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About Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1888)
m 4 J SCENTS A WEEK. ALBANY. Olil-GOiN I HI DAY MONRIING. AUGUST I? IS88 VOL. III-jTO. I Ca ilii, tlie band a- SencTjor C i t-coI J r.l )tr totttt 3 or 9 AMIUOOicyMLUi ml HAL ul- A M.Lli i the h&.'.i -. d ; - Cet better Have vou an excessive fce.rctioM of inueiisor matter in 'he nasal ..,.-:its which either must be "blow n from the BOM or lnn buck behin.) th-? uaktte. h;s.. or wiuffeJ. fcadCA&rd to the throat? Are o ii rr -m -!! fiv nawRti.--. Wrrit..'. ! ii.tVi ...a,i r.. ... r-.,.. . isftAi irniiiiiAi i ii wm h h n m k r mrvm w The 0 LY ,StVQ73P Ct?ClxA LAB) TINE fCP- rnVnRRMjj r eOrr.Hliri" si.:ts r-vr tro eofLition with-!:. As every hreah m-.'.un ir.ti- the "mnas n.r.s: i !o.ii lil liie T..-i-: 1 :.iSii--. ;t slum : ee.Mtr-'.y irduall- t:kts St.. ( rrrr'r i,; ii ttr in:o the st ri :.,h. . t'ie- 'lit i st.ei ;ty, nervousness i.nd :i i '. I '.'nynmptioti. 1 V'lKb DO NOT PROCRASTINATE. It you rxve e.-.fer.ericed aty rf t) e j. t,0t -n Cat-H-Ccre at . Ece. We positively uar.j-.r ( treatment to .i.e. S'x mcntfch tieatu.ei.-t it r !MiKa a. uaf stitd t ai.K- nre. W L- . jr j The Red Front. TWEEDALE & HOFKIISTS. Hard ware, Stoves, Ranges, Tinware, Copr ware, Pumps, iron pipe, rubber hose and plumbing poods. Sole cnte for the c.-lebruud "Early Breakfast" cook stoves andrraageB, ami "J"-auUls6" parlor ncutinir stoves. Albany, Oreaon. AT COST! SIMPSON. Having purchased the stock of Clothing Gents' i'nrnisb.xip Goods, Boots, Shoes, Etc., of C. B, Rolaii & Co. is now prepared to offer Mor 51 a1 A . Having c&mp''ete asBrtrnent of General Merchandise, bought at a l'ig discount, which h tij! proposen to hell at cost. Pnirhasers do well to call and jjet his priVes before hnynie elsewre. a von can hsiv f -om 25 to 30 per cent. Te hihet m.trset pri-e paid ior Vc-Jti v pro j nee oi ail kinds, 4?ither inj cash or truods. Children Cryr.Fitcher,3.Castcr5aa lownx'iiio EUREKA The irtn ,f OaJ:f.jiiia mear.e "I jiiavj fovnil u. Only m that land of pinshhic, where tthe ora: g emo land "rape iilxon aj:d rilKii attain heir hi,.f;p-it perfection in mii'-wmt. r, .re the hert.s and j.uin found tij:,t .ire snl in ? rut plea-sanr, temedv for oil hro&i ana j; Troubles Santa Ai::k ft"' r!--t.- ol ctiirnsasthriui, and t.on- f iia.pti n h:iY .V Mason, of M- i;v iresott, have i an ,i,i ji;,?. 1 .-iittii:iro-ifii his valble California re.n i:y, and se!l it under a guarantee at si . bottehrt-e t.r $2 KOK SALE BY AT,. -- g- ALBANY C REG ON nruiiif.' or roaring n the ears, more or less impairment of the hearimr, loss o smell, memory impaired, dullness rr 'dizziness of the head, dryness or heat of j'sost; have you lost all sense of smell? "Have you a hacking eouh? Have you avspep-.:-.? is your oreatn touir ik so yoit have thb Catarrh Some have al these symptoms, others only a part. The leading symptom of ordinary c:.- ai.Eil2 niueus or I .- on! breath is caused hv the (Wnir Mason, li!vf.a.i i I. LI; 'js'siric secretions exuded irom fetri::i CTw.K T CF? 'ti' 'ar r.aek in the head; o netimes ft a p rjlH1 r.-.e:;.r..-Hiit: covering the bents ;s W f i Jil'.rlrf 'eaten bway and the hones themselves cLSc raouaav deeav. s.ueh eases ar in ed lohjects of ; ity, as steiieh hem rass ovi r r.rd Irmn p r.. n..i. hv tfc mil.-.' . tl s i e !:) vl. store il ;i t t t t i 1 1 i . 'ti steui ) 1. 1.-, t c' 1 1 : .reatK.-i-i- j i, irs r?f ( i tilt. i-t'rv fiut- r ftw applicaficr.s i'eiiee ai,d a tht-rouuV se:it '.v mail i::!e by I UN. lbany, Oregon (Successor to K VV. Iari!rlon -DEALE8 IN- Drugs, Paints, Oils PerfuroerT and toilet arliclo-. also a full line of hooks ai-i f-iatlooery. periodicals, etc. Zrfi Prescriptions carefu.!; compoBndod EN ODD FELLOWS TEMPLE. Albany Oieeor k ! G. L BLACKMAN THE mm ! Ian Tne Atav Mery ' - Uudtrjthe ae manasreraentl WHO KEEP 1, ....v;-r ,;f 't ' A fuil line of choice family" grocer esj and provision. Canned t-'mefcipplesjl Olioice TaWe Delicacies 4 Ornamented cakes for Wedfinas and Parties. Milmon billies, uja.kerel.and saltjfish of all k inds. FRESH BAKED BREAD JbCverv Da v. t An Fl KJ 1 lVkJSVllllVO TEAS an d tJOFFE ; CANNEI.'EtTiiODS, ETC.'ffCTi .-.- Afat - iiie best Soap infthe market- Le Roi Savon. A fine assortment of aomestic arc! Imaortcd Ciaars At Jihn Fox's old stand.' ww Fl un's new l.rick. T.J. OVERMAN AURNT H;R TUB 4Ha on hsrd a line of new and second mdwheeis. Sct1 for 'tl HAVING SOLD' AN INTEREST IN M harness business to 7. J. Overman, I am desirous of collecting all my outstanding notes and accounts. Ail persons knowing Themselves indebted to me will please call and settle. The business will be continued as usual at the same please. E. L THOMPSON. Albany, Feb. 22. W00D1N & WILLARD LIVE- IN A Live Td)wln. This is what Albany is at present, and in order to keep pace with the ivtl7 titni in this city, tliev have enlarged their store and stock so that they now have the most complete slid desirable line of furniture in the valley. Their double salesrooms in Fro man's block are tilled with an elegant assortment of new furniture, consist in of lounges in new pat terns. line irold picture frames, willow chairs, easy rockers, marble tables, bracket, etc., etc. An examination of the stock will show this to be true in every re spect. University of Oregon i rrEi ( ;exe cityh Next -esKiop !wfm uti m.-t..i-i, ii.. it. v. epterabtr, 1S.1S. 1 rrt fr'm every c ounty in the sta'e. Aii;!v to vour county,...i F:;ur eon-sea: Classic). Scleiitific,Lit,-rrv I a..d a -hort English course in which there is i noLttin, GrteK. French r.r German. 7i, .' K-.-h H p-e-t-miuenity a 'curse. I t.l clalotued r .- r -.-i'-irvati..:.. .;-:)r.-ss W. JOHNSON, President.' j i Parker Bros nf' I tr,M it" I e 1 1 e r ; mm LEADINGI BICYCLES. Safeties.' HiriiitureDealers fcr'T'Oi'TTyr Absolutely Pure. This powrier never vanes. A marvel of purity .strength and wlioiesomeiiuts. .More economical than the ordiiuirj kinds, and cannot be sold in conipcii iion with multitude of low test,thor5 cittlit alum oi nliospli.ite powders Sold only in fins. Royal Bakin ov der Co lot) Wall St.. N. If. ATTltM:iS.. DR. N. HLACKHfKN, ATTORN KY AT . Law, Albany, Oregon. Olfice in Odii bellow's Temple. -Vill practii-e in all court -of the state, and give special attention to all business. lirOLVERTON CHARLES E. A ITORNEY ?V at Law, Albany, Or. Otfifc in rooms .') and 14. Foster's Block, ovr L. E. Blaiu's st or . T K. WKATHOKKORP, ATTORNEY 'Al f ) . law, Albany, Oregon. ffi: e in 'Odd Fellow's Temple. Will practice in all, th courts of thestate, and ive special attention to all business riivsK i ts. f W. IASTcN, PHYSICIAN fANl'J M l T, f;eo", AH any, Orti'on. M II. ELLIS, I'lIYSKTAN AND Sl'K, . veon, jMb.ii.y, OreKon. C1 V. KELLY, PHYSICIAN AN1 . jteon Albany, i 'reiion, oilUe over t!r.n! wohl's store. Orii. e hours, from A. . t i l M. REVERE HOUSE, ALBANY. OR.-C11AS I'ieifTer, I'r-p. Only first e; !ass house in the eitj. Larc sample rooms for eoni mcreial men. No Chinamen deployed in tin kitrhen. (leiieral sta'e oltii-e f r C'orvulbs. MRS M. K. McCOY, M. r..HOM(KOPA i ill' ' physician, oKice and ci'i in r Firt iitil Raker streets, Albany. V. Cbronii diseases a viecialty. Consultation free. if. f". . V r :r: 10 to VI a. m and 2 to a v. H. Ou 1! KnthKVVAV. VFTEI IN ARY'SI'l -I'M, Albany, Oregon. (Jra'Iuate erf Oc man and Aiiivrirrn colleges. M'Ai.wm: .V wooiuvaiip. !io..H'iviinc i i:v siiians aod siir'O'-iiS. oOsiitries treat ment of (hronii- diseases of iviimii ami e)c!.ir n a speeiiilt;. . All eiills i( n.( t'y at tended to day jr niuht. tlice in the Flinp bio U H. EWKRT, I'RA' 'TK.'AL WAT( 11MAKF. and jeweler, Albany, Oregon, JIairiioiia t'lunr. PHF. REST MAO NOLI A FLOUR IELIV I ereii to anv parr of toe city, for SI. 10 i e sack. " JOHN A OiiAWFOKI'. nlSodtf I ami Snrveyiiis. PARTIKS DESiniNO St'KVKVlNfl 10NK CAN Oil. tain accurate and prompt work by calliiiL' upon e-.-ounty surveyor f. T. T. Fisher. He has complete copies of field notes and town ship pfcts. and is prepand todo surveying in any part of Linn county. PostoRicc address, Millers Station, Lir.n couuty. Oregon. Portrait nL.i i. gtr rnuwyruJiitr IST'Studio corner of Second and Ferry PALACE MEAT MARKET Tames V. PiPE.Prop. Fir! Street r - - - Albany The best variety of choice beef,veal,mutton, pork tausage, etc,,in4the city ksptlconBtantly an hand. 3T Cosh paid for all kind ock."d THE FIRST NATIONAL BASK OF ALBANY. OREGON. PBE8IDEKT, L.Flinn. VICE-PRESIDENT S. E. YOUng, cashier. G.E.Chamberlairj, mKAXSACTS a genf;ral banking X Rl'&iNESb. Accounts kept subject to check. Siirht Exchanjre and Telefrraphic Transfer sold on New York, Chicatrc. San Francito ami Portland.Oregon. Collections made on favorable terms. S.E. Yoo L. Fliks L. E. bLAIS W. h. HERri.L Gko. E. Chambkrlain I Sineke Estrellas. successors to henry scsens Hne and Carriage Painters, Oeeo rat on and Paper Hangers- Piano varnishing a specialty. All work promptly attended to. Countrv work solicited. We f'ii! pay 40 tji.t per roll for fc,icoe shipping hutu,r. tiK Mrs.s ,fc Watbks. Six s'iuveeior a dccur at T. Jonee's GEftEllAL JVlEWd Another Kailway Disaster Near the City of Chicago. EiLlINK JMV VlMf THE COAST- Tae Eastern F: nit Crop A Boy Earned to Death No ' Yellow Fevtr Ca?es. The liKliALli's Special 1'ispatches. CuiCAtio, Aur. Hi. A serious accident is reported on the Illinois Cenlrai railroad at South Lawn 15 tt';?J&v''ath 't ! 's, '-'V .S'-"? tills moijiino;. Tcleranis askitiji for aid of tlie passengers have, heen ent to liiirt city and a relief train iias started for ih" scene of the ac cident. It is understood a pas senger and freioht train came into collision at that point. Many killed and wounded are reported. Lathk At the otiicv of the train master it is slated that the accident is not as serious as at first reported. It appears that about five o'clock a passenger train due here at 6:45 a. m. ran into a grand trunk freight at the crossing, wrecking the fore most cars of the passenger train and several freight cars. As far as advised no loss of life occurred" KI.AIi:S ItOVKttlAT. He Ha Tel Visit l lie Purific Coast What l.stve Sa.vs. Ntw York. Aug. li. In re sponse to the question "Will Blaine go to California," the secretary of the republican national committee said, "I don't know. It has not heen settled yet." Col. Estee, chairman of the Chicago conven tion, has written an urgent appeal for I'.iaine. He thinks Blaine's presence on the Pacific coast would l e a compliment and that the l cople would appreciate it and that it would help the party. The committee lias n't decided the matter, however. There ate some i'iiiriK that stand in the way of Maine's -oii:g to California, prob ; b'v the most important point. I elng tiie li-nth of time which it take for him to make the trip. We don't think we can hardly snare him from the East. I Mi.l. H I It (Rill'. Staccit t' liuil ami llih I'rires I ikrly to I'reviiil. Sl'RlNOFIKLI). (Mass.), Aug. 15. li'eports to the New Kngland iloniesteid from the growing regis ter of New Knjiland, New York '.nd Michigan sliow an enormous yield of grapes in all sections and rem 'rkahiy short crops of pears of all .irle!ies. High prices are con sidered positively certain for pear.-; ;snd plums whit medium values for grants and peaches, hut grapes held for tiie winter market will command ian-v prices. IM.Lttto FEIMC. . Sew Cae U po. led at .larkson ilte, Florida. Washington, Aug. 16. An offi cial bulletin from Jacksonville, Fla., says there has been no new yellow fever cases during the last twenty-four hours. Surgeon Gen eral Hamilton lias been informed of a surgeon in the marine hospital service who applied for a leave of absence. No more leaves of ab sence will be approved at present, as all the officers of the service are needed at their respective stations, in view of emergencies which may occur. PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES. Chicago, Aug. 16. The health officers here have arranged to in spect all incoming trains from the south having connection y ith the yellow fever districts, and will fumigate all baggage from such points. They say there is no danger here. Hew York Democrats. Saratoga, Aug. 16. The demo crats state that a convention will be held at Buffalo September 12. The Fisheries Treaty. Washington, Aug. 16. Morgan motion to postpone the fisheries treaty until December was defeated by a strictly party vote. Yeas 24, nays 27. Bnrned ta Bratfc. Toronto. Aug. 16. Edward Hanlan, Jr., a young son of Mart Ian the oarsman, while playing with matches last night, set fire to his clothes and was burned to death. Sorinern ParificJIMrectors' Meeting. New York, Aug. 16. The Northern Pacific directors' meeting has adjourned. The oiricials state that the matter b?" a joint lease of the Oregon Navigation company was not discussed, only tiie routine of business was transacted. Koarrfinx Count. Ftr. rOTlCB !S HEREBY GIVES THW AT the next regular term of the tomity commissioners cctut c.f Linn c unfy. Oregon, to be held at il.e vourt hcuse in the cirv oi Albanv. on Veiin: s:!ay, the 5th day of Sep tembeV. IsSS. Sealed tiids will he rece-.veu for bcjirdintr.. loiiPif and wash rp for the ..r.-;,..v twuir fiir tl'i- fn.mi.iiir Vt-ar. Ail bids must be filed with the Vrk on or tutors l o ooik r. o t -.e stme Biv-nt'one: dav. The eour: tb.: liftt :o reject my ai.n a'l bids. !.m'- L i.rd r of the cut! tr:is 5th day o! August, ISiSi. f. tailMAdll, Coi.nty cierK. llr .1 V li.if:. - iilivisician unJl Sur- geoi:, KLedd Oregon, l)i;:ollion Aironx the Wealthy to Ci-euSe Catc by f nter-nnti-rinsc As wealth accumulates the dis position to create great families increases in this country. Our laws look favorable on the distribu tion of fortunes ; no .tate has ever thought of adopting a law of entail ; in many, bequests for more than J one or two lives are forbidden. But rich men, desiring that their descendants shall keep their property together, are contriving to accomplish their purpose by inter marriages. The marriage of cousins, which has usually been frowned upon by the church and by society, is becoming, n.qr fre quent thai) it wasT In the- Roths child family it was enjoined by the founder expressly for the purpose of keeping tlie family wealtii together, and in some wealthy American families, which need not he named, it is understood that the policy is being favorably con sidered. The popular idea is that the marriage of first cousins is unwise, because the offsprings are apt to be sickly. Gregory the (ireat issued an edict against them. It would seem, however, that the old theory will have to be received with reservation. jIr. Gecrge Darwin, son of the great Dai win, has investigated the subject ex haustively, and lias come to a conclusion apposite to that above referred to. lie finds that, accord ing to statistics, in marriage between first cousins as a rule the offsprings enjoy average health, and that there is no warrant for the popular belief that idiocy, deaf-mutes or insanity are more prevalent among them than in the rest of the community. He admits however, that such offsprings ap pears to he more liable to certain diseases than other children, and that there is a slightly increase mortality aiiioiitr them in compar ison with the children of non con sanguineous parents. It will strike the public that Mr. Darn in has left the. subject about wheie he found it There are. however, moral as well as hygenir objections to the marriage of firs; cousins; it would be unwise t bivak down the barrier which enables cousins to a.-sociate to gether with a fredoni which would not be allowed among strangers. Most modern codes are silent upon tlie subject ; but seine things may be left to be determined by individ ual taste and a .sense of propriety. No codifier at the present day would fee.l it incumbent upon him to declare, that a man may not marrv his con-in. Kiisiaos Infe-rity. Levi P. Morton, the. li?puhiicar nominee for the Vice PiesideiK , wis in 18.VJ a mcinher of Morto'i .V (jrinnel . iu ti'-atrjyear tr.e tailed, seitiing with its creditors on the basis of 50 cents on te dollar. Mr. Morton went into the bdukict; t'usmcss, and in lS(i:j he invitetiai' his old-time creditors to a dinner. Each maa found, under his p'ate, a ccrtitied check for the remainder of his debt, with iitcret fioin tiie date of the failure. There was un iegal obligation resting upon Mr. Mor'on, but there was a moral ore w ich e, as an honest aod" u p:i3l t man, did oot feel at liberty to ig nore. There have been other case. ot this sort but they are raie enough to render Morton's scrup ulous honesty worthy the com mendation of his fel ow citizens. Dates r Salable Events. The Reformation began in 1517. Magna Cbarta was signed in 1215. The Suez Canal was opened in 1869. OrgaDS were first used in the year 1755. The War of Roses occurred in 1455. The nrfct musical notes were Used in 1328. The first espapers were prin' ed in 1494. The first postoffice was estab lished in 1516. Daniel Webster and Henry Clay both died in 1852. Two Billion Cigarettes a Tear. According to statistics compiled from the records of the Internal Revenue Department, more than 2,000,000 cigarettes were sold in the United States during the year 1887. If the remainder of the present year fulfills tne promise cf the first six months the record of the year 1888 will exceed that of ' me story, iad recently prom the previous twelvemonth. - V3" to be present at the festivity A Sennd Legal pinion. E, Bainbridge Munday Esq., Coin:'y Ally., Clay County lex. says: "lime used Electric Bitters with most happy results. My brother ulgo veiy low with malarial fever and Jaundice, but was cured by timely use of this medicine. Am satisfied Electie bitters j saved his iife." Mr. D. I. Wiicoxson, of Horse Cave, Ky.. adds a like tctiuiouy saylnsr; 1 lie positively bclcives. lie would have died had it not been for Electric Bit- ters This -teat remedy will ward off, a-: j .ure all Malaria .and for a I Liver ai.d stomach Disorders stsiids'imequal d. Price 50c. and $1. ; .it Fosliiiy A M i-'on S. ; cell pro ci tron is tlie jjrst law Of mu'iri. ro.iowunv Ffr-urnifi: an ac- Jen: po ; of 2uikiari & Kesney. FOREIGN IVEWS. Unveiling of the Monument Prince Fiederick. of FORTY SIILLIS Jo CKlLtt.i Ready to?Die Rather tLnn Give Up their Rights A KoLster eeticg of Im perialisms in Paris.- Tiie Herald Special lus atch.-s.l Berlin, Aug. 1(5. Emperor Wil liam attended the unveiling of the mcnurneut to the memory of Prince, .'rfjjerick Charh-s at' Frankfort to day. The emperor was present at a breakfast given in his honor after the unveiling and gave a toast to the German unity. He said that forty millions of Germans would die rather than deliver a single stone of Alsace-Lorraine to France. A H1U lt3iOATKA1IO. Tvrtt Thousand Imperialists Akm-m-ble in rari. Paris, Aug. KJ. Two thousand of the leading imperialists met in this city yesterday, with Legonx as president. A patriotic address was voted to Prince Victor. At. the banquet which followed, the greatest en thusiam was manifested. Baron lloussmann, who delivered the oration, 'tceived a touching ovation. On account of his many years and ill health his friends had tried to disuade him from attending, similar demonstrations were held throughout the country. A Vanish Wetlatiag, The number of invitations varies according to the of the bride's parents, but there are seldom lets than fifty assembled, and often as many as one bundled and fifty o;i and young. A day or two be fore the wedding the various guests stud their gifts, not to the bride, but to her parents, eos.sistiijg tenerally of contributions t-T-rd the expected list, ami bey on u participating iu much revelry and good cheer the bride and bridegroom do not person ally benefit. Lme friend contributes ay, tight pnurds of golden butter, t-iied high on a platter fringed with greenery, another a score or two of siiue egs or seme ehicktns. A ami), joints of beet or a email cask. : tine old October brew, fellow in quick succc-faioi., and in this way the I arents frequently receive more prov ender than can he cousumed at the festivity, and tiieir sole expense cun-.-.isis in the hiring of plates and dishes irum the nearest stores in the town where the farmer sells his grain and bays his wife's groceries and ribbonc. l-'or months before the wedding the biitie with her mother and sisters have heen hard at work at the louir, spicuiug siud weaving ail the iiuen for t;ie person as ;vcii as for the house, liieii ttvre, together with a eouple cf young hoists, a eoupie of cows, ami a pair of sheep, invariably forms a pan of her marriage portion. Bridal or naments are not heirlooms as in Xo; -viy. The Danish peasant girl wears a simple croun of myrtle witii liar na tional costume- varying witti the itistrict, but always charming ana. pots of myrtle are ci rel ally cherished by girlish hands through tha long winters in anticipation of the even:! Her sole heirlrom is the great oaken dower chest, heavily clamp ed and often finely carved, thut holds her goodly store of linen. At 11 o'clock on the wedding morning all tne guests meet at the house of the bride, driving up in carts, and when she is ready, the long pro cession starts for the church. headed by outriders, who are the "best men." Next follows a cart con taing the band, three or four brass instruniet ts aid hat stand ingdisl., the village Sadler. Alter theiu comes the cart containing the brid alone, both parents remaining at home to put the finishing touches to the festive board already spread. Behind the bride comes the bride groom, also alone, driven by a karlo. He sits in the middle of his vehicle in all the conscious glory o a new tall hat and vast cloag with manv capes, worn even in the sun nier time, much as the Lord Mayor wears his lending a dignity suitable to the solemnity and as a mark of distinction. Near the church childi en strew flowers, as well as near the bride's old home, where there is also an archway -draped with flags. Returning from church, the bride and bridegroom sit together, the band preceding them, heralding their approach with a fanfare. Row Fashions are Set? Loidon Figaro. A charming French duchess h oymc urucvuieiii purpose at me Trouville Casino. Being rather behind time the lady put her glove on while driving, and never no ticed until she stood in the full blaze of the casino drawing-room that to her black and white silk costume she had put on one white and one black glove, fehe con tinued to wear them, and the grat ifying result was that at the next fashionable assembly all the ladies if Trouville wore a glove of a dif- ferent color on each hand. At present all the ladies of Trouville have adopted the custom. "IXTANTED AN ACi 1 VE tNEUGETiO f man to r -!ires-.:if ns ?:iles spent I ir. this city. Addiess. W.-inainuker & Kronu, Philadelphia. The retail cloth in j- house in America. Fresh butter at Kenton's. r