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About Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1888)
r V-'t 15 CENTS A WEEK. ALBANY, OREGON ilMSDAY "MoiS'iaiNG, AUGUST 21 18 VOL. lli-NO. 1' 4 All ;i bi (kilrnia , the Land of Discoveries' Wjo -TASri-r- dmthto CO u G lr' wr J KTO ffMStlMPTi and ft v. ilAVL YuC A :ol.U m the nead winch ti r get better? Have you an excessive e--retioti vf mucus or matter in the mwd passages which either must be blown from the nose or drop back behind th palate. r,r hawked or snuffed backward to the throat? Are viu troubled by hau-ki:ir, spitting, weak and inrfarited eves, fre iuent soreness of the throat. if B w Vf M ae hhw ,TivE:iTi:Nr'4 THE O N LY-j Koul br;ntb is Cju AaIV i ED ipOKint: aecrctiont S ,n n,. .Ik,. lABIETIMEMEDCa nnnyil I T f 4 UilUt xLL.Il. LA ub; us& k V fOrr.Klir.i' tores r--ve the corruption within. As evtry b-earh drawn into the lungs n us! pa.s cvtr and IcrcDie polluted by the relies tivin? in the w.sai p; ssjres. it must nei es.-arily rl)w tl.a: t C!.-ii ft Tie secre jrr-.MluUl;' tk s place, whiU the nr. orbit: instur tl .'.t is M s-.tvic t i j. : h'xi stem into the ston a. h. r iiftrbies ditesticn, ar.d cttfli J . Cv.i f j t i f i i ' y tireatai-es itv, nervousness and consnmiition. DO NOT PROCRASTINATE. If you have experienced any of tl;e atovtyn Cat-U-Oi rk at once. We positively uarant ura S'X months treatment lor lor FOSHAY The Red TAVEEDAXJC & HOFKIiSTS. Hani ware, Stoves, Ranges, Tinware, Copperas, Pumps, iron pipe, rubber tioee arid plumbinc: poodR. Sol rnt for the ccltibraio.d "Early Bieakftwt" cook stoves ndJranges, and 'TaalUeM pcrlor lea tint stoves. Albany, Oreeoo AT COST m G. W. SIMPSO N . Having purchased the stock of Clothing, Gents' Fnrnisbic Goods, Boots, Shoes, Etc , of C. B, Koland fc Co. is ntw prepared to effer Be er minis O1 -.oil from 25 to 30 per cent. The hisrhee! HsnriHR a complete assortment of General Merchanrnp hoiht at i a discount, wnicrj he still projnjites to wli at rest. I'Hrchawrs will rfn ill aim 1 jiio utjiyi r u;j v iin p;s'A nrrp u2 vau . ..ill oi-wY rvrif 1 1 1 c? nn'oo wC. - 1 ' U ace ot all Kinus, euner in cog.a or gootis. Children Cry for Mi EUREKA means "I that land of j'T'nd t'rape bloom and ripei ang tmo rirjen attain heir huricst perfection in my.uini. r ire the herbs and iinm foini that are used in that; i tmofiv nr .-u rhrcat and lung troubles, Santa Abie Jthe ru't of coujhs,Jasthri!a, and con- -in:i(.Hirj. roitay a Mason, of Al- :iMim- Mre'oii, have been r-nr-oiiit,-.! iiaflbuaips! f. his valble California reui- oy, atil soil it under a guarantee at 1 i bottehree for?.5". ALBANY CREGON xrnjr.Rjif or rearing: m the ears, n.ore or less impairment of the liearinir, loss o smell, memory impaired, dullness cr (dizziness of the head, drvness or heat of jnose? Have you lost all sense of smell'; Have you a hacking coujrh'' Have you ispepsia.' Is your breath foul? If so you iiavk thk Catarrh Some have al these symptoms, others only a part. The leading symptom of ordinary ca lami is uicreaseu seeieuon 01 mucus 01 ;yeiu-w or greenish colored matter. caused bv the dtcom s exuded from festeripc rZX' JOR SALE BY Ml VPUA1.'J If Mason, TOR :uicerfar back in the head; ometimes . m. CSCJtLIi meiunrane covering tne oones is (Lj TV 1 AtA.rlll'W'-'en sway and the bones themselves i jpraduaby decav. Such cases ar in L.'dced lOiMects of.'pitv. as stench from j-ttio-f rirfi;rt ilt-h; . rt'trv Ci : )' few applications sl.Ol; sent ljy miti ieiie e arw.u inciri.s;r ."uil: by d MASON, Albany. Oregon G.L (Successor to E. W. Langdon -SKALKR !- Drugs, Paints, Oils. Perfumery aird toilet article.?., alpo a full line of books am frtaf.ionpry. periodicals, etc Prescriptions careful!. compounded !K ODD FELLOW'S TEMPLE. Albany Oregon Front. market price paid 'for e onntrv hi- Pitcher's Castoria, THE II ! than Ever ! The Afav Bakew ! -Uuder the new management of- Parker Bros. WHO KEEF A fuil Hue of choice family' grocer eg and provision C tin Tie ci Pineapples,! CMce TaWe Delicacies Ornamented cukes for Wedmnus and Parties. .riliiion bellies, tnaekerel and saltfish 0faH kinds. FRESH BAUD BREAD Best Srim. Pies. Cakes TEAS and COFFE "die Nats, Raisins. CANNED iTtiODS, ETC. Ine best Soap in the market Le Roi Savon. A fine assortment of domestic and imported Cigars, g; At John Fox's old stand. iow Fl nn s lew brick. T. J. OVERMAN AUBNT FOR THE . P.fl LI I tSSfllaB on hand a line of new and eond andvcheels. Send for Otal HAnNG SOLDI AN INTEREST IN MY harness business to 1 . J. Overman, 1 am desirous of collecting all my outstanding notes and accounts. All persons knowin'.' themselves indebted to me will please call and settle. The business will be continued as usual at the same please. E. L THOMPSON. Albanv, Feb. 22. (6 -JLIVE- k3 -IN A- Live Twln. This is Mlint Albany is at present, and in order to keep pace with the .ivcly tinit e in this city, they have enlarged their store and stock so ihiit they now have the m )st complete . rid desirable line of furniture in the valley. Their double salesrooms in Fro tjian' block are tilled with an elegant assortment of new furniture, consist. insf of lounges in new atferns, line irold picture frames, willow chairs, easy rockers, marble tables, brackets, etc.. etc. An examination of the stock will show this to be true in eTerv re- UniTersity of Oregon ! Iec;ene ityj Next -essior, n Mouda , the 17th of September, 188b. Free scholarships from everv c ountv in the state. Applv to your omity Mi)K-rintendent. Four cou'ses: i.las-d.-al. Scientific.Literarv a..d a short English course in whic'n there is no uitm, l, reek, rrcner: or German. The! Lr.''iisii is nre-eniint m,v .. i: i-i.,..s I tor CUtaiOL-UCa or rt;.r :,tiot). nctrjress i,a iv t v WOODN mm ureDea urn W. JOHNSON, President, j Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of parity,trenirth and wliolesomeness More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competi tion with multitude of low test,shor; weight alum oi phosjih.itc powders Sold onlv in c ms. Kotai, Bakin ow okr Co," b" Will) St.. N. Y. TTRKYS.t n K. N RL,CKl;ritN. attounf.y Al I I. Law. Albanv. Oreiron. - Otiice in Odd h..Unv'T,.iiu.e -Vill limi tice in all court: of the state, and nive special attention to al nusmess. -lirOLVERTON ArrouNE V I at l-iw. Albanv. Or. Ottice in rooms 1: and 14. Foster's Kloek. over L. E. Dlain's stor . J. K. WEATHOKFOIU), ATTOKNKY AT law, Albanv, On-jton. otfii e in'Otbi Fellow's Teuinie. Will practice in all the eotirte of thestate, and e;ive special attentioi. to all bi, sir. ess rHlH'IAS. (1 W. II ASTON, PHYSICIAN l.Ml. St'l T. ?fon, Albany, reon M H. KI.L1S, PKYKK lANj AN1 Sl'Kr , ','eon, Albai.y, Oree;tm. CO. KELLY, PHYSICIAN AND .ill; . ireon Albany, Oregon, orfiee ever Gr;u. wohl's store. Ottice hours, from S a. i. to I'- M. pEVEKE HOUSE, ALBANY. OH.-CIIAS. XV Pleiffcr, Prop. Only first-echtxs house in the city. Larue sample rooms for com mercial men. No Chinamen employed in tile kitchen. General stase otiice for Corvallis. MRS M. E. McCOY, M. O.HOilwi a i HK phsician, otiice and residen-a corner o; First and Bakerstreets, Albany, Or. Chronic disease a soeeialty. Consultation free. Ot er t.-,.r- io -n i-' t. v am! i to 5 v. M. . ,..,..ltUAV, YE'I ER1NAUY SCP. U ;enii, Albany, Oregon. Graduate of Get man and Amerii-rn colieues. MAIJSTMt i WOOPW.ARl', 111 l I'OrA Ti IC IIIV si'i.'ins and surireons, treat ment of ihrocic diseiikcs of women and children a specially. All calls pKinpt'y :it tended to dsy or iiiht. Otiice in the l iim biock. H. EWLfJl', I'lIACTICAL WATC1I MAKE , and jeweler, Albany, Orenn.j? Magnolia Hnur. '(HF. P.F.S1 MAGNOLIA FLOCK T)FL1V A ered to any part of the eitv. for SI. 10 pet sack. JOHN A C'ltAWFORI'. n'Sudtf l.xnd !urvc ins. PARTIKS UKSIRINO SCKVKYINO nOSK CAS OB. taiu accurate and prompt work by calliic upon ex -county surveyoi F. T. T. Fisher. He has complet e copies of field notes and town ship plats, and is prepared to do survtvinir in any part of Linn county. Postoffice address. Millers station, Linn comity, Oregon. I , AGP. ES OF LAND )' ) miles Citst of Albany ,near the Oregon Pacific railroad, 360 acres in cultivation, and contains sufficient water and timber for gen era! use. Would make four good farms Price, $12,000, with terms to suit purchaser. For particulars apply to J. J. Dorris. PALACE MEAT MARKET Tames V. PiPE.Prop. Flint Siren J - Albany The best variety of choice heef,el,mutton, pork sausage, etcinthe city keptcODBtaatly an hand.) IS" Cash paid for all kind ock.- OF ALBANY. OREGON. president, L. Flinn. vice-president S. E! Young, CAsniER. G.E.ChamberlaiD, TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING Bl SISESS. Accounts kept subject to check. Siirht Exchanire and TelegTaphic Transfer sold on New York, Chicago, San Francisco and Portland.Orejron. Collections matle on favorable terms. S.E. Yon L. L. tiLAlX'' L. Fuss W. E. ILBKKI L Ofo. E. Chambfrlais. (leo.fa Sl'CCESSORS TO HENUY SLSENS Haute ttnd CarrUse Painter. Be ralonanl Paper nainrrr' Piano vuniiphiniX a specialty. All work promptly attentled to. (.'onntrv work solicited. WAITED. Wc will p:iv4( nts per roll for hoicce st.:ppia-1 utur. THi.MrH'S V V ATmKS. rV... r.rt law of ni-u:-.. Fo.I.iv. i Keeney. cidiii i oi Jju.h. J GE1SEKAJ. iNEAVS. Master Workman Powderly . on Foreign Immigration. IS PAlilS. A Lady Bhct in a Cowardly Mannei The Emperor of (jennany Makes a Speech. The H kr ai d's Special Dispatches. Nkv-Yokk, Aui. 20. Ceneiaj Master AVorkuian i'owderly testi fied before the immigration com mittee to-day on tlie snbjHct of im jKjrted uoiitiat l luhor. He sakl the system was most reprehensible. The condition ot workers in the Pennsylvania m nes was scarcely descnbable. In the coul regions the native miners have been driven out by Hungarians and otherclieap foreign workin;nien, who live in a filthy state on the. cheapest kind of food so that American miners can not compete with them. Their sleeping quarters are disgusting. Their immorality is startling. The universal opinion of American workingmen, said Powderiy, is that the men who work along the line of, the Pennsylvania railroad who are Hungarians and Italians and who are designated only by brass checks hung on their pan taloons, are not American citizens. The Germans take pride in learn ing the English language. He thought no person should be ad mitted to citizenship until he wa able to read and understand the declaration of independence and the constitution of the United .States. Of course foreign consuls abroad should inquire into and re port upon the character of every man who leaves foreign countri es for the United States. i;oriAX.KK M.IXIKI. .4 IMol in Winch Ibr Hifilarj barge at the Point of liajouct- Paris, A;ig. 20. Boulanger wa: elected to the chamber of deputies from the three 'departments of Somine Charente and Nord yester day. At Amiens, the capital o! the department of Somme, there was rioting at the polling places the whole day. The disturbance continued until midnight when the military. was compelled to- charge at" t ae point ol the bayonet to clear the streets. Similar scenes were witnessed at Lille, the capi tal of the department of Nord. A (till 11. MiKIIKK. A lottus !at!y Mtot and Killed While iiil Koatinji in .liaiur. Fort Fairfield. (.Me.), Aug 1". Major Howes and family, of Pos lon, with Indian guides, forming a party of ten in canoes, while park ing up the Tobique river, thirty six miles from here, were fired ot by unknown persons, and Mrs. Howes was instantly killed. No clue to the murderers. SPtECU BY THE KtlPEttOK. The Anniversary or the Hal tic of Si. Privat Italy Celebrated. Berlin, Aug. 20. The emperor made a speech Saturday at the headquarters of the First Infantry, the occasion being the anniversary of the battle of St. Privat, which led to tiie eventual triumph of Ger many. The semi-official report of the Sherih expresses him as laud ing this event as of importance for the whole army. He was con vinced that should the time ever come again, it would not be behind in its achievements of that day. Eighteen years ago Sperch was re ceived with enthusiastic cheers. HAXGF.D BY A MOB. A Mwrdcrer Taken front Jatl by Masked Men aud Hanged. Guide Road (Ken.), Aug. 20. B lly Cole, who 6hot Wm. Mont gomery and Charles Grant on the 17th, was taken from jail by masked men this morning and hanged on a railroad bridge. Both of Cole's victims are still alive. Kot Very Important. St. Peteksbdrg, Aug. 20. Italy's notein relation to the seizure of the Massonwah does not affect Russia at all on the question. Rus sia will conform to the views of Turkey, whose interests were en dangered by the seizure. Precautionary Measare. Washington , Aug. 20. Dr. Rosey, of the Louisiana board of health, has been instructed by Surgeon-General Hamilton to visit Orland and San Fernando, towns of Florida, and ascertain the con dition as to yellow fevci. Military Appointment. ! Washington, Aug 20. B ri ga d ier General Al silom Bird, inspector general, has" been placed on the re tiredlisf.Col. Roger Jones has been appointed to succeed him, with rank of brigadier general. (ranted a Reprieve. London, Aug. 20. The steward of the British ship Dovenly Hall, who was sentenced to be hanged for the murdering of the captain hi rins; the voyage from San Fran-ci-co tn Liverpool, has been re prieved. .en lite River tirt lirr. Fa. Tas... Tex., At- st 2) The G ,',uuc .a Jiettilil: SO low &i El Paso that tears are cute tailed of its getting entirely urv. It is well iii:h impossible to get any water inVo the iriiuating ditches. Tne last time the rirer went, entirely dry was seven years ayo when the influx ot Ameri cans first commenced into this val ley. The people had to dig wells in that year in the bed of the river, where a good undercurrent was found, although the surface was en tirelv dry. Lower down the vailey the Mexi can inhabitants, where they saw that their crops were ruined for want of water for irrigation, plowed up the river bed and planted a fceooud 'r t there which fiatirished wonder fully and enabled them to subsist un til next year, when the river again contained water enough for irriga tion purposes. On the El Paso side gardeners and fanners are already suffering from drouth, and the Mexi cans on the other side of the river in a less degree but larger puniher. THK DAM UP IILATH. Two Brim ken Men tire Into a Crowd of llaucers. OMAnA, Aug. 19. At Guiderock Neb., last night, two men named Henderson and Cole, went to o daoce in an intoxicated condition, and upon the ladies refusing to dauce with him. Henderson banded a revolver to Cole, who lired into the crowd, wounded Charles Grant, bank bookkeeper nd a boy named Montgomery. Both men are under arrest, and may be lynched at any moment. 1HK Kt.l MKV. UKJECT. The f'oeur U'Alene Indian Liable to be Troublesome. Spokane Falls, Aug. 19. The Cceur D'Alene Indians held a council yesterday regarding the 0. II. & N. Co.'s branch through their reservation to Mullen aud Ganisou. The Indians could not agree. Sotl. ze, a head chief, and other prominent Indians, were opposed to eranting permission, and art said to have been influenced by the Northern Pacific, which is also buiinlng a Ca-ur D'Alene branch. The matter has also been referred to the Interior Department, but "he road will be delayed several months unless an agreement with U e ludians can be made. This will .probably ielay - the - 0-?r, junction with the Montana Union at Garrison next vear. Yellow Fever. Tampa (Florida), Aug. 20. The houses and effects where deaths have occurred from yellow fever us? fumigated and the sick are all well. The authorities are having the premises cleaned and disin ctcd. U;)e death occurred yes terday. Aiiiitlti-i- iti-itih at .lacktonvillc. .!CKMNViLi.E, Aug. 20. Two suspicious cases of fever ha ve been reported since .i o'clock yesterday e von ins;. One death is reported at Sand Hill. An Absolute Cure. The Original Ahietine Ointment i. only put up in la rye two-ounce tin mxes, and is an absolute cure for ol! -ores, burns, wounds, chapped hands and all skin eruption. Will positively cure all kinds of piles. Ask for the Original .bietin Ointment. Sold by Koshay fc Mason at 25 cents per box by mail 30 cents. H. J. Misthorx, Pres. S. Farrak, Vice Pres. B. S. Cook, Sec. C B. MooRhs, Treas. Oreson Land Company. Organized for the purpose ol bming and selling real estate, advertising the 'Willamette valley in all of the leading newspapers of the United States, em ploying, eastern agents to direct home seekers to the Willamette valley, and home agent in all the principal towns of Marion, Polk, Linn, Benton, Clackamas and Yamhill counties to aid in locating immigrants. Cook & Minthokn, Managers. 33?T"For particulars call at the Albany ottice in the Tate building, one door west of Stewirt fc Sox. Hodson & Dickenson, Managers Smoke Estrellas. DR. D. 11 Has accepted the agency of Oregon and V . T. for the A. C. Harris Electric Batten rr J OR Little Kentucky Giant, This battery can be used and kept m order with but little study or expense, it is one of the finest physicians' ana family batteries in the market. Anyone wishing to purchase a good battery wi'l do well to call and examine them. The medical wo?" " acknouledire the preat healing power of electricity in many diseases, ant1 especially those of a chronic character Tl.e docto Is prepared to jrhe electrical treatment. There has been no ex pense spared in procuring everv appliance "eecssary to obtain the best curative effect from this potent acent. Yoti will find at his JONES otiice. the Faradic and the Galvanic batter- lore tne Senate finance committee ies, the Galvanometer, miliampere meter the j last Week, asking for further Dro automatic Rheotome, electric needles, Galva- ' . "1 luuuei piu no Mairnet, the peat, fraivanic hair,etc. Per- ICOIIOn lor their Cratt. sons desirintr to purcnae a oaiiery orwisnmj: electrical treatment, wm can ai ur. jpot s nt.. TKirH arift Wash nirtan streets Al bany, oren Arc Santa Abie, the California dis covery for Consumption and Diseacsd of the Throat, Chest and Lungss an (..iliioruia Cat-K-Cure, the onlv guar anteed cure for Catarrh. Cold in the head and kindred complaints. Thev .tic .-5d :,t.-I p-r package, or three f.;ir r and are rvcomuicudcd and iinctt by tl.e lea 'ii;g piisic'Liiis of !h;! l'.icj;c" Oast. No S'-cv.-t ; o:::;i:s Guaranteed by Fohuy X JIuol. AT YASHIGT01Y: Edmunds After the Correction Registration Matters in N. Y. PKI. (mr.u 4. APATHY B.air Want? Caaadi Pensions Bills Fisheries Tret,: -, Iatt5rs Asking Prc;&..ioa, Special Correspondence Washington, August 15 Stna or Edmunds offered a res olution in the seuute Friday, dir ecting the Attorney General to trausuiit copies of icorrcspondenee between the department of Justice; and any government officer in the state or' New York since the first of Jauuary, 1$87, on the subject of registration or election. The ob ject of this resolution is to get at the authority lor the present or ders isrsu-jd to the United States Superviser of electiono tor New York to the effect that Jus deputies only be allowed pay for live days work this year. The law distinct ly sayea chat ten days may be con sumed iu this work, and Senator Edmunds means to tind out why this was changed by democratic official. "Whom the gods would destroy they first make mad." Cleveland is very mad with the democratic national committee, because they are unable to perform impossibil ities. He blames the committee fo the lack ot enthusiasm in the ranks of his party. How any en thusiasm can be expected with Cleveland a9 a candidate, and tree trade as a platform, is more than can be seen with the ordinary eye. Senator Blair has introduced a bill which provides lor prelimin ary negotiations toward annexing Canada to the Uti.Lcd States, with the consent of England. It i hardly probable that the bill will lie passed at this session of Con oress, nevertheless it is cieatiug much talk. Public opinion on th:s du-tdiaa question can hardly no snid to have crystaiized sut :icie:itly to indicate upoD which T:t5c'..:t'i. ' - - Fo irlofrii more pensions bills were ctoud lust, week by Presi dent Cleveland but he lias not yet given out his letter of acceptance, Senator Frye, who is in charge of tie fisheries treaty, is anxious io brine- thetieaty to a vote, and his oivcii notice that oegitinicg with, to-day he pioroses to it, to the exclusion ot ail other business, until it is settled. The democratic Senators, who have indulged in some vague threats of iiiibuster ing in ortier to prevent a vote, will hardiy dare to execute their threats as filibustering is a two edged sword that is dangerous. Senator Stewut, has given notice that after the fisheries treaty is disposed of, he will press his bill for the admissiou of the state of Washington. There isa deficiency of $250,000 in the railway mail transportation fund of the postotlice department. Thut is a specimen of the economy and reform of the administration. A committee of the 31erchant Tailor's National Exchange, which was in session here last week, was given a hearing by the senate finance committee. They wan? the duty on ready made clothing raised. They say that under the present tariff, a wealthy man can go to London and for $500 haTe clothes made that will cost him $1000 in the United States. Senator Sherman has sent a cir cular to republican senators, ask ing each if there are any meatnres pending' before the senate, in which he is specially interested, and uoa which he desires action by the senate during the present session. The object ot the circular is to get the calendar cleared s far as possible, before the senate begins consideration of the tariff bill. Senator Stewart's Chinese bill passed the senate without a divis ion, and Representative Morrow attempted to get up in the House, but owing to the objections on the democratic side, it was referred to the committee on foreign relations, with authority to report it at any time. The senate has passed a resol ution calling upon the Secretary of ; tne interior tor information cor j.cerning his recent occision affect ing the title to the Northern Pa cific Railroad lands . A committee renresentino- in. OflO hartm-a In fir . v. ! nattela ln ve States, Were bt j uic IlllpreSSlOU IS growing muono-democrats in I " UeUlOCratS ID congress thai ; their national committee repre sents io many rai!rtad. A bill has been introduced in the senate giving Mrs. Sheridan a $5,000 pension. Well Stnrin::. E. B. Davidson has sent for a chine lor boring wells and in a ma lew days wit! be ready to here wens any wt.i'ie m tl cilv.iroiu two to iot;rteea itickea .n diautcter, any depth. i .3 1 I