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About Union gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1899-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1899)
A I 1 ' 1 1 mi tl i , 1 1 1 imm 11 Mil i mai Mi,, .dii mn m wrn -i Union-Gazette. Iue4 every Friday morning. 0! D. JJAtT, OBO. . PAUL. DALY & PAUL, Editors " and I -uliahers ... "SUBSCRIPTIOH ATE6r i ne year. . J. .y . . . v- r.V. Six months.. ". . Three months. . . .", tlV',vv; . . C - - VAYABLE IN ADVANCE. .-AO $1 60 . 75 : so FRIDAY, MAR. 24, 1899. TfliS SYSTEM; i We never could understand why . the taxpayers of the state outside of ' JtfuUnomah county should M bo eager to abolish the fee system for . - county officers and constitute salar ies. The -result" has certainly not justified their expectations, so they ' - keep cutting away at salaries,, until 7 soon, it will be a hard matter t get competent men to fill, the -offices. ' Under the fee system the i county , ' " paid its officers : in fees less jhari ' , no-half what it pays them now in salaries, and to some of iu officers it paid nothing at all.1 The balance - was paid by litigents or , by those "! needing the service of :the countv "m "officer. ' Th idea 'of ;th'e ' salary - : system is that the officers must col ' "lect fees as 'usual and turn them " ivet to.flw'0fOyV mnia: this' .way "' : the county hopes to reimburse itself ' for the" officers salary ;; In no in1 j , stance that we ever heard of has this idea been accomplished the - oflicers has no means. of enforcing collection of fees, and if he had he 1 would "not "ddr it, for ;every -officer . hopes to succeed himsett, ; ine net, - result is that: thecounties pay out ' rvi rv' year for salaries of county c 'ifiWmofe than twice as jiuch as - t hey-- over did under ? the ? old - avstem.1 If the fees were high .was' an easy matter to reduce them , - nd we are of the opinion that, this ' i What should have been done. '.. vs', ilUB HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. ; ' So much is now being said and ,: -written about the numerous islands whichhave ome into Uncle Sam's poesessfon through the fortunes of ; -Avar, mat ,vne nHBiii, o.uv.t, - -wlti.-h cam peacefully and gladly ." it u.ler our flag have been compara- .liv-Iy lost sight of, and very little about. them. VTheir " fipngraphical positj'enfTtTettim ' 64mIon &t this time rtftt -lway between Amer ! 5t and Asxaf in he?:Korth.fPacifio . wjean. They- were 4i9coverea ?.oy dbt. Cook - in 1779 ! and at that tiuso contained 300i000; native in habitants. In 1896 there was but ' 31 000 native inhabitants and only 10',0-X) of "all : nationalities; 22,00 ,f these being Chinese, 24,UX) Japs a 5 000 Portugese, and only 3.000 . Americans, the balance or amereni - miionalities,-f There are u'eiht J.l .nrU in the ffrOUD. OlllV four of tht-in being inhabited and their united area is 6,T40 .sqUare 'mileH 'r slightly less than the area: ;of : the state of New Jersey.' 1 he dis " tahce from Honolulu to Portlariis about 2,000 miles, to Japan , about k 3.000 , miles', to China' about 4,000 miles.' . There' .are. ,towailr64d orr therslands, their united length Iwinj abo!;75 ; raHpsr In :1896 t key hud a merchant . marine of 8 vosaela - flying the " Hawaiian flag Tfie principal produc S are sugar, ric. coffee, corn wheat, arrow root and bananas. ; Their iiriports in 1S97 amounted to nearly $8,000, 000 and their exports to over 1 15, t)00,000,Yprpving ' that they are an exceedingly - rich V country, , if pur figures are relitble, and we believe them' : to be. . It is a great cattle country, and $70XK), worth of hides were f sent to- the United States in 1897. Tne climate is delightful, and for the greater prrt . of tte year"" most enjoyable. The eky is .a rule is,, cloudless. The trade winds blow from the- north east for nine "months and in Janu ary, February and 5 March, the pre vailing winds-are from the south- -west. ? At '.Honolulu s;the annual rainfall is about 3S inches.' The extremes of temperature in. 1896 Wijre' highest' degree of Fahrenheit 30 and lowest . 57. The . daily average range of temperature for a year -was less ' than 15' degrees in 1894. ' There are no fogs and sun shine is almost perpetual. South easterly storms" prevail during the months of November and February, which is the only interruption - to perfect weather.; Taken altogether Ihe islands' are an ideal place to live and as near perfect in climate -a any spot on the earth. " " ' Populistic. newspapers through'- Ut the country are ' following oil' Willie "Bryant on bis ,anti-expan 8i6n, anti-American,-, anti-honor, anti-everything that is manly and decent platform." They are doing this because they, think, that fusion last year means fusion forever, and perhaps it dos for some of them but not for the parly. To our cer tain' knowledge many of the very best and nost intelligent members of the populist party, are not with Mr. Biyant on , his anti -expansion plank, but b.n the contary hold J,he advanced ' and rg.i,rifr swa of iiyefy patriotic man who loveshis country. . Mr,. Bryant is nQt . going to corrallihe populist party at the next election as easy as he did last time; they have learned something. Was .the 'adoption f;of republican methods of goverment. They have proved that they were right; they t? have done -? what ii. they claimed-they would do, and froui being a country so financially iiis tressed that Italians fled home from it in 1894, and immigration almost ceased, it has again become the foremost "nation orT" earth iri "Weatfh and national prosperity.; The gohl reserve in the',!naiiona) treasury continues at two hundred and fifty millions," while the cash on hand exceeds five; hundred millions, -and this after a successful foreign war Ninety thousand cotton operative? have lately had their wages raised ten to fifteen per cent. Great ac tivity prevails in the iron and steel business, "and ' although prices 0' raw material have advanced thirty per cent, yet all the mills and fur naces are running double time, Our export trade has increased over one hundred per : cent.'," within year, so that it is not now a ques tion of ' what can ' be sold abroad but how much we care to sell. The number of business firms failing are notably' less than a year ago and thei railroad earnings :. are greater. Twentv years ago the ex ports oi .iSngland"; were; twice as great as ours. On the other hand last year our exports exceeded hers Sweden, Germany, France .an. I even England herselLare. buying our locomotives,', and our manu fact u res in every department - are taking the lead in every? market of the world. Prosperity- has indeed come and is on its way such as this country of ours never dreamed of, and when we get the Nicaragua canal under way this western part where weJive will gt its full share of the incoming tide. ; ' : -'" " ' Signs of business prosperity con ?im9 to multiply in all . the diyer gent sections of i this . great country if ours, and the pessimist who -in 1833-4-5 predicted, that' the country would, never again reach the. de gree of prosperity that it enjoyed, WM building, his .theories on false premises. The republican party -eaid then that prosperity . would re tam, not only as great as we had tever enjoyed,' burgreater, apd that ? fV sjiafegBary toecure it The appropriations of the. fittvr fifth congress aggregate a billion ana a halt dollars. of his is for the expense of the war with Spain, and alter excluding the post office appropriation, ; which is offset by the postal revenues, and is therfore hot a tax, the total appro priation will fojt up just about a round billion of' dollars. ' This amount was we believe exceeded once before in times of peace since the beginning of the present decade As' long as there is no stealing or wasteful extravagance anywhere, the people' are cot. tent , and will not grumbl.' at increased expences, for all realize that this is a billion dollar country, and still growing richer and stronger. . . . , . -Germany has at' last done t lie proper, tiling to reach old Urcle SaiiiV soft heart. She has with- rawn all her armed vessels from rlie ; Philippine? and' asked the United States to take ca.eof her citizens and her 'interests there. which they have consented to do. , ' . " -. v--;- - t .JUDOE CALLOWAY'S LECTURE. Jude Gallon ay must have felt flattered by the representative class of oar citizens. including the faculty and students who listened to his lecture on "State and Puhlie Lands" at the Colleae Chapel last Friday eyeiiiB)?. The judse complimented the, regents .and faculty upon the suc cessful management of the college along the lines of agricultural and mechanical education. mie work of the'college. hus been so thorough and successful that 'the Kentleman ;' expressed a commendable pride in the'support he bad rendered the institution in its infancy, dm iag the six years he served as a member of the legis lature. - Introductory to the lecture, Mr. Gallon-ay explained the decrepancy iu: the no vern merit maps issued under former administrations, . wherein the r Oregon 1 territory has been included in Jhe Louis iana purchase,' but thanks to the efforts of Commissioner Herman, whom Preci dent McKintey has wisely placed at" the head of the land department,' t his error has been corrected, and all maps nov nini iirictim-i it-Hiieu nin riace tne atqi 1 Bition of the Oregon territory in its proper ligin. iiuiio ouurb uauoway aittereii from the honorable commissioner politi cally, yet he honoreil him for his devo tion, under all i-irciimstan -es, to the emicAUoiit-,1 and material interests o Uregon: ............ Judze Galloway is a firn sunlmrter 01 Shoots for higher education, as provided by the general and state noverniuents for the maintainance of an auricnl'urul col leise. a. state university, and a. good normal school. His illustration bv the use of maps prepared by himself was instructive and interesting. ; . - ' ;"- '"-Letter List.; r" The following" is the list' of letters 're maining in., the Covallia postoOice nnclaimed, Mar; 18, 1899: Bray, W D olton, Dave ' Cox, Frank " Chambers, V E Johnson, J J . Kisor, William F Larobdee, Joseph Miller, C H Morgan, VS ' Rogers, C D : Smith, F W j Strake, Miss Emm Strew, MS " Smither. PM Tliompeon, Harry Tower. Charles j B. W:" JoHNsoN'P. Mil 1 . . V - Proposal for Bids. " 1 . . .. ....... . .... ... Sealed bids for cementing ithe adniin istration 'building on the State AgrxuT ural College grounds will be receive! by W. E. Yates, secretary,-at his office in Corvallis, Oregon, till the close of busi ness hours, March 31, 1899. Plana and specifications for same may be seen at the office of W. E. Yates, Corvallis, or at the office of Edgar M ' Lazarus, arcnitect, Portland, Oregon. . J W. E. Yates, , . Secy. Bd. Bgta .. Dated Mar. -10, 1899, Corvallis , Or. ' For Sale. A five-years lease on good small fruit husluess adjoining Amity; well estab lished trade; comfortable buildings. Wili;sell now. for value of buildings. Address Box 65, Amity. GRAND A - . MILLINERY f . . OPENING JlI Mrs. Mason's next Thursday. March 30th, ' and the 'following days. Call and see the fine display and get j rices. Store one block .weskc-f Hotel Corvallis. .-1 f ( k ; TO THE Wanted Bids for keeping county poor. r Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be re ceived at this office up to "2 p. m Wednesday, April 51899, for the care and . keeping of the poor of Benton county, Oregon, for the term of two or three years, from May 15, 1899, in ac cordance with the contract and borfd now 011 rile in this office, , Attest . v Virgil E. Wattkbs, seaiJ : , , , .3 . -i Countv Clerk. ; otlc to Creditors. ' : - Notice is hereby given that the under signed has been appointed the admin istrator of the estate of Alice A. Beal. dei-eased,-by the county court, of the state ot uregon, lor tfenton county. All persons shaving : claims aurainst said estate are required to present the same, properly verified, to me at my residence eight miles north of Corvallis, in Benton county. Oregon, within six months fiom the date hereof. ' Dated at Corvallis, Ore.lFob. 15, 1899. ' WnxiAJtA. Beal, ; ' Administrator of ihe estate of Alice "A. BeaU deceased. ' . .'.;; ''- '" Wanted. ' ".'' A girl-to asswt in housework, in ex change for mujiu lessons. Call or address this office.' .: : . . - r.i i. , l o You Xeed Help? - ' '. ..' Anyone wishing a. competent mnn to do light work' in the nature ot cleaning yard,' trimming vines and hedges,1 etc., can secure such" service ny-enairtrttiorj JU.m.W feyrtfi h xer . " K A. S T GIVES THE CHOICH OF TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL . ROUTES imn mint mm- 11 mi AN : ' ' CHICAGO - m un " ,' ';' -1. . . 'f-jf I 5 T Goods j. s at I I Kline's . !'.. ...... .-t I .The following lines of .-new goods have arrived and we are prepared to supply the citizens of Corvallis and vicinity, with popular merchandise at low -prices. , ' " . i .'! 3 ; - : ! T j? f .Gloves, Hosery. Musliu, rjjiderwear, W r a p p e r s. Corsets, Skirts.- Bells, and ' a full line- of notion and trimmings. - - . ..... . Ladies ' are especially, in vited to inspect our new. line of Shoes. . ." ' mm cin TWO TRAINS DAILY. - OCEAN STEAMERS LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY S DAYS SAN FRANCISCO WILLAMETTE-RIVER DIVISION . Portland and Sa em.' '.r CtHier Both, for Salem, Albany, Corvatlia an.' bt " ptot, leaves Portl-ind Tuesdava . Thwnimr ami Saturdays at S A. M. lUtnraing-, leaTea Cor- tallia Mudy7 Weanesdaya and Fridaya at A. it ...... . ...;..'f" 9 . .. . i -' v: Tar fall lnrrmatlou call on r addlrcaa X. H. Adams, Agent O. It, N., CciTallli, OrceoM. "'. .''' -''-. . ' W. H. JjIWRLBURT.J-...' r! !"'';';:' :'2r."'' Sin'L Pan a'kBNT. t ' HE HAD A FIT Because he had his clothes made at .- . v ': ! J. Vrae'e shop; " ' .' YOU CAN DO LIKEWISE. n ... -,. ,.v r -:- :-. ' ' - He keeps a complete stock and will suit you with a suit. He also makes up go ds. when purchased elsewhere. , ' V, ., tf vou want tie best workman -. . . . . . . ship at reasonable prices, oall and See-.. ;.,.. I;, J.-; ? , '-. ' J. WRAGE. C9swelC;ari.ili. at CO. ; aansAEjT . pac. s a eu. r j ; PORTLA.NO,- OS 1 The White House 4 TEE FIRST HHTIOH BP OF Corvallis Orejgon, Dues a general and conservative bankinc b.ism83. ' 1, - y, i . a- .C.B. Cacthors.- . . E. H. Tayiok. " CAUTHORN & TAYLOR DENTISTS. : MBntistry of every description done in tirt . class manner, and satisfaction guar , . anteed. ;. ; .. ,.t . F . GROWN MO BRIDGE WORK A SPECIALTY. Office over Zierplf 's grocery store, opposite the post office, Corvallis. Oregon. .- (4 THE RESORT" - ' z: - TH3S: WHITEMORN, Prop.. : 1 ; t. J.'-.. ..its' ' "- - ' - '-:'!..-.... Hcrer a401d Crow Whi ?' rs Boys' Clothing; ' Our Boys' and i Ghiiaren's "Glothing has arrived; The reason that we" dcr such a rgreat Boys' and Children'sbusiness . is (because we show extra good values, .betterrstyles and more of them than can be seen elsewhere. 74 SAL .AGENTS; WOOLEN B. F. JONES, ATTORNEY-AT--LAW, Toledo, Oregon. Will practice in all the courts of the -title. . iTHE DIRECT ROUTE TO Montana, Utah, Colorado Z and all Eastern Points ! Gives choice of two favorite routes, via the U' ion Pacific Fast ' Mail tins, or i the Rio Grande ScenSa Lines. WILLAMETTE RIVER DIVISION Steamer WM. M. HOAG ? : ' ., T U (Capt. Geo. Raabe), , Running regu arlv ba-tween Portland ni , Crvall sh stopping at all way - landifgs. ' -r- ' "";'' RIVER SCHEDULE: !" V Sown rirr, Txasdays, Tkuradaya aRd Saturtaya Larrs Corratlia a a. n .; AHanv i n. m. ; kucoa Tita8a .; lnapc.da(x. 9 a. n. ; -alem 10 a. m. Anwocrir .z:3 p a. ; arrive at Fortlavd 4:80 p. m. Vtt rivar, 'Moadara, : Wedae-dava ami Fridav. Leave Portland a. m. ; Nswberr 19:8 a. m ; Calen: ISO p. an. ; lncttpexdeice 6 p. m.: Buena Viita 7: p. w ; Albany D:30 p. ti.: arrive at Cervattia 11 d. is. Ibis steamer baa been equipped with Itrat-claM acceuimotiaiioua, inciud aa elegant .iano. UD urpaiurd fnr carryiag bath freiebt aaA paaaeiitren. H. J-I. Cronise, Agent, Corvallis, Or. " Edwin Stone, Manager, A1baty, Or? O. Coker. AKenU Portland. Or., loet YatnntH Street. ' . r - - ' A1 U: Notice to Smokers. New stock of hig'4 grade Faucv Smok ing Tobaccos, consisting. of Old Gold Virginia Fmkes, Eugltsh Slic, Periqna. Yale Mixture, Oriental, Mixture, Rich mond Mixture, Little Cigars Straight Cut Cigarette, at Rosa Bros.' Cigar Factory. The Engl . ,.?ivr icas and Surgeons, allCradijatesretn the best Medical Co ltees in he Wj rid. '.-.-.. ...... ...... ; j . : i - IMCOB'FOR ATBD CKDSI THE fcAWSIO? CAIVirOKNIA. FOR $ jo.ooe. SWABtlSHBB TWBNTT.SIX TfiAKS. : ' A part of the Staff of the English and German Expert Specialist aud Dr. Meyers m o wiu maiic ingir regular siouthly visit to .;T - : r z. Corvallis, Monday, March ; 27 . ??y will be at the occidental Hotef:" : : The staff of the Englivh an -3 German Expert Specialists is corn pose J of fir regelany graduated doctors, each a pkjsiciati who has bad many years experience in CHting all manner of chronic diseases. '. - ' During the past quarter of a century the sacaess of this most worthy auc! popular iustitution has been plieuetaeaaj. 'Diseases whicJi. have baffled the skill f: other physicians and stuobornly refused to yield to orliuar3- medicines, inelhftft aud appliances, are (juickly subdued and mastered by the English and German Ex pext Specialists. .They have the largest and best equipped medical institution ii. America. Tlie Bug ish aud German Expert Specialists are nut only competoLt an: relialtle, but are respoasib e, being backed by aw pie capital and ably manaeed. ' ' HOM E CURES While it is nrefsrable in iikihv instances ti nva iuhni ' the Engi'asn and 6rnau Expert Specialists have cared thousands of persons whom they have nev.r seen. If vou cannot see the doctors, write the ksiae office far ' question list and free advice iti regard t your ailment,. . si. : . -. .i - Call on the Doctors when thay como. AD ailing peap'e should see tbV"' A t- . a r i ? a r J i 1 1 t i , Lqpk at the Time . . : i yx clays to1 Salt Lake - . ;. days to Denver i- ' "34 days to Chicago ; '' : leys, Fin Wines, Liquors u3 Ci.'ryJU Free Recliafng Chair Cars,' Upholstered Tourist S eepicg Cars, and Pnllmau Palace S etpers, operated en all trains. -."3 - r - i'.. ; ft . a -. . 6o ; " .POETLAM r, OK. ,v All white labr work guaranteed. ' . Basket leaves on Tuesdays and arrives. Saturdays, . T. D.. CAMPBEI.L, Agejst, : Secen-Kaiid Stare.r. . ,. - G. RV-FARRA, M. D. i 0ce corner Second,, and -Jefferson, oyer GrahaEi & Wells drugstore. ..... Residence oa Thir streetin fart of uwui inauw. ...... . . . - . Office hoars 8 to 9 a. m., and 1 to 3 ar.d 7 to 8 p. m. . All calls attended promptly. AT - LAW . w . . . ... '. .... Corvallis, Oregon. Offlce iu Zitroir building. . ' : - BEMEMBER , THE CITY SHOE SHOP, V -K - ?-, -.; - -j. : !i: - - . - - v .. .. As A'ortlt Mam l. s ; " - . " , - "I aim to please my customers.'' Carl Zwicker, Corvallis. . I- Restores VITALITY, LOST VIGOR AND MANHOOD Aires Impotejicy, Night Emissions and waning disease?, ail. effects of sel abuse,, or: excess and ndis- kf-vn blOOtl builder. . ilri the Dink Flow to -Dale cheeks and . .... ?A?S-( . restores , the fire of youth. iN By mail 50c per box! 6 boxeB ior &sui witb a written truaran. ype cure or renma tne money. 1 - NERVITA MEDICAL CO. "'!" Triton & Jackson Sta, CHICACO, ILL. For sale bf Allen 8t Woodward, TrVz- giaia, v.orvaui,,Mt gn Vox fnfther infonhation, app'y to'- ; GEO F EGtlMi Agent, Corvallis, Or. CO. TERRY, : V. K." COM AN, , -i. ' Trav;: Pass..: A?t " " Gen. l Aeiit. ; . - l4 Third St., Portland, Or. ' , English' and German Expert Specialists. A frieodly talk, which costs abaohrtei nothing, is bound to result in a ieat deal of gd, whether treatment is takes not-. ;-. "-. -'.' : ' . t . -I : i ) The Enqlish gnd German Expert Specialists . Safi f the Most Eminent Physician in the Worla. r . 2 ... Mai2 Qifiget7gl Market S . fcar Fi PHOTO SUPPLIES-. . Mf intendint; to purchase a cauiei it wiljfpay you to write for prit es to the only 'exclusive' dealers in Oregon ,: . " ''-"; - JNtf. S. s MEEK CO ' S3 tl St., '" Portland. Op. - '.. .1 a. - . " ' touaaatlak "'' -' JCITATIOJii ; ; In the County Court of 'the State of Ore gon, for Beaton County. '''. ; In the matter of the Estat( ); " ;';; t- of - ;- ,V CiiAiion. Vr H, ,ir. Rich... Deceased. j , . To" Portr A. Rich and Clara .H.- Briggs, ..Greeting: . , ... .,, ' ' Iu the name of the State of Oregou, You are hereby cited uml r equired to lie and ap pear in the County Court of the State -of Oregon for. Benton the? : Court' !oom thereof, in -the City of CrvHliis Oresson, Friday the 7th day of April the hour of 2 o'clo-k in the afternoon) aud that they then. and there show cause, if any there be, why an order of ale of the following dH,;iiln-d real prupt r. y to-wit: "Lot 2 in Block No. 2 in the City of JJe v port, Lincoln Cuunty, Oregon; also, bi iuning at the southwest corner of lot 12, block 5, runiving thence- south 73 feet.i thence, east 2uti le;t , thence north '3 . feet t .t the south -linp of blo-k T. llnnue wst to. mlhwest corner of blo k tin nee -Worth feet, tlienie w.-t U feet, tfieivv Miuti southeast corner of hloj-k 5, ilu nAe w -ft" o:iegiiiniug, - containing a re in the City of . Toledo. Lincoln county, Oregon.' Also, lot No. 2, in block No."l, iit Jones A Gaither t Addition to 'tlie ' ;,.. of T iledo, Lincoln County, Orefn; als the South half of : :. &st quarter.' -'1 t 4, fractional northwest quarter of 'southeast quarter an lot Q of section 2. ', township 11 south, mntfe Id ye.l of tfie -Will Ifier, Lin . coin cOunry,fOgori, containing KSQ.ores more or ess, should not be tnale a. praVKl fof irt 'the petition of the eife. utor ofiaid estate how on flle. -, ,.' "" '"; s Witness, The xlJi.. . VpodwBFd.Jiidge of the County Oonri of the Slftte'of Oregon, for the County of Benton, wlth'the' seal of said Court afti xed this 27th dtiy of Febru ary.' A.'- D. 1899, : " ;-: - 1 j'-v -.'. ..... .. .;'. .s- . MILLS. :-. - ;'. :'. .. ' . V 2 DC A I ITI CI 1 1 Ollkl ,;' ; ' - ;-'!"' ' ' "' 3 SLad es, if J'n deire a transpaseut, c'eaP nud-fresh cwniplexioo, .. '--V. ;(- 5 Use Dr. Bou'dcn's Frehcfi. -' ' 5 1 A-se r.ic Complexion Wafe rs; . 4' ; rThe only reliable beautifier of the' complexion, skin and farm known: In the! q direction for which they a: e tatendedrtheir effect' is sluiplv utauical. The most I astounding transfortsation in ptrscai al.appearanee i brought "about by their1 steady use. Possesiug the WIZARDS TOUCH in producine and oreservin'r I C bvauty of form br surely (UveUping a transparency and pellucid clearness oft 3 complexion, suapeir contour, ot torm, Dril.iaut eyes.sott and srsootn skin where, by nature, the reverse exists. . Even the COARSFST-ad MOSTH.E-! PULSIVE Skin marred bv FRECELS.,' MOTlf . BLACKHEADS. PIMPLES, 1 and VULGAR REDNKSS, YELLOW AND MUDDY skin, and Other FACIAL J DISFIGUREMENTS, are percianently rimoved and a'delicionsfy clear and refined complexion assured, euharcing a bady's loveliness beyofid her nivst I extravagant expectations. .i... 1 . ...' ;-' 1 ;! i ..- .v; k I i Laaics, iou wan tse ueatttiiui, 410 matter who yoa are oi what your j ? disfigurenieuts viay be job can. make yeurseif -as hands'etue as any lady in thee - aim oy me us 01 , , .. - -j.;., H Used bv men the resu ts are equally favorable.;, friee small box 50) ccats. J Large box ji. 00 or special order u(r six large boxes $5 06. .Sent to asv address! uuaei piaiu cover on receipt or tiie ihove amount. , Write; for Circular, free. -t . i THE PA.ElsiA.ior tiHTTo-nn v'. ' . ' ' ' '."'.' 7 , '..i3?.M0"tJiOtnery Sireet, San Franrisco.,....' rmrtirtrLRj-Lnjxr-. .... . .,.u- i. -it. :; iWHere We icier ipg fYou wan I-shot'?.':' W.e'.yt got slioess ; '"Latest styles r Irweft price?.: ,: ,! , CO CC : -Snys the.Queen Bee. Shoe, The, best Stoe ia town ,.r '.'Sr ' foc tte mony-: 'Callland gee tetn.',y4 '"ri;,. .! 3 'sf...; hi Next to Postofflce. THE CASH STORE, - Your Life,; Wi I h Be U One Continual -Thanksgiving '":?. i 'If vou i Hit hasef frpsli iukV cKoicff- (JKOCKIUES; h Inlesi- Ih.I in WVrrONS ani DltKSS GOODS. w i . . 1 II . 1... I 'IV :. .. s n I r I 4 i ;i 1, 11 ;i t 1 w f r ' in I ru ff lli'rtyySlfii.';-F-(yj,'Mwl S:tl'l;- , I , hu'Yi ,! , mv 'sui'i?.,: All rtij i.iftk. ., . i.iini- ; : i no i-n s; .' ti -s Imngilu .Vou )fil MeJnv' ft-in ' 1 . fi! if. hint' ATTEST: VIBGlL. E. WATTEKS, '' V' : ' . '-"' : Clerk. L" ' ' '. '''' wil' fiivcf niniipy on 41 1 oit ol- tiurcliaK.. '? ?' ': ; . V J ' '.l.c i;Bu tilling:, ,1'iti lojij h t h," Qifjf'!!.,: V. Ith. A.'ikj'JajasiJiai' f1?- JI";"fi:',at "aa jfii jftt iaV A J(V ata.. 3' EASTandSftUJK ,t ;- . .V'" " :; .V; 3 THE SHASTA ROUTE - eraausHca it um, Altlrttoi Executor's Sale of Keitf. EMale. , Notice is pereby-given that the under- siKiied, execntor of the estate of Pettr VV. Mason and Hannah K, Mason, deceiaed. liuiMiai't to an urdeiot die County Court of the State of Oregon, for Beut.'in Cou'ity made on the 3rd day of January. 1899, "an., of the Hth day of February, 1899, and duly entered, in the 'Jpurnal' No. S of said court, on pages 117 and 1SS a i'U 1.1. the 15th day of April. 1899. between nine o'clock in tl.p morning, nd wtr ..ofcloik ;intbe afiei noon, totvij, . the bopr pf;, twelve o'clpck noon of that day, at the front, door of the court house, in the citv of Corvallis. DOCTOR '' 'n Benton county. ptgon, offer for sale at IT n O p i hlii- auction to the limhest bidder, for s 'hi B w j cash. in . hand.' all the interest , that said A, CO. ; estate han iu and to the following described SpeClallSlS lOf ma r,a eHtute ton-it: . carina win and m. ? -w V. bjotrf amf.u .incaiao. ; phijoiuath, . fa . BeiiHin: county :. Stale :ol i uf Kntpf aieotcai is. Oregon. Also, beginning at the S, E. cornt-r 'tnnapwuiiiianbsfcit ofth&don: land claim, No. 50. T. 12 S.,v R. K Fsf IH1 Cured, j 6 W., thence running wt on smith line of nSSMrSlS. said lainf 71 T.lp, thebce north 105 rods to TiMaadrriraUaMk-t , i the i-enter of Marv'3 rlver,: thence-down said river with the meairders thereof to th. head Of "a certain" siouglli thence oii straight Ki'.e to the mouth of said slough: thencedown'Said river itgainv with ta me anderings to the, east line of said, don land pluim, thence sputh on the east line of said pl.afin t,o Jjegirmiiie, containing 30 ncrpR, u Benton county Qrogoo, belonging to said estate-, tp pay funi ral charges, -ex , I Suiithe:ii Pacific Corneas v: t 6- 0 P M I Leara "Portland .Arrire I TX M. H'js t ft A Luava ' Albany '' Arriva l .60 A. il, 7- 45 I.AjrKe :S. Kranrisco Leava I r. Above train-atop al all (u-incijial-atationi ,bctwctn Portland and, Tmrnpr, Mi riwri, JetU-ratfin. Albany. Jangent Sh.-dd-. Hnlsm-, Ha'iri.bunir. Jum-iion City, Eturenf, Creawell, Cottage Groto, Drainii, and all atationt from Koseburgta Ashland, inclusive; ...Reinr ilailrr-Uaiiy... ;,...v.. tS: A. it-1 Lcn-e S:ii V. M. I Uave i.2o f. f- I Arrive Portland , Arivaf 4:50 .P. -Albary ' -Arrive 11: f. Koel.fcrft - Ltave . 7iV f YAQUINA! ROUTE : . i'. ti it a COJiVILISS: KASTWiN ..RAIL ROAD Hi -H AI.I) FREE, iEhotuand. enrtoil .t. Inn.: o Ckarge fof iaalUtlua. 731 fiSlfc . : Fof Sale,1--'; :J-1' '' VfiO acre.atock farm, adjoining an un tuUgd outrange on. the wlvatui goo4 Ufvds,.chnri-ht"8 and.tbe BfJLA4t rttle i penscs of a4nijnbit,ratio!) and vlairns agai.ns -nent ron. the east. ; : Also 13J acre farm, 1 mid estate, ami for distribution of proceci!.-- mmI enUivatine land? Addr-B i ; under'the will of said, deceased. .... '; ' m s vv,w,, '-.'' i' f' Datedhis23rlduy of IV.i:uHry,.18y9." Administrator, Corvullis, Oiegoo. : tci"'..'-. BETWEEN WeslsU? :'r ', .... ?UTL.JSD' AND COKVAiLIg ' ' ilill Irt'.' Billy Eica'pt SaitjJ-.- 7:30 A- M. I live I'ortlamt . Arriva l 6:M P.. i l':la P. 1. Airire " .ruii,': Leave J 1 a 1". j t Albawy alul OoriralU rvi'uiit. wlh traii, mi ii , , Oregon faiiifie Bailrwtd. , . 4;.f-.l t-ViMive' ro.rMv Arun'l-is.-li-i ,':Sg; P. l i Arrito Mt:xtLnnv;3 IjAiq.1 6;;.-.o S t t&if. M. j Aiv.',lid)H!Ui:M LaiurU I .6 A 1 -i :i-'.- . ' . - r . -y ' Direct co'miGCtioH at San TVanciscf with Occidental and Oriitai ad Piciji snail steamship lins f. JAPAK AKTi CHINA. Sailing datss n appl-icatfoh. Rates and tiokt ts ' to! Eajteru,, )nttf' And i -Atso"' T-MMN.-'-CHIK? HONOLULU aiwl- AUSTRALIA; can 'H.. Mj.ificJ (revn - A. - Si '-PE'NV Ifi! Ttcfe Agent. Corral Ha.. .'- v51 R. KOEI1LER, C. II. ftARKMAM. i. Alttnavr. ; A O -ii- . k-.."-.- ' ' - ' P Portland, Oi. - Connecting V YAQUINA Vn . ir': . i,' . .:'; t ? : : s-" .. YA9UINA' 9AY 9TEAIVI8HIP COMPANY ,; " ' " STBA'ril ER3' Brae b Dollar anil Kavarro Fi' Kr-rlnsn In every respect. 1 One of; the above steamers is due to ai'i , : ., .-, roni Yaqtiinn alxitit every five ft .. '. . .' , ...davs . SPLENDID PASSENGER ACCOM- Z 'lZZZ modations. ..;, .; Slortet't ronte between yalley point and San Fianciwo. .,,,,..',. , ; ' , a K All;any and points west ' to t . ... .. f -. , an Tr,,liBl'P . , 'V Cabin.;. 5. V:-"',-J- i 4W 00 Rouiid tnp..,.s,....,. 11 00 For Bailing dnya apply ' u . ' -7' :pwi Srpifp, '' ' tf. L; WAtDEM, 0 - Manager.'' TiI H.''HJDxw,' Agni. CferviliU'"' tt-7f-i l or Salei - : liner of rhoroiigl.bred St otch Collie kMTie.j. Will make milfndid cattle aud iii-ep doga. . Apjily lj ...1 ... ; ; :-ii C. J IU HOP, k2 -1 V