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About Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1888)
" ALBANY OKrGON Si i i a U k i m-;. .AUGUST 18SS VOL. JLIl-KO. ,1 Calirnk, tie Land LEVJLA4rVtr!?C9i;&H eureka HE fcJI 1L 1 til Lj IVJ 1 Tia I XIII.ILIIIJUI HWf Vn ,- , - am UNC-S -Sold' en Gjp,TO 1-4 SencTjor c c rC o I j 1 per kk 3 E-9. ABiETfNC MED!:CO.ORoyfiLi ml HAVE ul A CuLU in the hca,l wniuh d : secretion of mucus or matter in the nasal p;.ssa t.ose or urup raek r.ehmd the palate, or hawked on troumco r.v nawmng, spitting, weak ami ft n nVIl ! T Ul UV1LL.L i n n w it m m it .nr n kju , iBfesja &uio rut. Ctan.AjJ Jf lAmtllNLMLiPCnV !-,! . .. 7 M corroding sores r- ie the corruption withinT) As every breath drawn into the Iuhls mus pass ovtr and 1 ecome pollutid by the relie tions i.-i the rasr! -assi-e, it must r.eccssarily trlUx.- that jeiKiiiy cl the "vlctsecre sraduall;.- taken p?ce, while the n orbi.! mr.:ur is ai.t. cvi it tl . tut stem into the, tniteblts diLesiion, and yu ( i.o :..-m t'ln K' j;natw lty, nervousness and consumption. DO NOT PROCRASTINATE. If you have exrer.uictd any cf the abotsvrr.j t ir.?l SUa t U!:n . Vit'trv Ct:KB?i' .T-R-CfRB at once. We positively uararit V ffw applications k relieve ar.dja thovoud' tsien: to erne. S:x months treatment for sl.iX); sent lv mafl Cat trea auiu anu t at-K-Cnrr. For FOSUAY The Red TWKEJDjYJjJLC & HOPKINS. Hardware, Stoves, Ranges, Tinware, Copperwapc, Pumps, iron pipe, rubber hose and plumbing: ffoods. Sole agents for thf ct'lebrau-d "Early Breakfast" cook stoves andkran;es, and "JnlUeise" parlor tieatiDjr stoves. Albany, Orecoa. AT COST! mi C. W. SIMPSON. HaviDir purchased the stock of Clothing Gents' Furnishing Goods, Boots, Shoes, Etc., of C. B, Roland fc Co. is now prepared to offer Mier Harvinj: a complete assortment of General Merchandise, bought at a big discount, which he still proposes to sell at cost. Pnrcr.asers will io Tv-ell to call and get his prices before buying elsewhere, as vou can save f-oni 2- to 30 per cent. The highest market price paid for 'country pro u i-e of alt kinds, either in cash or goods. Children Cry for Patchers Castorla. si& means "I that land of emo atr.-.hi - jfiuu yrape oioorn ana ripen heir h;hest p rfection in mii-virit- r. .ire tlit herbs ami irum hnui'l :ha; a;-e used in that liesarit iem'Iv tnr r.i) (throat ;uiJ lijiisr troubles, Santa Abik he ruitr.- of co!itfhs,'!asthiini, anl con- rsumpti-.n. to-hay A Mason, of Al- joa.iv irt-s.-oii, mice r-een uppoialvil ans.uurp-.ito his valbie California resn- ;..', anil sell it under a guarantee at ?1 i. oottenree tor if".-". FOR SALE BY . ALBANY C KEGON cot better? Have vou an excessive - .'es which either must be 'blown from the or snuffed backward to the throat? Are inflated eyes, fretjuent soreness of the throat, nt:,.'in or roaring in the eara, niore or less impairment of the hearing, loss o smell, memory impaired, dullness cr (-dizziness of the head, dryness or heat of nose; Have yon lost all sense of smell? jHare you a hacking cou''h? Have you idyspepsria? Is vour breath foul? Ik so Ivor have tub Catarkii 8omc have ai (these symptoms, others only a part. iThe lealin symptom of ordinary ca- &."arrn is increased secretion ot inucusol .1 i i ili ii T--4 T . vr ijiei:'jv in leejiisu euiuieii ui.iii.!. THE U i,L. T J f.-PI,i breath is caused by the deeoir ljU .fAl! j. cED jposiiiif secretions exuded from festerinc CURE TOT? jiiioers far back i:i the head; ometimes rf "f A PKlji niembrane covering the bones is V t ilirSIlKateii away and the bones themselves Ctl ji-'raouanv tecav. &ueh cases ar in Lfi L.ldced iob'iects o'f nitv. as uter.t-h from ale by k MASON, lbany, Oregon G. L BLACKMAN, (Successor to E. "VV. Langdon DEALER IS Drags, Paints, Oils. Perfumery nrA toilet art iclfs. also a full line of ttooks auc1 Btatior.wy, periodicals, etc. 3?" Prescriptions careful!' compounded !N ODD FELLOW'S TEMPLE. Albany Oieirci: Front. IT! if THE m tail van -Uiiiier the ueu aianat-ement of arKer Bros. WHO KEEP A fail line of choice family grocer es and provision Cannea jfinetipples,! GMcb TaWB Delicacies Ornamented c-akes for Werhfinas and Parties. Salmon bellies, mackorel.ajjd saltjtish ofjall kinds. FEESH BAKED BREAB Best Svri!n. Pies. Cakes TEAS and COFFE anlielNiits, Raisins. CANNED tK;OLS, ETC. inc best Scap in the market Le Roi Savon. A fine assortment Gf domestic and Imported Cigars Xr.k. John Fox's old stand-? low- Finn's lew brick. T. J. OVERMAN AUK.NT FOR TUB 5"Has on hand a line of new and second andwheels. Send for Ctal HAVING SOLDf AN INTEREST IN" MY harness business to 1. J. Overman. I am desiroug of collecting all my outstanding notes and accounts. All persons knowing tuemselves indebted to me will please call ar.d settle. The business will be continued as usual at the same please. E. L THOMPSON. Albany, Feb. 22. ;live omitoroDealers IX A This is wh'it Albany is at present, and in order to keep pace with the .ivcly tim s in this city, they have enlarged their store and' stock so that they now have the most complete and desirable line of furniture in the valley. Their double salesrooms in Fro oian's block are tilled with an elegant assortment of new furniture, eonsist ins of lounges in new patterns, line gold picture frames, willow chairs, easy rockers, marble tables, brackets, etc., etc. An examination of the stock will show this to be true in every re spect. University of Oregon ! fSTTXGENE CITY'3 Next session begins on Monday, the 17th of September, ls-8. Free schoar.-h;ps from every county in the state. Appiv to your county superintendent Four eou-ses: Classical. !cientific.Literarv a..d a short English course in which there is no Uttin, Greek, French cr German. The Li t-ish is pre-eminently a Ruriness Course. lif cuuioiies vr other iof-riyaf ion. a-'dres W. JOHNSON, President." LEADING BICYCLES. TriIes W DIN WEIRD Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity ,strenrtb and wholesomeness.. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competi tion with multitude of low tesl,eshoi i weiijht alum or phosphate powdere Sold only in e-ins. Rotal Bakin ow deu Co , KX' Wall St.. N. y. ATTORXF.VS. DK. X. BLACKBURN, ATTORNEY AT . Law, Albany, Oregon. - Office in Odd bellow's Temple. -Vill practice in all court o! the state, and -cite special attention to a!! business. YJ OLYEKTON CHARLES E. AITORNEV ? at Law, Albany, Or. OhVe in rooms 1:J and 14, Foster's block, over L. K. Iilain sior . JK. WEATHOKFORP, ATTORNEY 'AT . law, Albany, Oftgon. oflice in r Odd Fellow's Temple. W31 practice in all the courts of thestate, and j;ive special attention to all business f'HVSII IAS. rt AV. I ASTON, PHYSICIAN "ANltf Sl l' JT, 'oon, Albany, Oregon. II. ELLIS, l'inKIAN AM SL'K L-eoi, Albar.y, O'euii):. C V. KELLY, PHYSICIAN AND .-I I; V. treon Albany, reih, ottice ov er ;ra: wold's store Office hours, frcmbA. M. to l'. M. flEYERE HOl'SE, ALBANY, OR.-CH S. , TfeilTer, Prop. Oldy first-eclass bouse in the city. Large sample rooms fr com mercial men. No Chinamen employed in thv kiteiic-.i. General staire oifice for Corvallis. MRS M.E. McCOY.M.'O.HOKEOrA iHIC physician, ollice and residence comer of First ami 1 laker streets. Albany, Or. Chronic disease a si.cialty. Consultation free. Of '' ' 1 o i a. m and 2 to o P. M. u. I. mii.iK'AV, VETERINARY SI"! JL geoii, A'd-anv, ur,-,ui. -Graduattj of icv liian arj.l American cooclCS. M 'austkr WOODV.ARII, homkopathu: liiv' sicians ni:d .sin.ons, obstetrics tre;it metit of ihronir: diceares of woiuen ai d children a sccia!ty. Ali calls promptly sr tended to duv ir niulit Ollice in the Klin:, block. H. EWElir. PI.'AtTICAL WATCHMAKE anil jeweler, Albany, OreL'ou,j .Magnolia Flour. WE P. ESI MAGNOLIA FLOUR L'ELIY 1 cred to any part of the citv, for J1.10 )cr sa.k. JOHN A CRAWFOHii. n'.feodtf Land Surveying. PAR TIKS HKS1R1NO SCHVKVINO PONE CAN Oil. tain accurate and prompt work by callinvr upon ex-county surveyor K T. T. Fisher. He has complete copies of field notes and town ship plats, and is prepared todo surviving in any part of Linn county. Postofhce address, Millers Station, Linn eouutv, Oregon. ) 'ACRES OF LAND SITUATED; 12 ) miles east of Albany, near the Oregon Pacific railroad, 360 ac?es in cultivation, and contains Sufficient water and timber for gen era! use. Would make tour good farms Price, -912,000, with terms to suit purchaser. For particulars apply to J. J. Dorris. PALACE MEAT MARKET lAMES V. PlPE.Prop. First Strert . - Albany The best variety of choice beef.veal.mutton, pork sausage, etc.,injthe city kept,consiantl in hand. 3T Cash paid for all kind ock." OF ALBANY, OREGON. president, Ii- Flinn. VICE-PRESIDENT S. E. Young, cashier G.E.Chamberlain, TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Accounts kept subject to check. Sight Exchange, and Telegraphic Transfer sold on New York, Chicago, San Francisco and Portland.Oregon. Collections made on favorable terms. S. E. You L. Fu.vs L. i. lil-Al.N' t- JCRKKI.L Geo. E- Chambkrlain. . Smoke Estrellas. SUCCESSORS TO HENRY SUSENS Housrand CarrLtce Painters, Deco ralorsand I'aper Hangers- Tiano varnishing a specialty. All work nromptly attended to. Country work solicited. WAITED. We will pay 40 cents per r.l! for hoieee shipping butter. Thompson fe Watep.s. Six s '.avcofor a dollar at T. Jonet'o o&Go GENERAL NEWS. Wholesale Arrest of Spectators at a Prize Fisrht m N. Y. liLOtflll K!OT l TliC SOl'TU. More Than Twenty Ken Shot Down by Order Ken- Sugar Ec-t;irs to Decliae in Sf.a Piaccisco-Old World &oit$. Hrrai.d's Special Ji.patfhcf. -. ; ew York, Aug. ' IS. The olii cers ot the steamboat patrol ran alongside a baie at 5 o'clock this morning ami arretted )5 persons, who ere witnesses to the prizefight between La Blanche, the Marine, and John Yraiey, middle weigiit champion of Kngland. The fight had just ended in Varley being knoc-Ked oat at the end of the third round, which cceupied eight minutes. Among the persons ar rested wer- Jack J-iempsey ami Jack Fuiion, prize lighters, Snap per Garrifon, Jack McAulirle, l-rank Faired, and a number of sjiecial reporters. Jack Dempsey hurriedly tried to disguise himself as firemen of the boat. LaBlanche and Varley were arraigned in the upper police court and held to bail. lhe others were discharged. Var ley is pretty badly used up. Both of his eyes are closed and his lips are cut. LaBlanche escaped almost unseratehed, but his hands were badly swollen. The corridors are rilled up with prisoners. The fight was according to Queensberry rules. At twenty minutes past five time was called and the men began to battle. From the start the Marine began rushing tactics, for which he is famous. They had no sooner fairly exchanged blows than out shot Ids left on Varley's right eye, cutting the skin. He followed this up with anqthei right and left in quick succession. It was evident from the start that the Englishman was over-matched. TWK.VI V .WE KILE.KII. .Hurt 'I haiiTlii Number Hillrtl by I" yulatois iti tut Xiulli. New Orleans. Aug. IS. Reports from Freetown indicate that more than I'U men were killed by the regulators and several others severely wounded. In Outlaw Cap'iirc-l. Muni 1U..-.L, Aug. IS. Alexander li. Caza, a wealthy cowboy murderer of Hotelkeeper Oiion al Catean handing, was captured this morning at Beatidette river. He only Miriendereu because the, olli cers had him covered with rides. Mtiltt DMLIMMi, 1 be Higb Trice l.egin. to Drop in San Lraueisco Markets. San Francisco, Aug. IS. Re fined sugar declined one-eighth of a cent to-day, making the price of granulated sugar seven and a quarter cents. This is the first change since August 9th. Y ItOI I.AX.L K due ttf His Supporters Attempts to shoot a Magistrate. Paris, Aug. 18. Owing to the riotous demonstrations at Morenil last night Boulanger returned im mediately to Amiens. At Carbi one of Boulanger's supporters tried to shoot a magistrate. Conspiracy Discovered. Madrid, Aug. 18. A military conspirae' has been discovered". Several sergeants and privates were arrested. Strict watch was kept upon the suspected men in the garrisons at Saragossa and Lerida. Yellow Fever. Jacksonville, (Fla.), Aug. 18. There has been four cases of yel low fever in the last 24 hours. No deaths. An Absolute Core. The Original Ahietine Ointment is only put up in large two-ounce tin boxes, and is an absolute cure for old sores, burns, wounds, chapped hands and all skin eruptions. Will positivelj cure al) kinds of piles. Ask for the Original A bietine Ointment. Sold b Foshay Mason at 25 cents per box by mail 30 cents. H. J. Misthorh, Pres. B. S. Cook, Sec. S. Farrar, Vice Pres, C B. Moores, Treas. Oregon Laid Company. Organized for the purpose o! buv ing and selling real estate, advertising the Willamette valley in all of the leading newspapers of the United States, em ploying eastern agents to direct home seekers to the AYillamette valley, and home . agents in all the principal towns of Marion, Polk, Linn, Benton. Clackamas and Yamhill counties to aid in locating immigrants. Cook it Minthokx, Managers. cTFor particulars call at the Albany office in the Tate building, one door west of Stewart fc Pox. Hoosox v: Dii KF.xsox, Managers Oregon Views, CRAWFORD & PA XT ON THE PEOTOBSAPMb OF-- ALBANY OK EG ON. pARRY THE FINEST LINE OF OREGON V'vie a cin the West. Catalogue sent on appli cation. We have also aii the negatives of A. P.. Paxton and J. G. Crawf ..: ar.d any one can have duplicates from the.ii at.reductd price-;. HI 'EvlUelS DRIFT. The circus is coming, tra la, tra la, The clttwn with his chestnuts, tra la, tra la The great gyas cutis, The camel, the whale, And the orithorviuhus Who stands on his tail. "When a disease spreads it is contracted on all sides. Can a pair o' docs explain this? Hens do not live to be old for the reason that they are killed and sold for spring chickens as soon as they lose their teeth. " "Can a young man marry com fortable on $500 a year?" asked a correspondent. . Yes, he can: but he. will be deuced dncomiortaoie afterward. "How do you think Thurman will run?" asked a politician of a baseball enthusiast. 'Thurman?" said the latter. "Which nine has he signed with?" It is said that kissing was intro duced into England by Rowena. There are lots of fellows who would like to subscribe $5 for a monument to Rowena. A New York sign reads: "Women treated for ugliness." Only one female lias been enticed by it yet, and she was laboring under the impression that she would be treated to ice-cream. Papa (hotly) I tell you, Esther, you shall not marry that cad of a Hodo-iey as long as I live. Esther I). n't worry, papa, Sigmund has often told me he couldn't afford to marry until your estate is settled. She What a frigid, tall creature Miss Cantatriee is. He I agree with you, but what is that high note she is on now? She I'm sure I don't recognize it. Perhaps it may be a new one Polar C, for instance. Mrs. Kendricks (whose husband is a candidate for office) What do you think my husband's chances are, Mr. Dumley? Mr. Dumley (anxious to offer words of encour agement ; Well er away from home I think they're flattering. Fond papa (to daughter) And f o you think you must learn French , Clara? Daughter Yes, papa; in fashionable society there are so many tilings one can say in French that wouldn't sound well in Eng lish, vou know. Fond papa. II m! Lavina Hart, a perambulating book agent hailing from Wilkes- arre, is credited with having lourteen husbands. e have heard of "two hearts that beat as one,'' but Lavina appears to be a Hart that beats more than a baker's dozen." Copy-reader (to editor) Here is a story, air, the dialect of which is most peculiar. I can't make it out. Editor (looking over manu script) H m, yes, this is written .a a dialect tiiat was popular som years ago. It was known as "good old Saxon." It's no use to us now. "Can't you spare me a little money, papa?" "How much, dear?" "Weil, I want to buv enough material to make one of he new-fashioned bathing suits. "How much is the stuff a vard?" "Three dollars." "All right, my tear, get what vou want. Here is iialf a dollar." THE .t,,0- it-A t laMF,. It Is Being; Qpei;uct In the Sau Joai-uin Valley- itOcVton Independent. farmers in this count' are cautioned to keep their wits about tiiem when approached by parties, of whom there are several in this vicinity, representing themselves as members or agents of a corpo ration engaged in introducing and dealing in Seneca seed wheat. -Several farmers who have had dealings with these gentry within the past few weekB are beginning to realize that they have been sold, and are anxious to exchange bonds they have received from the wheat men. in return for their notes, amounts ranging from $100 co $500, which the aforesaid wheat men have in their possession. The "business" methods of the seed man are peculiar. He offers the farmer ten bushels of seed wheat at $10 a bushel, the wheat to be delivered at some future time. As an inducement to the farmer, and in proof of the excellent qual ities of his wheat, the operator agrees to negotiate the sale of twenty bushels of the crop at $10 a buslie"l, the farmer to pay 25 per cent, commission on the sale. If the proposition is accepted, which is generally the case, the operator draws up papers of agreement, which are duly signed, and thej larmer pays $100 in cash or gives his negotiable note for that amount. The agreement or bond which the farmer receives from the oerator to guarantee the sale of wheat is worthless to the farmer and th chances are that the granger's note wiii ue hypothecated and nothing nrn re w;!l be seen of the operator or his seed wheat. Parties traveled through Oregon last fall making wheat contracts similar to those described above by the InJeirendent. Criminal pro ceedings were institnred, but the contracts had been so skillfully drawn that the' prosecution Was dropped when the "agents" prom ised to leave the state, which they did promptly. All kinds of fresh roa-ted coTe1 ground io order and deliver"! promptly at C. H. Spencer's. TSMPEKANCE BOTES. Contributed by the W. C. T. C. Drink, to ricase He." VA1UNA JACKSON. The day had been most beauti ful; now that the evening had closed in, it seemed more lovely than ever; the moon had risen and ail nature was uressed in tplendor. The Grays' cottage was brilliantly lighted and draped tor the bridal party. In one ' par.'or tat Ella Gray and Frank linker, who were soon to take ibe. marriage vow, while, the other parlor was filled ith jtivited guests and the gou -erom supply ot" wedding presents. At iast the folding doors was tliroivn open, the minister took his place, and, with a lew brief words I and oroniises to love and honor, Ella Gray aod Frank Baker stood before the c inpany as husband auu wife. After the congratu lations, they all repaired to the dining room, whore supper was served As. the wine was passed around, Frank pushed his glass to one side without tasting it. "Wou't you drink your wine, Fraukr" "No, I would rather not" "Please do, just this one glass, the rest all diiuK theirs." ".No, Ella, that was mother's djing request that I should never taste any intoxicating drinks.''' "And jou promised T "Yes; just as she was dying, I made her this promise, and i do not wish to break it now." "But just one glass can certain ly do no haim; take it to please me." The pleading looks of hi? young Dride touched him, and he took the glass; raised it to his lips, then set it down witbout tabling, and turn ed away. Without a word he took the glass and would have diank, but just as he was putting the wine to his lips, old Uncle Hem j arose hum his seataud cried, "Stop!" ali ee were turned toward him. " "Please, Frank, let me tell you my life's story before jou taae your wine; then see il Ella will urge you to drink. I was once a cicrk in an extensive drug store with a large salary, bright pros pects, and a heart light and free as the wind that blows; I thought T wns aud ever would ue the hap ;.'iest man alive. But what crush ed my spirits, blighted my lairess hopes and dragged me down to what I now am a poor, miserable broken old man. "What.wasit? shall I tell you? It was a glass of wine handed round at a bridal party, nanded to me by the girl 1 loved, and she was once my wife. 'Drink, Henry, ta piease me,' was her smiling re quest, and, I drank; 1 could not resist the pleading look and wordt? out drank the wine to its dregs, and from that moment I have been a ruined man. And not mv life alone, but the life of the girl I married was made miserable by that one glass of wine. 'Drink, Henry, to please me,' is what brought me to this, is what blighted my life for all time to come. ' Drink , Henry, to please me,' is what blasted my wife's brightest hopes, is what broke her heart and dragged her down to an early grave ; 'Drink, Henry, to please me,' is what divl all this. Now, Ella, will you urge Frank to t ike his wine? Think o your happiness and his in the time that is to come, and never forget what harm a single glass of winfc may do." By the time Uncle Henry had finished speaking all eyes "were wet with tears, and Ella was sob bing like a child: but when she could command her voice so as to speak she promised that she would never ask Frank to drink another glass of wine, and she ever after kept her word. The wine was taken from the table, and she never set it before her guests again. The Mast DIMcait Pari. Aspirant About how long does it take to couiphte a short novel Old Hand About a year. Aspirant A vear! isn't that rather long? Old Hand Oh, no. Two months to write the novel and ten months o select the name. Feather'v (making a calll T suppose you will sooi -e going into the country, Mrs. Hendricks? Mrs. Hendricks Yes ; we leave for the Catskills next week. Mr. Hendricks will corns m nnra . month for a day or so. Featherly Y'es ; 1 heard him sav that. b was looking forward to a pleasant summer. Departing guest (to summer re sort landlord) I've paid high prices for everything I've had, Mr. Squc-ezeum, and I haven't grum bled. Don't you ever set 'em up? Landlord Certainly ; we make a specialty of liberality. (To clerk.) Mautoii, kindly give this gentle man a few of our circulars. The railroads have decided that dead bodies transported over Luo toad must be paid for at the rate of one full passenger fare. It almost seems as though they ought io be carried "dead -head." A false ford of music js a dis cord. A false cord of wood is about seven-eighths. - !5 3 ! ii ! y I. 4m v-.