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About Roseburg review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1885-1920 | View Entire Issue (June 18, 1886)
ROSEBURG REVIEW DOUGLAS COUNTY ELECTION RETURNS1 OFFICI AT, THE GREAT DOOR AfU LUMBER nEIUMITYfronrAHMOYAKCE FPJDAY, JUNE, 18, 1886. rffffasffMTitsitt r 1 a 0 DEMOCRACY TRIUMPHS. The election of Sylvester Pennoyer Governor over T. K. Cornelius in the State of Oregon is a great victory for the Democracy.. As men they both stand high in the social scale. Prob alIv no other two men in the entire State better represent the conflicting principles' which divide the two great parties. They are both Lonest con cientious outspoken and positive in the defense of the respective principles which they espouse and to this fact Sylvester Pennoyer owes his election. On the Chinese question there is but little difference of opinion on this coast More than three fourths of the legal voters of the State are in sympa thy with the great Democratic party on this issue. Mr. Pennoyer correctly represents the 'national Democratic party in this regard as he does also on the laior land and money questions. Having worked his way up from a poor farmer with a donation claim in ihe wilds of Oregon to his present standing and having passed through the vicissi tudes of farmer, laborer, contractor and builer, it is not . strange that he should be found in sympathy with the laborers and take strong grounds in favor of protecting the honest work men in the enjoyment of the fruits of their toil. On the other hand Mr. Cor. nelius embodies and holds to the aristocratic ideas of the Bepublican party that a man who works for a liv ing is no better than serf and the more degraded they can make labor the cheaper they can have their meniel lervices performed. And whilst in public life his record has been consis tent with this idea and he has at all times favored the creation of corporate wealth and opposed the abrogation of Burlingame treaty under which the Chinese serfs are brought to our shores. The national Republican party are with Mr. Cornelius on this issue and Cornelius correctly represents his party in this regard. It will be re membered when the recent law of Con gress was passed limiting and restict ing the right of these Chinese to land at our ports, now tne measure was foujht by almost the solid Bepublican party and how it received the veto of a Republican president who refused to sign the bill until it passed in its present modified from which renders it almost inoperative. The conflicting principles maintained by the respective candidites on this and the labor ques tion of which this auxiliary 'became well known and understood by the voters whioh will account for the un precedented victory forthe Democarcy. J'OT SO. We have heard clever Republicans say that the Democracy, of Douglas county have been greatly aided by the Prohibition party. "We assert to our readers nothing can be further from the truth. Let U3 illustrate. Myrtle Creek gave the Prohibitionist a very large vote. Out of which number only eight Republicans can be found, in this precinct there were at least three Democrats to two Republicans that were Prohis. , Example, the vote given Mr. Ramp formerly a Democrat one hundred and twentyone. Look pray, at the Wilbur vote, that of Callapooia. in Ten Mile the Democrats suffered far more than .the Republicans. So has it been in Scottsburg where a single vote waa cast for the now movement Several precincts paid no attention to the new pirty, especially Gardiner where the democracy generaly pre vailed. No, the Prohibitionists cannot control the democracy and from this time we hope they may gain from that party no new convert He that leaves that party would be unwise enough to leap into the deepest darkness. President Cleveland on the Oregon Election. Representative Henly was one of the President's first callers Wednesday morning. He dropped in to tell him, he said, that Oregon had gone Demo cratic by a handsome majority; and that the prospects for the Democrats securing the next United States Sena tor from that state were exceedingly flattering. The President replied that the announcement gave him satisfac tion. He said that although local issues had contributed somewhat to the result, he regarded it as a triumph of Democratic principles, and he hoped it was the beginning of a tidal wave that, rising in the extreme northwest, would flow with increasing force until, by the time the presidential year had been reached, would sweep the entire coun try. Star. Col Join? T. Wait, of Connecticut, is the oldest man in the house of rep resentatives and has enjoyed that dis tinction during his last three "terms of service. When he completes his pres ent ierm he will be in his 77 th year. He was originally elected to fill out an unexpired term of a deceased member, and has in addition to that served five full terms. - The election of strahan over Waldo is conceded, it not being considered possible for the returns from counties yet unofficially reported to change the result Defeat of the other candidates is easily explained, but the virtuous ring managers cannot imagine why "Waldo got left," mi I nil PRECINCTS: Hermann Butler Miller 2l8l Congress Supreme Judge, 164' 97 202! Waldo Strahan 2281 Cornelius . . . iS! Governor. . - - j ' 1 Pennoyer . . . , Houston .... 19S 97i 19 McBrideG V. Sec. of Slate . . - Gibons. . .... 182 Kinney 104! Marston f 179! I 194; j io6j ; 186; I i86; j 103! ! 174 Treasurer...... Supt. Pub. Inst State Printer. . . Dist. Judge Dist. Attorney. Webb Long McElroy Davis Lyman Baker Nickell , Shepard I 99l liean , Burnett Rayburn. 294! 172 126 Hamilton 335! 267! Palmer Benjamin iobi Blundell 178 172 177 -177 Kiewson .... Waite Metz Representatives Arlington . . . McKenzie Eubanks 178! 171 '3i Ramp 122 107! Newland Shelly Agee 1681 Sheriff....:.... - 2o6 onacolt 87 Taylor Sheridan. 174' Clerk....;..: Treasurer. . . . Judge . . .. 229! Burt 53! 1411 Stearns (West Smith. Colvig . . . 230; 82! 171! 205,' fritzhuch Gaddis 83 McGee 181 169 165 194 'Johnson "1 Lamb Hall Winston Martin , 107) 103 Britt Surveyor.; Assessor. Superintendent -j Coroner .... . . . j 270 Thiel Sterling 186 264 hacry 1S6! Tobias , iRussell 139 161! 121 j 163! Kent Miss... Marsters Graham 179! 1071 Cathey CAMPAIGN. The campaign upon the part of the Prohibitionists for 1888 commeced in Roseburg, Douglas county, State of Oregon last Tuesday evening. The usual J uvenile Rand were present and discoursed characteristic good music A transparency was carried saying "The Prohibition compaign for 1888 had commenced," the whiskey traffic must go etc. It was in the gloaming of the eve and we did not observe ex actly the mottoes but we think we have quoted them substantially. It Berved as notice that something was going on. After parading through the streets the crowd proceeded to the reform club hall where auvil exercises were indulged in. WJiat occurred on the inside we know not The nature and charaiter of the speeches we know not but as the most prominent leaders reside in or near Roseburg we could not endure another speech so early after the election, hence we are content to say good very good such as they are. Be it however, for a fact, their campaign for 1888 has opened. Whew! What a time, quite two year? for them to grunt and sweat, and sweat and grunt and belch before they find a party that; may come to realize that there is fly around or about. There is no use denying their right to do this, in fact the Democracy do not deny their right to picnics and speeches, ex ercises, music and more speeches; they have right to circulate free speeches and specially manufactured statistics and certainly to those who pay for them. ' .They have a right to abuse the Democratic party from keel to top mast; charity of the grave silences the abuse of the dead; they have a right to abuse the living but we caution against a reckless use of this right, Democratic muscle is net always pa tient and enduring but if it was so we assure our prohibition friends that no party is greater than the law. We congratulate the young band upon their prolonged employment. We wish them much success and improve ment in music, may we go further we hope they may live until some party may arise that may displace that good old party bo long and favorably know. Democrats go to your homes, keep yourselves posted and about April 1888 begin your campaign for victory. Stbahan's official majority is some where near one hundred. It may be more but can hardly be less. u a, O a? X 09 9) OJ s- -5 u u t 5 O Ja 000 n a g 8 Hill M 1 I S S . : : i M I g ! ; S i i : CQ 0 - &H : : CO 2. s 9 (h : n 1 - 2 m u I 5 5 " g B EH I ? ft a. 82 !J rA -Ms O g ' III n V B O 19 3 n 3 OQ c C 5 3 c fa n 184 70! 38 S2 11 44 no 58 60 28 32 172 85 81 4 I 26j 8 66 20 26j l8V 9 77 84 67 28 9i I 73: 94 23 1 35 31 11 47 70j 29 24 188 85 34 83 63 49 46 '48 45 25 701 39! 69! 2ii- 37 173 11 96j 54 32 23 28 179 86 12 68; 86 25' 9! 73 24 34 182 30 34 83 1 II 109; 55 28! 24 173 25 69j 20j 69! 20j 61 1 105 65 I 32j 22! 55; 32! 22 29 11 3o 9 I 180 178 28 184 174 28 79i 68; 86j 33 84 29 48 46 '48 46 '48 11 28 241 25 11 9j I 70 35 11 39! 109 56 28 24 7 83 25! 70 61 1 32 9 2Q 8! 20 21 I 68; 33 85! 85 11 391 7i; 107 62 55 28 24 'So; 45 25 8! 9! 25' 3 33 22 II 2Q I9 1 I 2 16 84 78 48 57 106 64 79 29, 29 169 SO 59: 03i 69l 45 68 24i 41 134 27 44 49 46 35 OO! ' , 46j 40; 37j 37! 66! M S3 18: iSi 99! 44 28 25 28 27 27i 248 165 120 20 71 63 65 41 12 101 iooj 78 99 52 49 73 184 55 77 65 24 40 12 56 55 53 173 166 17 179 38 47 11 40 46 10 27 88: ?3i 85 45 25 25 33 24 4 92 46 32 24! 24 172 83 ?5 45 43 29 6oj .130 30 30 23 : 24 176! 86 9 9 81 24 8 24 I 1 1 53 29 29, 30 25 24 8 7 62 12 " 9i 28 25 8, 20 24 186 43 72 39 o5 Si 3 32 47 45 26 27 171 90 S3 "4 43; "46 45 46 '37 43 53 38 20 11 3' " 1 c 14 2iS 62 49 34 75 45 31 1 46 9i 78 19 82 2 83 87 5 11 21 1 13 168 10 "69 11 34 3i 32 28 24 79l 87 -87 69! 16 41 64 15 49 28 54 72 IS 17 53 64 ..6 3 37 ,58 12 67 20 5 27 1 I67 I83 80 64 10 96; 23 771 6 63 59 84 93 I2i 61 21 26 6 76 I 3! 25 187 37 28 f3 83 29 28 10 104 54 3i 26 21 26! 1 1 169 11 25 25 :39 .24 54 5 15 77 168 178 no 66 25 9 8 17 27 1 1 26 10 183 68 93! 75 88 55 46 44 32 57 42 96 68 142 28 29 1S7 194 90 30! 73 ,32 24! 50 18 241 12 58 2b 183 95 61 3 25 27 69 262 23 178 56 89 16 63 12 . 44 35 in 40 8 47 45 24! 8 65 S8 25j 103! 23i 9 ' 331 20 33 63 26 53 32 23 21 11 25 172 27 3 791 26 60 24! 14 29I 18 I U OO TO WORK. The election is over and we should remember that life is real, life is earn est, and should not be the habitat of the drones. Our correspondent signing himself "Traveler," calls attention to important facts. The fact is a shame that during the years of the existence of Douglas county no county road has been constructed from Camas "Valley to Coquille City. The route is covered by finest of timber, and there is no doubt that fine coal fields will be de. veloped. The road from here to Klam ath marsh has long been discussed al most adneasuam, even to such extent as to create contempt but at this time we think the good work will soon begin. Let there be no further delay. Those in middle age should live to enjoy the benefits of their toil and labor. Again the enterprisa of railroad survey from Roseburg to Huntington should not drop out of sight. It is a matter that will develop great, and beneficent re sults. Citizens we have work to do and this is the time to do it. We con gratulate our county that Fitzhugh, McGee and Hall, the old board; have been returned. This assures us further good bridges and good roads. This is the best evidence of genuine prosperity. But there is more that demands im mediate attention. So go to work. Be enterprising. "Hang your ban ner on the outer wall," and show the people in the community in which you live that you are a live, energetic, pub lic spirited, go-ahead citizen, enrolled pretty near if not at the head of the "list," so that when you shuffle off this mortal coil, and lay down the burden of life, your neighbors will erect a monument to your memory in their hearts. Surely "you will be missed." A Pretty Woman's Secret. Fear of discovery, when she resorts to false Lair and dyes, is a source of con stant anxiety to her. The very persons from whom she most desires to hide the waning: of lier charms are the ones most likely to make the diM-overv. Hut there is no reason why sin: should not regain and retain all the bi autv of hair that was her pride in youth. Let h r im Avf.r's ILuk Vk;ok. mid. not onlv will fu r hair eease to fall out. I.uf n ut'w jrrowih will appear where h" ! !ip has bit 11 d nudd ; and looks thai vrr turn In- trrav. or have actually grown white, wi:; 1- ; their pristine frprdiro ami Jjriiii.u.- ; u: color. AYEK'S JIa iic Viooii cures , Hereditary Cctdr - j. GEonc.E Mavkb. rintiwi,-. V was bald at 23 vears of age, as Jus m estors had been for several general Nm. One bottle of JIaik Vicoit started a growth of oft, downy bair all over his scalp, W hich toon became thick, long, and vigorous. Iyer's Hair Vigor Is not a dye. but. by healthful stimulation of the roots and color glands, speedily restores to its original color hair that is Turning Cray. . Mrs. Catherixe Deameii, IVnf of Bocks, Ml., had her hair suddenly blanched by fright, during the late civil war. Ater's IIaib Vigor restored it to its natural color, and made It softer, &lossier, and more abundant than it had ten before. Scalp Diseases Which cause dryness, brittlencss, and fall ing of the hair, dandruff, itching, and annoring sores, are all quickly cured by Atxk'sIIair Vigor. It cured Herbert Born, Minneapolis, Minn., of intoler able Itching of the Scalp; J. N. Car ter, Jr.. Occoquan, Ya of Scald Head ; Mrs. D. V. S. Lovelace, Xore lacenille. Ky., of Tetter Sores; Miss Bessie II. Bedloe, Burlington, Vt.. of Scalp Disease and Dandruff. Tor pidity of the roots of the hair, which, if neglected, may result b incurable bald ness, is readily cured by ArgK's Hair Vigor. As . , "-. A Toilet Luxury Ayzr's ITaib Vigor has no cnual. ft is colorless, cleanly, delightfully per fumed, and has the effect of making the hair soft, pliant, and glossy. Ayer's Hair Vigor, PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co, Lowell, Slats. Sold by aU Druggists. 2 a H a 5" .8 40 69 1 54j 86 76 49 "67 58 68 18 39 9! 42 3s! 39 43 16 36 29 31 16 35 34 24 33 9 24 34 18 24 34 18 26 32 "95 1000 I 12 42 7 41 17 42 17 4 5! 256 '9 40 39 1119 28 4 66! 69! 26j 82 I "97 108S 37 23 H 57 28 ...! 32 109s 8! 38 33 8 84 39 68; 1 273 19! 28 l8 36 22 3 36 22 3 "23 1059 2 7 41 66 291 85 268 69 56 38 33 8 38 33 8 38 34 7 I ICO 1086' 39 29 2 7 5 62 29 85! 39 273 69! 56 20! .36 41 1119 27 22 1067 2 7 13; 36 18 24 34 iS 44 266 6! 84 40 69; 191 1097 4i 27 S 45 .!8I 23"; 24 21 1090 2 9 13 49 20 34 34 47 31 37 269 . 80 43 84 39 691 56 29 49! 32 46: 1368 1061 52 44 16 44 19 18 17 31 57 I2i 34! 6: 56 681 56 22 910 53 38 1498 1 166 1078 1059 4S 7 41 69 86 83 75 63 13 12 5, 37 40 35 67 64! - 23 23 23 17 45 61 37 34 2 1012 1045 IO38 1053 "33 269 297 . 279 1086 1094 31 40 56 32 41 41 26 341 37 46 56 56 36 34 3 21 28 28 3 32; 32 5 19 16 14 41 I 4 60 35 31 17 28 24 2 2 8; ,6 14 10. 65 8ol 77! 2C 40 35 4 44! 2: 32 3 43 42 20 35 23 1 22 1 .. 10 38 22 217. 17 64 29 6 47 81 39 2oi 79 26 48 23 1082 1 150 42 42 43 10 1 4! 54 2 28 9 34 22 13! 55 7 158 922J 1229 210 1060 1124 204 1136 882 1079 5 43 68 49; 65 10 21 40 4 54 36! 37 17 25 27 2; 3 6o 351 4 67 17 79 77 64 11 46 46! 56 35 i39 I 7 6 35 '7 7 90 76 661 64 54! 56 25 12 41 22 20! i8 2l 7 36 41 41 31 20; 33 29 44 7 8 53 21 21 29 : 58 46! 3: 11142 2; 2 '3i 12! 47 36! 279 i8 253 33 "02 18 84 59 16 30 26 9 42! 40 a 61 23! 53 23 22; 16 83 65 Si 49 26 35 22 1357 44! I6 16 8 5S 28 66 38 54 S"7 62 18 1017 12' 63 15 3 35 5S4 1236 389 1049 1044 272 40! 3i 431 22 9! '7 so 40 661 18 34 35 331 21 8j 13 24 32 41 59 28 2 1 For Sale! AT OAKLAND OREGON. . House and lot with barn, and other buildings, (3) three acres of land, also household furniture, and one safe, and one organ. Inquire of J. U. Wilson, Oakland Oregon. Cry for PITCHER'S Health and Sleep without Morphine. For Sale. I have for sale a one-half interest in a first-class Shingle Mill, situated on Hubbard Creek. We have a good water power, and the mill is in good running order. I also have a one-half interest in all the Shingle Timber on the land on which the mill is situated, 360 acres, and timber can be run to the mill with very little expense. I -will sell for cash, trade or security. Apply to J. J.HIMES, Umpqua Ferry, Oregon. m28tf $1,000. Reward! Mrs. Cen. n Wilson, of parsons, Kanras, who ws appointed by the Bute of Kansas lady com missioner to the World's Fair at NcwOrleang, in an swer to the inquiry of a reporter, said: "I can not speak too hinhly of Dr. TURNER'S TREATMENT. My sufferings nearly distracted me. My stomach was deranged and my nervous system was complete ly broken. I suffered from partial paralysis, rheu matigm and neuralgia- Added to the above symp tom! were loas of memory, voice, appetite and lack of nerve force. My family physician did me no good and by the advice of a friend, I bought Dr. Turner's Treatment. Two packages completely cured ma. I think the treatment is wonderful in its effects, and recommend it in all cases ot general or nervous debility, and diseased condition of the stomach, kid neys, liver and blood." To The Women! Younjr or old, if you are suffering from genera 1 de bility ol the system, headache, backache, pain in one or both sides, general lassitude, bearing down pains in the abdomen, flashes of heat, palpitation of the heart, smothering iu the breast, fainting sensations, nervous debility, coughing, neuralgia, wakefulness, loss of power memory and appetite, weakness of a private nature or barrenness. We will guarantee to cure you with from 1 to 3 packages of the treatment As a uterine tonic it has no equal. " If Young, middle aged and old, single II It A"V"V or married. It is a sure cure for dys I V 1 I" I I pepsia, malaria, nervous or general XTX VXAdebility, nervous prostration result ing from indiscretions of youth or ex cesses of maturer years, or overw k of the brain, and it has no equal for curing all forms of nervousness and basnfulness, caused by over In dulgence, excess or impotence. It has been used successfully in thousands of cases by both men and women, and is the best medicine know for the im pairment of the procreative powers and restoring vitality. We will guarantee that three packages will cure the worst case of debility, causing dimness of sight, defective memory, aversion to society, want of ambition, loss Of power, Jcc. Each package of Tcaxsa's T&BATMS9T contains all medicines necessary for over one month's treatment, with full and com plete instructions how to exercise, diet, bathe, etc. One box cures catarrh. Price Turneis Treatment per package, 81; three packages $2, sent prepaid on receipt of price. Thou sands of cases of diseases mentioned above have been cured with one package, and knowing ai we do its wonderful curative effects, the Tixatmikt having been used in private practice for over thirty years In St. Louis, we will give the following written guarantee; With each order for 3 boxes accompanied by ti,fe will send our written guarantee to refund th money if the Tss atm R.xt does not effect a cure. Send money by postal note or at our risk. Addreg E L. Blake & Co., Sixth and Market Streets St Louis, Mo, This paper is kept on file at E. C. Dake s advertising agency, 64 and 65 Merchants Ex change, San Francisco, Cl., where contracts for advertising can be made for it Children FOR LIVER DISEASE SVf "DTflf IS Bitter or bad taste in mouth; llir lUlslOs.toneue coated white or covered with a brown fur;- pain in the back, sides, or joints often mistaken for Rheumatu-ro ; sour stomach; loss of appetite; sometimes nausea and waterbrasb, or indigestion; flatulency and acid eructation; bowels alternately costive and lax ; headache ; loss of memory, with a painful sensation of having failed to do something which ought to have been done ; debility low spirits ; a thick, yellow appearance of the skin and eyes ; dry cough: fever; restlessness; the urine is scanty and high-colored, and, if allowed to stand, dejoiits a sediment SIMMONS LIVER HEGULATDR i (PURELY VEGETABLE) Is generally used in the South to arouse the Torpid Liver to a healthy aiflion. It acts with extraordinary efficacy on the IVER, KIDNEYS. AND BOWELS. AN EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC FOR Dyspepsia. Malaria, Constipation, Sick Headache, Vsuiea. Biliousness, Jaundice, Colic, Bowel Complaints. Mental Depression JCIC, JLIC., etc. Endorsed by the use of "X Millions of Bottles, as THE BEST FAMILY MEDICINE For Children, for Adults, and for the Aged. SAFE TO TAKE IN ANY CONDITION. OF THE SYSTEM! j. H.ZEILIN t CO., sole rxontiBToss, PHILADELPHIA, PA. 1 , rmcE, si.oo. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA I VIA OREGON AND CALIFORNIA R. R. And Connections. TIME, 2j DAYS. Fare from Portland to San Francisco S32; to Sacra- ; men to $30. Clwc connections made at Ashland with stages of the California Oregon Sc Idaho Stage Company. (DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS.) East Side Division. BETWEEN PORTLAND & ASHLAND 1 Mail Train i LEAVE. Portland 7.30A.M. Roselmrgr 6.25 P. M. Ashland ...... .9.30 P. M. Uoscburjr 5.30 A. M. ARRIVE. Roseburg.... 6. IS P. M. Ashland 4.15 A. M. Roseburg.... 5. 25 A. M. Portland.. ...4. 25 P. M. Albany Express Train ! LEAVE. I ARRIVE. Portland 4.0C P. M. Lebanon 9.20 P. M. Lebanon 4.45A. M. Portland 10.05 P. M. Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars daily between Portland The O. and C. R. R. Ferry makes connection with all tnc regular trains on fc.agtSiucDiv.trotn luotof F St West Side Division- BETWEEN PORTLAND & CORVALLIS Mail Train- ; LEAVE. . I ARRIVE. Portland 9.00 A. M. I Curvallis 4.30 P. M. Corvallis 8.30 A. M. Portland 3.20 P. M. Express Train- LEAVE. I ARRIVE. Portland 5.00 P. M. McMilinville.. 8.00 P. M. aicMinuvmc....5.45A. M. Portland 8.30A. M. Local tickets for sale and baggage checked at com pany's up town office, cor. Stark and Second streets. Pickets for principal points iu California can only be procured and bnjrgage checked at company's office. Comer V and Front Sts., Portland, Or. Freight will not be received for shipment after 5 o'clock P. SI. ou either the East or West Side Div. R. KOEHLER, E. P. ROGERS, i Manager. G. F. & Pass Agent. DR. JORDAN'S Museum of Anatomy. 751 Marks . Street SAN FRANCISCO' fl 0 AND LEARN HOW TO AVOID JT disease, and how wonderfully you are made. Private Office, 211 Oeary Street. Consul tat io u on lost manhood and all diseases o men. Send for Books. . 7 A Good Blacksmith Shop and Wagon Shop Combined. Lot 40 feet by 110 feet, situated on Main Street, Roseburg, also two lots of tools. One new dwelling house and three acres of land. House 26 by 30 feet two stories high, situated in the sub urbs of the City. Commanding a beautiful view of the Town. For further particulars call at the Blacksmith Shop of Bowen Brothers, Roseburg Or. s NOWDEN CPRINGS ! This health, ami pleasure resort is now open for the reception of guests. The hotel has been thoroughly renovated, side walks retain, and a new bath house built. Hot &Cold Baths for the accomodation of its guests can be had at any time. Situated as it is, two miles south of Drain station, on the O. &, C. R R. it is the most accessible Health and Pleasure Resort in the Stale of Oregon. Passenger trains stop at the platform, in front oi the door. INVALIDS will find the use ol the water Irom these min eral springs to be of great benefit. They ex pel the poison malaria Irom the system A sure cure for Fever and Ague A regulator for all liver and Kidney diseases. The hot baths cure diseases of the skin and relieves Rheumatic pains. Females suffering from diseases peculiar to their sex will find it greatly to their advantage to place themselves under the care of Mrs. Dr. Tobias who has been engaged (o remain at the springs this season. PLEASURE SEEKERS will find plenty of game in the neighboring hills, and mountain trout in all the streams, i For particulars address, : W. A. Perkins, Proprietor I Drain Oregon. PHILIP SALTER, merchant Tailor, KEEPS a large and complete assortment of sam ples of the very best materials and latest styles-. CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER . j 4 perfect FIT Guaranteed Ckaning and Repairing done at Reasonable rates, SHOP Op osite RITSERS Meat Market, on Jackson Street. ROSEBURG, OREGON. T Wholesale -DEALERS IN- Lumber. Sugar Pine, Yellow Pine, Fir and Oak, Well Sea soned in Our DRY HOUSE WhenDesined. . ALSO j Manufacturers of Sash & Doors in all Sizes and iiaiitiies. Our Factory is now in full operation aud and Offick Fittings, Tcrnixu and S. hoi.l work at lowest figures. We solicit correspon dence whieh is assured prompt attention. Makes The Very Best Lumber. ROUGH ici M..L RUSTIC jitr M j FLOORING itv M. Situated 13 miles from Robbing oa 1000 REWAIUf Will be given any man DffiQHSEBBY rn a Pmr a I I v who will produce a sci entist ol large experi ence, and widely known to be an honorable man, who Will assert that re fined cast zinc is not one of the most enduring of all known materials to withstand the actions of the waathcr. DETROIT BRONZE CO., Detroit, Mich. 45000 " r m M 1 MONUMENTS J. A. Cardwell, Agent, J. J. WH1TSETT ANNOUNCES. TO THE PUBLIC THAT HE IS NOW PREPARED TO FURNISH EVKKYTIIING I IV LINK H aving -atcly litted up a new STEAM prepared to furnisbJuniLer of all Hard Time Prices. Bam lumbar and fencing f urnisbed on short notice. j J.J. W1IITSETT. DO 'YOU WANT ROUGH OR Lumber At Fair Prices? Do you want to build next season? If so Lave your lumber sawed that it may bo thoroughly seasoned. It will cost no more. ADDRESS; J. O. Booth, Cleveland, Or. It. A. Booth, Drain Or Staver & Walker, 208 to 211 FRONT ST. PORTLAND, OREGON. Dealers iu all kinds of Fatm and Dairy machinery, Vehicles, Binder Tw in Belting, Oils and Machine supplies. Send for our handsomely illustrated Catr alogue, mailed free of charge, and write chasing elsewhere, anything in any line. ery, at lowest prices. OAKLAND. Douglas County, OREGON. School Year begins Monday, September 7, 1885. THE COURSE OP STUDY IS DESIGNED TO MEET THE WANTS OF ANY who may attend. Many noble and brilliant minds glow with a deaire for knowledge bat circumstances preclude their attending remote or more expensive institutions; among 6ucn are frequently found the brightest and most promising in school. Hence the course of study is made almost as full as that of many of "our Colleges, wliile the character of instrnctruction is inferior to none. Tuition per Session Primary 4 00 First grade J unior class 5 00 oeconagraae junior class, coo Music. Twenty-four Lessons , Use of Instrument Drawing and Painting SEND FOR CATALOGUE. and Retail we can olTer a a spocialty all kinds of Store .SruAK Pine D.or k Limber Co. Grants Pass, Oregon. 9-o0 ?17 00 $n.00. Camekox fc Co. Managers. North Uinimua. Gooil loads in Summer. WHITE BRONZE MOXIjMEXTS axd STATUARY Were awarded the -GOLD MEDAL AT WORLD'S FAIR, Niw Okliaxs, i m s 4 - o SuPEmaffp fjQKUMCNIAL 6esigij8ai4 Prices on - Jacksonville, Oregon SAW MILL on South Deer creek, is kinds on sliort notice at now us for terms, and prices before pu We will give you the best ma chin of Twelve Weeks; First grade Middle class Second grade Middle class .$ 7 00 . 8 00 . 9 00 Senior class $12 00 2 50 '. '.M 00 to 12 00 GEORGE T. RUSSELL, Principal, DRESSED "TV i nas I IT I JIM llipaLOoL 30UM833. Made only of the finest and ietjnal ttj ot CUM for wltbstaiMlinc heal. Every good thins Is Counter feited, and consumers are CAU TIONED against IMITATIONS of these Chimneys made of VERY POOR OTjA SS. 80s that the exact label is on each chimney as above. The Pearl Top is always clear and bright Glass. Hanuffcetnred OXXT by GEO. A. UACDtmi a CO. Pittabnrgh Lead Glass We-rks. FOB SALE BY DEALERS. CHICAGO COTTAGE ORGAN Has attained a standard of excellence wbicb admits of no superior. It contains every improvement that inventive genius, skill and money can produce. OtTR I EVKBT AIM OBOAN I WAR IS J BANTED ( FOE TO I 1 I FIVE EXCEI. TSABS These Organs are celebrated for volume, quality of tone, quick response, artistic design. Beauty la finish, perfect construction, making them the most desirable organs for homes, schools, churches, lodges, societies, etc. ESTABLISHED BEPUTATIOBf. VNESHTALED FACILITIES, SKILLED WORKMEN, BEST MATERAE. COMBINED, MAKX THIS TTTTf PDPTTT.flT? nRfTBTT m. mm w a mt mm s s mf aa waAAA Instruction Books and Piano Stools. Catalogues and Price Lists, on application, rax CHICAGO COTTAGE ORSAN CO. (ar. Randolph and Ann St.. CHICAGO. ILL 1 PS1BH1TI ni!Alj DECit A Ufa Experience. Eeraar liable and Quick cares. Trial Packagrea. Bond stamp for eealed particulars. Address Dr. WARD A CO. Louisiana, KIo, For Sale! 400 Head of ewes including 240 lambs, and 40 wethers. Inquire of E. C5. Young it Co., or J araes Chenoweth of Oakland Oregon, or of Sampson Sutbctlin of Fair Oaks at bis farm. For Sale! Forty Acres of xmimjjroved land, and half in the. fVirnnrntinn limits r.f the city of Roseburg. a cood spring of living water, a very desirable location for a home. Situate in the eastern part of the city. For further informa tion and terms apply to this office or Mrs. Bowen. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. IYOTICE FOB PUBLICATION Lnd Office at Rosebunr, Oregon, Jane Tnd 1S86. NOTICE IS HERESY GIVES THAT THE KOL-lowintr-named settler hs filed notice of her in tention to make filial proof in support of her claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register or Receiver at Roseburg, Land Office r n Saturday, July 10, 18S6, viz: Elizabeth Wagner widow ot Al bert Wagner deed. Homestead No. SS96, for the iota I i S. J of N. E. J 6ec Tp S3 S. R. flwesl. She names the following witnesses to prbte h rontiiiumts residence ntwn and ..! i nt . . land, viz: Mary Wood, Hardy Elliff, Rebeji Smitlu Cbaa Anderson all of Olendale, tto'ns Co. Oregon. CaAS. W. Johsto, Register. INOTICE "NOTICE IS HEREBY GI EN THAT il the undersigned will make application to the County Ceurt of the County of Douglas, State of Oregon, at their July term, 1886, for a License to sell spintuous liquors in the town of Gardiner, Douglas County, Oregon, in less quantities than one gallon, for a period of one ye"' HENRY WADE, June 4th, 1886. NOTICE. All persons holding any bill against me are notified to present the same for - A J all persons knowing themselves indebted to 10 me are requested to make immediate pay ment. Jons R. Daniels, RoscUmk, Oregon. - Notice IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE CXDEESIGXED has been duly appointed as the administrator of the estate of A arou I). Jones deceased. Kow.therefure, all persons knowing themselves indebted to the said estate will come forward and settle the same without delay; aud all person having claims against the estate will present the same to me duly verified within six months from this date. JOHN H. 8UUPE, ITat ICth, 1888. Administrator. A'otiee to Contractors. Sealed plans, specifications, straia diagrams and bids will be recieved at, the office of the County Judge until Tcesday the 6th day cf July 1886 at 12 o'clock m of said day for the construction of wagon bridge over Fass Cieck at or near the town of Drain. Bidders are required to deposit five per cent of the amount m uioi uiu3. i luuuiy reserves me nQt to reject any or all bids, J. S- FiTZuycit, June 8, 1886, County Judge, 1 msa luki. v.