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About Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 15, 1888)
''.A' ' ft. i i SCENTS A WEEK. ALBANY. OREGON WEDNESDAY MORNING. AUGUST 15 1888 VOL. III-NO. stf 1 it 1 V CI lot California, (lie Land of Discoveries f PI F4SlfejP .TASTE. - OMTHTG CO'JC-h i AFP! C ftinYlKfii U AH 1 0 T7 i.i tin ur i iufv sit iiiii l vfcrJNGS -Sold on Gi5 OccT for cii'Cu AdIL I INl IVlLf:C0.OR0y?JLLL fAL.i UAVK Vol A CeLL iti tiie fctsiU w:i-:it .. w-s no get Letter'- Have vou an exocsivc secretion of uracils or matter in the which either must be "blown from the nose or drop back behind the palate, ..r iiA-.tUed r .nuifed backward to the throat'- Arc T" troubled by hawkinsr, pittit!f, weak am! it. flume 1 eves, frequent soreness of t!:e I . ' fmufmm TH 0,T T j!2 ey .yu. j CURE CATARRHS lASiETiNEMER-r r. n nirtt I T' r Uiu v iLt-iL. ur. e-jrrodmi; sores r-ve tbc corruption witl:5:i. As every Wath dniwii int-- the liuit n.tis- pass cvr ar d V-cevn.-tion? in the tia.-a! )-&rs-.j.-cs. it sr.iist ntte?sar"i.v fo'Vw t'r:.t ht St-adtialiy takes piacc, while ti.r n-orM.; ln&'ter tl .: ;h,, into tiie s'on -;-ih, r.!-f !i.tst:Qn, atid c:t-i5 ity, !iervusit s? htid cr risnrni'tien. DO NOT PROCRASTINATE, If you hr,ve experienced ai:v rf the at-r.n Cat-K-Cirk at on.t. Wepositively uaranr treatment to cute. S5x months treatment fr.r sauta Atii- a! nro. For S. - FOSHAY Vi. '.fit. ,.t'A?3 The Red Front. TWEEDALB & HOrTKllSrS. Hardware, Stoves, Ranges, Tinware, Copperware. Pumps. i:-on pipe, rubbor liose and plumbing iroodfe. Sole agrents for the cclebraiud "E:irly Breakfast" cook stoves asdj'anjres, and "FaultleeB" parlot hcatiuff stoves. A!b:triv, Oreirou. AT COST! STILL Gr. W. SIMPSON . Having urcli:jsl the stock of ClotLino-, Gents Furnisliiui: (ioos, Boots, Shoes, Etc , f C. 1, Koland tt"Co. is now ju'epartd to otl'er Be iter feisis Having a complete assortment of (ienerjl ?iTerch.iniise, bought at a t.i-r disconnt, which he still proposes to sell at cost. Purchasers will do well to call and get his prices before buying elsewhere, as you can save f-om 25 to 30 per cent. The highest market price paid for country pro- ice of all kinds, either in cash or goods. Children Cry for EUKEKA ne motto of C.-.Iifo.inia mear,s "I h-.iw-j found -t." Only in that land of sunshine, whore the oranr emo and grape bloom and ripen attain t!:Oir hunest verfectioii in mid-wmii r. ire the herbs ami ;m:i iruuu that are in That pleasant lemeclv for x. 11 rl'tcat and Hni!f troubles, Santa Auk ItK. .-,-... . f -.V. .. P.....V 1 tfunit-t: f. toli;iv" A .llason. of Al- oanv "rt-.'on lime t.cen appointed "-aiis'.iariii"ti hisiaihie i .ilifornia roir- ihi seil it under a guarantee at 1 DOti nr. : for 2 FOR SALE BY ALBANY C REGON memory impaired, dullness cr uizzess of the head, drvness or heat of jnose'i Have you lost a!) sense of smc:!? Have you a hacking couyhi Have you mspep-ia-; Is your breath foul": If so Ivor iu- k ri;E Catarrh Some have al JYor iiAVK these syin IThe ieadir nptoms, others only a part. aoiri'- snvotomof ordinary ca- 'tarrh is increased secretion of mucus of V f.Vio," ,1 LIH'ILMl lyiUJtU;cl. 1 " posing aecreti'-Tis exuded from festering Mason. r 0 juicers far bai l; i"! tie head: onietnr.o irmillif ir?mii:-i.n( coveriiiir the hones is .vay the Wies thcii:scivt c i :srra:tuai a: I cd L.:dr (iCi Sn-h i?es ar in f pity, as stench from !i i!u;(!j !y ti e rt!ie'. :'l ' ! "! t v. ; ' . e- re il. '; . Mil t.:l imd-s! doVrrt . 'ti a few applii-atfons relit m .-a. 00: st i.t .v mail a Then !e by i MASON. Mbany, Oregon G. L BLACKMAN. (Successor to E. W. Lanjrdou DEALEE IX Drags, Paints, Oils. VerfumerT and toilet articles also a full line of books ;u: stationery, periodicals, etc 5-Sf Prcscriptiobs carcfulh compounded IN ODD FELLOWS TEMPLE, Albany Ou-ir"i. than Ever! Pitcher's Castoria. THE FRONT ! The Albany Bakery ! ' Uuderfthe nenmanagemenrf- D, alter Bros. WHO KEEP A fuil line of choice family grocer esfcand provision Canned. t-'irietipples.B CMce TaMB Delicacies f. Ornamented i-akes for Wedo mas tnul Parties. Salmon bellies, liac'Kerel.aml saltjfit-h ofjall kinds. FEESH BAIE3 MEAD JhCverv Day. Best STQn. PiesJCakes TEAS and COFFE n it .'I II l! 1 i rip i n i Its MM CANNED ttOODS, ETC. j ne best Soap in the market Le Roi Savon. A fine assortment of domestic and Imported Cigars -5 At John Fox's old stand low Fi nn's fellas cn hand a line of new and second andheels. Send for Otal HAVING SOLD" AN INTERKS'l IN MY harness business to 1. J. Overman. I am desirous of collecting all my outstanding notes and accounts. All persons knowing themselves indebted to me will plcise call and settle The business will be continued as usual at the same please. E. L THOMPSON. Albanv, Feb. 2i Mi fLlYE- IX A This is whnt Albany is :it present, and in order to keep p;'ce with the Jvely tinn in this citv, tliev I have enlarged their s-tore and stock so that they now have the rn )st complete Lin'l desirable line of furniture in the valley. Their double salesrooms in Fro man's lilock are tilleil with an elegant, asstM'tinent of new I'lirniture, consist ing of lounires in new patterns, tine cold picture frames, willow '.-hairs, easy rockers, marble tables, brackets, etc., etc. An examination of the stock will show this to be true in every re spect. University of Oregon ! Next -esion begins on Monday, the 17th of September, ISss. Free scholarships from every countv m the state. Applv to your county superintendent. Foureou-ses: Classical. sVientitie.Literarv a.,d a short English coarse in which there is ' no Latin, Greek. French cr German. The j E:'L'!i-h is pie -eminentlv a ru-i:iess Course, i.-. - ... .,i...,.,.- .i - - ..." . . i i vi u.oivv; oi ouicr irtrornianon, address ' W. JOHNSON, President, j Raisms X. J. OVERMAN AGENT FOR TI1K LEADING , BICYCLES. vnnn W i 1 m mw nmm. tin IT y UUiJ VI Tl iulJilllLM itm liitivi .!iHiWiltf M iiFMiWeders mams Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of puri:y,strenrth aiul wliolesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot Vie sold in competi tion with multitude of lew testshorl weight aiutn or iihosph.ite powders. Sold only in c-ms. Kotai. Bakin 'ov- DEK CO,' KM i Willi St.. N. Y. ATTOKXKYS. DH. N. lil.ACKiil 1!N, ATroilNKY AT . Law, Albany, Oregon, othce in Odd bellow's Temple. ' -Vii! practice ill all court of the state, and i;ie sptci.d attention toai! business. IirOLVKRTON CHAKLKSK. AITOKNKY V at Law, Albany, or. 0:li-e in rooms ' and 14, Foster's lilock, ovtr L. K. iilaiu'. s.tor . T K. f) . law, Albanv, Ore'-on. Otlice in'Odi Fellow's Temple. Will practice in all tin courts of thestate, and fci( special attention to all business I'llYSH IAS. p W. MASTON, PHYSICIAN ANI1.SI I; 'JT, ?eon, Albany, Orei-or. M. H. KLLIS, I'll YSHTAN; AN1 SUKr eo'.i, Albar.y, Oreoii. r C. KF.LLY, PHYSICIAN AND ,.l!; J. yeon Albany, Oregon, fHce over Grai! wold's store. Office hours, from b A. M. to ! 1'. !. RF.VKKK IIOrSK, ALB.WY, OR. CHAS. . Pfeiffer, Prop. Only first-eclasK house in the city. Larjrc sample rooms for com mercial men. No Chinamen employed in tiv. kitchen. General stat-e nrlii-e for Corvallis. MRS M.F.. McCOY, M. D.HOMiEOPA I HIC physician, otlice and residence corner oi First and liakerstreets, Albany. Or. Chronii' diseases a specialty. Consultation free. O: fV pnri..; in to 11 . m and 2 t 5 p. il. lit; it rtoLI'ilWAY. VK'l FIllNAHY'SFK lJ L-eon, Albany, Oregon. Graduate of Ger man an.l American coilces. M!ALITH:ll i W0OI1WABO, HOMKOt-ATIlIC TilY sicians and surgeons, ohstetrics treat ment of chronic diseases of woiiien and children a specialty. All calls picmptiy at tended to dav or niu-ht ;i!ice in the Flimi Mock. H KWK1M , PRACTICAL WATCliilAKE , and jeweler, Albany. Oregon, ManIi:i Flour. I1HF, I'.F.ST MAGNOLIA FLfUrK IW.U L ered to any part of the citv, for SI. 10 per sack. JOHN A CKAWFOKF. nl&udtf l.aud Survcyins. PART1KS DKS1KISG SI KVRViNG POSK CAX OB. tain accurate and prompt work by calling upon ex-county survyoi h. T. T. Fisher. He has complete copies of field notes and town ship plats, and is prepared to do siirvcviiiir in any part of Linn county. Fostoffice address. Millirs Station. Linn couuty. Oresion. Portrait HJ. . M L, JigrStiidio corner of Second and Ferry PALACE MEAT MARKET lAMES V. PlPE.Prop. First Mreel ... - Alltani The best variety of choice beef,veaI,nutton, pork jausatr etc.injthe city kptconstaiitiy an hand. 3T Cash paid for all kind oekSS m in in GF ALBANY. OREGON. . presidkkt, L. Flinn. VIC K-PUKSIDENT S. E. Young, CASiiiEK. (;.E.Chamberlain, fP HANS AC i"S A OENF.KAL RANKING i til 'i.Ni-s. AiCMi:;ts kept su't.jcct to check. Siirht Exi haiiu-e and Teltarrapidc Transfer solii on Ww York. Chicago. Van Kratu-isto and I'ortiaml.Ore.-cn. Coiiccti-.iiS made cn favorii.Ie K-ras. S. E. Yor L. Fi.ix- I.. E. iJ.'.Aix' W. E. iri'.KKi.t, GKO. E. CllAMEFKi.AlX Smoke Estrelhis. SUCCESSORS TO HENRY SUSENS Hwur and t'arrtase Fainter. Ileco ralorsaud I'aper llan-crs- Piano varnishing a specialty. All work promptly attended to. Country work solicited. WANTED. We will pay 40 certs per roll for hoicce shipping hutter. Ti!OM"s x Waters. . Six s 'javesfor a dollar at T. Jone' I I 1 6eo.Vassa!io&Co. i j GEM11AL iNEWS. Dynamiters Still Continue Their Work in Chicago. BLAI.VE UI Alt s K.MIII SI AiM. Fleeing From Yellow Jack A Fierce Bat tle Schofield in Command Bnrned to Death. -iC!-r..vIK-5At,?--5r9.'J?l p's-p-tc-oeR. ' V.JIlC.VJt , -lllg . 11. A IHIgV t.jnaruite bomb containing enouob explosive material to )emolisli the entire train was found on the Chi cago, Burlington & Quincy railroad track at Sixteenth and Halfctead streets thip morning. The police suspect the Burlington strikers or their sympathizers. They have no clue, how ever. .Ui(l i;lail. Ill 1rii to Auui, Maine, a 'on linued Wralion. Boston, Aug. 14. The Blaine party was not astir until late this morning. Several callers were denied admission. Addresses of congratulation from the republican club at Lyons and from the League of workingmen at East Cambridge were presented to him at a late hour. At 1 1 ::0 delegations from the Home il. A. K. club were ad mitted to a conference. At 12 the party left for the lailroad station. There was no demonstration en route. When the carriage reached the station there was a large crowd present, and it was with dilliculty a passage was cleared by the police. Blaine, on entering the car, was cheered by the crowd. As the train stopped he appeared on the platform in response to calls f-om the multitude, and thanked the people for their kind reception. The train then moved on its way to Augusta. MEtlNt. Ht'wtl FE.UKIUAf Refugees front I he Yellow I'cvrr IHMiicl tin Route to the North. Louisville, Aug. 14. A party ot refugees irom Jacksonville, Flor ida, passed through here to-day foi the north. Three of them are going to their homes in Ohio; one of them is an official of the Louis ville1 &. ..Nashville road, who for some time was in company with Leon Tattle, passenger agent of t he Louisville & .Nashville, who died at Jacksonville Friday. One of the party developed fever at YV'aycross. tieorgia, and was put off. The party only succeeded in passing the "quarantine-ports by making gross rn isrepresentations. THE WILDEST ALARM. Jacksonville, Aug. 14. The latest news from Tampa is to the effect that there are four suspicious e ises of sickness there. There are tnree cases at Manatee, two cases at Plant City and one at St. Augustine. The people are still wildly alarmed. Two thousand persons have left the city in the last dav or two. A FIEKCK BATTLE Bel ween Italians and Ahyxlniaiis tour Hnuli'cil sirai;s.lcr. Rome. Aug. 14. A dispatch from Massowah from a French missionary from the scene of the massacre at Saganeti reports that four of the Italian officers in com mand of auxiliaries were killed. The Abyssinian's chief had 750 men, 350 armed with muskets. A report asserting that Allies had proved treacherous is denied. Four hundred stragglers from the de feated column have arrived at Masso ah. ten. Sehofield in Command. Washington, Aug. 14. The president has issued an order, placing Gen. Schofield in command of the army headquarters at Wash ington. Gen. Schofield will also continue in command of the divis ion of the Atlantic. No other changes have yet been made. Sheridan's Estate. Washington, Aug. 14. The per sonal estate of Gen. Sheridair con sists of money, ?2271 ; stocks, $8000 ; pictures, albums and relics. J500 ; furniture, $3500 ; hordes and carriages, $o00. Letters teta mentary have been issued to his widow and Col. M. V. Sheridan. Burned to Heath. Newark. Aug. 14. The cotlase of J. I). McCarthy, at the Mt. Tabor Methodist canipinec-ting round, was burned this morning. Two children and the mother were burned to death. A tlis Blaze. Peoria, (Ills.), Aug. 14. The wholesale agricultural implement houses oi Martin fe Co. and Kinney & Co. were burned this morning. Loss, $12VXK ; insurance, $120,000. Notable Dea?. Berlin, Aug. 14. Prince Joseph of r-axe-Coburg Gotha has died of inflammation of the lungs. A Heavy Losk. -.. 1 . XI-.t.I.-.o bv last night's convent tire is now estimated at $530,000; insurance, $430,000. Well Korin. K. 3. David.-on lias sent for a ma chine hr honiig weiis. and ii a lew iav- will be ready to here wells any where in the citv. from two to iol r.m) i.:ckcs in Uh-.meter, any del th. Tat: KlIiOK VI PilATV, F.dMi ;. Kins; held Tor Trial J l Downio itle. DowNiEViLt.E, Aug. 14 Edwin G. King, charged with The minder : ot Perry H. Pratt, solicitor for Rosenthal, Fe-ier & Co.. who was murdered at Nigger Tent, has been held without bonds for trial by the Superior Court. King was hunting iu the viciuity with a Win chester lifle, but claims to have remained at a house where he took dinner so late that it world have I'oeu ;ni)')ssiuie lor nini IO llbyt; reached the scene or tHi murder -u ! the tune f the rrime was commit ted. On the other hand a travel ing sewing machine agent identi fied KiDg in the courtroom as a man he had seen with "a rifle near where the murder was committed at about the time of the crime. FELL .I.E HFtllRKD FFF.T. TheJ 1 raicgl-ale ton an 'Employe il a t'oai tympany. WlLKESBARRE, (Pa.) Aug. 1-1. At Nantucket to-day John B. Thomas, a company hand 30 years of age, whs at work lining the air way at the head of shall 1 of the Susquehanna Coal Company. In some way, as yet unexplaiued, he slipped from the platform upon which he was standing and fell headlong down the shaft a dis tance of over 900 feet, o the bot tom. In the fall through the shaft, which is lined with planks and rough boards, the body was completely stripped of all its ciothiug except here and there i band about the ankle or wrist and one shoe still clinging to a foot. Eyery oone in his body was broken and the entire body was mutilated beyond all humn semblance. A sad circumstance in connection rtitb the tragic death of Thorns.; was the fact that on Sunday next he was to be married to a mostes imable young lady ot Nantucket. The 'Trust' , Banditti. Pacific Rural Press. We have published a good deal, first koci iast, with regard to the "trust"' abuses; but the subject must be agitated a good deal more oetbre tiie abuses can b2 righted. A prcscrher here in 6ml- FraDCisCO is repoued to hare said in his ser mon last Sunday: We have in ur land what art called "u lists" the Wheat Tins, the S ig.u Trust, the Coal Trust, ti e O.l Trust and a host of otheis. They re be -omingvery numerous Ihey-aie without soul or con ienx', and nothing can stand be fore ; hern; they absorb everything. They remind me of a great se; iiioiitter called the devil tish . There )-: no gi eater danger threat ening the life of our great natioi. to-day than this accursed ;iust system. There is r 4God reason why coal should cost $18 ami $20 per ton when it can be purchaseel at the mines auu at Seattle for $4 anil S3 per ton. Coal should never go aboTe.$10 per ton in San Francisco markets. Why is it that it costs twice as irueu to build a frame house in San Francisco as it does in the Etii Tiie only answer to this is because the Lumber Trust. V neu up in Puget Sound a tew days ago a gentleman told me of a lumber mill in that place with unge capacity which was not saw iug uy a single stick of timber,and gave as the reason that the proprie tors were paid $70Ci) per year by a Lumber Trust of San Francisco not to work their m;i!. and they had bound themselves to take this amount tor seven years for lying dse. This is highway robberv on a large scale, and the men who enter into such tim's ought to bt- treated as we treat highway bers. Upon which the Call remarks :. These trusts are. nothing but schemes to swindle tne public. We have been to ready to form in corporated companies. We have an incorporation lor nearly eery thing. A compaay is organized and then it is given the privilege to swiudie the people. No act of incorporation shou'd be permuted to exist where the company en gages in combinations to control or advance the price of any coin mouity. And then it should b-j 'naoe a criminal offense to engage in schemes against the puolic i:i terest. eitner individuals. bv companies or b, Hates of Rotable Event . Tiie Reformation began in 1517. Magna Chart wsis signed it 12lo The Suez Cana! was opened in lSGO. Oisrans were first used in the: year 1755. , The War of Roses occurred in 1455. The first numcai note? were used in lo28. The first newspapers were pia -ed iu 141M. The first postofSce was estab lished in 1516. Daniel Webster and Henry Cl?y both died in 1852. Self protection is the first law i f nt' K-.llou- it by eeurir!? ;) .lent I o icy of Burkliurt 5; Ke- ne. AKmorTkai He Itilends fo Divide His Money. New York Coriespondence Chicago Tribune. A gentleman wuo is intimately acquainted wit a Jay Gould and irequently visits the great magnate; saui recently : "1 have no doubt of the truth of the report that he is to divide his property, and 1 ex pect to see Mr. Gouid himself announce it in a day or two. It ia a fact that cannot be questioned that Mr. Gould has made up his mind that his days oi usefulness in business are oserndlie'Sis gfcMHou.. threw up the sponge and leave the neici to oilier men. -ouice iwo in health Mr. Gould frequently refers to the sudden death oi William 11 . Vanderbill, and in his conversation he betrays a fear that his own life might be cut off quite suddenly. To his friends Mr. Gould has often said that Mr. Vandei tult's plan of dividing his properly before deatli met with his hearty approbation and he believed every rich man should do the same." "Is Mr. Gould in imminent fear of death?" saked the reporter. "O, no." answereel the broker, "but he is too much of a business man to take any chances. He has the utmost confidence in his son George and knows that the young man is quite capable of caring for tiie hulk of the Gould fortune, which he will receive. Hereafter the Gould family will not ligure as daring speculators or projectors of new railroads and great schemes. Their efforts will be devoted to holding the immense fortune which is now theirs. I understand that Mr. Gouid will make a formal announcement of his intentions in a short time." Wall-street brokers are figuring up the extent ol Mr. Gould wealth. It was recaiied that in July, IS-S2, when the air was filled with rumors adverse to Mr. Gould's financial standing, he had called into his office three weii-known gentlemen oi tnis city anil ha-i exhibited bonds, . ,,;i;ks and other s-'ctiritit-s standing in his own name, the lace value, of w hich was $32,000,IK0. Mr. Gouid's fortune In-s enormously incieased since six years ago, and the .general opinion places his resources at S 100,000,000. As neai iy as can be e.-timated the amount is distributed ii.i.oiu as follows : .ui.ouri Pacific securities ?20,OC0,OC- .SYstcin Union 'Iclearapii Co SO.OOO.CO.i Manhattan Elevated tioiiroau C'o.. 25,001', wi c'liion Pacific P'tihoaa Co 3,u00,) 0 iron Mountain Kaihoad Co o.oUO,(XO Iv.vas Pa. . irie ILniro-.d Go 1,000,000 Government bonus lO.iAH),' 00 MscLlIaneous and cusi).., ti.uOO.OcO Tots! It was conjectured among thoso who are best acquainted with Mr. Gould that he will retain s;5,000,0tK) in c.tsh for himself, in case of necessity, w hile George will g c the bulk of the fortune. J.isthow the money will be listi ibutt-d wrs figured out as follows : Mi . Helen Gould MrsI Jay Gould s.OuO duo 0 :olj;e Gould 5i(,K0,(i0O ni Gould . 10,000.000 liow rd Goi 'd 5,(K0,tXK . C.-orye Gould 1,000.0, -,ss A'ice Gouid 5,UOO!OCJ Jay Gould 5.e00,0i.0 Baby KiiiiiDiu I'.ould ?,000,0(!0 Relative Mik. i.-ul.'ic ba.u.. ;,0Ct,.i( Total $:co,ioo,coo "When this division is made Miss Helen Gould, who is a charming girl, will be, in her own right, the wealthiest young unmarried girl in the world. Jay oould does not repose the confitle.nce in his second son, Eddie, that he honors George with, but Eddie is a smart youth who can be expected to dcuble tho ..mount his f.uher gives him in a few years. Wall street is anxiously waiting for Mr. Gould to mako public his intention, when the .ncky sharers in his bounty will be warmlv congratulated. How to Eat a Watermelon. A watermelon though it be sixty pounder, is not intended to be de voured in public, nor is one water melon, no mittor w hat its weight may be, more thin enough tor one healthy person. This tact is orob -ably well known to every countr-." schoolboy. The art of eating a watermelon and ke.-pingcoo! is as simple now as it was in the days of long ago. The " rind should be slit with a shoit-b'adcd ki,ife, so th- t when the m?lon Is divided the heart of it shall rest in tine of the halves iu one of those luscious, juicy lumps. The kn.fe should then becarlully wiped and put iu the pocket. Then the coat should I e takec off :.ud the s -eves. roi ie l up. Piuuge the right hand under i:? end of the henrt and the hit hand under the other, lift the diip ping mass to the mouth, and fall to. The juice will tickle dowo your arms and saturate your, but what of it? There is plenty and to spare.tiiOUgh the feast is the rarest to be fouud on the earth. Two Billion inretles a Year. According to statistics compiled from the records of the Internal R -venue Department, more thaD 2.000,000 cigarettes were s-dd iu tiie United States during the year 1887. Ii the remainder of the prefnt y.enr fu'ti'ls t'te promise f the first six months the record of the year 18S8 will exceed that ot the previous twelvemonth. Gentlemen's soft hats at original cost at Mouteith & Seitenbach's.