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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1904)
CLASSIFIED ADVtR HSLMEHTS EDUCATING YOUNG HORSES ! LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE. Five lines, or less, 25 cents for three insertions, or 50 cents per month. 'WANTED. Proper Bearing and Training of Colts Is a Task Requiring Skill and Experience. N't ;., &EVERAL GOOD TEACH- A.t i' to apt. Jjenmaa at uute. HI tir.i wA6H PRICE PAID FOR , - Poultry also dressed Pork, fci. -th a liuldeii. Corvallie, Oregon, fj r t .vzttk office. A U:.G MAN WISHING TO LEARN .rinpos along educational lines who is, indpstrions, temperate, geu j!, polite, diatreet in talk and actions' i nd who Bpeiids his spare tinieac nonie id in ..roper company, may address, )-. O Box 1045, Corvallis, Or. A YOUNG LADY WISHING TO learn business along educational lines, who is eteadv, industrious, genial, xylite, discreet in talk and actions and Mhorpt-nds her, spare time at home ana in otherwise proper company may addrep-s P. O. Box 1045, Corvallis, Or. OR SALE FCll PALI-: 1 01) GOATS. ALL DOES, ygriinj-'s to lonr-vear olds. J. C Fiwluer, InPvale, Oregon. 7imSrT2.) LOTS FOR SALE or traoe ; -ell-irnp'oved TVf.w i-hesr. Se or address J. H. Mattley, CoryaliiP, Or. Articles of general interest will be pub lished in this department as the personal opinion of the writers. It is understood The horse always has heen recog-; that the paper" is not held responsive nlzed as man's closest animal compan- ifor any opinion here expressed. r urlipther ion, ana u is a yui-;"u " - . - - the man ever lived who did not delight Religion vs. Morality and Justice. . , . ... r. TtnrsA. This I . Xii UlITtUg V " The motives which appear to inspire Ko o.inna r.f some religious bodies to- subject is of particular interest to every man who raises or handles horses. An old saying is mat egK , " .,..h , to draw much alike, for they must De orua.xiaay are u3n"j - - -before they can he used. j toward them the seeker after morabty The proper breaking of a colt, says and jBtice, but rather to drive such far John Buckler, who has charge of the f them, and to drag down re live stock at the Iowa experiment sia- . ACT. QWCCk h lie xiiuuiu. : 'DaKhaway You say your sister will be down in a minute, Willie? That's good news. I thought perhaps she wanted to ba excused, as she did the other day. . : " f Willie Not this time. I played a trick on her. Dashaway What did you do? "I said you were another fellow!" exclaimed Willie, triumphantly. Tit- Bits. MBBjajMSBBlsCTP T ft ITTT lf '' liion s a whole into the disfavor and TT1 I nfinM. nt the horse, and no man ' "aicuie o. every uu- -ra tion, determines in large part tne ru- j HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SAL, Call t 1123 north Fourth street, just north of court house and opposite C. C. Chipman, ,VVO REGISTERED OXFORD DOWN Ran: h Hi'i lour half-breeds. Peter " VVi.haker. Htb"'!' ULi) POLAND CHINA PIGS to. Grade Poland China Pigs kt oi t on the shares or for pale. M. b. Woodcock, or eiuiuireof T. J. Thorp on tlx; friin. Oorvaliis, Oregon. URYIV-WliU FI'u,R KVTrXCuISIlERS. at the GAZETTE OFFICE LOST. to :mn FOR CHARM. SET ' willi a black etcue. iunder please leave at OAC barber shop. ; v .rf This observation might be illustrated difficulties in their management will by many events of church history, ol deny that there is much room for im- which only two or three recent-ones are provement in that line. Every day here to be noticed. brings fresh -illustrations of improper . f the divided Presbyterian breaking. Less than a week ago a man lu v various fac- drove down to the experiment station ; church of Scotland toda, janous fac barn, driving a horse that had been tions of which have been at v law- with handled for more than two years that each other for years over church proper had not been taught to back. This is ty, and when riotons and bitterly re only one of many similar cases. ! vengeful acts toward one another had in Besides the losses resulting from im-! jnstances , to be qneiled by the proper breaking, thousands of dollars ernment forces, is one instance in are lost to the farmers every year by ADOther ins'am-e is the woman selling horses that have not been prop- i P01"' , u . .... . nrmortv to erly fitted for sale. n Portland who willed her propertj to In breaking, the first thing to be con- the chnrch and, trusting the latter to sidered is the nature of the horse. The 'draw up the will, found herself dit-poa- dispositions of no two horses are exact- geesed in her old age and sickness Vy lv alike. There is also a great differ- ,. Unriariea and driven to a charit- ence in the draft temperament and &be inBfltution penniless to die. And those more highly bred, such as trotting inBtance is the one recently de- and coach horses, the former requiring . , , , . nftn much less preparatory handling than dedb the sup reme court of Oregon the latter. j prosecuted by the First U. B. church, of After studying closely the disposition Eugene against J. L. Aiken, as of the colt, the next steD is to halter, trator of the estate of Uncle Peter Ma- and in this, as well as all other periods No New Experience. Miss de Muir I'm sorry, Mr. Spoona more, but it cannot be. . . . Pardon me for asking the Question, but have you ever been disappointed in love before? Youns: Scoonamorc Hundreds oi times. Miss de Muir; hundreds of times. It's nothing. I always get over it . . . PardoiTmy .lapse of memory, but didn't I propose to you once or twice before? Chicago Tribune. Very Plausible. Magistrate (severely) You are charged with kissing this young lady against her will, and on the public highway. . Prisoner She wa3 in a' bicycle cos tume, and I mistook her for my long lost brother. Magistrate (briskly) Discharged! Call th' next case. M. Y. Weekly. A Deadlock. "The only way to swim," said the man who assumes to give instructions about everything, "is to have confi- ience. of the breaking, the person in charge should exercise patience. The colt should be gotten into some shed or box stall, preferably one with a ground floor, so there will be no danger of slip ping. Now. with halter, to whicn is son, and Aiken's bondsmen, J. VV. in gle and J. Q. Rogers. Like the Portland woman, Mason was i. duced to will his property to said First U. B. church of Eugene, and, like her, tru&tine her beneficiaries to draw up his LOST IN CORVALLIS, THURSDAY o Indian' ureen iacket, also a brown" hhawl. Kindly return to Hotel Corvallia. tbe piug, a u w , i w iui iia-ici , iu nuit.u io 0 attached 15 feet of rope, gently work will, subsequently discovered that that around the colt, caressing him as much wiU was drawn so that he also could as possible, so as to win his confidence, nave been dispossessed in his liletime. and when he sees you are not going to From thi3 predicament, however, death hurt him you can usually put the halter . lelieved him, and his friend, on without any trouble. Now, presum- J . , . -j v,a a ing this colt to be one that will pull Dr- J- L' Akin was appointed hia ad on the halter, take the loose end of the njinistrator. As is customary m the rope and pass it through a hole in the cases of minor officials. Dr. Akm s manger or around a post, back between neighbors, J. W. Ingle and J. Q. Rogers, the fore legs, around the girth and tie. 'went on his bond innocently and un The colt is now tied by -both head and SUSpectingly and as a mere favor as all body. Step back and let him fight it bondsmen do in such cases. It hap- out. wbich wiU take only a short time. D Akin fc the Ume of his And when tied in this way there is no p . ,foort Mtnt. thp danger of injury as is sometimes the pjw""""i case when tied by the head only. As suniof $803. but being insolvent, thia 1 nnt. bps collected of him and Yes." answered the novice, and tne only way to have confidence is to be perfectly sure you can swim. Wash ington Star. PERSONS HAVING I'H'K TONGS Uli other b.ol boir-wed t"'"i Htistt-n hardware rioie me it-qiieBted to re turn th'-ni at LOST. STRAYED OR STOLEN A ROUT- three motitliH h:o. a lieweiiyn aev.c., black and white, about thre years old. barbed wire wound on '.hind lea. Ten 'dollars re.v:.rd Uu return to Sherifl M. 1. Burnett. STAGE LINE. PHILOMA1H AND LSEA STAGE Btare leaves Alsea G:30a. m. ; arrms at Pliilenmth at 12 m; leaves Pmlo 'math 1 p. , arrives at Alsea U:3 ) p m All persons wishin to go or ;It.,rV, from Alsea and points west can , ..,,)ot,l nr. anv time. Fare to Alsea$l.0J Ro;n.i trip sameday f.uti, M. S. RlCKAKD. LIVESTOCK i a ttt.i K. LIVE STOCK AUG 'mnviPRT? rVirvnllia. Oresron. Office iinoinn'o hard unrp slore. Jr. U. au - dress Box 11. Pays highest prices for all kinds oi livestock. Twenty year txperience. Satisfaction guaranteed PHYSICIANS and caress him, and by so doing give him to understand that you are his friend. It is well to leave him tied for some little time, after which he may be led. was therefore worthless to the estate. However, on a mere technicality of law. First U. B. church of Eugene discovered that this debt could be made good by x . collecting li oi me douuoujcu, ouu Leading is a very important part. A. B eded to do and finai,v horse well broken to lead is more at- 1 ey BLUUVO - tractive, easier to handle, and will com- accomplished; so that the bondsmen mand a higher price in the market than now stand to pay, on account of mnc- one that is not. In raininar tn lead, n.1- i-pntlv favorine their friend by going on ways teach the colt to walk beside you his bond , a enm of about $1200, of which to follow along i. w. Tnola has alreadv paid in sais.o, which mcludea coot and interest. He Eminently Satisfactory. Medical Examiner Suppose you should have a patient with some dis ease which you knew nothing' about. What would you do? Student Charge him five dollars for the examination, and then send him to you. N. Y. Weekly. Easily Explained. "And why did you insist upon stand ing by Mis?. Sniffem all through the reception? I know you don't like her." "Of course I don't. Didn't you no tice how my new gown made ker's look cold and dead?" Cleveland Plain Dealer. Eound an Angel. Husband Got a new girl, I see. Wife Yes, and she's an angel, too. "How can you know that. . She hasn't been here half a day yet." "True, but she tells me that she ence lived with your mother, and stood it for three weeks." N. Y. Weekly. and never allow him behind, as is often done. This can be uone uy King a wnip m me lert nana, , . vpars . m,eral eup it li if n in v mm n n a irr o Trnm nannn - "... ,v,o tt nl .hnr.h thouirn at Alter Demg well trained to walk beside "' ' . you, encourage him to trot. jtheBame time struggling to support a ' large tamily. ' GOOD BARN VENTILATION. I J- Q- Rogers has had to place a mort- . gage upon his little home to raie his How to Construct a Vent Which Keeps part which can only be redefined by Out the Sun and Freely eel: sacrifice' and denial and unless he Admits the Air. shall meet with most favorable condi- itians, he stands a chance to lose his The animals in most barns and other home and be turned into the world pen farm buildings Buffer much during the niless B. A. OATI.KY V D.. PHYSICIAN 14. 3a.nk Ruikl- iatr idei.i . H.-irri- : U to 12 R. "i., 2 fci '-i.i.-or- or. 5th Ad-elphon- "fhee Mid w Corvallia. Orean. C. V. X.;VVTH, M. I)., PHYSICIAN ar i S'ltf.-"" Office and Reidene-e. on Mum stJtut, Philomath. Oregon. heated term from lack of proper ven tilation.. The cut shows a good plan for keeping out the sun. Glass may be covered with white wash to which is added salt and a lit tle linseed oil or flour paste. This makes the glass opaque. To arrange this plan of ventila tion the window is hurg on hires at upper edge. Side pieces tct at an an gle are attached to either of irame ashown in cut. This side piece also keeps out much sunlight t'zzi otherwise would come in at the sices of the win dow. The window is raised or lowered and adjustment secured with pins in the holes, as shown. N. E. Homestead. A Concrete Application. Little five-year-old Edith was taken to a dentist, who removed an aching tooth. Thst evening at prayers her mother was surprised to h-sar her?ay: "Forgive us cur Cebts as we forgive i;-,:r dentists." Little Chronicle. Believed. The Wife I have given orders to have the duck carved in the kitchen, to-day, dear. The Husband Ah! then I can srive thanks in good faith. Yonkers States Defining Sim. "Explain, If you please," said Miss Prim, "What you mean by that slangy word 'slob.' " Said Miss Pert: "It's a man with a long mustach Who eats green corn on the cob." Chicago Tribune. THE MAN FOR THE PLACE. DENTISTS E. H. TAYLOR, DENTIST. PAIN less extraction. Zierolf bnildinS. Opp. Post Office, Corvallis, Oregn. j ATTORNEYS E. R. BRYSON ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in Poet Office Building, Corval lis, Oregon. JOSEPH H. WILSON, ATTORNEY-at-Lar. Notary. Title. Conveyanc ing. Practice in all State and Federal Courts. Office in Burnett Building. W. O. w. MARYS PEAK CAMP. No. 126. W. a W., meets second and Fourth Friday?, in Woodmen Hall. G. W. Fuller, C. C. J. L. Underwood, Clerk. ELLSWORTH CORPS, No, 7, Wo men's Relief Corps, meete first and third iriday at z:uu p.m., mi. u O.F.Hall. Mrs. D. C. Rose, Pres Mrs. Lee Heckle, Secre tary. A Menace in In-Breeding. There is a menace in in-breeding if ;t ia oarriaH ton far The most care ful breeders of cattle, those that have justice or equity in it. in a no:! hull- nn th e-reat herds to : ,t t i i. -t iu - - -- u . xj. cuureu ui which we refer as the foundation of our improvements in cattle realise this uid it was to them the most serious problem with which they had to con tend. Fortunately animals increase so fast that the time is quickly reached when matlngs may be made between animals quite distantly related though til of the same blood. Farmers' Re- riew. Profit Cornea from Observation. Aim to keep hoga for profit: that Is what everybody keeps them for. Some ire doing it. and some are not The yoXj way to auccesafully raise hogs, or to succeed la any other occupation, la to study and observe the work. In these days of strenuous competition. It requires close management to make anything out of It, yet there la always room for more of the beet. No matter how many hogs you hare, strive con tinually to learn more about the indus try. Midland Farmer. The animus of the prosecution is what is most remarkable, The church people knew that Akin was insolvent and that his debt was no asset of the Mason estate: but ia their' desperate greed for the almighty dollar, they violated their obligation to Almighty God, and sought to create money out of nothing by taking it away from parties whom they knew to be entirely innocent Has the church in thia day and age descended to the re ligion of the highway robber and the thug? The Eugene church no onht preaches the gospel of Christian mercy froni its pulpit, but from its own prac tice and dealings even with i-s w:i chu. t-h brethren, it appears to be a brute from wbich one is to expect as little ; mer.:y as milK from a male tijier ! I Judge Wollverton, one of the supreme juiges, who finally tried the case, although forced by the strict technicali ties of the law to assent to the decision, 'iconid ti Tiava declared there was no Yet the First Eugene, Oregon, is prosecutor of daylight robbeiy in which one of its own brethren is its victim ! Surely nothing could be more calculated to bring religion down to contempt of every honest, man and woman: and sorely tbe sooner such religion is blotted from the face of. tbe earth, the better it will .be for civilization and the moral welfare of humanity. It is not to be understood that all churches nor all members of any particular church would be guilty of such gross fraud. For the tight, J. W. Ikqlk. BALL To' The Kind Ton Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over SU years, nas Dome tne sigmiu-o vm. ana Has Deen xnaae nnuer ma CSy$ Ji- Sto'nal supervision since its infancy, 7-&tcu6 Allrrar Tin one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health or Infants and Children Experience . against Experiment. What is CASTOR! A Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant Ifc contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotie substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and aJlays Feverishness. It eures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tlio Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. ALWAYS Sears the Signature of Die ItM You Ht8 Always In Use' For Over SO Years. rrNrantl eonnn. MURIMV STREET. NEW YORK C.TV. IF j.i n M m n Wouldn't you be glad if you could get a responsible Fire Insurance Company to insure your buildings for S3.0Q per year? That is just what you da when you buy one of thoe handy fire lighters, adopted by the U. S. Government and y powder Fire Extingyssliir r It is a tin tube containing ZYz lbs. of a dry powder, like sand. Throw a small handful on a'fire, and it puts it out in wo seconds; It is the cheapest thing in the way of Fire Insutance evi-r invented. Call and see one at the Corvallis Gazette oliice. Sewing Machines Go-Carts Bamboo Furniture Bedroom Suites Sideboards Rockers Tables Springs Mattresses' Chairs .Musical instruments Wall Paper Shades South Main Street , Corvallis u -1 E2 Philomath Meat Market Ai! kinds o? Fresh Meats, Ham, Urd, ete., always ssn Sisnd. S. W. Gibbon, Philomath. "Say, but wouldn't I make a dandy umpire. I'm so used ter callin' fellers out on strikes!" N. Y. Herald. tt : Steady work ot any kind is fa tiguing, and although the change may not be for lighter work, it may be rest ful and refreshing for the teams. A beautiful facsimile of a hand paintine of President Roosevelt or if yon prefer, the same of Mt. Hood neatly mounted on different colors oi mounting board, will be given fiee to everyone subscribing for the Covrallis Gazette or to anyone paying up back subscription or pay ing in advance. These pictures are going fast, come and get one. , 'Twill Be Lower. Don't fret because coal may be high Next winter; Just begin To think 'twill low and lower get When once It's in the bin. 'Philadelphia Bulletin. - A New Experiment. Inquiring Friend What on earth in duced you to marry, old man? De Bauchee Looseflsh Why, dear boy you see, I've tried everything else. Ally sioper. About Even, How are you making out in writing for the magazines?" "Just holding my own. They send dm back as much as I send them." Detroit Free Press. Suspicious. "I'm sorry I had to refuse you." "Heard about it, did your' "About what?" The death of my ricH uncle." Houston Post Will Icfeliver ice every day frcm 7 to 11 o'clock. Small orders must fce in by 8 o'efeck Benton County Cumber Company, MANUFACTURERS OF jSCAll kinds of , Fir LumberC Dealers in Shingles, Mouldings, Doors and Windows. Special at tention given bills in car-load lots. Pftilomatt) : ' : Oregon. The Next Step. 'Is your country place finished yet" "Oh, yes. Why, I have already be gun alterations on it" Detroit Free Press,' .i . aM ALSB A CHEESE is known everywhere for purity, flavor and n hneps. A trial win convirce u J. DORSEY-