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About Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19?? | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1888)
7 0 i lo CENTS A WEEK. ALBANY. 0RE6JN: PiifDAY MORNING, JULY . ls8s. VOL. III-NO. 193 1 The Red TWEEDALE & HOPKINS. Hardware, Stoves, Ranges, Tinware, Copperware. Pumps., iron pipe, rubbor hose and plumbing goods. Sole agents for the celebrated "Early Breakfast" cook stoves and.ranges, and "Faultlees" parlor heating stoves. Albany, Oregon. Julius Joseph Manufacturer of. Choice Cigars -AND DEALER IX- FINE IMPORTED AND KEY WEST Cigars, Plug and Smoking Tobaccos, Meprschaum ririd Briar Pipes, and full line of Smokers' Articles. Also dealer in - - .CALIFORNIA AND TROPICAL FRUITS. T 1. 1 4. C T7" - T WILL BROS Dealers in all the leading Guns, Pistols, Sewing lactones, Organs, Pianos, A full Line of kheet music, musical merchandise.ammnnitionfisli ins; tackle, etc. Warranted razors, butcher and pocket knives. The best kinds of sewing machines. NEEDLES, Ol L and Extras for all MA CHINES LINN COUNTY ACENTS FOR NORTHYESTERN FIRE INSURANGFSCOMPANY. Repairing of sewing machines, musical instruments, guns, etc , neatly done iforoia, tie Land of Discoveries IrNl rorJsmiPTiof 4i.'rr irujiJii ' 'u A.. Z-L '-z . . -r I Sevljor ctrcolar.1 Htrt.HU J K 9." ABIETINCMCDco.oRoyfLLi.CAL HAVE YOl" A COLD in the head which do : not jret better?,; Have you an excessive secretion oBhiucus or matter in the nasal passages which either must be blown from the nose or drop back behind the palate, or hawked or snuffed back.-.ard to the throat? Are vou troubled bv hawkinsr. soittins:, weak and inflamed eves, freuuent soreness of the throat, i v DimikAkiA i theONLY- C. it nu J wrrpn ABIFTINEMEn-CoVORQVILLE w m torrodm-sores rcve me corruption wiimn. . ,..,,,. As every breath drawn into the hint's must pass over and become poliutfd by JtheTrehev t'on in tie nasal pasiaes, it must necesart!y lollcw that j (Uct-itg l;e v.llt .u- i,, ill- t.ikis nlsce. while the morbiC n:attcr hito the stomach, enfeebles ditrestion, and often pti duces, cixsi i:a, : i ti f 1 :'. .i: t: iv- in rvou!ness and consumot'on. DO NOT PROCRASTINATE. If vou have experic!'-ed any of the ahov - Ca f'K-Ct'RS at once. We p-tlvely u;i; ci tr i n, i- S'x im.nths trtfatmeiit ior t i.i.. ntiil l :if -K-J ure. WAY (Successor to E. W. Langdon: DEALER IN" Drags, Jaints, Oils, Perfumery and toilet articles, also a full line of books and stationery, periodicals, etc. T Prearriptious carefullj compounded IH ODD FELLOW'S TEMPLE. Albany Oregon Front. Hi . . . . , A ' . i . . . . EUREKA The motto of Califojnia means "I have found it." Only iu that land of sunshine, where tthe oranar emo bnd ;;rape bloom and ripen an i attain their highest perfection in mid-winter, ire the heros and ifum found that are used in that pleasant lernedy for all throat and luiif; troubles, Santa Abie, the rule.- of coughs, asthma, and con sumption. Fosliay A- Mason, of AI- leansuaiptd'fo liisvalble California rem-' oany utcuod, nave oeen appointed edy, and sell it under a guarantee at afl a bottehrce for $2.?o. oshay Ml LBAXY OREGON ringing or roaring in the ears, iaore or less impairment of the hearimr, loss o smell, memory impaired, dullness cr dizziness of the head, dryness or heat of nose? Have vou lost all sense ot smell; Have vou a hacking couh? Have you dyspepsia? Is your breath foul? If so you have the catarrh. &oiue nave ai these symptoms, others only a part. The lea'diny symptom of ordinary ca tarrh is increased secretion or mucus ot yellow or greenish colored matter. Foul breath is caused by the deconr posing secretions exuded from festering ;ulcers far back h the head; ometinics the membrane covering the bones is eaten awav and the nones themselves CAL.I urraduallv decav. Such cases ar i deed objects of pity, asj stench from - tbit is s-vr.llf Vio ci.i' i L tl i.-:ti H n; yiiiptoins do IK'i 'plication lUl-.i;- 1 nt trv lie. c and Cat mK a few a therot:h ! 0.1; sont b; mail ;ilt' .V I I MASON. 11 Albany, Oregon Ik Albany Bakery ! -Under the now management ot- , WIIOKEEP A fuil line of choice family groceries and prov'sini) Cannea Pineapples, Olioice TaMe Delicacies Ornamented cakes for Wedainas and Parties. Salmon bellies.'mackerel and salt fish of all kinds. FRESH BAKED BREAD Cvcrv I3av. Best Syrim. Pies.lCakes TEAS asj) (JOFFE andies Nuts, Raixk JA CANNED ItOODS, ETC. ' ne best Soap in the market Le Roi Savon. 4 fine assortment of domestic and Imported Cigars &SJ At John Fnx's old stand. iuw Fl nn s new hrick. T. J. OVERMAN AOKNT KOR THE tffl WU B3TUas on hand a line of new and second andlieels. Send for Otal HAVING SOLD AN INTEREST IN MY harness husiness to 1. J. Overman. I am desirous of collecting, all my outstanding notes and accounts. All persons knowing themselves indebted to me will please call and settle The business will be' continued as usual at the same please. E. L THOMPSON Albany, Feb. -22. WILLAHI) it II ULIVE furniture Dealer IN A Live Tcwln. This is what Albany is at present and in order to keep pace with the .tvely times in this city, V. H. Wil lard has enlarged his store and stock so that he now has the most complete and desirable line of furniture in the valley. His double salesrooms In Fro man's block are tilled with an elegant assortment of new furniture, consist ing of lounges in new patterns fine gold picture frames, willow -'sair easy rockers, marble tables, brackets' etc etc. An examination of the stock will show this to be true in every re spect. University oTiOfepnl SPEUGEXE CITY jr; Next -ession begins on ilond.iv, the 17th September, ls. r i ce seholarships from every county in t state. AppIv to voiir cuii'tv i!:,.rii.;, of S Four ci.ia-scs: Classical. Si k-ntifii- I it... Jill a. ..I a -bort En-!!sh course in whieW there no Lariit. Uret''. French or Gcminii. 1 Ki!L'ii-h is p;e-'.iniiieiitiy a i!usi;,ess (.-'!, For catalogues ur other iiifnniKirinn. ;i"ar. J. W. JOUNsON, President. Absolutely Pure. This powaer never varies. A marv el ol purity ,strengtb and wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competi tion with multitude of low test.short weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in eins. Royal Bakin 'ow- deb Co., 106 Wall St.. N. IT. ATTKXEVS. T R. N. BLACKBURN1, ATTORNEY AT L. Law, Albanv, Oreeon.- othce in Odd bellow's Temple. -Vill practice in all courts ot the state, ana give special attention to an business.)! 117"OLVERTON & IRVINE, AITORNEYS i T at Law, Albanv, Or. Office in rooms 13 and n, Foster's Block, over L. E. lilain's stor . T K. WEATHORKORP, ATTORNEY AT ij . law, Aibanyj,Orei'on. Omoe in Odd Fellow's Temple. Will practice in all the courts of thestate'j'and rive special attention to all business PHYSICIANS. r W. UASTON, PHYSICIAN AND SIR X jreon. Albany, Oregon. M. H. ELLIS, PHYSICIAN" freon, Albai.y, Oreaon. AND SCRr CC. KELLY, PHYSICIAN AND R . U'eon Albany,' Oregon, oitice over Grail wohl s store. Oiliee hours, from S a. m. to 4 P. M. D R. E. A. StcAtlSTER HAS LOCATED his office on the corner of First and Broadalbin otreets, over Kedfield i lironnell's store, where he can be found when not pro- iessionany enayta. MRS M.E. McCOY.M. D.HOMtEOPAiHIC physician, olhee anil residence corner of t irst and Ilakerstreets, Albanv, Or. Chronic diseases a siecia!ty. Consultation free. Of fice hours: 10 to 12 A. M and 2 to 5 p. M. ' 1. i;.A IL'l LEY, M. P., OFFERS HIS VT services to the (rood cijizens of" the vwimt of Tangent. Linn conntv, Oregon. DR R KOI.PEWAY, VETERINARY SI R ffeon, Albany, Oreiron.- -Graduate of ;er man an.l American colleges. ilfllffliiL OF ALBANY. OREGON! PRESIDES'!. L. Flino." VICE-PRESIDENT S. E. Toung, cashier G.E.Cliamberlain, fllRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING I Itl'v! CWW l...n c,,,4.w.. Is, - ".--...JkJ. AI.WIIIILO l.JV CI..IIJl-V 1.1 cheek. Sisrht Exchancre and Telegraphic .'."wfi oiu on nicw lorK, .nicatro, can rrancisco and Portland, Oregon. Collect ion made on favorable terms. E. Yoc L. Fliss L E. BLAl.N W. E. l'IRRKLL Gro. E. Chambkruain. MEN DESIRING . RAILROAD WORK Will be fven emplcxment by apply in ir to Contractor Hunt, at his headuuarters at Wallula. Work Will be vigorously pushed on the Wallula branch, ai.d an unlimited number" of men can obtainemploj ment. H. Fllntlt. BOOT AND SHOEMAKER, ALL WORK warranted. Shop since the fire removeu to Ferry street, second doer from postorhi-ei holier of iMso!utlon. TO ALL WHOM 'IT MAY CONCERN The : co-partnership heretofore existing between It obert J. Carson and John N. Hoff man, is this day dissolved bv mutual consent May 24 MISS. R '"ERT J. .CARSQN. J'VHJi N. HsFFM AN. Uetuovcit. JOSEPH AVEI5BER ANNOUNCES TO HIS patrons and friends that he can be found on Lyon stn et, between Enirine Co. No. 2 and First street;, untiMiU new rooms in Fo shay & Mason a brickjare ready, Portrait yZuC, Photographer "St udio corner of Second and Ferry PALACE MEAT MARKET James V. PiPE.Prop. First Street - - - - Albany The best variety of choice beef.veal.mutton, pork sausage, etcin the city kepiConbiuuuy an hand. ' 3T Cash paid for all kind ock.Tt THREE UNFURNISHED "ROOMS toli rent. Inquire of . L. Gottlieb for Sale. JUMP SEAT ilUGUV, SUITABLE FOR one or two horses. This Inwiry is :is "ml as iu--. ii exceptional oppoitun:ry for a bargain. For cash down or on time or forsht-e;" Call icon ! M. JONES, Aihany, Oregon. 'Vo:i -n- ill never miss the waur "l iil the well runs dry." if vmi .-!!! t :i well duir call on E. B. i Davidson. He docs prompt work at a i reasonable price. Orders left : at this olliee, GENERAL NEWS. A Q w t m mop Pp ri c h in C, r. i .t W II 1UU1H.1 A V A lOiiVJ XI L VVAll j Through Niagara's Rapids. -ew urciu itoij; iok iM(KTL.4.n Violent Storm East of the Eociies Gen eral Villa-,' Protest Excite? linch Interest. Herald Special Ihspatchf s.J iS IAtiARA r ALLS, July 5. Robert Flack, of Syracuse, who came here last week to go through the rap ids and whirlpool, was drowned last evening while trying to navi gate his life boat, "Phantom." t lack thought to' advertise him self and his boat by the trip. He started from "Maid of the Mist" landing above the old suspension bridge, and in two minutes was battling with the big waves below Cantal river beyond. His boat was overturned twice, "but turned r ght side up again. The third time she went over and stayed bot torn up, floating past Deveraux col lege grounds, where stood Flack's rival, Percy and Wm. Stephenson and wife, Flack's sister. Nothing but the keel was visible as the boat rushed into the whirlpool. Here it drifted about in the eddies until it came near the shore, when Percy swam out and brought it in. Flack was still strapped to his seat, his face purple with congestion,and he was stone dead. A Syacuse undertaker, named McCarthy. who is said to have been backing flack, took the remains to Flack's wife and children! rOKIXAXD SEWS. A Company Formed for Buildin? a .ew Opera Uoukc. Portland, July 5. Articles of incorporation were filed to-day with County Clerk Wheeler as a preliminary step for the construc tion of a new opera house on the corner of third and Yamhill streets. The incorporators are Messrs. F.K. Arnold, I. W. Paird, 0. I). Oli phant, B. P. Cardwell, Ellis G. Hughes, J. C. Moreland, Donald Mackay and A. D. Charlton. This is the scheme tiiat Mr. Baird has been working on so long. The name of the company is to be the "Portland Grand Opera House Company." The capital stock is fixed at $150,000, divided into 1500 shares at a value of $100 each. .LNKKAL VILAS" I'llOTEST. It Kvcitcs Much Interest at the National Capital. Washington. July 5. The re ported protest of Postmaster-General Vilas against the extension ot the civil service rule to employes of the railway mail service has ex cited considerable interest in Washington, and numerous re oiiKst.s liLVft been made for a com- of the letter. It is probable th. t whatever iormal protest tiie posi-master-general made was an oral one, and it may have been made in a cabinet meeting. iusM.1 wants u waic, And Hill Wash Her Hands of ICelli coe Ilulgaria. London, July 5. An official dis patch from fit. Petersburg states that Degiers, Russian prime min ister, has informed Moire, British embassador, that after December 17th Bulgaria may doanythingand everything they please, from cut ting each others throats to declar ing their country an empire. Rus sia, Degiers declared, wil' not move a finger to preven them from following their own inclination, and will wash its hands of the whole concern. The embassador is of the opinion that Russia does not intend to provoke war. A YIttLEST STOKM. It Prostrate Telegraph Wires and Does Much Damage. CuiCAGO, July 5. The almost total paralysis of the telergraph system west of Chicago to-day in dicates, apparently, that the storms of the past few days have culminated to-oight in the most w idespread and severest in a num ber of years. A great notwork of wires covers the territory stretch ing to the Rocky mountains, but so few of the hundreds of lines running in all directions were to-day in anything like a workable condition that business with points west of here was comparatively at standstill. The winds and rains that began sweeping over the West Saturday had until last night their worst effects apparently confined to tne territory close to this city. Yesterday the Western Union had virtually remedied t'le trouble, when last evening the storms seemed to have increased in violence. .Trotting ICacc. St. Paul, July 5. Johnston ami Oliver K, a trotter, ran for a purse of $5000 yesterday. G liver K took the lead and kept it until the last quarter, when Johnson passed him ami went under the wire in 2.1o.'4, v, inning the race. Johnson aftei vard beat the time made by him with Ohver K, making a mile in 2 2:'. the fastest ever made on this track. j ieritlemeu's soft hat? at original j cost at Montehh x Scitcubach's. A OA Cl.4 Hanging by Her Teeth to a Hal loo a a Mile London Spectator. We greatly dtiub't the moral riht of Miss Leoua' Dare, the aeronaut, u ho ascended from the Crystal Pai ?ee on Monday, to risk her life, as she does, eveu for the-sake ot getting a liying-by the exhibition -ofher courage. ''According to her own ac count, which was verified by C0,OC J spectators on Monday, she ascends a mile and a half in ;he air (3000 meters is her own estimate), hanging to a balloon by her teeth, which are un usually strong. An iron bar is at tached to a trapeze suspended from the car, to one end of which an india rubber mouthpiece or ball of that subbtance has been fitted. Miss Dare puts her mouth over thio, closes her teeth, and is carried up by the balloon, supported by her teeth alone. There she stgnals to two experienced assistants in the car, wno lower a ladder, by which she ascends, being of course, trained to all acrobatic feats through a trap-door into the basket; "then tiie basket is divided into two compartments by a f hawl, and be hind this partition I change my ballooning costume, which ot necess ity is very light, into an ordinary walking-dress, so as to oe able to go home without inconvenience when we descend." Miss Dare declares that she suffers no inconvenience beyond a surging in her ears which lasts for some time after she has decended, and that thiough long exercise her teeth and jaws have become excep tionally strong and trained to bear tfie excessive fatigue which it is plain must fall to their share, but it is obvious, aevertheless, that her life must be in the, most extreme peril, She does not like the balloon, she says, to start "with a jerk" a remark betraying her consciousness of a most ugly possibility. The slightest faintness, the smallest de fect in the bar, the shock of a mo ment's toothache, and she would fa 1 among the gaping crowd dead, we can but trust, before she reached the grouml, but in any event crushed out of all recognition. CKAUFOKUsVlLLE ITEM.. Ckawfokdsville, July 2 Mrs. Elliott is quite low with aff(f attack ot paralysis i- i n r"i i i , Miss Belle Chance has returned me from Portland where she is been attendins school dunnsr home has been attending school durin the past winter. The grumblers, who so lately were wishing for rain have had their wish fulfilled, and will be very glad to see it clear up. Our school was cut on last Fri day week. George Fowley and Hermon Kobe also finished their respective schools on the same day. After the crowd at the picnic on Thursday had mostly gone home, a Iht occurred on the ground, be tween two young men, resulting in a black eye for one of them. .J R. Glass & son are closing out their stock of merchandise, as they desire to engage in other business. What this business is, they do not sav, but as there is a fine body of timber on their ptace, it is sup posed they will engage in the saw mill business. W. W. Rope, who has just re turned from his last trip to the Calapooia mines brings with him some of the finest quartz rock ever brought from these mines. Work was begun on a newr trail up the river to these mines a short time ago. Inis will be completed as soon as the weather will permit. Owing to the bad weather the picnic held under the auspices of the pioneer association , was not largely attended. Had the weather bt en good, a very large attendance would have been present. T. W. Lewis gave a very interesting description of the descent of Laurel Hill on the road to this country. Harvey Bond of Halsey, also ad dressed the audience on Thursday. The association adjourned to meet at Brownsville on the third Wed nesday of next June. A Warning. The modes of death's approach arc various, and statistics bhow conclusive ly that more persons die from diseases of the throat and lungs than any other. It is probable that everyone, without exception, receives vast rumbers of Tube: cle Germs into the system and where these germs fall upon suitable so'l they start into life and develop, at iirst slowly and is shown by a slight tickling ?ens::tion in the throat and if allowed to continue their ravages they extend to the luns-s pro ducing consumption and to the head, causing catarrh. Now this fs dangerous and if allowed to proceed will in time cause death, t the onset you must act with promptness; allow ing a cold to go without attention is dangerous and may lose you your life. As soon as you feel that some thing is wrong with yourthroat, lungs or nostrils, obtain a bottle of Boschec's German Syrnn. It will give you im mediate relief. Kncklcii's Arnica Salve. The best Salve in the world for Cuts Sores, Ulcers. Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Erupt ! ions, .ma positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refund ed. Price 25 cents per box. "Ft"-Sale by Foshay A; Masou. Ladies call at the furniture store of Wood in & Willard's and get a nice reed chair for your husban.l, for a birthday present. Ladies' line Balbiiggan underwear at cot. Latest novelties at Moutei.h & Seiteiibach's. AT GETTYSBURG. The Celebration Passes Without a Hitch or Accident. OLt SCENES TMIUI.T -- - RECALLED Ucion and Confederate, on the Ground The Monuments Dedicated Stirring Speeches. Gettysbi rg, July'4. There was i a strange similarity hetween tins day and that of twenty-five years ago. Then the armies of Meatle and Lee confronted each other ; so to-day. Federals and 'confederates were once more on the field; and again one was on Seminary Kidge and the other on Cemetero Hill. Nothing unusual occurred to break the monotony until 4 o'clock, when the union and confederates met once more, at almost the same hour at which they had joined in deadly conflict twenty-five years ago. Monuments which were dedi cated to-day were as follows: Fifth New York cavalry, the One Hundred and Forty-Sixth New York infantry, G. A. R., New York Tigers, Sixty-Sejenth New York, First Long Island volun teers, known as Beecher's regi ment, at which Rev. Thomas M. Beecher, of Elmira, N. Y., deliv ered an oration ; Third New York independent battery, with Maj. Gen. Eosecrans as orator; Battery B and Thirteenth New York inde pendent battery. The signal corps association of the army of the Potomac held a meeting here to-day. They de termined to erect an imposing tablet, commemorative of the work done by this branch of the army in battle. They also elected Gen". K. Merrill president and decided to hold their annual reunions at the same time and place where the . national encampments of the G. A. R. take place. Gen. J. A. Gordon, of Georgia, was compelled by his official posi tion as cnief executive to leave for - Atlanta. - To an associated press representative, m answer to a I question as to what his opinion or j the reunionj ,,e sai(I . .. t. h is a 1 8U and if tn r r .j. reunions ot soldiers occurred yearly it would serve to ceme'nt ihe friendly feeling of the blue and gray more closely, and bind tho North and tr-outh so firmly that there would he no North and no South, but a. country linked by chains of indissoluble" friendship.5' IN THE NATIONAL CEMETERY. At 3 o'clock a procession com posed of the military commands, as yesterday, entered the national cemetery and marched past the rostrum. At the conclusion of the parade, Gen. Robinson, of New York, as presiding oificer, requested Rev. Twitchell, of Hartford, Conn., to open the exercises with prayer. The prayer was listened to with uncovered heads, and when, in concluding, he began ihe Lord's prayer, the crowd joined in. . The poet of the occasion, George Parsons Lathrop, was unable to be present, but part of his poem was read by Gen. H. C. King, sec retaiy of the society of the armv of the Potomac, and was received by the audience with much ap plause. When the orator, George Wil liam Curtis, was presented, thr i c.ieers were called for by. Gen. Sharpe, and he was greeted with hearty applause at the conclusion of his oration. Eloquence was in every line of Mr. Curtis' oration. He began with these words : Upon this field, consecrated bv American valor we meet to conse crate ourselves to American union. In this hallowed ground lies buried not only brave soldiers of the blue and the gray, but the passions of war, the jealousies of sections, and the bitterroot of all our national differences human slavery. Here the long and angry controversies of political dogma, of material interest, and of moral pride and tradition came to a decisive strug gle, as the fate of Christendom was determined at Tours, that f American independence at Sara toga, and that of modern Europe at Waterloo, the destiny of the American union was decided t Gettysburg. A hundred other famous fields there are of tbe same American bravery, in the same tremendous strifes; fields whose proud and terrible tale history and song will never tire of telling; hut it is here that the struggle touched its highest poiut ; here broke the fiery crest of that invading wave o war. Continuing, Mr. Curtis said: But that the glory of this dav and of America, and o; human, .lature, may be full, the veteran and the survivor of the armies whose tremendous conflict inter preted the constitution, to-dav, upon the field of battle, and upon its twenty-fifth anniversary, clasp friendly hands of sympathy to salute common victory." A full line of ladies' slippers at cost. No broken sizes to-day, at Monteith & Seitenbacli's. McLai:s!i!in, Practical Tailoring. Summer aud fall suits, and pants m any style a speciality. Cleaning and repairing promptly attended to. Main street, Albany, Oregon. 1