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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1904)
Hood's Sarsaparilla Baa won success far beyond the effect of advertising only. The secret of its wonderful popular - !ty is explained by its unapproachable Merit. Based upon a prescription which cured people considered incurable, Hood's Sarsaparilla Unites the best-known vegetable rem edies, by such a combination, propor tion and process as to have curative power peculiar to itself. Its cures of scrofula, eczema, psori asis, and every kind of humor, as well as catarrh and rheumatism prove Hood's Sarsaparilla the best blood purifier ever produced. Its cures of dyspepsia, loss of appe tite and that tired feeling make it the greatest stomach tonic and strength restorer the world has ever known. Hood's Sarsaparilla I a thoroughly good medicine. Begin to take it TODAY. Uet ilUUU'S. Refused to Eat Eight Courses. A story Is told of a distinguished diplomat from Japan who was the guest of honor at a dinner in Wash lngton. After the first two courses of oysters and soup, a the waiters were bringing in the fish, he exclaimed "What! Can anyone possibly want more to eat?" During the remaining six courses he opened his mouth for the exclusive purpose of conversation. When his abstemiousness was com merited upon, he said: "I am satisfied, I feel bright and wide awake. If were to eat as much as you do, should fall asleep, and then I could not make my speech. Most of the men around this table are fat, because they eat too much. It is a misfortune to be so fat. I am stronger and healthier than any fat man." Cure to Stay Cured. Wapello, Iowa, Oct. 10 (Special) One of the most remarkable cures ever recorded in Louisa county is that o Mrs. Minnie Hart of this place. Mrs Hart was in bed for eight months and when she was able to sit up she was all drawn up on one side and could not walk acroes the room. Dodd'f Kidney Pills cured het. , Speaking of her cure Mis. Hart says: "Yes, Dodd's Kidney Pills cured me after I was in bed for eight months and I know the cure was complete for that was three years ago and 1 have not been down since. In four weeks from the time I started taking them I was able to make my garden. Nobody can know how thankful I am to be cured or bow much I feel I owe .to Dodd's Kidney Pills." This case again points ont how much the general health depends on the Kin neys. Cure the Kidneys with Dodd's Kidney Pills and nine-tenths of the suffering the human family is heir to, will disappear. Railway Supremacy. Texas is neck and neck with Illinois In the race for the largest railroad mileage. Illinois has been in the lead for some time, but it looks as if she would not long hold the supremacy. In the last authentic report Illinois is credited with 11.503, Texas 11.4S9, Pennsylvania 10.820, Iowa 9.SCHJ and New York 8,182 miles. By the rate of increase Texas, which has only four teen miles less than Illinois, will go to the head of the list. As indicating her possibilities for future develop ment It may be noted that if she had as many miles of road as Illinois in the ratio of area she would have a mileage of 45,82.'?. but if no more in proportion to population the number would be 4,210 less. Louisville Courier-JournaL Have been suffering from Impure Blood for many years, Having Boils and other Eruptions. Having heard of S. S. S. I de cided to try it, and am glad to say that it has done me a great deal of good. I intend to continue to use it, aa I believe it to be the best Blood Medicine on the market. Cleveland, Tenn. W. K. Deters. For over fifteen years I have suffered more or less from Impure Blood. About a year ago I had a boil appear on my leg below the knee, which was followed by three more on my neck. I saw S. S. S. advertised and decided to try it. After taking three bottles all Boils disappeared and i have not been troubled any since. Geo. G. Fertig. 114 W. Jefferson St., Louisville, Ky. Newark, Ohio, May 23, 1903. From childhood I had been bothered with bad blood, skin eruptions and boils. I had boils ranging from five to twenty iu number each season. The burning ac companying the eruption was terrible. S. S. S. seemed to be just the medicine needed in my case. It drove out all impu rities and bad blood, giving me perma nent relief from the skin eruption and boils. This has been ten years ago, and I have never had a return of the disease. Mrs. J. D. Athertoit. Write for our book on blood and skin diseases. Medical advice or any special in formation about your case will cost you nothing. Toe Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Ga. GUIt WHtKt All llil f AILS, est Guusa Byrup. Timm Good. CM Id tlmo. Sold br dranlsta. BOILS AND ERUPTIONS MB To remove yellow stains from pyro developed negatives, bathe them In sulphurous acid water or In a 10 per cent solution of sulphide of soda, to which a few drops of sulphuric acid Cracked but not broken glass negatives, whose film is still uninjured, can be repaired in the following way: Put a dry plate of the ize of the negative not yet developed, but fixed for a short time In water; that is, sufficiently long to cause a swelling of the gelatine film. The broken negative Is placed upon this plate, so that its reversed side comes to lay upon the gel atine side of the latter. Now press lightly but carefully. By the swelling of the gelatine the entrance of air Is completely excluded, and both plates will adhere solidly and form a whole, any negative. Photographic Times. Dispensers of their own chemicals alkaline solutions such as the accelerating, or No. 2, solution of a devel oper often turn a brown color after they are bottled. This Is often due to Imperfect cleansing of the bottles, for vessels Intended for strong alkalis are not sufficiently clean if merely washed in water. For this reason it is best first to make up a small amount of the alkaline solution, and, pouring it into the bottle, swill it well round, and then hold against a white sheet of paper to test for brown coloration. Should tents and give another wash In a similar manner, so effectually ridding the bottle of any ingredient acted upon by erwards precipitates, as it frequently does, the clear solution should be de canted off, leaving the sediment behind, as filter papers would be destroyed by a strong solution. Amateur Photographer. WHAT GOES CLOUDS. Considering the important part clouds play in art and poetry, their beauty and their value as weather Indicators, it is strange that so few people under stand the method of their formation or can distinguish between thein.. Such a knowledge is essential to a full appreciation of landscape and sunset A mass of air on the earth's surface, being warmed by heat radiated from the earth, rises, bearing with it the moisture given off by the soil, plants and water with which it has been in contact. As this warm, moist air moves up into the thin, rare atmosphere, it expands and its temperature is considerably lowered. The amount of vapor which cool air will sustain In an invisible state is decidedly less than the amount which is sustained by warm air. Therefore, when the moist air cools a part of the vapor con denses into minute globules of water, which catch the light and are then visible. In this form the moisture is called a cloud. The difference in the form of the cloud depends upon the altitude it reaches before its water vapor condenses. There are four principal kinds. The cumulus, or heap-cloud, is large (sometimes five miles from base to summit), rolling and lumpy. It floats about a mile from the earth. This is the commonest summer day cloud. They are largest a little after noon, but If they continue to grow until sunset, look out for rain. The stratus, or sheet-cloud, forms in the region above that of the cumuli. This is the kind so often seen when the sun sets. It shows in horizontal bars across the western sky. It sometimes spreads over the whole sky, hiding all the blue. The ordinary stratus is from two to four miles over us. The highest form is the cirrus, or curl-cloud. It is light, fluffy, cotton like and extremely light. It Is formed only above the frost line, and is made up of floating Ice dust It is at its best in winter. The cirrus is sometimes eight miles from the earth. The nimbus, the low, dark rain cloud. Is the fourth and last primary cloud form. Besides these four there are an almost unlimited number of varieties and combinations bearing such names as cirro-cumulus and cumulo-stratus. Clouds are always changing and In motion, the heavy cumulus some times traveling as fast as twenty-five miles an hour, and ,the cirrus even ninety miles. This may explain why the clouds float, though they are much heavier than air. The wind probably supports them, just as it does the thistle down near the earth. Yet clouds are constantly evaporating and being renewed by newly-rising moist air. There is much to learn by looking up. QUEER WAYS OF THE TURK. He Read Your Mail and Tabooa .Tele phones and Electricity. The Turk suspects everybody and everything and no private act, no se clusion. Is safe from his intrusion Every telegram sent from the public offices is at once reported to tne au thorities. No one can safely send a letter by the Turkish post unless he is willing to have it opened and read and take the chances of having it confis cated if the censor finds anything that can be twisted into an insult to Mo hammedanism. As a result of this condition and the Inability of foreigners residing in Tur key to communicate with any certainty with their friends, some or tne great European nations nave estaonanea postofflces of their own in Turkisr cities, in which they employ only Eu ropeans, use their own stamps and watch their mailbags until they pass beyond the prying eyes of the Turks. In Salonica there are no fewer than five postofflces Jtsriusn. Austrian. French, Servian and Turkish; in Con stantinople six. If one wishes to be sure of hie mall he must inquire at four of them at least, and if he really wants to have his letters reach their destination he must send them through some postoffice other than Turkish. For the reason that the authorities cannot be sure of a complete knowl edge of all the conversation that might pass the telephone has been excluded matror ffihotjqrapht have been added. News- Monger. so that prints may be made aa from will probably have noticed that strong this have occurred, throw out the con the alkali. If a brown sediment aft ON ABOVE US. CIRRUS from the empire and no Turkish city is electrically lighted, because, it is saio, omclale discovered the word dv namo in applications for the necessary contracts, and dynamo suggesting dynamite, the official Turk was par- aijseu witn rear. So all Turkey is still candle-lighted, or at least lamp lighted. Whatever is Turkish In Tur key, says a writer in the Outlook, is sure to be out of order, disorganized, dirty; whatever Is foreign is, by con- irast, wen kept. Seir-Erident. "The trouble with our peopfe," ex claimed the popular orator, "is that they too often confuse license with lib erty!" T don't know about other kinds of license," Interrupted a thoughtful looking man from the audience, "but I can state emphatically that there is no confusion possible between a mar riage license and liberty." There were approving murmurs clear back to the rear of the hall. New Or leans Times-Democrat. Not So Very Much. "May I kiss you?" "Not much." "All right; I wanted only one or two." Town Topics. A man hears his wife complain be cause he- never makes her a present; he goes down and buys her a. picture, and then finds out that she. has been hinting for years for a lamp. 'Mrs. Anderson, Jacksonville, Fla., daughter of Recorder of Deeds, West, who witnessed her signature to the following letter, praises Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Deab Mrs. Pinkham : There are but few wives and mothers who have not at times endured agonies and such pain, as only women know. I wish such women knew the value of Iiydia E. Pinkham's "Vegetable Com pound. It is a remarkable medicine, different in action from any I ever knew and thoroughly reliable. "I have seen many cases where women doctored for years without per manent benefit, who were cured in less than three months after taking your Vegetable Compound, while others who were chronic and incurable came out cured, happy, and id perfect health after a thorough treatment with this medicine. I have never used it myself without gaining great benefit. A few doses restores my strength and appe tite, and tones up the entire system. Your medicine has been tried and found true, hence I fully endorse it." Mrs. R. A. Anderson, 225 Washing ton St., Jacksonville, Fla. tsooo forfeit If original of mbovo letter proving genuineness can not be produced. No other medicine for women has received such widespread and unquali fied endorsement. No other medicine has such a record of cures of female troubles. Bef use to buy any substitute. He Needed Assistance. They had been pressing him hard the whole week.- The house was full of widows and pretty girls and all the other men but himself had flown be cause they could not stand the pace. He refused to be distrubed in his sum mer arrangements and so he stayed on. Sunday night they had him in the corner and the time began to wane when some one started the game of "what you'd rather be if you had your choice." There were a lot of answers and a chorus of laughter and the usual noise that goes with summer resort pastimes, and they saved the lone man for the climax. When it finally reach ed him, says the New York Times, It found him not only ready, but willing. "What would you rather be if you could have the powerof changing your self?" "A syndicate." was his reply. fieneflt or Advertising. ' A merchant in one of our Northern cities lately put an advertisement in a paper headed: "Boy wanted!" The next morning he found a band box on his doorstep, with this inscrip tion on top: "How will this one answer?" On opening It he found a nice, fat. chubby-looking specimen of the article he wanted, warmly done up in flannel. Spare Moments. Piso s Cure is a reined v forcouehs, colds and consumption. Try it. Price 25 cents, St druggists. Davis First Ran Kight Trains. Henry Gassaway Davis found his first advancement when he secured the coveted position of brakeman on a freight train on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. It was not long before he was advanced to tne more respon sible position of freight conductor, re sponsible in these days, but far more so, relatively, in those. At 24 he was again promoted, this time to the posi tion of superintendent in charge of the running of all the trains. He intro duced an innovation which marked a decided advance step in railroading. Up to that time, it had not been con sidered practicable to run trains at night; when nightfall came, freight trains and passenger trains alike were tied up," their journeys to be resumed only when daylight came. Davis held there was no good reason why they should not be run by night as well as by day, and proved it His. first night train from Cumberland to Baltimore marked an important epoch in railroad ing. Leslie's Monthly Magazine. Positions Guaranteed. . $5,000 forfeit placed with a National Bank to make good any failure cn our part. Lessons by mail, practically free. Write today, for catalog. Beutel Business College, T A COMA, WASH BUY FROM YOUR DEADER p. N. u. No. 421904 TX7HJE2T writing to adTertiaers pteasa I ft mention this, paper. Guatemala's JSfar Coffee Crop. When the volcanic eruptions in Guat emala last year covered the coffee tin eas it was believed that the industry was ruined and that Guatemala bad received a blow from which recovery would be slow.' Many planters aban doned their ash covered plantations and believed themselves ruined. But the activity of the volcanoes was fol lowed by heavy and. long continued rains, which washed away a great deal of the ashes and incorporated more of them with the soil. The rain also seemed to bleach the ashes and extract from it a liquid fertilizer which proved of great benefit to the coffee trees. The result is a crop nearly as large again as last year's. Hereafter when the volcanoes of Guatemala erupt and spout ashes the only unfortunate coffee planters will be those whose fincas are outside of the showers. London Globe. Made Fatal Error. Tess So their engagement is broken off. Jess Yes, they quarreled and she was in the wrong. Tess And she wouldn't admit it? Jess No, that was the whole trou ble. She did admit it and after that he simply became unbearable. Philadel phia Press. Mothers will find Mrs. Winsloyr's Soothing Syrup tha best remedy to use for their children during the teething period. New Brand. The lady shopper approached the floorwalker in the great department store. "I am looking for some Japanese cal ico," she said. "Japanese calico!" he echoed in sur prise. "Yes; something that will not run," she explained. riTQ Permanently cured, xronLs or nervousness ll IU after flrstday'suseofDr.Kllne'BGreatlSIervs Restorer. Send for Free S2 trial bottle and treatise. Dr. it. H. Kline. Ltd.. BV .arch St.. Philadelphia, Fa. In a Quandary. Mr. De Style Well, are all your ar rangements for a summer at the fash ionable resorts completed? Mrs.' De Style Nearly, but I'm in such a quandary. I have arranged to send our house plants to a florist, our cat to a cat home, and our dog to a canine boarding house, so that all will be well cared for until fall; but what in the world shall I do with the baby? "Keeley ljouor-morphine-tobacco JlfGre HABITS PERMANENTLY CURED FOR FULL PARTICULARS Putting on Aim. "That Mrs. Snaggs is too much of a sristycrat fur me to mingle wid." ".How's that?" "She was knocked down by a push cart, and she had it put into the paper dat she was hit by an autermohile." Detroit Free Press. FOBILANO SEED CO.. union In the riuiy rHt 'ORLDS iR EAT EST 5H0E MAKER 7m. wMm ip f " i A 'c your Grpcfr li oof carried by local grocers, write Wadhams dt Co.. who will advise where oDUtiaama. A.uers Doctors first prescribed Ayer's Cherry Pectoral over 60 years ago. They use it today more than ever. They Cherry Pectoral rely upon it for colds, coughs, bronchitis, consumption. They will tell you how it heals Inflamed lungs. " I bad a very bad eough for three yean. Than I tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Mysore lungs were soon healed and my cough dropped as. Pbakt. HTDS, Guthrie Centra, la. Me.. 50c.. fl.00. J. C. ITER CO.. 'Lowell. Mass. All drngeists. for One Ayer's Pill at bedtime insures a natural action next morning Those Loving Girls. Sylvia Mr. DeScadds paid you such a lovely compliment last night. Phyllis Indeed! What did he say? Sylvia He said you looked 'enough likerne to be my sister. Special Card to the Public. Dr. C, Gee Wo, Chinese Medicine Co., 25S Alder St.. Portland, Oregon, regrets being con fused with Doctor Lee Sing Hon, who was killed rcenetly in Portland. Dr. Wo is not dead, and is practici g at name location, 223 Alder Street. Some people thought there was only one Chinese doctor. Wanted No Extremes. Daughter Papa, I wish you wouldn't look so fierce when young men call to Bee me. It frightens them. Father; How shall I look meek? Daughter--Um not too meek? that might scare them off, too. State of Ohio, City or Toledo, Lucas County, ( Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he ia senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney Ss Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, Coun ty and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. ClfENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of Decern ber, A. D., 1880. I SEAL I Notary Public Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send f r testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY St CO., Toledo, O. Bold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Very Homelike. Mrs. Quiverful Was that place whera you boarded during my absence, at all homelike? Mr. Q. Very. The children mad so much noise I couldn't hear myself think. I Old Coughs J PRUSSIAN LICE KILLER kills LICE on Poultry. ot?s?e? kill the lice. Never fails. Sold by dealers, 50c and Si.oc per can. CLEANED OUT ALL THE LICE AND MITES. Albert Blocker of Chanhassen, Minn., bought a can of Prussian Lice Killer and used it thoroughly three times and cleaned his poultry house entirely free from lice and mites. Before using-, the poultry bouse was alive with red liosand mites. JUST THE TKINC FOR LICE ON HOCS. J. H. Maione. of Adel, Mo., pays the Prussian Lice Killer is just the thing for lice on hogs, and is worth fivetimes its cost. Portland. Or.. Coast Agents RUSSELL enginebWers SAW MILLS High Grade stackers Machinery The A. H. Averill Machinery Ca. PORTLAND, OREGON. Write for Catalogue and Prices. C'UGLAS I KS3I crs 1. CRjifec for MADE. OmiJJ OnVbO MEN. W. Lm Douglas makes and sells mere man'm S3. BO sitae than any other manufacture! WOPta The reason W. L. Douglas $3.50 shoes are that greatest f illers in tne world is because 01 tceir excellent style, easy flttiiiK and superior wearing qualities. It I could show you uie ainerence oeiween tne snoes inaae in my laciory auta those of other makes and the hlKn-grrarie leathers used, youi would understand why W. L. Douglas S3,BO shoes cost mora to make, why they hold their shape, nt better, wear longer, and are of trreater intrinsic value thanany other $3.50 snos on the market toMlay, aud why the sales for the year ending a. uut, worn 1,263,040.00. W. L. Douglas guarantees their value hy stamping his name) and price on the bottom. Look for it take no substitute. Sold by shoe dealers everywhere, fust Color Eyelelt utem xclusivelV' Superior in Fit, Comfort and Wear. " I have worn W.L.Dmiglas $3.00 shorn for the last tarlvt yt arts wun aosotute sansj action, l jina inrm superior tnjiitconvorm and wear to others costing from $6.00 to (7.00." B. S. tleCOE, Dept. Coll., U.S. Int. Revenue, Richmond,Va W. I- Douglas uses Corona Coltskin in his S3.50) Bnoes. uoroDS tjolt is couceaea to De we uaen Patent Leather made. SEND FOB CATALOGUE OIVINO FULL INSTRUCTIONS BOW TOORDEB BT MAIL. MT. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Ma