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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1922)
t)6 0 i 8 1322 THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOK CIRCULATION Pally average (or November (050. (ember Audit Bureau of Circulation. 1 Member Associated Press Full leased wir service. 1 THE WEATHER OREGON: Toinlght and Friday con tinued cold; moderate easterly winds. Local: Precipitation .01 Inch; max. SO; ruin. 22; part cloudy; north wind; river S.l feet. '.t iifljil . , i l f :-1 s, . FORTY-FOURTH YEAR NO IF 1 297 OATTlir AT11 " RATRIM AlRTVirkM TTTTTTJCTkA V TVr--iTiHrTTnr ii - , : . " ' " x iXLKjm x y j STANDS FIVE CKNT3 uuu oiLiMLlnAL II yiniwyliiiyiJ II TOM IfiluiEo L INK i La Follette Opens Attack, Declaring Measure To Re Contrary To Will Of General Public. Washington, Dec. 14. A ub tidy (or American producers, in inatrlal and agricultural, was proposed today by Senator Brook fcart. republican, Iowa, as at amendment to the administration shipping bill. Senator Brookhart'a amend nient would give a subsidy of 10 Her cent of the freight transporta tion charges from point of origin on export tonnage, payable either (o the original consignor or a co operation association of consign vs. Subsidies to producers would be payable only when their prod ucts were shipped on vessels re celvlng the government aid pro nosed bv the bill. The amendment went over (or later consideration Washington, Dec. 14. Opening Cl the attack o( the progressive bloc against the administration ihlpping bill, Senator LaFollette, republican, Wisconsin, declared In the senate today that the measure "Is contrary to the expressed will e( the American people and that the action of the president and its sponsors in attempting to force Its passage at this time Is an open challenge to tne people ana viola tion of the trust reposed by the jeople In their delegated repre lentatlves." The Wisconsin senator de jounced the bill In bitter terms criticized the president and Chair man Lasker of the shipping board (Continued on Page Two.) SPIED ON THEM Washington, Dec. 14 Charges that operatives of the department of justice had shadowed members of tongress who attacked Attorney General Duugberty were made and Jellied at the hearing before the louse judiciary committee on im peachment charges against Mr, Dangherty. Assorting that Senator Caraway, pemoerat, Arkansas and Representa tive Woodruff of Michigan and Johnson of South Dakota, republi cs, had been "shadowed" by such Operatives, Jackson II. Ealston, coun el for Representative Keller, author n the Impeachment charges, asked pe committee to obtain from the Justice department the names and we daily reports of the operatives. "How impossible, in the face o'f or denial that anything like that as done, to produce any such pap- said Paul Howiand, counsel for Mr. Daughcrty. When -Mr. Ealston wclared that the accuracy of the de would be the subject of future -wussiou, Mr. Howiand replied that I puttee, any document or papers re ijjuag to it would be produced if itty existed:. j It developed today that the file jM Papers relating to Wiljiam J. if "us, sent to resident Hardine bv , P. Sr-acAuley, an American liv- s at loronto, Canada, had been ,"liid over night. 10,000,000 ASKED FOR 6ERRMNREUEF WORK "wnington, Dec. 14. Appro W , f 70-00.000 (or reliev nd T condit'ons In Germany ria waa Proposed In i eoiut!on introduced today . by fermentative Newton, republi- Missouri. J me resolution, which declared Pen,e were in despair, pro far I ' the fund bB expended lh ?.Ul;chases t (ood supplies in ti br L'd States t0 be distrlbut iZ Am"ican Red Cross 'la the mi,!,... DC SCORES CONGRESSMEN SAY DAUGHERTY -"uons la pstria. Germany anil CHILDREN WILLING TO SACRIFICE ' . F WOULD 88 Assistance In Wrapping Packages offered; Food Clothes, Candy, IWoney, Autos, Wanted Now. Although a number of Salem good fellows have already rallied to the support of Salem Elka who, with the Salvation Army and The Capital Journal, are endeavoring to reach every needy (amily in Sa lem this Christmas, more help- much more hel coming it tile m complete succes, Food must b clothing, 'and I and candy, and come in large i Elks are plannii 1st be forth int Is to be a (ood, and and toys, rrc; o m These must ties (or the send no less than 600 packag tat sibly they will fi ;? s year. Pos necessary to prepare more. 6 rj Job Is Very Big One. Already a number of persons, willing to serve as big brothers to those unforunate children who might otherwise be overlooked at Christmas, have voluteered to as sist with the detail work which will last until December 25. There will be packages to gather in bundles to wrap, cases to invest! gate. With scores of letters ar riving daily at The Capital Jour nal, it is easy to conceive the monumental task which looms be- (Continued on page eight) Guardsmen At Astoria Feed 2,356 In Day Hot meals were served to 2356 people trom the rolling kitchen manned by the members of tho Oregon national guard at Astoria, Wednesday, according to a report received by Adjutant General White. The kitchens are operat ing night and day and no one is permitted to go hungry who ap plies (or a feed. Breakfast found 456 applicants for a meal, dinner was served to 909 people, supper tn 559 and during the night 267 were fed. The breakfast menu in eluded bacon and eggs, fried po tatoes, canned peaches, bread, but ter and coffee; for dinner th guardsmen served baked salmon, tomato sauce, mashed potatoes, creamed corn, cottage cheese, bread, butter and coffee; ;the supper menu offered boiled beef, baked potatoes, pork and beans, cottage cheese, apple sauce, brea1 butter and coffee. R Articles of incorporation were filed with the state corporation department here today by the World's Electro-Industrial Expo sition ot Portland capitalized at $5, 000, 000. The exposition is to be held in Portland in 1927. The incorporators are C. E. Gates, J. E. Dunne, Walter M. rierce, a. H. Lea, G. A. Von Schmitz, Eu gene E. Smith, Fred H. Kiser, i. A. Ward, George 1. Cleaver, airs. R. E. Bondurant, Charles Coopey and B. W. Sleeman. The stadium social clun -oi Portland capitalized at iuuv filed articles of incorporation with the state corporation de partment here Wednesday. The Incorporators are Stergiss Lopas. John Docas, Gust Koumareios aim George Charalls. Articles were also mea Wed nesday by the Church of the Naz arene o( Milton., capitalized at $1500; H. E. Winn, J. eTn- olds and G. S. Fox are tne incor porators, i Pollutions of dissolution we.c fii.rt hv the Straw Gas Producer company of Oregon, at Pendleton, and the Northern Livestock Loan, company of Portland. MURE NEEDED ORTLAND FAI INCORPORATED S3 FOREGO. 88 88 88 The Christmas Void It's a heterogeneous collection, this flood o( letters to Santa Claus that ts pouring In to The Capital Journal from trusting Salem kiddles who fear they may be forgotten by the patron saint o( childhood 'b Christmas land. Through them run strains of pathos, laughter, gelf-sacrtdce, gener osity, brotherly love and, most uniformly, faith faith in the certainty that old St. Nicholas will play no (avorltes, that he will visit cottage and mansion alike. There's the little boy who wants merely a motorcycle, electric train, pony and cart and a (ootball. He may awake Christmas morn to see some of his desires fulfilled through the mysterous workings of his own individual St. Nick. , But how about the little girl, whose father, unable to work because o( prolonged sickness, cannot supply her and her five little brothers and sisters with sutflcient clothing to keep them warm, or enough (ood to sustain the roses in their cheeks?' What evidence o( Chris Kringle's visit will greet their eyes when they pounce (rom their scantily blanketed beds on Christmas morn? This little motherly tot wants nothing for herself but a pair o( shoes not so badly worn as the ones she has, some cast o(( coats and dresses (or the other children and a warm suit (or (ather. This particular little girl and her (amily are going to be reached by Santa, through his personal agent in Salem, the ' Elks, or the Salvation Army. But they cannot supply the needs and childish desires of scores ot others whose faith in old Santa is at stake unless you help. The Elke alone are planning to distribute 600 Christmas packages. They need money and things like the following to fill these gift packages: Cloihing, new or cast off, (or man, woman, child or baby. Bed clothing and (uel to supplement the warmth of Christmas cheer. Dolls, toys and all sorts of trinkets to divert young minds" (rom the sordid necessities o( life. Candles, nuts and (ruits to add the Christmas flavor. If you have nothing else to give, give money. Twenty-five, B0 cents, a dollar or five dollars measure your own ability to give. Tbe money should be sent to Fred Erixon, chairman of the Elks Welfare committee, in care of The Capital Journal, or turned over to the secretary ot the lodge at the Elks temple. . If you have other articles bundle them up, mark the con tents on the outside ot the package and send them to the Elks Temple.- If you are unable to deliver the package . telephone the secretary of the Elks lodge and it will be called for. . Salem's Christmas happineaB hangs in the balance. Act today. Let there be no Christmas void. Road Commissioners ToResign;BoothSays Criticism Unfounded Germany Near Collapse Bonar Law Tells House . London, Dec. 14. (By Asso ciated Press) Germany is very near to complete collapse, Prime Minister Bonar Law told the house of commons' today. He declared that this waa the only information be could give the house on the subject of rep arations. MEREST UPON BONDS CE If you are the fortunate posses sor of some victory iiDeny bonds, with the distinguishing let ters A. B. C, D, E or F prefixed to their serial number, it may be ot interest to know that these bonds will cease to draw interest after Owners should take these duuu to the bank and make arrange frine them for mema " . i,tn notes, or present mem iui rorfomntion. Or owners - h.nk. to convert these spe """' . . .. cial victory liberty loan douub .u 1923 series of five-year u.uw de saving certilieaiea laaucu ... nominations of $25, $K0 n in and Tbe main thing is to take a look at your bonds, providing you are bo fortunate, ana n -"w - tory liberty loan notes bear ng 4 oer cent intere and have the ji..inVnlhinK letters A, ii, i. - a- rfixed to the serial num- hers to present tnem ior ,on or exchange for other liberty bonds or treasury -savings certifi- cates. 'What sonnds worse than a pho--raph almost on down!" inquire, one A pedestrian wuo . . - J-n ij almost run USES 88 Portland, Ore., Dec. 14. Mem bers ot the state highway commis sion intend to place their resigna tions in the hands ot Governor elect W. M. Pierce, to be effective any time within three months, R. A. Booth, chairman ot the com mission, said today in an address at the annual meeting here ot the county judges and commissioners. Declaring that the incoming state administration deserves the support of all citizens, Chairman Booth declared the members of the commission would do all In their nower to aid the work of their successors. Booth was speak ing for himself and John B. Yeon. W. B. Barratt, the third member of the commission, has already re signed. In his address Chairman Booth went into detailed answer to criticisms of the commission voiced durjng the recent political cam nalrn.' He replied to charges lhat the state of Washington had made a better showing in road work by saying that Oregon had more miles ot road at less cost than the neighboring state. He declared that only 6.19 per cent of the cost of road work had been chargeable to advertising, legal advice, auditing, traveling exoenses, testing, etc. Failures of highways had not amounted to more than 7 or 8 per cent, ana there had been no total failurea, as charged in campaign speeches, be said. DEATH TOLL OF 17 Houston, Texas, Dec. 14. Tbe total number of dead as a result of the wreck last nigni on ine Southern Pacific railway at Hum ble, 17 miles irom nere, wa brought to-17 shortly after noon today when three mre victims died in local hospitals. The casual ty list shows six white men and 11 negroes killed. 88 88 86 88 S8 88! TOYS FOR SHOES WRECK NOW MOTHER IK, TOTASKSAID Shoes Could Be Used And Coat, too, Santa Told by Small Girl; Many Let ters Sent U. S. Helps. She is just passed eight years old. She explains, in her note, she is small for her age. A young woman like that doesn't wish .to ask too much of a busy man like Santa Claus, and yet One o( her Bhoes is worn en tirely through and the other is in poor condition. Her mother, who was able to work until two weekb ago, is sick now and it's been rather rough on the whole (am ily. And so the little girl, whose letter is only one ot scores re ceived for Santa Claus by The Capital Journal, explains that "if you give me anything for Xmas I would like a pair of shoes. My shoes are all wore out. I would like j new dress if you could give mo pne. I like randy and nuts, too, but I don't suppose you car. spare both and the clothes would keepme warm." Many letters Eeceived The letters, many of them hold-ing-Tiuman interest yarns with powerful woliops, are arriving at the office of The Capital Journal Continued on Page Six.) MILL CITY PAIR SHERIFF OF LINN Eoy h. Sims and his brother, Sam F. Sisns, Mill City robbers who were apprehended following an attempt ed burglary at Gates early yestcr day morning, were turned over to Linn county authorities by District Attorney John Carson yesterday after; they were said to have confes sed to robbing a store at Lyons, in Linn county. It was said today, however, it is yet possible that tbe pair may be arraigned in Salem, due to tho fact tnat tne ijinn county grand jury does not'eonvene until sometime in April. The Linn county district at torney has expressed a willingness to have the men brought here. At L.yons tne Sims Drothers were said to have taken loot valued at approximately $200. Sam Sims was shot 6nd seriously wounded yesterday morning while attoiipling to break through a door at the A. B. Horner general mer chandise store at Gates. Tho shot was fired by Charles Graves, watch man. Authorities said today no ac tion will be taken against him, as hie act was in lino of duty. CLUBS WILL CELEBRATE , "ACHIEVEMENT DAY" "Achievement Day" will be cele brated in Silverton Saturday, Dec 16, bjr the two industrial clubs of school pupils organized by the Coolldge & McClaine bank of that city. , Members of the two clubs will be presented by the government with achievement pins as a reward for having carried out the gov ernment's program. Members of the two clubs in elude tbe calf club In which six pupils carried out tbe instructions of tbe Oregon Agricultural college. and 15 members of the pig erut, who have . also worked and achieved according to tbe govern ment's instructions for Industrial club member. Tbe work of the members means that in the spring they bought calve and pigs and raised them according to Oregon Agricultural college Instructions, and at certain iimu ronnrrurl to the Oreeon Agri cultural college all progress,' TURNED OVER TO SOW 1 TO PROBLEM AT ASTORIA Need For Clothing And Fuel Acute; $1,000,000 Relief Asked of Con gress By Hawley. Washington, Dec. 14. A mit llon dollars for relief of the As toria, Or., (Ire su(ferer8 would be appropriated under bill Intro duced today by Representative Hawley, republican, Oregon. Astoria, Or., Dec. 14. A con tinued cold east wind, accompan ied by snow, added to tbe relief problem at Astoria today. There were increasing calls for fuel and clothing (rom persons who suffer ered loss in the conflagration which wiped out the business dis trict and many homes here last Friday. The American Red Cross, the Oregon national guard and the (Continued on Page Eleven.) AWARDED FIRS! Salem Heights was awarded the first prize for the best community exhibit of vegetables and home made canned vegetables, including corn .dlxplay, at the Marlon and Polk county corn show now being held in the Chamber of Commerce rooms. The prize is $25.00 cauh BuBh College was awarded the second prize for a community ex hibit, and Liberty the third prize. Awards were made this morning by Prof. George R. Hyslop, profes sor of farm crops, Oregon Agricul tural college, and E. R. Jackman, extension specialist of farm crops. Southwick Winner First prize tor the best display of 10 ears of yellow dent corn was awarded to A. R. Southwick ot Salem, route 2, and he will receive the $3.00 cash prize. Second prize was given to William Blake, Salem route 8, and third prize, to R. D. Hulsey, of Salem, route 4. Receiving of an award for ex hibiting 10 ears yellow dent is an especial honor, as the competition was keener In this exhibit than any of the other, 33 exhibits hav ing been entered. , For the best 60 ears of white dent, first prize was awarded to A. E. Hughes of Woodburn. Mr. Hughes has been growing corn for the past 15 years, having brought seed with him when be came from Minnesota. He hag also exhibited for a number of years and received a number of awards. Harley Hughes Wins Second prize for 60 ears of white dent corn was awarded to Harley Hughes, of Woodburn, 18 year old son of A. E. Hughes. Young Hughes Is a student at the O. A. C, Third prize for the best 50 ears of white dent corn also went to the Hughes family, this prize be ing awarded to Harry Hughes, 16 year old son of A. E. Hughes. Both of the young men planted one acre tracts ot corn and fol lowed O. A. C. Instructions. Harry Hughes is also attending the Ore gon Agricultural college. KELLER LETS UP Washington, Dec. 14, Repre sentative Keller, republican, Min nesota, refused late today before tbe bouse Judiciary committee to proceed with- his Impeachment charges against Attorney General Daugherty. The refusal came after the com mittee had refused to permit him to read a long prepared statement, the nature ot which he declined to disclose, under repeated questions as to whether it was not bis pur pose to lecture the committee. SALEM E CORN SHOW PRIZE ON DAUGHERTY Buried Today- 5.v S 1 'I- f Thousands Pay Homage At Bier Of Merchant Prince; Long Line In Streets. Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 14. Thousands of persons, represent lng virtually every walk In life, did homage today at the bier of John Wanamaker, whose body lay In state from 9 o'clock until noon in Bethany Preabyterlau church where the famous merchant had worshipped since boyhood and where be was a familiar figure In the Sunday school arid other relig ious work, A long line of persons formed on the streets adjacent to tho church awaiting turns to pay their lust respect. Never before was there such a throng In the (Continued on page eight) London, Dec. 34 (By (lie Asso ciated Press) Prime Minister Bo nar Law emphatically argued in the house of commons today the impos sibility of Great Britain paying the American debt whilo receiving noth ing from Germany, France or Italy. He said ho was convinced such a policy would reduce the standard of living in this country for genera tions. $1,000 ! WANAMAKER LAID TO REST BONAR LAW SAYS DEBT TOO HEAVY Advertisers write The Capital Journal that the Statesman i9 seeking to take away advertising now car ried by The Capital Journal claiming the largest circula tion iu the field. The Capital Journal has no quarrel with the States man and does not believe in newspaper squabbles. It believes in a live and let live policy. It does not seek ' Statesman business. It believes in newspaper competi tion in all fields and believes that a morning newspaper is a community asset for Salem. The Capital Journal however, has no intention of losing any of its business on false pretenses. It has now and has had for years by far the largest paid circulation in Salem and vicinity, an authenticated audited and proven paid in advance circulation. The Capital Journal has deposited $1,000 in Ladd & Bush bank to be forfeited to the new Salem hospital if an audit of the circulations of both The Capital Journal and the daily Statesman, conducted by the Audit Bureau of Circulations, whose auditor is now in Salem, does not show that The Capital Journal has at least 1,000 more paid circulation than the Statesman, the Statesman to forfeit $1,000 to the hospital if it does not have within 1,000 paid subscribers of The Journal's circulation. This offer is made for immediate acceptance. Advertisers should not buy a pig in a poke, but should know what they are buying in the number of subscribers a paper has. The Journal's circulation is regularly audited and its books are open to all. To place the Statesman in the same plane, The Journal will pay the entire cost of the above audit and of its membership in the Audit Bureau of Circulation. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, . George Putnam, Publisher. SALEM FACES PROSPECT OF msmm Three Inches Fall Here During Day; Tacoma Has Power and Water Shortage. Wrapped in a three Inch man tie of white at S o'clock afTd with dry flakes (ailing steadily, Salem this afternoon (aced what gave evidence of becoming a record snow storm. The snow, in th manner of that which indicate more to. follow, began quietly t tall shortly before 7 o'clock and continued to ptlo up on ground long frozen. Along with thi misery which the storm may bring to many Sa lem families, It will cause soma Inconvenience in the city's Indus trial life. This afternoon etreet cars had lost, during the day, ten minutes in time. Work of clear ing tracks waa performed but the rails were slick and cars were un able to operate on regular sched ule. More Inconvenience may be caused if the Btorm continues, of ficials said. , The Salem steam, plant of the Portland Railway Light and Pow er company Is operating 24 hours daily In order to generate power to replace that lost through Ico blocks at the company's hydro electric plants at Oregon City, Estacada and Cazadero. Portland steam plants are also at work ev ery hour of the day. The local plant generates about 4000 hors power. Despite the biiow, both the Southern Paciflo and Oregon Eleo trie trains were traveling on schedule today and stages wera operating on time. Provided the snow fall contin ues the 13 men employed by the city street department will be en gaged exclusively In removing snow from the streets. Commis sioner Walter Low said. Today these men were engaged in repair ing bridges, hauling gravel and repairing sidewalk crossings. To the P. R. L. and P. the dry snow will bring much less trou- (Contluued on Page Seven.) STEAMERS COLLIDE IN DRIVING SNOW STORM New York, Dec. 14. In a driv ing snowstorm In lower New York bay, the Ward llnor Mexico, bound out for Havana, Cuba, with 119 passengers, today collided with the Hamilton of the Old Dominion line, coming in from Norfolk, Va. The Mexico, the port side of which was badly damaged sent out a wirelofs call for aseistance. Forfeit