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About Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19?? | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1891)
Haw Sever CI4 Are Broken I'p la Nonlaaa. i From the Vlrjinia City, Mont M ul'.sonian. When we find a medicine we know to posses genuine merit' we consider it a luty, ami we take pleasue in telling the public what it is. Such a medicine we found Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, last winter, when la grippe was prevailing. We are eatistied that it warded oil' several attacks that were threatening by the use of yur syrup, and we have since relieved, in a few hours, severe coids, add in the course of two or three days, entirely broken them iiD bv its use as have several of our friends whom we have recom mend it. It in all that it is repre seuted to bti by he uiaiiufarttner. If you have a cough and want to Btop it, Chamberlain's Cough - Remedy will do the work, For sale by Foshay & Mason. Take the Union Pacific railway for the Kant, thirty-live hours ouii-kor than anv oilier transcon tinental lin t. Elegant new dining j cars, Pulluiul palace sleepers, free j fn-uilv nlee.ini' cars run tlir.nm:i t Drtiiver, O.naUa, Council I'd nils, Kansas City, Si. t.imis and Chi - cao. 0. ti. Rawlings, city ticket asnt, foot of liroidaihin street. l.tttle Ulantmil t"le Proa, boys, misses and child reu's shoes different styled all size and widths mauk am. Tiirt.n-.iii. Try a pair nothing hotter medium in price. Every pair warranted. Samuki. K Yoisu. Corset! Cor.eU! We make a "lecialty of lv les and misses tine corsets and w fts. We have a drive iu a F eui-h Bateeu corset at 75 cents, Hxtra good value S.Mlt'KL E. Yo NO. Tb. Union I'auiliu. lIih onlv line running two Is taut trains daily from Portland to Omaha, St. Paul, Kansas City, Chicago, St. Louis and all points East and South. Buy your tickets of C. O. Rawlingri, foot of Broad albin street, Albany. It you want a duriide monu ment go to E. W. Achison, w ho are handling nothing but the besi grades. Fiesh milk bread at Uoetz Bros. For an elegant and perfect lining coriet call at the La bel Bazaar. Impure for the "B. B.'' Sleopless nights, m ide miserable by tnat terrible coug'i, Shiloh's Cure is the remudv lor you. For sale by Foshay A Mason. Catarrh .cured, health and sweet bieatii secured, by Shiloh's Cat arrati remedy, price 50 cent-. Nasal injector free, sold by Foshay A Mason. Tliitsour tempered, cross, dys peptic individual, ghoul J take Dr. j J.ll. McLean's Sarasapanl'a '. It: will make I11111 feel as we. I aim heart as th" healthiest 0! us. Me need bracing u , viiaiiiug, tnat is all. Call and see the new line of K'mgliam wrappers just received at the Ladief Ba.aar. Light weight under wea is ir.iii.g Lke liot cakes at c t at 1. i Wallace A Co.'s. B a.-k sateen blouses and sai'or wants at the Ladies Baaar. Nolle to I'atrioi.. A i.kan v Or. May .1 IS'.tl. 1 have tins d iy male an aog.: ments it'i Mees'rs Kiiapp Burrell A Company of Albany. To luroi.-h all patrons ith Deeru g I'.i.i.l rs. Heaseca'.lat once. Al-o aiiang. iiients aie nia-te w tb them lore veryihing in t'10 ia: 111 ini,.li.iieiil line including twine. . M i:r Mn.i.Ki;. i-inaui ial Agent. Meiunera of I.ioii t'oiinij Kariurr. Alllxlier. You are hereby no'iti"-! I have c uiira. 11 wil l liie v ell- ell- ! ,"'; n'"i k no vn tirm ol SleAait A So A Itian V, to siip.-ly vo l w ill. 01 n. jri's. rake, twine, ba gieS, wagons, plos, e'c. us weil as all oth-r articles in th- !i- e ol geueial haidware. M iiioii cj 111 tv inenib is f ill ptl has at '.he lame plai'e on tii same terms. liKN. II. Ik-. INK. J- in:i;i ial A 'eiit. llauutirul WoiiKii The maiiicd eth-cts of Wiidom's Robortino m a b a".t:tr and preserver of the c impl'tioii have been attested by thou-au. Is ol the leading ladies ol" Society and the stage, it is the only ai.icie ever uiB.oVeieilwhi. il gives a liatinal and beautiful t;nt to the com- plexk.11, removing tan, sunburn, freckles and all roughness of t he face and anus, leaving the skin sjlt, smoolli ami velvety, aii re- mark on its delightful, ccoliug and refreshing proeities, a ilistinction 1 not found in any similar prepara- j tion 011 the market. Sold every where. ! If you sutler pricking pamn on moving the eves, or cannot bear. i.rii.t licl.t ii.l lin.l vonr Bii.l.t week and falliiiiT. vou oiiid nrnmntlr use lr. II. McLean s Strenctbening Eye Salve. cents a box. F. M. French keeps the largest and most complete stock of spec tacles and eyeglasses in the count. Every pair warranted to give perfect satisfaction As a table and medicinal water, the Coronado can't be beat. Try it and be convinced. Bottled at the world renowned sanitarium, Hotel 11 Cronado, Coronado, California. The Ladies Bazaar has still a eood selection of millinery hich they are selling at greatly reduced rates. If you need a hat give hem a call. Have you seen those beautiful cement walls in the cemeter vs, put up by E. W. Achison, at alf Cae cost of stone. A fine line of gold rings just opened at Will A Stark's. Ladies Floe Shoe. I make a specialty of handling i ladies tine singes. I carry some ol j the best brands made in fine and ; medium grades in widths from Aj to EE. All warranted goods; n- ! trash, and will repair any pair i I thoes of any kind sold that will i rip or break. Samuel E. Young. tiu:Mi:vi run high in this city over System Builder as every body is using it lor Catarrh of the Stomach, Dyspepsia Constipation, Impure blood and to build up their system. Try it anil '. I tell your friends about it, ns it must possess woinlerltil merit when all speak well of it. SptM'hil Notice. Ladies or gentlemen who con template buying gold watches will tind it to their advantage to call at F. M. Frem h's jowelry store be fore pun-hating, a- thaie has been quite a reduction in prices. The Corner iewelry tt"te. I a .1 p. itit-ivii!i: in-lir-t In p. 1 tit-i ving ni ' fir-l i voi.-es of spring m.veltii's in wafcl ' prints. gmjrliiiiii Si-ersiii-kt-rs, etc., :ilso jnst r.-ceiv?;l a ne.v lin. 'of all vuul summer pi ii-Id ami tH)is;eH. Mtn. 1-.. ltiiM r'lre KimllerM. j If you want a good and easy liie i kiudler, one 'hat will kindle yo'.i 'lire easy every time. Call 011 01 come ana see me. A. .1. Fox. One ll.iir li. Reduction 011 every pilirof Lud lows Finn Shoe. A goodline of them at Samuel E. Young's. Kl'SINKS LOCALS, I French keeps railroad time. j Vienna bread at the Delnioiiico. j Colin A 1 lendricsoii, groi eis. j Fresh bread ev.-ry day at Paiki r Bros. ; Bread of all kinds fresh :d (ioc'z B-os. 1 That hacking courh can be so ', (piickly cured by Shi'oh's (.'lire, j We guarantee it. Sold by Foshav A Mason. Lawn sprinkleis, Matthews A Washburn, garden hose, Matthews A Washburn, lawn mowers, Matth ews A Washburn, pumps, Matth ews A Washburn. bath tubs, Matthews A Washburn, water closet, Matthews A Washburn, gasoline stoves, Matthews A Wash burn, the best of everything Matthews A Washbuin. Some ol tne test styles of ele gant bed lounges can ho seen at Fortmiller A Irving's, as they have just received a large invoice. Buv gasoline stoves from Mat- thews A ,ew 1 Uashburn. j sprirg novelties in iiress : H'mhIs and dress si'.ks. in colors and ! black in great variety at Samuel E. Young's. j Buy your ga-oline stoves ol j Hopkins Bros. j Shiloh's Cure and consumption : cure is sold by us on a guarantee. I 1 ; It cures coneumntlon. lor Hale 1 by Foshay iV Mason. j Thomas P.rink ha received a stock of baby carriages which he j is otl'eiing at piiees as low as the 1 lowest, and they are lirsl-class goods. 1 For a sui prise, look at the mil-J linery window at tl.e l.a liesj Ba.aar. ! Every grocer, ilrivgist ami sa- j lo n man should keep Corona do ; mineral water 011 band. It will 1 bo called le, as it is the best. John Isom Jr., sole agent. j Allen's do their own delivering, carefully ami promptlv. A large line of children's sun j bonnets, school hats, while aprons 1 ami dresses iust received at the I Ladies I'asaar. j Somethiiur nice in roMees :i. All. -ii Bro?. Thev run their o -. n i kd-verv wagon, ami .iv.-r g i ls promptly, ; L ;ive vour oiil. rs i..l diesseil i chickens at Allen Bn s. i j Ne.v and coniph ie stock oi j j spectacles and eye gl is'es j 111-t re- j I ceived at F. M. French's. Every j ' pair fitted by Johnston's Patent ; I eye-meter, every pair fully war- I ranted to iit. i I Change of ltHiiien. j ;,,ti. e is hen bv given that j M,.t.r & ( i;u r,.tt have Sold to E. .rt,ining their en'iie business, ,r,XHU wares, meichamlise. book j a(.t.0,int .fixtures, e'c. Parties in ! ,ei,ted to sa'nl linn will please tall ! ; an,i s,.U!e at once w it h E. .1. I. an- j j u-nl to ilolll u accounts are! payable. All outstanding indebtedness I will be settled by Mueller it tiar rett. Mi ki it ( i uiit 1 r, I E. J. Lassinc;. I All anv, Mav 25, l.S'.M. ! , -n,ver!,y f ,)r. -K,,u at Kucene. ... Next session begins on Monday ! the 21st, day of September, lS'.H ; ! tuition, free. Four Courses: vj i Classical, Scientific, Literary, ami la short Enlih course, in which there is no Latin, (ireek, French or ierman. The Englisli is pre eminently a For catalogues or otli-r information. Address J. W. Johnson, President. Examination of Teuclier. Notice is hereby given that the regular examination of applicants for certificates to teach in the pub lic schools of Linn county, iregon, will lie held at the superintend ents oilice in Albany, on August 12, l!il. i. F. K( ssi:i.i., County superintendent. A new line of novelties in sum mer hats just received at the Ladies Ba.aar. Smoke ths celebrated Havana filled 5-cent igars, manufactured at Julius Jose h's cigar factory. G.L. Also carries the finest lines of Pianos & Organs IX THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY. CALL AND EXAM ODD FELLOWS TEMPI Manufacturer of -AND DEALER IX- FINE iiE!) is I'luir ami fin. ikiiiir Tobacco", full lin o' Smokers' Articles. N'tS -or to I'li'-itler's nui-ly store. AUm'iy, Ore eon, O i 1 ce Vr; wish to voiitiud you that wo car ry thn-niost CompliHo liiK1! ot 1-Jard-wni't', Stoves a id Kinpfos in tho Val r MATTHEWS PEED -:- STORE OKNEIlAh l'lioDUCE MARKET! W N ITKD SI'KCIA ELY- Hay, m 'I 1 otatoi r; -to supply sustome . ( lr ..-,1 I M, l! ni .d tri:i:t IS. -i.ii! Kiilron! iii.i:iti:ii:! L rint tl:e pui 3 -M "... like "immons Liver Regulator One Dose - rat 100 Dollars. Pkar S. L, It: I i-ormiilrr one il.e lin mora l.ivrr lli uul itor worth l(M1. k onMii.M..l, hi llLal'hp, emit. I rat Mli ine w:tii M-.tisf.i,..tioii ir a'pi.tit.' ha tlie tiling, an.l f. it aifOL'i-therout .f n..rti. I r! Bnrtc.l tf I'.lu.i M:i, C'alomH, (uintti , at..l ever rcme ly 8iupMel, but . rily ..htainrl teniK)pirv relief. (Hie ilnae of S I. H ili.l in m.ri-l"kI thin SHHI worth of I'x-' an lxtorinif. Kwn'jr, J C Mamin. I have trf.en a teacher for twenty veam, anl .luring tha. time have lepeatetlattackinf hcaili.che, pr'hite.l hy torpiil f.iver, ami have been etitireh en e.1 by Simmons Livei Ketf'.ihi'or. I fonn t to be of m. mild j character in its a tion not to interfere, In the least with iny .lull ( in the seliool room. To those simil'w . sici: ' d ami subject tyi'he same, I cannot 5 hii;t reoommeu'l Sun mon0 Liver Keu.ator. K. K. ( dioI et 'iYil! K) iO A 5V wssn MORNING ILEKALD: TUESUAV, JULY 28. 1891. Blackmail?, -DEALER IN Druos, Paiols, Oils, Perfumery AND TOILET AKTICtHSj And a full line of Books, Stationery, Periodicals Prescriptions Carefully Conwounded. INK HIS STOCK. E, ALBANY, ORKCOX. Choice Citrars AND KEY WEST Meerschaum and Briar l'ipci, ' Aga i n WASHBURN. i-xt.-riaion ami 111 v nureafiiig Home Store in Strahan trade Briok, ehaserf. W. M. ROBERTSoN. i f A I I If r.- m t u QUARTER 1 t ! i in ; u'it, nt-ar what ir now linker Cit v 'CENTURY m ill Ik v.u mho 1 L.t-ronit. itltiitilicd wuit the rvtiin-eB "ACQ iiritl .lt o!..pmt nt of itiat idiiiitrv. Tlii; , Utah is no otlii-r Mian Mr. John Mowart, one ot the wi-altliift itinl most intiiU' cuizeiis tn tin-"Uiit. Ina rir iii l-t it Uv nays: li.t.l !m 11 HiitTi niik' iroiu .uih in m ha k ami u'l'iu-ral kit I my cmpiiiiit for houh: time, iiinl ha: Uskl mttny rniiLiin" wifhtut any I-ut trmporary rt lii-f. 'I I it- p.niiH in m back had heroin' no mi r- I -r vented frt'in atti-niliii my work and could not ni' v w it linut tin n- of a ;um'. lit arin, HitoulIi a fiitiiil, ot" tin- woiidrrful t urea ef !uit l Ort-yon Kidney Ti-a, I km in I need to Irva ln, :unl from that r firt dose I t f.-und infant relit 1, und In-ftire u in half j 1 l.t- tMiiit-ntw r tin- iox tlie yx'uA in r. y back ) ii'tirtly diwtpiM red I liavc cwry f .itli in I the irtii" ,! f In- n;coi Kidni-y Tt-a, and I ran rousriciitiuii-Iy r;'"iitiiii-i.d it ta iu trit-iiiN. 1 vin:.i U(,t ,. it t,r any I t!lilL'. ' urchin Kidiiry Ti-a tu-- h ada he, itieon- tiiifiM-i ( iirii.t-, hrn k dti.-t Mt.diim'iit. burn iftkTr paint jl -t -atmn v. It 1 it- in inutiiitf . and nil all ;Utltt ill Tit ut Vltl.t . S. V. y tjr 111 maty iig&tie Wealth ! IT K. C. V8t hraiu treat iiu-nt, u, uar IlltWll HpLtilic fill htt'h:i, iM.zhieu tits. In ;nluclit', ner oiiM jroMt ration t-Tiiffd h the use ol atoihol or tobacco, Mftiniti of hruiit niHuttiti' in meal tin aitl l.liri' to uitu fry, dciay ai.d lofc of ioi r in either Ht x Mai li Imjx coii lai:m one ni nith'e treatment. One dol lar a Uiy, or x box ft fur u dollars, M-nt by mail pre aiil on receipt of price, tiiaranteef iHHtiftl only by J. A. CurumingH, (Irmrgiit eink agent, Albany, Oregon. 5500 REWRD We will pay the aliove rewar.l; for any case of liver eoiniilaii.t. ilyspeiisia, si.'k hea.laehe, in.i:cetio:i, eenfltipation or coHtivcneas we i cure with West's liver pills, when th .lire, tion sre Htrietly c.iinplied with. The are pui civ vK.'tahle ami never fail to (firs Hiitinf.i. tion. boxes, coi.tainini; So i.ill i.'i eeiitJ. The L-euuiiie nianufa.:turl I onlv l.v tlie John f. W est i-olnpany. CliieaKO I Illinois. S..1.1 b J. A. Cuiiiu.iiiirs, diuifisl ! Albanv, Oregon . JOHN SCHMEEB'S Livery. Feed & Sale stabiefl Comer Second and S'lueorlh St ALBANY. - - 0RKOOS HOUR its rlaif.s RoA&nxn !.y the ilay or montn Vsj or l iis-tries on reasonable terms vAnl NEW FEEDSTORE! HAY, OATS AND CHOP FEED Always 011 hand. Also Lime, Plaster & Cement. Come lo the corner of Water and Ferry atl for all kinds of Feed, I". W. NI''R, Aaify, Or. j Health is i J S 11 ;C mm MONiMOUTH, OIIKGtOjST. .. rr. .i".:.-;Jpw Beautifully and healthfully located. No saloons. New buildings, new apparatus, full faculty, light expenses and large attendance. Normal, advanced normal, business, art and music departments. "Special attention given to physical culture, volunteer military or ganization. Those receiving diplomas are authorized to teach ia any county in the state without further examinations. Tuition has been reduced in the normal and business departments from $-10 to $25 per year, and in sub normal from $30 to $20. A year in school for $150 expenses. Tuition in normal and business, $0 25 per term ol ten weeks, sub normal, $5 per term ; board at normal dining hall $1.50 per week, furnished room with fire and light $1 per week, board and lodging in private houses $3.50 per week. First term opens September 22, 1891. Students may enter at any time. For catalogue address, P. L. Camp bell, A. B., President, or J. M. Powell, A. M., Vice President. OH. MAMMA f I Hp HE CARRIES A FULL STOCK OF NICE FURNITURE. V-WztiEl TtE PU3E, -- - OPPOSITE Q?EH HO US The Albany Furniture Co. A FULL LINE OF UNDERTAKING. 'I'lIK PACllfiO SL'A'l'ES SAVING. LOAN k UUE CO. - OF SAN an FOR SMALL MONTH IA AMOUNTS. Ulr-Six dollars per mouth will amount to $1000 ia seven years, doubling the amount invested in that time. Monev loaned on real estate security at 6 per cent. For full particu lars apply to S. X. STEELE A CO.. Local Agents. to a , U- trl a B ? u WHY thing? Are 1 OS -go ej -JJ;rj-rjia?Si;' t6 rttis kS t2i.2S5i2 f Sf 2 " o f-SBri-?JI4 J fTJ e s o Si 4. a o 2 ""T rjt ai k P 7- iif sip I DE.. ACKER'S ENCUSH REMEDY f for Coughs, Colds and Consumption is beyond imesl ion the greatest of: all Modern Remedies ? It will stop a Cough in one n ight. It will click: ; a Cold in a day. It will prevent Croup, relieve Asthma and cure Coa S sumption if taken In time. H You can't afford to be without it." A25a I bottle may save you $100 in Doctor bills -mayBave your life I Aak; :yourdniggifltforit,orwriteforbookto M ?BHeSr??. T.r.j BANK OF OREGON, ALBANY, OREGON. H. F. Merlll, Fri., J. Lanninr, 7. T-, J. W. Blaln. 0hUr. Tranwct a general banking ljusnesa. Eichanr bought and sold on all the prin cipal eitie of the United States, also, Great Britain, France and Oermany. Collections at all accessible point made on favorable terms. Interest paid on time deposits. REVERE HOUSE, ALBANY, OR. CHAS PfeiDer, Prop. Only first-eclaaa bouse u the city. Largo sample rooms for coal? merciai men. He Chinamen employed in the lrlctim. Genera! ste o!Hc Corvallki, f Norma Schoo Board of Regents : State l.oard of Education ex oflicio, His Fxcellency, Sylvester Pennoyer gov ernor; Hon. ii, V. Jlc Bride, secretary of state; Hon. E. B. AIcElroy, sup erintendent tf public in struction ;Benjamin Schol field, president ; J. B. V. Butler, secretary ; execu tive committee, Hon. J. J. Daly, Hon. P. W. Halev and J. B. V. Butler, Polk"; Jacob Voorhees, Maricn; J. C. White, Polk; Alfred Lacey, Clackamas; A. Noltner, Multnomah ; W. H. Holmes, Marion. The leading Normal School of the Northwest. "Have you seen those lovely lounges at Brink's? They are the prettiest in town, and all his new furni ture is simply elegant." They all say so, and an in epection will prove it. Prices always the lowest. FK.VN'CISCO - M i 1 ci 4 W 55 . i. s DO YOU COUGH?! w aJ 3Mlll S 0 vou knowthatalittlecotifrhisadaneerousJ you aware that it often fastens! mi thelungsana fur too often runs intoCon- siiuiitiiii and ends in Death ? People sufTer-; ing from Asthma, Hronehitis, Pneumonia! ami Consumption will all tell you that r "IT STARTED WITH A COLD"! . Ciin you afford to neglect it? Can ymij i trifle with so serious a matter? Are Jou; f aware that . " ; RED CROWN MILLS ISOM, llMV(I A CO., Frops NEW PROCESS FLOUR. (Superior for Farully and Baker's use) Best Sioraee Facilities tiTllighest cash prior aid for wbeatlVt ALBANY - OREGON PHYSIC! A.NS WH. DAVIS, M. D. PHYSICIAN ASD suieon. Can be found at his offioe room id Strahao's block, First street, AUny Orejfon- C- cTkELLY, PHYSICIAN AND . geon Albany, Oregon, otBce n Pierce" new block. Office hours, from 8 a. to T. It. AJ. ROSSITER, VETERINARY SL'R . geon, graduate of Ontario veterinary college and men ber of the Ontario veterin ary medical society, is prepared to treat tlie diseases of all domesticated animals on scientific principles. Office at Ana Marshall's liver- stable Residence 4th and Calapooia streets, Albany, Oregon. CI I'. H AMBEKLIN, M. I)., IlomcBpathic I Physician, office at Dr, Wallace's old stand, llroadalhin ctreet. Office hours, 7 to 9 A. I to 3 and 0 to S r. DRO. A. WHI'XEY, PHYSICIAN AND surgeon. Graduate of Bellevue Hospi tal MedioJ College, New York City. Diseases of women s specialty. Office in Foster block ATTORSEY GEO. E. CHAMBERLAIN ATTORNEY at-law will practice ir all tlie courts uf the slate. Special attention given to mat ters in probate and to collections, otfl.-e in r Hun block. CI EO. W. WK1UHT, ATTOKNEY-AT-LA W J and Notary Pub.ic, Will practice in all tlie courU of mis state, office, front rooms over bank of Oregon, Albany, Oregon. D. R. S, BLACKHt KN. H. C. WATSON. BLACKBURN, & WATSON, Attorneys at Law, Albany Oregon; Office in Odd ellow's Temple. Business in our hands will receive pruupt and careful attention. HEtVIrT A IRVINE, ATIOKNEYSAT Law. Will practice in all the courts o the aute. Ort'.ce iu Flinu's block. Firs trett. W, T. BI RNir. llL'KXiV J. W DRAPER . ....... ... wL, . U at law, Oregon City, Oregon, lwea & DRAPER. ATTORNEYS i years experience as register of thU. S. Land office at Oregon City and in tne land Cractice reuoiuuiends us in our specialty usiness before the Land Oltice or the courts and involving tlie practice in tlie gei.eral Laud Office. JN. DUNCAN - ATTORN E Y-AT LAW . and notary public. OUce in the Strahan block, rooms No. I and 2. WOLVERTON CHARLES E. ATTORNEY at Law, Albany, Or. Oilice in rooms 13 and 14 Foster's Block, over L. E. BUin's tore. T K. WEATHFRKORD, ATTtRNEY AT O . law, Alliauy, Oregon. lift in the Fuun Block. Will practice n all tl.e courts of thestate, and give specia, attention to all business. TAMES P. MEAD, ATTORN EY-AT-L AW I a ri .1 litis - . 11 . . - ...... practice iu all the courts of the state. Ab stracts of title furnished on short notice. Ten years experience. -r ". .. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. "Some months ago I DUrrliased a tiox of Dr. J. P. Gill's Catarrh Cure for my own hi&e. but finding my nephew, C. A, McMahan. Deedirjf; eui'h aiedi cine, I let biin have my box of medi cine. He now sends for three more boxee, saying it is the best thin for catarrh ever tried by him aud his friends. trot another box to use in my case, and cheerfully recommend it toothers, (Siirned), JOHN McMAHAN, Ex-County Commiesioner Laoe Co, Oregon, Springfield, Lane county, Oregon. Prof J, VY, Jouunun, president of the State university, says it cured him of a coutrh after two other prescriptions had failed. Likewise two of his little irirls usei It to cure their coughs. Mrs Mark Bailey, wife of Prof. Bailey, sent it to Prof. Johnson, and reeom mends it to all who suffer from colds and coughs. For coughs it acts like a charm, and can bi inhaled Into the jlpes or patsat-cs, where no other cough cures can reach. A FEW DOSES OK Moore's Revealed Remedy Will brace you up, put tlie bloom in your cheek anil the sparkle in your eye Strictly non-alcoholic, its riled upon persons suffering from liquor habit is wonderful. Wm. Roasen, of Portland, Oregon, writes : "Moore's Revealed Remedy cured me of drunkenness and made a new man of me. All who are oursed with the liquor habit should take it. A. B. Case, of Monterey, Cal., says : "It entirely destroyed iny taste for spirituous liquors." Try it once. Sold by all drupgists, or Mewart-llolmes Drug Co., Seattle, Wash. TAKE THE CA1J FROM n RATES: To any part of the citv. 50 ror calling, brst lie subsequent Low? 1. ror calling, trst hour f 1.50, each New To-Day. lirannon, of the Palace Restaur ant, has purchased of W. A. Mc Ciee the City Restaurant and will hereafter serve his patrons at the latter place. The restaurant w ill be refitted and furnished and will be strictly first-class in every par ticular. Mr. Brannon thanks his patrons for past favors and solicits their patronage in the future. MliwS STABLES TAILOR MADE For -:-Summer -:-Hrear, Cost no more made of good material than ready made ill-fitting garments. W. P. GRAHAM, Tlie Merchant Tailor, Las in stock the finest line of spring and summer suit ings ever brought to Alba ny, including diagonals, cheviots and plaids. He has also a beautiful line of pants goods in any style desired. Call and see if it ia not true. Reliable Men Wanted as traveling salesmen for a first-;lasB Cigar Company. Most give good references. F. O. B. CIGAR CO.. Salem, N. C bo w mi im rarss ? If eo eall on IBEAM He delivers his goods to any part of the city free of charge. Fresh vegetables every day. aCssT Nothing but the best kept at I. BEAM'S, 2d st., cor. Jackson and Jefferson. An order for 200,000 pounds of wool has been received by A. Ben ders, who will pay the highest rnrrket price. Bring yonr wool to him in Albany, and get your money. k lor At mv kiln one mile east of totfn, or delivered anvwhere in the city. V. C. CaSsELL. SECRET SOCIETIES. McPherson Post No. S, O. A. X. 8tated meetings at ths O, A. E. Hall on tb second and Fowta Friday evenings of each monrb. Transient Comrades are oorfl J invited to meet with us J. f. WHITLNO, B. F, TiBLia, Commander. Adlutant, A, O. U, W. Safety Lodge No, IS; meets every Monday evening at the) O. A. sL hall on Kerry street, between Seeond aoa Third. Albany, Oregon. Strangers in the city and transient brethren cordially invited to attend. Pension, Postal, Land and Indian i Depredation Claims. LAW OFFICES OF mmn mm or claims, Under the management of W. R. HEARST. F.d. & Prop. S. F. Daily Examiner, JOHN WEDDERBURN, Manager, 61S F. Street, Northwest. Washington, D. C. Will practice in the supreme court of the United States, the court of claims, the several courts of the District of Columbia, before committees of congress, and the executive departments. We obtain pensions and patents, Indian depredation claims and all classes of land claims, mining, pie emption and homestead cases pros ecuted before the general land of fice, department of the interior and the Biipreme court. Novelties In Ladles Footwear. I rove just received for the sum mer trade the latest novelties in ladies line shoes. Cloth top, tancy tips , lace shoes w ith fancy tips, besides all the staple styles in band and machine turns. These goods w ere made expressly for me and will be found nice enough for the most fastidious and cheap enough for any one wanting a tine dress shoe. I also carry late novelties in Oxford ties ranging in price from f to $4.00. S. E. Young. Frequently accidents, occur in the house-hold which cause burns, sprains and bruises ; for use in such cases Dr. J. H. McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment has for many years been the constant favorite lamily emedy. mm w Wanted Uric Safe ls