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About Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19?? | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1888)
- - 1 rs- ' !l--?3r- .1 1 SCENTS A WEEK. ALBAJN v. OKKGON: SUNDAY MOUSING, JULY 1. ISSS. VOL. HMs'O. IK) T-fT: VTP- . - vVvrr- i " r--".'-. - . ' . . f ' - ' ' ' ' ' . ' ft : ' it if Red TWEEDALE & HOFKllSTS. Hardware, Stoves, Ranges, Tinware, Copperware, Piimps, iron pipe, rnbbor hose and pluinbiuff goods. Sole agents for tht cdebratcd "Early Breakfast" cook stoves and,ranges, and "Faultless" parlor heating stoves. Albany, Oresron. v Julius Joseph Manufacturer of -AND DEALER IX- FINE IMPORTED AND KEY WEST (.'i.gars, Plujfiind Smoking Tobaccos, 'eeieli;n;m and Briar Pipe., and f'lil Tine of Smokers' Articles. AI?o dealer in CALIFORNIA AND TROPICAL FRUITS. Next door to Burkbart iV. Keeuev's II t u is.a: i ) "i VI. ) t if. WILL Dealer- in all Guns, PiEtoie, term lactones, Organs, A full lieet music pocket knives. The best A FEEDLES.OlLfnid Krti-fts for all jrACirrXllb im zmm acehts for northwestern fire imsurascfscompany. Rejiairing of sewing niaehints, musical instruments, guns, etc., neatly done Ca forma, the Land o Discoveries -TASTt r- wioo CO U GU 0 fcu-?ji mil muY IS&g&l 3 1 nirt rear o.nijt' renter AdIlTINL MLDCO.ORflVILLl. H AVE Yul! A CUbl) in the head wliieh d not. yet better? Have you an excessive Bccroti-m of laiirus or matter in the nasa-l passives whieh cither must be blown from the r:Ose or drop baek behind the palate, or hawked von -roul''t! bv ha.v -ur, spitting, weak and '- . unc THE: U JVi ft '0 RV MAIL li I ' " . I JCw'vi A t-i 1, r. 1 ttiii r jir"nL r WfAnmi'i i t- II Mr 9 ffi ST Ma B j-w v-o TR,aE 11 mm r.u'L 1 iiL vLU-Lo unu v lyLttnyd urrodinv; sorts reve ihc corruption wiiiiin. s eiery bicath tirnwn int the lunus ni.s; owr ami i icon e j-.liut cl by tliejxlicv in ill the iiasal pas.-j'cs. it ii'iist 1 ii is-ariiy (ibw tl.ftt j c ;ot-;i j: ot il.i v'mic mti ,-:.uiujl' ' t..ks, vhi'f the n elt.. lua'tcr ;s .iv? ; v , i; c: : i v -1 .-.ti tii 1; '0 tin st.uuaili, e'fc.bifc.i ditei-t'ei!, i.inM.ftvii pndiu c? cy.'jcjM;-. : n. i i viu'ians it. , neroi'.sness and eonsuiupf ion. DO NOT PROCRASTINATE. : 'If voc ha e;d ny "lit ulfUMt. - icir-iic i; 'C-.-- K-Ci !,K at ojk'C; V e i;-c s-t vtt.v n tr. ' re- : to i.e. K:x !!! i,tb"r,i'i s.nisa 4 liif astil 1 afi-t-i.-c'ftr'i 8 tri- G. I, BLAGKMAN, Successor to E. W. LansjdoD1 : DEALER IX Drugs, Faints, Oils Perfnmery and ioilet articles. al?o a full "line of:books ami stationery, periodicals, etc. Prescriptions caretulh compounded 'N ODD FELMlWStWIE, Albany . -Oregon 4m Font. Choice Cigars BROS the leadin Line of- uniMca HH'r.-haiHlise.aiiimuiiitioii, fisli AVamuited razors, butcher-ami kinds of sewing machines. EUREKA Tjc motto of California "means "I ivv found it.." Only in that land of sunshine, where tthe orang crao land urape bloom and rinen anil a'tnii. iO-Ttheir hinest perfection in mic'-winter. ire the hertis and ifum found that are used in that pleasant lemedy fop-al! throat and lung troubles, Santa Awk the rule of coughs, asthma, and cn- 'rsumptir n. Fosliay ,1 .llason. of Al- Danv urecon, nave heen appointed eansuai psl'fo hisvallile California rem edy, and sell it under a iruarantee at Si bottehree for P'OK SALE BY A OKI fAL VLllAXY C RKCOX or snuffed backward to the throat? Are inliamed eves, frc'iiicnt soreness of the throat nn'iiiu' or roartn in the ears, n.ore or hess niipairment of the hearing, loss o jr. f 1 1 1 j t ,- uitili"! v i ill t'ii.1 1 , minuet.-, t i oi.ness oi ine neau, ur ness or ner.t oi nose.' Have you lost all sense of smell': illave you a haekin eoutdi? Hive vou jdvspep.-ia?. Is your breath foul? If so Imh. n.wh ru p. v ata k k u . oouie nave ai these synptoins,' others only a part. ri lie leaning svmptoin ot ordinarv a- i. .. .;. . c U-i.ll,.- ...;i. .,.,,.!.. iiiiiii ir i in i eiieo eviei.ioii tu 111111:11301 L Y (.(,, ,1 breath is caused bv the decorr mm IjUArJl LiJ posin- ceretinsevu:i.l from festerin njR TCR ulcers far back in the nead; ometimes n t the iiieinbrane coveriin.' the bones is iu nil hum aiie eoveinii; 1 iti-n swav and the bones themselves rni graduallv decav. Such eases ar in 1 objects of pity, as stench from ptc ms eo t ot (t:;-.t.l ,1 -,v ap: 'it-;.!. ens rtiie Co : (.1 a ti. .. i.ih ici.-t by niaii y.'.H' hy j M in A T 11 i V Albany, Oregon 4 ' Absolutely Pure. This powder never vanes. A marvel cl nuri'.v.iitrciiirtli sunl wliolesomtness. More econolincni tliim the ordinaiy kinds, and cannot, be sold in competi tion with multitude of low test,-short weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in fins. Rotai, Bakin 'ov deh Co.," 1(H) Wall St., N. Y. ATTO KX KITS. ! DK. X. I'.L.ACKilt KX, Ari (!lXKV A I' . Law, Altwiiy, Circmi. - Oiiice in Odd bellow's Temple. -V ill iinu tiec in all court. jf the state, and !;'ivfc sneeial attention to all business. t roLVK.i:T)X & 1. at Lav, Albany, c itid 14, Footer's liloi.. VIXK, AlToKXKYS r. Olti'-e in rooms r; , over L. K. liiain s st or .' 4P T K. Wr.ATIIOKKORP, ATTOKXF.Y AT J . law, Albany, -Oregon. oft'ivc in'ddil Fellow's Temple. Will practice in alf 'In jcnirtf of tboiate, and jcivc special attention to ai! ousciess PliV..! I VS. r W. ?i ASTON, V.T, irc)n, Al'-auv. 1 llYSiCIAN AM) C ia-."iti if If. ELLIS, P1MS1CT. ireon, Albai.y, Oregon X AM) SI l: c 1 C. KELLY. I'lIVSICIAN AND SI R :eon All-'any, s tore. Ot'tic c rcL,on, otH, e m i r (;rad e h'.'iirs, fri'iii s a. m. to 1 1 1 e. a. a:.m.ic-t,'i; has locate!' 1 his (!: -e on the corner of Flp-f and iiroadulbin streets, over Ledlii-ld Lionin H's -tore, v. torc he an be foutid when not pro fessionallv eiiKay.l. US Jf. E. McCuV.M. D.llOMCEOl'AillHJ nii;. -.-.ichui, oi;i ( ami resiih-ncu rortter !!'st arid I ..'.k;-r iCL-t-, Abai... '-. c'brMiiii- !l : J'''ifiIt.V. C 'S'll'..'t!o! free. Of. '.its: 'o.o1iia. v and 2 To 5 r. M. i,r;v, M. 1. OFFEI1S HIS sirvices .. ci:i Liint co:n:t LAND s! i f A'hanv,! '-I lis ot the v i init i if Tan; "reon. !, 'AC! Es 1'!' ATLii -it ' -l. 1J mi!. -' c:t ' !!:.c-:ic n.iii'. ."t.tains siiCi.-'u iu era es.". Wo. i'.I i'i ice, .-TJ'cii, with For particulars appl ' .1. .!. li. K II KOi.Pi'.WAV, VI TKLINAKV S! 1' ! :-i:i.u, Allian;. . onon. -Cra.hi.iie of it man and American m PIES! IATISML MSI OF ALBANY. OREGON PUESTDEXT, L. Flinri. viCE-i'REsi&EXT S. h. Young, cashier. (i.E.CiiarnberlaiD, rjlRAXSACT.3 A CEXEItAL HAXK1XG X ISL'SIKESS. Accounts kept subject t heck. Sitrht Exchange and Telegraphic Transfer aolci on Xew York, Chicago, San Francisco and Porthn.l, Oregon. Collect iorm made on favorable terms. E. You li. E. I.Ai.N L. Fliss W .- E. 1 l KKKLL Gko. E. Chambkrlaix. MEX DFSIItlXG RAILHOAD WORK Will be e-iien enipkment by apply ing to Contractor Hunt, at his headquarters at Wallnla. Work Will be vigorously pushed on the Wallnla branch, and an unlimited number of men can obtain employment. K. Hinct!. B OOT A XT) SHOEJIAKER, ;ALL WORK varranteu. stion since the tire removed Ferry st-ect, oeeond door from posbdlicci olice or JtissoitMion.'i mo ALL WHOM I1T JIAY " CONCERN 1. The co-partnership heretofore existing between R.ibert. J. Carson and John N. Hotf man, is this day dissolved bv mutual consent May 24 188S." ROBERT J. CAI!SO ,I,!IX xX. IIv,FFJI N. Itemoveil. J OSF.PH WEBBER AXXOCNCKS TO H IS patrons an-.l friends fwt he can be found on Lyon street, between Envinc Co. No. 2 and First street, until bis new rooms iu Eo shay iV Mas.m briekjare ready, Portrait Piwtographer i"Stnli corner .f Second and Ferry Do net fail to see Dubniille's display horse. PALACE MEAT MARKET TA.X1ES V. PiPE.Prop. First ,i'e-f .... Albany The be v .riety of choice bef.eal,inU'ton, pork s-.usae., etc.,lu tiie city fc.-pt jeom-tantly m iii.rid. S-;r Cash paid for ali kii. 1 mti p kb ! N'i::;x:si;Ki I r.t.t !-i pi,rc :t I. b .ie iat e On iawr.s. em oroi. : aras. N tor 1 he weeic . ic Scitenbacb's. o-'k.'vjf. sn:: a STATE HEWS. cf i in Portland. id Li; UVho Votfd for ' t:soa :e ISiO -Th ctev, Etc. pe .-;id to mcli - j .1'. , . .-.ioRTi:iiv.cAiiie .M. A monster riitiiicaVison f I: the republican noin fflsAnl'' e:it and-vice-presi-ijtrr-fIr 1 tn h;s city tliis fsvMitnu. Iolejraieb from East l'o.' llaiid, facoina, ( irejion City and omer places took part in the dem onstrations, and it was the largest political demonstrations ever made in Oregon. There were a thousand Ameri can Hairs, all of the same size, car ried iu the procession, besides sev tnousand Hags of different sizes. Among the transparencies the principal one was a very large ear- lo jn taken from the London Irutli. rite cartoon represents Cleveland introducing Miss Free Trade to Young America, while underneath is the legend, "Ojiite English, you know!" Another large si2ed transparency represents the stars and stripes, and the 1'iitis ensign. Under one tlag, " Trottd ion to American In dustries. Under the other, "Brit ish Free Trade." Beneath the whole, the words "Under which Flag will American Workingmen Hgut.'' Another motto was "Oreiron in I June 1 407 majority. Oregon in November, 10,i)00 majority !" The carriages bearing those who voted for Harrison in 1840, carried a transparency, "We voted for Tippecanoe Harrison in 1M0. We vole for General Harrison in 1SSS." The native sons ot Indiana n. arched under ttie name of "lien Harrison's Ho isier Brigade.'' The JL'ortland light battery tired a salute of Hurt -eight guns. Tiie process on lo med at Tunie !-ali on the com r cl Third and Yamhi 1. From t:t'iv:e thev inarch ed amid a marnisicent display of lo'cworks to 1'ay lor, theme to I bird, thuure to Yainhiil, thence t East Pai tiience to the seak er's stand, on i'ark Block. The opening address was dcliv ere.i byMlon. M. C. (ieorge, wiio spoke of e)ier.,i 'lli"ii'ju' Tisri';ie cli;i!oiii .ri (,i lirotc-i'ti'.'.n f rr Aineri- c..:. , i ,.,,o i - ;.! ii iaitor, and a man o' tilof... iu . iverwhi Aaieni.'uii ideas v. iio eery v. ay worthy of an Imipg majorhy in Novem-1 Ih. was as !Oi. e.e'i oV . 1-. -Vi- a:::-, ati'i a"r 1 c pi ; bi.cai.s i.". t .'. enty Weil KIP WI1 v. ,;o !;:;; i live minute .-;pe'ches;. Business houses were decorated, and the intense enthusiasm wit'i uhich the people joined in ratiying the nomination of Harrison and Ai'.iiton was exhibited on every side. Rival bands played their liveliest strains, and the blaze of tiie lireworks, iiiuminatioiis and tianspiirencies, all conspired to make it one of the grandest politi cal demonstrations ever witnessed in Oregon. n , Kclisions t.leaniiiR Recent statistics show a total of above five hundred church mem bers within tbe walls of Fekin con necteu with the five Prctestaut mis sions in that city. The general assembly of the Presbyterian church in the United States last year recommended $S00, 000 lor home missions. Tbe re ceipts, The Interior says, foot up within $16,000 of it. that is the best approach to an estimate yet made. It is an increase of $130, 000 oyer last year. There will be an exhibition in Paiis next yearintend itoillustratc tlie religions of the earili, past and present, idols, manuscripts and ali tangible symbols of religions will be shown iu a museum building, which is expected will cost $200, 000. One-third of this to be con tributed by tiie government. The Established Church ot Scotland reports the number of its communicants to be 571.022; the Free Church is taid to have 231,055 and the United Presbyterian church hus 1S2.U03. The late Mr. John Fulion, ot Edinourg, has left -ilO. 000 to the schemes of the Free church and $25,000 to tho0e of the United Presbyterian. . Oregon Kotf.K. Washington, June 2S. Senator Mitchell has introduced a hill provid ing fcr the establishment of a light ship, with fog signals, at the mouth of the Columbia river. He also introduced an amendment to the Min.1ry civil bill, appropriating 40, 0OC for the purchase of additional ground for the custom house at Port Townsend. ' ? T'he followine tens:ieu3 were grant ed t-i-iiay: Ote..-n Original iual:d, lltiij uiiin Vaugi.n, Imuana; Isaney, lnutncr cd" Liberty R. Pali, .spi'iny-ti'-hl: Me.x.ea'5 survivor, Audrew 1 1 ;r.-.ei.t.;r, !,eb; i-n. A. .'. Barb " lias been receia--u-nuea to tae i.osioiii'e iiepartment 1 r appoiutiiten'. us postmaster at the .-.!. d (iiiee. at liie.ituna, . L.'oie onntv. Orcirca. . lOAueil e Sti;aril'e. wh can convict iu: "i :; vjuidri. i r-.'poif'l in Kuici; i; is ijeci ive xtrciiii-iy rcli-:ou-,ur.u w'i.l giv Up Itel'.itui'e. Hi.-, wiic a property added to !.: o'.'. n makes the walt'i repreeuteu 1 v Jipice Tnuniiui amount t 1 eariy f 1,000,000. Mayor Shakespeare of New ()r ivaus hus appoiutcd riiteen colored ;.- n policemen lor mat city 1 n;? i a case ot baa'kespeai'e and LLiin rather tlian Bacon. Jefferson M. Levy of New York now owns Monticello, the old Jer lersou liomestead in Virginia, and has furnished it in the style offur iture affected in France in the reign ot Louis XIV. Mark Twain is an enthusiast re garding baseball, acd attends ail the games played at Hartford, lie is studying that department of American humor which deals with n npires. but finds that it offers but uttle inspiration. In the graduating class of the college at Hillsdale, Mich., this year, two inemoers ot tne same lamilv are rivals, for class. honors. One is C. II. Jackson, 53 years of age, and the other is his son, aged 22. So strange a rivaly is unprec edented in educational history. Mrs. Garrield has an income of $2o,000,$5O00 of which comes frnmi the Government in the shape of a pension. General Garfield's es t:tte netted tbe widow about 40, 000. and in adJition she received $2o,000 insurance on his life. Couiiress gave her $40,000, and the popaiar suoscnption raiseu just after GarflenFs death amounted to $:J12,080. Queen Victoria recently cel bitted her sixty-ninth jmthday. OiJy four Engiish sovereigns have attained a greater ag; Queen El z a ietli. 70 veuis; George 11,77; George. III." 82; William IV, 72. Victoria :ius rciirned longer than a ly of her predecessors excepting HjT.ry ill. who le'gne l fifty-six y .-ar-. t.n-i (J-oruc III, who was ou tde t.'iioi.e lor liftv-SiX years. t ol l.itiiii iu Oi c'on. 'Ve produce tiie following, as pu'.Misked liy tiie state board oi im migration: lor the convenience of these who may desire to know ."tiViitiiibJr iji. j iei libio ' liiili'i. e, 'le- trding !'.e u.j.-t'i)jO l iiViUi la i Oregon. j " Wii., the expense ot uTiutf lat 111 the East.' ii general way, me exociiscs :ti cities i compared with Aiisweilmr i ' necessary iivni a 11 towns. i;.c;iiii.g .-ervaiit i.ifi are about ten pr cet-t. greater titan intheEast. Of course the pro ductions 01 Ofegctu wnieii i'S'c toii sumeci ;.t home ai; cheap as else where. Hotel rates 111 tiie town? of the interior average $1 per day tor transient customers. Board and lodging oy tiie week, aoout $ at the hotels; about .'i at pri vate houses. House rents in small towns are very reasonable. Gooti five room houses with ample yard attached can be hail for Irom $5 to $12 per month. Farm hands com maud about $25 per mouth, by the vears Lire: harvest hands, $! 75 to $2 40 per uay, house servants a out $20 per month. For mechanics, carpenters and shop hands, the average is probable $3 per day ; masons $5. Miich cows are worth about $30 each; horses average $200 per span, As to the yield of Oregon pro ductions, we take the reprt of the government, actual figures furnish ed by the growers and the esti mate by the farmers generally. Out of a dozen farmers interview ed, two had less than 25 bushels of wheat to the acre last year; four had 32 bushels and tbe othe.s over 37 bushels to the acre. It is a com mon thing to have 38 and even 50 bushels of wheat. The overn rcent make9 the average nrarly 23; oats, 45 to b5 bushels to the acre. It is not an uncommon thing to have a yield of 75 to 100 , bushels of oats to the acre in Eastirn Ore gon. Oats from 5 to 8 fact high are frequent in this section of the state. A good deal of ,his grain weigiis 50 pounds to the bushel. Wheat raiseu in this state weighs 64 pounds to the bushel: barley yields on an average 2fi to 28 bush eis to the acre; rye, 20 to 30 bush els. Potatoes about 25 bushels and often 200 to 350. bushels to the acre. The growth of such thines is scp a i es, pumpkins, turnips, sweet potatoes and the like is simply astonishing. President Cleveland's free trade message getting across the rail iu Rhode Island threw the democratic fain off the track at the late elec tion iu that state, the whole re pub licau ticket being elected And now, from far off vtegor, just as tiie tuns were being firing oyer Cleveland's reuomimition tidings ,.,,nu ct'mi ovcTwhei.-u:n: retmbli- ! c m victory there a !. These lit i t!e straws seem to indicate tliut a fcum-ut is sitnug. in; which miy I - .verm the noiM.rdtedtion doctrines d . r. Ci'-veiam ' ill. uo a ' .b;.-ij.!'".eiy out . 1 ii.i Week: l. am id nd upon it, The Ar- GENERAL rNEWS. Gen. Sheridan Leaves Waskins- ton for His Health. it'.ov wi;ki.i:s us a siatEk!. John MeLitosli De?.d-A Eig- Enterprise A'.al.aaia News ircm tbe National ,C.;t..t 1. in The rlK".A!.i" Special Iisp:ttc!es. 1 Wasiusutox, June :'0. General Sheridan was removed from his house to the Swatara about 1 o'clock this morning. The Swatara left aoout J An p. m. General Sheri dan was safely aboard about noon. His transfer from his home to the vessel occupied about an hour, and was accomplished without the, sightest obstacle or delay. The general rested well last night. He bore his removal well and when the vessel steamed away was at least in as good condition as be fore leaving home. IKU WOltKEKS Mltlkt.. The I'roprietor.s and Men .111 not Agree Mills to Mint Ic u. riTTSBURo, June 30. Both the iron masters and their men pre sented a firm front this morning. When the day shift went off this oinud that all the mills in the west, but twelve operated by non-union men, would close down for an indefinite period. A disp.itch from Youngstown, Ohio, reports that the mills in Mahoning Valley are preparing for a protracted suspension. xsot withstanding tne discouraging re ports received by the mill men thev do not seem to be worriec Almost all who were spoken to believe the suspension will not continue longer tlia i two or three weeks. A shut down is necessary at this time of the year, for repairs and stock-taking. The manu facturers have, they claim, m:ed the same argument tor years and always opposed the Amalgamated Association as vigorously as at p-esent. Since the rtrike of lsS tl.e scale has been signed in con ference, with but one exception, and that was in IS80, when the strike was declared one by one of the firms signed the scale that year, and the strike was over and tiie mills all in operation. 4 it;; SSTOiO.tlOO to be !'! in Icon Woi'I.s in Aia bamn. Ii;;:uiNi,n am .laija:tia June ). h:r t;.-( 1 .. Tn. i'l c. pi'ir ino ton en hr.iiuied thousand dol piacc'd in tle iiank here w: y toil" '" in tin- erection cf furna-'t-s in t:.:s vi--inity. Uli:, n i.'s ale to bo seMi.a'cii The projectors of the enter- e ate It. 1-. J.enanJen, of iinn larn. and partio- from Charies ancl Savannah. Work is to b;':in immediately. A M l !t!C l CWFFI rt. It Looks Like a sort of ;aiuc. till Tliioat New York, June 30. Represent atives of the Bull club or coffee ex change, this morning stated that all offerings in June coffee was set tled yesterday. The firms, how ever, refuse to settle, and declare they will only pay the intrinsic val ue of the coffee, but the clique re solved that they should pay the same price as other shorts, and if they did not settle before noon to day their names would be posted 0.1 the exchange as having became insolvent. WAsimiiTox si;ws. Kill Signed by the President -He Will Sot Visit Cincinnati. Washington, June 30. The president has signed the Indian appropriation bill. The Cincinnati exposition com mittee has been informed by the president that on account of the pressure in business he cannot ac cept the invitation to attend the exposition at this time. He has now on his hands 130 bills that in ust be be examined and disposed of during the coming week. im: pki.e itivt;. C ilored Pnjjilis i ;lit to a ! inlsli for $1500. Boston, June 30. Mr. II. II. Houghton telegraphed to Can Fran cisco to Geo, Godfrey, colored heavy weight pugilist, that thai the California club had agreed to put up a purse of $150 for a finish ir'o-e cont: "t in August, between Godfrey and Peter Jackson the Australian colored heavy weight pugilist, loser to take $300, and $300 would be allowed Godfrey for expenses. Godfrey waived Jus ac ceptance of terms. Mclnio h Io:.f. New Bri nswick (X. J.), June 30. Gen. John B. Mcintosh, U. A., retired, died last night at his residence in this city of heart iHseiso. He was sixty years of age. ." ' Sailed lor Europe. New pas j ciLK, :engeis ' dav'in ti imie 3d. ,'jio .-aiied e Cuuard -Among for K li tt! st earner i "Aurania" were Bake and Duchess ' i' Id, tr! borough ami Margaret. ! uother of the actress. I ;!ass I-'ac ldri' lscc. l'i rrsnt Ki;. June :;. The stini- user siuit down oi the. Flint id factories c-ommem-et d tr.-dav. Al ihe lactones in the country hae tires and (iOOO etii take a rest for s.'i th-vr p.ove wi!i weeks. Tin annual wage eonfet end's of the ilitit, rlass and cliini v blowers will begin Monday. 1 important changes in the scale seem probame. Won I he I'aee. I.oni.'on, June At Sandown u k to-day the "Wellington stakes were won bv .satiety. I (KM )I '0St XTST II K rjJKSUET - Pernicious Activity I'xlencls Even to the White House. Washington, June 28. Wm. H. Barnum; chairman of the national democratic committee, called at tha. White house this morning and had a short iuterview' with the president regarding the composition of the democratic campaign committee. The president suggested several names. Barnum will announce by Satuiiday night who the members of the committee are. A VltllW UV Tin: ICO (MS. Suicide of a Man Who lost All His Money at San IMcgo. Ashland, Or., June 2S. John Drummond, aged about 73 years, who came here first about a year aj,o Irom Kansas, and has been at Saa Diego speculating in real estate for more than six mouths, returned to Ashland last week, and committee suicide at 1 1 o'clock A. M. yesterday bv shooting himself in the head with a revolver. He was stopping at the house of W. ii. VauBureu, and tempted, or threatened to kill Mrs. V'anBureu before he shot himself. Mrs. VaiiBu.-en ran to a neighbor's house and Drummond followed her only as far as the gate of her yar', when he placed the muzzle of his p.stol iu his mouth and fired, A euiciiier's inquest was held this afternoon, and it was found that .a:s;!ciii.le..ey from having lost all h:s means at .San Dtego was the cause ot le sniciuu. irau :tii! (.ciuiait I iiivcrsilie.i. Tiie average age f the, Ameri can coilege student at 'gisaduKtioU (citttiuiy not greater than of the German student at leaving his uni versity. The American student is, however, not only a better e3u- e-;r - m:r4s ti.t ei'es.: - si word, than the German students a correspoiidiug aie, but the aver age American college graduate w ins not yet entered upon - any pro lesSioual study whatever, either in law, medicine, theotogy or scieuc, jd' vho has spent three years &t ;i academy 01 the grade of Audov er, Exeter or E'istht-.inpion, and i'01 lour years at any of the leadiag eoilcges of .New England, is, by any fair test to be instituted by a committee of British or European educational experts, a better edu cated man tiiau tne average Ger man student who has completed both his gymnasium and his uni versity studies. ict noicat s ukiit. A New Yjrk physician says th-rt the guillotine is the most comfortable death. Every doctor should have one iu his office and thereby saye his patients much suffering. Mrs. Lillie Devsreaux Blake thinks women would make tjood soldiers. They might until somebody was seen going to the rear with an exception ally attractive bonnet. Miuister I understand that you do not believe that a person is suf ficiently punished on the earth for misdeeds? Neighbor O, yes, I do now; but I didn't until I heard you preach. The New York Sun has published a list ot "Young Men Who Were Great." Should it ever publish a list of young men who think they are great the paper manufacturers will have a boom. The days are now longer than the nights, but they are still much too short for a man who has to explain t his wife how it happens that he calls her "Lulu'' in his dreams while ' ner name is "Jane." Grocer's clerk Mrs. De Rich's order this morning contains the word ' suoar, but does uot say how much. Grocer What else does she order? "Nothing else except ten boxes of strawberries." "Send up a barrel." Mrs. Keudricks (the landlady) Is your seat comfortable, Mr. lJtimley, or are you too near the fire? Dumley No, 1 am not too near the fire, Mrs. Keudricks, but I think I am er a trifle too near the butter. "My dear," said a lady to her bn'i.atid, as she was looking over the newspapers, "what are preferred creditors?" "They are the the the creditors wdio never send in their bills. Leastways, that's the kind that I prefer." First way hack deacon (whispering) It's beginning to rain and there are only two umbrellas in the vestibule. Second way back deacon Who Drought them? "Those two stranaer: m the back seat." llumu! Bac seats is no place for strangers. Shovv ,em into a front pew." Ca'l lor 1 he ice wagon. Francis Pfeill'er will deliver ie instantane 0:1 -ly to any part of the city. Or der of the driver or at the store. 'si ti 1 ;n dices jij;jt, Browneh ,v: Slaiiitrd's. received ? AS' if? '.-".-'aJ if 1 1 -