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About Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1888)
ft ; v ALBANY. OREGON SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 188 (5 CENTS A WEEK. ' r V f : -.a- California, the Land of Discoveries l , toiMsurc xo .taste t-uMTHjocoii f,uft EUREKA rXvr-n ThAAi "ni It-- S-7 h IV. --. V VWI r' The motto of it Tl UJ'r II n C- I S found, it" Onlv m cm ELJ 1 IT It .. I l fIa-3thu- hunest pertccti i uj n car i mt im ji . m r- mm m i . 2-e33m r fej i frorli nrtstiAv raw jtxo rone jh i jrsv Sen for ctcutr.3 yfaHU3r9.g AnlETlNLMLDaO.ORPVHLI.CAL HAVE YOU A HOLD kn trie mW wmuh does secretion of mucus or matter in the nasal passages which either mutt be Mown from the mose or drop back behind the palate, or hawked or snuffed backard to the throat? Are you troubled by hawking, scit'im;, weak and inflame 1 eyes, frequent soreness of the throat, Awtfiw' bi5 theONLY QUaMTEED cure TOR I , r TT - V CATARRH w m OROVILLECAU eorrjxung sorts reve tne corruption wit nm. . -As every breath drawn into the lunys must paps ever and become potlc.tfdj by the reliev tions m the naaJ psssi?, it must necessarily if lew that iciscniig ttthe wlolesecre gradually takes place, while the morbid matter flat is salcu cm i tl stetp-'stem into the stoma- h, tnfecb'es digestion, and often, i r cv.cis dytjpKs, i tf laliyStrcatas-ses itv, nervousness and consumption. DO NOT PROCRASTINATE. If you have experienced any off the abeves-yrrptt donot dtlaj, rct'fry 'fCAlilORSiF Cat-R-Ci-rk at once. We positively uarant eeg a few : ppiicat ons J relieve ancji thorougb treat.ent to cure. S:x months treatment for $1.00; unt by mail santa Abie anil iil-R-f'nre. For Sale by I The Red Kill H I 1 I II' II ) !an! ware, Stoves, Ranp, Tinware, Copperware. J'uruns. iron nine, rubier b(p and nlumbmc poods. Sol aereots for thf cflebraicd "Early Breakfast" cook toes tit-Htintr stoves. Albany, Oresron. AT ST Lj T Gr. W. SIMPSON. HaviDir purchased tLe Furnishing Goodj. Boots, iioland fe Co. is now Having a complete assortment of General Merchanriie, nought at a bi.T discoiint, which he ft ill proposes to sell at i"st. Purchasers will do -'Al to call and get his prices before buying elsewhere, as yu.i can save f .om '; to :) p-i' cent. The hiirhest market price paid for eountry i o- ihice of ail : IU nor in casn or Califojnia means "I in that land of orang emo ripen ' atts.ii' on in mic-wmter, ire the herbs and gum found that are iised in that pleasant leme-Jy for all throat and Inng troubles,-Santa Abik the rule of cniL-hs,Jasthma, and con sumption, t'otkay Jt .llaoii. of Al- iliiir.y ircgon, have been appointed peanstiaipsi in hisvaible California rem edy, aim sen it unnera guarantee at i i bottehree fur ?2 .50. FOR SALE Poshay - . ALBANY - - CREGON nat tret better' Have vou an excessive ringing or roaring in tne ears, n,ore or less impairment of the hearing, loss o smell, memory impaired, dullness cr dizziness of the bead, dryness or heat of nose? Have vou lost all sense of smell? (Have you a hacking cough? Have you dvspiptia? Is your breath foul? If so you have tub Catarrh. Some have al these svmptoms, others only a part. iThc leading symptom of ordinary ca tarrh is increased secretion ot mucus ot yellow or greenish colored matter. Foul breath is caused by the decoiu posing secretions exuded from festering ulcers far back in the head; ometimes the membrane covering the bones is eaten away and the bones themselves - gradually decay. Such cases ar in deed lobjects offpity, as stench from I M T IBM i . a I II I XI E l' Albany, Oregon (Successor to E. W. LaDjrdon -EBALBJl IN- Drugs, Paints, Oils. Perfumery and toilet article, also a full "line of hooks anr stationery, periodicals, etc. J2? Prescriptious careful!) compounded IN ODD FELLOW'S TEMPLE. Albany OreffOii Front. ajidanges, and "FAulUe6" parlor stock of Clothinir, Gents Shoes, Etc., of C. B, prepared to offer Mason, UOliU U Milk) VII . L BLACKMAN COST! Tl lanaiiis than Ever gnotls. The Albany Bakery ! -Under the uew management of- D, rarser. iiii. -WHO KEET A mil iuifc of choicej" family" firocer es and provision Cannea i-'irieapplesj Oioice Table Delicacies Ornamented cakes fc Wedmnas and Parties. Salmon bellies, mackerel and salt fish,ofall kinds. ' FRESH BAKED BREAD tCvcrv TJ)av. Best Svnm. Pies. Cakes TEAS and COFFE on CANNED tToODS, ETC. nc best Soap in the market Le Roi Savon. A fine assortment of domestic and Imported Cigars ZsTM John F' lew brick. .'s Old stand.? i"W Finn: T. J. OVERMAN AGKT FOR T11K "Has on hand a line of new andwheels. Send for Cnl and second HAYING SOLDf AN INTEREST IN n harness business to T . J. Overman, I am desirous of collecting all my outstanding notes and accounts. All persons knowing '.hemselve8 indebted to me will pleise call and settle. The business will be continued as usual at the same please. E. L THOMPSON. Albany, Feb. 22. W00D1N & -L1VE- IN A This is w hut Albany is at present, and in order to keep pace with the .ivelv times in this city, they have enlarged their store and stock so that they now have the niost complete and desirable line of furniture in the vallev. Their double salesrooms in Fro man's block are tilled with an elegant assortment of new furniture, consist in of lounges in new patterns, line gold picture frames, willow chairs easv rockers, marble tables, brackets etc., etc. An examination of the stock will show this to be true in every re spect. University of Oregon Not -c- oitcmi'.T. Klct .1" iaii lic.'nison Monday, the ot 1 .?. l.-.isliip? frc::i i vcry ni;. in the irun.lni'. a-.l.ircrary h tin-re : ro .'..:!; : "C!.i - . o;. Kru:. h c!i.::ii .i' i.v i F. L; anile Ms Raisin LEADING BICYCLES. lift 'C?S Safeties; WEIRD m Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel oi ouritv-strenffth an I vholesomeness. More ecouomical than the ordinary kinds and cannot be sold iu competi tion with multitude Of low test, short weight alum oi phosphate powders. Sold onlv in e ins.RoiAL Bakin ow- im;r Co , W Wall -t.. N. Y. .4TTOK.VEVS. T R. N. BLACKBURN. ATTORNEY AT L'. Law, Albany , Oresron. Otlice in Odd b; !low' Temple. -Vill practice in all courw of the state, and jjive special attention to all baseness 1170LA ERTON CHARLES E. A 1TORNEY IV at Law, Albany, Or. Otlice in rooms 13 and 14. Foster's block, over L. E. Wain's st or . J K. WEATHORFORD. ATTORNEY AT law. Albany. Oresron. Office in Odd Fellow's Temple. Will .practice in ad the courts of thestate. and give special attention 10 all business riivsu ias. 'ANLiUI sreon, Albany, Ore.'cn M H. ELLIS, PHYSICIAN reon, Aibai.y, Oreiron. AND SL'Rr C. KELLY. PHYSICIAN AND ol'R I "eon Albany. Oreiron, office over Orad will's sti-re. Otlice hours, from 8 a. m. to 4 P. M. D EVERE HOUSE, ALBANY, OR.-CHAS IV Pfeiftcr, Pr.n. Onlv tirst-eclass house in The citv. l.arire saiiiiue rooms 101 --'' nifrcial men. No Chinamen employed in tnc kitchen. (General stasrc oIJk e tor Lorailis. fRS M.E. McCOY. M. D.IKOHEOPA 1 HIC iL iihvsician, otlice' and residence corner of i,'ir,t ont RnkrrHtrcet!). Albany, Or. Chrome diseases a specialty. I onsiinaiion free. ... k..rf. 10 tn T A, and 2 t f r. M. , ... .vOi.NfcW'AY. V L- ERIN KY SfK. U yer.ii, Allinv , Oretr..n. O--.duate i cr inan an.: Aiiiericiai eoilea'es. ISTKH .V V,-(lOI,WAM', HoMKOfATIIIC VH J J sicia s and hiir.-toii.-, oltetnc t refit ment of ehronic i'.x-.ii i " i l.i!(ir..ii a spe. ialtv. Ail -alls fCi:jt'y :it- t. ndt-d to liav r niylit. OI.:ce ill tiic Flinii H. EWERT, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKK mid jeweler, Alb.uv, Oreiron ,fi tlasiolla lluiir.J -1IF EES! MAGNOLIA FLOl'R I'EI.IY I ' t red to anv l-art of the citv, for Si. 10 pel sa.k nlbudtf JOHN .A CRAWFORD. I.H Hd Survey ins riKSlRlNli StRVKYIM. PONF CAN Oft. I ill.. i.r-.t.- nnd liroiunt work by callimr upon ex-countv survejoi r, i. h:is complete copies of field notes and town- h p iilats, and is prcnareu to no ... my i art ot l.irin couniy. rwmmi .Millers station, Linn couuty, cnreKon. . .-.!... .v i iviKlTI"TKI)'i 12 ( ).) miles east of Albany ,near the Or. jron Pacific railroad, tt'.O aires in cultivation, and . . . . n.i.l tin. ttr iftr I'Ml- contains suniciciii. v..ot. . ; ' era! use. Would make four sood farms Price, S12.000, with terms to suit purciiasti. For particulars apply to J. J. Dorris. PALACE MEAT MARKET James V. PiPE.Prop. . a a . First Street & - - - Thp Kept. of choice beef.veaLmutton, pork sausage, etcin;te city kept.consUntly in hand.) t2T Cash paid for all kind ock.-St OF ALBANY. OREGON. president, l.. Flinn. vice-president S. E. Young, cashier. ' G.E.Chamberlain, rPRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING I iirsncKKs Aneonnts kerit subject to L-heck. Si'.-ht ' Exchanire and Telegraphic Transfer "old on NewVork, Chicago, fean Francisco and Portland, Oreiron. CollectionH made on favorable terms. 3XSECCES r S. E. You L. Flcs L. E. BI.A1S W. t. 1URRKJ.L rr-.Ji Gf.o. E. Chabfrlais. II. J. MinthoRN, Pres. S. Farrar, Vice Pres. B. S. Cook, Sec. C 11. Moores, Treas. Oreeon Land Company. Organized for the-purpose of buvin;r and sellinir real estate, advertising the 'Yiliamette valley in all of the leading: newspapers of the United States, eni piovinjr eastern atrcnts to direct home M'ekerstothe Wiilamette valley, and liOiitf acnts in all the principal towns oi .Marion. roiK, lann, lienton Clackamas iind laniliiil counties to . id in locating imiuiL'ri.nts. CviK vV. i NT fl 'MvN . AlaiuiLrevs 1-r For partieuiurs . al ine Aliiauy uRiee tn Ihc I ate,, one door vc! of t'tewjrt i: o.. l!ot:s-s A: l)i:-Kf.s-x, Manairer- Self pr. ;-(.-;iO!l 1;r.-t lir.v .itr':i; !"i iV: K '.l!: GENERAL NEWS. Crop Reports Extremely Favor able for a Large Yield. TATAL KM I MF It F i'ATTLEMKK Iisaoe M?. Kills aid Suicides- Csttle Ex- p.irter Dies Tramps Under the Wheels Volcanic Eruption. TheJHERALD's Special Dispatches. )T. rAiL, Aug. 2o. Hie crop reports to the Pioneer Press does not materially modify the favora ble reports lor the rest of last week. Harvesting is under wav all alonjr the line ot Northern Pacific and Manitoba, and the eather is clear and has been for several dave The productions are abundant and generally eood. IN DAKOTA. UHAMBERLA1X UKOta), AUg. .'. Keports show the largest crops ever known in the countrv, rang ing from nineteen to thirty bushels per acre. Keports in regard to the frozen wheat are contradicted. In t'le Devil's Lake district 50 per cent, of the crop was said to be affected, but the actual damage in most cases is to the yield of fields, and :n Michigan this could have been avoided. The aggregate of frozen wheat is email. CATTLEMEN Ut.HF TO KILL. Principal Actor m ltylner Fall. - Arlington. (Texas), .vug. 0. Jos. Elliott and Harvey Snea wealthy cattlemen, fought to-day x one with a shotgun and the other with a Winchester. Thirty or forty shots were exchanged. Spear was killed and two bystanders were wounded. HIKDLK AM) I HIDE. Kills n So and 'I hen Kimelf. tonicities Ridefiem). (Conn.), Aug. 25. Dr. A. G. Paddock, a leading citi zen and retired New York dentist, while temporarily inan?. shot his son and then took his own life this morning. r.-ilh of a rrcniiaent 4'attle Ban Mackinaw, (Mich.). Aug. 2". Col. J. D. Gillette, a cattle king of Illinois, and one ol the first ex porters of line beef cattle to Eng land, died here tins morning, lie was worth $,000.(k0. Tramps Killed by a Train; Jersey City, Aug. 25. The Pennsylvania expivss train ran down four tramps on Hansack Meadows this morning. One was killed and two wounded. ttleaair Krnplion. London, ug. 25. The volcanic eruption in the islanu oi ii!pn is stiil raging. It is impossible to hi - preach the island. J.TII.L fcOl sjl', YVkrat AiManrrd To and Thrrc- Fnnrlhs OntK in San I raii ir. San 'Francisco, August 24. Another me took place to-day. At the morniDg session of the Produce Exchange buyer b$ rose to oDe twenty seven aud a half, be ing an advance of two auu three- ouarter cents over yesterdays' close. At the afternoon session buyer 88 closed at one seventy-five and three quarters. Grand Excursion East -VIA- Borthern Pacific Uaiiroatl TO- CoLUMBUS, OhIo, Bv wav of St. Paul and Chicago, to attend the 22nd National Encampment of G. A. R., which meets m that city Sept. 12th. hvery body can take advantage of this excursion rate and visit their old homes in the East. You do not have to be a G . A . R. to join this excursion The Northern Pacific Railroad will make a rate of 80.00 From all points rn Oregon and V ashin-ton Territory to Columbus, Ohio and return. Tickets on sale Sept. 3rd, 4th and 5th. Goo.l to return to Oct. 31st. This is the route se lected by the Department of California, Ore gon and" Washington Territory. A special train will leave Portland on the evening of Sept. 4th, running through to Columbus. Pullman Sleeping Cars and Tourist Sleeping Cars attached to all trains. Berth Free in latter care. For reservations in same, ad dress A. D. CHARLTON Aes't Gen. Pass. Agt.Northern Pacific K.K. 2 Washington St., Portland, Oregon PATENTS CAVEATS, TRADE MARKS AND COPY RIGHTS Obtained, and all business in the IT.S. Patent Ofliee attended to at moderate fees. Our ofliee is opposite the U. S. Pat ent Ofliee. and we can obtain Patents in less time than those remote from Washington. Send model or draw ins. e advise as to patentability free of charire: and we make no charge unless we obtain patent. We refer here to the Postmaster, t he Supt of Moi.-i-v Ordi-r Div , and toctli chilsof the U. S. Patent Ollicc. vi.r circular, advice, terms and icfcre -e-to actual client- in your own .iat or countv. write to ' f. 4. SNOW .V .. 0;p, v n.;..-.;, D C. The Crop bo; so tid as Ex peeled in Washington lerritory. San Francisco, August 24. Expert hop men say that the bop yards in some portions of the river valleys will not yield as heavily as had been anticipated, though the aggregate crop will 'be larger than ever belore. Sales of considerable quantities were reported yesterday at fifteen cents wer pound, but hop growers refuse to sell at this price. UIJKOUeiis DRIFT. Those hats, those hats, Will they decide this or that. What's the color of the band For Harritscn or Cleveland? "Well," siv an undertaker, "I'm not much of a fighter, but when it comes to boxing I can easily lay out any man." ; Woman (to tramp) After you've ett that pie, will you saw a little wood? Tramp (eyeing the pie) Yes, ma'am ; if I'm alive ! Wife John, do you know if the Key. Dr. Jones' church will be open next Sunday ? Husband (absent-minded) Yes; the side door will. Gentleman If you will get my eoat done by Saturday I shall be forever indebted to you. Tailor O, if that's your game it won't be done. A recently published book on etiquette says: "Endeavor to select your guests with a sense of fit ness." That is, do not invite a fat man to a slim dinner. A man in a town not a thousand miles from Albany is trying the experiment of grafting apple twigs into a pine tree. He wants to raise pineapples. "Well, Edith, did Mr. Lambre quin make you an offer of his hand last night?" "No, mamma; he's so shy, you know has never got fry further than offering me his ami, so far." Tom Got a toothache? Why don't you have it out? Bob Weil, I don't mind having a leg off but a tooth, it Tom Well, have a leg off then ib will take your mind oli the tooth. She Ralph, why did vou send me a little red flag to-day ? Ralph i (a rejected and dejected suitor) I beg you will wear it as a signal of danger. You know, I would not like to see the other fellows suffer as I do now. Patient Doctor, I can't sleep at night. 1 tumble and toss until mousing. Doctor Ifm, that's bad. Lei ine see your tongue. (After diagnosis): Physically you ate all rit;t. Perhaps you worrv over that hill you've owed me for the ta.-t two years. During the last fifty years the climate has so changed that a man cannot live at an altitude of a tenth of a mile higher than before. This is probably the reason why so many men hold their heads so high. They want that increase. "Ciara," said the old man from the head of the stairs, "say to that young fellow that a storm is com ing up." "All right, sir; thanks," responded the young fellow him self. "1 hadn't noticed it. 1 think I'll wait and see if it doesn't blow over. Christian Scientist Have you ever tried faith cure for your rheumatism? Patient Yes, I'm trying it now. I've got in my pocket the leit hind loot ol a grave yard rabbit-that was killed in the dark of the moon and I do believe it's helpinu me. Personal. Mr. N. H. Frohliehsteiu, of Mobile Alabama writes: I take great pleasure in recommending Dr. King's New Dis covery for consumption, having used it for a severe attack of Bronchitis and Catarrh. It gave mc instant relief and entirely cured me and 1 have not been afflicted since. I also beg to state that I had tried other remedies with no good result. Have also used Elec tric Bitters and Dr. King's New Life Pills, both of which T can recommend Dr. King's New Discovery for con sumption, cou.srhs, and colds, is sold on a positive guarantee. Trial bottles free at Foshay te Mason's Drug store. A Sound l.eff!' Opinion. E. Bainbridge Munday Esq., County Atty., Clay County Tex. say6:"Have used Electric Bitters with most happy results. My brother was also very low with malarial fever and Jaundice, but was cured by timely use of this medicine. Am satisfied Elsetic bitter6 avedhis iife," Mr. D. I. Wileoxson, of Horse Cave, Ky.. adds a like testimony saying; He positively beleives he would have b. d had it not been for Electric Bit Wrt' i his irreit remedy will ward oil', as cure all Malaria Diseases, and for all Kidney, Liver and stomach Disorders stands unequaled. Price 50c. and l at Foshav & MasomVJ Howard. For a better or more pleasant rem edy for the cure of consumption bronchial troubles, cough, croup and whooiihiir couirh than feanta Abie, the California k'mr of consumption. Kvcrv bottle warrented. If you would be cured of that distrusting disease, catarrh, use California Cat-K-Cure, 1 ajur: by mail $Uu. Sold and war ranted ov Fwshay A Mason. For West ei'iir ui your line imported and Ke ciirars, i'0 to M. Baumirart store, one door east of Black ili u ftore. TEMPERASCB ROTES. Contributed by the W. C. T. U. Dear Boys and Girls: An Eng lish exchange gives and extract from ''Grandma's scrap-book," which I think is good enough to pass on to vou, o here it is: "Bad habits are .ittle foxes that creep slyly in aud spoil the vines of human lives. Patience, love, goodtess, gentleness, truth, peace, faith are some of the fruits that blossom in young hearts. So b careful to keep out the little foxes that would so surely destroy them. There's an Afghan adage that wittily shows One can't tamper with evil purely; 'I: yu live with the blacksmith,' the pro verb gos, You will burr your clothes most surely. Remember, my ad, that a snake's a tnake. Though its skin be of brillirnt beauty, And never let fair appearance rmke (aYfioiwetve frooj-Uie path or duty. . The tiger, they say, seems, crouching a cat; But. oh! how terrible, leaping! The sin you to-day aie laughing at, To-morrow will cause you weeping. The best way to tur from a course that's bad Is not at first to pursue it; Unless you adopt this : an, my lal, In sorrow -id siame you'd rue it " "Woe ut him who giyeth his neighbor drink." Heb. 2-15. "Woe to them who are mighty to drink wine." Isa. 5-22. Nothing is more encouraging than the stand young men are tak ing for? temperance, as shown in the number of college orations de livered this season on themes con nected therewith. H. W. Austin, Jr.. ot Oak Park, won the Graves prize at Williams College by an es say on "High License as a Temper ance Measure." It is a manlj,clear; cut setting forth of the high li cense fallacy, every point well taken and barricaded by impreg nable facts- In such young men lies the promise of the Nation's lutur THE A(jD HOUSEWIFE'S PEATEE. I pray that, risen from the dead I may in glory stand, A crewn, perhaps, upon my head But a needle in my hand. I've had no time to learn to plav So let no harp be mine; Through all my life, by night and day, Plain sewing's bee:i my line Therefore, accustomed, to the end, To plying usefui stitches; I'll be content if askert to mefid 3 Tne little aiieis' breeches. Chicago News. 'I lie sugar Trust. San Franc:.8i-o Chronicle. - As nearly as can be ascertained at this time, the most successful trust in the United States and the most extensive in its operations, it we except the Stanard Oil trust, is the suysr trust. It appears to have whipped in -nearly all the sugar rcfirers in the country, and to be conducting its operations strictly in sccordance with the iuIcs which reeu'.ate monopolies. How does the success of the suear tiust stiike Mr. Cleveland and bis party? The President in effect informed Congress in the December message that trusts were the offspring of the vicious and in equiable system of protection, and. that free trade would sweep tbem from the face of the earth ; and yet wben it was proposed to reduce the rate of duty on the imports of raw sugar, the Democrats in the House of Representatives voted solidly against the reduction. Of course we all knew the reason, or rather the reasons. Mr. Have moyer of New York, the head of the great sugar trust, showed cause against the reduction in such a f o - cible and convincing manner, that the Ways and Means Committee took the bacK track,said reason be ing of a nature not made public, but shrewdly guessed at. About the same time Louisiana grew res tive, and threatened to bolt from the Solid South if the sugar duty were reduced; and so the party which declared that high tariff made trusts clung liXe a leech to the high tariff on sugar, in spite of the existence of the gigantic sugar trust. The tariff does not make trusts, but inasmuch as Cleveland says it did, and his party accepted his as sertion as gospel truth, it is called upon to explain its action en the sugar duty. It is called, but it will not explain, for in such a case silence is g lden. Danger tn Lead rine, Pittsburg Dispatches. It is claimed to be proven beyond all doubt the waters which circu late or stand in leaden pipes cr vessels, not only take up particles of lead through mechanical action, due to friction, but attack the metal, the result of this being gen erally lead carbonate. According to the most eminent authorities in this line, minute quantities of lead thus introduced into and accumula ting in the system, must rank: among the causes of amomia and defective nutrition in large towns. Are Santa Abie, the California dis covery for Consumption and Diseaes of the Throat, Chest and Jamgst an California Cat-R-Cure, the only guar antced cure for Catarrh, Cold in the head and kindred complaints. They are sold at $1 per package, or three for $2.50 and are recommended and used by the leading physicians of the Pacific Coast. Xo secret compounds Guaranteed by Foshay & Maon. Bereived a larsre invoice of barber supplies from Fhilndelp'iia, at Veil-elk's barber eh p. '11 1 Cilk Children Cry for Pl.cherastcnna it poacy oi :,ssaox 'X L