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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1922)
8 THERE 13 NO SUBSTITUTE FOR CIRCULATION Dally average for November 6060. Member Audit Bureau ot Circulation. Member Associated Press Full leased wire service. .IT THE WEATHER OREGON: Tonight and Thursday fair except probably snow eaet portion. Mod erate winds, mostly northerly. Local: Rainfall, none; max. 81; min. OF III. - ?jl ib; ciear; nortawlnd; river 4.2 feet. FORTY-FOURTH YEAR HO. 296 VI " ; I v- t 1 .v , n " 1 1 .... v ."Ka I . M (ll (1U LTTfAT TT7T1TTTir(t " vivuuiv, vriUJ.NXLikJJAi,; DECEMBER 13. 1922 trT M tb aimq M1,w, r o) P-m-m-S'' ,,.., -,, ., ...,. ,,7 ! ' r- ; : : s. xkje, x vvu miNia stands five cents Dj oj r o hu y n LrJ Apra 111 nl r H . rTVl n :! nil P : I 11 JS 1 1114 I i f I I 1 ill i t I f J ill I I I if 1 i I I . r i I RIALS OF . : . - wLj;U ' W.J L-, . J V... mill cnr MASSACR E Five Alleged Participants In Ilerrin Outrage Face Court; Defense -Hopes To Prove Alibi. Marion, 111., Dec. 13. (By "As sociated Press.) Before a partial ly filled court room, trial of five men charged with murder In con nection with the Herrin mine kill ings began today. President Far- rington, of the Illinois miners, sat at the defense table with the nrie. oners and attorneys. Oral Garrl son, secretary to President John L. Lewis, of the Intnrnnt inmi miners' organization, took down ime proceedings m full. Attorney IGeneral Edward Brundage sat at tie table with the state. Testimony to show the five men ad no part In the rioting, but "ere elsewhere at the time of the iiUings, was promised by A. W. Kerr, chief counsel of the Illinois nine Workers, , In his opening tatement to the jury. " Blames "Armed Guards-" Mr. Kerr declared the killing I the non-union men was tn rar ult of an "Invasion" of Williaiu on county by "armed guards" Mid the "many acts of brutality "Iminating in the ruthless mur- er of three union coal miners." He "asserted Williamson county 'se to the defense of Its homes," ping that "by this act of self f tense it served notice on the Jmerican gunmen and upon those o would employ the American fnmen that this was not a safe Immunity jn which to send hired iprderers." "The miners fought 'also to pro t their union, he said. ... , I Persecution Alleged. raring tne state had been Inertly careless" In selecting f defendants, Mr. Kerr empha- T lual we will show you in f case that Oys Clark, Bert fe. Joseph -Carnaghi, Leva ,r ana Peter Hiller (the de ris, not, only , had nothing j-r 10 ao with the killing of -fd Hoffman or any of his as 'es, but that they were In po- U.,7 a places at a "me when liM . e beea Physically im- 'ur mem to have had any- We will pro Marion-Polk Count CornShow WillOpen Thursday Afternoon Xmas Packages Sent East Must be Mailed Before End of Week Only '11 days reman. ... which mail may be delivered for Christmas presents. John H. Farrar, postmaster, says that aa yet, there la no great rush. ' He calls attention to the fact that dur five or s delivery central for dell coast last day! a mas prei it would assured fJ time by' ? this wee; t hnllHnv afiaann f are required for (ackages In the Jand six or seven pn the ''Atlantic cember 23 is the .elivery of Christ i he suggests that (rorth while to be hts will arrive In lng them at least ASTORIA BIS Prevailing Prices Before Fire To Rule; Council Enforce Edict; Search For Missing Man. f'S to do witv, it "C !re a great number of men r"" in their community, who V ; standing along the line of f- which led to the place of 1 Killing. Tney wW teU you oi,PlSecutIns "uthorltles of !eni.eLaSSerted- were being 11 ty a Private organiza cmp06er ( men of great tierce " IUm0,s chamber 'f Astofia."th".'T Dec.43-iloilon to curb Drofiteeriner has been started bv the cltv ennnr.l 1 in an ordinance providing penalties for any person or firm charging moro ror goocis or services tnan tha nrice rulinar nrevious to tha dis astrous fire of last Friday which wiped out the business district. This ordinance, introduced' last night was referred to the ways and means committee. Saw Filer Missing The council ha also arjDroved and extended the plans for widen ing the city's streets and ha3 adoDted an ordinance Drovidina: for the licensing of all individu al! practicing a profession, busi ness, trade or calling in the city. Efforts to find' John Carr, - a saw filer, were being1 made today following reports that- he was missing after having taken room last Thursday night in one of the hotels destroyed. Should he prove to have lost his life, the death ton or tne nre would he raised to 3. Dr. Nellie Vernon, city health officer, reported today that there was no eDidemic. but that on ac count of the cold weather there was dancer of erinDe. She has asked the council to take steps to obtain the use of the army hos pital at Fort Stevens in case of an emergency. Local business houses have been advised that the Collection Aeencies association of Oreeon and the Portland association .of Creditmen- have declared a mora torlum of 3 months on debts owed by Astoria fire victims. The Marlon and Polk county corn show will be officially open ed Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock, ln an address of welcome by Mayor George E. Halvorsen, and a talk on the possibilities of corn growing In 'the- Willamette valley by Prof. George Hyslop, of the Oregon Agricultural college. On Friday afternoon there will be an address by several experts on corn growing. Today, the Chamber of Com merce rooms resemble the old time county fair, with exhibits of corn, mostly yellow dent, pump kins, squash, fodder, canned goods and a general display of vegetables. Up to 1 O'clock todav thora hoA ueen s exhibits entered, whfh gives the assurance, according to mui carpenter, that the 1922 TURKS DENY ARMENIANS HOMESIIES Isniet Pasha Refuses To Agree To Proposal That District Be Set Aside For National Home. Lausanne. Dec. 13 (Rv An. elated Press.) Turkev rnfllRArl at today's session of the Near East conference to assign any special part of Turkey aa a national home for the Armenians.- Ismet Pasha declared this would mean a nnw attempt to dismember Turkev. Ismet Pflaha' woo liiAi.nnnjlA1.1. , , tuj IJffii I .... T.UB HltWUUlllUiB corn show will exceed in interest on other ' Points concerning the vuudc ui luimer years. vi minorities, in Turkey. Exhibits will be accepted at the Besi,Je3 declaring Turkey would Chamber of Commerce in tn o not set aside an inch nf Tui-tiai, o'clock this evening. The final so" 'or an Armenian national displays will be made early Thurs homa. he said she would not accept day momlnc. And avorvV.fnw the ree-ulaHnn nf Ho-hta t., j tiling Willi --a VM. ..gjuLa ul uiiuuil' be ln position for the official open tIes fay an International commis- o ..ucu irtayui naivorsen wei- olu" lu vionsianiinopie or else comes the exhibitors to the city of where. Slem. -u-n . .. vuiauu oounua warning. .. icnuw ueni is tne favoritt. t corn evhihit tt , : uru urzon warned ismet that ;;; v,Vu ut-lpcK l- there would be no symnathv anv mem ua ueen entered j) .. .. . . separate exhibits, competing foi -'," " ' v V lu,tto,Jl the awards for the best ten ears e on me of yellow dent. question of the treatment of the Salem With Tot, Quarantined Chickenpox, Thinks Santa Is Coming; Is He? exnihlt of 60 ears of yellow ent there had been entered eie-ht pi hibits up to noon todav. Five t V IU1,. . . ... i.iuiio were entered or 10 ears white dent, eleven of lOearst nf runt corn, and 12 exhibits of popcorn. ,jrjv-MEiiibitS" are alreadv in place contending for awards nf ierea in the sweepstakes of the best 10 ears of any corn. minorities. MERGUmrHER SLUMPS 10 E 18: WYNDHAM 8 PORTLAND CO ID Lcs Angeles Landlord BsQueaths Five Homes f To Occupants In Will to8 Angeles, Cal., Dec. 13. Tenants of George Noe, who died last Friday, learned today iney were his heirs. His estate, valued Jat $26,000, consisted chiefly of five houses, which were devised to the families occupying them. He was sur vived by no known relatives. MOTHER TRIES 10 END LIFE BABES VICTIMS 0 F GAS UREN SALEM, SUICIDES; AUTOMATIC USED Wyndham Buren, 22 vears of age. a son of Max O. Buren, prom- WUU tne continuel cold sever inent Salem merchant. aDDarentlv al PrPerty owners found bursted With a cold north wind blow ing last nigh't Salem experienc ed the coldest snap of the season with the government thermome ter registering 18 degrees above zero, two degrees colder than the day previous. The highest tem perature reached yesterday and last night was 31 degrees, one below lreezing. On Monday, and Monday night the hiKhest Dolnt reached was 35 decrees. With the continued cold sever- fvernorMay Carry Astoria's A-bDeal To arding In Person Aria's ann..l ,., e . ior ieaeral aid private secretary, Lion jm. upjonn. 'n th f- 3,000-000 la re- It is expeeted that the governor in 5lre Btrlcken city, , ... on( nf hi. nr- encfl in tha national canltal to Dre- i sent t-ho rasa of the stricken city to the authorities to whom the ap peal is directed. Tn a tolorram received from the erno "u"uai conference governor toaay, dj ma oiuce ucio, t. message con- announcing his arrival in wasn tne anneal . . I, . -ii AvnT.Ac&M l . , omcKen city, E9 carrinrt ii.i ''(Will ITaj- """f iresi f "I'hg by Governor Olcott! I Wvernor is In Washington, te,011 hIs r White lf!?rines. W. Va.. where he T""a the ann,,.i inent Salem merchant. aDDarentlv took his own life near 358 Center street about 10 o'clock last nicht. Tha ctinl Wkl.t. t 3 ouwt, nuJi,u CULVrcu UvlUW I Buren's chin, apparently was fired belns continuel fai" and cole? with faucets ln their yards. There Is little hope for warmer weather this evening, the weather forecast WISE PAYS FINE OF $100 intentionally, authorities said. An a nort'1 wlnd- The eastern part automatic was used. . ot the Btate may exPrlence snow Shortly before the shot was heard by residents of the com munity, young Buren had taken to ner Doardmg house Miss Edna o. Wise, charged with driving xiuwu. one uvea at va norm h a antnmnlifio ininTUoiu.i L,ioeriy street. wa8 finert lnn whfin h , . Young Buren, who lived with ralgned in the police court before his parents at 74o Court street. Judee Earl Raca vestHrrtav affpr vtaa Duuiiucu iu iiie oaieiii hciiuuih j iiuuii. and later was a student at the wise, a resident of Salem, also university or uregon. He was had his driver's license suspended wen Known nere. by Judge Race. He was arrfistad io mauest win ue tieiu. uoruner hv Mntnrvoio Pafmai, ro Liioya itigaon sum tins aiternoon. Portland, Or., Dec. 13. .Tamas and Marjorie Feles. aged 3 and 1 respectively, were dead today and tneiiv mother, Mrs. George Felna waa ttneonfeious at a hospital in a critical condition after beina: found last sight in ,the gas-filled Kitcnan ot their tome. Th husband, a hotel waiter, re ported he found the doors locked when he came home last night He entered the house through a bedroom window and fniitiil tha building filled with gas. The two children were on the floor, .one dead, the other dying, and tha mother was reclining on a cot ln the kitchen, . Gas was Dourlne- rrom a burner of the kitchen stove. Police and coroner's officers said the circumstances indicated that the mother, who had been ill, had turned on the gas with suicidal intent. 3 MORE CONVICTS FREED BY RITNER It 18 a cramped scrawl, laboriously one of several received for Santa Claus by The Capital Journal tais morning, was executed by a little girl whose literary endeavors have been necessarily limited. Ypt it no pari oi wnicn is maudlin, that can not easily be forgotten. ' ' Ti O i eti , 1 1 . , , oama oiaus, tne letter oegins, "We are sending m our names. We do not care for tovs and we wnnlrl some clothes. To wear. That is better cause we can wear tnem. mere Is nine in our family and my father has no work.' We have got the chickenpox and we won't get to go no wnere nristmas. lours truly ' She Bigns her name and, by ALLEGED CHECK ARTIST IS APPREHENDED HERE AIIppiI tn have been endeavor- inp- tn nnnfl at the Peonle's cash stnre a worthless check Davable to EIroy Davis and signed W. M. Davis a man who, police say, is John Rowland of route 7, was captured yesterday afternoon by Police Sergeant Walter Blrtchet and today was held in jail pend nir hia arratenment. Dnwlanil according to Sergeant Blrtcbet, admitted some activities in "paper hanging." He prohaoiy will ha arraimfd In the lustice court before Judge Unruh this af ternoon. m ., " "5 "oa congress, a WVaa sent to the ex- bleou , 'orrta to Gov i U ln Washington by his invMn' finvamnr nimtt axTiresses horror over the results of the holo caust which laid waste to the busi ness section of Astoria, only mea ger details of which, he says, have ben available to him through press reports to the eastern papers. 5 PAY FINES OF $10 HERE Five persons, charged with dis orderly conduct, were assessed fines of 10 each when they were arraigned in the police court be fore Judge Earl Race yesterday. They were Letta Lane, Mabel Shepard, L. S. Mclntyre, C. H. El- - r.ti.fl Rnwera. Thev were Cl J uu . - - . h rhiaf of Police Mof- aiiwu j NOT GUILTY AVERS BUSICK Charged wwith selline mis- branded meat, J. Ir. Busick, Salero merchant, pleaded not guilty when arraigned before Judge G E. Unruh in the Salem lustice court this morning. Mr. Busick Is accused ln the compfalnt of selling a shoulder ot Dork as Dlcnlc ham." The com plaint was signed by L. S. Leach deputy state food commissioner. ASSAULT BRINGS $25 FINE Charged with assault and bat tery, Roy Rowland, Salem taxi driver, was fined $25 by Pollc? Judge Earl Race yesterday afternoon. Rowland was said to have en gaged ln a fight with Mike Crow, also of Salem. Crow, who was charged with assault with a dan gerous weapon, waived a hearing before Judge- unruh yesterday morning and was bound over to the grand Jury. Hrnrr Ford make 264.02(1.41 a day. We are glad we are not Henry. We could sever have nerve enough Three more men, serving sen- tenceg in the state prison here were '.released on conditional nar dons by Governor Ritner Tuesday. making a grand total of eight to be released on pardons within the past two weeks. Tuesday after noon's releases were Issued to the following: C. E. Dooley. sent ud from La Grande for a term of one year for larceny. Conditionally pardoned on recommendation of Ed Wright, district attorney, and J. W. Knowles, circuit Judge, for Union county. Clarence E. McDade and D. H. McGlown, sentenced from Jackson county, to a term of eleven years, for robbery. Conditional pardon based on recommendations of Dis trict Attorney G. M. Roberts and Circuit Judge Frank M. Calkins of Jacksdn county. Doolcv's Incarceration ln the Union county Jail and ln the stale prison together excedea the full term t6 which hew as sentenced. McDade and McGlown, whose crimei. consisted of the robbery of fellow .hoboes of a small sum of moner. and some lewelrv have served a year and a balf of their 11-year sentence. sending the letter, she Is conflden her little brothers and sisters, the youngest of whom Is one year old win not be forgotten by the all knowing gentleman from the north. She has told the other youngsters they will be remem bered. She has told them that when they rise December 25, there will be some candv. some nnta. some clothes maybe a- doll and a few marbles. She has told them their Christmas is to ba something like other little boys and girls whose fathers and mothers are more fortunate. On the people of Salem those persons ln a position to help will depend the nature of the Christmas which those and other local children will have. If it Is to be worth while assistance must be had by the welfare committee of the Salem Elks which, worklna with the Salvation armv and The Capital Journal, will endeavor to reach every poor youngster In Salem. All cases areto be carefully in vestigated anjK only the worthy are to be cplisidered. The move ment Is entitled to the thought of every one. Will You Help? Packages, containing clothing food, candy, nuts or shoes should be left, with a description of thel contents on the outside, shnnlrl h left Immediately at the Elks lodgo. A large sign, telling con tributorg to enter the front door has been placed on the building The steward will welcome vonr assistance, and all persons con nected with the movement will appreciate your aid. It Is un necessary to mention how nleaaed the otherwise forgotten young sters will be.v Several letters, furnishing In formation concerning poor Salem families, were received by The Journal today and more of these are wanted. Each of the letters offered commendation for the movement and expressed the belief it would be a success. The hit ters should briefly set forth names. addresses and conditions ln needy homes and should be arldrwiaod to The Christmas Relief, ln car of The Capital Journal. AH children in Salem hava hnon requested to addreBS their letterB to Santa Claus ln cara nf Th Capital Journal and these will be forwarded to the man who la asked to take care of their re quests. All information received hv The Journal will be treated In strictest confidence and no names will be divulged to anv ona ex. cept those necessarily engaged in investigating. HU IMPEACHMENT Federation Pays Attorney To Assist In Prosecu tion of Charges Against Daugherty. Washington, Dec. 13 Samuel Gompers, president of the Ameri can Federation of Labor, frankly told the house Judiciary comuiitte today that the executive commit tee of the federation had author ized the employment of counsel to assiiit Representative Keller, re publican, MlmicBota, in prosecut ing Impeachment nroceedlnirs against Attorney General Daugherty, Represents Federation. Mr. Gomners' statement wan made during cross-examination by Paul Howluiid of Cleveland, oer- sonal counsel for Mr. Da-'li'i-'v He emphatically denied that ha had first suggested the Impeach ment proceedings, declaring that he had not known of the introduc tion of the Keller resolution in the house until he had read about It in the newspaper. BROTHERS CAPTURED Shot From Nightwatch- man's Gun Cripples One And Both Surrender After Short Flight. SCHEIBU R GLAR IS BOUND OVER Although ha told, with his hands, a fluent story durlnar hlu preliminary hearing In the Justice court yesterday afternoon.. Fred Bartow, charged with burglary, was bound over to the grand Jury by G. K. Unruh. Ills ball waB set at $500. This be was unable to furnish. Bartow was arrested here Sun day night after he had been caught by O. J. Schel in the Schei clothing store on State street Bartow, who says he Is deaf and dumb, was discovered lying be hind a counter when Mr. Schel let himself into his store about 5:30 o'clock. AMarga crowd waa present at the hearing yesterday afternoon. SEARCH OR MISSING' 7 : AVIATORS CONTINUED Phoenix. Ariz.. Dec. 13. Search for Colonel C. Marshall and Lieu tenant C. L. Webber, lost aviators. todav waa asAuminfir tha nrnnnr- tions of a long campaign Involving a methodical combing of the de sert And mountain territory of southern Arizona and northern Mexico br land and air forces oo- eratlng from established bases. The aviators disanneared last Thursday on the route from San Diego to Tucson. Additional airnlanes are under orders to leave San Francisco for Nogalea today. 1 Prison Minstrels Really Good; First Show Draws Many A bullet from the gun nf Graves, watchman in the A. B. Horner general merchandise store at Gatos, 45 miles east of Salem n the Cascade mountalna fin- trated, an attempted robberv at 1:80 o'clock this morn In ir and ra- sulted ln the capture of S. S. Sims and his brother, Roy Sims, who are reported to have confessed to tha crime. S. S. Sims is la the hosnltal at Mill City with a ragged gunshot wound ln his thigh and his hro- ther is being held for Marlon coun ty authorities. Older Brother Hit. Word received over tha tele phone from Mill City reports that the two men attempted to gain en trance to the store throuirli tha front door. , As they, smashed the the door the noise attract ed Graves, who opened fire. The 1 bandita fled, the younger man as sisting hlg wounded brother, who was struck by the first bullet. By the times Graves, had spread the alarm the two men had dis appeared, and the hastily organ ized posses were unable to find any trace of them in the darkness un til they voluntarily gave them selves up at the farm home of Charles Dall, half a mile awav and across the river from the scene of the shooting. The older of tha bandits was so weak from the Iobs of blood that he was unable to to further and they asked Dall to take him to the Mill City hospital by auto at once. One War Veteran. Both of the bandits are residents of Mill City, where they have been In tha employ of the Hammond Lumber company. S. S. Sims, the wounded man, is 3d years old and married. The brother la about 30 and single. The older Sims served with the American Expeditionary Forces In France during the war ' and was gassed while ln action. Only meager reports of the af fair were received here this morn ing by authorities. Sheriff O. D. Bower, District Attorney Carson and Lyle J. Page, deputy district attorney, left about 8 o'clock for Mill City to Investigate. They will bring Roy Sluia to the county Jail nere when they return. Reports from Mill City say that ' the wounded man la too weak to be moved at thU time, and it will be several days before he is brought here. A report received from Mill City late this afternoon stated that 8. S. Sims, wounded last night ln an alleged attempt to rob a general merchandise store at Gates, prob ably will recover although he Is ln a critical condition. It was abuj reported that A. B. Horner, proprietor ot tha store, la willing to forego prosecution of the case provided District Attor ney John Carson approves. That common failing of the average amateur performer over playing his part was absent to a gratifying degree last night when the melody minstrels of the Ore gon Btate penitentiary, fun- makers extraordinary, opened their first 1922 show before a Salem audience ln the prison auditorium. In case a show, staged bv amateur performers, chances to be a real success, newspaper review ers are usually handicapped tn their endeavors to tell the people about It, due to the fact that laudatory comment la commnnlv accorded home talent, regard Icsi ot its merits, and the reader is prone to remember that the punk show he saw at Podunk Center In 1011 was heralded by the Podunk News as a vehicle of which Broad way might well be proud. Minstrels Really Good All of which lu by way of an nouncing that the reader of this story can well afford to take one more chance on locally produced stuff. Those boya at' the Oregon penitentiary are good. Thatr tuff is lively and new and much of It Is original. It was conceived within prison walls and staged (Continued on Page Seven.) ASTORIA THAIS SALEM FOR OFFER "Thank you very much for your warm-hearted wire received yes terday," wrote William S. Gilbert. chairman of the executive commit tee on relief at Astoria, ln a let ter to Mayor George Halvorsen and Mayor-elect John B. Glesy which waa received here yester day. "Mayor Bremncr desires that we express our high appreciation. "Our Immediate emergency la well taken care of. Calamity In describable," the letter contiuued. "Wevshall need large emergency fund aa well aa supplies."