. 1 Know It is the best one made. Yonr plan for brooder are unexcelled. 1fnvn,T Til Of 78 eggs hatched very good suocess ?L II r nau a nncr lot or chickens. HELEN OKNDOICFF. ESAWOW. Til Tnn Inxnhafnv beats all the hens set 145 eggs under I IMXCCSSiaEJC 9lU MO sail ' oo ......... soli lOwll " loot If you knew how cheap I sell Bells for Farms, Schools or Churches You would surely have one. inL?- 13 vv-..- . mess- mg. 1 T H C 0 Hi OlB I also deal in Threshers, Engines, 1 B4 Ui af JrAr A r (The best Boiler feeder known) Steam Fitting Goods, Belting, Oils. Also General A cent for. The Siiipman Engine. Coal Oil for fuel. No Dust, No Dirt. Send for circular and prices. Orecon. GIVE ME HITCH UP! But before you do that come 'round w. G. WOODWARD'S nl An N t o o -AND- Buy a New Set of Harness - OR A SADDLE One of the Biggest and Best Stock use nothing but the best EVERYTHING IN THIS LINE. W. Cr- Woodward9 Roseburg. -SUCCESSOR TO- Absim, Whseler &' -DEALERS IN- GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Eosebur?f Has on hand constantly a General Merchandise and will be pleased to see his old friends and' patrons, as well as new ones, who in co nsideration ofthe scarcity of money and the present depression in business, will study their own interests by calling on Ivm and examining Before purchasing elsewhere, I do not claim to sell goods at cost, or less than cost, but I tfcat thoy will get their goods At The Lowest Living Profit. Produce Of All Kinds Taken At Market Price, Sol. Alsraliam. Drain & Coi Brain. GENERAL DEALERS IN DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, -Teas- ardware, V . " o O HJITS, CJIFS, BOOTS AND SHOES. I " " " possible here Would respectfully invite an examination of stock believing all can be satisfied that it is for their interest to make purchases here as we buv and sell for cash MARLIN MA-'a for larvA made. Perfect accuracy guaranteed ailaUesa!l Wetehta. Prices rMnml. a BA T.T.' A " T T fT. Sfwrtfn ani Tarcet Rlflea, world renowned. Thestandard for sliiiiiibJiili il ih till target ahootlng. bunUng. and shootlnc nlleries. All calibres from tt to 4. jiaaeiDiourieenaiQerentsiyies, prices irom 1S,00 up, eend.tei LUustrated catalogue. drawers, or ot her con operating, weeds n le lid. Proper heat is mala twice a dy and renlsrlna tima fitritn.lW bARLT HATCHED CHICKS SII a! from 50c to per Pound. iiiVrt?JItlft,J?.r?dep w1n e,r tor the chicks as long as thej 22 lBSh?,of1.52aii,,nu wvlng expense of special brooder. Both at ffr wh2t , hi - " V" ' unsurpassed by any machine, no mat- -LI.-J. 2.5? n5 U the aift, cheapest and iqost cosily 5I?5JfS.e?JS?didta for PUU? favor. The Craig- Incubator can ha fh? Jv. ?iit S'.f n-. An Prn should hae a pay-Inn hatch the nrt time. It hatches in from is to 21 dav. and the LADIES "TT?n thousands who are straggling for pecuniary " T " " Independence will find artificial rearing of poultry a most profitable home Industry. It requires the least possible capital DOeB not fnrrforA With hnntAhAldrfnlU. T , . u H... . I . n ' Tu a4wwjswsuvibBi. AUW sfsa iialj u 1 W iU4 ify sri iai saaj water for an incubator. finm. Ummrt. 90 chicks. I set 101 In Incnl.nlor and have 97 good, healthy chicks as a result. C W. MAYS. RivtBTos. Keb. Hatched one brood to get my hand In, fully 60 per cent of all eggs put In. No trouble to keep an even tempera ture. Shall run It all winter. K. VAN DKUSEN. EtiZABKniTOWX. N. Y. By os Ing the Craig Incubator 1 consider my first attempts at artificial Incu- U. V. UATCU. Tt,l. ..i.i An. 63 chicks. "Had first trial. Nev- for hatching. 1 bent and have batlon a complete success. A, WALTElt nUUAXD. F. D. CRAIG, STtf North EvanstQti, III. rsrs;r11 a. rrrnra i-ar - una ,n Contains more useful poultry Information than anyrjlwolt. Describes ift.me2t.5iKS,,.5IlrJ l",n-houses, brooilers. Incubators, eio. XU,S HOW to UAJbLC 10CO oer cent, oroflt as Co f ii-- ETLL Mill Machinery, Poirs, Inspirators Office Foot of Morrison Street Portland A CALL Z) T. WRiGHT, to HI 11 of Goods ever Brought to Town, leather, and have got DON'T FAIL TO CALL ON ME 9 Oregon. large and complete assortment o will assure all who patronize me Boiiglas Co., Oregon, Crockery, - - - o to enumerate. only. -nvrn 7" Tn 3 nr mli mj.ri.ifi iiim. An rains nowder:3ScaL HETalns;4oeal.mimlna.iKra1 Tn rt.(n Th iMinmt ahootlCK rifle and Lbs only absolutely safe ria made. All styles, MiSLLH FIRE ARMS CO., FEW HAYLH, COHL PORTLAND ADVERTISEMENTS C. W. KNOWLES, ST. CHARLES HOTEL, (EUROPEAN PLAN) C. W. KNOWLES, Proprietor. FIRST CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT. Good Restaurant Connected With The House Fire proof Brick Building i ISO Booms. In" the Center of the City COR. FRONT AX D MORRISON STS., PORTLAND EUKOFEAN PLAN. E .1SMOND HOTEL, First Class In Every Particular, Corskr Front and Mourikun Sts PORTLAND, OKEGOJf Thomas Cci.nkan, rrojirictor. T HE ST. CHARLES RESTAURANT. Ciiakles Heilmax, Proprietor. The very best in the Market is set before you. - THE INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, Cor. Third and E Streets. Portland, Oregon. REDUCED EATES, PRICES TO SUIT THE TIME TUlB LARGE AND WELL-APPOINTED HOUSE offers superior accomodations at popular priuca. Meals J5c, Rooms 25c. and 50c. Only three blocks from all Depots and Steamer landings, Free Buss to and from the Hotel Ko Chinese servants. No overcharges or deviation from regular rates of tl.00 per uay. maro-tl E. LEtviSTUN . ropr. Established 1802. A. ROBERTS, Corner First and Alder Street Portland, Or. THE LEADING GLQfttlEK. HOTTER -. AND OF OREGON. FTHE PLACE TO BUY. Jg J B CONGLE Manufacturer, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In SADDLES, HARNESS, T31.LEATHEB AND SaDKLERY HARDWARE 103 and 110 Front Street PORTLAND OREGON Malanssene and Clements New Furniture Store IN MARK'S OLD STORE. A full line of first class Furniture. Anything repaired or made to order. CALL INSTANTEB. Great Overland Route! ', THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD ONLY LINE RUNNING Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars, ' Magnificent Day Coaches, and Elegant Emigrant Sleeping Cars, -WITH BERTHS FREE OF COST FROM WASHINGTON AND OREGON TO THE EAST Via St. Paul and Minneapolis ONLY TRANSCONTINENTAL LINE RUNNINC PALACE DINING CARS. (Meals, 75 Cents.) FASTEST TIME EVER MADE FROM THE C0A8T OVER THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD To Sioux City, Council lilufls, St. Joseph, Atchison, Leavenworth, Kansas City, Burlington, Hulney, SSt. Louis, S Chicago, AND ALL POINTS O ' O PAsrn AND ClOUTHEASm AND QOUTIIEASj ASl Via St. Paul and Miuncapolis. -tsr SLEEPING CAJtS 3- Are hauled on regular Ex press Trains over the Entire Length ov THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD Leave Portland at 3:00 p. at., daily; ar rive at Minneapolis or St P&ul 12:30 p. M., third da j. Connection made at St. Panl and Minneapolis to all points East, South and Southeast PACIFIC DIVISION. Train leaves Portland daily at 1 1 :4 5 a. at., arriving at New Tacoma ,6:30 p. at., connecting with O. R. & N. Co.'s boats for all points on Paget Sound. Al D. Charlton, General Western Passenger Agent, No. 2 Washington St., . ' Portland, Oregon, Or. IIEREBOLD, "taUp-Slalrs ty er L.. Be fil's Jewelry Stor R08EBURC CRECOH. v 3 V S JH. O'M ALLEY, . Proiniftor of the 110SEBUKG MARIJLE WOEKS. Aud Dealer iu Toombstoses, Taejais,' Etc. Shop Ber of Hogan'sf tore. 'S3 It CAVEATS. TRADE MARKS AN9 CCPYRICHTS Obtained, aud al! other business in the U. S Patent. Offloo attended to toe MODERATE FEES. Send MODEL OR DRAWING. We advise as patentability free of charge; and- we make KO CHANGE UNLESS WE OBTAIN PATENT. We refer here to the Postmaster, the Supt. Money Order Dir., aud to officials of the V. S. Patent office. For circular, advice, terms an references to actual clients in year own State . county, rite to C, . SXOW & CO., Opposite Patent Office, Washington, D. C. BLACKSMITH AND WHEELWRIGHT B0WEN BROS. Having dissolved the copartnership exist inn between Bunnell & Bowen Bros, and are now prepared to do all work in their line in a WORKMANLIKE MANNER, AND AT REASONABLE RATES. O. cfo DEL. "Ecirls.s, A Full Line of Staple .and Fancy Groceries, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Glassware. Crockery Queens ware Etc. Goods Delivered anywhere in th Cityr limits, Free of Charge. Drain Hotel! DRAIN - - OREGON. Coos Bay Stage Office at the Hotel. SAMPLE ROOMS FOR COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS- Baooaoe Handled Fsek or Cbahbi. MRS. BLACKWOOD Peopriethess. . MEDICAL- - DK. MINT.IE, THE SPECIALIST. No. 11 KEARNEY ST., SAN FKANCISCO, CAL. Treats all Cliroolc, Special and Private Diseases with Wonderful Success. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. "WIS A NEVEB FAILING CURE for Neirous Debilty jeminsi Weaknesi, Ek ihansteri VitalitT. Rnerma jini.-- Zas Hanaiood. .Umpotency, Paralysis, v t-rosiaiorrnoa, via an me itcrrible effects of Self- abuse, youthful follies and 'excesses io maturer fears, 'uch as Loss of Memory :Ussftude Nocturnal Em-' Jissians. aversion to societT Lfiiunessot Vision. Aoises in the Head. F.TCKSSRS IN DRINKING intoswaUne liquors, tne vital fluid passing unobserved in the ttnne, and many otoer dis eases that lead to insanity and death. Dr. Mintir, who ia A BserLAB Phtsicias. GaAor. ATS OF TTIH UXIVERglTT OF PlKXSTLVAKIA, will agree to forfeit Fry Hcndkkd Dollars for a ease of this kind the VIT L RESTOBTIVE fonder hia invM advice and treatment) will not cure, tr for anything; impure or injurious found in it. Dr. Mixna treats all private diseases successfullv without mercurrl Coksvltatios Fezb. Thorough examination and ad vice, including analysis of urine, 15.00. Price of VITAL RESTORATIVE, $1.50 a bottle, or four times the quantity, $5.00; sent to any address upon receipt of Price, or C. O. D., secured from observation, and in private name if desired by Dr. Ml.vns, 11 Kkakbt Street, Sax Francisco, Cau Send for list of ques tions and pamphlet. SAMPLE BOTTLE FREE. Will be sent to any one applying by letter, stating symytoms, sex and age. Strict secrecy in regards to all business transactions. Dr. Mrsrrrt KininsT Rimedt. NEPHRETICTTM Cures ail kinds of Kidney and Bladder Csomplaint Gonorrhea, Gleet, Leuchorrhea etc. For sale by a . dmgfrists; fl a bottle or six bottles for fivedollari. Dr. MnrrrEs Dabdemoh Pills are the best and the cheapest Dtsi epsi a and Biuot's cure in the market. For sale by all drujrfrists. SMAXiIi FOX MAES OAS BE REMOVED. LEOlSr & CO , v Loudon, Pcrf tuners to H. M. the Queen, hare ted and patented the world-renowned OBLITERATOR, which removes Small Pox Marks, of however standing;. The apphcatioa M simple and bar causes no Inconvenience, and contains no thin f jurioui. FricetiSO. ; 8UPEFLTJ0US HAUL. . Leon & Co.'s "DEPILATORY" Removes Buperflouus Hair in a few minute grow again. Simple and harmlesa Fu directions. Seutby mail. Price tt GEO. W. SHAW GENERAL AGENT 219 Tremoit Street, Boston, Mass. Mention This Paper. When Baby iras sick, we rve her CastoriJ, Wnea she was a Chfld, she cried for Castoria, Wnea she beoaaa Mias, eh clung to Castoria, WMsAeKadCMMrenjeovgaTBI BARKER &WILLIS, ' DEA1EKS IN " GROCEEIES, PROVISIONS, NOTIONS, CROCK ERY, GLASSWARE, TOBACCO, CIGARS, ETC. ETC. A SPECIALTY. - - Prrxluce ljought and .the highest cash price paid. nit sHsWHaHWBittMHal 1