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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1922)
THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1922 Edited by - MISS RUTH AUSTIN Jjw. ' A Phone 83 Wjocietv Magazine Has Local Articles Ot especial Interest to local people will be the December is sue ot the Oregon Magazine, which Is devoted to poems, Bketcli nrt articles contributed by tho the Modern writers eection of the alem arts league. At the meetings of the organiza tion such contributions are read and many of them are published in magazines but this is the first time that these things have ap peared in group form. The only articles in the maga zine are written by Mrs. Byron Brunk, the first 6ne concerning the Salem Arts league, its origin, the speakers it has brought here and other accomplishments, and the second article deals with the -subject "Oregon Writers." A number of poems appear in the magazine, two by Mrs. J. C. Nelson, "To Nicholas Vachel Lindsay," an impressionistic po em written after the poets appear ance here, and "On Yonder Hill." Mrs. J- M. Clifford has contribut ed, "The Urge." "Silver Creek, the Beautiful' Is a poem written by Perry Relgle man, which .appears accompanied with a full page cut of the falls. I Miss Grace Elizabeth Smith has contributed "Lovely Jean," anj Audrey Bunch, "The Fountain. Mrs. Merrill Ohling has writ ten for the magazine two poems "You laugh because my dream still say," and "The Cycle." Two other poems "Fate" and "Far West," by Miss Minna Harding and a bit of free verse by Mrs. Frank Barton, "Burning Leaves,' completes the list of verse in the magazine. An interesting group of side lights or sketches named "Heard .at the Oregon State Fair," ars contributed by Miss Renska Swart "Oregon's first brick house," by Mrs. Gertrude Roblson Ross i another sketch of merit Mrs. Blanche Jones has written an es say on "Cultivate Your Likes, end Mrs. W. F. Fargo has a sketch or story which is captioned "At the Edge of the Ocean." Miss Marjorie Mellinger who has made a specialty of collecting Indian legends and' stories has written a most interesting bit called "Oyer-Un-Gon, the Land of Plenty." This story was taken from the Shoshone tribe of In dians. It is a very interesting sketch of Indian life and customs. Murray Wade is the editor of this magazine and the articles were arranged, under his direction. The tinkling of bells op streot corners, the booths for the sale of red cross stamps, the bright cheery .windows filled with the most enticing Christmas "bar Rains," and the busy Christmas shopper are some of the evidences iiac uinstmas is Indeed but a short time' away. The Christmas shopper just a little . different than when on the ordinary shop ping expeditions,,, because each purchase means happiness for ome friend or relative finds time to drop a coin in the Salvation army kettle or to buy a few tamps from the booths in the more and banks. There always oeems to be Just a . little extra thought for some other persons Christmas. . ''..' Mrs. J. c, Johnson who has been Pending some manths In Eugene with a daughter and relatives, nd who has been visiting for a hort time with Mr. and Mrs. A. J- Johnson in Corvallis, arrived In Salem today where she will be the guest of the C. V. Johnsons for the holiday season. Mrs. Johnson hl go to Portland later to spend the winter with relatives there. Mrs. Ralph Kellogg was host ess yesterday for an afternoon of "ve hundred with the members the Adolynk club as her guests, special guests in addition to the 'lb members were, Mrs. Earl Uae and Mrs. Frank Eckley, Jr. Concert Program Chosen iviuiBuenie D'Alvarez, who comes to Salem Friday evening, tu.uoa iire iaunea as one of the greatest contralto singers of the present time. Press reports thru out me country have been n stinted in tlretr praise of her work ine singer is assisted by Miss Lois Maier, accompanist, also an artist of merit will ap pear in on group of piano num bers. Miss D'Alvarez's concert will be a real treat and .opportunity for Salem music lovers and it is an apportunity to hear one of the really great artists, an artist who bas a promising future. The program as announced for Friday night is as follows: (a) The Mind of a Child Beau mont; (b) Caro mto ben, Gior Jani; (c) Danza, Danza, Durante, Madame D'Alvarez.' (a) The Tryst, Sibelius; (b) The Butterfly is in Love with the rtose, vox; (C) Do Not Go My nove, wageman; (d) Come to the air, Martin, Madame D'Alvarez (a) On Wings of Song, Men- ueissoiin-iviszt; (b) Capriccio in ts Minor, Erahms, Lois Maier. (a) Psyche, Paladilhe: b Beau Soir (Lovely Evening,) De- uu&by, jej Lea papulons (The tmtterriies,) Chausson; (d) Bon 3our buzon, Di Voroli, Madame u Alvarez. . aX El pano (The Silversmith,) arr. by Schindler; (b) Habanera from "Carmen," Bizet; (c) La Zagalina (The Shepherdess,) Ta buyo; (d).La Seguidilie from "Carmen," Bizet, Madame D'Al varez. , Order Has Christmas Ceremonia Women In Charge Of Seal Sale The seal gale has been going forward in Salem this week with the result that two hundred dol lars Worth Of StaMDS have heon sold from the booths In charge of the women of the city, and over mree nundred dollars has come in irom tne mailing of stamps, ac cording to Mrs. Grover C. Bellln ger who has charge ot the mail ing list. MrB. Fred Thompson is charge of the sale of stamps in oootns, with a committee ot women who are arranging for someone in the booths at all times of the day. The women who have charge of the stores and banks are, Mrs. Karl Becke, Mrs. Ray L. Smith, Mrs. F. L. Utter, Mrs. wunam Walton, Mrs. Gertrude J i. .rage, Mrs. E. E. Fisher fo uie r. k. o.'s, Mrs. N. C. Kafour7 ana Mrs. Chester Cox. At,.,!..! i "as"oil"s in ine Dootns ar. many of the society maids an matrons of the city, who have of fered their Berviees very willing ' ine lists have been printed for the committees this week working with Mrs. Chester Cox and Mrs. F. L. Utter, while the otner committees have also beeii named Working with Mrs. Karl Berk in charge of the booth in the Peo t- a Laou enure mis week arr Mrs. uaryl Proctor, Mrs. Donald loung, Mrs. Allan Hopkins, Mrs uwigtit Parr, Mrs. Elvin Lantis nirs. William Mott and Mrs. How ara Strowbridge. ivirs. Kay L.. Smith who ha charge of the Bank of Commerce booth has assisting her, Miss Mae Ranch, Miss Boentje, Mrs. Gu omun, Mrs. Fred Zimmerman Miss Minna Rigdon. .Mrs. J IMLLVItrAVUItt THE CAPITAL JOTTRNAT. HA . , tmj VIVXJVJTVIN 7n lir nimnn Iference also thfl flIIAAti (111 nt 11 -. lll.. . ' " uiuuou ewe-rcement, despite its absence from the list ot subjects. The subject of "the Ku Klux Klan probably will be the first broached when Governor Olcott of Oregon discusses it an address at tonight's session on "America Adrift." FURTH Ml I. Amusements A. Salem Theatre News As Seen by the Press Agents Willamette shrine No. 2, order of the white shrine of Jerusalem Tuesday night held a Christmas ceremonial in thir hall in . th Masonic temple. Ten candidates were initiated into the mysteries of the order. They were: Ellen Mae Boles, Elsie Harrison, Eithel Hedrick, Ann Klein, Mynne Stew art, Winnie Lewis, Edna Brewer, Ella Sloper, Virginia Maruny an Minnie Peterson. At the close of the meeting which was a very beautiful cero monial, a social time was enjoy ed in the banquet room where a lunch was served. The hall wa gayly decorated with Christmas trees and bright tinseled orna ments, all in keeping with holt day festivities. ine committee wno was in charge of the social part of the evening was, Mrs. Al Steiner, Mrs, James Imlah, Miss Mable Hudel son, Miss Grace Babcock and .Miss Helen Kent. This ceremonial and social afterward is always one of the most attractive affairs of fall for the organization and last night it was indeed beautiful and impressive. Grand. On Friday and fi.itiirrim, nf fM te. Edlla Wallace Hopper comes Eh i "u meaier in person. ne la aged 6S and looks and acts "apper. On the same bill "u ma "wonder lady" the big i""-iai photoplay will be shown, uPert Hughes' big story "Re "njberance." At the Saturday tal Wallace will enter- yDien.only and she is going . Le" all the women in Salem w they can stay young. There "o need cf any more worry "out crow's feet or wrinkles. She tall how to get rid of them stay youns. Liberty. t Nlta Na'dl. the statuesque beau- iL 'won fame h? uer imPer" "nation of the vamp in support Kodolph Valentino in "Blood I11IN TALKING PEACE 'Bublin, Dec. 14. (By Assoc! ated Press.) Further talk of peace between the factions in Ire land is heard as Christmas ap Broaches. " Action taken by the new senate of the Free State Tues day In appointing a committee to work for the immediate cessation of ' hotsilitics has developed some indications that a considerable section of the republican party is willing to treat for peace and that tha rank and file is moving in that direction. The summoning of all the Sinn Fein clubs in Dublin city ana county to debate the question is pointed to as significant, especial ly as although the clubs are com posed of both treaty supporters and renublicans. it is the repub licans who sent out the .press not! fications for Sunday's meting. Alice Brady's new picture, "Anna Ascends," which will be the fea- the Liberty. In- this story however, her vamping meets little os The story is said to be dramatic and thrilling. Coughs and Colds in Winter Indoor sedentary life in winter has a direct bearing on the prev alence of coughs and colds. Keep the bowels active and overcome constipation with Foley Cathar tic Tablets. Colds, coughs, croup, throat, chest and bronchial trou ble quickly relieved with Foley s Honey and Tar. y ate ingredients printed on the wrapper. Largest medicine in the world. Foley s Honey and Tar is wonaenu. attacks of cougns writes W. H. Gray, Venice, v.u fornla. weison, Mrs. Kenneth Legg, Mri Larle Abrams, Mrs. W. E. Kirk airs, unarles Bates, Mrs. Morton recK, Mrs. Mernl Online:. Miss Ortha Bell. Chapter G, P. E. 0.' has taken cnarge ot the booth in Miller's oluib auir jurs. n;, is. Fisher ip heading the committee of women who are assisting there. They are Mrs. A. L. Godfrey, Mrs. F. W Seeley, Mrs. William Hughes, Mrs t?illiam McGilchrist, Mrs. B. J Miies, Mrs. . J. Kuntz. Mrs D .1 Beechler, Mrs. J. B. Littler, Mrs. C. B. McCullough, Mrs W. H. liyrd, and Miss Florence Young. The post office where the first booth was opened has this week been in charge of Mrs. William Walton and Mrs. Gertrude Pace Mrs. Walton had as her assistants for the first of the week, Mrs. Earl Daue, Mrs. Linn Smith, Mrs. Clare Vlbbert, Miss Olga Grav. Miss Eunane Craig and Miss Viv ian Hargrove. Mrs. Page will have on her committee for the next three days, wording in the post office, Mrs. David Wright, Mrs. P. E. Fuller ton, Mrs. Albert Smith, Mrs. Charles S. Pratt, Mrs. Charles G Miller. Mrs. N. C, Kafoury is in charge of the sale of Red cross seal stamps this week ' In Kafoury's store and she has as her assist ants a number of society matrons They are, Mrs. Joe Adolph, Mrs. W. A. Pettitt, Mrs. John It. Sites, Mrs. H. Smith, Mrs. F. A. Elliott, Mrs. Curtis Cross, Mrs. H. H. Olinger, Mrs. Arthur Rahn, Mrs. George Schuneman, Mrs. F. W Poorman and Mrs. George Alden. The women are taking half day shifts and are finding that many of the busy Christmas shoppers are not too busy to forget the buying of red cross stamps which means so much to the fighting of tuberculosis in this country. NAVY TO SAVEGUARD PETROLEUM RESERVES FOREIGNERS White Sulphur Springs, W. Va., Dec. 14. Granting additional credit by the United States to for eign countries having stable forms of government restrictions was recommended here today by Gov ernor S. R. McKelvie ot Nebraska, speaking before the annual gov ernors' conference as a means ot increasing the demand for Amer ican agricultural products, there by strengthening the farming in dustry. Governor McKelvie Baid be did not favor conclusion ot foreign debts by the United States and be fore granting additional credit to a foreign nation the governor stated the United States should first as certain whether the applicant had reduced its armed force to a sound peace basis. He urged payment of obligations now owing the United States by nations maintaining mil itary organizations Jeopardizing world peace. Numerous questions of national and state importance were listed L1 uir uiscussion in addresses today. Activities of the Ku Klux Klan formed one of the questions for discussion, while Governor Parker of Louisiana had announced that he Intended to inject into "the con- ONE KILLED. 17 HURT flJMN COLLISION Thorp, Wis., Dec. 14 One train man was killed and two others were badly injured and about 15 pas sengers hurt early today when Min neapolis, St. Paul and Sault Sto Marie passenger train No. 3, Chica go to Minneapolis, collided head-on with a freight train near horo. s in time sawy small dosage brings quick relief to scratchy, Irritated throats. Cough eases, phlegm clears sway, inflamed tissues are soothed. Now be fore a slight cough becomes a serious ailment-break it up with DaKING'SovEKr -a syrup for coughs &colds PAGE THREE EEMEJSXi FOR THE RELIEF OP Coughs, Colds, Croup WHOOPINfl COUGH. HOARSENESS BRONCHITIS SOLD EVERYWHERE- A FINE ASSORTMENT OF Christmas Cards ENGRAVED OR PRINTED Bank of Commerce Buildlnt 1 Bflis1iHY 'H Every Automobile Dealer claims to have the best values in USED CARS. Nevertheless, We urge you to look our stock over before you buy. We take a great deal of pride in our USED CARS- Therefore we can see no reason why the merchandising of USED CARS is not as legitimate as good banking. A WEEK TRIAL WITH EVERY CAR Phone 1995 Valley motor Co, 260 N. High m jv hi r 28c . Candies and Cookies Etc. Vour Christmas .Supply at Saving in price. Extra Fancy French Mix , Creams, per lb ancy uream Mix, per nn lb j LLC Broken Taffey, yum, yum, in it's good, per lb XOC Peanut Brittle, fresh each ftrt week, per lb UC Old Fashion Toy Candy, . - n per lb .' xjC Broken Mix, the real Xmna " ? Mix, per lb IOC Old Fashion Chocolates, OQ, per lb LoC Nuts and Dried Fruits will play an ' important role iu your Christmas Dinner Bervlce. Oregon Walnuts, per lb Brazil Nuts, per lb .... California Soft Shell Almonds, per lb Bulk Seeded or Seedless Raisins, per lb Loose Muscat Raisins, per lb Bulk Black Figs, per lb Bulk White Figs, per lb.....' Washington, Dec. 14. Secre tary Denby announced today that under extended contracts between the government and the Panama Petroleum & Transport company, the drilling of off-set gas wells to prevent the draining of naval oil reserves on naval reserve No. 1, in California "is to be proceeded with immediately." Chicago Under pretence of pur chasing a diamond, bandits entered the shop of J. E. Harrison, diamond merchant, and stole 14 trays of dia monds, gold and platinum, valued at $100,000. CUT CliRA HEALS SKN TROUBLE (adv) Eruption On Face, Itched and burned. Lost nest. " A small, sore eruption broke out on the side of my face nd kept spreading until It was trie size ot a auarter. It was rough and scaly, snd at times I was most crazy with the itchinir and burninr. I lost my rest at night, and my face was terrible to see. "I tried different remedies witnout any benefit. A friend recommended Cuticura Soap and Ointment so I purchased some, snd after using one ir nf Cnticura Soat snd one box of Ointment I was healed." (Signed) Miss Eleanor Beekman, Springdale, Mont., Jan. 19, 1922. Rel on Cuticura Soap, Ointment nd Talcum to care for your skin. SjiF-Caticra Soa lun without . Dried Peaches, per lb New Oregon Split Prunes, per lb Citron Peel, per lb. 25c 17c 28c 15c 15c 21c 18c 23c 7c 28c Xmas and Everyday Food Suggestions From the Store that Can and Does Undersell TH2lE(ojp g Free Deliveries with $2.00 Purchases or over (sugar.excepted) Premium Coupons Given in addition to the Low Prices Quoted M.J.B. Coffee Sift Kit r I J in -"'- M. J. B. Is Ss 42c S1.195s $1.93 Give Him a Carton of Cigarettes For Christmas Plug Tobacco such as Star, rjrj Horseshoe, Climax, plug I v Xmas pkg. Chesterfield q Cigarettes, per carton tDXerxO We have a large lot of good Ma nila Cigars, retails for 6c. Q Will sell at, each Ol Prince Albert, 16-oz. Jar, Smoking Tobacco In Christmas (t- A f? tiJX.'iU packages Fish 14c Otter Shrimp, tall cans.... 17c 25c Norwegian Purs Olive i r Oil Sardines Itll Spring Catch Chinook" QfJ 25c American Sardines, 3 cans Salmon, large flat can Pink Salmon, 2 cans ... Syrups Karo Red Label, 10 lb. pail Liberty Bell Cane Maple, per gal Marshmellow Syrup, 10 lb. pail Marshmellow Syrup, 5 lb. pail Dixie Bell Molasses, 6 lb. pail 22-lb. jacket Molasses, per can .:. 65c S1.25 95c 50c ... 40c 1.35 People's Cash Store Special Blend PEABERRY COFFEE Cinnamon, 2 oz. cans Pepper, 2 oz. cans Alsplce, 2 oz. cans - Nutmeg, 2 oz. cans Cream of Tarter, 2 oz. cans .... Tree Tea, lb. packages Tree Tea, black or Japan, lb. packages Shasta, black or Japan, . lb. packages Gun Powder Tea, bulk, per lb Spider Leg Tea, bulk, per lb ... English Breakfast Tea. , per lb We Guarantee All Our Teas, Coffoes and Spice 10c 7c 9c 11c 15c 53c 28c 20c 30c 38c 35c fit 1 fM a. ,.. 13 lbs. SUGAR Special 99c With other purchases of Dollar or More Some prices itemized In tills list subject to change according to market quotations. Flour Crown Flour, per sack S1.99 By barrel . .$7.75 Blue Ribbon Flour, sack $1.55 By barrel Del Monte, patent Flour, per sack . By barrel ;.. Pride of Wost Flour, suck By barrel $6.C0 $1.85 $7.20 $1.35 $5.30 A Very Fine Grade Per pound 30c ill M Calumet Eakincr Powder lb. cans each lb. cans, each 5 lb. cans, each . ... 25c 60c $1.10 Hot Coffee Free Armour's Peaches tall can 15c Wholesale Prices on Xmas Candies, Nuts and Fruits Libby's Apple Butter tall 15c We Sell Government Inspected . MEATS Canned Fruits for Your Christmas Dinner are here in abundance at the store that can and does undersell. Del Woute Pineapple, OQ sliced, per can ...UV Del Monte Peaches, 2 cans.. 35c Del Monte Asparagus Tips.. 45c Del Morns Asparagus Tips, picnic size Libby's and Del Monte Spinach, 2 Stag Oysters, per can... Pioneer Clams, one of the best 25c 23c 15c 18c California Oval Sardines.. Del Monte Special Sieve Peas Del Monte Hominy, 2 tins Del Monte Sauer Kraut, 2 'a tins Bitter Root Peas, 2 cans.... Royal Red Peas, per can ... Standard Corn, per csn .... Libby's Pork and Beans, No. 2 String Beans Campbell's Tomato Soup.. Darimald Milk, 3 cans 12c 20c 16c 17c 35c 12c 11c 11c 15c 9c 25c Armour's Star Ham y2 or Whole 30c lb- Well Cut Lean Bacon Backs, lb. 27c Good Flavor Picnic Shoulders, 18c Cereals i46c 60c 35c 9-lb. sack Corn Meal 29c O-lb. sack Cereal ... ..... 49c 9-lb. sack Pancake Flour.... 55c 15c 9-lb. sack Rolled Oats.. 9-lb. sk Eastern Buckwheat 4'4-lb. sack Eastern Buckwheat Kernel of Wheat, per pkg.... Olympic Pancake Flour, -t fj package AtC Soaps, Washing Pow drlrs, etc. 15c 23c Dutch Cleanser, 2 cans.... Citrus Washing Powder, packago Sp'oclal lot of Hand Soap of a O good make, go at, each.... Ol PALM0LIVE HAND SOAP. Limit to customer, nor bar VII 22 bars Crystal White Soao 25 bars Sno-Lite White Aft Soap dl.UU Fels Naptha Soap, for fine OP laundry, 6 bars OOk Armour's Light House Wann ing Towder, 3 -lb. OQ nnr-ksirn UJVj Armour's Light House Clcanner, B cans $1.00 25c Bacon Squares, Special per lb. 18c Oregon Brick Cheese 30c per lb. ,(-4 L7