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About Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1888)
1 ' '( 1 lo.CEKTS A WEEK. ALBANY. OREGON THURSDAY MONRO G, AUGUST 23 1888 VOL. III-NO. 234 ; hit f lie Lane mjo -TASrHXifTf COiK"Hj! EUREKA ' T JtVJCLLJl W y ffc 1 I ,aVt - f""1"' '' Only m that la.-v 'IZj'C KM t M.ifi:heir hLhist I'trftctiiiiiiii mw'.i.t...- OMStlMPTIOJ jyp'B rofi ch it i I Til C tier r ..-riiortlVT Sct1 jor- Circular-, itTUrfit3 for A8IETINEMEDco.ORoyiLLi 9,2- cal riwc wo A i-ULJj in tne hvau wmuh uii': secretion of mucus or matter in the nasal pasaues which eitlier umst he blown from the nose or urop DacK behind the palate, or hawked j on tronhip.1 bv haw'- i! !.', spitting, wear: and , spitting, weak and infla-iie row ma p.QC "ftl- THE U XVI, L. l)lITAiJ CURE f 13 nifll I r UJaUVILLL. II H SI fcf fx LUllL MIL NtN UMnV corroding sores reve the eorruptiorj witi;ih." As every breath drawn into the luns must prWs ovt r and her uore polluted by the reliev lions in the nasal passsyes, it must r.t-t essiri'iy lflicw that j tijorii ;.' ci the wi t it secre traduaH" takes place, while the morbid th.;t ; swailtvn! i.v.i:ij; ; t ,s'ie'i stem into the stomach, erifeebies digestion, and tften r ( Jl I t-ia..r.i ci I i.ii.'.rcinfses itv, nervousness and consimiption. DO NOT PROCRASTINATE7 Z? If you have experienced any of the at -ovtyn Cat-K-Cukk at once. We positively uaraut etV Uentnaent to cure. S-x months treatment for ftjila ihif autl al-K-'ure. For AY The Red Front. TWEEDALE & H OPK1NS. Hardware, Stoves, Raup, Tinware, Gopperware. Pumps, iron pipe, rubbor hose and plumhins goods. Sote agents for the celebrated "Early Breakfjiftt" cook stoves and,ianges, and "Fiultlees" parlot hcatitKr stoves. Albany, Oreron. AT COST! m TO Gr. W. 8IIVIPSOJS1 . Having purchased the stock of Clothinjr, GeTlts, Furnishing Goods, Boots, Shoes, Etc., of C. B, Koland & Co. is now prepared to offer Bettor teak Having a complete assortment oi General Merchandise, bought at a biii tiisco'unt, which he still j-ropos-cs ;o sell at co.t. Purchasers will do well to call and get his prices before b;tyiit elsewhere, as you can save from 15 to M per cent. The highest market j i ice paiJ for 'conntry pio J::!'. of all kinds, either in c.tii or '.'iictis. C h H d re n C ry f 6 r of Discoveries .re the herbs ai:d gum founu thai art: jusul in th:it ple.K-uHi tc-iae-iy for ii! throat ami lung tn.uhl;-s, Santa Akik jihe ru!i; ol couvh-.jasthma, add con .uir;THi n. l'5tny A Mason, of Ai iia:iV Oregon, have been aioiiiUd :insu::r;si-Hi li.bVf.Uile C'ulitoriiia re.n- tiv. and S;M ir. lmit..f n I'n-.ritir.. ... for$.jA , - - FOR SALE BY ' ALBANY C KEGON not pet better? have vou an excessive or snuffed haek.arl to the throat? Are infta - iied eves, Ire.iuent soreness of the throat. jrininns; or roaring in the ears, n.oie or lless impairment of the hearing, loss o . smell, meir.i.ry impaired, dullness cr k(lizz:ness of the head.lrvness or heat of 'hiose'; Have von lost all sense f smell? tHave von a hackinir couth? Have vou 'jdspepia? Is your breath foul? Ik so 101 have tiik vatakkh. some nave ai these svnptoms, others onlv a part. j'fhu leading symptom of ordinary ca p.tarrh is increased secretion of mucus of I Vc, breiith is caused by the tkcoir way la j. lLU ;pin? secretions exuded fr.m festering TOP 1 islet rs far pack in the head; oiiietimes rg a f a DSJU memrrane covering tne cones ;s W I Alllirlieaten away and the hones themselves f I ' jirraciuaiiv cieeav. sucn cases ar in cnL.'dted .obiects o"f nitv. as stench from 1 1( nisj (loj' ikhj few applications L rt ttlV CAIlrOP.M' relieve and'.a thorcuth si. 00: sent ' iv mail :ilc bj MASON. Albany, Oregon G. L 6LACKMN, (Successor to E. W. Landon DEALEK IJf Drags, Faints, Gils. Perfumery and toilet articles, also a frill line of Ivooks siationery. fer'!Otli-.-als, etc. Zri? ?recriptious cartfu!: 'ompouuded ODD FELLOW'S TEMPLE. Albany Oresroi. than Ever P it c h c r's Ca st o r ! a . THE FRONT ! lle m er' -Under the new management of- WHO KEEr A fuil line of choice." family' grocer es and f rov'sinn Cannea tr'iriecapples.S Clioice TaMB Delicacies Ornamented cakes for Wedatnas and Parties, Salmon bellies, mackerel and saltfish ofjall kinds. FRESH BAKED BREAD Jllvcrv JDav. t Stud. Pies. Cakes Pr, TEAS axd COFFE Candie Nufs, Raisins. CANNED nuOBS, ETC. -a ne best Sop in the ru:.rket- Le Roi Savor 1, A fine assortment oj domestic and Imported Cigars iv5At John r"ox"s old stam Juw Finns lew hriek. T.J. OVERMAN AGENT FOR THE w'm m. u Has on hand a line of new and seeond andwheeiB. Send for (Mai HAVING SOLD? AN INTEREST IN MY harness business to 1. J. Overman, I am desirous of collecting all my outstanding nates and accounts. All persons knowing themselves indebted to me will please call and settle The business will be continued as usual at the same please. E. i. THOMSON. Alhanv, Feb. 22. W00D1N S WEABD IN A This is What Albanv is nt. nrpsr-nt and in order to keep pace with the .ivelv tinus in this citr. tln-v have enlarged their store and'stock .-) that they now have the most complete and desirable line of furniture valley. Their double salesrooms in Fro- mau s block are tilled with an elegant assortment of new furniture, consist ing of lounges in new paUerns, tine gold picture frames, willow chairs, easy rockers, marble tables, brackets, etc., etc. An examination of the .stock will show this to be true in every re spect. University of Oregon ! r3rEU(JENE CITYv Nixt - s-;on hejrins on Monday, trie 17th of September. lS'S. Fi n .-hii;uii:pi from ev.. ry eoiinty i.'i tjie ;;.t''. Apj !v to 0:11 u;iT-, n.ivriet. nd j,t Four i;j,in-i Sci-i.-.aij.L;f,.i:irv a..l a -'loi t K:i.'.isii eoursv in h:v'r '"it rt- i I no f.-i'i:1.. Crt Ir. French or C; r:::.'.n. I .: '.i-h ispre-vmrtnnth . b--i;i ; cc ur-e. j i r c.lui'.'- Uc5 r Vwr itif-riMitT ii;o. :; urr-'i ', wrlfk 1 TiAlil liT h ! , A UUIXU 11 I LlVlUUUMI Safeties. 'LIVE ?oiioreDeaIers ' JolINrjUN, l'r.(idsj.t. j 031 Absolutely Pure. This powder never vanes. A marvel of parity,strength and wiiolesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in eompeti iion with multitude of low test,5short weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in e ms. Kotai. Hakin :ow dek Co , KM'. Wall St.. N. Y. 4TTQKSHS.! T K. N. BLACK LUKN. ATTORNEY AT 1". Law, Albany. Oier;oii. Otflee in Odd hi How's Temple. " -Vill pmetice ill 1.11 courts of the state, and rjive special atteption to all business. WOLYERTON CHARLES E. AJTOHNEY V at Law, Albany, Or. Olhi e in rooms i;i and 14, Foster's Block, ovtr L. E. Wain's st or . T K. W t . law. WEATHOKKORH, ATTORNEY AT Odd Albany, On-yon. litre in Fellow's lVmnle. Will cratie( in all tne courts of thestate, and to all business 4 ive special attention rnvsm t. ft W. IJASTON, N1YSICIA5 'AM; SIR 1.T, ;eon. Alhanv, Oregon. Mil. ELLIS, PHYSICIAN"! AM CKr . rieori, Albai.y, Oregon. I C. KELLY. PHYSICIAN AND rt li V. geon Albany, Oregon, ottice over Orai wuhl's store. Uiliee hours, I'rtl-iSA. Ji. to 4 r. M.j REVERE HOrSE, ALIUN Y, OR.-CII AS. , I'feilUr, Prop. Only lirsteclass house in the ity.'e sample rams for ecm iiuTcial men. No enrjjloyud in the kitchen. Oeneral stase ofiice ftVjWika.yiiv MRS M.E.SIcCOY.M. D.noMtKOPAifUC physician, otiice and residence; corm:r oi First and ilakcr streets, Alkiny,,Orj Chronic di.-e:isc a specialty. Consultation free. Of i;. ... 'k.i-j; hi 12 A. M niiil 2 to 5 f. M. I su i. ivi'Ll'LW , V, ETKUNARY .SI R. J i'ci'i;, Albany, Ore-t.n. Graduate of Git man and Auierici:n collcrr'es. J ' Al.iSTKP. OC M. VW i:l. IH'Vknl'AHIIC 1 MV' iI sici.ins a": i.rjd ii-, olicfrics trc.rt n:crit of rhrmiic (i::we o! v. emeu and children a special! .. Al! rails J'KIl ptl.v at ten. led t iuy r iirht. oilice in the l lii::. 'oltek. II K W E HI". PRACTICAL WATCH MAKE . and jeveier, Albany, Or&:on, Hagnotia Hoiir; I HIE 1IES1 MAGNOLIA FLOCK I'EI.U A cred to any parr of the eitv. for $1.10 per sa. k. JOHN A CKAWFuKU U'.Sodtf Laud Snrveii. PARTIKS I'KSIKINO SC RVKYtN M PflXE CAN OB. tain accurate and prompt wiTk by calliui' upon ex-county surveyoi i. J. T. Fisher, lie has complete copies of field notes and town ship plats', and is prepared todo surveving in any part of Linn comity. Pos-toiiii e address. Millers Station, Linn Oregon. ., ACRES OF LAND-SI'I FATEDSi 12 00 miles east of Albany .near the Oregon Pacific railroad, :f.O ae;es in cultivation, and contains sufficient water and timber tor gen eral use. Wouid make tour good farms Price, $12,000. with term to suit purchaser. For particulars apply to J. J. liorris., PALACES 5 MEAT MARKET James V. PiPE.Prop. Flrl Strert S- - - Albaajt The best variety of choice beef.veal.mutton, pork sausage, etc.,inltiie city kepticonstantly an liaDd. J 3T Cash paid for all kind ock.e TEE PIRST WDSAL ESI OF ALBANY. OREGON. president. L. Flinn. VICE-PRESIDENT S. E. YOUng, cashier, G.E.Chamberlain, TRANSACTS A GEKERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Accounts kept subject to check. Siirht Exchange and Telegraphic Transfer sold on New York, Chicago. San Franeisto and portland.Oregon. Collections made on favorable terms. S.E. Yon L; Fuss L. E. bLAlS W. E. TtBRKU. Geo. E. Cbamiiirlais. SVC CESSOKS TO HENRY SI SENS Hone and 'arrtgc Painters, Deeo raters and JPaper hansrrs' Piano vamislting a specialty. All work promptly attended to. Country work solicited. WANTED. We will pay M rents per roll for hoicce sh': p'ing t.'atttr. Thompson iV hatek. rsd! -.rotccUon .? the iir:t law i.f ut'.ur-. ', Fi.r.ow it by s-eeuring an ac cident policy ol iiuikhart Oc ixuxicy. o&Co mm STEAMER SUKK. A Disastrous Collision of Steam ships Off Sr.n Francisco. TUK (MI i,h (tflMi.K SIXk. The Lors cf Lifa Will be Great A Des. e Peg the Decision of the r-isattci Res .,?. cning tfce Drownirg Men. Epceial to the Hkralu.1 Sas Fkam-isc, Aug. 22. An unknown ft'-iatner wis sunk bv the Steamer Oconnica from Hongkong and Yokohama 'at 10 o'clock thus morning off Fort I'oint just inside the entrance to the harbor. It is almost certain that the steamer is the City of Chester which sailed for Eureka, Cal., this morning w ith a large number of passengers on board. The Oceanica has her boats out saving passengers. The steamer San Rafael and tugs have gone to the assistance. Several lives are reporteti lost. The steam er City of Chester left the dock here after 9 o'clock this morning. She had 71 cabin passengers on board and a number of steerage passengers. The number of the crew is not known and there must have been more than 100 people on the steamer. A thick fog was pre vailing on the bay this morning and it is supposed the tw o steam ers were unable to see each other. The Oceanica was coming into the harbor at the time of the collision. Later It is now certain that the steamer sunk is the City of Chester, but no boats have come ashore yet and the full extent of the disaster is not known. A large number of boats have gone out to their assistance and every effort is being mad to save passengers. So far as known the Oceanica is not seriously injured. MANY PASSENGERS DROWNED. The merchants' exchange has received information that 15 per sons were drowned. The proba bilities are that the loss life will be considerable above that figure. Au Explanation, What is tbio "nervous trouble" with which so many are now at'ictedV If you will remember a few years ago the word ylal.oia was comparatively unknown to-day it is as common as any word in the English language, yet this word covers only the meaning of another word used by our lorefai hers itr times past, o it is with nervous diseases r:s thev and Malaria an: in tendf.J to cover what, our grandfrflhei called I'.ilioiisiicss, and al! are caused by that arise from a diseased (oi diiioii of the Liver which in per forming its functions finding it can not dispose of the bile through the or dinary channel is compelled to pass it ol!" through the system, causing ner vous troui.des. .Malaria. Ki'.ious Fever, etc. "foil who are suffering can well appreciate a cure. We reeonuitiidc lirei-n's Augn; Flower. Its cures arc marvelous. WfII Boriup. E. B. Davidson has sent ' for a ma chine tor boring wells and in a tew days will be ready to here wells any where in the city,trom two to fourteen inches in diameter, any depth. Gentlemen's soft hats at original cost at Monteith & Seitenbach's. ii'aod Excursion East -VIA- TO CoLumbus, - OhIo, By way of St. Paul and Chicago, to attend the 22nd National Encampment of G. A. R.. which meets in that city Sept. 12th. Every body can take advantage of this excursion rate and visit their old homes in the East. You do nol have to be a G . A. R. to join this excursion The Northern Pacific Railroad will make a rate of 80.00 From all points in Oregon and W ashinuton Territory to Columbus, Ohio and return. Ticket on sale Sept. 3rd, 4th and 5th. Good to return to Oct. 31st. This is the route se -lected by the Department of California, Ore gon and Washington Territory. A special train will leave Portland on the evening of Sept. 4th, running through to Columbus. Pullman Sleeping Cars and Tourist Sleeping Cars attached to all trains. Berths Fre in latter cars. For reservations in same, ad dress A. D. CHARLTON, Aes't Gen. Pass. Agt.Northern Pacific R.R. 2d Washington St., Portland, Oregon H. J. Misthorh, Pres. B. S. Cook, Sec. S. Farrar, Vice Pres. C B. Mookes, Treas. Oreson Land Company. Organized for the purpose o! buying and selling real estate, advertising the Willamette valley in all of the leading newspapers of the United States, em ploying eastern agents to direct home seekers to the Willamette valley, and home agents in all the principal towns of Marion. Polk. Linn. Benton. Clackamas and Yamhill couuties to aid in locating immigrants. Cook fc Mixthokx, Managers. JjSTTor particulars call at the Albany office in the Tate building, one door west of Stewart & Sox. Hoosox & Dickenson, Managers Smoke Estrellas. &7 HULBUET, -PROPRIETOR or- The fily Fd Sties Ai' Is prepared to furnish tirst-class rit'S; aKu to board horses 1j' the day. Week or mouth. Sthhle ou Fourth street. Lctwc-cu E.lsworth and Lyon. Ulvi.Sl HOE MtyBM. ft Sweeps Alons tne Atlantic ant ulf ('vast sfnteii. Wheeling. Aug. 21. A storm whtcn iu its disastrous effects rivals that ot July l'J last, has been iu progress here since this uiorn ingSjsl shows no signs of abating. WheWji cieen, in a narrow valley east Theeling, is a foot higher thanver before, roads beiug liood ed frota two to six feet and bridges destroyed. The valley is uOw one augry flood, and the damage can ouiy ieiiteti mated by the wreckage that das,reil through the city jlio nver. At 3 AO pieces of a B. & O. wooden bridge from the Pit tsburg division stiuck the E. & O. bridge at Main aud Sixteenth streets, which was destroyed id July and rebuilt, and it wascai ried away with the rapidity of a caDDon ball. The stone bridge 140 feet long over Wheeling creek at Main streets, fell with an awful crash. Over 1000 people had just been on the bridge, watching the rushing water, bur were warned in time to escape. Water, gas and natural gas mains, sewers, tele graph and telephone wires, and electric light and street ca- power conductors were carried down. The losses will reach $230,000. THE STORM IN MARYLAND. Baltimore, Aug. 21. The Sun has dispatches from various points in Southern Maryland, giving par ticulars of a ievere storm that swept up both sides of Chespeake bay. Houses and barns were de moiished, and two schooners over turned, but no loss of lite is re ported. Entire fruit orchards were destroyed, and cornfields were in many instances swept ciean. AT BOSTON. Boston, Aug. 21. A storm struck Boston with great fury at 8 p. m. Three and a halt inches of water had lallen at midnight. In the journal press room water is within two inches of the press blankets and a further rise will prevent the issue of the paper. AT NEW ORLEANS. New Orleans, Aug. 21. Fri day evening a fresh easterly wind set in, and increased in force, with showers, till Saturday morniDg. Then it slackened nil evening. when it biew & gale, with a great downpour of rain till Monday noon. Tne rainfall throughout was 84 inches, the wind blowing sixty miles an hour, when the anemometer was broken. Great damage was done in the city and throughout the sugar beit from Baton Rouge to the Guif, including the rice section, much sugar cane and rice war oiown fiat ou the grouud, anu many iugar houses weie damaged, the damage to the sugar crop is estimated at 10 to 20 per cent. nd to the rice 20 t oO per cent. In the city many houses were unroofed, fences prostrated and trees uprooted. The heavy rain on the night ot the 19th for a rime flooded the entire city. The rear portion of the city is still in uudated. The city was in dark ness Monday night. The great est damage about the city was done on the river front. Fifty coal boats, worth $100, 000, were sunk. Several small .-teamers were sunk or damaged, l'he Louisville it Nashville road is submerged lor twenty miles, nitu many washouts. The loss n coal barges sunk is now estimated at $30,000. .iops aioag tue river lor a distance of over twenty miles were entirely destroyed. A number of vesseis overdue undoubtedly encountered ihe storm is the Gulf. LOOkS LIKE FKBB TRADE London, August 18. Hon. John Jay of New Yck and formerly American Minister to Vienna has arrived in London with his dangter Mrs. Schieflin. Jay has been vis iting his children and grandchil dren in Switzerland. One of his daughters is the wife of General Von Schweinetz, the German Em bassador at St. Petersburg. Jay said to the Woild correspondent: "The interest felt in Europe, and ospecially in Great Britain, in the Presidential election is greater than ever before, except, probably, the contest between Lincoln and Mc Clellan during the ar, which was supposed to involve the fate of our republic. The depressed feeling here in regard to agricultural and industrial projects appears to kae given zest to the hope, if not the j belief, that Cleveland's election is assured, and that it will lead to a radical change in the protection j policy of the United States and open the advantages now ei joyed bv Amer can workmen to those ot Great Britain. The views express ed by the President and indorsed b? the Democratic party have been largely accepted by England as i tending towards free trade. The i use aiade in America of the occas-; ion3l expressions iu the English j press, indicating the importance of Am :-rican tree trade to British in terests, has induced a more moder ate on" here in discussing the can vass, but the contest abroad seems to tc considered solely in regard to Lueftariii.'' GENERAL NEWS. A Bis Counterfeiters' Scheme Uneai thed m Colorado. .Jti:iT .lMl ItVATATIN lLOI3 Mrs. Sheridaa'a Pension to be Kedn- bd Two Hnndred and Sixty Million Bushels of 7he,t in India. The IIkkald's Special Dispatches. Denver, Aug. 22. The arrest yesterday at the point of a pistol of three counterfeiters, unearthed one of the biggest sensations developed here in many years, and frustrates a scheme made by counterfeiters in Chicago, Denver, Santa Fe, San Francisco, and it is believed the City of Mexico. The men arrested arrived in this city this evening, one coming from Santa Fe, one from Chicago and one from further east. For several weeks the United States secret service officers have been aware of the plans of the counterfeiters. Till: THI'RJM.t.V PA HIT. A KvngU but Pleasant Trip Through Lake fet. lair. St. Clair, Aug. 22. Judge Thurman and party arrived here at 1 o'clock this morning after a ride of over twelve hous on the little steamer Picket. The trip through Lake St. Clair was very rough. The big waves dashed over the boat, drenching the pas sengers from head to foot. Thur man seemed to enjoy the expedi tion and was not at ali incon venienced by seasickness. Passing Marine City at midnight the dock was illuminated and cannon, human voices and steam whistles spoke loud greeting. There wats no speaking as the party was asleep. At 12::0 this afternoon Thurman again boarded the boat for Port Huron where he spoke this afternoon. Ion a Republicans Des Moines, Aug. 22. The re publican state convention met at 11 o'clock. Gen. Tuttle, of Des Moines, was chosen temporary chairman. A recess was then taken until 2 o'clock. Wisconsin Republicans. Milw aukee, Aug. 22. The re publican state convention met at noon. Philo S. Orton was chosen temporary chairman. A recess .vas then taken until 2 o'clock. West Virginia Republicans. Chakleston, Aug. 22. The re publican state convention met to day. C. C. sturges was chosen temporary chairman. B:g Wheat Tivld in India London, Aug. 22. It is ex pected that the wheat crop in India will reach 200,000,000 bush els of 02 pounds each. This will insure a good increase in the quan tity exported. Wheat in Russia. St. Petersburg, Aug. 22. Prospects for summer wheataie promising. The yield of winter w heat will reach average. Tt Itcrinre Mrs. Sheridan' Pension. Washington, Aug. 22. The bill granting Mrs. Sheridan a pension was reported and placed on the calendar. The committee rec ommends that the amount be re duced from $5000 to $3500. A Sew Expedition, Rome, Aug. 22. The Tribune says the government has decided to send a new expedition againet Abyssinia. The Latent rrm the FUods. Baltimore, Aug. 22. Reports of the 6torm in the southern portion of the state show that the damage has been very severe. A cyclone struck the village of Sillpond.Kent county, with particular severity. Houses were blown down and ten people are reported killed. Paper Dealer Falls.. New York, Aug. 22. Richard G. Harris, wholesale paper dealer, has failed. California Cat.K-tnre. The only guaranteed cure for oa tarrh, cold in the head, hay fever,rose eo'd, catrrhal deafness and sore eyes. Restore the sense of taste and unpleas ant breath, resulting from catarrh. Eay and pleasant to use. Follow directions and a cure is warranted, by all d -uggists. Send for a circular to Abietine Medical Company, Oro ville. Cal. Six months' treatment for 1; sent by mail, $1.10, For sale by toshay s jM.ason, An Absolute l ure. The Original Abietine Ointment is only put up in large two-ounce tiu boxes, ana is an aosoiute cure tor ol sores, burns, wounds, chapped handg and all skin eruptions. Will positively cure all kinds of piles. Ask for the Original abietine Ointment. Sold by roshay it .Mason at u. cents per box by mail 30 cents. "Vou will never miss the'water 'Till the well runs dry." If you want a well diur call on E. B. Davidson. He does prompt work at a reasonable price. Orders ean be left at this ofiice, That exquisite line of satins in our show window will be run close this week. Have no excuse for not. get ting in on them. Montieth & Seiten i acli. A choice lot of uncanvassed eastern hams at Wallace & Thompson's.