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About Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 18, 1888)
" -V';'; :-t'.1-.,',,.'--.5-' CENTS A WEEK. ALBANY. OKhGON SATURDAY MONRIING. AUGUST 18 1888 VOL. III-NO. 230 California, 1 lie Land of (CihSS ASTOfM.CoiicHS, V 5 srisES -throat "LlrTMr,. -Sold cn Gja.I SeifT for CcrcuZjrygl tTfaW3fr9.g- ABlErlNLMLDco.ore)yiui.fAL H WK VoU A tuut) 1:1 tiit; iieuu wmcn a i ??. ret lifttfr: Have you an excessive fe rttion of mnciis or inntte r in tlie nas-al p;.-.aires whivh either must, be blown from the ;iiwe or ilrop back Dehiml the palate, or hawkrd nr sauitil backward to the throat? Are von tron'rveil fv ha-iiir. Ppittiri!.'. weak ami iriHameJ eves, fre iuer.t soreness of the thr.iat. 1 11 r f n n n a u n ni mim sac V4 A C TT?r4r!rT A3I ETf NE NtEfi- Co nnnl''t ! T" UiU V lLLL corroding M.-res v e tnt corruotioii within, i As every t :t;-h tirauii into the iuiiiS n u.' ;ass ovtr ar.d 1 econ:e poliottd by the reliet tio:! in the r.rsf;' proves, it tenrt -c.o!ar:iy j c cs :i jr t 1 1 v.idt secie srr.tihia!!;; takes t !nce. while the norriil msttt-r th :t Is tt a. tc. ni ij i ? ' '. stem ?n:o the stou i,, tnicbits liis-estir n, at:ii citcn j i c i :? c; J q i i!t i : '. grita!-ses it.', nervousness and consumption. DO NOT PROCRASTINATE. If you have experienced any cf the ni o(-jn CAT-R-Ccit at once. We positively naratst Jsr ireatmei.: to e-oe. -x months treatment for aula AWf and ul-U- nre. For II E 1 ! I I I The Red FOSUAY i MASON. TWEEDALE & HOPKINS. Halted Stores, Ranges, Tiaware, Copperware. Pumps, iron pipe, rubtvr hose aDd plumbin:: cools. Sole asents for the-eclehrau-d "Early Breakfast" cook stoves aad.rances, and 'Taultlees" parlor heatiDg stoves. Albany. Oretou. AT TO HaviDir purchased the Furnishing Goods, Boots, Koland cfc Co. is now Better Having a complete assortment of General Merchandise, bought at a hi" disccmnt, whicli he still proposes to sell at cobt. Purchasers will do well to call and get his prices before buying elsewhere, as yon can save f,om 25 to 30 per cent. The highest market price paid ior country pro j,ice of all kinds, either in cash or goods. Children CryjtojcjrsJDastoria. Discoveries EUREKA Tin- motto of California mcars "I have fouim Only in that land of !sunsh:!:e, where uhe oraig emo iheir h:ritt ptrftction hi mid-winter. rc t! c lii i'.-fl n& iriiiii f.ui:'i th?t aiv in that iileaxaut leuie'iv ior kil hrciM auJ troubles, Santa Abik he r'.;!..-.- , i ; iiurhs,:itiiii;a, and c.on- smrpti'-n. Kolmy A .Mason, of A'- nv nvi, b:ve een :.ot i i. t J caiiMtai ;?i'i' his aihle L'alitornia rein :;m:I srii it untiera jruarantee at 'l ft bottchrec Uir ifj I'xjH SALE BY , 1 ALBANY OREGON ;r!!i,.'iii or roaring in the cars, more or (less impairment of the hearing, loss o smell, memory impaired, dullness rr .'iliyii.c&j fhi harl HrvnM3 or heat of nose? Have you lost all sense of smell': Have vou a hackimr coujrh? Have yon jhspeiisia? Is your breatii foul: If so vol' have tub Catarrh Some have a! these symptoms, others onlv a part. The leading svmptom of onlinarv ca- jftarrh isincreased secretion of, mucus of "',-,,lV.u- ir.nttrr oshay OB THE 0 oI.LY " Koul breath is caused by the rieeore QlIAKTEED ,posi!:ir svcretiotis eluded from fester in-j Ijre 0R ;u!er fnr hack in the head; ometimes Vi t JT'Xlji tnen:orane coen:iL' xr.e ooms 1 (w A 1 Atltlt'att-'n awa' art l"e bones tiiem-elvcs rjl iirraouaiiv oecav. Mien cases ar ir Lr.Udccd if.bjectB of. pitv, as stench from j T a f' i::sj clrr.ct lit !:.;. 1 i t'll v CuiiirM iv aj ; "ict:o.s relieve aiuia thcrouth sl.i.O: sent SaJe bv V marl 11' 4.1bany, Oregon .ijij in, (Successor to E. W. Lar;rdoc -I)x;alek ijj- Drags, Paints, Oils. Perfr.reeTT smd toilet artiolo. also a full line of !-ok ar.t MationfTT. periodicals, etc. Jjg?" Prftscriptions carcfu:!' compoauded !H ODD FELLOW'S TEMPLE. Alhanv Orefffi. Front. stock of Clothinor Gents' Shoes, Etc., of C. B, prepared to offer kii Ever! r, i! ri(! Ui JU JUiJilUll COST TBI FRIT ! The Albanv Bakery ! Vudeifthe nemanairementof aiier Eros, -WHO KEEP ft A fuil line of choice family' grocer esfcand provision Cannea j-'inecipples i Ofioice TaWB Delicacies (. Ornamented cakes for Wefhirnas and Parties. Salmon bellies, noackereland saltjfish off all kinds. " FEESH BAKED BREAD Cverv Dav. Best Svrp. Pies! ales TEAS and COFFE ,ndift A.l'TfH L'nii' mm mm, aisms. CANNED trtOi)S, ETC. -'me best Soap inS:he market- Le Roi Savon. A fine assortment of domestic and Imported Cigars iTAt .Ichn Fox's old stiin.'.? ! Fl nn new brick. T. J. OVERMAN AUHST KOR TI1K srHa on hand a line of new and ooond and heels. Send for Otr.l HAYINO SOLD AN INTEREST J.N M l harness business to 1. J. Overman. I am desirous of collecting H my outstanding note and accounts. All persons knowing themselvea indebted to me will pleise call and settle The business will be continued as usual at the same please. E. L THOMPSON. Albanv, Feb. 22. JL1VE IN A Live Tdwfe. This is what Albany is at present, and in ord-r to ke.-j puce with the .ively tim in this city, they have enlarged their store and stock so that they now have the mst complete rttid desirable line of furniture in the valley. Their double salesrooms in Fro. man"; block are tilled with an eleirant assortment of new furniture, consist ing; of lounires in new patterns, tine rrold picture frames, willow chairs, easy rockers, marble tables, brackets, etc., etc. An examination of the stock will show this to be true in every re spect. University of Oregon ! t" EL GENE CITTs-l Next -ession begins on Mondav, the 17th of September, 1SS8. Free scholarships from every county in the sUte. Apply to your county superintendent. Four cou-ses: Classical. Scientifie.Literarv ai.d a short English course in vbich there is no Ltin, Greek, French cr German. The j Ei ir'.ih is pre-eminently a IJu i:res Course. Fi r cuta!o;rue3 or other i if.-m; "ion. 0''.'r-s W. JOHNSON, President. " n LEADING BICYCLES. iillli 'c?s fe. Safeties; WOODIN (S WILLARD THB MST HATiOBAL BME Absolutely Pure. This powder never vanes. A marvel ol purity .strength mid vholesomeness More economical tlian the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competi tion with multitude of low test,'shorl weight alum or phosphate jiowders Sold only in i-ins. Royal Bakin ov oer Co , 1 Wall St.. N. Y. ATTOKXKYS DIl. N. P.LACKISl I!N, ATTonXKY A'l . Law, Albany, Oreiron. Utfice in Odd bellow's Temple. -Vill proctir j in all courts of the state, and (five special attention to ah business. 1VOI.YERTON C1IAKLKS K. AITORNEV W at Law, Albany, Or. Orlice in rooms l:; ;..'d 14, Foster's Block, over L. E. BlainV stor . T K. WEATHOKKOHD, ATTORNEY !A1 f) . law, Albany, Oregon. Office in fOdd Fellow's Temple. Will pr: etice in albthi courts of thestate, and jrive special atteiitior to all business 1 I'KVSK I tNS. p W. li ASTON, PIIVSK1AN AM! l 1 VT. ireon, Albany, oreon. II . ELLIS, MiVSKIANJ AM) bL'lir jrem, Albai.y, Oregon. 1 C. KELLY, PHYSICIAN AM) oti:- J. ireon Albany, 'reuon, ottice over Gra! wohl's store Ollice hours, frcin S A. M. to -r. y.: . OEYEKE IIOFSE. ALl'.A N'Y. OR.-CHAS it I'feifTer, Prop. Only rirst-eelass housi in the i-itv. UirL'e sr.mi'le rooms tor com incrcial men. No Chinamen employed in tlu kitc hen. General stage office for Corvailis. 1 TR M.K. McCOY.M. 0..oMKOPAllUC ill. piivsirian, oili-re and residence corner o! list r I ii..ker streets. Albany. O-. Clucni. !ieasis a sincir.Uy. f.'onsuliation free. Of ' " - ' : V.' a. j.nd 2 to 5 l st. , ... i. Koi.1.,.v.Y, virrrjuxAKY srr l) -eoii, A'iiany, Oregon. I raduate of llei luari iir-.i Alocr; :ri lOllecs. ISTFK .V "l I'WAll!'. lloVKor.VTIlIC I'm Ti sic. ins aial surgeons, otistctries trc.i' meiit of ihi' i.;-- d;scaes of w( men am cliildr. n a S" -via!', v. All caUs picn.ptly at tvii.l. ,i to i:::v . r niglit Ii'..-u ill the Flint: hioe:. H T i:VKl: I", I'liAi TICAL WATl'H.MAKE and jeweler, Albany, Oregon, Magnolia f lour. IM'F. RES'I MAGNOLIA FLOFR PEL1V i cred to anv part of the citv, for SI. 10 pel sack. ' JOHN A CRAWFOKU. nlbudlf l.nufl Snrveying. PAKT1HS HKSIK1NU St KVKY1NU HONK CAN OB. tain accurate ami prompt work by calling upon ex-county surveyor r. T. T. Fisher. He hascomplete copies of field notes and town ship plat, and is prepared to Jo surveying in any part of Linn county. Postolh'cc address. Millers Station, Linn county, Oregon. ,-. -ACHES .K LA U SITFATEI 1 ()') miles esint of Aliiaiiy.near the Oregon Pacific railroad, .".'30 acres in cultivation, and ooiiuiins sufficient water and timber for gen eral use. Would make four good farms Price, $12,000, with terms to suit purchaser. For particulars apply to J. J. Dorris. PALACE MEAT MARKET Tames V. PiPE.Prop. Hrsl ' Slreel - AliS The best variety of choice beef.veal.mutton, pork sausage, etcinthe city keptonstantiy m hand. 3T Cash paid for all kind ock.TEJ OF ALBANY; OREGON. president, L.Flinn. VICE-PRESIDENT S. E. Young, cashier G.E.Chamberlain, TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING Bl'SiESb. Accounts kept subject to check. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfer sold on New York, Chicago, San Francisco and Portland.Oregon. Collections made on favorable terms. S. E. You L- Fiwn L. E. lil-AlN1 W- K. 1 1'RRFLL Gno. E Chambfri ain I aSP Smoke Estrellas. SCCCESSOF.S TO HENRY Sl'SENs Hooranl 'arrfa?e Painters, Deco ralors and Faprr Hanpers- Piano ttrnishirg a specialty. All work rromptly attended to. Conntrv work solicited. WAITED. Wc v.;. pay 40 cents er rn! hoici-e rhipph'i'sr butler. TltoMrsOS & WaTE!;-. , fclX e'.avcslvf a at t. Jocts 8 Geo.Vassallo &Co GENERAL jNEWS. Victims cf the Ocean Steamer Collision. TKKKIULE S.KIIK OF UFI Locomotive EBgineers Ligttning Strok- - Chicago and the .Northern Pacific In taaely Jeilout -Death by Lightning. The Hi-kai.u's Special Oispatchcs. " '"" New iurk, Ausr. 1. Corrected list of the loss of 105 lives as given bv Captain Miller of the Geiser: The Geicer carried .: passengers and a crew of forty-three sea men. Fourteen of the pas?ensrers wer? saved, and seventeen of the crew. Agents ot all the lines throughout the country have I een notified to send the list of the tick ets sold on the ( iciser. There were V:2 tickets sold in Worcester Mass, both are lost; fourteen and a half in ;St. Paul,, of which three are saved : fortv-one and a half in Chi cago of which fsix are saved ; one in Philudelp Ya, saved. Of the remaining twentv-tnree tickets sold here three are saved. THE Till VA III. She Arrives ''ale in Halifax Hai bor. Halifax. Aus. 17. The Thincs valla was sight3d coming up the liarbor at S a. m. She reached her nier three hours after beins sight ed. Captain Lamb was asleep at the time ot the collision. IJis statement furnished nothing new. I.O OKO i n F. KX.IM.KKS. I.arael Mrctins TaUes riiice at Detroit. Detroit, Aocr.17 Two thousand members of Brotherhood of Loco motive En-ginoers ir eluding Chief Engineer Arthur are here to celc l.r.oto th,. tv -f. v-f;th anniversary of its organization. There were members present from all pa' tsof the country. IIK.4IH BV lltHTMU,. Ah A;I Man anil Ilis Sister Instant ly killed. Greenfield (Mas.) Aug. 17. Deacon Loverinr, ao-od 00, and his sister. Mr".- "Richardson, were in antly killed by lightning at mid night. The farm house and out '.mildinrs were burned. K Wil Ciavc lertunial laciiilics in hi a;i. CiucAtio.Anjr. 17. It is rejwrtetl that the Northern Pacific is about to secure entrance to tins city over the trucks of the Wisconsin Cen tral with its vast terminal facili ties. ;.IKALOI rOUL. Tries to Kill His Moilicr-iK-Lav aiul luils Vlih lliiiiscir. Long Branch, Aug. 17. At Navero yesterday Adolph Har man tried to kill his mother-in-1 ,w. He then shot his wife through the head and killed hiniteif. Tlie t use is sujiposed to be jealousy. UlLAVK VINE l'E!r. Congress to t'vusider It Decide to I'se Preventatives. Vienna, Aug. IT. In the Phil loxara congress a majority of the fdpiratfis favored the emilovment of carbonate of soda, and de preciated as UL-eles the planting oi American vines. 1 V e Itoslom to tio t Sea. TJpw York. An". 17. Orders have been received to fit the steel cruiser Boston for sea without de lay. She will join the eastern squadron. live Children Killed by Lightning. Kansas City, Aug. 17. Chief Mescott of "Kickapoor watch" has reported five children killed by lightning yesterday. Guarding 1'elUw Fever. Fort Monroe, Aug. 17. The federal health officer has quaran tined the steamer Athen from the peninsula, with evidence ot yellow fever in the freight en board. Fishery Treaty. Washington, Aug. 17. A xote upon the question of the ratifica tion of the fisheries treaty v ill be taken to-day. H. J. MwnoRR, Pres. B. S. CouK, Sec. S. Fakkar, Vice Pres. C H Mookes, Treas. Oregon Land Company. Organized for the purpose o! buying and Mrllintrreal estate, advertising the Willamette valley in all of the leading newspapers of the United States, em ploying eastern agents to direct home seekers to the Willamette vi:l!ev, and home agents in all the principal towns of Marion. Po'k, l.icn, Benton. Clackamas and Yamhill counties to aid in locating i'.umisrrants. CouK & MiXTtioux. Managers. S'SFor particular call a! the Albany otlire in the Tate building, cue door west of Slew-irt A: Sox. Hut son fc Di knn. Managers ' utiVTi i. a v ai ". :v- ; t VV man to r.'present us sales agent d.iitss, Wanamui-cr A: Bron, The U gest re a.! Phuad :.'h:.i. . house in Au.erlc lilt HAHri CA.XAKH. A Report That Ooela id Ttiil kot Hit n. j ! X II 111 .UUOi A-X. AUG Evening Item, this afternoon pricts. witli double leads, a report that a private letter was received in Philadelphia from Washington to-day, and written by a well knowD Democratic leader, convey ifig the startling but evidently well authenticated information that President Cleveland's ioug delayed letter will decline the nomination tendered him at St. Louis. Tie letter goes on to say that the Pres ident lias been astounded at the protection feeling exhibited in the good old Democratic party since the Mills bill was passed, and that he fears a disruption in the party ranks oi such magnitude that that another setback of twenty years wuld ensue if he went be fore the country on that issue. For him to hedge while "under fire would never do. and the only way to save his party from overwhelm ing defeat is to withdraw and re convene the convention in the in terest oi a new candidate, with a pronounced protection 'record. It is hinted that in suite of cer tain factional feeling Hon. Sam J. Randail would be the man emin ently qualified to lead the Demo cratic party t victory uader the new banner. The editor of the Item sent a telegraphic query to Private Sec retary Lamont, asking if the re Hrt were true, but no answer had reen received up to the time the paper went to press. Hon a Sultan Lives. Despite the civilized attempts o' the French, lite in the royal pal ace of Hue continues unchanged. The King's harem is composed of 100 women, who are recruited chiefly from tlie daughter's of iunctiomuies. Once within the palace they cease all commuai cation with their families and be come, so to speak, prisoners. The are divided into nme classes o: ranks, and are fed and ciothed at ti.e expense of the state. Those belonging to the : first class receive yearly 500 ligatures(7 ligatures are equal to 7. ccauts). 2o0 bushels of rice and 48 pieces ot's'.lkjtboy have each 10 servants. The queeii receives 1,000 liyj; ttures? SCO bush els of rice and CO pieces of siik. The king's motiiVr strange to say. is allowed more than the queen. She receives 10.000 ligatures. 1,000 bushels of rice and present? of all kinds in the shape of clotli'ug aa'i j-gwtlry. il.e kin;j; is attended daily by :t numbT f t -TOt.ieo, . hoen irom aii the r.iiiksoftiu h:ir:iii. Tlinty oi them mouui j:aard at the doors of his majesty's p;ivate i p lrtments. Fire are at tached constamly to his person. It is these who have charge of his toilet. They dress him, perfume him, pair his long naiis and ar range his turban! They a'.sr attend on him at the table. Tic king takes three metis a day. Each comprises fifty dishes, pre pared by fifty cooks. The dishes are borne to the door of the dining room by the cooks,, who hand them over to the women on duty, for no males are permitted to enter the royal apartments. His majestv drinks, as a rule, a peculiar kind ot scented spirit especially distilled tor him, but occasionally, on the hdvice of the doctors, he takes a litth Bordeaux wine. The quan tity oi rice eaten by hisMajesty is always fhe same; it ia measured tind weighed, bu: should his ap petite fall off, and he be unable to consume the prescribed amount, then the doctors are called in to prescribe remedies, of which they will have to partake themselves before the king wiil touch them. His Majesty, it appears, is & bard worker, notwithstanding his ef feminacy. He rises at live o'clock and goes to bed at eight. AH the affairs of the country pass through his hands. At regular periods ne makes a tour of his domains to see how his subjects are getting oit, and to redres9 their grievances, 6houid they hare any. In short he appears to be the paragon of a monarch. A Kaiiway Catecbisns. How many miles of railway in the United States? One hundred and fifty thousand six hundred miles about half the mileage of the world. How much have they cost? Nine billion dollars. How many people are employed by thm? More than a million. Who built the firs loco motive in the United States? Peter Cooper. How long docs a steel rail last with average wear? Aboi. eighteen years. What is the cost of a paiace sleeping car? About S15. 000, or 17,000 if "vestibuled." What is the cost of a high-class eight wheel passenger locomotive? About SS 500. What is the lot gest Ameri can railway tunnel! Hoosac Tuiine), on the Fitch burg Railway. About four and three-fourth nu'les. What is the highest railroad in the United S'.ates? Denver and Ji;o Grande. .Marshall Pass, 10.S52 ftet. What is the highest railroad bridge in the United States? KiDzua Viadnot, on the Erie road, 305 feet high. What the longest railway-bridge span ia the United States? Cantilever pp3n in Po'.ighkeepsie Hridge, 548 fee. What is t'-.e i-.iiu- st ::.i.eage operr.t.? by a single system? Atchison, To peka and Santa Fe system, about 8,000 utiles. What line of railway extends ftttherest Fast and West? Canadian Pacific Railway, running from Quebec to the Pacinc Ocean. u hat road caines tae largest number of passengers? Mauhatten - Klevated Kauroau, JNcw lork, ozo,WO a day or 101 025,000 yearly. What is the fastest time made by a train? Ninety-two miles in ninety-three minutes, one mile being made in torty-six seconds, on the Philadelphia - and Heading Railroad. What is the fastest time nj-:d.e, between Jersey City-ar d San Fna.cUc'i? 'Three oaysY seven hours thirty-nine minutes and si.'Ueeu seconds special theatrical tram, 1SSG. What are the chances of fatal accicitut iu radway travel? One killed in 10,000.(.0C. Statistics show more are kilted by falling out of wisdows than in railway accidents. Frank Leslie's. (tii aud luc bain c. Results of the scientific tests of the Officer Meissei's new invention, an oil rocket designed to calm the iaging of a troubled sea. appear to have been satisfactory enough to warrant the hope that shipwrecks will be rare occurrences ere many years. The principle here applied is as old, certainly, as the proverb which embodies it, but the methed of application was novel. Four rockets, tlie same in appearance as those commonly used iu ordinary pyro technical displays, but with the exploding cap removed aud a light 'dn cylinder holding one pound of train oil substitute! were sent up at at varying angies ot projecMon,the result being that the ea was cslm ed for thousan- s of feet round about the spot aboyo which they exploded end fell. The oil spre-ttrp into a thin, silk .ike sheet, which, extending rapia ly, appeared to have the power of keeping the waves w.thin peace able limits. As these rockets can be carried with convenience and sent up without trouble, there is no reason surely why the enter piisi'ug steamship eoiupaniesshould not at ouce recognize their utility and add a number to the equip meut of each steamer sufficient for the necessities ot the average voy age. Oraei r Meissel's cylinder is ,i simple affair aud can be made to held as much oil as may be desired. Tiiroitirb the center" 1" "the oil runs a small tube containing two ounces oi gunpowder, which ignites as Soou as the motive power of the i::cktt is spent, jtmi exploding, .-carters tiie oil in. a fine spray over toe water. The action of the oh upon the water is almost instan taneous. Phikiik-iphia Times. A Sound", Legal Opinion. E. Bainbridu'e Mui;da Esq., County Atty., Clay County Tex. says: "Have used Electric Bity-rs with most happy reri'.its. My brother was also very low with malarial IVvi-r and Jaundice, but was cured by timely useofthi-4 medicine. Am satisfied Eiectic bitters saved his life." Mr. 1). 1. Wilcoxson, of Horse Cave, Ky.. adds a like testimony saying; He positively bclcives he would have died had it not been for Electric Bit ters This gre it remedy will ward on", as cure all Malaria Diseases, ar: for all Kidr.ey, Liver and sioniach Disordei stands mieqiialed. Price 50e. and $1. at Foshav te Mason's." THE STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, CORVALLIS, OREGON. Term Commences on Wednesday, SepiemlK-r 18, I8gx. o FACULTY. A full corps of experienced Professors and Teach es. COURSE OF STUDY Arrant ed expressly to meet the demands and needs of the fanning interests ef the state. PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT For students over 15 years of ae who desire to enter the College, but a.-e not prepared to enter College classes by examination. MILITARY TRAINING To the extent required by law. BUILDINGS L-trge, Commodious anil Well Ventilated. LOCATION. In a cultivated and Christian community,and one of the healthiest in the state. EXPERIMENTAL STATION. Circulais containing matter fuil of interest to B anners, will be regularh issued and copies mailed to each patron of the College. EXPENSES Re iuced to lowest figures 1 wo or more fre scholarships from every county. Consult your County .Superintendent. We cjti: tently appeal to the farrn'r and Granges of Oregon to patronize the only school established by Oregon for the pro motion of her agricultural interests. Ftr catalogue or other information, address B. L., President, Corvailis. Oregon. Hoarding County Ptar. VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AT the next regular term of the county commissioners court of Linn county, Oregon, ' to be held at the court house in the citv of Albany, on Wednesday, the 5th day of Sep tember, lsbS. Staled bids will be received for boarding, lodging and washing for tho ounty poor for the ensuii g year. All bids iivi-t be Sled with the e crk on or l fore 1 o'clock P. m., ot t"ie above mentioned dav. li.eeoia'i reserves tho light to reject oil and a'l bids. 1'one bj order of the court this 0th day of A ;g'!-t, IsS F. E. y.ONTAU'E, Oiiiitv laerK. i:ciii;v-n. JOSEPH WEBf.Eit ANNOUNCES TO HIS j patrons and fn.-nds that he can be found on Lvon su-. et, itweea Jihiiiae Co. No. an : First street, lo.iii iiu nc r.-eins at tc siiay Musju s Uric!v arc ready,. i A, l i 3