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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1922)
PAGE TWO THE- CAPITAL T . Jl A. . , T SALEM, OREGON THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, i922 TURKEYTOJOiN LEAGUE IF PEACE PARLEY SUCCESS Lausanne, T)ee. 14 (By the Asso ciated Press) Turkey will join the league of nations as soon as peace is signed at Lausanne, Iamet Pasha announced at the Near East con ference today. As the league exer cises general supervision over min ority populations Ismct's announce ment was interpreted as meaning that Turkey will accept the league's supervision over the christian peo ples of Turkey. Turkey accept In principle the application to the national minori ties in her territory of the clauses on this subject inserted in the Aus trian, Bulgarian and othor peace treaties, Ismct Pasha declared, and also the granting of amnesty to the n.embcrs of these minorities. Sarta Will Be At Armory To See Kids Here Santa Claus will be at the Salem armory on the night of December 23 to distribute small gifts to Sa lem children, It waa announced by r'aptaln A. M. Holbrook, In charge of the local Salvation Army, head quarters, today. ' There will be special mustc, recitations, drills and a huge Chrtetmas tree Captain Holbrook said. Candy and nuts will be dis tributed to the children. "A cordial Invitation to be pres ent Is extended to all little boys and girls especially those In families whose Christmas tree will be eliminated this year," Captain Holbrook explained. Two or thre hundred youngsters are expected to be present. SEARCH FOR LOST COASTING ACCIDENTS COST TWO BOYS LIVES Seattle, Wash., Dec. 1 i'ut on the alert by the killing of two boys in three days andthe injury of two others, Seattle coasters are protect ing the choice. sliding hills from au tomobilus on cross streets by juven lie traffic cops, with red lanterns. SUPREME COURT SETS NEW RECORD FOR SPEED Washington,. Dec. 14. The su preme court, under the leadership of Chief Justice Taft, has estab lished a new record for expedition In rendering opinions and 'other wise disposing of cases. When it took a recess last Monday it had at the present term disposed of 243 cases, compared with 192. dis posed of during the corresponding period last year. The po-call! prohibition rrtivy proves that there's many a ship 'twist the cup and the lip. FLYERS TURNS TO NEV TERRITORY Phoenix, Ariz Dee. 11 -Army land and air forces in southern Ari zona expected to concentrate their effort in the Santa Rita mountain region south of Tucson, today in their search for Colonel Francisco C. Marshall and Lieutenant C. L. Webber, missing aviators. -- Additional information received bite yesterday served to support the growing belief that tho aviators went down in the Santa Rita moun tains whe nthcy disappeared last Thursday while on their way from San Diego to Fort Huachuca, Ari zona. - . A rancher living near Helvetia a mining camp, 35 miles south of Tucson, reported to Fort HimehMa officers that he heard what he be lieved to be an airplane motor firing irregularly last Thursday and short ly afterwards an explosion. Three days ago a mail carrier re ported that he had seen an airplane Thursday in the same region. He also described the plane as firing irregularly. Colonel E. B. Winans, in general command of the search, announced late last night that three persons in the Whotstone mountains, near the Santa Rita range, also had re ported seeing the airplane. CAMPAIGNS LIKE MOTHER USED TO MAKE PROGRESSIVE BLOC (Continued from Page One.) in sharp language, challenged the arguments made by the executive in his message to congress urging enactment of the legislation and charged Mr. Lasker with having made "a highly Improper pro posal" In order to obtain the sup port of organized labor. "I don't believe that a worse bill than , this ever came before the senate of the United States for its consideration," he asserted. "It represents a policy that has been repeatedly rejected by the people of this country. The public opln Ion of the country is overwhelm ingly opposed to it today. Class Legislation. "It simply means turning ver the people's property to favored interests for a few cents on the dollar and a tax of millions of dol lars levied annually in order to pay a subsidy to those who take the ships practically as a gift. It means millions of dollars of tax refunds to the shipping interests. It does not even promise, much less guarantee, cheaper rates for ocean commerce. It proposes to destroy our army and naval tranB norts and turn this great agency of potential defense over to private Fine Chickering Practice Piano $5 down, $5 a month. This is genuine Chickering and in good .... '.. a real hllV condition; u yuu. wu - see this at once. GEO. C. WILL. 432 StateSt IP'-' v v'? : 1 -xJ v V V s : ' U -"' J . . ' f m ''Campaigns like mother used to make" bids fair to become a new household phrase. Elsa, fourteen, and Frances Obat, thirteen daughters of Mrs. Elsa Oust, newly elected treasurer of Ramsey county, Minne sota campaigned for their mother after school hours with immense success. They made many stump speeches and distributed campaign literature. . : ' ' ownerships. It does not guaran tee the building of a single new ship or the maintenance of thost we have. It is wholly bad, and the attempt to force it upon an unwilling country cannot be too strongly condemned." The senator enumerated a lout, list of farmer and labor organiza tions opposing the bill and de clared he was prepared to' make the statement that three-fourth? of the American people had gone on record as opposed to a ship sub sidy "and more particularly to the terms of this bill." He added that the farmers of the country were unanimously opposed to it. Lasker Sought Support. "I content myself," said the sen ator, "with the statement that Chairman Lasker sought a confer ence with Samuel Gompers, presi dent of the American Federation of Labor, and made a highly Im proper proposal to a group of la bor officials that they disregard the will and the Interests of their membership and support the pend ing bill. "This conference took place on April 6 and 7 In the headquarters of the. American Federation of La bor in the city of Washington. Chairman Lasker then and there, I am Informed, offered to with draw certain provisions in the pending bill dealing, with labor If he could thereby induce the labor organizations to abate their oppo sition to the bill. . "Let It be said to the everlast ing credit of the representatives of the working men of this country that spurned this 'barefaced pro posal. Chairman Lasker found he could not buy American labor." Says Camouflage, Used. He challenged the president's statement that enactment of the bill wou,Id relieve the treasury of losses now sustained by reason of shipping board operation of gov ernment tonnage, and asserted the plan embodied In the bill "would plunder and rob" the American people. He accused the shipping board chairman of refusing to give in formation to congress a3 to the cause of losses in government op eration of ships and challenged that he had "tried to make gov ernment operation a failure." JUDGE COKE TO GET JOB; OLCOTT TO FILL VACANCY Washington, Dec. 14 During the visit here of Governor Olcott it be came definitely known that soon after the governor's return to Ore gon, Judge John S. Coke of Marsh- field will be named as United States district attorney at Portland, on Attorney General Daueherty's nom ination to the president, to Succeed District Attorney Humphreys, who has held over until this time. The aonointmcnt is as certain as anything save death or taxes, and the promotion of Judge oke to the federal office will permit Governor Olcott to appoint a suc cessor to Judge Coke before he leaves office. It is planned to have the apointments take place about January 1. About all tha League of Nations hns done so far is to wish the Unit ed States belonged. . Stop Laxatives Which Only Aggravate Constipation Nnjol is a lubricant not a medicine or laxative so cannot gripe. When you are constipated, not enough of Nature's lubricating liquid is pro duced in the bowel to keep the food waste soft and moving. Doctors prescribe XMujol because it acts like this natural lubricant and thus replaces it. Try it to- srlnv. LUBRICANT-NOT A LAXATIVE THE PROPER WAY TO TREAT PILES Valuable advice and information for the treatment of every form of Piles is enclosed with each box of PAZO OINTMENT. The remedy is guaranteed. The price of PAZO OINTMENT is 60c and you can get it at any drug store. The advice and information goes with it. i '1TWH i nl'.r,mff"" " tf- -i Tiitiat IWIM.IIII " 111- nil I 1 i XJ I MS JR.' I I I A I luring Blouses Elaborate or Simple! These alluring Blouses are irresistibly "tempting, and lend a pleasing note of color for Milady's winter costume. "EXTRAORDINARY" Crepe De Chine blouses in blue, tan, brown or navy beaded and braded, several remaining numbers at $4.98 $5.93 $'9.75 ' Tailored blouses of Crepe De Chine in Ford and Peter Pan style at $5.95 $9.73 One or more of these blouses in a holiday box would greatly please the recipient. "PAY AS YOU GO'' in 1023 will mean more Xmas money next year. ONLY 8 SHOPPING DAYS 'TILL CHRISTMAS An Assortment of the Finest Quality Gloves . if M ftp1 From the Most Famous European Makers fashioned from fine and supple skins. You are assured the usual Kafoury quality when you select gloves here. Imported Suede Mocha Gloves Women's excellent qual ity, suede gloves in grey or tan. .Will give the best of service. Gauntlet style $4.95, $5.50 pair Women's French Kid Gloves Made of selected im ported lambskin, well made and durable, giv ing the utmost satisfac tion, two clasps. ' $2.50, $2.95, $3.50 pair Imported Cape Gloves Very fine quality cape skin gloves, very well made and satisfactory and are attractive. Wrtst clasp $2.69 pair In the Gauntlet Styles $4.95, $5.50 pair 16 Button French Syede Gloves. Imported mode and brown. i - $6.75, $6.95 pair Many other kinds of gloves in KID, . CHAMOISETTE and A THOUSAND AND MORE CHRISTMAS GIFTS ARE HERE Long wrist with strap $2.45, $4.95 Grey Mocha Silk Lined imported 2 clasp gloves a pair $3.50 WOOL KNIT for women and children TOYS and DOLLS In Our Downstairs Store WANTED Poultry of all kinds. Butter. Eeek, Rabbits. Veal. Pork, Beef live or dressed PEOPLE'S MARKET s 155 N. Liberty St. Phone 994 :. For Gifts That Last HABTMAN BEOS. Diamonds Watches Jewelry and Silverware Phone 1255 . . Salem. Ore. MEADOWLAWN DAIRY mono su'i2 Inspect our dairy. Th star. Inspector says "it's one ot tu beBt in the state. Investig.,! the sourse of your milk. Salem Store 46R.State Street Portland Silk Shop 383 Aider Street Buying: More we buy . For Less .1.8.1.. 4 -Incorporated 371 Department Stores 160 N. Liberty Street, Salem, Oregon Selling More we sell For Less X THAT ARE ALSO HWDSOfie, yjf givw w . . w -mm' rSftTISF ACTION ftNO PCCASURE TO BOTH TriC Ql VCR AMD THE g RECIPIENT OfCR THE LONGEST STRETCH OFTICOel OUR STORS Of FERS MANY PRACTICAL GIFT HINTS! Here Are Suggestions for Your Christmas Buying! mm The Christmas Spirit For more than nineteen centuries the Christian world lias regarded Christ inas as a day of universal observance, of cheer and ood-wlll. The spirit of giving was epitomized when those three Wise Men ot yore traveled far across plain and desert to lay their gifts at the feet of a new-born Child. Christmas means giving , giving of our worldly goods to those less for tunate than ourselves; of our friendship and love. But need we confine this spirit of giving to oaL day in the year lnsteai of 805 days? It Is in out power to SrlviJ friendliness and service every day. It Is this dally giving that really counts and shapes our lives. Silk Bloomers For Women Of fine quality crepe de chine, glove silk and wash satin; with single or dou ble elastic cuffs delicately hemstitched, plain or lnc edged.. All colors. Satis-. lying values at 52.69 Men's Slippers That Give Comfort Leather tops, soles and heels. Priced low at $1.98 to $2.98 Dress Gloves For Men In selected colors. Lined and nnlined. $1.49 to $2.98 Alarm Clocks At a Low Price Seam less brass case, heavily nickel plated. Novelty Embroidered Seta Of Cretonne and Velour Good material went into the making of these- pieces, giving them, excellent wearing qual ities, and beautiful embroidery and trimming add much to theii attractiveness. Beautiful Accessories for Every Home Embroidered Pieces Scarfs, embroidered in colors, 18x50 In.: each piece lit Squares for shams or table covers) embroidered in colors, 27x27 In. t each piece .....58a Round Center Pieces, embroidered In colors; 27 ln.j each piece 58c Pillow Slips, embroidered In colors; 14x18 in.; each piece. .58e Cretonne Novelties Scarfs, fancy tape edge, 18x48 In.; each piece 49c Pillow Slips, matching scarfs, 18x24 in.; each piece 49c Laundry Bags, assorted styles, 21x31 in.; each piece 89e Velour Scarfs, trimmed with gold braid and tapestry corner panels, 43 Inches long; each piece. ..$2.91 Velour Table Scarfs Rich and Beautiful Styles Made of lustrous velour In deep, rich colors, handsomely edged with gold braid and further embellished with corner panels of colorful tap estry. Size 48 Inches z 16 or 18 Inches wide. Each $2.98 Qm,r iifl,Lfl Manicure Sets oman necKwear That wai piease Youi For Women Good quality, well mads and serviceable. Latest frills of fashion are daintily expressed in 98C tO $6.90 our new array of collar and cuff sets and lace . fronts that give Just the t J D0- rlgnt finishing touch to IlaDQ DagS milady's cblc appearance. of Leather 4 ' A, Large display, handsome 9C 10 Jbl rlO patterns, pretty colors. 98c to $3.93 ByfBTrS Silk Shirt, ' Big Values for Men ts-s?vr Smart patterns, new- jXSj n. est colors, large assort - J&fo, N. ment. Well fitting and. iSa&wy. well made shirts. Ourj Medium oxford, leath, latest display giveS yU er sole nnd heel Only wi(e choice. $1.19 to $1.49 $3.98 to $5.90 Goodf Reliable Hosiery to Please Men and Boys Quality and Service are the factors that make hosier pleasing to men and boys. Our buying in enormon quantities makes it quite natural that you should be af forded the better hose values here. A trial is convincing. Men's Silk Hosiery Made of pure thread slIkTQ 1 9 with lisle top, reinforced f 7L 1J haul sn fc l ' Meni Lisle Hosiery Full mercerized. 4 thread beel and toe, double sole and high .spliced beel. .3 PAIRS FOB 25 Boys' Hosiery Onr 202 Brand, fceavy ttbbed, reinforced heel and toe. Pair, Men's Hosiery . Good weight cotton DM reinforced heel, and 109 Black, brown, navy, frt' 25c 15c