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About Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1888)
0 ( 3 15 CENTS A WEEK. ALBANY. OREGON SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST 25 VOL. III-NO. ,236 w ( 1 California, the Land of Discoveries V tLIP -TAsrcV DTinrocoif c,uC EUREKA IJI! F4M,VgIP -TASrc - nc'rjTocoif &IJC1 i'SffTlcT joi- Ct.rculjr.1 )tr-oWt3 (or9. H'E YOi; A Ci)LL in trie which closs not set better? Have you an excessive secretion of mucus cr matter in the nasal passages which either must be blown from the nuse or drop buck tiehitjil the palate, or hawked or snuffed backward to the throat? Are to'i troiibled by hawkjiiy. s.vt'ine weak ami inflame i eyes, frequent soreness of the throat, I-H rat Hp WjgQi Is. ef .riniiiff or roaring in the ears, more or jff'J&n B H 1 1 O Bl I il 1' hearing, I'ss o I " 0 ul J FTi la 11 Kg SKiIizziness of the bead, dryness or he.-.t .a j ".W WJ MVtJWt Vuol-'. Have you lost all sen--..fsi!icl!'r -OTVCE "A -'c''fitt rjCT TVl sot'I'1 you a hackinir con'h? Have you V 7 grS H Rfldispciijia. Is your iTtath foul; Ik so : I f v-i -j; fei S S . ivtr havk thi: C.uabkh S.-.-me have al HVf - H e ('""'e sy:njojns, . thers ..uiy a jvrt ! la Sif'ii rr!!c i:pt of oiViiii.uv ca- S. f-iiWVW ??'ta:T:i :-r..-.t .-oi s..-erot:oii . f mucus ot Sr'- l-J.AM:D ,-v,,scx;,.ifr.,uicst(,i, i-Pf V- V" S-'CURS -Or ;tv-r:.rt., ,., ti.e head: ".uu-i t..AiAtlll?ii.-.-.te,,:,wava,.d sh- tbe!..-.-!... - y-s : i r. i;. T-T - -LV .n. 13 "W, C- T"W"Z:ST)A.IZ!. Hit: M iK;i I , kJll I KUito, 1 hi di t, .mid ) (U V. . ' I 1 . :-.!lf(: i t n:!!t,-r !i-i- ;lr!(l rdntnliini. ii: -'('-. A mm:,v. t 'reirtoi. ii itovtt Si L i c. W. SIMPSON. Having purchased the stock of Clothinsr, Gents1 1 Furnisliing Goods, Boots, Shoes, Etc., of C. F, Koland cfe Co. is now prepared to ofier Mer Bamaiiis Having a complete assortment of General Mcrchar.riise. bought at a bi discount, "w hich he still proposes to sell at cost. Purchasers will lo v ell to call and get his prices before buying elsewhere, as yon can save from 2'y to o' per cent. The highest market price paid for country pro duce of all kinds, either in cash or goods. Children Cry fbrJtclLers Castoria. The motto of California means "I hae found it." Only in that land of pmnsiiitie, where tthe orang- emo jand srrape bloom and ripen attaii' iineir miriest periectiuii in mu'-winter, jure the herbs and rum found that arc used in that pleasant lemedv for all throat and !un;r troubles, Santa Abtk the rule.- of coiiL'hs.Sasthnia. and con- j sumption. Fostiay V Mason, of Al- iiiaiy oretun, nave neeii appointed jeansuai psl'fo hisvalble California re:n jdy, and yell it under a guarantee at 1 :i bottehree for $U.fO. FOR SALE BY '.- ALBANY C REGON . ri f. ; i It lH RQNT do !s. Sol? a tff-l! for !l: anc' a.'id 'jUiticts ' parlor tliaii Ever! may The Albanv Bakery -Uuder tlie new manncment of- -Tv'EO KEEP A fail line of choice, family" grocer es and pro vsii m Canned Pineapples,! GMgb TaWe Delicacies Ornamented cakes fr Weflfttnas ntd Parties. .Salmon bellies, mackerel ami saltJEsh ofali kinds. . T3TT:P. l'lbiSDli DRlihD ULhnJiU Kvcrv Dav. n: t rj i It' 1 ! V ! ; ,' 1 i: i, f 1 . i i i .".;: of c'.';n; i.-rr Cioars OVK i- AX LLrliJiAU jiilllLljO. Tricycles it i - ,t ; H i- on lir.rni a line of new :diieeis. Send f-r C-'tal and r tAVINC SOLI i: A X IX'! i:i;lT IN M I harness ou-incs.- to 'I . .1. overman. I am d -irons of enllei tin,' all my outstanding ;iCte- n'id account-'. All persons knowini' iemsi.'lvrs indebted tome vviil please call and settle. The bnsiiic-s will be continui d as usual at the same please. 1". L TIIO.M I'SUX. Albany. Keb. ii. a i 11 vv 'JL1VK- IN A Live Tviwfe, This is what Albany is at present, and in order to keep puce with the .ively times in this citv, they have enlarged tlieir store and'stoek s'o tliat they now have the most complete and desirable line of furniture in the valley. Their double salesrooms in Fro man's hhnk are tilled with an elegant assortment of new furniture, consist in: of lounges in new patterns, fine eold picture frames, willow c!:airs, easy rockers, marble tables, brackets' etc., etc. An examination of the stock will show this to be true in every re spect. University of Oregon ! S3TEUGEXE CITY" Net ,-ession besrins on Monday, the 17th of September, 1S?S. Free scholarships from every countv in the state. Apply to your e-.unty superintendent. Four cou-ses: Classical. Seienfine.Literary ai.d a short Knulish course in which there is no i atiTi. (;rctk, French or Cermau. The Ki !r!i-h is pre-eminently a Ilu-incss Cour-e For catalogues or other b'f'.nnatioii, ;v-.!-i---s W. JOHNSON, ITt-ictnt aiw Bros. WOOD N a MM Hiriiitiirellealers Absolutely Pure. This powder never vanes. A marvel of purity,atrength an I wholesomeness. More economical Llian the ordinary kinds, and cannot be so'.d in eomjieti tion with multitude of low test, short weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold onlv iti c-ius. Koyai. Bakin 'ow- Doit jo , 1(1 U';,P sf.. s. y. 4"i't'MtM".VS. n. i;. x. Law. l'.'... a;:-. rronxi:v at o;tii e i!i Odd ix- i i .''.'I c'-.iuts . atuation to ail r-j. ..ri.l.s. -r. v- . Aii:;:N::v j s: i:i roomx Li !.. Li. main's AYT' . K: ::nkv at in o,i.! p:iK J. r. I !- I ar the :f- .C.v . f..r.r if": txrios i to -nit i.tircliaser. !. .1. 1'. iris. PAL AC MEAT MARKET James V. PiPE.Prop. 1 iis.1 Mml - - AlUauj The best variety of choice leef,veal,ni"ttin, :ork satisae, etc.,iivii:e city kept constantly in hand. tST Cash paid fur all kind IS mi MfiOML Mi OF ALBANY, OREGON. president, L. Flinn. VICE-PRESIDENT S. E. YOling, cashier. G.E.Chambeiiain, mRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING JL BL &INESh. Aecounts kept subject to check. Sk-ht Exehansre anil Telegraphic Transfer sold on New York, Chicago, San Kraneisio and Portlanil.Oreg-on. Collection!" made on favoraiile terms. S. E. Yon k- Fws" L. E. BI.A1S E. TlRRKLL (.' .;. GEO. E. CllAMBKRLAIS-l H. J. MintiK'Rs, Pres. S. Fa krar, Vice Pres. B. S. Cook, See. C B. Moores, Trcas. Oreson Land Dompany. Organized lor the purpose o! buing and selling real estate, advertising the Willamette valley in all of the leading newspapers of the United States, eni ploving eastern agents to direct home seekers to the Willamette valley, and home agents in all the principal towns of .Marion, Polk, Linn, Benton, Clackamas and Yamhill counties to aid in locating immigrants. Cook iv. Minthokx, Managers. i?-"For particular call at the Albany oliiee in the Tale building, -one dour west of Stewart v. So:. Houbox M DiiKEXsox, Managers Self protection is the lirst law cf nature. Follow it by securing an ac cident policy cf Burkhart CM Kieney. GENERAL NEWS. Prominent Officials Arrested in New York. s;xaho. al nviiio r m e x t s. The Dakota EepcWicrc Cccveaticm De mauds Admission to the Union and Declares for Protection. The ITKiuut)!) Special Uuspaiclies. ' 15i"FFALO, Aug. 24. A deputy marshal of this city caused a sen sation in Ogdensburg yesterday by arresting three of its n)Ost reputa ble citizens, John W. Htone, law yer, ataniel II. Little, Jr., deputy collector of customs at Ogdensburg, anil Wm. J. Uominsky, janitor of the custom house. The warrants for their arrest were sworn out be fore the U. fe. commissioner here, by special agents of the treasury departme it at Washington, charg ing them with stealing 770 pounds of prepared opium from the custom house at Ogdensburg. This is the o it come of the arrest of Erwin K. (Jardner, whieh took place at Og densburg last winter, when lie ani his cousin, EphriamOardner, were captured with nearly $20,000 in their possession. Erwin Gardner was arrested a day or two ago in (.hieago in connection with the same case. It was found that he had been ottering opium for sale there, and ii did tak- long for the customs f tilcials to discover tiia i; v was !:it!L'L'ie i, in trooc tact that s. or p:rt the identical of it, which had been found in his possession ami that of his cou.-in last wiiiTcr. Thi led to censa'. ion- A .lelonnn-nts oj;ce. Tin- 111! j.. i . place. ,d'-::s in tin !'- for s Clb. ke i! ) i ll. i I''-: ;o ::!.': n: f. e J -co :n c- I Ye ts wi ! Te a, ol! . i :( i r 1 1 V"h v, ( le t r. ior ( i ami worsin-jit'eti .i rge William Curtis v, :'iicral ILiiiisou will i v !;'t yo'.l s-ei- thai laic he is strong, the be.-t interests i.'i iv pit' V' .ai l ;i mei'.t deal : v pie tiiink of the .at: i. t:i" ! ;vpive:;i ! .ioelic;ai "YoU t mi tlie pe Lieiierahy ''They hi iicve taat Goticral 1 rismi Wiii be eleeteii, and I i that the people, a majority ct 1 1 aem ana iave Hi least, believe in progress, lour vears of Democratic convinced them that they can't expeit anything but retrogression from that party. The Republican are progressive in spirit, and the Democrats are just the opposite. It becomes a question, then, whether the American nation cares to remain at a standstill or con tinue to prosper as it has for the past twenty-four years under a Republican" Government. The Republicans were wise enough to gather a surplus, and they will be wise enough to distribute it among the people to whom it belongs. 1 believe the Republican ticket will be elected." A BCLLICERE.VT EA Ll; Uc Attacks Katbrrs at t'apitoia and Is Shol. Camp Capitola (Soquel), August 24. While the bathers were out this morning a large sea lion made its appearance. The bathers, thinking nothing wrong, kept up their fun. All at. once the animal made a dash between them, roar ing and making an attempt to catch one oi them . H e would nave succeeded in his attack had it not been for the prompt action of J. J. McCarthv, who brought him to bv sending a few bullets through his head with a Winchester rifle. lie was towed ashore and is lying on the beach. He measures 7 feet 1 inch, and weighs in the neighbor hood of 800 pounds. Hoistrd the -erniaii Flag. London, Aug. 24. Advices from Ocera, in the Gold Coast colony, say that the force consisting of blacks ahd Krcohoys, commanded by three German officers, have oc cupied Addelar, to the northwest of Salagha near Daboinan territory. The invaders have hoisted the German flag, boat a fort and named the plate Bismarck, DAKOTA UEriBLlC.4ES They Demand Admission to the luiu,irroicrtin. Temperance. Watertox, (Dak,), Aug. 24 The republican territorial convention met yesterday morning, but the committee on credentials was un able to report till night. Col. Ben Geary, of Fargo, was made chair man. The platform accused the administration of keeping Dakota out of tlie union for particular reasons. Harrison is endorsed as a friend of Dakota. It declares it the duty of congress to admit Da kota as f two states. "The revision of the tariff is favored and the Mills bill is declared a sectional measure. The banishment of saloons from the teiritory is fa vored. THE TARIFF BILL Senator Jours Thinks fougresg Mill ol Adjourn litis Fall. Washington, Aug. 23. Senator Jones, of Nevada, is hard at work with the Sub-Committee of the Lunate Finance Committee in pre paration of a tariff bill, lie said to-uay that the difficulties in the way of the preparation of a tariff bill could not be understood by any person who was ignorant ot the relations which one industry of the country bears to another in dustry. The Committee on Finance, Sen ator Jones said, was working every dav noon the hi!!, but he did not thi ill anv Led W.!l!:(i UK reported to the Senate anv earner '.Ijon O- ! tember 10th, but it nugiit he later even thin that day. He thinks Co igress wili be in session ail the iall;" The-e i some go-sip respecting ;.. rece.-s of Conu-ress lor 1'enr weeks covering "ic-i-Jon rime. Out there :;:!;;- t: lie ;.o to:::i!.:tion the ( ill "5 VV !:;.;;:( At r. i!M'" ' c 4 hrd! seeivd. W:irt !l - r ... ;l i.V.!-. row ; v. : i : t ! hi'.i :a'L : I ! .at the K.s 1, i .. . i . i;;o;,eut- j id ! TOll-; lit j was j - t. OJi . w! 11 v I' aa tile ;it lie ontt I; ! covered i hat A'a Lun ! b: rases and s h ;;s a; a iiims i;e i -cia'.ch d sevec'y. .yor ot" Cu-toni3 Fo- I at! s;: 'i!c:r;:;!':!;s. s. :ng i W : n Dt.j'ti'y Slav garty was with ;hi ee:i! ec . 1 1 .. de!i''iited :idi;ct of Chinamari. -i. ur:.:Liue i e ty reached j I - e Ui.'CrC 1 ! Carauiian accosteil ter receding liis co;;- alin io: a. -Ked if lie didn't to ije. allowed to eo on sii-.i-.e laied iii : that il'it him, Ah America: lii-niiO' he Wits not a cer ii. Fogarty sis? red hi tn was in his power to let Lun would lie made an citizen without delay. ftide TSairinan's Parly. Port ill ne.x, (Mich.), Aug. 24 Judge Tburman and parly left for Chicago this morning, accompanied bv a delegation from Chicago. IScIjiiililin, Practical Tailoring Sum tiier ami fall suits, wo pants in any sty..-a speciality. Cleaning anil repairing promptly attended to. Main street, Albany, Oregon. Three female members of the Salvation Army have again taken up their abode in this city and will reopen the barracks. They hail from Seattle, although one of them formerly lived in Albany. A Warning. The modes of death's approach are various, and statistics show conclusive ly that more persons die from diseases of the throat and lungs than any other. It is probable that everyone, without exception, receives yast numbers of 1 ubeicle Oeriiis into the system and where these germs fall upon suitable soil they start into life and develop. at nisi tiouiy aim is snown oy a slight tickling sensation in the throat and it allowed to continue their ravages they extend to the lunsrs pro ducing consumption ana to tlie Head, causing catarrh. Now sll this is dangerous and if allowed to proceed will in time cause death. A t the ocset you must act with promptness; allow ing a cold to go without attention is dangerous and may lose you your life. As soon as you feel that some thing is wrong with your throat, lungs or nostrils, obtain a bottle of Boschee's (iernian Syrnp. It will give jou im mediate relief. An Absolute Cure. The Original -Abietine Ointment is only put up in huge two-ounce tin boxes, and is an absolute cure for old soresburiis, wounds, chapped hands and all skin eruptions. Will positively cure all kinds of piles. Ask for the drig nal abiitinc Ointment. Sold by F.,-iiay it Mason at -- cents per box bv mail cents. I' THE Bl. ROBBEKY. Ueistrrrd I'acLasc Containing $10,000, f rom I'oi lland Molen. New Yokk, Aug. 23. A regis tered package containing ietweea 10.000 and $20,000 in bank notes and greenbanka was discovered to be missing from the registery de partment of the Xew York post offiv2 at midnight on Friday and has not yet been found. The reg istry clerka, Lacy and Knapp, vrere assigned by Assistant Super intendent Beaytrs to open and check .the money ponch4'roui. Port land, Oregon, on Friday eight. Clerks Lacy and Knapp discovered that the way bill called for one package not in the pouch. The missing package, according to the way bill,should have bean one ad dressed to the Chemical National Bank of this city, sent by its reg ular banking correspondents at Portland, Oregon. The package contained over $10,000, and it is presumed it amounted to fully $20,000. The clerks reported fche matter immediately, and Assistant Superintendent Beavers ordered that no one be allowed to leave or enter the registry department uuiil the arrival of Superintendent Phillips, who ordered the entire force of registry clerks to be held until a thorough investigation, couid be made. By 5 o'clock the entire Tegistry department had been turned upside down and Superintendent Phillips made up J j.j.. nmiu ilie naekaue had never leached New Yen a office. A pe- j cuiiarity of the robbery is that the poucn tampered w:tn was a through pouch from Portland. Superintendent Phillips has not'. ried t!;e registry department cilice at Portland Oregon. l-Xl. .E.". i t; ii" !E:c Seized ffaliitji. iiooueis S'v(i..(,iiii K, Aug. 2 :. Yesterday he sale oi'th.j -et iO'.mcrs now harlior. l v . i. :r oil i:v. vTU'ns, id ' e r in c 1 i a ! i i t: i ask;!, v. ho , arriv-d su ;.n;er his arriviii Itoin t!-:e oidurr ' i il l: ril!.. ta i;S'('n'.i ;hu z l-.'.iown when tho ii i:U d, .1 ever, and : iCl:!.o:i( i s ;!i u'i a :.( i ; to t l,e owncr, wt re m.-;vi i iii it vevc : saner: :-.boiit ;:go lor ut.lawluL out tv.'t) moiit i.s fgo j: n to poi t Town- "IV -s ;a;i :ii I) r i i;e e: ect.'oi i'i US of to ; i Ii if d sold. I Oil J E A ! T t ha lt i ere i no otiiying too met the i ciuoc i:tie campaign lags. tie i- lor tne i :e:;;oc i'ioviil a is tc taKe oee Teic- j"f iheir eo:; nan iD;-!!!) 'The anaiuv tie m inagers ot campaign is a ;iib- t:it iJeiuoeruUc j et ot geiu rai com men t. The Herald pron.-scs a new edition de luxe of Rip Yau Winkle for the Democratic National Committee. Sundav Democrat (Demi The Democratic newspapers are morticed to linci that Mr. Blaine'.-; arrival ami public utterances have not been followed by Republican jealousies and eiiyisiuiis, Out by harmony and good lceliiir ad aloug the hues. New York Mail and Express (Rep) Last December, when the Presi dent issued his famous free trade message. Democracy called it a keynote, and gleefully called them selves free traders. Now their noses are red with wrath, and they blush mad clear behind the ears at a hint that they are for free trade. Chicago Inter Ocean (Rep) We learn with joy from the Boston Post that thete is an awake ning in New England. It is high time. Neyer before was there a campaign so lifeless. Now let Pat Collins and Leverett Salton stali and all other great Demo cratic leaders show that they lire in earnest and mean votes. New York Si a Democratic) The report is confirmed from various sources that lor some reason the management of the national campaign by the Demo cratic committee is thus far not a success. The Democratic Con gressman trom Northern States especially Connecticut, New Jer sey, New York and Indiana seem to leei that they have a claim up on the campaign committee to do something better. New York Herald (Democratic) The Charleston News and Courier declares that the tariff' robs the common people every year of $150, 000,000 to enrich the arrogant manufactures. If this were so, how long would it be before all tho capital of the country would be ar rogantly invested in manufactures. Now, tariff revision is necessary, but such nonsense as the News and Courier prints is enough to dis gust sensible people. Atlanta Constituti . (Democratic.) Those silver knives and iorksaretlio best manufactured, and are fully war- riuted at F. M. rreuens,