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About Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19?? | View Entire Issue (July 3, 1888)
. r'S7 v- pa I i f r ' -r CENTS A WEEK. ALBANY. OREGON: TUESDAY MORNING, JULY 3. 18SS. VOL. Ill ISO. ISO SHBinciTmmraiaMi G. L BLACKMAK, (Successor to E. W. Langdon' j DEALER IN Drugs, Faints, Oils. - Perfumery and toilet article.-.. a'iS" a fu'l line of books ami stationery, periodicals, etc. Z-i Prescriptions carefulls compounded IN GOD FELLOW'S TEMPLE: Albany Oregon The Red Front. TWEEDALE & H.OIPKXN'S. Hardware, Stoves, -Ranges, Tinware, Copperware, Pumps, iron pipe, rubber hose and plumbing roods. Solo agents for the celebrated '"Early Breakfast" cook stoves and.ranges, and "Faultless" parlor heatiiiff stoves. Albany, Oregon. - I ' - - Julius Joseph Manufacturer of Choice Guars P g ROYAL HSUllV 1 '! ,1 CtOyVT' iliUliaj A4I 1 rii!'T -til Absolutely Pure, This Tinwcier never varies. A marvel ol purity,.-treiigtli and v. hti!i'so!ii''.iess. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and tan not le sold in coinpeti- iliili iviiii iniiit'.UKii' ot liiw lest, sliori weight alum 01 ;d.!;spli.tte powde bold only m i-ms. Koy.u, I;akin osv- DEii Co., 100 Wall St., N. T. vni:.i:is. i i;. x. i:i..cKi;riiN'. attoiixkv at 1 '. Lav.-, Aliianv. On iron. - tillici- in Cii r..'i:o.v"s 'IVin;.ii.. -V" ill pra-tii-e in all cran of t'ie state, am! uive sinvial attention to all :.t:s:ucss.B -AND DKALER K- FINE IMPORTED AND KEY WES Cigahs, Plug and Smoking Toliai-r-or, Meerschaum and T'riar Pipes, and ! full line of Smokers" Articles. Al.-o dealer in ! CALIFORNIA AND TROPICAL FRUITS. :. e x t J oor to Burkh;vrt A. Kfeiiey'.i Z: i: : !i . VVji i . WILL BROS Dealers in all the lending Guns, Pistols, Wmg Maeiuses, Orsass; Pianos, l-lllple. ' lieMa'.e, Will pra'-ti'-i- in and ivo s;iueiiil -ittcntiun rO!. KIITOX .V II'VIXK, AITiI;KV.s T at l-.iw, All.any. nr. ;!ir.: in ronon and H, Foster's i;, over I.. K. linui it or . T k. vi-"A t;ioi:!"mi:i, at ioknkv 'at I . i:nv, Aibuiiy, .1 in-.'LHi .I :lit in ) id t-. 11. G.5 M li!V.-5riA?i. IAsriX, f-n. All---n, rnvsiciAx -I 1 11. KI.1.1S, I'l! VMCIA." LTci'ii. Alhai.y, (ii'e;:iin. -I'a'.'.cr t'lu iscn wsaaasjicnt 1. AT WASHINGTON. ept.icn of the Kepubiican Plat form fit the Capital. n si e:j "1. ;n ,t K:oniKi(;iJ). pop as? mm diM- Jim Politicians in Washington A Costly Bridge Oentsnnial Expanses Kiver and . Harbor Appropriations. A fu'l line 0;. prov 'sain :h'.icc ' family ffr'cs.nis a:; Icannea nrieapples, Olioicoi TaWB DelioaGies nrnamentt-vl cakes for Wedo men and 'I'articK. Salmon bellies kinds. n.aekerel and tUh of all mm BAKED JbCverv Da v. k tilv l t IT' nn 1 in 1 if 1 U"i 1 11 v 'I AC i 1 V. K1.L1.V, PHVS1CIAX AXl c'li :i-on Albafv, -ri"'"it, d'lii e over Cra w.d'.I's store. Uttiee hours, from t . M. t" r. M. D'-:.k. a. M. r.!sTL:it n s i.ocatkd ' tl. 'e on 1 lie eorner if Klrt ai'l streets, oer lledtield ,: '.rohiiell's stori', where he can he found -when not r. fessionaily eniraurd. MKS M.E. Mtt'OY, m. O.TrOWKOrA 1 II IC phyieiaii, otti.e and r..side:ie.: ei.rner '. K rs' :ii1 !!akcrstreets, Albany. Or. ('Iiroid.-di-e- si a spei-iall-e. ( 'onsultaf ion free. Of fi -e hours: 10 to 1 2 a. M and -J to a r. t. 1 Ji A Fu'l Line of- h?lieet music, niusical lii-.'rcliamlie.anmninition, fish inj tackV, viv. Wan'anted razors, liutrlicr a.iii pocket knive-s Hie best kinds of sewing niacin nes. NEEDLESiOl L and K.rfras for 'all MA CHIXJJS LINN COUNTY ACESTS FG! K03THYESTERH FIRE INS'J?.AKCE5CC?i1PAHf. 1 Repairinar of sewiii"; uiaelitntts, uii:.-jeal instrunienTs, miiis, t'c , r.ea'ly done ail croia, ne Laoo 01 uiscovcnes r n It 1. I...1 I 1.1. , si r Sees t" t! ; . of TatiL'ent, .V. I ., e .0..d I.ino c'i UKI-KKS ill--i:iei: of tin toT , f 're-:on. r The Or miles e:;t i ! .!i.ii.v.-,i:i : i"::eiiie r.'.ilrcad. :! :.e:is ii' eili'n u'. '.0,:, eot;ta:ns snllieient wat r and t:inl er (! era n-e WonM make fi.iir 1: I'l-i.-e. .-1 J.oi.i. with f nit jmr.-'ii; For Kir: ieiilars apjiiv f .1. .1. i.irr;. rT-li iy i xr- srr . ted? IP l,:CllHftS fc-r.-'-nc- .5. V - , .2 -j tea...- 1 i:rin:KA . V. ! tV:i! ::ui ' 1.1 l y: 1:. h'dd'i-.w y. vi:tk!M.!:v - i il i ' u'e"!!, Al'i-a-iv, ( i-i j..n. (Jei, man and Ameri jiai eoi'tes. IFIflfflllll ' CP ALBANY. OREGON PI!KsHi-.;-.,', fit r.-Pitl-IDKXT 'v.snu;!; 7 :u-. y a u. l !tr. n. S. K. "Vfiini.', f!.I.(.'!i:!.iiiii-:-lai: :!-:xr.!:.M i:an!u" I- S "I ' V.i lil.. I ' TEAS and LOFFE lilies NiiK Raiii CANNED t.oODS, ETC. iae lust Soap in the market - i U L A! 4 fine assortment of domestic and Imported Cigars ,T-At John t a onek. old stand H I; -IS n f 1 unit l Tl V LLA ID I W00D1N vim Livi; n Spceial Correspondence. V AisAixuTox June zo. Jverv- bouv, lnciuuitrg not a - few" "demo crats, is jiraistngthe grand platlomi r.nannnoiislv adopted bv the Chicago convention. It breathed viciorv. Hon. V. I). Kelley, ofteti teferivd to as "the father of the house" savs: "It will carrv all the doubtful states of the North, and "ive us a fair tiirhtinsr chance fur Virginia, North Carolina, Ten nessee and Kentucky." The opinion of Jude Kellv is concurred in by every republican with whom your correspondent has talked This platform is one of the grandest politica! documents ever put lorth, as ei!iiodyinr the views ol a party hveiy republican in tins broad land should feel proud of the good work done by the representatives ol the party in convention asseinbl ed. JSefofe this letter is in print the telegraph will have informed you of the nominees of the conven tion for President and Vice Presi- 1 ry (tent, iiiey are sure to he our strongest men. The delegates who jl up this platform, can make no serious mistake, and alter all, with such a glorious declaration oi principles, it matters little who the caiidi .altrs aiv. Since the St. Louis convention, asiunuton lias been over run vvith'New York democratic poliu cians, and tne most ot private secretary Dan. J.amont s time j taken up by conferences with these gentlemen, the subject matter under dUcussdon is doubtless the political situation in New York .--ta'.e. There are rumors tha Cleveland intends to keep tiovernor ii ill out ul a Humiliation, he 1 tared to aiiow ins name to I used a.s a prospective president!;. candidate. Some say tliat Cieve land s candidate lor tiovemor wid be ex-Alayor lirace, of New York City, ana oiners that, private secretary JaniMiit is the layorei individual. Aly own impression i lluit Cievelatd viii nut quarre wiiii lhil-7-he dare not, but if he can get hiiu to retire bv promise of liituie honors, lie will probably be vervulad to do so. Through the influence of a real estate svudicate ol gress passed a b... j..! 0 'r;;0,!0.t t'.i Idiii 1 a new and onia bridge over a creek, whicn runs near .Mr. Clevelan.t's country residence, near this city, iheie w as nu in cessity in the world lor ibis appropriation, 'inert; was a good suiisiantial wooden idrdg aiready over this creek, and the idea of budding a new I' bridge would never have Oee.i heard 01 ii the reai esialje syndicate oefore mentioued had not brought all the property adjacent to Cleve land's place on the other side ol liio creek. Cleveland knew that 1 ins appropriation was made lor the 1 'eueiil of sneculators and him.seii. THE HUNT. GENERAL NEWS. A sni'therA- wind and a 'mn'.v skv i'r eiaiin n iumtii f ninrn; So t. liuat the l.i.l 111 the .-overs hard Lv i ne lii.usev. ;;e imls her horn. A p.i I j ut-iiii her, ami harks awav tor a lew hours' spun on a bright June (lav. 11 cnuer thicket the is found, In a hcac-'.ar ot i;re.?n and hlue: Her cye are 'nrisht and her cheeks two round. So this L'.id will never do: Kor tiit hu-hand is io.-id, as the wife is aware, Of liu-in the lieip 011 the kitchen stair. Then over the crs"hii and up the street. With a view haiJo we l'-.j: The cable is quiek ami liie street ear fleet; Willi a yvicKsand - tallv-ho. We turn and double and t i.-t and run: Oh, hunting t'ne Bid is uiajjniScent tun. Oh, stout old dame in the gown of srray, Can vou eocfc and iron and wash? Can you make the fire at the hreak of day, And iiish up the mutton hash: How manv in famih": Six. "Xo, no." To another cover awav we t'o. By Lotta's fountain away we sweep, Anil on liearv a.'ain uraiv rein And scan tl.e legend in letters i'eep 'that is writ on the window pane. Young woman, youny; woman, who wears a rose, Can you furnish a cook with a wart on her nose: "Have you ?ot a eross-eyed irl on hand, With freckles and bright red hair, Who won't any amorous dalliance stand, Or be kissed on the kitchen stair:'-' Only that blonde then off e spur; Too pretty by half we've no use ior her. Then away, then away, we are homeward bound, We have had a ifloiious run; If we have not killed, at least we have found, And that is the hunter's fun. To-morrow, tn-niorrow, with yuieks, tally-ho, To hunt the bid we'll merrily j;o. News Letter. The London Times on Trial for Libel. IliK IKO VtOKKI'.US MIS. nH'OKTAVr ASXiUX'KSSEYr. Time Between San Francisco Oak land , ;terati;ento l lie Shoi fened. Euisia'i Wheat Sheridan MoTed-Refascs Her Assent Ihe Senate Fails to Confirm K. V. Fuller. The Hbiald's Siiecial Disjvitelies. 1 London .'July 2. The trial of tli-3 action on Frank" "Hugh O'Donne'l airainst the London Times for libel in its articles on "Parnellism ar l Crime" vas set lor to-day. 11 j court room was packed. Lord Chief Justice Coleridge piesided. O'Donnel was represented by Air. i.ugg, a junior counsel, w ho is a lean, nervous, bilious looking man. Herbert Gladstone, Arthur O'Coi; ner and many other persons of prominence were present. Herbert Gladstone sat by O'Donnell's side. The Times was represented by Attorney-General Sir . James L. Smith and William Graham (dynne. Air. Kugg, in presenting the case for the plaintiff, declared that O'Donnell was not in sym pathy with the Irish exterminists, but held their methods in detesta tion. That the',Tinies had no ground for coupling his name ..with that party, and the plaintiff therefore claimed .10,000 damages. . Kug- also said that O'Honneil had not ttee'i connected with tiie Parnell party since 1SS4. San Ki: .a nci sio, July 22. Tin Daily Report is the authority tor the statement this evening that the Southern Pacitir'Joiiipauy is about to ask the government tor the use f ( Island, midway between i!ii city ?nd Oakland, ior ferry station purposes. The plan id" the raiiroad company is to extend the Oakland ino'e, to the Island, a distance one ais-i fivc-eignts miles: and build terry slips mi its city side which is one and a half miles liom' the eitv front. This will ivihi.-e the tims from San Francisco to Oakland from .fifteen to five minutes. The liepnit also says that the company propose to lu-idire Cartjninize straits which sep erate Port Costa from Benieia. This will reduce the ti"ie between this city and Sacramento, the cauitol ol this State., fn n four hours to two hours and a half Tiie announcement 1 as created a sensation in railroad circles. AlIiUMMATICH Assori.vno.v. to.XinEssie.vAi. fokecast. ?i iSttilmMJA t( iAV.I I'm he veto the bill? Loi lie i ' H i It SI J I "l II V(l IV I Neither bad he courage enough to 1 Vl Hi H VS i J h l ili V J sin it. lie adowed it to become a -IX A- Lfv Tcbvvii. t, . --a t.-.V i-. t'-1 i V. rX', . , w" A . 'n.:i ai.V v f ' O ' JJ t .' i . ;t .i . ill law w itiiout his signature. Had ii been :t bili giving a pension oi SI v r a ini d:th to ;i poor wulow oi -:..::.(, .-oidM'r, ne utovi'd isave vetoe i 11 i;ii.vk ;-.!un.;il. i in- NMiau. nas passed a bill :u-;-ri',!:i;;t;i.:i i i.l t-j pay e.-.pi ll:-c.-. id JlaVllig 111-.' goVerilSi.ei.i ii:.-Mi!!wiiiS rejireseiil i at. l!i v o.iii.iiiii.-, Oiiio, CeuHnmai :: poi;ii)UJ in t-jdeiiiber and t :c"..iier. .-enaior l-"rye has pivseine'l hl ropoit in hivor of il.e : ,vi' :u; iiar;i.r i.i'i. It t!pp:!pr;..tcs ii.-.iuey :'' si' Si ! i.i .' i th.-.n '' " -:''u::ac O'-ii ever p.i.-se 1 by ''- 'lin- i-i!! is ;i;mi-..-l e.-i-i-..- to pas-- tlie senate. A-.'hia-kit reprc-.e'itaiiVv iiu.e 1 1 i : - ia-,caiiv sp: cn-.l a-.'.'ht- ol Hi - irru, :a; lain! onuv a i- n :';! " ; ii; liit' isoii-e x i-d. ii-s. ia v. l:ou.-e.!i.-vitig luiir'hei wi.h ISiver and Harl'f :i?i! Army lp propriatiou Bills Disposed Of. Wasiito ton, Jnfy 1. Monday's session oft e sina'e wiil he t e "ote 1 to s; e. c:i in :i;.iiL'. The river and irbur h;l! am! the army aiior"in'a ,;.in bid a.-e oo:n m an moiiusiie ! tate and wiil be disposed of in a '-.-.nice of any other legislative busi ness. No oilier appropriation bills wiil be ready for consideration this week. It is Senator Pdphs intention to to press the eoust defense bill dar ing the week. It w s the understanding when the house a -jimruei! yeste. day that the taritf debate will be suspended. en .iui;day iu order tv act upon several measures of j n'dio importance. Oa Tuesday detailed 'consideration of the tariff bill wdl lie reii:n:ed au-l will probably run tiirotih the week. wita a v- s-!i ll- li A r.t i (-i W2 .lii ; l s 1 1 1 iii ni lavon !b. fture '!iipanies Jni;i ami liie. Warii men Are i'ieasetl. PtTTsr.rui;, July 2 Two mo; signatures to tne amalgam,'e.i scale are reported. They wore tho Laughiin Iron company, of Leech burg, Pa., and the Findlay Iro:i company, of i'indlay, Idaho. This news was tlie occasion of co" si-lerab'.p rejoicing at the work men's headquarters. Tiie manu facturer's claim the action of these tiriiis was discounted before th-j lockuji beirati. The shut down does nit ai!e.-t evp''v. workman in. and around the m 11 as has been re potteii. .'viiiiiy oi these depart ments that are not governed by the Amalgamated Association scale wili continue in operation. J -"in a ss McLaughlin, for exai-i-ple, employ 4000 men at the Amer ican Iron works, but only 2000 them will be affected. Others aio employed in the machine shops! and otlior departments of tho mills. They will continue to woik as long as they have iron, and if the trade will warrant an effo; ; will In made to purchase material horn Lhe East. I ijitini use;; (ed. Wasiiinoton, July 2. My a strict party vote the house co;r. snittee on elections decided to-day the California contested election case of SnHivan vs. Feiton, in fa vor of the contestant, and will re port the resolution unseating Pel ton. The republic; ns wiil preparo a minority report, which will prob ably be read by Powell, of Illinois, favorable to Feiton s claims. !t; iIcii! r;i'.; Nkw YoaK.'Juiv 2. Jlsoursenicnt :,c si: i.u-t'rn. i 1 . nig i i'he interes; i n:t s. one la-re to-day ties 'd rai'roa-i and ;i::.i-;::;i !e -ver ii 2. Thi s dav of tin nd tivi(i"!ii i. S ti;- year. id pay on secr.r - oiher i'o.ii- .- .Oliil.Oi'ilJ. and iuteie.-l oi -over nieni . s ;:::;-.''a:-i -: a to:;.! in j-avn i n-.sK c.o.r. tiioi rai ! I.i.o "'.!'( ; :i! - th i el i ' r i ' ailes si i: .Iriv hoie'i- it;'.-, 'n; u ! 05 J i -. A sens. Ti tte nnor ,-re svi.ii 1, - i . i I'OCI "i -0 tin ail: I .lanr .e XvA t'onlirtiiet!. i. 1 i : '. 1 s i ; -A t ' I S"v : .si -!i 11.. Tne e g . ! i:.-n . J .' i : J Sii.- i. &S5i 4 . .; n;ia . . - I'i'ce !ar.: TERRIBLE SUFFERiNG-3. i r Perhaps no maa ever ncssed more physical su ing than H. IriEiGGS, the G"; -'!';. ti:- Railroad Ccn-ractor ot V4 v whose autogranh is - w t.r:.. -;;!::(. ii. : . . ; i ; . ; i i to l'l I I : :' ;,'i iVii v.ill.o 'i S- ;:! sen- oil l udi, : i ! back ti.e c Fulier io i an v I'.-c. 1 1 Amsnea, shown and who svines: ; Oil lias ... Tii I !' S I " surd ivo n. , iive ia As 1 l 1: :ie lit.' .Hi- Cm- : t i . .ij;!a 'ivtte.l out ci jOi hither b; :-.-;s, iv'-io had i:;i PiXi.WiO. S71 tWli t?!U.-,l) tbe-I from as 1 r:e:::::;::i" le ' :' ihun.fijini in 1 r contracts ann i: Ju this liid th r i i ! I Kr ! i Ci i-tii Co i'-er sji. Jacobs Oil did it? good w r Vs". ' irs ro fold by rr::pr;-U and Do.'. ft E'-criiH-lw. THE CHARLES A. VOGELEfi C3 BALTIMORE. UD. 1 Wow! ca'i a' tlie liirniltire .fo l: S: Wiiiaid's a'.u --ei. v.- r . i ' ( !,;.; u r your ausi-ai.. iV't a birthday present. ) ; i . i r I ' I i i ! l i i ,' V li n . ir i j ( 11 - - it 55 I ropo! ' - oi Ku ;-s!an c!'o;-s ; ;. v - ;i ! I'b.-e ai ' i":ii-a:- Vieio-' ( "I- 1 A j;:"!". .. V. : !-, : . : -- ii :,- - 'I' ar.' v p: n i ... ' c:op& - .- S ' J: -A ) i. i Jj if i -