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About Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19?? | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1888)
: jM ' ' f J -'5 .-i)WM- . '-i i i f .. ",---,' . J ' 1 J-'i ' ' ' CMTS A WEEK. AXMFiTRE60lf: SATURDAY MORNING. JULYT. ISS. VOlTIiII-Q. ii4 -; -- - "mik ni . " M.hrr lFf ;jTfl7l GENERAL NEWS. L AI . L J U. L DLAtMmn. 1 UJ The Arrest of the Burlington rvlcc iu ""s -Th. jsdSL 0 , ' " A MIL ' Bail WhV Dynamiters. Washington, July 5. The post- .' SSSffSM (Successor to Ji. vv . uiipion L u.Ur the now manautment o? : I 5vk. ifly y master-general has notified Senator (SSiMmk ROYAL KSWfJI ' Doluh tliat he h-is ordered an in- dealer ix Oi ' ifeygHglgSSl. .kayi unti l c I i'KE BILL. creil-se of mail service to six times a 8 8KPiSSiAaL -v TT :. .fefc B ' ' $S$i wepk frnm Salem to Knnrht. Or.. i ibvw. ivi tfjrj M-i;iiatiCFtincy.,-r3(r i . . i n i e s k .i tjL -lt-h i i -- . H im rawia, urn. Uqphnn Unno . H BTSir-" MiSwiL Uillu DlUiJi tl l'&M Albany A ie q. .. fami,y nnf .11 A P7 fl '"?a. prov;.si., . -sjyyy hA 1 1 1 ii The Red Front. Hardware. Stoves, RJlawaK,CopFwa ' PuTaps, iron pipe, rabbor hose and plumhinsr ffoo Sl; agents for the i-Urbralc-d ''E.irly Bu-akfat" cook stoves and. ranges, and "Fjultks" patkT heating stove?. 'Albany. Oregon. Julius Jos-E Manufacturer of -AND DEALER IX- FINE IMPORTED Cigars, Plug and Smoking Tobaccos, Meerschaum full line of Smokers' Articles. Also dca CALIFORNIA AND . Buikliart Keeney's WILL D.-aler- D.-aler- in all Buns, Pistols, Wan laclunes, A full Line !Sheet music, musical mcrcliaii(lise,amunmition,JfisL taek?e, etc. , Av arranted razors, butcher and socket knives. The best kinds of sewing machines. NEED LES.OIL and T:.rti(is for aft MA CHINES LINN COUNTY AGENTS FOR NORTHWESTERN FIRE IKSURAKCF2C0MPAHY. Repairing of sewing machines, musical instruments, guns, etc , neatly done California, h Land o t-:i r LKtKG TO T ilX-Dcari' i r" t i tJi J iiiffl t.2,-. cr.4Hv(! iz. t tf & y &i '' K r:'? n, ri ; .it ,'iK-c; to V. r.uta 45S(' rwiiA)' 'I 'V. -t-'s st- tnr s i " i i , t- V -e t . . ' sO?n; Jc; ctr-.uti.v--!.; ... ' aaastramss TDTU Choice Cigars AND KEY WES" Briar r in Pipes, and l Peal Estate (nllce, Albany, the leadingj of- EUREKA (Vr.i.'.Ti.i.i (tiv in t:i: lilt- rir:iii t; .i mi ; "I '- : : ol.ay - ; m 1 S . ..MO I llti h.V Discoveries Carmea i-'ir iespples. v Glioice TaWe Eelicaoii Ornamented rakes for Wcdn nms trad I'articx. Jiiii'ii jiUc."u:;it:!eri.'l uiul salt t:.-U o; all iJhh.hU ijUiknb U --r-r. TEAS Axu COFFE jaiiiiies ,.iit CANNED t.oODS, ETC. S3- -iiie host Soap in the market- Le Roi Savon. A fine assortment of domestic and Imported Cigars Xsf l John 1'ux's ulil stan J. lew hriuk. low Fl n n s T. J. OVERMAN --AiiKN T Koll TIIK it' w : IV ? i ;1ri' LEADING BICYCLES, 8m At This powaer never vanes. A marvel o1'parity,sti-engt:i and wliolesomencss. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cr.nnot be sold in compi-;'!-:ion with umUitude f low tc', short weiglil aliiiii ov idio.h.i1'.; imvde". Sold onl- in c-u;s. Koyai. Ukin 'ov- deu Co., ion viiii st.. n. y. r.L.iCKt.i'UN, .vnoi;M-:v at AHiu'li. Or.'u.'ii.- (lituv ill i.;'t nil lr. " A'il! pra' tuo; '. all i-ourls L'. Law. ti-ltiv'-; Tt Oi the r-tilt. and atlunliori 10 an IXriiLVKC'i'ON' :it Law, Alu.-i-I I, Fo.t.jr-- ; si or . I K. Wi:Tll'l tf . Uiw, A'.Imm.v,' Kei low's T..m!li.. ciMirt? of thusiato,' all ttllMM'S ilvin::, aitoilnkvs , i r. .'!': c in "'.cm- I.; m!:, ovir L. K. !;!uiii s :ni:i, ATToliXKV AT : i .'i-'-j'oii . t!ii.-o in V-hl Will prattiei- in all liu and "ive s'icvial 'Attention 'iliSHIAXS. GV. .MASTO ", gvan, AVw TOX, I HVSKIAX AND SUM !IV ir"on. & yr 11. ELMS. PL'VSK iVjL. rifeon, All;-.i y, Oreo IAN AND SLKr in . c. C. KELLY, 1'IIYSICIAN AND ol'lt- ".'con Aliianv, Oregon, otI e over Cimd- woni s store umce nours, iroin.iA. . mi r. m. DK. K. A. JIcALlSTKR HAS LOCATED his office on the corner of First and liroalall)in streets, over UeilhcM Jt I'.roiiiiell's store, where he can be found when not pro fessionally MRS M.E. MeCOY, M. D.HOMfEOPA 1 1IIC physieiiin, office and residence corner of First and Baker streets, Albany, Or. Chronic diseases a socially. Consultation free. Of fi:( hours: 10 to VI a. m and 2 t' 5 p. m. 1. ...aau;V, M. D., OFFERS HIS V.T services to the sood citizens of the viini , of Taaffcn'-. Linn countv, Oregon. DR R KOLDEW'AY, VETERINARY SCR L'eon, All'any, Oregon. - tlratluate of ;erj man and Anierici:!! colleges. TIE PIT MT10HAL II OF ALBANY. OREGON, president-, vice-president CASHIER L. Flinn.J S. E. Young, G.E.Chamberlain, rPRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING X Ul'sINESS. Accounts kept suhject to check. Siirht Exchar'.'e and Telegraphic Transfer sold on New York, OhiciLO, San Fram-isoo mid Porthinii.orcon. Collectj' ns ; made on favorable terms. E. l i: You L. Fuss l;i,AIS W. h. ItkKKI.L Gko. E. C!iami.k.i;la!S. MEN I' Will li- ',1-ci. UAlI.i.'oAI) W.-i.'K n !. !)! nf l'.v ap,-';. - '. i nir:i-tc r iim: i ' ' 1 ' . ' 0U':i. Work Wiil I i- l.-'roiir-i.'. p"i-.. . Walli;!:! '..l-iiifh. I'.i -i :''i i;,i:'!'"'.. ' ;'ii .i-t:.i!i.' nil !;. i. .it. EI. f-lintit. : . h. r. an: 1 ) : si I Til TN Iam i.-:- Thj tv-t v .: p. ra-.-;d- at this if '. . : . C c . Gun. The HKRALb's SncciM Dispau-hea. Chicago, July 0. J. A. Baur eisn, otlieer oi tlie Aurora, lllinois divisisn of the brotherhood of engineers, was brought to Chicago this morning under arrest by a deputy United JbtaJes marshal. He is charged with complicity in the alleged dynamite plot against the Burungton railroad. I5aureisn is not the mysterious fourth man, eluded the ollicers yesterday when the three arrests were made. In regard to the late arrests General ftirira,tsfcofttr or - Burlington, said this morning: Baureisn is chief engineer of division Is'o. 3 of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers at Aurora, which is one of the principal lodges on our road. Tor two years he has been a member of the grievance-coimb miitee, and he is also chairman " the Aurora local grievance com- I n-itteo. He '.vas arrested under the j i iiiU'i Si;'tes ntatutes-, whicli o- liii.u.s the carriage oi dyramite on jiasr-eiiger trains. JJevond this jIr. Sioiie was nor. disjiosed to talk It is evident, however, that hi.s coin lany regarued the; arreM as an iiii jnj!tiU:t one. r.aureisn states t ait i: knew notiiirt-g, whatever of the riiarvos jiiifeited against hmi, and that his am st was a total .surprise. )t the otlier men arrested lie said he knew Howies, from the fact that he had been on his division of the brotherhood. With the others la said lie . had no acquaintance. When asked if he suspected that lie was being watched, he said not more than anybody else, lie had known that there were detectives around in Aurora, dodging the brotherhood men, but had no reason to suspect tiiat he was par ticular ly singjod out. Jkiureisn is an opeij-faced, broad shouldered man, about tlnrty-five years of age. with a bronzed, hon est look in his features, lie talked very frankly.and bore himself in a verv nianlv wav. ( AUriiitMA Htl IT. How It is Snlil at Auction iu Cbi ago M.ukcts. Cj:icac;o, .July 6. Two carloads of California green fruits were sold this morning at auction. The market is yet suffering from an over supply cf Hartlett pears, re ceived during the past few days. Though the bidding on pears was a liitle stiff the prices realized were from $ to I'.go per box. Other truus were mand. in excellent de- A L; VOYAtiE. A Storm-Staid -scl Arrivrw in -( - With a Talc of SuSYcring. New York, July fi. The City of Home, which sailed from Liver- pool . I une 21st, arrived at the bar ... : ..,.,,; .,,,,1 iU ,,, up to her pier this morning. She has on board 2.'1 cabin and 501 steerage passengers. It is report ed by her oiiice is that at noon on .July 1st, in the latitude of 47 de gros and ."hi minutes, longitude i .'!.S minutes and seconds, during jao. I X-t vv M-a head, the vessel hio- a iiuui: wae, wiiKM car i-ied a wav in. i,. .v sprit and stove her r. ( )f the seamen ?! ere seriously inj iii .!. Rirvat'd ;'i i ibiiv tbn e (,t n-a! she; ii;a u. i ' v. a : war s! .--r. r! : WAT MR aaier Sw iuu and refill i u.'d i'ol.i, ttiira, piiV- tiieir t:li. i!:c i s-. HrhillXi as t : as ni- .' . i : 1 i'i a"'i.:;: ; ::s wid O !i ci iats. ICM'lSi aw Otis suii. and ,.vio)itietli "! 111. aeb'e at cltcll Washington, July 5. The post master-general has notilied Seuator Doluh that he h-is ordered au in crease of man service to six times a week from Salem to Kmght, Or., to take effect the 16th proximo. liepresentativ Hermann pre sented a number of petitions to the postofnee department to-day from citizeDS of the towns of Pendleton. Centerville, Miltou. Adams and Weston, requesting a special mail car and messenger be placed o. the muil route between Pendleton, in Oregon, and Walla Walla, iv. Washington Territory, via the towns above mentioned. Tne petition states that the mail, is carried past intermediate points to the terminal point of the route, a distance of fifty miles, p.ud after a delay of twelve to fourteen (tours it is then distributed and returned to I le , Ay at a fwwis,. .ucca s-ming eat inconvenience and often damage to commercial interests. Many citizens have also sent petitions t" Jlr. Hermann, which he suhmitteu to to-tl ay, asking for the mail route Malheur, Oregon, twenty-four miies. the i e i.irtmcnt ;ui extension o: from U'.di to a instance of Tii is wiil afford direct conur.uaicatioQ with the town of V.-.. j, the county seat oi Maii::ur county, and avoid a long and circuitous route at present necessary to reach tlsat place. Tel3:.A.Mi:iU'.lN 5VK!i. Lai'g' AJIrmlaiiro ae l!ic ci'i:nl Hay of Ihcir i)iivcnJiMi. San Francisco, July 5. The second day ot the State Convention of the American party opened with a larger attendance this morning. Alter the committee on credentials reported, a permanent organization was effected with P. 1). Wrigginton, of Alameda, as chairman. In his address, Wigginton said: "The republican and democratic parties have ignored our appeal for Ameri canism, and the time has now tnoie for the American party to nominate a ticket of its own." Adjourned until 4 p. m., when the committee on resolutions wiil report. THE PLATFORM. At this evening's session a plat form was adopted demanding an unconditional repeal of the natural ization laws of the United Sifes, free technical schools, protection fo American industries, urging con gress to place a per capita tax on all immigrants, one huye enough stop further immigration, and mat the National surplus be ex pended for coast fortifications and an efficient navy. A resolution was adopted pledg ing the support of the convention to Abram S. Hewitt, of New York, if he will accept the nomination for president. THE SALtlO.V I'At K. The Pack IptoJIMtc is Abont IT!), (Kltt Cases. Sax FiiAxtTsco. July 5. Tlie Johnson Locke Mercantile Company in their private circular to be i sued in a few days wiil give the estimate of the salmon pack on the Columbia river irom figures furnished by their Astr:a eoricspouilcnts. Tlie figures indicate a very short pack tins yea:, the tot:i! number ot cases leacinn.. oiiiV 1;1.500. To tins should be aihicd tne product or two cannaries situated at the Cascades. whus pro duct possibly amoii;its to 20,0t'0 ca-cs, inakini- a total to July 1. of IT'i.O'-'U cases. reiegraiihic aiivjno-. s to date show no s.ins i improvc n.oul la tiie run in July. nsw -Oli. Wi; P '"' ' W i UK: - t (uci : own. sil.'l rows '. 0:io :i aim r.L;d no)!' a be tin re an oi i a w; Lf-1 . n:-.s avj to 'iar-.ui'i 1:1 1 1 joy . old iiiai met U Kl TiT' vi! 1 U i : 0. into r.. ;-v; til)' ba O: O.i i! ;W Mr. know o:; Hit i y .'a-ini: k no .vie iU.en is e Mo-'- '! ileo iilHi-n m v A tine . l'-nc of in: portou ciiairi r.' j ceiva.l ut bw.wr.ell A: Stanai'd's It was in October in lS'i-l, after the battle of Cedar Creek, iu Vir ginia, in which General Sheridan defeated the last attempt of General Karlv to invade the North bv way of ! the Shenandoah Valley, that IJieanl rresiaent lancom, at tne n ar JJe partnieut, in Mr. Stanto.i's room, speaking to him of General Sheridan and of his victories over General Early, state that of all our righting Generals, Sherijan was more like Napoleon than any of them; more like him particularly in the forehead aud in the general mold-of the bust. The President said he thought the Shenandoah Valley would never be the highway for another rebel ad vance into Maryland. The likening of General Sheridan to Napoleon in his personal appear ance about the head was followed by expressions from tha President that Shdridau had effectually closed that road to the North. It was that fa mous Sheridan 'ride that " saved -Washington from a panic like that--which Early produced in July 1S64. Mr. Stanton had in his little room on ihe marble mantel a hook ot about 500 pages which contained as a lro:i tispieee a likeness or Napoleon, and he took it, and turning to the frontispiece, handed it to the. Presi dent, sajiagthat there was a resem blance about the forehead and bust. Some time prior to ti'ii, when our were bein-' slaughtered bv" j pieeuuieal in-' Virginia, Mr. Stanton j had received' a letter from some . i pivmhnuit person eading his atten tion yj a saving ol Naooiuun s, that one c liimauder for an army was better than two armies with inde- i n peudent comtiiauucrs, ' lieu- l.e tola me to get him his bock on Napoleon: from tiie library. They t-bked for sometime about Gen ial Sheridan, who had several uas before this Cedar Creek battle eefeated Early,' and I heard Mr. Stanton then say to tiie President that Grant and Sheri dan would end tiie war very soon u ith such righting. It was after and in connection with this saying of Na poleon that the President is reported ash'.virg aitihit one bad General was better than two good ones. A I.O; KAILKAI. From New TorU to Buenos A res South America by Itail- Omaha Bee. The Uay is not far distant when au all-rail line wili counect New York City with Buenos Ayres, the capital of Argentine Republic, iu South America. The plan is cer tainly feasible. An iLtcrnationai railroad extending from the United States through Mexico, Central America, and draining South America fromone extreme to the other, must of necessity cement international trade on the American continent. Much more has been accomplished toward a realization of this railroad project than is commonly credited. Within the past three years the South America States have actual iy built and surveyed routes at least one-third, ot the distance, about 1000 miles, betw-een Buenos Ayres and Bogota, the capital ot Columbia, not 500 miles irom De Lesseps' canal iri Panama. Railroad connections are already estab.ished between our country and the City of Mexico. And the task of binding the Span ish Republics of tlie south to the Mexican capita!, though of a stupendous character, is certainly within tlie possibilities of engineer ing triu m :ihs . The completion of l)e Le.-5ep' great eatvd at Panama wili a great tttmuius to tlie pro ject. Undoubtedly the gap ot 2000 niia.s between the C iv of .Mexico ami t:io J elo-vd by soon as tin aiKiiii Canal v.ili be con m c'lion i-i Mo i. roan eofiisnei'i Hiiiioriance :ai is estab i".-, in th&i; the lUt'T-OC. ;;:J1K- i i . lished, Thcic wonh event, abou. Z A a to be Clilit betweeu the 1 ; f-i rm iii of t 11. a Ca;i:d nrid liie : iii'.jno.i Ayres. nori!i ;:!' Hi The dif.lCUllie: a t:-c w; ad of a ire no which U niou South American geat-r liian the oi'st j at:e:id;?.l the bi ; ; ;:i tv.A'ijty vo j i an be uoUv l j li j Je a s lul'.V i!OW j liar-. i; a: ii; i. i A Vtaixissi !li o:i;;!?(.S Oi! oilier. '. v i. iiol !, li.nbcrs i: '. -!'. ::i ' ami. a suiloiiie i (i'a-iva, iivn bv a, I i'i a liii'or.S an: tXvr ' 1 i's nro- a.Jjaii, 1 'O i a" or set ; ;a;o'-'.--aaian is '.:! jour a .-(rie-::t. lungs bi)'.'hci-'S a, iat im- , (.1,11 j. 1. 1 i; c:'ot- ;t!ii A sooii a; . i a ' . . ; js w rone: i.r no-M'ils, t'ia t'iernian sfyn.-j mciiiyte relief. i !l:l!H-.-iV t.l if jy I'raveici-s., is t:a . Next hi th'j Pon't fail to niiller fc t.'o. tha; - out hi ;ov a- iljl Thee" ,l;y fa: ti ipods atFort ave the lales altiirc ML 1 11 v Oregon i aai;..