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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1904)
CORVALLI Vol. XLI. Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon, Tuesday, Octobi:r 11, 1904. GAZETl E. TWENTY-TWO 10 NOTHING. Portland Medics No Match for Farmers in Saturday's Game. GA.C WaUer Bowetg Abraham Rose C xper, Williams Boot Binebait .Pilkington The Oregon Agricultural Col lege tootball team defeated the team of the Portland Medical school Saturday on the local field to the tune of 22 too. The game from the start on the part of OAC boys was fast and furious and not even lor a minute was there any doubt as to the final outcome nor . . 4 .4. were toe medical students any; match whatever at any stage of Buady the came or at anv particular . Dunlap position on the line. In not a single instance did the medical students have the ball nearer than 35 yards to their goal . The final score was obtained in just 22 xz minutes from the time of starting. A thunder storm which had been threatening for some time, burst forth in fury iust as the second half of game com menced and the medics threw up their hands and said quit. Not that the M. Ds. did not play good ball for they did. but the farmers played better than they ever played before. Had the game continued until the end tie score would have been fully 50 to nothing, for when the game ended our boys were just getting into fighting shape while the op posing team was almost demoral ized. The medics averaged greater weight than our own boys but that weight was not evenly distributed, the heaviest man was iully 275 pounds while the lightest was scarcely more than 125. Graves, the monstrous big cen ter, was a magnificent specimen genus homo, but was beefy and no match for the agile Walker who was fully 85 pounds lighter. The first touchdown was made by OAC in three and a half min utes from the kickoff. The sec nd in eight minutes and another that was declared a foul in twelve minutes, and that way the game went until the close. The side liners during the first few clinches went wild with delight but it soon became so onesided that in terest subsided to such an extent that when the storm broke upon maae no and no one cried fi st minute cf the coatest on the I gridiron. ! The half backs, Root and Wil liams, ought to be spec ially com mended as also redoubtable old 'Cap" Picking 01. The ecd men (did fine work as not once did the doctors make any head way on their tnd plays. The tackles and guards also could not have done tetter or shown up to better advantage. Rinehart, as qrxirterback, is a strong man and plnyed a magrificent game. Prominent Pioneer Passed Away. C KG Hi RT LT BE LE RH LH QB Medics Greayei Kahl R 88 Hosch Smith Tixmas Burner Waffle Austin Simelton the scene, spectators demonstration "play ball." Of course there was some fine individual playing on the part of OAC but this would have been impossible without support of the team. It is not simply the men who play to the grand stand that deserve the honor, for the men who by their interference make such playing possible, work just as hard and are just as deserving of praise. The one great de fect of our team is that of fumbling and it should be stopped. It seems to be nobody's fault in particular but it can and ought to be avoided before we pay dearly for ir. It may be that all do not thoroughly understand the signals, or the quarter does not give them out clearly enough or the masks that some of the boys wear on their heads inter fere with their he.iriugor there is not enough time between the signal and the play for all to grasp it, but this is certain the fault ought to be corrected at once. In one instance the whole team went off and left the ball lying on the ground, but it was luckily seen in time to save it With this one exception the OAC team is in magnificent shape and if increasing honors do not interfere with regular prac tice we stand as good a show for the championship as any team in the league. Their left guard Ross, although a giant in stature and frame was clumsy as compared with his wiry opponent Bnndy, who was nearly a hundred pounds lighter. Our bovs were somewhat in doubt F B Cooper OAC got south goal and kick off, medics fumble and OAC gets ball on 20 yard line, OAC loses on down, and medics get ball and lose again on fumble, Williams bucks 5 yds Pilkington bucks for 3 yds, Pilk bucks again for 3 yds, Root bucks for 3 yds. OAC's halves and fullback ham mer line hard and steady and get touchdown and kick goal in 3 minutes OAC gets north goal, medics kick off 25 yds, Rhine heart makes magnificent 25 yd run, Pilkington bucks line 10 yds. Abraham bucks 6 yds, Williams skirts right end 15 yds, Root in magnificent left end play makes second touchdown. OAC gets south field, medics kickoff 25 yds, Pilk carries ball 16 yds. OAC gains steadily by loss ou offside play. Medics kick 30 yds Pilk again gets ball and carries it back 15 yds. Root buck-5 for 3 yds, Abraham for 3 yds, Bowers for 3 yds, OAC loses on fumble, medics lose again 30 yds. Williams carries ball back 30 yds, OAC kicks 25 yds. medics get ball but lose on fumble. Williams in finest run of game carries ball 55 yds for touchdown which was declared foul. Root lakes ball for 8 yds, Wil liams 2 yds, Pilkington 2, and OAC loses on fumble, medics kick, Pilk blocks ball with no gain. OAC makes fine place kick for touchback. Teams line up again in center of field. Williams bucks for a gain of 24 yds and Pilk kicks 35 yds, ball within 10 yds of medics goal, medics kick, Pilk blocks ball, OAC by a series of furious bucks makes another touchdown, no goal. Medics get ball and north side of field, kick 35 yds, Root gets ball and carries back 20 yds, OAC bucks hard but loses on fumble. Medics kick. OAC settle down to line bucking, Pilk gains 5 yds, Root 3 yds, Williams 4, Bowers 5, Abraham 5, Pilk 3, both teams near center of field again. OAC steadily forces medics back when she loses ball on fumble. Medics kick again 15 yds, OAC gets ball again, Root bucks for 8 yds. Williams for x and in next play Williams takes ball for beau titul run and touchdown, no goal. The wind and rain at this part of the game caused no little interference in the kicking. OAC in next line up made another touchdown renewing the tactics of the preceding part of the game. The enthusiasm of the side liners began to wane and be fore the second half was called the storm had burst forth in all its fury and the spectators began scurrying to shelter. In the second hall the playing lasted only 2J4 minutes, The Doctors were clearly demoralized and anxious for an excuse to quit, the rain furnished it and the game came to an end. The Port land boys were gentlemanly and courteous throughout the game and took their defeat as only! eentlemen can. Their praise and as to the outcome wheu the med-1 admiration of the OAC boys was ics arrived ou Saturday, but what-j loud and unstinted. They left ever tear may have been in their (for Portland on Sunday's S. P. hearts was dispelled during the I train. Mrs. Elizabeth Wood Henkie died at her home near Philomath at 11:55 o'clock Thursday niht, uct. otn. 1904. aged 75 years 11 months and 8 days. She was born in Champaign county, Ohio, Nov. 3rd. 1828. and was married in Lee county, Icwa, Jan. 8th. 1040 to jacoD iienkie. ishe was the mother of seven children, two sons and three daughters. The two sons died in infancy and a daughter, Mrs. Sidney McCoy, died at Oakdale, Washington, April 7th. 1895, triumphant in a living faith. Those who survive her are Mrs. Rachael A. Kitson, Philomath, Or., Mrs. Marv M. Wyatt, Corvallis, Or., Mrs. Nancy C. Connor, Portland, Or., Mrs. Elizabeth J. McCoy, Oak dale, Washington, and her be loved husband who is in his 79th year. On April 3d. i8;x she started from Iowa with her husband and two children to make the long journey to Oregon with an ox team, arriving in Waldo Hills, Marion countv in September of the same year, later moving to Benton county, where she took an active part in the foundation of the present prosperous com munity of Philomath and vicini ty. She bore the difficulties of frontier life with rare courage and cheerfulness and was always anx ious for the welfare of those around her. She was converted at Sugar Creek camp ground Iowa in 1840 and it seems that we still hear the shouts of that happy little girl as she went tripping through the grounds with a countenance bright with heavenly joy. She joined the Methodist church but after removing to Oregon she cast her lot with the United Brethren church and remained a true and laithful member until her death. . She was a true and faithful wife and mother always endeavor ing to do good to others and make those happy around her. She reared her children in the fear and admonition of the Lord and her example to others has always been godly. For the past seven years she has been a great sufferer but through it all she has remained calm and submissive to the Master's will. A few hours be fore her death with some of her loved ones around her she par took of the last sacrament and bade farewell to the weeping ones around her. A short service was held at the residence by H. F. Neff, presid ing elder and F. W. Jones col lege pastor. The burial took place in Pleasant Valley cemetery, a beautiful spot near where she had spent nearly fifty years of her life. It was the request of the deceased that Bishop Castle preach her funeral. Bishop Castle has been a life-long friend of the family but is away at present but at some luiure time a memorial service will be held. The funeral procession was one ot the longest ever seen in Ben ton county as the family is wide ly connected and favorably known in this part of the Willamette valley. "A Friend." Having completed the prelim inary survey for the electric lines in Lane county the com pany proposing to construct the Corvallis-Eugene line holds a mass meeting of Eugene citizens tonight to discuss future plans. A similar meeting will be called here in the near future. Moses Bros, are busily engaged in remodelling the interior of the Lafferty store. They expect to put in a line of dry goods gro ceries, boots and shoes, etc, and expect to make it a first-class general store. feT IB llilfll & Guaranteed br ' B. Knppenhcimer tc Co. America's Leading Clothes Makers teMade Copyright, igca, by B. KUPPKNHEIMBR & CO. IPffastfaniPGss anff Are Not as Satisfactory as THd(&am)&(&w& But when you have seen the picture you'll want to see the clothes too. You won't be disappointed in the Eluppenheimer Guaranteed clothing. Better than ever this season. See the new fall styles in our north window. CORVALLIS, p L MILLER. 0REGR DID YOU EVER STOP at Hollenberg & Cady's and look over their immense line of Furniture? If not suppose you drop in when you are down that way and see for yourself A CAR LOAD OF GOODS arrives this' week. Among the list is a fine line of Trunks, Morris Chairs, Framed pictures, Oak tables and Rockers. When you haul away GREAT WAGON LOADS or see our delivery wagon coming to your house filled to the top with new goods you will realize how you have bargained how your dollars have done wonders and how nicely you have been treated. WE CALL ESPECIAL attention to our line of Couches just received. The quality unexcelled, the price the lowest Elegant line of, stoves now ready for your inspection, also washing machines, wringers, tubs, etc. HOLLENBERG & CAOY, THE HOUSE FURNISHERS. To Cure a Cold in One. Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine TabietsTTS .... . . . - 1QL seven numon awwe sow r post ? nwrans. ims (uxnaiurtSa Cores Grip in Two Days, oivcvery New Goods Arrives. Mrs. .Lee Caldwell, of Burns Or., is here visiting friends. The O. J. Blackledge furniture j house on South Main street pre sents a scene of busy activity these days. Never before in the history of the house was there so much business as now. Literally carloads of household goods have changed hamds in the past few weeks. Thursday a large ship ment of fine bamboo goods arrived and has been placed on display. Along with this comes a new line of Morris chairs, fine rockers, good mattings and a complete line of pictures of the best grades such as has never been seen in Corvallis before, also many other new goods. Those who contem plate furnishing their homes for the winter will do well to see Mr. Blackledge' s fine stock and get his very reasonable prices. His aim is to keep what the people want and a visit to his magnifi cent establishment will not dis appoint you. i Special attention paid to Ladies Garments, and special rates to Students. JACK and BOB, UP-TO-DATE CLEANING, REPAIRING AND DYEING. OME DOOR SOUTH OF BERRV'9 BICYCLE SHOP. ADAMS BROS., SSSSSi All Will tarnish estimates od anything in the building tfine, ku t icket BDd wovea fence to order. South -Mailt St., Corrd&G