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About Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1888)
- - "- J"--- . - -; 15 CENTS A WEEK. ALBANY. OR 2G0N FRIDAY - MORNING, AUGUST U 1883 vol. in no. m i i ft- l" California, k ki o 1 'i;;: re2-A! I! st? (ohrcs AsrrfMA.CoijG)f5, 0 J) 1 5 pa ;f ; pTh RA AT "SericTjor ccr-cular.1 frtrkttlt3 far HAVE VOU A OulD 111 the Head waie-h do not. get better? Have you an excessive secretion of raueus or matter in the nasal pas-eases whieh either must be blown from the nose or drop back behind the palate, or hawked or snutfed bavkAard to the throat? Are you trouMed by hawkiny, spitting, weak and inflame 1 eyes, frequent soreness of the throat. iSrjTJirMTS Sena Tan Cicut-A .BtETlNEMEn-C f IS null ir U 11 ej V 1LLL eo.roaui s-res reve the cornu-tion within, t As every bieath drawn ii to ihe lutis n.ust pass ever and 1 tci me polluted V.v the relic tions in the nasal passive? , it must necessarily elievthat jeisonii.j: el tie v.le i seire traduixlly takes place, while ihc n orbic r.:a;ter tl:..t is t-vsi'evtc x.t.i i) m steni into the stcmaeh, enfeebles ditrestkn, ami citen ) i ( l ei s dy: j ; ; i u t't i-lij Lre;.ta.-tes ity, nervousness and- eonsumption. DO NOT PROCRASTINATE. If you have experienced any of the abovtfvnptemsl eioj'not dei:.;. rut irv 'C.t;tef..r Cat-R-Cirk at once. We prsi'tively uarant eera few applications k relieve andia thcn r.Lb treatment to cure. S:x menths treatment for 1.'X: sent Sy mail .Santa Abie ;uil "at-K-f nre. For S;ile by "MIMTBIIlf IWlMlMMMMlMil Ml I llllll II II The Red W. C- TWEEDALE. iu ) n 'A hm mm Pumps, iron pipe-, rublxjr hose and plumbiue iroods. Sole agents for tht r-lehrau-xl '"Early Breakfast" cook stofes and.ranses, and "Faultless" parloi healinir stoves. Albany. Oretron. AT COST! ML TO G. . W. SIMPSON. Having purchased the stock of Clothinc, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Boots, Shoes, Etc., of C. B, Koland fe Co. is now prepared to offer Having a coiuplcie assortment of General Merchandise, bought at a big fiiscosmt, which he still proposes to sell at cost. Purchasers will v. .Til to c'all and get his prices before buying elsew here, as you cau!fve 23 to ''') per cent, me highest market price paid lor corpfry pro u uce of ail kinds, eitiier in or goois. ' Ch Hd ren Cry fo r PJtchGr'sCasto r la, Discoveries EUREKA The motto of California mrnr s "I lhave found it." 0:;lv in that land of sunshine, where tthe oranx crao "rsiit" l.lnmn fliwl i-in-n attiin 4i2their honest perftctii.n in mii'-wiiittr. ire the herns and turn to'.mii that arc- used in that Dleasant lennviv for nil throat and lunsr troubles. Santa Akik jthe rule.- of wiu.trhy.'usthina, and con- ioany '-reon, nave uecn anointed jeaasuai psl'fo his valble California reai- ily, and seint under a guarantee at -il i bottehree for FOR SALE BY 9,1 J ALBANY CEEGON Z Irini'ing- or roaring m the ears, more or less impairment ot trie hearing, loss o Israeli, memory impaired, eiuilness rr dizziness of tne head, dryness or heat of nose? Have vou lost all sense of smell? (Have you a hacking coujrto Have you j. i . i.....i, cn..w i .... vol' HAVE run CATARRH. Some have al these symptoms, others only a part. The leading symptom of ordinary ca tarrh isinereased see-re'tii-n of mucus oi THE! O MLJ-j" loul breath is caused by the elee:r (jlJrAr.lTEED jvosini; secretions exuded from uterinc ri ihf "FCT? luUersfar tnu-k ia the he?.-!: ometi:u-.s v m nDijtne membrane covering the boins is j f 1 AlrH:eattn awa' am' tne twines theiiisehts ril jjrramianv oecav. alien cases ar m br Ll deed j objects ofpity, as stench from G. L BLACKMAN. (Successor to E. W. Landon -DEALEE IN- Brass, Pamts, Oil 13 10. PerfnmeTy and toilet article-, alsi a full line of hooks ar:' statioDPry. periodicals, e tc-. Prejscriptious carclul: corupounded EN ODD FELLOW'S TEMPLE. Albany Oreion Front. w: n HAY A MAIN, Ibany. Oregon U t ' if IllilAlII B 1 I I 1 f 11' TI FRONT ! than file Albauv Jkkeif ! Uudtr the new management of u nil m uo. Vv HO KEEP A full line of ehoiee family grocer es and r-rov:si n Canned nneapples, G!ioiG8 TaMe Delicacies Ornamented takes for Wedftrnas and Parties. bellies, n.aeVurel and salt fish of all kiii'ls. , FRESH BAKED BSEAD Kvcrv l)av. Best Sim Pics. Cakes TEAS and COFFE jjiii Nuts, Raisins. C.4XXEI) titiODS, ETC. best Soup in the market Le Roi Savon. A fine assortment of domestic and Imported Cigars ; At F-.'s Old staml.J low K! nn s new lirirk. 43THas on hand a line of new anel second and heels. Se-nd for C'tal HAVING SOLDfAN INTKREST IN MV harness business to 1. J. Overman. I am desirous of collecting all my outstanding notes and accounts. All persons knowing themselves indebted to me will please call and settle. The business will be continued as usual at the same please. E. L THOMPSON. Albany, Feb. 2i . IN A LlVG TWft. This is whut Albany is at present, and in order to keep pace with the .ively times in this citv, they have enlarged their store and stock so that they now have the most complete and desirable line of furniture in the valley. Their double salesrooms in Fro man's block are tilled with an elegant assortment of new furniture, consist ing of lounges in new patterns, tine gold picture frames, willow chairs, easy rockers, marble tables, brackets, etc., etc. An examination of the stock will show this to be true in every re ject. iiveMty of Oregon ! 2T.l'GEXE C1TY4: V -i:"'! begins on Monday, the ITih of T'teliiMcr. IS.. free -:-'iiiMiing from cvi-rv mimtv i,. t;tte. Apply to your ..iintv sni.orinte-n.liiit i Kuar cu'sc: C!asi-nl. sieiitifieI.iterary r,..d .i liort E;ili.-'ii e-oarte in wbit-h ti.ere is no Ui'ir, t;reek. Krnrh cr i;enii:m. The i-.i H piv-t-itnr.ently a ll'.i-ine-s "onro. i.r t-At.tlt.vacS i.r tr.t r !::f..r:;atir', a-iress W. JOHNSON, I'rtwdt-iit. j T. OVERMAN AISKXT FOR THE LEADING BICYCLES. Sfe- Safeties.' UfAATiIM f. Win 1 1) hi. ..... uiiiiimiii in 'L1VE mm Absolutely Pure. Tnis powder never varies. A marvel ol uurity,strengtl. and wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competi tion with multitude ef low test,5short weight alum oi phosphate powders. oid only in fins. Koyal Uakin ow deh Co," 10". Walt st.. N. V. .4TTC ii.MlVS. DR. N. IlbACK.-rUN, ATTOI5NKV AT . Law, Aiiiany, eircjn. vrlieu in Odd ij; i!ow's 'IVniple. Viii jrrai-liex1 in court ot ;he si:itc, aiid ylie -i ecial attention to al! im-i'icss. Vi'Ol-VEKTON C.'!A':LEoK. AnOIINKV at Law, Albany, vnr. Ortice in rooms 3:i and 14, Foster's iilock, over L. E. Plain's st or . J K. WEATMOr.FORP, ATTOHNEY AT law, Albany, Oi.-iron. oflke in'Oid Fellow's Temple. Will practice in albthe ciiurts nf ihestate, n::d aive special attention to all biisiiH-ss f W. MASTON, I'lIYSR IANrAMijl i: VT, .rcon. Ail-any, (ire'i'on M ii. ELLls, l l-YbH lANj AND Sl'Kr . Lreon, Aikn.y. urt-oil. ( C. KELLY, 1'tlYSIC'lAN AND .I'li jm oll Aibariy, r-L'o:i, i'fi.-e ovt;r (ira.l '.vchl's store. Oificc in-urs, ircmiA. :.u t" 4 V. M.( REVE HE HOI'SE ALBANY, OK. CHAS. PtcitTer, Hrcp. Oifiv tir-t-eeia-s houe in the city. Lar'O sumple rooms for c(-M-mcrcial men. No Chinamen tinpiiued in the kitcbeii. Ucneral sV -!!ii-e fcr Con allis. MKS M.E. jbC'O r. M. l.H( i.MfEOPA llUC physician, unite itmi re sidence corner u First ami Raker streets, Albany, eir. Chronic disease a si-ecialty. Consultation fne. Of t ..- in if. i- 4 m aii(i i t. : v. M. .. ,-.utr:-.Vi '.I . Vil! EKINAKY SI IN J apu, Aliian . ori-'. ii. Crsuuatt! f icr man mi.l Ameri' -Mi :';'') ,. f "A!. IS! Kli .1 W.'Ot'V. -SKI). I ! ' V f . ,i' VI H !C ri'V jl sS iuns and surens, oi.stetries treat ment of chronic d'..--u-vs of wcnu-ti and cbililrt ii a spe-i i'i'T . Ail '".lis pre 'j at-Tcicl.-il t- ii.iv or niii t. "::ice in toe riii.n block. H EWEltr. PKACTK AL YAT ll.MAKE . and jewel' r, At.uiiy, Ore-'"U.jS Hasiitilia Hoki-.J I'UIE IlEb'I M A(;N'I.l A H.OI'K PEI.1V I trcd to any l'art of the city, for -1.10 per sack- JOHN A CKAWFOKD. nlSinltf Si!rveins. PARTI !-.S I'hMKlNti s: HVUViXA HONK CAN !:. :u curate am! prompt '.'ork by calling upon ex-ciuiity s irvyoi r. T. T. Fisher. He has complete copic-i of tie!(i notes and town ship p!ats, ami is prepared todo snrvevii.i.' in any purl of Linn county. !'f lor!. -e address, .Millers Marion, l inn ..omitv.Ores;oii. i'..-AC!.'E F LAND-SITl"ATEI7 J-2 miles c:'-t of Aibany.nrar the Oi ci: I'aeiSc!. .i'-O "ere-s in cultivation. Mitt cwita-.ns surt.ei4!it water and timber tor gen eral tie. Wotiid riiike loin tood. farms I'rice. il2,Vi(i. with terms to suit pure-hater. For particulars aj'piy to J. J. Dorris. PALACE MEAT MARKET James V. PiPK.Prop. First Siren ': - - Albany The best variety of ohoirf heef.vetl.mutton, pork -jausage, fctcinjthe city k;ptjeonstantly an hand. I 43T Cash paid for al kind ock.-J OF ALBANY. OREGON. PRESIDENT. VICE-PRESIDENT CASHIER. L. FliriD. S. E. Young, G.E.Cliaiuberlain, TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING UC&lNEStj. Accounts kept subject to check. S'i-ht Ex-harv.-e and Tclerar-hic Transfer sold on New, ork, Chicago, .San Francisco and Portiand.Oregon. Coiieclions made on favorable terms. S.E. You L- L. E. fel-Als' W- E. ilRRKLL Gko. E. Chakekklaix. H. J. MiMii'N, fres. B. S. CeK-K. Sec. S. Farrar, Vice Pres. C K .Moorks, Treas. Oreson Land Company. Organized for the purpose o! bin ing and selling real estate, advertising the Willamette valley in. all of the leading newspaper of the t nited States, em ploying eastern agents to direct home seekers to the Willamette valley, and home agent? in all the principal towns of Marion. Plk. Jmn. Benton. Claekanias and YarnhiU eoutitics to :;id in locating iniinigrants. c'ouk M:nt!!.:u;n. Managers. rifFor rai tieuiors t ail ul the Albau ollicc in ii Tate biii:d.::g. one !oor ve--t of St ITt'Dsi': v. jrt it Sox. : .v; !!' k cniON. Manager S-lf Tirotc tiufi is the :iit In nature'. Fe:iov.; it by securing a cidciit policy of LuiUiiai t t'c K ( f I GENERAL JEWS. Important Changes In the North ern Pacific Railroad Co. HF.VKV tILL4KI HI ll STOCK. The Great Floods Abating and the People Eeturnim? te Their Homes Garrett Sot been Sent to an Asylum. The IIkr alk's Special Dispatches. .JNEW.. .,:-tOBS,-.. Aug. t -o. llie Northern i'aeitic has coxiipleted a sale of about $5,000,000 of its se curities. The price is not made known. The sale was made to a syndicate headed by Henry Vil lard. The bonds will go to Europe where the bulk of the third mort gage is held. The transaction is said to establish a floating debt and leave something less than :j,000,000 in the treasury to be ex pended in improvements. An in dependent company with a capital of $3,000,000 has been formed for the purpose of supplying railroads with equipments. The equip ment is composed of large stores and the directors of the Northern i'acific organization are not bound for anything beyond the rental of equipment furnished to it. I HE I LOOPS ABATING. t'rople I! ctii riling to llieir Homes I'arCial l i t oi Iosm-s. I'itt.-iu rg, Aug. 23. The rivers are again within their regular channels. The people of the liooeled districts are returning to their homes. The trade and rail ruad traffic have been partly re sumed, but it will he weeks before all the lines are opened. The loss is a million dollars or more The loss at Wheeling is $l'50,000, at Altoona, Term., $250,000, Wasli ingion county, $200,000, West moreland county, $100,000. Indiana county, $100,000. The damage here is confined to the flooding of houses ami the stoppage'of work in the many mills. A irerit Bis Fiasco. London, Aug. 23. A dispatch from India says that the Afghan uprising has proved a fiasco. The troops have turned against Ishak Kahn and decielotl in favor of Ammer, of the deposed govern ment of Amaimena, who support ed Ishak. Ameer's authority has been lirmly established in Turkey s' an. f ruiM-Iads to lie 6 equipped. I'AKis, Aug. 23. Admiral Kramz lias given orders for the equipment of eight ironclads, to reinforce the French squadron in the Mediterranean. Miio Itepiiliiicaiis. Cincinnati, Aug. 23. I-en r.uiterworth was nominated for congress by the republicans for the first district and V. J. Vance for the fifth district. .ai-i-c(l is Xoi Insane. Nkw York, Aug. 23. The rumor that Robert Ciarrett lias been re moved to the insane as3'lum and was very much worse is 'denied, lie is said to about the same condition as in the past few days. Teachers" Examination. Notice is hereby gnen that the regular public quarterly examina tion of teachers for Linn county will lie held in Albany, at the Court house commencing at noon on Wednesday, Aug. 21), 1888. All teachers desiring examina tion will please be present at the beginning. L. M. Ci'KL, County Superintendent. Lost, Slraveil or .Stolen. SMALL KED MILK COW EKOM DUE , premises of James V. Pipe in this city en Tuesday. Auir. 14. Any one returninjr the same will be sultablv rewarded. Keinovcd. JOSEPH WEBBER ANNOUNCES TO HIS patrons and friends that he can be found on Lyon street, between Enirinc Co. Jio. 2 and First street, until his new rooms in Fo shay & Mason s brick are ready. WASTED AN ACTIVE ENERGETIC man to represent us as sales agent ir. this city. Address, Wanamaker & Brown, Philadelphia. The largest retail clothing house in America. For Sale. GOOD BUGGY HORSE A FOUR MINUTE mare of spirited style, yet gentle for la dies to drive, will he sold reasonable. In quire at Ukrai.d office. I ruli Dryer lor isale. 1LUM.MER FRUIT DRYER, FACTORY size, complete, with additions and im lirovements, for sale cheap. Apply to A. Blaker, Shedd, Oregon, or to A. Wheeler, Si-rinsrfleld, Oregon. Contractor and Builder. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING LO ; ; e ate'd in Albany solicits patronage j from city and eoui:try. Will contract j to build bridges, barns, and all manner i of dwelling houses, including Queen j Anne, Eastlake and Elizabethian styles of buildings. Will furnish plans and ! spiiv-ilii'itons free of t charge. Satis j jaetion guaranteed W. (j. CASSEL- t-cnllcmen's soft hats :it origina cot at Monteitli it SeiUnbai h's. FROI-RIKTOR OF Tlie City Feet! Slais prepared to furnish iirst-cfoss rLs, anel to board hom-8 by the el ay, wvek or nieiiitli. t:ibie on Fourth street, between ElLsworth and Lyon. THE SEA SEBPEVr. This Time He Is Seen Beach. Off ausett Providence Journa1, August 8. In an interview, Philip Walsh, engineer, Daniel Nalty, pilot, and George Howard, steward, of the tug tSanford, informed a Journal reporter on their arrival in this city from Hoboken yesterday after noon, with the barges Hatteras and Graham's Tolly, coal loaded, m tow, that on Monday morning at 3 o'clock, off Nausett beach, which lies between Watch Hill and Point Judith,, tbey all saw the sea ser ieht, which none- of them ever believed existed "before. The tug, with its tow of barges, was steam ing along at about the rate of live miles an hour, when off Nausett, which lay about four miles in shore, they saw iit a distance ol aoout ouu tee; in snore tnat is about " a hawser length," or 1C0 fathoms away an immense monster, twice the length of their boat, swimming rapidly, his tail lashing the water, his head ele vated some six feet and showing his long back fin, which projected above the water for many feet along the surface. His eyes were literally as big as saucers, and his mouth was mighty and cavernous and stretched open like a yawning i i i , cnasm, large enougn to swallow a man easily. The beast was swim ming furiouslv along and seemtd to be goin-i at the rate oi ten miles an hour, twice as fast as the tug, in fact, so was soon out of sight. !- I h of flic Postal Service. It is estimated at the Petofiice Department that the deficiency in the revenues of the postal service for the iiscai year just closed wdi be something about 4,000,000. Last year the deficiency was some thing over $5,000,000. Owing to the cheap rata or" pestaeje espe ciaily for newspapers, the bulk of mail matter has increased at such a rate that the cost of the service has grown immensely. The force of employees, especially in the large offices is taxed to hand'e the quantity ol matter that corn's pouring in. In some instances the newspapers are not sent to the Poitofiice at at'., but are weighed and stamped at the oflice of publi cation by some one authorized to do tiie work, and the bags are seut directly to the railroad U peits. If this were not done it is stated that some of the large Postottices would be overwhelmed, and that it would be impossible to handle all the matter with any dispatch or accu racy. It is thought by the post office officials that the statistics for the year just ended wiii show a iarge increase in the cumber o! letters mailed. At present Eng land is the gie.f."St letter-writing nation in the world. The annual ratio of increase in this class of mail matter is much greater iu this country than iu England, and if the present rate continues in a few years the United States will stand at the head as writing more letters per capita than any other nation. The bulk of mail matter, or the number of pii-ces handled by the United States Postal Service, is now greater than any other country but tfi:s is mainly due to the ex tensive circulation of the news papers. Fast a.s Our Messenger Service. Pittsburg lUspateh. The trutu of the old proverb, "Better late than never," appears to have been illustrated by a strik ing modern instance, according to an English exchange, which relates that, ninety-seven years ago, some person, now unknown byname, posted in Paris a number of the Gazette Universelle. directing it to 'M. X , in Morges, Switzerland,"' but the newspaper did not arrive at its destination until last month. It seems that the Gazette, which had been waiting for delivery ever since January, 1791, had got mixed upwitna bundie of other news papers,and and was found, with its cover and address still intact amidst- a heap of rubbish in a gar ret. The finder coBscientiously sent it to the Morges Postmaster, by whom it was as conscientiously forwarded to the representatives of the X family still living at Mor ges. "So unique a specimen of postal integrity deserves to be ex hibited in a postal museum, or would not be out of place among the curiosities in the newspaper museum at Aachen," A Warning. The modes of death's approach are various, and statistics show conclusive ly that more persons die from diseases of the throat and lungs than any other. It is probable that everyone, without exception, receives vast rumbers of Tubeu-le Germs into the system and where these germs fall upon suitable soil they start into life and develop, at first slowly and is shown by a sliirlit tickling sensation in the throat and if allowed to eontinue their ravages they extend to the lungs pro ducing consumption and to the head, cuiisiiiir catarrh. Now all this is dangerous and if allowed to proceed will in time cause death. A t the onset you must act with promptness; allow ing a cold to go without attention is diuigerenis and may lose you your life.' As soon as you feel that some thing is wrong with your throat, lungs or nostrils, obtain a bottleof Boseiiee's fierman Syrnn. It wiii give you iin meeliate relief. Ostium chees" just received at Brov.nell fc Stauard's. FATAL FLAMES. Disastrous Burning of a Paper Mill in Wisconsin. i;atikkv of bmius nrtru. Scores of Men Buried Eeceatb the Burning Knina -A Lang List of Hilled and Wounded to Follow Special to the Herald. MrcWALKHE (Wis.), Aug. 1o. At lnidaight last night fa iargfi paper mill owned by Cieo. Whiting, on an island between Xeenah and Menasha, was burned. While burning, and the structure was surrounded by a crowd ot people, the battery ot the boilers exploded. The roof and walls were thrown outward, sending showers of brick and timbers amongst people. Eighteen persons were killed and and seven fatally injured, and a number less seriously hurt, several of whom will die. The mill was a three-stor3' structuie and cost $100,000. It was operated day and night. When the flames broke out fifty were at work in the. build ing and the lire alarm brought sev eral hundred to the spot, who crowded as close to the burning building as the intense heat would permit. About 1 :i!0. while the ruihiing was a mass of flumes, an explosion occurred without warn ing. The rooi was thrown upward and outward, and the wails of brick were crumbled and crashed into the street. In an instant scares of men were buried under the debris. Tiiere was a moment of silence, then a cry of horror went up from the multitude. A strong impulse to liy from the pos sible further danger was soon over came, and hundreds began the work of recovering the bodies ot the dead and recovering the in jured. Body after body was foun crushed and mangled under the great timbers and masoniy almost beyond recognition. The injured were carried to the neighboring residences, and to their homes as soon as identified. DAKI.Vt; TRIP. j How Charles Crocker Saved the lYMtial I'acilie- Uailro;it. ' Shortly after the few brave men who iuauguated the Central Tacitic Kiiilroati company haei their road built as far as Xewcastie they were in debt anel desponceney. L. L. Robinson, who then owned the old original raiiroad from Freeport to Foiaom, was laughing iu his sleeve at; what lie called ''the Dutch Fiat; 8 viudle." The stages then" 'went frenn Folsorn to the great mining camps of Nevada especially to Virginia City. It was the beiast of this Freeport and Fclsom r .ad that the Central Pacific Rail road M oulei never be built beyond Newcastle. ,:V One morning Charles Crocker left San F'raueisco on the steamer with three gentlemen, one of whom was E. A. Rockwell, afterward one of the editors of the Bere. The steamer stopped at Freeport, and the FYee poitand Folsom raihoad immeel iately took away the mail for Virgin ia City. A spirited team was wait ' ing feir Charh s Crocker and his com panions and they immediately dash ed off tor Sacramento City, An en gine was waiting for them at the depo and Charles Crocker gave orelers to the engineer to run the en gine at every pound of steam she could stand The road was then un balanced and in very poor condition. After they had passed beyond the American river the engineer lowered his rate of speed, and at the same .ime tuld Charles Crocker that it was dangerous to run at the rate they were running. Mr. Crocker immediately said: ''If you are atraid, you had better get off the engine." He then took hold of the lever and pulled it to the farthest limit. There was no doubt in the world but that the men who were with Charles Crocker were afraid every minute that the train would jump the track. But Charles Crocker never moved ' a muscle, and stood at the lever un til the train reached Newcastle. At Newcastle there was a four-horse stage waiting for them, and they galloped the horses until they reached Auburn At Auburn was a fresh team, and at each ten miles between that place and Virginia City there was a relay of horses. At various points along the moun tain roads, eren the drivers were afraid to obey Mr. Crocker's orders, and in two instances lie took the reins himself and whipped the team into a good gallop. The result of the whols exciting, wild and dashing race was that Charles Crocker presented in the business office of the V irginia City Enterprise a copy of the San Fran cisco Bulletin twelve hours before the opposition reached the city, That was the death blow to the Freeport and Folsom road and the salvation of the Central Pacific. A few years after that the rails on the Freeport and Folsom read were torn up, and to-day the old grade bed of the road may be seen by anybody " who drives down to Freeport a test ing monument to a plucky man. Sacramento Bee, Aug. 15. .Mclaughlin, I't'ticlicnl Tailoring Summer and fall suits tin! pants iu any style a speciality. Cleaning and repairing promptly .-itu-i.e!ctl to. Main street, Albany, Oregon. A