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About Union gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1899-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1899)
Union-Gazette. FRIDAY, MAR. 24, 1893. Cotton Goods- Were never cheaper iu the United State thaa they are today. We have a large teck on hand and are selling them at very close prices. - Mediwa Print. $X per yard. Standard Friuts, 4e pr yard. Fruit of Loom Maslio, 6c per yard. ' Cabot W Muslin, 3c per yard. Cabot A Mnshu, 5c pr yard. L L Muslin, 4c per yard. '-'""Vicagna" Fauueiette, 8c per yard.' S. L YOUNG & SON, Albany, Oregon. ; LOCAL NEWS. . Mrs. J. Rv Scrsfford ia vii-i ting rela tives at Elk City. ' A daughter wait bora to the wife of Mr. TIT I . Al......' Vf .. IE ivaua juaiuue, ui aiboh, uhu w. - ' Dr. Thompson preached in the Presby terian church- at-'MeCoyj last evening. He returns hbiue today Cjs : (H. C. WyatVand Mariam'M. Sawyer both of Philomath,; were granted license ' to wed by Clerk Watters, Monday. ? - Three h undred pair of the celebrated W. L. Douirfas shoes for men. and boys; opined this week at Nolan & Callahan's Mrs.4 Allen Wilson,' who has-been in poor health for some months left" Tiles day for Portland, -for treatment in the .hpspitai rvtfy.rt Vn-il '8eie at the Presbyterian- church at the araiiCoanC I .Preaching byr ' the pastor, at 11. a. ui. and J;3) p . m. " A very kind weleomato'all.'f V l""' ,Dr. Witbcombe, . bl ' the glate AgricaV tural College, will " address Corvallis Grange at its regular meeting next .Sat-, urday afternoon, taking for Jiis.. subject, Agriculture.:.' I'fJ' Mr. G. A. Peterson, .pf Inavale, went to Buxton, lWashingt4nf county: Satur. day to begin, his fifth, term of .school at that place. Mr". Peterson iaf;ajteaohor of ten years' experience.-' Preaching services at tne United Evan gelical .church! nex 'Jgundsyf evening at 7:30 ; ffiunaay scliool at 10 a.m3, Junior. 3 p. m and K L. C. E. at 6 :30 . p. m. All are welcome. ; ' r ? , A Shakesperean evening will, be given, by the Juniors at the college chapel ior night at 8 o'clock; " Hamlet will, be the study, and ah invitation is extended . to all. No charges for admission.- ' - ' Mr. George A&ander Manager of the branch establishment of the Americau Type founders i.n Portland, was in Cor vajiis tntaiweeic, negotiating! wijii Ukion -Gazette for a new plant of job type. - '.. W Jj Ta carloads of ash lumber were shipped by the Corvallis . mills to Sacra men to this week. This is the first in stallment of the 14 carloads that the Union-Uazjcttk stated last week would .be shipped to this point .' V - ","'.' Assessor Wadsworth of Lincoln county, was in town Tuesday. Mr. Wads worth was for a long time a resident of Cor vallis and 'represented Benton 5cbunty in'" the legislature in 1880. j Untirrecently.j .he served as agent at tne bitetz. intuanj 1 eservation ,. , . .7 . A long letter from " Harry : Holgate, which arrived too late for publiiration, will appear . next week. It is written in Harry's usual happy vein, and con tains much which only one who ja capable of' seeing lieneath,": tlie surface would learn. '" ''' .Geo.VVi Stay ton, of Prineville. and Mies Mary .Newton of this city, graduates of the O.' A ) Ct 111 the class of f87t-w-ere nnited in marriage of Portland, recently. Mr. Stayton is an able and an estimable young man. The bride is the daughter ot Mr.1 G; HNewron; this 'county, and is a popular and accomplished lady.. mm Wilson leiv mm weet 'lor nion tllke. He has spent,, many months in. iqauliUipg himself, with cmiditidns in, Alacka, ant making p'epaiatipns for. the trip. When he arrives tn the gold JSelda the oldest inhabitant wil'? not1-" suspect' him of being a tenderfoot and any" op portunity that arises will find him able and ready .to grasp it. ,c:j '-timti - The students and plty oMbe O.j A CwJfe rueived Ian Wednesday even ing by Professor and Mrs.j Horner, ' this being the regular "At - Home' evening. Four parlors were decorated in tlie-x-olors of the urrclasses in'clege..iT-Theeveni inn was enjoyable, and ihe atterularM-e' w as large collie ).f the looins , iK'ing crowded iill the tatrtioiire.' ' ' ':' ' ,:,.' The biwinese. nien'of Atiny'a'ie stirred up over a report made by thu committee on ' uruiiitincei of the t it y':'ebiincil pro posing to license all-trades "and business ineev; At present the annual . expeurii tareot the cjty exceed th,e receipts by. boat f2,50Q afld the city charter: per tfittH no higher rate of tax levy than eight mils, at which rate property is now af . sessed, Subject at the Method ist ; Episcopal church ;JLord's' morningVeTlive under 4 Vhjud, the sun shines above the pliant, finilly alt clouds will be-swept away and be will live" undera clear1 sky;" - evening, the subject'-will :: be "Evolution" dlscuseed under the iollow- lug heads : Atheistic theory of- evolution, Agnostic theory of evel- tion and.. Christ ian theory of evolution, -"i v 'J 5 s'i y "- Carl Hodes, Dick Smith and Officer Beach' went to Portland Sunday morning on the boat. They were joined at Albany by Train Dispatcher Roberts, of : the CAE The latter gentleman accom panied the trio in the capacity o chaper on, and jt )s hoped for bis sake' that at jpast two of the party will curb a desire o be naughty. . Emil Zeis is acting as pight -guardian ot the city's peace Jn the - absence of Ofli-er Beach. 'tkt -Salem Y, M. C A. indoor bnwebalj teant i. has made bold -to challeogp the O. A. C team Jo play a, niatch game of ball this eveniag. The jSaleui team is a strong one, but the man- . per Ja which the home boys layed it over the cracks from Albany proves them to be 'wortl'y5 foemen of any te ni in he state. ; If they fail to briutr the palm home from Salem, those who witness the game will see a splendid exhibition of " indoor ball. A return ' game"' will be played in CiiryaliU during ilio . coming rym yccntion. , Services ""as usual at' the Christian church Sunday. ". '"' ' '"' -'- Mr. Orrin Clark and wife, of Portland, are visiting relatives in this city. Mia Verna Keady is spending the week with the family of her uncle, Mr.. Geo. Keady of this city. " The following item appeared in Tues day's Oregonian: 'M. Buckstein. who is wanted for the embezzlement of $75 from Philip Stein," was brought back from Ashland yesterday by Detective Ford.- He will have an examination in the municipal court today." " The piano students of the O. A. C, assisted by Miss Lula Spangler and Miss Constance Holland, will give a recital at the college chapel tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock.,-. An excellent program - will be furnished. v Admission will be free and the public is cordially invited. r Richard McGrafF, for years a friend and neighbor of Mr. John Barnhaitof this city, died at his home in Deerfield, Ind., recently, at the advance age of 95 years. Mr. McGraff had the distinction of being one of the oldest twins in the united Btates, and he and his brother. wi.o is still living, were believed to be the oldest male twins in the world. A wedding, in which interest is taken by the Corvallis people, will occur at Redding, CaL, Apr. 12th. At this time Mr. Theodore Zeis and Miss Edith N. Walton will be made man and wife. Teed went to Redding from this city about two years ago. r He is .an upright and honorable 'young man, and has many iriends in Corvallis who congratu late in advance.- ' . The Shakespearean club,- which has been"eading "Julius Caesar"- recently, was favored last Satui day. evening, with the following '"addresses: ' '"Caesar as Shakespeare Dramatically Describes Him", by Mrs B. "W. Johnson ; "Oc tavius." Mrs. J. O. Wilson; 'Casius," by Miss Grace Gatch "The Forum as Saw It," by Mrs. Rose Selling. The club at "the presenttime' meets in the parlors of Mrs. Mary Brysnn. During the early hours of last Sunday morning -Willamette Grange hall, - 10 miles, south of this city was .bnrnedto the ground. The hall, a large two-story frame structure, was . built in , 1873, and was eaid. to be. the best grange hall in the state. " The destruction of the build ing is thought-to be. a plain case of in cendiarism, as there had been no fire in it months. The meeting hall was in the upper story, while the lower floor .was arranged as the banquet room and the two long' tables which stretched its entire length were" laden J with delicacies and tempting ' viands on the pecassion ' of every Grange meeting and public gather ing, j The; .building together". with the organ, library and other furnishings, was Wv:et-ViV-ih.e Lower Columbia Fire Re lief. Association for $ 7O0,.wh ich represents only a small portion of the loss. THE BOARD MEETS.! Arrangements Made' for Constrncting; .". Heating Plant, Etc ' A special meeting of the board of re gents of the O. A. C was held y ester, day at the colleee to arrange for the con- strut tion-of a heating plant for the build ings for which the last legislature made an appropriation. ' All of ' the - regents were .present "except Messrs, Church, Dunbar and Acker man. ' The matter of selecting plans, advertising for bids and letting contract for the construction of a heating plant-was referred to special committee c-n mechanical, hall, with power to act, , The committee Consists of Messrs. Apperson, . Killin," Keady and Yates.; . j, ; i-. ;,! '..:':" . By resolution a committee was: ap pointed to confer with the city authori ties of Corvallis to provide tor a sewer connection, and to confer with the coun ty authorities about graveling the roads around the -college; also r to confer With the Corvallis ' Water company relative to a water supply for the college." Tke com mittee consists of Messrs. Daly, Irvine and Apperson. -";,'"''' ' . The date for the annual meeting was obahged to the third Wednesday in July. -A resolution provides that the board of regents; shall be present ..on commence ment day,: to. be called by the . president of the lard.' A pfano for the chapel and side arms for. the officers of the' battalion were or dered. j v - y " Several other niaiters of mifor im portance were considered apd the board a ijourned. -f-C ' ' : ' Governor Geer made his first appear ance among the regents and was warmly welcomed.:; He. "manifested a keen inter est in thtf business affairs of the college, and viitli.bis practl-al good 'sense and buUteas knowledge, will be a most valu able addition to.t he board,; jjjhe governor male a thorough exainination of the buililins and grounds auil.'as far-posci-ble in the liiuited time the workings of institution, and expressed himself aa sur prised and dejighted w ith What he 6aw. Bull breeches will not rip. All our dry 'goods and groceries are new, . Jf. L. Muler. . Southern California home to trade, for Corvallis property." Enquire at Howell's grocery. ,;'";j ;-.;';" .'".'vi'::'..' Bull breeches are the pants for farmers, mechanics and workmen. A full line just received at Nolan & Callahan's. Don't foniet that Wednesday is ladies' day at the bowling lley; hoars, 10 a. m to 6 p. m.-- ' -' " ,:"".. ;- ; '. , "LieGiaiit" school shoes. SmokRose BrovlLate8t.'A -Tiie ch gar is manufactured-fmna tabaccb ' i ported frotn Cuba, aw the Spaniards lelt there. Th'e Best Ladies'; Shoe for the money is the Trilby, $2.50 at Millers. -': f it? $ t i. i .! Mt Whilerin -town dont forget to call at Howell's grocery and iake advantage of his low prices. S 1 ? j. V j , -Bring your produce to Miller in Masonic Temple. .. .. ,- . f rr? i t'" See Nolan & Callahan's 50-cent shirt window. 4' - Pleasant ViewPoultry Yards Black Minorcas and White Plymouth Rocks eggs 75 cents for .13. Red need rats on more. -f B. R. Thompson, ' Corvallis, Oregon. OUR BOYS IN BATTLE. WHAT THE BOYS ARE DOING AT THE FRONT. A Friendly Chinaman Pap Hay seed has Smalloax Soldiers -as Foragers. ' Last Monday's mail brought bushels of letters from the boys in far off Manila, and anxious parents and friends were re lieved to know that those in whom . they bave a special interest were well at least when the letters were written. Nearly all the volunteers from Corvallis sent two or three letters each, and they all. con tained interesting and exciting news. These communications from the soldiers contain more of the details of happenings in the Philippines than can be found in the articles of paid correspondents, and they are more entertaining from the fact that they contain more of local interest. We take pleasureJh - publishing the fol" lowing extracts from soldier boy epistles ; Mort Cockrell-has Jjiis to'sav under date of Feb. 8th, in a .'letter to his mother:, "Saturday night.V the 4th, about 10 O'clock, firing commenced in the vicinity of Molois, at 10:30 it became general all along our lines and .then Dewey began to pump projectiles into the insurgents. It was the first battle I ever heard, and to tell the truth, It was inspiring.-- As soon as the firing com menced we got up and dressed, filled our canteens and haversacks, and waited for the call to arms which we knew was com ing. At 10:30 the call came, and-you never saw a cooler lot of boys than ours. We (ell in, counted lours, then came 'Fours left, March 1' and we marched out into the street to tnke our position in the battalion. '"''" "After forming, we marched out into the street and waited anxiously for the order to. move. - A little after- midnight we came back into quarters and laid down, but could not sleep.. Soon another call came and we went out again,. andi waited -this time till daylight,A"when"We were called in for breakfast, - and , went back: w hen it was ' finished. The com-, pany .rwent to. guard" a bridge, on the outskirts' of the city, but 1 did not go along On the night of - the 8th,. we were all night lying on the; stone walks with our haversacks for pillows. . . We re-" ttirned again on the morning of the 6th t 1 1 C . ... : J i: J . . . '' '' iur urcaKiaai. anu uiu uoi go uu). again. You can imagine-how it feels to be shut up here in the city .on; guard .duty, and all the other troops in the field covering themselves With glory7 General Hughes.; told Colonel Summers that the Oregons were the best guards he had! and he would not let them go at all, so it looks as if were doomed to stay in and patrplj rtKe; city. " 1 want to "tell you about the battle that has raged four days without stop. The insurgente i fired" upon :tbe Nebraskas first, "then upon the Colorados and finally upon the line. The boys held their fire . pretty,, well, nntil day light, when they , broke loose and shot the insurgents to pieces. They , made charge after charge, driving the 'niggers' back, and- at each charge--they killed enough of the black devils to load every bull cart in Manila. Abd then Dewey got the range, and opened upon the enemy with ' big guns and. little guns. Each shell would, hind squarely among the insurgents and mow them down like grass before a scythe. The fire con tinued all day the 5th, but stopped about dark, the rebels retreating rapidly. . Our troops "destroy or burn everything they come ' across, and show ' no quarter. That's the only way to fight tnese can nibals. The prisons are all fnll of insur gents now, and there is no more' room, so General Otis has ordered our men to take no more prisoners unless they bring their guns with them. All .the insur gents captured, .so far,- have - thrown their guns -away when they saw there was no hope for them, and come into our lines saying. 'Much Omega' (a good friend ) and of course there was nothing to do; but' take them. " Hereafter" tney will probably be shot unless they bring their . gmfs. . Their loss has averaged about 40 or 50 to the. reniment, and our troops'; the 14th imantry (regulars) have suffered the most.' - - - ' e ' Mort Vrote" again . February ' 11th: "The Americans," he says, "are driving the insurgents back all along the line, killing thd poor 'niggers' like flies. It is reported, unolficially,. that . Aguinaldo is at the head of his army now,- directing every movement.'.; If he is, you may bet he will not last long, for these old Spring fields of ours, and - the Krag-Jorgensens of the regulars, shoot wonderfully accu rate in the hands of American soldiers. The insurgents are unbkilled in the use of fire arms. They simply waste am mu nition. . Of course, in so much firing, home of our bo. 8 get struck, hut it is not like fighting men of youi equal; but it is hard to find the equal- of American soldiers. The insurgents -seem to have an unlimited supply of Mauser am muni tion 1 think Germany has been smug gling arms and ammunition over here all the time. -Germany needs a good drubbing and she will get it f she meddles any more. . Dewey .keeps a sharp lookout on the German ships in the harbor to see that :- they make no strange maneuvers. , Our boys -slip out and go to the trenches once in a while. Some of them are-, staying out there. Of course, we are all anxious to get into the scrap,, bu it looks like we wiir have to stay here in the city indefinitely. Our work here is pret ty hard ; on gnard duty every day, and when we' do sleep in quarters, it is with pur clothes .on, expecting a call to arms at any time. The : Spanish , inhabitants are leaving Manila pretty fast. The Chinese are very friendly toward us for they know they w ill lose their scalps if the insur gents get ints the city. One Chinaman, in particular, sent a lot of bread out to the boys in the trenches. , The, boy at the front have pretty good rations; fresh beef nearly every day, and with what chickens . and ducks they catch, live pretty high." Under date of February 6th and 12th, Brady Burnett, who is a corporal in Co. M, writes of the stirring events at Manila. "Trouble had been expected for several days. ' Saturday night at 8:45 p.- m Feb. 4th, shots were, plainly" heard and soon 'we 'could tell a battle was on'. . We were soon ready and a 'Call to arms' was sounded at about. 11 p. in., , We ( were marched into the street and, there.:, we. staid until a!tg. m. we theuwont nto guarte minuteV we : .-. ' .-.: . . ' - J. A ::' -. 1 called 011 again and rem 1 ned in :he ill smelling streets till breakfast; the boys were again sent ii.lo the streets and re mained out Sunday and - Sunday nUbt, "I hud charge of the guard at the mint trouble. All this. time. we could hear the terrible firing and, especi ally of the gun boats." 1 saw' the Monitor Manadnock fire a number of shotslT was on top of a house, '.. Fires were thick and one or two churches were burned by bursting shells. The third battalion is now in the fight. Co. "K" killed some natives and captured some 1 prisoners.' Co. ""'D" also captured a lot of natives' but our Co. 'M" will stay in quarters to guard them. A lot of the' natives have been captured and some hard looking ones. One with long hair to bis hips, with a bow S feet long, and a. tin Bhield was captured. .. . , ' ' ' '"AH the boys are crazy to fight. Span iards are very' much pleased and glad that they surrendered. We have the na tives driven way back and no telling how many have been killed. In some places they were literally slaughtered especially by the gun boats. . To give you some idea of the amount of ehootinu I saw one train of hull carts with 280,000 rounds of shells for the volunteers, and there has been a lot of artillery firing. ' ''' ,; "-'- "It isptir-drity to guard the old town or walled city. If there is an outbreak there we will have a hot time. The Tennessee boys did great , work, in fact all the soldiers- did, and such a licking as the natives, got will : never be forgotten by them. Of course some of our brave boys 'have bit the dust,' but this is the fortune of war. :The v supposed that we would fight like the Spaniards ; fire a few dozen shot s in the air and retire but we followed them up and gave them volley , after volley with telling effect. . Men were sent out to gather up run and 'bull carts" and well they did it. Cards were given the owners and cards talked on. the rig. Yesterday owners were trying to' get hem hack. Some of the rigs were brok en others the. horses were --driven-, to death, but the government pays them for all damage and also" welt for thense o' their property; ' The firing -line is .now about teojuiles out one way and 15, miles t.he others ' . .: i--s-iw- y -' - ' ' The "water bnfialo .Jiaye" come in Very handy in "-tnoving" heavy ; struT. , - They only go.'" abbnt -a;ile ,an .hootij. It is very curious theAway they feed them.'' 'At limited supply of green grass is fed them,: also rice fsoaked iu water until it is very soft and mushy, then the animal is held with its head up by means of a" ring "in his nose. A. bamboo stick about 7 a foot long and three inches' through, with oneend plugged is filled and the buffalo is forced ;o swallow it.' VThis i$. operated several times each morning and' fevenirig. Some of the boys left bur companies and went, to' the tiring line."1 They were fined (5 eachnand six ciavs in the guard house- . - TPap''' has a Tlight attack o smallpox, but is noWery Sa - oi the boys captured a deer. It is very much like the deer at home only - with shorter legs. '-' There are some wild flow- ers here, one a vine that has cup-shaped flowers and some blooming trees, one in particular that w hen it . blooms it sheds all the leaves and is. full of. bright red flower?." . -" '.. '. '' ' .' v Arthu r Hehkle's. company had a fittld experience' tinder fire which Arthur de-' scribed rather quaintly in a letter to hisi mother. He says: . "I haven't had my clothes off since the fighting began yes terday morning. Our company was sent out within a quarter of a mile of the fighting line, to hold a bridge clone to one of the hospitals.' There were some sharp shooters up the river 600 or 700 yards and : when we got out in. plain view they would take a crack at. us. You would laugh , to see the way we wonld try to dodge the bullets. - Some of the South Dakota -men got up -on top of the churches and I had the pleasure of seeing "' three ,:Filipinos ' shot. ' It was laughable to see tbem when a bullet hit them. They would double up as if something hurt them. It was a fine sight to see Dewev's ships throw sheUs into the insurgent lines; We could Bee the ambulences hauling them in by the dozens,; some with "arras orlegs ishot' offj or shot in the body.' T saw one vromah With a' small - baby ' She . was shot through the hips and there was blood all, over the baby. I do not know whether it wks shot or not-";?TIe ThirdBattalion went out to the firing Jine today . That ts.the one Elwood Clark and John Berry are in." "he letter was completed Feb ruary 8th and furnishes further particu lars: "The battle is still on. Some of us boys were sent "out by the" prison to hold a block' housed I iwasthera '.from noon yesterday until' noon today. I tell you we are a tired set of, boys. We have been on the jump for four days and nights, with very little- sleep. Last iiiisht the uang l Wis .w ith-' stold. 18 ducks and 27 hickens. You can bet they were fine. An1-old uatiye cauiS to our otfieer'Vnd told him, some one had stolen his chicKeus. Theorticersaid he koew nothing "alwut it, "anil he had already eaten some of them. AgOinuldo saya he will fight us to a finish. .The boys are all glad of this, as we will get home much ' quicker."' Jim Blackburn is in the hospital, with' the fever.' Sam Storrr is laid up with a bad arm as the . "result of vaccination." ; .Jo-j',:ijo A. CRIMINAL WARRANT. ; An nnofficlat Opinion Rendered by Attor " ney General Blackburn. 1 ';'TJ. ; Attorney-General Blackburn has, at the request of Sheriff P. 1' Keetbh, of (tli newly created county of Wheeler, , ren-. dered an opinion which is of interest , to sheriffs and other officers throughout the state.. : The opinion , which .-was rendered in an unofficial capacity, follows:-- '' '! - "First I am of the opinion that when you - have a warrant for the arrest ' 01 a defendant, issued put of the circuit court in a criminal action, you bave .the right to make the arrest in any rcounty in the state. If the defendant .is -arrested,, by the sheriff of any other .county, it is your duty to go to the county .'where he is take him' into your custody and'conVey him; td Fossil. ; If the warrant bi arrest is issued by a magistrate it k'must "be in dorsed by a magistrate of the county where the defendent is found, in a 6 rd ance with the provisions of section 15.. 6 and 1557 of Hill's annotated laws, Lefore you would be. authorized to make uj'e arrest.! " When yd'i make an arrest in vn dtoer county you are only entitled td 'tf,e! 'actual and, necessary' expense incurred in making such , arrest and in "returning such prisoner, to be admitted ' in ' like Lraiuner us other clai.iis.;.uaindi, ih coun t7- t : - ...'U- ; (Session laws of 1895.) - - - -"Second 1 do not think you are entitled to collect fees lor service of civil processes sent from other counties. You can col lect crdy the mileage specified in para graph 3 hereof, and this must be paid to the county treasurer, v - --j1? : Third The act approved February 7, 1899,' requires you to collect in advance 10 cents for each mile necessarily traveled in-serving any civil' "process Or supoena, and pay the same over to the treasurer of the '-county, 4 but you cannot collect for constructive mileage. vp--. , ... .;, j "Fotirth--You can. serve criminal pro cesses sent you from another county. You will be entitled to 1 receive for "your own use pay Jor , board fop, prisoner , w hile in your custody, but will not be entitled to fees for arrest or "mileage for yourself, or to be paid to yenr county." " ; '" - ' ; HEARD IN S0N(j. Miss Johnson Is Greeted by a Larse and ; Ettthnstastlc . Audience. It'is a longtime since an entertainment has called out fashionable Corvallis. as did;;the musieale given. by. Miss .Mabel Johnson last Saturday evening. : An eager and critical audience greeted Miss John son when she appeared in the first num ber, ''Without Tuee," and the enthusi asm' Widen she created, increased untij the final 'eh co re, which received the most applause all:1 lief voice is rich and full, and its scope is remarkable'. 'A slight nervousness', in '.'the earlier: numbers, marred their Vehditlbn, but as this w ore away and confidence returned,' the power and clearness of her notes captivated her auditors. . That cultivation is necessary, was ; quite-noticeable, but that . all the natural qualities of voice to make an artit t are poases-sed by Miss Johnson, was ad mittedby the most critieal.;,; She Was as sisted bv Miss K."Be"rtha"E!li8, Miss Nash, Miss Smith,1 Miss Spaugler and the Igno tum Quartet. ."The solos . by Miss Ellis were delightful. Possessed of a voice ot wonderful sweetness, rich in quality, and a modest disposition, her efforts are al ways above" advdrse Criticisrn.Ar ' w . Miss Spangler ma be laid to be. popu lar favorite, and her, appearance on any program i always welcome, ij 1 a . , The instrumental- solos- given by Mies Nash were rendered with? artistic effect and commanded the closest ot ten tion. The- Ignotuin1 Quartet should "not "be forgotten. " Its numbers were amiprig the best'h'H tb'e program'.9' ' ' "V', '''" The receipts of the evening 'were about ' " '-' ' '' ' . ;. Miss Johnson lea ve3 shortly for Port land, where- she will fake instruction' in yoice culture. Should she receive suffi cient encouragement-to-prosecute her studies further, it ia her intention toentr a conservatory in 'Boston:' Her friends in this city ' anticipate for her a brilliant - j THE CARRIAGE FACTORY. - ft Portlann Corporation will , Operate the '"!.; .' " "' Plant in that City. " ' :; ;.A manijfacturing ,compa'py has been organized ;; in - Portland ., by, -Thomas JenkinSsjyho controls the Corvallis Car riage Factory , -which will determine the final disposition of this piece of property. The incorporators of the company "are : Joseph B.- Beck and H.';H; Emmons, oi Portland; and Thomas'' N. ' Jenkins 'and J. Frahk? Robineon'.; "of Illinois." The company will be known as" the Portland Manufacturing, Company, and it will manuiacture, ouy ana sen agricultural implements and farm machinery.- , Fur ther particulars regarding the scheme are furnished by the Ore'gonian: '." i ; - "H. H. EmmonS, one of the promoters of the proposition to move to the East Side ' the carriage v factory ; plant ' now located at Corvallis, stated yesterday that he lelt'encouraged oyer the outlook., , So" tar, tie. nau oeensimpiy getting -tne. mat ter iu shape for presentation to too pub fic,,;.What iSi.Jwiown .by - the: Portland Manufacturing. Gompany has-been incor porated for the operation '-of the-' plant; Quite a number of the prominent citizens have sjgntkf th'e prospectus of the enter prise Signifying their Willingness to' in dorse and help Aie movement,, and each; has rtceiveda lot. 'of bopus' and. share notes and other literature concerning the scheme, the details of which are fully set fotth.' Itiff-prqpoed"t6ask the "'citizen' of Portland jtp,jtake.5,p09 of the , $50,OQ9 of the comparfy's- capital stock, and pur- chasei t.he Corvallis. plant for $15,000, the estimated value of which is $42,816.66.. The bonus notes sent out say ''In con sideration of the removal of the Corvallis carriage and wagou plabt to this ' city,' I agreeto pay'f.'.-. .'one-fourth 'when the deed has been given 'to ' the real estate, one-fourth when the .foundation ot'the factory is c.biiipleted, . ones-fourth, when, the machinery:, is, , moved .here and one. . fourth when; the factory jis: completed; Mr. Emmons said yesterday that a quite a number'had already isent " in bonus notes' on 'these conditions, ' and he esti mates that' there will be no difficulty to secure S6d6 or $l'0,00i)' from , this source. Small sums Jjom i$q hp :are .promised.. The list of subscribers to the . stot-k. which, has just been; started, is headed by the names of. Joseph Paqnetand Haw thorn estate, each for $59 J or -20i shares each?' ! ' ---: ' " -Card ot Thanks. "" ' I desire hereby to express to the pub lic' my heartfelt' A - thanks ; and deepest gratitude to the many friends'who. have shared my greatest.' sorrow and bereave--ment 1 tirst,.,fo the ;Sy mpathy shown ; second, to the pastors - and their churches of this city; for their .hospitality and true Christian, spirit- manifested ; and. third, for the material assistance given in this the hour of- my: utmost : need, by -the many ' friends-, and' may He, 'in 'whose hands is the power of life and" death, abundantly reward, vpu ail.. . .. .- t i--- .., ,,',.B,.J. Kelly,. i'-1-' Tandems for Sale Cheap. ' ii'iave.two, ' Ram bler bicycles, tandems, for sale,,. cheap. t They .are in, . excellent condition and anyone .wishing a bargain, should apply early.; Iw-.W. Orin,.j ijy rFi4 tr "k . Corvallis, Or. ) """' T t ladies. a For coloring use Perfection Dyes- For sale at "Allen & Woodward's. ' -' ' ' ! .-Bull breeches. 55 We are now ready for business, with mplete stocKof Mds. F. L. Mille. "RSRSi. KiiLLV Sht Dislocate slier Keck In a Fall Down a .7, Stairway Daring tne Ni;lit-."j" j ;i On Saturday morning last a'sad and fatal accident occurred by which the wife of Rev , B.. i.. Kelly jiost . henlife. air. lveny was awaKenea about a o'clocK ia the moming by a loud noise and find ing his wife missing he -rushed down stairs, where he found hermit the foot of tue stairway unconscious and bleeding from, an ugly gash in the forehead. He aroused the neighbors and sent for physicians, who came promptly,, but all their efforts were in vain, and : Mrs. Kelly passed away in about an hour and a half after the accident. Her neck was broken and her skull fractured by the fall, and how it occurred will always re main a mystery,- Once, before, during her life .Mrs. Kelly .was known to have walked in . her sleep, and it is supposed that this -must - have been the second time, although, accidents seldom happen to sleepwalkers. ' '--' Mr". Kelly came to Corvallis about four years ago as pastor of "the". United Evan gelical church and during that time has succeeded in making a f riend of every one who knovs him, and the sympathy of the entire community goes out to him and his little motherless family of three children, the eldest of- whom is but' six years of age. '- Mrs. Kelly was an estimable woman, beloved by everybody.- She was the daughter of J. B. Dav; of Salem, and the body was taken to Salem on the "steamer Ruth on Monday last and 'buried in the Rural cemetery there. Funeral services were' held at Calvary United Evangelical church in this city last Sunday at 2:30 p.m. Rev. C. C. Poling, of Portland, preached the funeral sermon, and was assisted in the services by the ministers of the. Corvallis churches. Not half of those-who attended could get into the building, as nearly all the townspeople were" there Sympathy is all we can offer to the living, and the dead are be yond its need, but it must be a source of comfort to 'Mr. Kelly to know that he has the sympathy of everyone who knows him, in h'fcjtreat distress.- - :, . --ff-'v:"'-- '- ' :. .: .. "'-'- -r t - . - ..' . '. . '. .' -... A PARTIAL VICTORY. f an Organized Effort Will '-. ' . i.- .Jfoqailla Bays . Bo Muck. for f A partial victory was won in the house of representatives for Yaquina bay, when it -was- decided", to leave -;th fate of -the future appropriations to aboard of engi neers' at now behooves every mend of Yaqnina, -to present to this board every bit of evidence availabte tending to prove the great necessity for 'improvement tf the harbor, and the. vast benefit-tbat will 'accrue to -the-farmers of the Wil lamette '-Valley and tne people of the state generally, by so doing. That 6r- 3ized effort along this line will be pro ductive of great re&uYi&-i most probable. The Salem Statesman makes the follow ing very excellent suggestions along this line: ' ' ' 1 ' ' " " v.".The. people of the Willamette vallley have an important duty to perform in the saving of the project for the improve ment of the Yaquina harbor. - "As a net result of the work Of the commerce committee ' of the ' United States senate in connection :;with the river and harbor' bill as it left the house, the clause repealing the' boat railway law was eliminated; the section repeal- ng the. Yaquina conntract law, was modi fied, , and $428,000 cash, appropriaeions were added to the Snake river', item, Authority was also obtained in the bill for two very 3 important ' urveys one for a 23-foot , channel at low water, from Portland to -Astoria, and ' the other to deepen the water-over Columbia bar1 to 4; feet; Eachrpodu"cerv'6t Wh'eat'and other articles' ' seeking '"foreign markets either 'in ' Eastern "or ' Western ' Oregon 1" will' be'; benefitted by thesev projects, to deepen' the channels.; , 'j ' 'In "view of 'the bitter opposition of the house of representatives to any im provement at all at Yaquina bay , it was a victory lo have the matter referred to the arbitrament of a" board of engineers." It how depends very, much on the peo-; pie .01 tne , vvniameue . ,vaiiey. as ,,to whether that board pfr engineer,,, when appointed shall be duly ..advised . of the commercial importance, of Yaquina bay improvement. The .senate committee saved to them-the opportunity to make a showing that will ih t rn save the pro-' jei;t,' but it rests with the people them selves to show"' the board of "-engineers, how ' im portaut the improvement " la. 'or . . ... , . ..... "We hope there - will be an. 'organized movement, all over the Willamette val ley to-attend to' this most important matter-' It means 3water competiii.iu-'in lreijhtiu getting our ' produce ttf marke , which we must havelf we are always to ' haVe cheap rateS. , "It means a gua antee for ail time of a few cents' more .for each bushel of wheat, ap for. each ; bale of hops, .-.each .sack ; of ( prunes, , etc. , etc. The Salem, ehamber of . commerce and like-bodies--' at tAlbany, 'Independence, Eugene,-- Corvallis, 'and . throughout' the valley onglit to ba.alive- and alert inthe pVemises, to do' anything tb protect' the inte'rt st of their different localities. ',' REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Sadie G. Howell et al to Alfred ' Bick- nell,.4racre south of Corvallis; $700: : 1 D. Carlile 'and wife to the First Nat'l Bank of Oorvalliff,; 70 acres' hear I; O. 0!. Fv'";lnieter,';i2,00Q.;aha;otber'. con side'ratibn.'.' ... ' ,'.""-' ... ,. ..',.. " ''., ""A." C Gregory and ; wife to J. E. Hen kie. ..75: acres .5 files' south . of Thilo uiat.h;.$50p. j:;, 1-.::: : Lucy A. Rogers and' husband to Wms. Kehwolt, 128; $256. 7.; 7 , William "Ch ambers ef al to 'Mary M. Chain bers, 31 acres in Kings. Valley. . Caroline K. rettoz to Xj, J. Xhorp.4 lots in.Wilkins' Add. ; $1,100, , ; V' ) ..;... U;S- to David Henderson, 320 . acres inPhllomath. s:. i tur-i -t. i-lr Annie M. Butler aud husband to Geo Cootej pne-hlf , acre, pn.Cjollege. Hill; ii-h feu." .'mj ;spM.'i c ' 'Li Lumber and Slab Wood. - -'. W : C- 1 :1'- '"" ' ' :' 9';,--! "i"'-V Jv' ':.Te have a' fine stocfe of Jry plum ber on hand. Ours is the cheapest place to" uy wood -Order your, summer supply now.;' -iz n'j. wt Carvallis Sawmill C6,'M Cri'rvallis, Or.' 1 VOU -w- : ; ? come. Gall and in filled. .'-'':' . ' : LATEST NOVELTIES V x s f . . : :'t- In New, Goods, Clothing, and . LaUie? and Gents Furnishing Gooda., , r'l . x, ' ALLOUR GCXD -I, Our: Goods V.J. 5" 'Are .get A A QLmi IF YOU BUY FROM US See . ' Our Prices .. ..-. ' No trouble in -1J t Groceries ! F. Corvallis, . 1- Pioneer Bakery The"mv9.t popular eating house ia the city." : 'QKice'of .the ionuTs-cance" asl"looal telephones. 1 I Fa;h bead dallv. wa kam nnmnlfltaLlnnk Oi '.le h bead dally. We keapt complet Frul:s and -Nuts. Eve ythlnt? In the line of4 11 .- er's ' -' "Vc4 '-WJ a 1 ;'- .m II -t-..? I -.r-j itn.l ...-5i: 1 '.- ... i ...-' - II . - f - . ? L HODES & HALL, Proprietors, ; I j Main-Strettj-. ... '.. . v , Fitted with tlie Special WMi. Fresh-Groceries , a teas and; PflPVISION NOnCIGlBS ..) .. COFFEES. .-. ,w '.."-:s'v''' 'r't;.:;'v 7 'CORVALUS,:, I . Mb. ft, ft. ilfti'hrfr . . '.-::'... ' . ' ' . !. ' , -.- '. i ' . : -!.-. 1 t-.,. ' .' ; j -.( . ... i-.n ' ' :..! ) -r c . .' i .-. '. t .' ';- ': utt .i:-..-M;d -' s ,nyt , ; V-.,I.,T "., , ? r., y;t;; ; H 1 ;ft-r 11 I'lVf,:-.;-- tv-.t j ',:' -.1 i-alv-' ;:::.-tj ;; ,,:;' .-;?;, i '' . ' . - .....C ' '1QQQ: V- ;H'"..s t iambler and ; Ideal i r BICYCLES. .- LEAD TH E 'WOR LD.V ; , r $4o:-;$30 - :$25 - $20.; f.ii'-. The now t99 -"':': J A- -V Popular list; Price:" v -:' -M. FRED T. MERRILL CYCLE CO. ao year 105, 107, 109, lit Sixth St. Portland. Oregon. Spokane, Seattle aad Tacema.'- . .. ::v.v-, :- " -; ! Branches K'.;': : ?r FranWin Machine AT CORyALIS, --'S . -j,-, , ,.-f - . , .1 .. "-" jt-s .-, A n- f Manufacture ' and " Kepair all.lkihds of! machinery. Prices, inMS-riri'rt -irf '-.tAivysi.'A. : Work Guaranteed.'r-irv ; Bring your ork; now: SEEN IT? V r rIf.not, you b aye the pi t asurv to At present theJict cta,l t town is our newet. 1 M'iif.m witH all the - 'r. tew and . up-to-dao, :H0; A A ' r . ' '. i ' ' . ' I ? w-'i -i " 4.1 1 i- wi - And examine, .our J. Goods r and Pn ices. to- show you-them. .;;::::::i::::::: hi MILLER. N, & Restau- a uppllss - V' : '- mwm - J : Corvallis' Oregon heavy tread tf. & J. tires. ; - :0. ' -. ...J:: - pioneers." . SubpiMundfy;, ir." 1 VJ.'-.:, . reasonable, ill - aM fsaye delay laler. .' ' '.