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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1920)
PAGE TWO. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Salesmen's Club Organization Is Formally Made lm Miiib uiat fcu ut-iuie thw ts-. J islature. They devise the demands! for new millage tases. They have printing offices, they have time and money and trained workers to carry on the campaiiois to befool the vot ers Into accepting greater ami greater i burdens of taxation. So we have a ' I complete inversion of the doctrine vritt. . .k. u i !Ulat ,ne People rule. We have enter- With a score of the livest salesmen , a ;h ,.,,, .u. . . ea me stage where the people are in the city putting it across, the Sale. I ruled by the official classes as torn- Hum's club, joint body to the Salem P'etely as the monarchists and aria- Cnimercial club, was formed at a ' tocracy of Russia ever ruled the peas- . . ' ant masses, meeting in the of the club The mass meeting of taxpayers ilanday night of the associate mem- held at Salem Saturday was composed bera. The organization of the Sales- of substantial and fair minded per meu' club is the outcome of several cons who own property and do not mouths' discussion and planning, and Ket back all they pay to support gov 1a organization has the endorsement eminent from five to twenty times of the Commercial club board of di- over out of their fellow taxpayers, rectors. - ,Caa they have -any Influence on thej Tfce club voted as its president John situation 7 air. Greenbaum and the . Hutchason. representative here o few officials of the Taxpayers league the Mutual Life Insurance company, cannot begin to put up the campaign . w. Jobleman, night clerk at the . Wt tne organized officialism of the Hotel Bligh, is vice-president, and J. 8tate can carry on, in fact have al VT. Chambers Jr., youne furniture wa'dy organized and are carrying on. dealer, is secretary-treasurer. A board ! Wnat Private citizen not in the pay TUESDAY. .t,,., G.O.P. Liberals ! ter Permits Improvements In 71 - . II t Mexican mar net - , , Netvs Announced Way Break and Form New Party of directors, consisting of five mem ber, was named as follows: Harry J. Watson, of the Associated Oil co. pany; K. E. McDonough, salesman at the Price Shoe store: O. D. Olson, salesman at the C. B. Clancy floral hop; T. W. Johnson, aud J. W. Cham bera Jr. 14 Programs Promised. The club will meet the second Mon of the state- has the time or the mon ey to spare to travel about over the state and appeal to this or that group selfishly interested in promot ing the millage taxes? Not one. Mr. Greenbaum and the rest of ths men named with him to look aftar the interests of the taxpayer have little time to give from saving their own business from running away 'with day In each month. The next meeting, tnem- The office holders have the of Hie Salesmen will be April 12. A permanent program committee, whose duties shall be to provide "live' suuaoie. entertainment at the meetings, follows: T. E. McCroskev double drop alwoys on the private business man or woman. They are free to take up any private business or occupation that offers, them bet tr employment. Private citizens James Elvin and J. F. Hutchason. Two ! business lersons have only the chance irther members are to be named by the iuraiuenc Although an organization commit tee of ten members was named, each member of the club was instructed to try to induce one more than to join the organization. The membership com mittee as chosen is: E. E. Mcbonough, O. JJ. Olson. H. D. Watson. P. A. Gen rnao. O-. W. Stuner, 1). J. allium. F C. JJutler, A. K. Myers, Prof. F. O. Frank Jin and James R Wood A committee on revision of the con MUuHoa and bylaws was named us follows: C. M. Channel!, r. C. Butler ad ft. S. Seley. Constitution Adopted. The constitution and bylaws, as " ma Donra of d rctm- .-.f .v, of success in their own business. They can Jump into public employ ment only by the political game. Tihose in political jobs have the time, the acquaintance, the money of the taxpayer and his time to carry on their advancement and promotion of their own financial interests, whereas the citizen must use his or her own means." The fight of the taxpayers to head off the constantly encroaching ,.u,u KiiiiiiM. aiiu i:uniiai.aiiuil la a losing one. It is a two to one bet that all the various millage taxes will be carried by default of the citizenry to turn out in their own interest, when every group of the selfishly in terested voters will be at the polls May 21st. AVo are too far gone in the San Francisco, Mar. 23 By furnish ing reliable ami up-to-date trade In formation direct from Mexican cities, such as Guadalajara, Monterey, San Luis Potosi and Pepic, so that business men of California will not have to make all their inquiries through Mexi co City, Nlceforo Zambrano, the new Mexican consul general at San Fran cisco, is seeking to build up friendly trade relations between the two- coun tries. Senor Zambrano proposes to have monthly trade bulletins sint from all the large Mexican cities enumerating tne products for-export, with their prices as far as possible and other de sirable information. In addition the bulletins will state what goods the Mexican merchants are in need of and the desired methods of shipment. Supplementing this will be he exhi bition of Mexican agricultural and manufactured products maintained here by Lazaro Basch. commercial agent of the Mexican government. The consul general expects to earn- on hi work in cooperation with h s.. r rancisco chamber of commerce. Although he has SDent Years, in nnh lie life, having served aa mwrmr..- ..r me state of Nuevo Leon and later as treasurer of the republic, Consul Gen erai,, who, incidentally, bears a striking resemblance to Presi- ueni mrranza, says he is primarily a uusinesn man, and realizes the oulck est way to inspire mutual confidence and good will between the business men or tne two countries is to get them started doing business together. Afri can business men have no hostility to ward Americans and would rather buy in this country than from European firms, he said, but American must be alive to the fact that the Eu ropeans are bending everv etfn,-t i capture Mexican orders. Washington, Mar. 23- "republiean liberals " might new political party to "fight boubon autocracy" in an effort to restore in dividual liberty was sounded in the senate today by Senator France, re publican, Maryland. With repeal of national prohibition iT i "unase acl " tne cauriheu county. -., icuidiike piaiiuiui, iDniit-I tor France declared that liberals needr not hesitate to "raise the battle against the reactionary forces of autocracy and un-American bourbonier." "The democratic party, under auto cratic leadership," he said, "inglorious ly abandoned the sound doctrine of the sovereignty of the states, voted with out screuple huge powers to the c.vf executive, who in violation of the con stitution and of every cherished prin ciple of liberty created the most poV- enul despot in the world. The rieht to appropriate water from the south branch of Mad. creek for the! irrigation of 221 acres in Umatilla county is sought by W. C. Weathers, ' Herman Warham, C. E. Smiley, Wil-; liam Murphy, Phil Murphy, Rex and j Roy Records of Freewater. Oi in an Cup- , Salem Auto Radiator Shop Radiators. Fenders and Gaa Tanks Repaired Tractor Radiators a Specialty Ford Radiators for Sale ISS&ntljgt. Salem, Or. Warning that ia',t,!io:Uion with Pl're' h, ,. . ; Per, state engineer, Monday. uiner applications lor water rights were filed Monday as follows: By C.u-rie Li:ee Putnam and Eva! Luce of Riverside, covering the co-, struction of the Ljcc res; i voir and the appropriation of stared water for the irrigation of a 49-acre -tract in Mal- FORD TRCCK WITH TWO TO.N ATTACHSIEJfT. RCJfS I.IKE A TOP . OSCAR B. GINGRICn MOTOR & TIRE CO. 37t Court Street Phone 131 ALLOWANCE n:ade By Charles L,Wimcr jut ..Mirtie Creek, covering the appropriation of i water, from Frozen t-reefc for the irri gatijn of siBiiil - tract in Douglas county. "; By. William. Wiedeman of Rome, covering the appropriation of water from the Owyhee river for, the irrlga tion of J5 acres of land. " SLIDE CLOSliS CAX.VI, Panama, Mar. 23. The Panama canal has been closed for two days If th ..m.Mi. ... ,u,i . trowuTO oi a laiiusinre in tne cucar now become""th"e p'ar o TT 'tZT' and of liberty " he declared "then J?8 ' a official announcement. there mus be i 'newand ifberaVparty f? ,"w t0 which Ehn7.,? Ji ll - ,?al:?.tne "'s and make the canal safe thA miiUmia t A.a,.i .u iror SIJIPS fey Thursday. - vj 4uici.ui3 nnu nun uc 40" Has Conquered Blood Troubles Scrofulous Commercial club, was adopted tenta ! e"tal'liBhnm( ot the ruling oligarchy lively by the Salesmen's club, to hold our own. The proposed mlll- A brief talk on the alnm .f ih taxes and the regular state, coun- Baulzatton and its value to salesmen ty llnd Ioeal tllxea ,his year' on tne in any line was made by James Elvin valU:'t'011 ' 1"'. nU the demands secretary of the Y. M. C. A. and an'"rarry' wl" ,ransfer leas' thirty anient booster of salesmanship. million dollars from tho pockets of According to tentative plans tha tne t:xlaye'' to the pockets of the. aaiesmon'g club will bo addressed by ent'fll!i"1i,- The legislature of Ok eoiuiietent speakers on salesmanship la,loma at th! lat session appropri- m.i Kiiiarea subjects, Pleasure wilt luea pl!Ve" million ns against the le combined with buslnes aaa r. . UICKUI JUUlMt llUl H IO 1 'I R l nill intin. ed by Mr. Hutchason, and the nieni- nceorrtl"S to tlie figures printed and - win rorm in a general movement " ve ana,il i,m' ,nllt the: wealth wcuerment of themselves as salesmen and in the promotion of the welfare of the city. Public Forum Editor Journal-It Is 0t popular nentt ,"'? n"""" nentl but a few principle mm be ()b. served by all citizens who aro engag- ,n "o campais,, tu preterv JJnKerican Ideals. The world war has ",e, 0,(1 b'l,im,!B ot and relations between the citizen and fvernment two lines. 1st, there tas been an enormous resort to so tltamthat is, the functions of sov eminent have been multiplied, ' iy rreallng commisHlons, riepaitments otate und federal taxes an.l n, '. 4n j i... , ... JUH.ness. until the average familv in uui.i . .. . ,,j, , oouars per fl&V t V... , .... wi various Kinds, and busi nens men and private corporations a , more, second, the number uf office holders has been multiplied mid I the wages paid has been advanc l from fifty to one hundred percent. TTie old American maxim that the Joile who are governed least are Koverned best has been entirely swept war. With the cry for higher mnr. the burdens of government have been doubled ami are to be trebled ,.ud quadrupled if It l permitted Hlnoe the citizen ceased to be Ihe Boveiiilng influence. That power In the selection of candidates anil :rr.vln (he elections, in framing leg. islntion and creating offices and nils- g salaries ha long since been lak 'i out of the hands of the mere prl ;vem cltlseii, the taxpayer and self ustainlng business man and has been,.,! by those who are theo retically supposed to lie puhc Bcrv- -ms nut nave l and population of that state. Our next contribution to organized offi cialism will bo about forty dollars per capita, man, woman, children and dogs. Yet, we say the people rule. I know that a stern rebuke is await ing the activities of the Marion coun ty taxpayers league, as the -i umiuiiH. nimn ,a n mo race are both annoying and dis figuring. Sores, ulcers, red,.i,a glandular swellings, inflamed eyelids wasting of the muscles, constipation, a form of dyspepsia and stomach trou ble, can ajl be the result of blood troubles. "Number 40 for the Blood" an old doctor's prescription, is the best treatment for all forms of blood troubles known to medical science Made by J. C. Mendenhall, 40 years a drugget, Evansville, Ind. Sold by Schaefers drug store. (Adv) wo escape Indictment as bad and, un desirable citizens if we keep up, our fltfht against jumping tha state levy from 3.2:1 to eight millsv,' v E. 110FER. I'OCOAXITT Oil MAKF.S A SPLENDID SHAMPOO jjt' If you want to keep your hair in good condition, be careful what you wash it with. Most soaps and prepared shampoos contain too much alkall.Thls dries the scalp, makes the hair brittle, and is very harmful. Mulsified cocoanut, oil sjhampoo (which Is pure and entirely grcaseless), Is much better than any thing else you can use for shampoo ing, as this can't possibly Injure the hair. Simply moisten your htllr with wa ter and rub It In. One or two teaspoon fills will make an ubundnnce of rich, creamy lather, and cleanses the hair and scalp thoroughly. The lather rinses out easily and removes every particle of dust, dirt, dandruff find excessive The hair dries quickly and evenly, und It leaves it fine nml silky, bilght, fluffy und easy to manage. Handbags fq brocades, in beaded nets and in combinations nf ni. crochet and beads are featured in the lines now snown. SUPERIOR COURT CLERK TESTIFIES More interest is boinir shown i ruling. Anti-Uric each dav. Peonle iuhn i,,. class has always captured our state (found relief and cure from rheuma- taxiiavci-s llllPltn. Wa will ,ln wall Ifltlsm hv lit,!... I 1 . . ..-.--. . w ..... .w ..v.. - j uo.i.u lt iicive sent 9 attnpa endorsing it and are recommending It to their friends. J. J. Groom who lives at 122? Fulton street in San r rancisco l the. clerk of the superior court In Judge Griffin's department he is very, well and favorably known n an rranclsco and any endorse ment of a remedy by him Is sufficient to cause even the most skeptical to aomit mat Anti-Uric must have mer it, Mr. Groom said: IITIL . . jviiepinausm and it,s attendant painnad me nearly crazy. I was afraid at one time that I would lose the use of my .arm. Anti-Uric vas brought to my attention and I decid ed to give it a trial. It started to cure me from the very first and I can confidentially say that it has cured me. It has been some time since I used the last and I have not had any return of the rheumatic condition. 1 want you to use my nnme In any way to let others know of Antl-Urlc for I am sure it will cure any rheumatic condition." Antl-Urlc has proved that it Is the master o rheumatism and lis kindred ills. It is a purely herbal remedy and up to a few years ago was manufac tured ror physicians to prescribe to their patients. Since it has .been on the market' many friends who are as enthusiastic andsnre of the results it will give as Mr. Groom. We are sure that Anti-Uric will relieve and cine mand restoration of their liberty and of their liberties." Along with repeal of the prohibition amondment Senator France urged "re consideration" of thaar whole- subject, with local option and use of "certain alcholic beverages." Some of the planks were: Operation of railroads by represen tative of captlal, labor and the public, under interstate commerce commis sion supervision. Rejection of the "iniquitous" treat of Versailles and immediate establish, ment of apace with Germany. Reduction of the hierh cost nf iiv. ing, with economy of federal expendi tures and reduced taxes. ; A navy second to none and a vto. of military training, but postponement of immediate universal training-, Bolshevik Ready To Launch Spring Offensive, Belief Warsaw, Mar. 22. (By the Asso- ano. Saturday launched repeated at-1 elated Press). The bolshevik! Friday tacks along various parts of the Polisli front. These are considered hv the ' military authorities to be preliminary i me long neramea general spring; offensive. The attacks -were repulsed by the Poles, nine hundred bolsheviki i oemg taken prisoner in the two days usuung. Buy Remnants - AT THE .- Remnant Store 254 North Commercial W. W. Moms House Furnisher ouKetmorefo, Money ar. ,..: m Drarerh ourwopu Hamilton t-ourt Street It is estimated by Corvallis real es tate men that over 19t) families were forced to leave because they coulfl get no place to live. For Colds, Grip or Influenza and as a ' Preventative, take LAXA TIVE .BROMO QUININE . Tablet Look for E. W. GROVE'S signature on the box. 30c. (Adv) For Dy&neut-iu, Indigestion Heartburn, belching, sour acid stomach, gas in stomach, etc., take a teaspoonful of . Eisurated Magnesia in a half glass of hot waterafter eat ing. Is safe, pleasant and harmless to use and gives almost instant re lief. It neutralizes stomach acidity and sweetens the food contents so that digestion 'Is easy and painless. Sold by druggists everywhere. (Adv) Mm . ". Morgenthau May , Be Ambassador To Mexico Is Rumor Washigton, Mar. 22.The selection ot nnry Morgenthau former ambassa dor to Turkey, to be ambassador to Mexico, is expected to be announced soon from the White House. No offi cial announcement was available to day but H Is kifSwrf that MtV.Morgen thau's name is foremost anion thno under consideration. VETERAN MARRIES BRIDE HE HAS NEVER SEEN oauta aionica, Cal., Mar. 21. Cap tain J. o. 1. Cochrane-Barnett, Eng lish veteran -of the great war. and jwrss Joan M. Layton.: daughter of Major. N. Layton of Old Park, Chichester, England, were carried here recently. Haptain BarnctU has never seen his brldei he Is blind, having given his vision on the western front. "', . Captain Rai-nctt..m Miss Laytrin at a function in Erigi-md, after he had been Invalided horne. After the Aied ding the bride and groom left by auto mobile for a lelsuretl'tour In Cflrn..,,!,. when, the grooiij, despite his physical handicap, successfully manages hfs own wheat ram U. , . I " 1 This Laxative " Is Now in Half a Million Homes ,They regulate their health with ; Dr. Caldwell' Jyrup Peptin WHERE there are women and young children and elderly people it is always well to have a mild, gentle-acting laxative like Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin handy. This is a combi nation of simple laxative herbs with pepsin which does all that is required in constipation and does it with safety and comfort. It is free from narcotics and may be given to babies. Half a nu'llion mothers have it in as many good American homes, and these fami lies are healthier for it. Every drug store sells Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. In jpite of the fact that Dr. Cali wttt's Syrup Pepiin is the largest jeilinj tiqiad laxative in the world, there being over 6 million bottles sold each year, many who need its benefits have not yet used it. If you have not, send met name end address for a free trial bottle to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, ju Washington St., Monticello, Illinois. , DR. CALDWELL'S SXBSS pepsin THE PERFECT LAXATIVE You can get Mulsified cocoanut oil sum! two si inns nnv nt'inr ui.t.-n t, iu an., ,,. n ..t. .t ..... .. coine the ro,ti-.lii, 1 , . " ' "!""' J" i in u.nuu.iiii uuu we will power In public affair, it Is i, . ?. 1 '.' W ,u""'e!, i relma tlu' Prohase price to anyone 'respectable to be a mere tax ..TTR wryone in the who has used it and is not satisfied '"ntrlhntor to the support of th?. I V f" mn,ha' ' ' Adv) with the rcs,lis, et an outfit of An- rlous political machines. They n.-.. ti-l ric from Perry's drug store today - - ' minu ii "mi Kin it null. I A(IV) and give it a trial. A Surprising Improvement In Comfort often comes to the coffee dinker. when he changes from coffee to Postum. That seems to be the sure way to detenriine whether coffee 'is harmful. ff any discomfort due to coffee is aisiurbin you, change to 'wsai Pose uh The standard of quality is hih there has been no increase in price ' and the taste is most satisfying to those who enjoy a coffee-like flavor. At Grocers Mad hy Poshrni Cereal Co. BatUe Creek, MicK The, Egyptian .'tcntlMicv in ieweb-v" l quite marked, Eaneciallv. itr,i Are the hand wrought Egyptian plac ques to be worn a chains or strlnss of hl.',.la ..)-.,,, ,U ..... ' i"f necR ann tne carved heads, used in the frames of hand-bam. FOR LONO DISTANCE AUTO TRUCKING i' ; WiilametteValiey Transfer Go. . PHONE 1408 WE ALSO DO. LOCAL HAULING Doyousinin your bath? Have you that feeling j the momms of being born This is a joy accorded only to m. fqct health. Radng b!cod high spirits are two results of ex ercise regular living and rcmi?r bowel evacuations. will keep the poisonous v.-astc movkw cut of the body. Every' other fcrmrf treatment irritates or forr the system. Nujr-1 works ca the waste ter instead of cn t!-.c system. Nujolprcv.entscor.sUrati.-nhvketp. ing the food waste soft, thus lc!,ia(. Nature establish easy, therein bowel eviicuotiun at regular intervals- the healthiest habit in the v.crid. It is absolutely berroltss and vumM to take try it. only Nujol m,rk Writ, Wu, UhoratorK., Oil Co (New JmS 50 B?Jlwy, New York, fo, bcoi Tffi ret of Danger. A New Method of Treating art Old Complaint , 3 THE NEW DISC BOWL of the UNITED STATES CREAM SEPARATOR ''Best ever seen y for skimming clean." dHaa been perfected and so simplified in construction that ' it is the "easiest" to caro for and is unsurpassed m skimming qualities. Bowl spindle is detached. Discs are exactly alike, unnumbered and therefore interchangeable. A patented transfer device for easy handling and washing of the discs and two simple tools for opening and closing the bowl are labor savers. The cream regulating de vice ia easily adjusted for any desired density of cream. r You are invited to a free dem-' onstration of the superior poinU, found in the New United States Disc Bowl Separator. '..-. Come and See .JM- .aKViu. SbiSij !09 A sectional view of UicpcrfeclcJ Disc Bowl. MAIIIOS CltlCAMKHV I'ltOIHIK I'OJIIMSV, S.MEM, OR. YOU don t have to pay the present high prices for your jams, jellies and preserves , nor the high price for store candy. . Use J&ro-thetfceat American Sweet for every purpose. Karo is another word for economy. . ' Many women have learned that Blue Label Karo is not only a deUcious spread . for pancakes, but will sweeten their food at!! fn sugar, and makTthe most wholesome Home-made Candy, ' tewed fruits, candied sweet potatoes brown bad mulEns, coffee cate.pudS -hundreds of foods are now prepared by the best cooks with Karo. 7 4 NOTE: Your grocer is selling Blum r-ji v by th don cM3-the best and chTatLtv 1 to buy it. Ask him the price. wa f,VRi?UCTS REnW"G COMPANY n 17 Bry pUo 'A' '.- flf"1 mm i II m mil ".:' tm '!! 1 m H i v