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About Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19?? | View Entire Issue (July 10, 1888)
T r ''Xt, i lo CENTS A WEEK- ALBANY. OREGON: TUESDAY MORNING. JULY 10. 18SH VOL. 1II-NO. m The Red Front. TWEEDALE & llOPKHSTS. 1 lardware, Stores, Ranges, Tinware, Copperware, Pumps, iron pipe, rubbor hose and plumbing: goo-ls. Sole agents for the celebrated "Early Breakfast" cook stoves andjanges, and "Faultless" parlor heating stoves. Albany, Oregon. Julius Joseph Manufacturer of Choice Cigars -AND DEALER IN- FINE IMPORTED AND KEY WEST Cigars, Plug and Smoking Tobaccos, Meerschaum and Briar Pipes, and full line of Smokers' Articles. Also dealer in . CALIFORNIA AND TROPICAL FRUITS. u Burkhart & Keeney's Real Estate Olliee, Albany, WILL Dealers in :ill Guns, Pistols, Sewing lactones, Organs, Pianos -' A full Siieet music, musical merehaii(lise.ammunition.fisi ihjX tacle, etc. Warranted razors, butcher and pocket kuives. The best kinds of sewing machines. SE E OLE S,01 Land Extras for all MACHINES LIKK COUNTY AGENTS FOR NORTHWESTERN FIRE INSURANCFSCOMPANY. ,, Repairing of scwinic machines, musical instruments, guns, etc., neatly done fDLE -TASTut- ocirrrfl CO'U GU ? kfUNW ooid on vutu-ri iScnTjor Ctrcolar.J tr Mi 3 far $ 2- ABIE 1 1 NE fICDUuofioviiLi cal HAVE VOL' A CoLD in the he.i i ivincii J -e not jjet be;ttr?g Have vou an excessive secretion of mucus or matter in the nasal passases which either must be "blown from the nose or drop back hehind the palate, or hawked or snuffed backard to the throat? Arc yv.i imiiwi; nv nwtin;, goifting. weaR anil theON.LY Ki-3 eska v 1 amu qilANTEED CURE TOR 1 - of tvy-- CATARRH rm rTinr' mrnir m L1HML)VLU-L0. nnnVTI 1 r UUUtlLLL orredin ?"i'is rwe tne vorrnpti-:i itlnn As every bieath drawn into the lunas must tioii? in the nasal pasiires, it must iiw-rssarily rradiKill;-takes place, while the n.-c.rhi,. lv.atter into the st-'ina-jh. enfeebles digestion, and ofttn itv, nervousness and consumption. DO NOT PROCRASTINATE. If vou have experienced any of the r.-oyt.f Cr U-OiiRB at once. We uarant treatment- to cme. S'x months tft-atiiii-r.t- for .....I'nrt. l or MAY G. L blackman; (Successor to E. W. Lansrdon; DEALER IN Drugs, Paints, Oils, Perfumery and toilet article., also a full line of books and stationery, periodicals, etc.- -JcjgT'- Prescriptions caret'ulh compounded !N ODD FELLOWS TEMPLE, .Albany Orcsron BROS the leading Line of- EUREKA Tin? motto of Califojnia means "I lave fount! ll. Onlv in that l:ml nf sunshine, where tthe oralis cmo jaml rape bloom anil ripen an attain :iiL'ir hi. host perfection in mii'-winter. xre the herns ami jruin found that are lined in that pluasarit tcrne-ly for all "hroaL ami lunir troubles. Sinta Ai-rw the rule.- of coughs, asthma, anil con sumption. Fosliay A Mason, of Al lium v Oregon, have been appointed bansuai psi'fo hisvalble California rein- -jiiy, iinii sen ll tinner a guarantee at fl i hottohree for;S2.MV FOR SALE BY LtiANY C REG ON innamr.1 eyes, frequent soreness of the throat. nnjin;; or roannjr in the ears, more or less impairment of the hearing, loss o jsmell, memory impaired, dullness cr .diz.inrss of the head, dryness or heat of nose? Have you lost all sense of smell"; nave you a hackins couu'h? Have you ihspep.-ia? Is your breath foul? Ik so voi: iiavk tiik Catarrh. Some have al lthese symptoms, others only a part. The lea-liner symptom of ordinary ca- larrn is increased secretion of mucus ot - cm.w or greenish colored matter. Foul breath is eaustd by the decon : posins Becretions exuded from festering ulcers far back in the head; ometimes ine incnihrane coverms; the bones is eaten away and the bones themselves f Al arai,1,aly ueiy. Sm-h cases ar in tiAL.ldeed objects of nitv. as stem-h frnm pass ovir ard rw-come lollutfd V.v .thpSrnli. v n'.liv tl.ot l:.'ii ii:f; rr tic wlili mit !)ni a. v.i mti 'i ivi - . n ii (iv.i i s il;.-j j - ir.. .it d 1 1 i' y titMtt :.h ri-ptiii!s do ) t i:tl; . hut trv jf a few app;u-atm telk-vt: and ? .: sent !,y aiuil .il- hr Cai ;fi km a thorough. d MAIN. Albany, Oregon osDay The AlbanySBakery ! l"ui!cr tlie now management ot- t for Bros. , WHOKEEP2 A fuil line ofchoiec," family ' groceries I anil i-ro 'Mini Cannea nneapples, Choice TaWe Delicacies Ornamented cakes'" for Wcdatnus and Parties. Salmon belliesmackerel and salt fishjofall kinds. FRESH BAKED BREAD .fcCverv Dav.' BestSpriin.Piesfite. TEAS and COFFE bandies INuts, Raisk j CANNED uoODS, ETC. 'x ne best Soap in the market Le Roi Savon. 4 fine assortment of domestic and Imported Cigars ifSTAt John Fox's old stand. low JFI nn : lew brick. T. J. OVERMAN AOKNT FOR TIIK "II;is on hand a line of new and second and wheels. Send for C'tal i HAVING SOLD AN INTEREST IN MY harness business to 1 .1 (H- desirous of colleetingl all my outstanding nui.c nnu uccouiiiH. jiii persons Knowmsr themselves indebted to me will please call and settle The business wiliybelcontinued as usual at the same please. E. L THOMPSON. Albany, Feb. 22. 'LIVE- IN A LlVG Twln. This is what Alhanv is at nnwnt and iu order to keep pace with the .ively times in this t ity, W. II. Wil lard has enlarrcd his store and stock JO that lie now lias tho. tiiikI -niiml..ti. and desirable line of furniture in the valley. His double salesrooms In Fro nian's block are rilled with assortment of new furniture, consist ing oi tuuutres in new patterns, tine trold picture frames, willow e'lairs, easy rockers, marble tables, brackets,' etc., etc. An examination of the stock will show this to be true in every re spect. University of .Oregon ! l-EUGENE CITYJ Next session lins on Mor. Jay, the 17th of Septenincr. Free scholarships from cverv countv in t' e sutU-. Apply to your u-mnty superint'eiidcnt tour cou--s: Claswica:. tci-;ntio.Lit-ra; v' i..d a shurt Kn-l.sli course in v.hs-ii tl,t-,. ' ,'1Itj".- t;rLth- --h or Ctrman. Tn Lntiish is pre-eminently a Bnirie.s Course" ror ca'.aiuucs ut otner i..f.rj.iat:o;i ' J. W. JUHNVON. i rcsi'.iuj't. ' LEADING BICYCLES, lift ''c'cs Safeties. WILLARD I W00D1N formtare Dea Absolutely Pure. This powoer neyer vanes. A marvel of purity .strenirth and wholesomeness. More economical tliaa the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competi tion with multitude of low test,:short weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in c ms. Royal Bakijj'- Pow der Co., 106 Wall St., N. Y. ATTOKSKY. DR. N. CLACKBVRN, ATTORNEY AT . Law, Albany, Oregon.- Office in Odd bellow's Temple. ' VOI practice in all courts of the state, and give special attention to all TirOLYERTON & IRVINE, AITORNEYS f at Law, Albany, Or. Omee in rooms 13 and 14, Foster's Block, over L. E. lilain's sto T K. WEATHOKFORD, ATTORNEY AT i . iaw, Albany Oregon. otfice in 'Odd Fellow's Temple. Will practice in all the courts of thestat.e.'and give special attention to all business rnsniA.s. p YV. I ASTON, ITYSICIAN AND SL'R T, on. Albany, Oregon. Mil. El.IJS, I'HVSK' . geoii, Aibai y, Orego IAN AND SI Kr Oregon . r C. KELLY. PHYSICIAN AND Tl J. veon Albany, Oregon, olliee over Grad- w.Jil s store. U!!.ce houi-s, from S A. M. to 4 I'. M. i "TVK. E. A. McALISTER HAS LOCATED L' his office on the corner of First am Broalalbin streets, ocr Hedfield & Broiinell's store, where he can found wlujn not pro- iessionany eugagiii.,1 - Tb.A.. MRS M.E. McCOY.M. D.HOMCEOPAtHIC physician, olliee and resilience corner of h list and Baker streets, Albany. Or. Chrome disease? a specialty. Consultation free. Ot tici' hours: 10 to 12 a. m and i to 5 F. M. I i.Ai.ri.KV. M. V., OFFERS HIS II ' services to the srood chizens of the vi.imt . i,i lanu'cnt. Linn county, Oreuon. I) II. R KOLDEWAY, VETER1NAKY Sl'lt gcon, Albany. ( iregmi.- Orauuate of (ici man and Americint colleges. MEN DKSliri.Nf, , RAILROAD V(i:K Will he t'iven eii:pleinciit by :'.p ply ing t" Contractor Hunt et his hc:idiiiii.iicr at Walhila. Work YNill be vigorously pushed on the Wallnla bn.nch, ai.d an unlimited number, of men can obtain tuipluy meiit. II. ITimll. XOOT AND SHOEMAKER, 'ALL WORK ) warranted. Shop since the fire removed to Ferry street, second do-r from postollicc olice or IMssolHtion. mo ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN J. The co-part-icrship heretofore existing between R.ibert J. Carson ami John N. Hoff man, is this day dissolved by mutual consent Mir-24 ROBERT J. CARSI.IN. JOHN N. H FFM N. Rcmoveil. JOSEPH WEBBER ANNOUNCES TO HIS patrons and friends that he can be found on Lyon strict, between Engine Co. No. 2 and First street, until his new rooms in Fo shay & Masjn s brick are ready, Portrait rt r. j. H . M u rwiuyrufjritsr JjjfStudio corner of Second and Ferry PALACE MEAT MARKET Tanies V. F,lFE,Frop. FlrslJiSircct - Albany The best variety of choice beef.veal.mutton, pork iiisage, etciu the city keptcoustantly an hand. tS Cash paid for all kind oek.J THREE INFURNISHED ROOMS FOR rent. Inquireof L. U ottlieb For Sale. AJl'MP SEAT BI GGY, SUITABLE FOR one or two horses. This buggy is as good as new. An exceptional oppoitunity for a bargain. For cash down or on time or for sheep? Call soon D. M. JONES, Aibany, Oregon. the mim mi OF ALBANY, OREGON. president, i- Flinn.JJ VICE-PRESIDENT S. E. Young, cashier. G.E.Chamberlain, TRANSACTS A -CENERAL1 BANKING BUS'if ESS. Accounts kept subject to check. Sight. Exchang-e and Telegraphic Transfer sold on Sew York, Chicago, San Francisci- and Portland.Orcgon. Colleetion made on favorable WjTUs. 7" E. You jf . L- Fliss, jL E. ttl.A'N'- '" W- E. X ChRRI.I Gko. E. hambkrlais. 'Von wii! ne- cr miss the water "t ii! tiie we i's dry."" If vou want a well duo- call on K. ;. Davidson, lie d-es prompt work at :i rciisi.tiiiliic price. Orders can wle k ; at this olliee, AT Y ASHINGrTOjS". ! j The Ratification of Harrison and i Morton's Nomination. Cim.HKMS V TI5E TICKET. 3&&2 g Gen. Sheridan'tlTrip-The Mill's Bill Political Notes. Special Correspondence. Washington, July 2. Senator Hawiey and representatives Johns ton of Indiana, Buchanan of Jfew Jersey, Houck of Tennessee, and Butterworth of Ohio, were among tlie speakers at a rousing Harrison and Morton ratification meeting held under the auspices of the re publican national league of this city Friday evening. The great est enthusiasm prevailed through out the entire meeting and all of the speakers confidently predicted the ejection of Harrison and Mor ton. The following letter of re gret from Senator Sherman was read: "1 regret that an engage uient will not allow me to be with you to-night, though I join most heartily in the support of the nom inees of the Chicago convention. I have known Gen. Harrison in timately for many years, as a gen tleman of high character, an able lawyer, a gallant soldier, and in every respect a worthy citizen. I have also known Mr. Morton as a member of Congress, a business mao of rare sagacity, ability, and integrity, and a true republican. These candidates will worthily rep resent the great cause in which wc are engaged. The battle will be for principle not for men, pro tection to American labor, and se curity for equal rigkts. I will no doubt, at some future time, have an opportunity to express more at length my earnest desires for the success of the republican party ,aDd confidence in the triumph over a party which, in its composition and ac ts, is a reproach to the patriotism of ou- country.'' This letter was received with cheer after cheer for Morton and Harrison, and three cheers and a tigtr for John Sher man. . , . -t ,Tt is now a weeksiuce the'; ticket was nominated, and everybody has had aa opportunity of calmly con sidering the work of the Chicago convention, and the unanimous verdict of the republicans is"Good"' with the" biggest kind of a "G." It is generally couceded by every republican, with whom I have talk ed, that the nomination ot Harri son and Morton was not only the best that could have been mado under the circumstauce?,but that it is, ad thiugo eonsiuered,the strong est combination that could have oceu niatie. L nave never seen a nomination received with such gen eral satissactiou by all classes ot the party as this one has been, ami unless all the smus fail, Harrison and Moiton, with our glorious platform, proclaiming protection to Ameiicuu labor and industry, and equal lights to all, will surely sweep every northern state and pit -oaOiy tliiou in the solid south, Vii giuia.West Virginia,and Tennessee. The right over the Mills tarirl bill has been resumed ith greater vim than ever. The republicans are determined to thoroughly dis cuss the. many absurdities of the bill item by item, in order that the wageearneis of the country may see which party it is that is strik ing down the wages. It is proba ble tha the indorsement of the bill by the democratic convention will have the result of bringing enough of the "kicking" democrats to its support to secure its passage when it gets to a final vote in the House, which the democrats ex pect will be early in August. It will then go to the senate, where it is sure to be defeated. The most hopelul member of congress does not predict an ad jourument oefore September, and there are quite a number who thiDk the session will continue right along to the fourth of March. General Sheridan, left this city Saturday in the United States steamer bmatara bound tor Non quit on Buzzard's bay, Massa chusetts, where he has a summer cottage. He has been getting along quite well for some time,but ihe tact that he was occompanied by a'.l four of the regular physi cians who have attended him from the first, shows that he is not oui of danger. The benate committee on pen sions have submitted a report up ou eight vetoed pension bills, which recommends their passage over the vetoes. Tue report says: '"Since the bth day of May l&SG, luG special acts granting pensions to individuals Lave oecu disapprov ed by the President. These dis appiuvais were based in a great majority oi cases, upon the express ea opinion oi the President that co:igie.s has erred iu its judgment, of lucre fact. It is ot course mi p'-saib.e for the President to ex amine i he mass of" documentary evidence upon which each case depend.--, and which is invariably ex amined by the commit ice, and it follows that when he dida-axs with congress upon the question o tact in these cases, his judgment must be lasr:d, not uncn the re P "" oi the c,lulittee, m which i. j iue nicis are. are aiw&ys stateu witn sufficient fullness, but upon the report of some subordinate in the bureau of pensions. This bureau, whose action congress has reversed is thus enabled to review the action Presided Tbis metnoci ot consideration is an abridgement by the executive ot the right of congress to waive that strict proof which is required in ordinary cases in the department. A Long Kail road Omaha Bee. The day is not far distant when an all -rail line will counect New York City with Buenos Ayres, the capital of Argentine Republic, iu South America. The plan is cer tainly feasible. An international railroad extending from the United States through Mexico, Central America, and draining South America from one extreme to the other, must of necessity cenn-nt international trade on the American continent. Much more has been accomplished toward a realization of this railroad project than is commonly credited. Within the past three years the South America States have actually built aod surveyed routes at least one-third ot the distance, about 1000 miles, between Buenos Ayres and Bogota, the capital ot Columbia, not 500 miles from De Lesseps' canal iu Panama. Railroad connections are already established between our country and the City of Mexico. And the task of binding the Span ish Republics of the south to the Mexican capital, though of a stupendous character, is certainly withiu the possibilities of engineer ing triumphs. The completion of De Lesseps' great canal at Panama will be a great stimulus to the pro ject. Undoubtedly the gap of 1000 miles between the City of Mexico and the Panama Canal will be closed by raiiroad connection as soon as the commercial importance of the inter-oceanic canal is estab lished. There wonld be, in that event, about 2500 miles to be built between the Panama Canal and the termini of the railroads leading nortlwrard - from Buenos Ayres. The difficulties in the way of. a South American railroad are no greater than the obstacles which attended the building of the Union Pacific twenty years ago. What can be done in the next twenty years may now appear fanciful and harebrained. Curious Phase of Deafness srri; Post. It is often said that persons a:1iicted with certain forms of deaf ness can bear perfectly in the midst of tumult. A locomotive engineer, upon examination by a medical expert, was found to be very deaf, and, although he protested that he could hear perfectly well while in the cab, he was suspended. Some time afterward, having made vain attempts to better his defect, he applied, for reinstatement, again urging the fact of his perfect hear ing while on duty. Finally, to satisfy him, the physician rode with him upon a locomotive for a long distance and put him to every possible test. To the doctor's sur prise he fcund him able not only to hear ordinary sounds without difficulty, but a'so to distinguish whispers and faint movements that were inaudible to the" 'physician. Social Arithmetic. Pittsburg Dispatch. Miss Youngbelle (at a reception, pointing to a girlishly dressed, bu: rather antique party on the op posite side of the room) How oid is Miss Neverdy? Mr. Jokerby Fifty four. Miss Youngbelle Oh, nonsense! she's not as old as that. Mr. Jokerby Well, I don't know: but she's celebrated her eighteenth birthday three times to my knowledge, and .three times eighteen is fifty -four! Always Pay an Editor. Bill Nye says: "Don't attempt to cheat an editor out of a year's sub scription to his paper, or any other sum. Cheat the minister, the doctor, cheat any and everybody, but if you have any regard for future conse quence do not fool with an editor. jl'ou will be put up for office some time, or want some public favor for yourself or some of your friends, and when your luck is a thing of beauty and a joy forever, t le editor will open upon you and knock yaur air castle into a cocked hat the first fire. He'll subdue you, and then you'll cuss yourself for a driveling idiot, o hire some one to knock you dowu.aud then kick you for falling. Patents Granted. The following patents were granted to the ci'.izens of tte Pacilio states during the past week, and re iorted lor this paper by C. A. Snow & Co. patent lawyers, Washington, D. C. : C. F. Crowed, Portland, Oregon, shoe tongue fasteuing; W. A. Cuttei, Aiarysviiie, Gal., car coupler; I". Hawes, Sacramento, Gal., can open.r and metal cutter; r. W. L.yon, fca.. Francisco, Gal., station indicator; C. Aluilcr, San Francisco, Cal., tiiiKi ball; K. 11. Perkins, Visaiia, GaL, nv.-t bi rr remover; Six, shaves for a dollar at Vie-cclA GENERAL NEWS. Cloud Burst in Kansas City Dees Much Mischief. FEAKFCL LEAF FOR' LIFF'l GfSrtn ' 'fc tore-"Ess Milan TVs its Hi Son EvenJRoyal Pefple Cannot Agrea and Qnarrel. The Hkald's Special Dispatches. 1 Kansas City, July 9. The most disastrous storm that has occurred there or years raged during last night until 12 o'clock.. During the heighth of the storm Eighteenth street became a turbulent river, which flooded all the houses on that street to a depth of two feet, and at Twenty-third, Vine and fifteenth streets the culvert was inadequate to the immense volume of water which backed up, carrying away two houses, the in mates of which were rescued with great difficulty. Those who saw1 the storm say that it was undenia bly a cloud burst. Reports of death and destruction are numer ous, but at this hour no fatalities have been verified. It is said that of four persons, named Williams, were washed away and drowned. The loss will aggregate many thou sands of dollars. I'riuce Alexander's ;arrw Escape Darmstadt, July 9. As Prince Alexander of Battenburg, late ruler of Bulgaria, was driving from Heilgenberg into Statten valley yesterday, his horse shied and his carriage was hurled from the road side of the mountain. Prince Alexander was thrown out and fell a distance of forty feet, when he grasped some shrubs and by their aid escaped with but slight in juries. The horse was terribly mangled and killed, and the car riage was dashed to pieces. California Supply. San Francisco, .July 9. -The annual report of the San Fran cisco produce exchange gives the following amounts of flour and i;rain remaining in the state of California July 1, 1888: Flour 72,000 barrels; wheat, 3,882,000 centals ; barley, 2,063,000 centals ; oats, 62,000 centals. This is a con siderable increase over the amount on hand July 1, 1887, which was. flour, 50,000 "barrels ; wheat, 2. 790,000 centals ; barley, 7,985,000 centals ; oat, 42,000 centals. A King's Domestic Infelicity. Belgrade, July 9. KingMilan has formally invoked the aid of the authorities of the Prussian province of Hessenassan to fores his wife, who is now stopping at V.'eisbaden, to surrender to him their son, the crown prince, who is 11 vears old. IIAItKISON AM .liOKiO.V. How M. Si. F.sloc Says the Itcpnbli cans Will Win in California. New York, July 8. M. M. Estee to-day said concerning the political outlook on the Pact tic coast: "Cali fornia will give 10,000 majority for Harrison and Morton as surely as it will give one majority. The tickei will carry every coast State. There is not any sort of a question nor wavering about it. The coast will go republican certain. The tariff ques tion affects us in California above every other consideration. The Stat-e has been growing rapidly in material prosperity, which has been largelv pron.oted by the protective tariff. We are large producers of grain, wheat and barley, and the wool crop in California is immense. Even a greater industry is the manufacture of wine. While the duty on wine is not touched by the Mills bill, it is perfectly apparent to the grape-growers in California that if the Mills bill should pass it is' only a step further to a reduction which, will include wine." "How about the Chinese question?" "No one objects to Harrison's Chi nese record except the Democrats, who would not vote for him anyway. It is a part of the history of the country that form 1860 to the present day the democratic party has favored, every act that would introduce into this country very cheap labor. The solid South is for cheap labor, and always was. The solid South is all there is of the democratic party." THE WEEK IK COX G BESS. Meaxnrr Which Will Engage the Attention of the Two Honses. Washington, July 8. To-morrow Senator Cullom intends to call up a ill to amend the interstate commerce law. Senator Hoar will speak on the . fjfheries treaty Tuesday. t Senator Dolph during the weebe will bring up the sea coast defenses bill for discussion. Should the nomination of Fuller, be reached considerable time is likely to be spent in secret session. The tariff and appropriation bills will engage the attention of the house during the week. Honesty is the best policy. Next to it is an accident policy in the Travelers. Delays ure dangerous. Ask Win n for a folicv in the Travelers. Gentlemen's soft hats at original cobt at Motitcith it Scitcr.bach's. Magic yeast at Browuell 0c Stanard's. t