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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1904)
Vol.. XLI. Corvajllis. Benton Countyi Oregon, Fkiday, October WO I. THE COiLEGE CADETS, Roster of the Regiment and Ruks of Organization. Headq'rs OAC Cadets, October 13, 1904. The following is published for the information and guidance of all concerned and will take effect this date. I Upon recommendation of the Commandant and approved by the President of the College the following re-organization is announced with the officers who either by promotion or appoint ment are assigned to each organi zation. II Hereafter the organization will consist of (,) Battalion of Infantry (consisting of 4 com panies each) by a Major assisted by the regular Battalion staff and company officers. ('De tachment of Cavalry commanded by a Captain assisted by 1st. and 2nd.Lts. (c) Detachment of Artil lery commanded by a Captain as sisted by 1st. and2nd. (d) Detach ment of Signal Corplvts. com manded by 1st. and 2nd. Lts. (e) OCA Band (23Pieces) under the command of an Adjutant. This with the Commanding officer and his staff will constitute the organ ization. III Lieutenant Colonel H. C. Darby will command the entire organization, his staff will be Captain J. W. Carlson Adjutant, Captain O. A. Webber, Q. M. Non-commissioned staff Sergeant Major H B Aula, Color Sergeant W. E. Wade, Q M and Commis sary Sergeant L. Schoel, Drum Major G. J. Dodsou, Ma'or F. A. Garrow. Com Battalion Infantry, 1st. Lieutenant C. V. Swann, Adjutant 2nd Lieutenant B. Pilkington O M and Com'sary, Non-Comissioned Staff Sergeant Major Clifford Benson. BAND. . Drum Major, G J Dodson Principal Musician, E D Wetmore Sergeant, D W Proebstel Corporal, F Adams A COMPANY. Captain, P L Adams 1st Lieutenant, J S Tannock 2nd Lieutenant, F A Williams 1st Sergeant, R C Jackson Q M Sergeant, J O Knapp Sergeant, A E Burns II E Smith K M Walker J Kelly Corporal, R Selleck OC Clark F M Ilofer F R Miller W II Davolt ' A Applewait Trumpeter, E E Williamson B. Gooch 0 B COMPANY Captain, R L Stout 1st Lieutenant, D C Little 2nd Lieutenant, M B Mores 1st Sergeant, G L Rinso Q M Sergeant, F Rowlau Sergeant, IT Brandon " SL Damon " F Ewimr ' W K Fore-ytl.e Corporal. C G Brownell L O Roberts " M V W-HtlierJir 1 Frank Bell " P Childers Trumpeter, D M Sutherland E R Green C COMPANY. Captain, Eddy let Lieutenant, J R S McCormick 2nd Lieutenant, M B Belden 1st Sergeant, R E Eeaoa Q M Sergeant, J Mackenzie Sergeant, F L Fowella E B Smith Q B VonderHellen J F Huflf Corporal, S L Eddy " - D R Woods RW Allen M J Erakine " HA Thompson " E S Thayer D COMPANY. Captain, F B Davis let Lieutenant, F M Roth 2nd Lieut-nan', B T Jordan let Serpent, G Cate Q M Serjeant, D R Groves Sergeaat, C C Currin i T. n !H9 H G Ran.baugh " AD Hill Corporals, P Kraus " B H Grenshaw ' " C E Bowen " W A Thompson . " J A Applegate " F E Hall Trumpeter, C T Mondy ETRaneon CAVA1RY DETACHilEST. Captain, G S Moort 1st Lieutenant, E V Hawley 2ud Lieutenant, R C Sheppard 1st Serjeant, A F Tedrow Q M Sergeant, C Wr Fu'.lerton Sergeant, E R Woods Corporal, W Baughman D S Thayer Trumpeter, H S Bilyeu ARTILLERY DSTACHliEW. Captain, F C Stimpson , 1st Lieutenant, M Hinricks 2nd Lieutenant.G H Root SIGNAL CORPS. Captain, L R Harlan 1st Lieutenant, H C Gefz 2nd Lieutenant, W G Abraham 1st. Sergeant, O G Simpson Q M Sergeant, W A Schoel Sergeant, G A Cathey Corporals, V T Miller " WHBeatty The remainder of the Seniors will be assigned to the Artillery cavalry and the Signal Ceres de tachment, the balance necessary to bring the detachments up to the authorized quota will be selected ircm the Junior c lass with the following exceptions: (a) Men physically unable to i carry a rifle will be assigned to the Signal Corps, (b) The cavalry detachment will not contaia men overweight but all Seniors must take saber exercises and the in struction in ridiug, saddling, bit ting, proper care, age, conform ation and soundness, common ailments, prevention and remed ies. Any and all students can be present at this instruction. IV At officers school which will be held twice a week, the Commandant will instruct them in saber exercise and in the in struction to govern the 'non commissioned officers school of the organisations the following week. V Non-commissioned officers school will be held at least once a week in each organization. VI All companies will be divided and sub-divided as fol lows: Two platoons in charge of Lieutenants. Platoons into two sections in charge of Sergeants. Sections into two squads in charge of Corporals. VII The sub-visions will not be changed during the year. VIII The average percentage of proficiency of the squads will mark the Corporals standing. The average percentage of the proficiency of the sections will mark the Sergeants standing. The average percentage of pro ficiency of the platoons will mark the Lieutenants standing. The average percentage of pro ficiency of the company will mark the Captain's standing. The average percentage of pro ficiency of the battalion will mark the Majors standing. The average percentage ot pro ficiency of the whole organ ization will mark the Lieutenant Colonel's standing. IX Officers and non-commissioned officers will be held re sponsible for all violations of established rules when committed in their presence or with their knowledge. X Continuous observance by all cadets of those lessons of military courtesy that afford in struction without restraint, and which at all times destinguishes the person who has received military instruction, will be a sufficient guarantee of the un swerving obedience to orders, respect in which you not only hold the officers of the Military Department but to the faculty and to every instructor in the College. By order of 1st Lieutenant D. P. Quinlan, oth Cavalry, mandant. COLIKjE JOTTINGS. Items of Interest In and Around the O. A. C. Miss Carrie Byerlee, a member of last year's graduating class is now engaged as a teacher, in the Hood River public schoo s. Miss Agnes Love, who attend ed OAC last year, is now a stud ent at a school in Spokane, Washington. Will Wicks is now employed in the green house at the College. Fred Wann and Earl Sweek, after an absence of two years, have again taken up their studies at OAC. Henry Salvon, who has been taking the pharmacy course for the past two years, did no. re turn to school this year. He now holds a good position in a drug store in Astoria, but will return and complete his course next year. Miss Ethel Heslin, who at tended College last year, is now teaching school at Cleone, Ore Ron. , James Zurcher, of . Enterprise, spent a few hours at OAC on Tuesday visiting old College chums. Ivan B. Rhoades addressed the young men of the College in the chapel on ' Sunday last. Mr. Rhoades is a graduate of the University of California, and is a very forcible speaker. Rev. Handsaker favored the students with a bass solo at chapel Wednesday morning. William Gilstrap,a member of the class of "97 ofOAC. just recently completed his coutse in a medical school of San Francisco and is now located at Sheridan. where he has a good practice. The first issue of the College Barometer will appear about Oct. 15. The cover for this popular college paper this year, will be one ot the most unique ever put out in this school. Send in your subscription and get a copy of the first issue. One of the handiest and most useful pieces of printed matter turned out by OAC, is a direct ory containing the names of the faculty, employes and the stud ents, and their street address while making. Corvallis their home. The directory is now on the press and Jwill be completed in a few days. Spagle, who plaved end on the OAC team for the past two sea sons. is now at Forest Grove and holding' down quarter on the P. U. squad. Shannon of last year's second team is playing left halt on the same eleven. Ed. Bryson, Dick Kiger, Maj A. J. Johnston and W. D. De Varney left town Wednesday morning lor a point some 40 miles south of Roseburg, where they will take to the mountain fastness, intent on the slaughter ing of big game. Every one of the party takes his nerve, trusty rifle, plenty of ammunition and other munitions along, and if the deer, bear, cougar, and bob-tailed-cat families of Southern Oregon do not lament the ad- vent otour xsimroas we miss our guess. The party expect to be gone ten days or longer. Major Johnson will remain behind to look after business in Roseburg and Grants Pass. The Herald is the name of a new venture in journalism which is published at Grants - Pass. The manager is J. D. Quillen, and the editor is Robert G. Smith, a well-known attorney. They say they believe Josephinr county needs a Democratic pape and that it will be for the gor A of all to have one. The Herald is newsv and . healthy looking Com-1 and we wish it all success, ex tcepr, probably, political. 1 n cfp . uULI LZZI LizD LZZ3 U li Made & Guaranteed by B. Kuppeahcimer & Co. America s Leading A Clothe Maker lkV3 f SO Copyright, 1902, by B. KUPPBKHEIMBR & CO. CORVALLIS, DID at Hollenberg & Cady's and look over their immense line of Furniture? If not suppose you drop in when you are down that way and see for yourself A CAR LOAD OF GOODS arrives this week. Among the list is a fine line of Trunks, Morris Chairs, Framed pictures, Oak tables and Rockers. When you haul away GREAT WAGON LOADS or see our delivery wagon coming to your house filled to the top with new goods you will realize how you have bargained how your dollars have done wonders and how nicely you have been treated. We call ESPECIAL ATTENTION to our Jrkie of elegant Couches just received. The quality unexcelled, the price the lowest Elegant line of, stoves now ready for your 'inspection, also washing machines, wringers, tubs, etc. - HOLLENBERG & CADY, THE HOUSE FURNISHER! Groves Tasteless has sto$ the test 25 years. Average Annual Sales over Ono md tsMtfM&N'jf? I a Bottles. Does this record of merit appeal to yon ? mo Co, tso t-ay. h Eadrrs with every October V Sunset Magazine gives fine pictures of y California Life Gen. MacArthnr and other army officers describe the recent mili tary maneuvers in California, each article being profusely illustrated with half-tones, and colored draw ings by Edward Cucuel. Interest ing articles on California and Ore gon, How Olive Oil is Made, Hew ' Almonds are Grown, and fine de scriptions of Plumas and Batter, two great California counties. Two hundred and twenty-four pages of articles, Western stories, sketches and Terse. Ten cents a copy. j You can buy Sunset Magazine at all News Stands. M mm Are Not as Satisfactory as But when you have seen the picture you'll want to sso the cicthes too. You won't be disappointed in the Guaranteed clothing. Better thss's this season. Seethe new fa!l styles :n ' our north window. b MILLER. 0REG0N U EVER ST hcftS"! s a Tea Cent package ci Grove's Special attention paid to Ladies Garments, and special rates to Students. JACK and BOB. UP-TO-DATE . K CLEANING, REPAIRING AND DYEING. ADAMS BROS., and BUILDERS Will furnish estimates on anything in the building llino, A ) in of picket and woven fence to order. Sonth Mailt St., CofVOlll UJ ! m ? i a Bladk .oct Liver P0?s. , ONC DOOR BOUTH OF BERRY'S BICYCLE SHOP. f i 3