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About Roseburg review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1885-1920 | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1886)
R0SEB.ORG REVIEW IS ISSUED Fill OA Y -MOKSINGS BY THE REVIEW PUBLISHING J. It. N BELL, - - Editor, One Yew - - - - " " - 50 Six Months - - - - - ; X. 125 Three Months - '- - - - 1 00 1 1 .rr1. .- GE5EBAL DIBEQTOBY- C, rover Cleveland. . .. . . . . . . .Presidcut. Thos. F. Bayard: ..Secretary of State Dambl T. Maknino, Secretary of Treasury. L Q C. Lamaiu .Secretary of the Interior. Wm. C. Esdicott. Secretary o War W. C Whitsey. ..... : Secretary of vy. W. T. Vilas?... . . .Post Master General. A. H. Garlakd. ...... ..Attorney General. Morrisox . W aite. ...... . .Chief J aatice. STATE OF OREGON. J.N. Dolpu . .......... u s Senators. . II. Mitchell - J Binoer Hermann Congressman. Z. F, Moopy. ."' ..... .Governor. II. P. Earuakt.. Secretaryof State. Edward Hikscii . ... . SUte Treasurer. K. B. McELROT....Sapt. Pub. Instruction. W. H. Byaks -Stata Printer. J. B. Waldo, C. J.,) - Wm. P. Lokd. ' . . . .Supreme J uilges. W. W. Tiiayek, SECOND JUDICIAL DISTEICT. K. S. Bkax.. ........ ........ ..; ... Juile. J. W Hamilton .... Prosecuting Attorney. - ; DOUGLAS COUXTY.. JoHfVMum, H;... ... Senator.. J. II. Shcpe. j Wm. Manxinu, ,.. !,& ...:..cpre,-nUUve8. C. a Wilcox, ) G. W. Kimball. ...... .Clerk. G. A. Taylor, : .Sheriff. D. S. West Treasurer. F. W. Benson School Superintendent. E. C. Sacry Assessor. J. S. FrrzHcon County Judge. J. Hall, C. A. McGee Commissioners. Wm. Tiiiel . 7. Surveyor. Dk. S. S. Marsters Coroner. CITY OF ROSEBURG. II. C Stanton, I John Mast, I tr. Sheridan, Trustees, . C. Wueelek, 1 V. liENEDICT. f T. Ford EecorJer. G. J. LANUEncEKU Marshal. John Chase... Treasurer. U. S. LAND OFFICE ROSEBURG, Chas. W. Joiixstox. ....... Register. A. C. Joses .-. Reciever PROFESSIONAL- h F. LANE, JOHN LANE jjANE & LANE, Attorneys at Law. Main street, opposite Cosmopolitan Hotel. J C. FULLERTON, f Attorney at Law. Office in Marks'.briok, up stairs. s. WIIITEMOKE M. D. MYRTLE CREEK OREGON. Office at ii. dyer's store. Residence at I Icnry A, Adams'. R. C. HUNTER M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. CANYOXV1LLE OREUOX K. L. MILLER, M. D 1 - SURGEOJ?. Homoeopathic Physician. Offiice up stairs in the old Sheridan Brick, on Jackson Street, Roseburg, Oregon. Chronic diseases a speciality. F. G. (EHME, M. D. (Pronounced Ama.) J1OMCE0PATHIC PHYSICIAN & Graduate Of The UNIVERSITY Of Leipzig Germany. Office & Residence at the house of Geo. W. l)ay, near R. R. track, Rose burs. hotels and restaurants. BilLEY'S HOTEL. Oakland, Oregon. Board $1 per Day; Single Meals, 25 cents, larruis house has lately changed hands and li orough!jr renovated and refurnished. The travel. i public will find the best ofaccommodatioas No Cltluamen Employed. SMI1H BAILEY. ABSOLVTKLT FIRST CLASS RS. D. C. McCLALLEN, Proprietor of the McCLALLEN HOUSE. Large Sample Rooms for Commercial Travelers. . Cuacli to and from the house . Baggage deliver free of charge. DEPOT HOTEL, , OAKLAND, OREGOX. llioliard Thomas, Prop. First Class SLEEPING ACCOMODATIONS. AND THE Table supplied with the Best the Market affords Hotel at the Depot of the Railroad. MOORE'S RESTAURANT. (Principaal Business Street.) Roseburg, Oregon MEALS 25 CENTS, LODGING 25 CENTS We Keep the Beat tho Market Affords. VOL. XI. ... GENERAL Samcei. Marks,' S. MARKS fc Co. -DEALERS IN- t&Ali IIIOIM HATE CONSTANTLY ON HAND D HV JJUlIIJlll Crockery, Glassware, Provisions, Cigars, Wool and Produce tion Bought AND THE VERY HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR THEM. S. 3XA.r&IH CO - lTomolmrg-, Or M. JOSElPHSOILSr. Bi.W.ffdlMI !PJWJe, NEW YHK.K Keeps a full line of Dress Goods of eveiy variety and Shade. A full lino of Silks. A full line of Satins, Brocades and Velvets. A full line of Fancy Dress Goods. A full line of Hosiery. A full line of Clothing. o m A A fall line of Furnishing Goods. A full line of Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes. M A full line of Staple and Fancy Groceries and Tobaccos. rH A full line of Crockery and Glassware. And last, but not least, a full lino of Ostrich Plumes and Tips, with all kinds of Ladies Hat Trimmings and Hat Shapes of latest pattern. -GOjVEX! AXffrj SEE XUEXl- All Kinds Of Fancy Groceries, Stationery - Phtograph and Perfumery, Autograph Albums Crockery and Stand, Hand, and Queens Ware, Hanging Lamps 5 TABLE CUTLERY AND SILVER WARE, and TEN THOU S AMD OTHER THINGS TO NUMEROUS TO MENTION. Call And See Me At The Post Office Stand. BUTTER AND EGGS BOUGHT. WJRT'lMoore CORNUTT, Successor to DEALER DRY GOODS, BOOTS and SHOES, CLOTUING, HATS and CAl'S DRUGS and PATENT MEDICINES Cheaper than the Cheapest. SHERIDAN BROTHERS, Roscbiirg, rgon, f oO 0 They would announce that they have just received and now have on . hand one of the largest stocks of eneral ;;Hardwaref etc. : Ever Brought to Douglas, and. when added to their Stoves of all Patterns and Ready-made Tinwar They are prepared to declare they have tie best supply in their line ofany house iu Southern Oregon, which they propose selling Cheaper than can be purchased elsewhere In the shape of BUILDING MATERIALS, in the way of Locks, Butts, etc., we can offer superior inducements to purchasers. Try ns . We can give you bargains in the following brands'of STOVES not equaled elsewhere: BUCK'S BONANZA, FAKMER's fTILITY, DEXTER, PACIFIC, WIDE WEST, CLARENDON, OCCIDENT, IRON KING, EMPIRE CITY And other Sioves and Ranges. The best of workmen are constantly employed in the manufacture of our TINWAR and buyers should learn our prices. We have also bargains to offer in GUNS, such as Winchester, Sharp and other Riflee, as well as Shotguns and Pistols. We are also Agents for the White, Peerless and New Home SEWINO MACHINES, which we Bell at the lowest rates and warrant as complete in every respect. .1 We can also supply Averili and ' Butter Faints. The best n the market, at lowest rates. Give us a call, inspect our stock; inquire as to rices, and we promise to suit you if any one can. , ' Dr. THOMAS OK ill 131, A GRADUATE Of the University of Pa. at Phlladelpliia and of the ROTAL COLLEGE OF SCRGE0NS, and ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS, LONDON ENGLAND has located for th practice of his . profession in ROSEBURG OREGON. Office and residence, Washington street opposite the Catholic Church, . Rosefourg MERCHANDISE- Asiier Marks. GOODBp- ID DIM Boots and Shoes. of every Descrip M! a athh mm'i ASH RTmVE X O w CD & m o J. JD. JOHESOJS. IV era Women. aurMt swMHe 11 tkers, er Caab wtmm. , Pont wyta u money on wnwn aww 117 mailed to any addraw. Bend 4 oenta for paHtcuiarib WUCOX SFKCinC CO PfcUate. TA. Wash House. Sam Young Prop. Opposite CARLON'S STABLE. -Dnniiimiiia A 1111! fill l i? I)SEBURG6rEG0N. Douglas (Minty Bank, HUMPHREY & FLINT, Roaeburg -V - - - Oregon TRANSACT A GENERAL B ANSINg BUSINESS Sigkt Drafts Drawn on Portland, San Francisco, New York and other points. Bills of exshange on the principal cities of Europe. Deposits re ceived subject to check. Collections made on all accessablepoints at reasonable rates JOSEPH SHINDLER. PROPRIETOR ; Of The CITY BAKER Y ; ' - r" ' AND KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND A full stock of Bread. Cakes. Pics. Plain and Fancy Crackers, etc. Also a fine selection of rrench and American Candies and Choc ate Goods. OREGON PACIFIC R. K WiUanietta Valley to San f rancisco Via laquina DAILY TRAINS, TRAINS LEAVE CORVALLIS Daily, except SunJare. t 2 P. SI. LEAVE YAQUINA , , Dailj , except Sundays, at 7:10 A. M. j Tlicfine A 1 Steamship 1 ' Yaijuina" ai) j ( From San Francwco From Yaquina Tuesday, Juno 22, Tuesday, Juy 6, Tuesday, July 20, I Tuesday, I Tuestlay, f Tuesday, Tuesdav, June June Julv July IStli, 26th, mil, 27th, The Company reserves the riirht to chamri aailing days. Fares and Freight at reduced an-1 mMicratc rates. i Kiver Boats on the Willamette couiicclin: Corvallig For further information apply to C. Hogtie A. G. F. & Aft't., Cortallis. J. 0. SHEHIM tiSuccessor to jej R, S k J. C SHERIDAN, DEALER IN" HARDWARE Stoves and Tinware, 4 Roseburg, Oregon THE undersigned takee pleasure in an nouncing to the im hi m .liaf. ho on;.. everything in his line at prices that DEFY COMPETITION! , -IF YOU WANT- STOVES, AGEIOULTUKAL TOOLS IRON,. STiIL. NAILS, HOESESHOES, TINWARE, CUTLERY Or anvthiur in mv linn rail an1 avomVnn stock and learn prices before purchasing else- wuerc, hq i am Beiiing lower tnan ever. -J C. SHERIDAN JA8KULEK, Practical Watchmaker, Jeweler and Optician. ALL WORK WARRANTED. Dealer iu Watches, Clock?, Jewelry, Spectacles and Eyeglasses. A FULL LINE OF CIUARS, TOBACCO & FANCY GOODS. THE ONLY UELHBLE OrTOMER IN TOWN for the proper adjustment of Spictaclos. Depot of the Genuine Brazilian Pclible Spectacles an.l Evo glasses. Office in Hamilton's Brick block. A GIFT Send 10 cents uBlage. and we will mail you free a roval, val uable, sample box of iroods t!.,. U'ill 1.... I.. .1-.? ....I .. juu ,ii niu way of making more money at once, than anythin(f else .......... uv,,, u, siojran live at home and work in sarctime, or all the time. Capital not required. We will start vr.n imm... n... . . . 'uviiim ,ma ,ur those who start at once. Stiyi Ai fn n....i..i Maine. O.P.TOMPKINS i PURCHASING Age ent of ALLKINDSOF MERCHANDISE A., orders from the country filled on short notice from Every Class or Kind of Goods from " First-Class Stock. j Absolutely fno charges or commission, will be charged for filling orders. OFFICE: 107 first street, At D. W. Pkentice's rortland.Or L. BELFILSI I feel confident of giving satisfaction in nil work entrusted to me in watches, clocks, and jewelry. I also repair musical instruments. have the County patent rujht for sale of Concrete Cement Pipe for couveyin water to any place de sired in Douglas Couuty: I will also teach any kind of instrumental music Anyone desiring instruction will call on me at my watchmaking shop. L. Kklnls. CITY DRAYTNG ; DONE WITH DISPATCH. : V ' CALL ON ' ! : JOHN .TABrBCKEX. FRIDAY, JUNE, 25, 1886. Central Hotel! KOSEBURG, OREGON, OPPOSITE CARLON'S LIVERY STABLE. Juftri and Lodging per day. ; " " " week ...... " Without Lodging. $1 .CO 5.00 4. CO ideals, 25 cents, Lodging:, 25 cents- Tliorough satisfaction is promised to travel crsand the public eenerallv. . MRS. . GARRISON, I 'rup. JoUXKeneuy, Clerk. S v O. C. Perki.VS, Stewartl . No Chinese cmylof ed . Opium Habit Cured. i will oure any - one wlio has cod tra Wl tliCT'Opium habit, uo niattei how Tonar usod. in four weeks without injury to Ihemselves, and eo they will have no desire for Opium again." E3?ItoOms and Lodging furnislied at my office, in Roseburg. Communica tions and treatment strictly private J. Woodruff M. I). Roseburg, Oregon, CREEK MILLS, CLARKE eV BAKER, Props. frvimr ntirplmoofl thp. aliove named mills of E. Stephens va., we are nowfircpapcu m iuiunn umj amuuni ol tnc uesi quaiivy Ui LUMBER. ever offered to the public iu Douglas Countr. We will furnish at the mill at the following prices; No-1 rouirh lumber......... il- M M M No, 1 flooriug, 6 inch .. ?2t No. 1 flooring, 4 inch ! No. 1 finishing lumber No. 1 finishing lumber dressed on 2 sides 821 No. 1 finishing lumber dressed on 4 Bidcs"2C M 31 M CLARKE & BAKER. ! Aeee & MILLER. New Butcher Shop Wo keep all kinds of FRESH and PICKLED meats. I' SATISFACTION ASSURED. Hides of all kinds bought. TUB OLD RELIABLE . Established iu 18G7. Jacob BitSrzcr HI TARRY, ; ii. i Merchant Tailor. in the Kcd Front, next door to A. C . Marks '4 ' ,;. Store. Repairs aud Alterations neatly done. MRS.' S. A IIUTCIIIXSON, V MILLINERY STORE! Oalmliitl,". A DIES WILL FiSD MV STOCK LARUE AND Complete. Prices moderate. r.i- M i Call, Mrs. S. A. IIutchissok. " The BUYERS' GUIDE ta Usned Msrclt and Bept.f eweh wear. JK3f)80 page, 8tUH lncbSWiu orer 3,000 lUnatraUons a Whole Plctore Gallery. direct to ionsumert on all roods for personal or laiwiiy uc 'iwu aw w order, and glTM exact cost of e-rery-thtnc yon use, cat drink, wear, or hav fan wtUu Tbeee WVAXUABLE BOOKS contain Information cleaned from the markets) of the world. We wtu mall as copy FREE to any ad dress upon receipt of 10 eta. to defray expense of mailing. laet as hear from yon, f RespeetfuUy, MONTGOMERY YJARD A CO. 927 9c tZ9 Wasuk Avenue, Chicago, Ilk buss urnm. I AM PREPARED TO DO -.FIRST CLASS Work in this line, and ask a share of tho patronage of Roseburg and vicinity."-: - EL31IXA V. CttOIP. Next door to L. Belfils Jewelry Store, Rosbeurg Or; DR. LIEBIG'S WONDERFUL German Invigorator Men who are nuffcriug Disease and WeaknmiM lira on by early Imprudedce or Awava, wiuuik UV11UUI debihty, premature decay, lost manhood, etc., ha ing tried ui vain every known remedy, should pro cure Immediately DK. LIEBIG'S INVIGORATOR Ho. 2.- THE DOCTOR will agree to forfeit tl.OOO or case undertaken, not cured. The reason why so many cannot get cured of weakness and the above rrO.iT. ri t . -viiiiMluai,llJU caiieu rnuoiA lOERHEA with Hyperesthesia, which reauirea seecial treatment. DR. LIEEIG'3 INVIGORATOR No. 2, under our otSroF1 the onlyPotivecure DR. LIEB1G4 CO. for the past nineteen years have made an exclusive specialty of h treatment of disease tot men. ' If nimnli InnM. a . . . ... , i-r'. i me on, u you oecome nst- 2r-?!TCle?t,,ookout 'w the complication WIi!TLliVe'kJ?e nd louot Vitality known asProstatorrhea. Hundreds of lives have htn i.t ? hve lost their property and pleasure ie effect. Varicocele; or wormy veins te?'5"I";.0,tn the unsuspected cause of Lost Manhood, Debility, etc. etc., DR. LIEBIG'S Invig- 'J" ,, ' '. the on'y known remed ylor tb ;Jt;u,Pile!it,n' 'n1 perfect and permanen elm Will OS) nunntAwt : -if . der onrspecial adviee and treatment. TrZXv. h ele9t" free to our patients. tab a M rViJ. EuVS;iPowrof tne UfVIGOBA-TO-R!.A ?OTTIE GIVEN FREE. tail or auuress, Dp. Uelig & Co'b Private Dispensary , 90 Geary St. flan Francisco, Cal. 1 t - ! I I MBmM &R0YALfB 2k J rsv Ssi5i irra M3 Absolutely Pure This powder never varies. A marvel of j urity. strength and whoicsomcucss. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold iu to Ictition with the multitude of low test, bhunt wcijfht alum or phosphate powders. Sold oulv iu cans. ItOVAL BAKING POWDER CO., IOC Wall St N. Y. MRS- E. F.HOTCHKIS S FINE MILLINERY AND XsTEAT T")RESSMAKlXO ROSEBURG OREGON'. lVrILL Fl'KNISII YOU THE BEST AND FINEST 11 Goods in the market. Ladies Wear, Laces, nucniiigg, Hosiery and Jewelry. The dressmaking department is in skillful hands, and under the immediate supervision of Mrs. llotclikiss. CALL AND SEE. NEAR THE DEPOT He O. Stanton DEALER IN STAPH! DM GOODS! OF THE BEST QUALITY. GENERAL FURNISHING, HOSIERY, TRIMMING &c Boots & Shoes OF THE BEST QUALITY, a full of GROCERIES ! Wood And Willow5 WARE CROCKERY & GLASSWARE, ELECTRIC LAMPS, SCHOOL BOOKS, AND STATIONARY. Subscription AGENCY. Subseriuliou received fur 11 a w ft and European Publication 3. EGGS FOR HATCHING FROM WYANDOTTES, PLYMOUTH ROCKS, BROWN LEGHORNS, THE THREE LEADING VARIE TIES. I KLF1' NO OTHERS. My sis Wyandotte Hens made a record last season oi one hundred and twenty six egg each in six uonuu-, iroin jauuary loth, to July 15th. Aside irom vneir utility they are the handsomest fowl I have ever handled. Egg, one sotting $4 two settings S7. three settings $9. My Plymouth Roeka Have always stood at the front for sc.rl always winning the highest honors wherever ou ex- niomou. fcts one settinir $2.50 two sctlimrs si. Uiree settings 86. A fow choice trios forsalo at 810 eacn. single birds from $3 to $3.J My Stock of Brown Leghorns Cannot be sur assed in this r any other countrv. My strain is a direct cross between fowls I iniimrtcd rom Bonner of Massachusetts and Keefcrof Illinois. Eggs, one setting $2.50 two settings tl three set tings 80. A tew extra choice Cockerels for sale at $1 to ii. All m v foa ls have bad splendid range, are healthy and finely marked. I guarantee a good natch and perfect satisfaction. Send stamp for handsomely illustrated catalogue. Cash must accompany all orders. Address, J. M. GARRISON. Foreat Grove Oregon- N. B. Express charges light. Wells, Fargo ii Co's. express stives sccial low rates to all my customers. J. M. G. WJ Brewster's rat ent' Rein Bolder, Tonr lines are where you put town not M l under bones' feet. One agent sold 12 dox. in llrM days, one dealer sold 6 doz. in 15 days, ifff BamnlfS worth 110 ma. Writ, fnrbr. Ga E. E. BKEWSTEK, Holly, Mich. A TAta SlxTmrianoa. RnTriA.r4rovi Qaick eore& Trial Packages. Send tamp tor sealed particulars. Address Pr.WARPJtco. Louisiana Mo. IU1 2 WO. 12. patient, and finally went away smiling and hamming the air which I had tat tooed on her shoulder." "Did you ever sec her again?" "A few days later I chanced to be in the Boston & Albany Depot, when a lady and gentleman passed me, gain toward the train. She had the look of ;i bride, and as tbey passed me she gave me a glance and hummed the air that I had scratched upon her shoulder." Boston Cor. N. Y. Sun. THE OLD STONE MILL. How Newport's Ancient Mystery Has Bees Saved From Decay. Antiquarians and ' archaeologists of many a land have gazed upon Newport's mystery of mysteries and sighed for some revelation that would confirm them in this theory or in that- as to its origin and the uses to which it was put But they have sighed in vain, although they have not sighed alone, for during : snmracE, particiilarlj many anx ieties have been expressed and felt about the afefy of the mysterious structure, to gaze upon and examine which men have . i j: a. vajuiu ijurjjuseijr uuui nuiusa uiaiaot HA!is. Nnt n. ffw nrfli.Trlnrr?ot lav in. spected it this summer, and many of incse gave it as meir opimoi. uiai unicss speedy measures vere taken for a thor ough overhauling the grand old structure would rapidly decay and ere long tum ble into a heap of stones. Some years flon finmn T!no.Hch irrwno i-lorfvl nrnnnil the old stone mill, and with the rapid growin peculiar to its nature soon spread in every direction until nearly everv inch of stone was covered up. About twenty-four years since attention was called to the fact that this ivy was rap idly working destruction to the mill, and thrusting out large quantities of mortar, which caused the stones (which many believe were handled by rJorsemen, while cthere aver that the structure was the work of Druids) to be loosened, rendering the Wrinlfl vulf in n rtanownna vwrlif ! The ivy was finally removed, and the i ' i j - . -. . . . uixiuuug resumea its original appear- (U1(W. Of lnt ronra tVio hiiilliTin. haa been growing shaky, and. finally public uiivuuvu nas atuavbCU iu iu VUUUlUUil in a very forcible way. The city author ities took hold of the matter after some delay and it is satisfactory to learn from the committee's report that, al though the work of preservation has obcu BuuiKwnai expensive, it is complete, and that.the old mill is now in condition to withstand for manvvears the destruc tive forces of the elements. How bad a condition the curious structure was in may oe garnered from the fact that the architect s report states that the ld mill M 1 ' ... . was iouna to oe m an unstaoie and dan- ferous condition. The upper walk were adlv cracked, and for nhr inn tout. down from the top the old mortar had aunosi enorejy disappeared rroni be tween the stones. This portion of the wall has now been laid in Portland cement mortar, the stono- rwinr ro. mftVArl inrtivirliinntr anil rnnlmwl in'flici;. original position, and the joints have I 1 1 A 1 I . . LM'.itn I HKtui Dili, rrmo-niv. rrt nrpprvn an the characteristics of rudo rubble-work. Where anv new stones wir ro. quired they were selected from among tho sea-worn ones on the beach, care being exercised to obtain the same 1 Ti.i .1 -i. . viuaa vi t -ic auu grauuo as was usea by the orig.ial builders centuries ago. The top of the wall has been carefully cemented - Ip J vuuuvu form, to stop all future infiltrations of -i. a tin w ewjriu water. vncro me wails were cracked bond-stones have been inserted across the seams, and all tho work made secure. The arches, piers, and upper walling have been examined, ana all onen loints filled in. thn miter toooa having been left rough and open. All ine windows, mortices lor beams, port holes, fireplaces, etc., haveVjen treated in the same way. All the old portholes and one window, which in the course of time had been filled nn with hriok .vrlr - - - - . . were onene.d and left as nrlcinnlW nnilf This brickwork was evidently the work t , i , . , . . - ... oi late occupants, ntung tne old mill for their own uses, and not a nortion of the anr cnt structure. The fact that the mysterious old structure has been placed in 8UCh thorough order will ho mnrt STatifvino- news to readers Interestvl i-n archajology, particularly as the mill is """vu i-vf iuu uiuL-st ciruciure in me United States, and now restored tn it original appearance. ' The citizens are rejoicing over its comploto restoration, for they regard the old stone mill as one of the things to be treasured more than fine gold or precious stones. Newport v. vwr. jiuswn tournai. A BEAUTIFUL PRINCESS. The Laudable Act of Humanity Performed oy tne uerman Crown Princess. The German Crown Princess has dona a very laudable act of practical human ity in opening at her husband's estate of Bomstcd, near Potsdam, a kindergarten for the children of the farm-laborers of the estate. Here the little ones find shelter, food and tuition while their parents are working in the fields. The institution is built Rafter the fashion of English workingmen's houses, and con tains a sitting or working room, a kitchen, a large sleeping apartment and a VerV larS'C p-arden. With a nlnvoronnd The children are brought to the institu tion at six o'clock in the morning and stay till nine in the evening, tho larger part of the time being given to play and rest. In the morn in or thev m mcilo v work in the garden or three-quarters of a uuui, aixt iu. me evening tor two hours and a half, ewh nisiM Roin ' w ax wvJUt C1YCU a separate place of garden land to take rare nf it ta alar. . . the crop raised. During the forenoon and afternoon the nhild for about two hours, drawing, plaiting . -.uvunoin. Aner dinner tnev are nut to Rieer tnr 1 also for a short time after they arrive in the morning An old matron takes care of the babies, for wimni - spot of the garden nearest to the house ,1UilJ0ITaae-lre has been set aside. The Princess is a daily visitor at the institution, and r.l-, s; .. . httle ones are well taken care of. Chi. A San Franelsen an i. .1 . - assui Ls mat there are on the Pacific slope to-day more divorced and tmmo-,;,.,i 1 than in all the rest of the country. Bucklen s Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world Cuts, Bruises, Sores,' Ulcers. Salt Hheum. Fever Sores. Tetter, f'lianr lands. Chilblains. Corns, and oil Kb-; Eruptions, and positive! enre Pileo or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money Fw taleby Masters & Co ROSEBURG REVIEW HAS THE' FINEST JOB OFF I HE IN DOUGLAS COUNTY. CARDS', BILL HEADS, LEGAL BLANKS ' And other Printing, Iaolading Large and Heavy Posters and Showy Hard-Bill Kestly and ExpedltluusUr executed AT PORTLAND PRICES. H1ssssssssssjsssssmsssbsbswsssssssssjsssssi THE OBBAT WEST. Address at J. Rrld Dwui of ths trrsdostioo essr cises Thursds- June 2d.J The Gieat West is that part cf the United States lying between the Rocky mountains and the Pacific ocean. lis area equals nearly one half ot this en tire couutry. The population is "not very great at present, but is iucieftbirg at a rapid ratp, and it will not be many years until the ratio of inhabitants per square mile will oe as great as tho most populous slates of the east. No country or part of country ever in creased so rapidly in population and wealth as the western portion of ths United States. As early as the admin istration cf Jefferson an expiating par- ty was sent to this Coast to make ex plorations and take obeervations. After tdung '& look at the- country it S as tbougbt fit only for the Indian and grizzley bear. Little did the people in the east think of the great wealth hid den in the dense forests and wild jun gles of "The Great West." So Httle interest did they manifest that this re gion was left to take care of itself un til seveial years afterward when trap pers and hunters crossed the Rocky mountaius. Bye and bye people kept coming here till the great gold excite ment in California in 1849, when peo ple flocked to this coast by thousands in search of that precious metal of which so much has been found. The sturdy pioneers who came hither In an early day were confronted b; ? vjrrible and dargerous foe in the Indian. Many were the exciting struggles passed through before the pioneers were firmly established hero Then came the great Civil war, dur the progress of which this coast was to a great extent neglected. When the gigantic struggle ceased, renewed inter est was taken and immigrants came by thousands. Many people who had livedin Missouri and neighboring states during the progress of the war, and who were afraid of their lives and property at the close of that contest formed trains and crossed the trackless plains and rugged mountains to the paradise of the world, "The Great West." As to climate and productive onali- tiei "Tho Great West" cannot be ex celled. Take for instance th rlimsts during the past winter; there has not been enough ice for skating, or enough S40W, with one or two exceptions, to coyer the ground, while in some of the Eastern states the snow has been from two to five feet deep, and the rivers frozen nearly to the lottom. People wno come here , from the East think it strange that we do our plow ing and sowing in the winter, while .1 .1 . . . uterc tne ground is frozen from two to three feet deep. . The fruit culture which is yet in its incipieucy is destined to become one of the sources of wealth for there is hard ly any kind of fruit known that this coast cannot produce in abundance, while in the East fruit can only be raised in favored localities, and in lim ited quantities, and an inferior qualifc at that. The wealth of this coast per capita is greater ths t most any other . country. The city of Portland is, according to the census of 1880, the wealthiest city per capita, in the world. lhe timber of this coast cannot be excelled even by Maine or Massachu setts. Shins at Purat Sound loud nearly every day with spars and other timbers for shipbuilding and other pur poses in the East. The creat need of this coast is manufacturing establish ments. The mining of coal which, has just been commenced will become source of great wealth; as the coal is cf a su perior quality. The grain raised here excels that cultivated in. the East in size and quality. Mining is still car. tied on to a great extent thus furnish ing employment to hundreds of labor ers. It would be to the advantage cf all on tbis coast if people would follow more pursuits of livelihood: and thus develop the country in every respect. When the avocations of life are more diversified, our prosperity will corres pondingly increase. S 1 . - There are one hundred and fifty saloons in Cincinnati that sell beer for three cents a glass, and throw in a 'ree lunch: yet they bad a terrible riot there not long ago. Some people are never satisfied. Brewers' and Dealers Journil. "Yet,"! A man threw a coal of fire in a powder magazine, and yet there was an explosion. Some peo pie arc neve logical. The Voice. A Washincton correspondent sas: "Tom Reed, of Maine, Laa the biggest feet in Congress," but rivalry between members does not tend in this direc tion, apparently they are all vieing to sec who has the biggest mouth. Editor of prohibition paper: "Fore man, is the paper upF' "All readj to go to press, sir.j "Well, let's go take a drink,"