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About Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1888)
1 "W" 1: JV- W 1 SCENTS-A WKtJK ALBANY. OREGON THURSDAY MORNING. AUGUST' IC 18 VOL. 1II-NO. m - - 6Ti i,-. i V! 4? 1 ilil of Discoveries ; 11 L 1 a (111 Pw I I if in., it nHVic ABIErlNEMEDicolcOTLir aL. BHAVE VuU A CUit in the head wnit-h i secretion of mucus or matter in the nasal nose or drop back behind the palate, or hawked ?w troublel hv hawkmy. xpittmif. eak and - UAC TH- U A., L. I k' .moE!l1"-'. !L- , 1 . W llU'j'XAic ittb ipos;:ig secretions exuiieci from festering By -y VV CU fJ" TOT juicers far nck in the head: ometimes IliDirTiiir Mtrni r iinnrii -p UilU V 1LLL corrodins; sores reve the corruptioii withi:i. As every breath drawn into the luncs e;vj: pass cvtr tr;d 1 eicrr.c ro!lutci ' tions in the nasal J :-.ssit:e, it must cece-sa:iiy !f".r :).?: j Ik i Ir . '. :1 e rradually takfs place, while the morbid :) it is t, v(. i : i -.) into the stomach, tn'tebies diiiestion, ar,d tnen : i.v.t if i vi ' J - ' lis! ity, nervousness and consumption. E5SS22L DO NOT PROCRASTINATE. BIf you have experienced any of the trovtyn f t ins! :o ' j ( t d !?.; . ? vt 'i v C.-i 'vi r ;' Cat-R-Cpre at once. We positively iiarant eV a few applications ielieveand a thcrc.i.El treatment to erne. S'x months treatment b.r .l.t0: sent iy mail sauta Ahif and C'atK-iire. For mle bv mm II I II in .,.1 The Red Front. TWEEDALE & I Or'K13SS. Hardware, Stoves, Ranges, Tinware, Copperwarc. Pumps, iron pipe, rubber hose and plumbing: yoode. Sole ajrents for tb 'elebrated "Early Breakfast" eook stoves aDd.rangs, and "rAUltle86" parloi beating stoves. Albany, Oregon. AT COST! STILL TO Gr. W. SIMiPSOlS . Having purchased tte stock of Cloti:iTir, (-rents Furnishing Goods, Boots, Shoes, Etc., fC. B, Roland & Co, is now prepared to offer Reiter Having a complete assortment of General Merchandise, bought at a bi" discount, which he still proposes to sell at cost. Purchasers will do -veil to call and get his prices before buying elsewhere, as you can save f 'om 25 to 30 per cent. The highest market price paid for country pro fl joy of all kinds, either in cash or goods. Children Cry for EUREKA The motto nf Califojnia ' means "I have found Oniv in that land of sunshine, where 'the oraiitr emo land grape bloom and ripen attain heir honest perfection in niic-winter, re tne herbs and j;um found that att ised in that pleasant." lemev ior all hrcatanu luni; troubles, Santa :'&six jthe rniev of coughsaHthma, and con- sursipti-n. Jrofcnf A Jlation. of Al- j'lanv ?jresron,5' -beeb apjwnUxI aiisuai pi v nis.vaipie. uaniornia reui dy, and sell ft vv.titft a guarantee at $1 . bottehree for ii'.jfl ":-, , i. . ; yOR SALE BY ALEAXY C REGON &0t -:et bettir? Have you an excessive ..riich either must be blown frora fhe t-r siiufied backard to the throat? Are inflamed eyes, frequent soreness ot the throat. yinang or roaring in the ears, more or less impairnjent of the hearinir, l"ss c "smell, memory impaired, dullness rr dizziness of the bead, dryness or heat of iiiuat;: xiieiti k'l ?eut' oi Miieit. ,.'J IT.-. T . n .s ;djspepsia? Is your breath foul? Ik o Sou have tkk Catarrh Some have al these symptoms, others only a part. iThe leading symptom of ordinary ea ;arrh is increased secretion of mucus oi X - j-'onl breath is caused by the dc coic fan, C AXVrirlii''"''" "'''l.v 4r t' the bones themsehes p t t 'irraauanv decav. &ucn cases ur in u.'L.!deefl objects of pitv. as stench frm y the relitv 1 se re i t'.i'i stem 'vij.HS.UIMf d MASON lbany, Oregon G. L BLAGKMAN. (Successor to E. W. Langdon -DEALER IN- Dms, Paints, Oil Perfnmery snil toilet articles nlso a full line of books anc siationerj. periodicals, etc. PrescripUous-" caitfiill; compounded SN ODD FELLOW'S TEMPLE. Albany Oietroi Pitcher's Castoria. TBI FRIT! ian van V u 1Amp Merf ! y Cuderjthe uenlmanaKemei.tJif- ;. ,' "WHO KEEF f j, ' A f uil line of choice family grocer esj and provision Cannea jiriesiipples.jl Clioice TaWe Delicacies Ornamented cakes for Weriftuias and Parties. Salmon bellies, mackerel and saltjfish ofjali kinds. FRESH BAKED BREAD liver v Day. BestSmPiestakes TEAS and COFFE CANNEDJtiOODS, ETC. -ine best Soap in the market- Le Roi Savon. A fine assortment of domestic and Imported Cigars STM John Fox's old stand lew brick. iw Fl nn s T. J. OVERMAN AttKNT FOR THE f3rilas on hand a line of new and second andwheels. Send for Ctal HAVING SOLD AN INTEREST IN Mi harness business to 1. J. Overman. I am desirous of collecting all my outstandinc notes and accounts. All persons knowinsr themselves indebted to me will please call and settle. The business will be continued as usual at the same please. E. L THOMPSON. Albany, Feb. 22. N d WILLARD fLlVE- 1 urnitiireDealers r -IN A- Live lwfo. This is what Albany is at present, and in order to keep pace with the ively tituis in tiiis citv, tiiey have enlarged their store and' stock so ih:it they now have the nnst complete iod 'lesirnble line of furniture in the valley. Their double salesrooms in Fro man's block are filled with an clesram ar-sortim iit of new furniture, consist ing of lounges in new patterns, fine iroi'l picture frames, willow chairs, easy rockers, marble tables, brackets, etc., etc. An examination of the stock will show this to be true in every re--pect. J of Oregon r-T'EniENE t:JTYjg: -Next region logins on Monday, the 17th of oei'ieiuuiT, 15-&0. Free scholarships frcm every county in the state. Applv to your c anity superintY-nilent. Four . .iii'ses: Ch.s-K;!. Scieiitific.Literarv a..d a short KnUish course in which there i" no Latit., Greek, (Tench r German. Tlie L!:l'U-Ii is pie-emitivntlv a Bu-iness course. r r ci.i.1 .exiles or other triformuti'm, address W. JOHNSON, I'resiuei.t. irk Bros. LEAD1NG1 BICYCLES. ill TriCf m- Safeties.- WOOD! Absolutely Pure. This powder never vanes. A marvel of purity .strength and wholesomeness More economical tliaa the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competi tion, with multitude of low tesUshort weight alum or phosphate powders Sold only in miis. Royal Hakin 'ow Co," W, Will) St.. N. Y. .41tokm:ys. "I K. X. HLACKBUKX. ATTORNEY AT ..". Law, Albany, Orerron. - Office in Odd bellow's Temple. ' -Vill practice in all court of the state, and jrive special attention to all business. 1 OLVERTON CHARLES E. AITORNEY at Law, Albany, Or. Office in rooms IK aiv.1 H, Foster's Hlock, over L. E. Klaiii's stor . J K. WEATHOKFORD, ATTORSEY 'AT Fellow's Temple. Will practice in all the courts of thestate, and (five special attention to all business rilYSHIA'.. W. J1ASTOX, PHYSICIAN fAXllSUl: , -eon, Albany, Oregon. G. M. II. ELLIS, l'HYSICIAX: AXD SCRr !;eou, Albat.y, Oregon. c C. KELLY, IHYSICIAX AND tfl l. con Albanv, oreoi:, office over Cir.u!- wi'hl's sture. Office hours, lrcnit A- s. t" 1 REVERE HOUSE, ALBANY, OR. -CHAS. , Pfeiffer, Prop. Only first-ecla s bouse in the city. Larjre sample rooms ior com mercial men. Xo Chinamen emplojed in t'm kitchan. General sta'e office for Corvallis. MRS M.E.McCOY,M. O.HOMCEOP iUIC physician, office and residence i tier ot Kirsi and Baker streets, AibanT, Or. Jhrcnie diseases a frpccialtv. CoiiHtil'Aibn free. Of in tn ii a. si and 2 to 5 v. Jl. I in u noLl'r.WAV. hW a Y. VETERIXAIt SI I ' J '.'con, Albanv, Oregon. Craduateof f'c:! iv, Orei man an.! Anicncrvn collcucs. M'AI.lSTKl: & WfKiPWAKK, IH 'JIKol'A'f II1C 1'IIV sicians and Mircuns, olistctrics treat ment of ihr-mii: dis-CMM-s of women am: children a specialty. All calls pir mptly at tended to dav or i:ivbt. liilice in the Film: block. H EWEKT, 1'HACTICAL WATCH.MAKE , and jeweler, Albany, Oregon, l;muolia Flour. IIHF. BEST MAGNOLIA FLOUR DF.L1V L ored to any part of the citv, for $1.10 per sack, JOHN A CRAWFORL'. n:sodtf l.aixl Surveinu. PAKTIKS DKSlRfSn SI RVKYINO DOSK CAN OB. tain accurate and prompt work by callimr upon ex-county siirv yoi F . P. T. Fisher. He has complete copies of field notes and town ship plats, and is prepared to do surveying in any part of Linn county. I'ostotfice address. Millers '"tation. Linn county. Oregon. 'X.- '. Portrait Photographer "SStitdio corner of Second and Ferry PALACE MEAT MARKET James V. PiPE.Prop. First Street Albanj The best variety of choice beef, veal, mutton, pork sausage, etc.,inthe city keptconstantly an hand. t3T Cash paid for all kind ock.-RJ L OF ALBANY. OREGON. presidekt, L. Flinn. vice-president S. E. Young, cashier. G.E.Chamberlain, fPRAXSACTS A GEXERAL BANKING jL BUS1XESS. Accounts kept subject to check. Sijrht Exchange and Telegraphic Transfer sold on New York, Chicago, San Francisco and Portland.Oregon. Cofiections made on favorable terms. S. E. You L. W. FUSH I . E. bi.Ais"- t. ilKRFtl GF.O. E. CHAHBFRI.AIX I Smoke Estrellas. SUCCESSORS TO HENRY SUSEXs ilouxeanrt fiirrlace Painters, feo rnforn and I'apcr lianrrit- Piano varnishing a specialty. All work promptly attended to. Country work solicited. We will pav 40 cents per roll for ?h:rpit:ir butter. TlU M'SON & Wateks. siX sl'.u'.eiioi" a Uollar at T. JtEes's Geo. Vassal lo & Co GENERAL NEWS. Yellow Fever Very Prevalent in '- Cuba. DXATU OX A t.llKIi FTer Still Eaging in Florida Mnxderl aod Lynching in Arksna-Coonecticat . Eepnbiican State Ticket. The Hbsald's Special Dispatches. New . York, Aug. 15. Advices froiiP St. , Jaao,' Cuba, say there ere twenty dpat jis , fromvtllorw revrt TO ttri6t-; Op- tO .Ti2Q July, largely among tlie military. New iwd was furnished for the disease by a lot of freshly arrived Spaniards and the weather being favorable for yellow fever. Ke ports from the interior say that many children- and natives are dying of yellow fever at Santa Kspiritce. Twenty-four children were swept away in a single day. DEATH OX A STEAMER. The steamer City of Baltimore cleared from this port four days ago for Philadelphia. When six hours out the chief oflicer died of yellow fever. The steamer came back and reported his death from apoplexy." Dr. Caminero, of the United States Marine Hospital, was lied to by the ship's owners, ar.d obstructed in his duty by the agents. HIKIKR IV AKI..VA. Two rreminrtat Mm killed by IIolfrook Arizona), Aug. 15. Information has reached here of the murder of James Scott and Jeff Wilson by outlaws, in the southern part of the county. The aii'air grew out of the recent war in Tonto Basin, between the sheep and cattle rangers. Warrants were issued and arrests made bv unin terested persons, and t he prisoners were taken across the mountains iuto Yavapai countv, whore they were met by a prepared mob of outlaws and hanged. ro.vr onio: kobbikt. 4 Million Dollar vl I'ropeily Ite covered in l liicaso. Chicago, Aug.lo. The postofliee authorities having in charge, a box box robbery affair have completed n partial list of sheets, drafts, money orders," and other negotiable papers lound m Uberkampt s rooms. So far it foots up over $250,000. The inspector is satisfied that the aggre gate value of the stolen documents recovered will be fullv one million dollars. Vllvv .lack in .lackMOnil'.e. Jacksonville, Aug. 15. An official bulletin to-day shows three new cases of yellow fever. Nj deaths, and twenty-three are under treatment. There have been twemv-eight cases here to date, and four deaths, one suspicious case and one death at Tampa. Tlie weather is damp and sultry, excel lent weattier for the spread of the fever. The city is being put in a thorough sanitary condition. 1'aanertici.t Kepnbliean ( ontentioa. Hartford, Aug. 15. The re publican state convention elected John W. Hall permanent chair man. After spewhes and preiim inarv routine Morgan K. Buckley- was "nominated for governor; Gen. S. E. Merlin, for lieutenant gov ernor and R. J. Walsh for secretary of state bv acclamation ; E. S. Henry was nominated for treasurer and John B. Wright for comptrol ler. Tnrkikb Affairs. London, Aug. 15. A crisis is re oortedin Turkev between Sultan and his ministers,dueto the refusal of Sultan to to sanction Grand Vizier's proposal to borrow 1,500, 000 to pay the overdue wages of soldiers and sailors, it is rumored that the said Pasha minister of foreign affairs, will succeed Kiamil Pasha as Grand Vizier and Godbar Pasha be sent to London on a secret mission. American rarty ('nTrntian- Washington, Aug. 15. At the second day's session of the national convention of the American party, temporary officers were made per manent. The committee jon plat form made a majoity report. Both were received with great applause and finally recommitted with in structions to report this afternoon. Clear Makine Investigated. New York, Aug. 15 The com mittee investigating the evil of immiaration to-day examined David Harris, president of the local cigar makers international union. He said American work men have been a'.mo.-t driven out of "business by loreign laborers. In !So4 good cigar makers could earn $50 per hk ; now $12 was a fair week's wages. Many man ufacturers have imported all their own labor. Mure Earthquake. Winthroi, Aug. lo. -One of the most severe earthquakes ever ieit in this vicinity occurred at sXi last evening, " continuing thirty seconds. The earth shook vio lently, swinging buildings and rattling dishes and iumiture. The se end shock was felt about mid night. It w;s somewhat lighter and about the tain- duraUcii. WOMAN M t'frKA-bl'. The Sniterior taurt of W." T. EM clare it 1 ncoMMlinlieiial. Olympia., Aug. 14. In the su preme court to-day a decision was rendered iii the case of Nevada, M. Bloomer ys.' John Tedd and others, the sufrage tst case. The court affirms the decision of Judge Nash declaring' tie woman suffrage act unconstitutional. As staled previ ously, to the plaintiff, a female citizen, was debarred from voting at an election held at Spokane Falls, April 3, of this year, and for thts she asked damages in the sum of $5000. ,lhe demurrer filed vby defendants, the iuJges of election. -&Heg- hnhnpfBiRt Alaotiiacs and arsenal, - put the' Presi state jacis sumeient to constitute a cause of action. The district court sustained the demurrer, and judg ment was entered thereon, from which judgment this appeal was taken. The only question before the dis trict court was as to the validity of the legislative act of January, 1888, conferring the privilege ol voting upon women, and this was the only question in the case submitted to the supreme court. The question of this interpretation of chapter 51 ot the laws ot 1888 is dwelt upon largely by the court, which adopts as a rule that the construction and interpretation of laws arise after enactment. "If the interpretation given bv the court to a certain law is unsat isfactory, it is in the power of tne pe ople to oDviate the difficulty bv an amendment thereto, or by changing the statute. It is for this purpose that constitutions are made that there may be stability in the government which furnishes the fundamental law, and that the varying moods of public opinion, the clamor of the populace or even public s;entiment shall not affeei the fundamental law of the land, and thus leave us without anv stable and unchanging guide, when the public passions or tlie resent ment of thf populace might carry the state out upon a sea of revolu tion, with only passion or a guide. Should the constitution and the laws change as rar.idiv as public opinion, they would both be liable to become oppressive and unen durable. 'It is the duty of the court to construe rules, to give effect to the intent of tiie legislature, though a seeming violence is done to somt oi the words employed. The in tention of congress in using the word "cittzen" as found iii tlie or ganic act, is considered bv the court as pertaining wholly to per- j sons ot tlie masculine gender, tne object being to exclude aliens from u&mg the elective franchise, and not extending any particular lowers to women. It never wa intended that women should bt admitted as a delegate to thehoii.-c of representatives in congress. The form of every word in trie constitu tion of the United States goes to show that the offices provided for therein shall be males. The form of every word in that relation is masculine. For thirty years con gress has understood the meaning of the word "citizen," as far as the privilege of voting was concerned, to mean males only. Blame tor Tori land. Augusta, (Maine), Aug. 15. Blaine, accompanied by his son Walker and a large gathering oil politicians, left here at 11 o'clock for Portland, where he will be ten dered :i reception this afternoon. The speakers besides Blaine will include Warner, Miller and Nelson Dingley. I'lltKLI'!' ki ki:r uea. Another Millionaire . Kailroad uate Resigns to Denlh. Mag- The telegraph brings the news of the death of Charles Crocker, president of the Southern Pad lie railroad. The cause of his death is given in the following dispatch : San Francisco, Aug. 14. Chas. Crocker, whose death occurred at. .Monterey this afternoon, received internal injuries by being thrown from a carriage in New York two years ago, from which he never completely recovered, and a few months ago his condition became so bad he was forced to abandon his business entirely. Since the 1st of Juiy he has been at Mon terey suffering with an attack of diabetes. His condition did not improve, and during the last few days it was known he could not survive long. Airs. Crocker is now on her way irom New xork, hav ing started on receipt of the news sf her husband's serious illness. Col. Fred Crocker and William Crocker were with their father at the time of his death. Deceased leaves one other son, George, who lives in Nevada, and a daughter, Mrs. Charles A. Alexander, who is now in Europ . Charles Crocker came to Cali fornia from the state of New York in 1841, and afterward became associated with Leiand Stanford. C. P. Huntington and Mark Hop kins in the construction oi the Central Pacific railroad. He was afterwards a leading spirit in the construction of tne Southern Pacific and at tiie time oi his death was vice-president ot tiie Southern Pa cific company of Kentucky and president ol the Southern Pacific railroad company. He was t3 voar ot sure. His wealth is esti-:..atc-d al about 2i),:CK,L)J. k.tlT AM BKIFI Ki:t)llTI.S. The Frcqaent involutions In Kcna tlor it Mere Natter f Kntlne. American Jiatnuine, ' Kcvoluuocs in - Ecuador are fre quent; they usually begin by an atteaipt to assassinate the Presi dent. The. plan of procedure is usually for the dicoctentd political faction to create a nintiny in the army, either by bribes to the officers or promises of promotion. As the private fiuiuiers always obey their officers like so many auto matons, aud are as willing to fight ou one side a?- the other, to secure the officers is to secure the army.. 1 he next Hep. is tu seize the bar- . dent to death," "pniclaim some ooe else provisional dictator, and then cali a junta, or convention, to nom inate a constitutional executive Senor Caamano seems to bear a v -harmed life;a3 lor three years, while he has been President, he lias numerous remarkable escapes. The last attempt to assassinate him was in January, 188G, while he was going Iroin Guayaquil, to Quito. He was riding, as travelers usually do, by night, to escape the heat oi the suu, w hen his small es coit was -attiickc-d by a band of mountaineers and lied, leaving tlie President to look out for himself. He jumped from his horse, ran in to be lorest which eucloses tin; roao, and creeping through tl e trees to tbe live.t, swam to the other side, aud made his way thirty miles on toot to the hacienda ot a friend, where he lound refuge. For two c-ays and nights he was iu the forest without food, and when he filially reached a haven he was totally exhausted. For a week or ten days he iay ill w ith a fever,but couriers were sent to Guayaquil :md Quito, and arriving before tbe reports of his assassination, assured the Govern men t officials of his safety. 4 V underfill i. ..citing Atone. Imagine a stone, in size contain ing about 500 cubic feet, in shape nearly as round as an orange, in wei-ht not Irvs than 80.000 pounds or forty tons, and so nicely balanced upon a table of rock that a child ?n years of age,by pushing against cither the north or south side, can r.:k it back and forth; yet the s'-'ength of a humired men, wrthous levers or other appliauces. would -be iusuftlcicn-'.todislouge it frocv N pofeiiiotL- Such--"!" "the ' ce!e-"" brated rocking-stonc on the farm of Mr. J. McLaury.two miles south west of Montieello. This is one of tlie greatest natuiai curiosities in our whole couutiy. What sculptor could chisel out a piece of marble of its size, and then poise it sa nicely that it would vibrate under so iignt a touch ' Hut its shape, size find position aie not tlie moss wonderful things about it. Its body is composed ot a somewlias loose and so!t sandstone in which re imbedded numberless round and flinty pebble of diamond-likrt hardnesss. In all tiie vatlev where i: is situated it is the solitan specinien of its clas. Around at under, the rocks are ot a totally different structure. The table on which it rests is a hard stonr, uearly as firm and close-grained as the blue stone of our quarries. Whence came itiis wanderer and how? Senator Corbel t as a Farmer. The News says: Hod. W. Cor bett returned yesterday from s visit to his 600 acre farm on the Columbia river, where he has been rusticating since Friday last. This place is devoted principally to stock raising. Th Senator feels proud over the fact that from five to six ton of hay per acre was cut from his meadows this year, and says the hay and grain crop this year is phenomenal. ne Way f Vetting to the Circa; The Star of Idaho says: We know ot a man who wanted to take his wife to the ciicus and not hav ing the money, he bought four dol lar's worth of groceries at one store and sold them to another fo.r $2 cash, thus getting the price of admittance. Its a cold day when a Moscow man gets left. Self protection is the tirst law of nature. Follow it by seeurinar an ac cident policy of Burkhart A: Keeney. SUMMOXS In ih? Circuit Court of 'he State oj Oregon for Linn Counti: Xancy A. Bunch, Plaintiff vs. Hokely D. Bunci, Defendant. To Stokelv 0. Bench, the alxive named De fendant: goii, you are hereby reqiied to appear and :;iiwcr the coinp'a-nt of the above plaintiff in the a ove entitled court, now on file with tbe clerk of said court, n or the 22nd rlav j of October next, it being: tbe fourth Monday -f October, 1SSS, and you are hereby notified oai;iieu ian eo appear aim answer said cuiiiplaint. as hereby required, the plaintiff iviii apply to the Court. : )r tbe relief demano e 1 therein, to-wit: A decree dissolving- the b- nds of matrimony now subsisting betw een plaintiff and defendant, awarding the care, . ustody and control of tbe minor child, Ma p1 3 bunch, t plaintiff, arid adjudging hat in iui-'.int py the cists ai.J Uisbiirsctnelite ' this suit to he taxed. This s::min.,i'- is pni:!iL; ! in the HrKALM-iis-h:.u.AToK by virtue fit n:i order made by lion. K. P. ivjise. Judge or -aid court, ma le at ch'ind er in tbe city of S.-.icm, Oregon, ai"i di.fed the !th da cf AiiL'iit. ISSS. I. 1!. N. I'.l.At KHURX, Atiorauv ior l'ialutiff. rr 4.. V :-ev '-- asBSi1i S9S5SS5?fS