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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1920)
LEATHER FORECAST. Oi-on: Tonight and Tuesday prob jLly rain, moderate westerly winds. ' jiRainfslI, .1 inch; river, 4 ffft, stationary. i Hipp YEAR NO YO " " " Lt-gfSr . Associated Pre Full Leased Wire j H- 1 SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY. MARCH 22. 1920. PRICE 2 CENTS. I Sparicican Movement Sweeping Eni ire GertriQny 1 1 Hefim Liite Anne Food Scarce irv ilie Associated Press) Berlin, Notwithstanding the return of the Ebert govern stent to control there, still pre sents pretty much the aspect of an armed camp with the food supply short and sanguinary fighting occurring at intervals in the suburbs. There is little change in the strike situation. Serious troume occurred in the Moabit industrial quarter Sunday night and m one conflict reported Sunday, twenty Spar tacans were killed in an engage ment and twenty four others who were captured were sum . marily executed. In the Ruhr industrial region, im mediately adjoining the allied zone of occupation there is veritable civil war fare, with opposing armies of com munist and government troops draw ing up their forces In line for battle. Government detachments have been dffeated in some preliminary skirm ishe - Lelpsic has quieted down after the government victory there. Among the agricultural population in some sec tion of northern Germany there increasing unrest. Southern and eastern Germany are reported fairly quiet. There is threat, however, of a renewal of the general strike in Bavaria because of dissatisfaction over -some of the terms of settlement Murder of Cork Mayor Produces Stir Over Ireland Cork, Mark. 22. Thousands of per sons assembled aLthe city hall today In preparation for the funeral of Thomas MacCurtaln, lord mayor of Cork, who '" mi uouiu oy an unknown sassin early Saturday mornlnrf , Trains brought great crowds to the clay this morning and the shops were closed in order to afford the citizens an opportunity of testifying their respect me mie lord mayor." , ' . . ..a-,ii- - ' London, Mar. 22.-Dispatches fro Ireland Dl. - . ,, , muraer of Thomas MacCurtaln, lord mayor of Cork, to have produced an. Intense, if subdued -"u.un tnroughout Ireland. . This "Keay, says the London Times cor """""i in uublin, closed one of "w.piacKest weeks since the rebel i is is. He gives a long list of T varlou Parts of the island including five murders of policemen , a others and an attempt to kill Pro fessor Stockley of Cork. '" The motive of the murder of the mayor continues as mysterious r. Among the theories advanc- 1 one that MacCurtain was mur red as a warning to otners because he recently had the courage public 's' to deprecate an attempt to murder a Policeman in Cork. . Lo"don newspapers declare Ireland r the moment is largely under the aom nation of secret murder societ In , hi members f which are sworn J , those whom thfy believe to "and In their way. ' It is remarked as a phenomenon "ut murder societies" members after hlle begin to be suspected of rrnir lng each other. Existence of these opposed societies is declared possi ble owing to the "moral cowardice of "w Irish republic." The crimes the ocietles commit are repungent to better sort of Sinn Feioers, who, ""wever, keep silence, fearing the 2L quence if tney condemn assas "ations, the papers say. kVn npOTsnnn... 1 J - 1- A Fatmo wiucn support . me rule, while cnndPTYiiifni? what they regard as the present evil sy-; tern of Irlsh g3vernmentt aso de, , , e irishmen themselves for con mng methods which, they say, are ' establishing a condition of an and terrorism. . Tne antihome rule Morning Post gain attacks the government today d Camp denounces Field Marshal French 1 charge of perjury in connection with nd James Ian MacPherson, saving: hef testimony in the trial of her hus They are bringing about the hide- band, Edgar Woodcock, a San Fran ks necessity of reconquering Ireland Cisco educator, for murder, was set by force of arms," and "civil war is for Monday, April 12, by Superior hin sight." .. Judge Louis H. Ward here today. Bean to be Candidate Again; Six Others File Henry J. Bean )..i ,. .v,. n,rnn dsmnrratic candidate for delegate to uireme court, is the first candidate the national convention from the sec- leaped from the Good Samaritan hos J formally entor th 6 fac e for nomina-ond congressional district. . pital here some time last night it ""n s a candidate for a place on the J. F. Reddy, Medford, democratic j became known today. Cusack had wpr-me bench. In his pettiion filed "candiate for delegate to the national j been at the hospital, under guard, 'th the secretary of state's office this convention from the state at large. J.lnCe his arrest here last January for '"ning Justice Bean who i. a can- Rawies Moore, Medford, candidate , pos8jble deportation, when the local diftaii. f, i., j ., . .. v ,h- democratic nomination for dis- j headquarters of the communist labor ""ai Justice to all." Other filing tlav' y'were- " Jame, H . Uni . n date7 . 7 U Hooi Riv ' senll n!min!n district ' n"mlU " t(J '"car nomination far "district a fur Deschutes countv. i '"orge C. Blakealey. The Dalle. fn Dalles, iiu"iui uvnson Jiutnor Of Anti-English Remark Sims Informs Probers Washington, Mar. 22. Rear Ad miral William S. Benson, then chief of naval operations, was the official who told Rear Admiral Sims "not to let the British pull the wool over your eyes; we would as soon fight them as the Germans," Admiral Sims testified today before the senate committee in vestigating the navy's conduct of the war. Admiral Sims said the remark was made Just after he had received his final instructions from Secretary Dan iels preparatory to his departure for England cn the eve of the entry of the United States into the war. He added, however, that it was not made in the course of formal instructions, but dur History and Operation of Salem Gas Company Shown to Public utilities of the present dav are greatly handicapped In their oper ation because of law imposed restric tions, making the public service busi ness vastly different from the private concern, William M. Hamilton, divis ion manager for the P. R. L. & P. com pany, and manager of the Salem Gas company, asserted at the luncheon this noon In the Commercial club of busi ness men. Following the luncheon the business men visited the gas plant at the foot of Chemeketa street, and were schooled in the manufacture of gas and coke, and In the operation of the plant. . , i Mr. Hamilton declared that the pol icy of public utilities managers are oft entimes misunderstood and fnlstaken as arbitrary. This can readily be un derstood, he said, when it is known that almost all the activities of such concerns are governed by laws of the state, providing penalties for both com panies and agents for any violation of conduct. . ' In a pamphlet handed the business 'men the history of the Salem Gas com pany, showing its marvelous growth and enterprise as an integral of the community, is shown. The Salem Gas company was organ ized in 1869 by C. E. Burrows,' David Tuthill and others. , The franchise Ordinance was passed by the council of the city of Salem No vember 22, H6I. -' . The first customers were connected September 17, 1870. The plant has been in continuous operation since 1870. The P. R. L. P. company acquired the property, to gether with the electric light and pow er and street railway system in 190T. "When the price pf gas was $2.50 and $3 per thousand cubic feet, ana coal and labor was cheap, the plant paid a satisfactory return on the In vestment, but as has been the common condition with all small gas plants of the size of this one during recent years, the revenues of such plants have but barely paid the fixed and operating ex penses and in some Instances have not even paid this," Mr. Hamilton said. The owners of such plants look for ward to the day when the growth of the' business will reduce the unit cost of manufacturing the gas to a point where it can be sold at a reasonable margin of profit. The officers of the P, R. L & P. com Dan v realize that this growth can nnlv hp hrnii srht nhoiit hv mmnlvlnff 1 good gas at the proper pressure and at j practically the cost of manufacture and distribution, and by giving satis- factory personal service to the patrons m., . oii Their policies in the management of the company are therefore shaped accordingly, even though it may not always seem so to some of the com pany s esteemea patrona Manufacturing data on the pam phlet shows: Used per day 7 tons of coal, 24 tons of coke, 46,000 gallons of water, 5$ K.W.H. of electricity. Made per day 80,000 cubic feet of gas, 3 Mi tons of coke, 2 barrels of tar. Perjury Trial Of Mrs. Woodcock Is Set For April 12 San Francisco, Mar. 22. Trial Mm Aline Harr s WoodcocK on f,ir Jackson county. ! Abijah Fail-child, Enterprise, canal- j date for republican nomination lor j district attorney for Wallowa county. than a guess tnat ne migni I climbed down a fire, escape. He was ...nvnewsoaoersaresaidtohaveiin his room at 2 o'clock this morn- been sorted between !780 and 1785.;ing. it wu ;- .tO. .....r ithnHM wer first Bel - v-irvuitt-" i7tM ln 1759 and in Birmingham In London in 1 ii ana in m n:i Th increased so rapia:y mat , som e wis matt proposed to tax inm. i VUl K H it UU1 Cjfl iyOVlJLaii JilUil .8458 ing a conversation In the office of Rear Admiral Palmer, chief of the bureau of navigation. The witness told the committee that Admiral Benson repeated his admon ition during a conversation the fol lowing day and that he mude the same remark six months later in Lon don. Admiral Sims said he did not pay particular attention to the statement at that time, because he believed Admiral Benson was intensely anti British. He added that this belief was entertained generally throughout the service. The witness was reluctant to give the name of the officer, but Chairman Hale Insisted. Business Men Today Alaskan Steamer Floated; Resumes Northward Voyage aeattie, waah., Mar. 22. Reports reaching here today that the Pacific Coast Steamship company's Alaska passenger steamer Admiral Evans, which grounded Saturday near Sey mour Narrows on the Inside Passage to Alaska was floated last night and proceeded on her way northward un damaged. The Evans In the fog early Satur day rammed and sent to the bottom the Seattle tug City of Lund. In try ing to make shore to survey the dam age, the steamer ran aground. Mexican Politics Wax Warm; Three Candidates Enter ' Mexico City, Mardh 22. Thousands thronged the streets yesterday to greet Ygiiacio Bonlllas, Mexican ambassa dor to the United 'States, who has an nounced his willingness to become the presidential candidate of . the civilian party in the general elections July 11. ' Newspaper comment and published Interviews with other candidates and government officials Indicate the president fighlj has narrowed down to Bonillas and Alvarado Obregon with partisans of Pablo Gonzales waging a more or less extensive cam paign. . General Obregon has been touring the country and speaking for more than four monKhs while Gonzales has contented himself with the formation of political clubs and distribution or. campaign literature. The candidates all declare lor tne maintenance of Mexican national rights, pacification of the country and other generalities. Platforms, how ever, are virtually negligible, since the campaign Is being waged on personalities. Obreaon's supporters declare that the Carranza adminlstra- tion is opposing me imuu. --" dacy and is using its resuu.. - cure the election 01 eoiiiua. Irtiarroa. tceether with intimations that Bonlllas is ineligiele tor the n.iniv. and tnat ne is noi a. Mexican citizen, have been denied by civilian party leaders and govern ment officials. The claim that he is the candidate of the protestants has also been met with vehement denials. General Frederico Monteas, tormer ,vprMr of Guanajuato, who was the leading spirit in the recent conference Other speakers will be T. E. Mc firo of sixteen state governors, has Croskey, "What w owe to our dads'; 'declared the sole purpose of that c7n-(W. Iference was to guarantee free and I oriv elections. ' . , .. . CAB ranMn Affuiiar. son-in-iaw ui iiM - Vera Cruz is supporting Bonlllas. The belief expressed early in the 'campaign that the present adminis tration would hold over nas virtually ! disappeared, since entire taitn nas . ..-. i- D.uilanl r,acran7Ji's oeen piai.-eu in reiterated declarations that he will not hold office a single day after the expiration of his term. Ident Carranza, who recently re signed as governor of the state of Desperate 'Red' Makes Escape trOm HOSpital Portland. Or.. Mar. 22 Frank Cu-j sack, alien, said by local immigration j authorities to be one of the most des- j Derate radicals in ths northwest, es-, natty were raided. Hospital authorities were uname t0 throw any light on Bis escape otn- up-men nr v taken in custody were lounu sum; . ..,,, dav nf IoIatln uj -- - ..... - Great Effort . - BeingMadeto Finish Drive With- a small select team of volunteer workers a final and gi gantic effort was being made this afternoon, and will be con tinued Tuesday afternoon, to complete the $100,000 fund for the construction of the Salem General Hospital. . Fortyifive thousand" dollars have been raised thus far by, Li;. i : a : . mi - . i puuuu suuseripuun, ine county will give $25,000 when Salem people have contributed $75,000 This small volunteer army therefore has to raise more than $30,000. The drive offi cially ends Wednesday night. The volunteers were entered Into the race for funds at the noon-day lunch eon of the business men in the Com mercial club this noon. After a brief talk by Thomas B. Kay of the necessity of making a final spurt and effort to raise the funds, several rose to their feet and offered their services. Volunteers Out. The volunteers are: Oliver Meyers, Roy Wise, A. C. Boehrnstedt, John W. Todd; Luther J. Chapln, John F. Hutchason, William M. Hamilton. Ben Vielf, D. D. Socolofsky, William Mc-. Gilchrist Jr., Thomas B. Kay and Wm. Busick and F. W. Jobleman. Senator Charles L, McNary has sub scribed $500 to the fund, Mr. Kay an nounced at the luncheon. The campaign has been handicapped by the lack of workers, Mr. Kay de clared. Many of the committees have not yet reported and he urged that they make speedy accounts of their ac tivities. ' It was decided at a meeting of the hospital committee Saturday that the campaign should end- Wednesday night. Plans were then discussed to make this last battle for aid. Woni'cu Aid Drive. A women's committee, formed by Mrs. G. C. Bellinger, Mrs. James Elvin, Mrs. Dr. E. E. Fisher, Mrs. W. E. An derson, Mrs. W. II. Hamilton and Miss Mattie Beatty, joined with the forces 'today and began active solicitation in the city. Their' work is expected t bring in big results, it was Stated at campaign headquarters. i . Unofficial reports today showed that, laboring, men of the city had -not for gotten that the hospital campaign Is on, and are still working hard to push the project overthe top. When final reports of the activities of unions in the city is made townspeople will be surprised at the loyalty of Salem's or ganized labor. It Is said. ' The Salem General HospltaJ founda tion will be laid about the first of May, providing tha funds are raised with which to erect It, according to the ten tative plans of the hosptial committee. It has been suggested that a half holi day In the city mark the-laying of the cornerstone of the big structure. Whether this step will be taken has not been decided definitely upon yet, it was said. Lads and Dads to Feast Tonight at .Christian Church! Monday night at 6:30 o'clock, the "Lads and Dadn" banquet, given by the Brotherhood of the First Chris tian church, will be held. Eliju J. Stivers, of Eugene, will be one of the principal speakers at the affair, tak ing as the subject of his discourse "The importance of church taking an Interest in the lads.' P. Walters, county T. M. C. A. secretary, "Lost A boy;" Reverend Leland W- Porter, pastor of the First r',n nt,.,vtl " T r ,1 - I, an ln... Lads as an Invest itiitwu.H ment;" Reverend R. L. Putnam, pas tor of the Court street Christian church, "The Importance of Chris tian education and Christian col leges;" J. B Coolly, "Lads an, chums' More than a hundred plates have been so far reserced. Reservations may be made by telephoning to T. E. MeCroskey, manager of the Commer cial club, or James Elvin, secretary of the T. M. C. A. Delaware To Act Upon Suffrage Amendment Soon Dover, Del., Mar. 22. -The general assembly of Delaware convened here In special session at noon today to consider ratification of the equal suf- frage amendment to tne leaerat con- stitution. After organization each ho'use recessed until this afternoon. The question wilt not be determin ed until after contest over' chaiigfs in the supreme court code is finally settled. TOTTFRIJrO OK sVM YEARS The famous Leaning Tower of Pisa is of pure white Carrara marble in the Gothic style. Its departure font the pependicula has been valous Interpret ed, but there Is little doubt that It arises fromthe softness of the s ll on which It stands and which has given way. uiw.w,...m..B . ......... .rnpf it has now stood for n.orc than 600 years without rent or decay. ,,,-.-.. - . - . -- Shrine Club To Meet And Shape Entertainments, Further arrangements for the enter tainment of the thousands of Shriners who will visit this ctiy June 23 will be made at a meeting In the Commer cial club Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock of the Shrine club here. Reports from the various committees that have been appointed to make arrangements for the entertainment will be heard, and other plans formed to make the c?is tingulshed party's visit in Salem one of pleasure. A social time, Including a smoker, wilt feature the club's meeting. Ar rangements for the Salem Shriners to participate in the Imperial session In Portland In June will also be discuss ed. All Shriners are urged to attend this meeting, as well as the others scheduled tor each week until the time the Shriners) arrive in Salem. Officers Come to Return Auto Thieves South J. E. Tancey and A. P. Cochrstn, deputies from the sheriff's office at Bakersfield, Cal., are In the city today conferring with Governor Olcott and local police arranging for the extradi tion ol Russell and Raymond Eyerly, brothers,- who two years ago stole an auto at Bakersfield. The Eyerly bro thers were arrested here last Thurs day, following search throughout Cali fornia and Montana that has been re lentless during the past year and a half. .Deputies Yancey and Cochran arrived in Salem Saturday evening. They said that they expected to leave for Bakes fleld with their prisoners this evening. According to the deputies the charge that faces the brothers Is more seri ous than first believed by police here. The pair Is charged with burglary and grand larceny. The deputies said that they broke into the garage from which they stole the machine. $24,000 Marion's Share In First Mot Split or Marlon county's share In thw first distribution of funds received through trie registration of motor vehicles, Just completed by Sam A. Kozer, dep uty secretary .of state last week, amounted to $24,819.45. The distri bution Is made semi-annually on March 15 and September 15, under the provisions of the law of 1919 which requires a division of one-fourth of the receipts among the various counties of the state in proportion to the amount of the fund originating In the various counties, in lieu of the personal prop erty tax from which automobiles are now exempted. Marion county's automobile owners have contributed a total of $100,830 toi the 1920 registration fund up to March 15. Of this amount $3015.19 Is charge off to administrative expense and of the remained one-fourth Is returned to the county for rond purposes, the other three-fourths going to The credit of the state highway fund, According to a summary of the dis tribution prepared by Kozer the total receipts for the 1920 registrations ag gregated $1,573,500. Of this amount $47,305.37 are deducted for adminis trative expenses. In the distribution $381,548.68 Is divided among the coun ties and $1,144,645.87 is placed to the credit of the state highway fund. National Labor Leaders Confer With Strikers San Francisco, Mar. 22 Headed by its chairman, James O'Connell, the executive committee of the Metal Trades department of the American Federation of Labor is due here to day to confer with labor leaders In Pacific coast shipyards In regard to the strike In the Srin Francisco yards and other matters vital to the local organizations. The first conference will be held tomorrow. Labor leaders In Los Angeles, Se attle, Portland and alt other Import ant shipbuilding centers on the coast have been asked to meet the commit tee here. So fir as Is known the com mittee will not old conferences In any othr coast city but will return directly home from here. O'Connell aided In negotiating a higher wage agreement the almged breaching of which by the operators led to the shipyards strlM which be gan last October and which has on tlnued Up to this time. The operators held the agreement had not been completed. Hl'Jf KHIP Pl'RCHASKD BY ARGESiTlf A TO START Rf"?f Buenos Aires, Mar. 2. The former German steamship Bahla Blanca will sail for the United States March 31, ac cording to a semi-official announce ment here. The vessel, brought by Argentina from Germany during the war, has been the subject of diploma tic exchanges between the Argentine government and the allies, which have nevftr-ret-ognized the transfer of flags on the ship. Conditions Faced by Ebert Goverment Growing More Serious Hourly is Report Berlin, March 2& Conditions in Germany were described by .the minister of defense this morning as extremely seriooa. -"You can't paint the situation throughout Germany too black," an official at the ministry declared to the correspond ent after a survey of the reports that had. come in during; the night. v The situaation in Berlin itself ; was characterized as "bad." In . ' one case a company of volun- teers had been overpowered by Snartacan forces, its officer killed and their bodies mutilated. The southern and eastern parts of Germany are reported quiet. To the north of the Spree In the Be lln district, the outposts of the regulars have been withdrawn, leaving: detach ments to guard the stockyards and railway station. Marines Leave Berlin. The marine brigade and the Baltic DEATH TOLL 8,000 Paris, March 22. (Havas) Eight thousand- persons have .been killed since the German revolt broke out on Maroh 13, according to ad vices received here. Of this number 850 were killed In Berlin alone. ' troops, which occupied Berlin during the Kapp regime, have been cleared out from Charlottenburgr and have Joined the other military units at the Doeherlts camp, where all are refit ting. These troops, It was stated, will be counted as the chief protectors of Berlin. Neuokolln and Tempelhof, the worklngmen's residence quarters In the suburbs, where disorders occurred Saturday, have- been quieted by gov ernment troops nativities. Kpurtucan Force Biff. Tarls, Mar, 22. Spartacan forces In the Ruhr valley of Germany number at least twenty thousand, and some es timate them at forty thousand, accord ing to latest advices received at the f&relgn office here. They are well or ganized, being composed of old shock troops and veterans, supplied with ar tillery, machine guns and mine throw ers and having batteries of 77 cent! mer field gun with plenty of ammuni tion. ' William Major Beerfeld, a, relative of Maximilian Hardin la commander of these troops. He was prominent in the Spartaclst troubles at the time of the armistice and also In January, 1918, Ebert government authorities are concentrating troops and planning to surround the Ruhr valley and force the Bpartaclsts to capitulate. These men, however, are younger and less trained than the reds. Treaty Violated. The occupation of the Ruhr district by German troops is in direct viola tion of articles 42 and 48 of the treaty of Versailles, it was pointed out at the foreign office which added the com ment that this was the first act com mitted by Germany In violation of th treaty, the other violations being those of omission. Two German officers have been sent by the Ebert government to acquaint the French authorities with the situa tion In the Ruhr district. These offi cers are expected to reach Paris tMs evening. The foreign office advices regarding the composition of the red army In the Ruhr region are that It was ra cruited for the most part among the Iron workers, A general strike has been called In Munich, and It Is expected the move ment will extend throughout Bavaria unless It Is stopped as a result of the negotiations now In progress to settle the demands of the worklngmea to pay during the period they were on strike against the Kapp regime. Meetings are to be held In the Wurttemburg factories by the councils of workmen to consider If similar action should be taken throughout Wurttemburg. Reports received here from Nurem berg suld that city was quiet on Sun day, following some disorders the pre vious night. Red KuiwrfuM-n Spread, Berlin, Mart 21. The ministry of defense Informed the correspondent this morning that the conditions In tne Ruhr district were becoming worse. The towns of Oelde, Ahlen nd Dren stelnfurt. In Westphalia southeast ot Muonster, had been taken by the com munists, it was stated, and the move neni was spreading north and east, Pitched battles hud been fought the ministry's information showed, and 'wo crack regiments of government troops had been foreed to fall back on th fortress of Wesel, on the right bank of the Rhine, twenty two miles north west of Essen, after heavy losses had been sustained on both sides. Ten of fleers In one n-glment were killed. Stuttgart, March 22. (By The As sociated Press.) Troops from Silesia are officially reported to have arrived In the Ruhr district,- and fighting with the Spartacan army there Is expected tomorrow. It Is officially stated here that the estimates placing the size of th red forces In the Ruhr region at seventy thousand are exaggerated. LON DON'S FIRST COFFEE HOrSE The first coffee house established In London was 1652. Coffe was heard of In France was lr.S and bcame fash j !, inutile In Purls in 1669. CIRCULATION Average tor Quarter Eodlcf December 11. Aiifn ic I hf AWT1 125 Feet When it ; Strikes Another ; A serious collision. In which an auto belonging to E. L. Williams. 672 Lambert street, Portland, was thrown 125 feet across the curb, sidewalk and Into a tulip bed on the lawn of the Gerald Volk residence, corner Capitol and Market streets, occurred at 4:30 p. m. Sunday. Five occupants In the Williams car, and W. B. Emery of the Mapleton Stock Farm, Macleay driver of the other auto, escaped with out Injury. A front wheel of the Williams tar was torn oft, and both autos sustained other serious damage. Williams re ported to police and deposited $5 bond to appear In court March 27. The collision occurred while Wil liams was driving north on Capital street, and Emery was entering Cap ital street from Garden road. Williams) Is said to have been driving at a high rate of speed. He was ordered to ta port to police by Mr. Volk, a council man. Deals Totaling High Negotiated By Byron Here That Carlos L. Byron, convicted In Seattle ot using the malls with Intent to defraud and now serving a 15- months' sentence at McNeils island following the withdrawal pf a stay of execution, numbed amer; his pa-, trons about 40 '"prominent merchants, professional men, school teachers and others In Salem Is revealed upon the return-from McNeils Island of a rep resentative of the Salem people who had dealings with Byron, Byron's operations were those o( promising to locate people on govern ment timber claims for the payment of a sum of $1000, su oi wnicn w paid at the time of making the co tract, with the provision that this mon ey be returned If the location was not made, and the balanoe when the pro pect was located 'pit the claim. He first came to Halem in August, 191J. and was a frequent vlistor here up to as late as December. Suspicions Roused. All of his deals were negotiated with persons with whom he came In per sonal contact socially and no suspi cions that the deals were anything oth er than strictly legitimate were held by any of the local people until the news of his committment to prison reached the city. Early this wek the local peopte who contracted with Byron for location sent a representative to Interview him at McNeils Island regarding. what n intended to do toward maklfig good the money they had paid to him. The report ot this representative upon ht return Is as follows; i That the money paid to Byron by Balem people Is still Intact and secured by property holdings of Byron worth many times the amount of. the claim held against him. Protection Claimed, i That Byron has made satisfactory provision for the return of the full amounts paid to him by Salem people as soon as he Is free to make a settle ment. That Byron was convicted of oslnsj the malls "with Intent to defraud," and that In the 20 years he has beeit operating In locating people on gov ernment lands not one person with whom he has had dealings has lost any money. The total amount of money Involved In Byron's Salem deals totals from $40,000 to $65,000 according to various estimates. Reds To Be Shipped On Relief Vessels New York, Mar.-22 Relief ships to be sent by the United States wlthia the next month with flour for needy countries of Europe also are going to be soviet arks, accordingto Information 1 obtained from Immigration official I here today. More than four hundred Russians, Finns and Poles from all ! parts of the country will be shipped ion them in groups. I The deportees will Include many I who were arrested In raids on mem bers of the communist party In Janu ary. FIRE DESTROYS SPEKUWAY GRAXDSTANO AT TACOMA Tacoma, Wah., Mr. 23. Fire of unknown origin this morning destin ed the grandstand of the Tacoma speed way, causing a loss according to offi cials of the speedway association of $150,000. The stieedway is eutaide tha -it,, limits fir snnaratus from the ! nearest stations were s-nt to the seen jbut fought a losing fight because or i lack of wo.lor.