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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1920)
FClTSTESff ncEi ; f cunr.iait csrsimpf,' ramrrcx cirjcr.'.'TtiuiisDAV. eveninc, December i 020. tag smii Notices, Business Opportunities, Locals, Lost, 3Pound,; For Rent, Etc ' ' M 1 MLssified for.Easjr Ref erence. i -vr r: ; ' ffi TODAY.: 1u"v OAljH Mxes, for r.iKhed,by n. A. Holts, 1 i prra j taKSO, O0 "uura or L I 8. L. Burroughs, flHmi . Drainage 1 FOR, 8ALE- Bee. of th Director of Ilia Umatilla lint riot, Blanfiald, Oregon. FOR RE.N'TFurouihed Apartment ,. ;" ; . 'i A certified chock, in .the mm of f -19 One vemw nA lvdn?nH. . ....... . . Hiifc'-i,.i.... i.. L ., -'.'n,iFor nmii.ini toiai amount or tne u wipijMion.nmi. h Also 10ft es bid. must Acenmnanv each nronAKuK FOR , RENT Housekeeping ment Ptinne 594-J 11 1 i " ' i i- Apart FOR SALE FOR BALK J6 II. P. Holt CettrpUla murgn Ktori, t FOR BAkHWrwa-haiul clojhlnn, at. i.tioit , 6n u. Mam mi. Olet i rusty itifubator-r-Pljone 30SM. rOll BALE Tw year leaae and outfit on 21 acre alfalfa-land alt seeded AddrwHi E. F. Plerson, Hermlston Ore. rOR BALK OR l.&ASBj dhaftp rarfh aw, wi qulppd -Abun. JAnc or rani joining Addrt Jt, a, A'aitor, Qulney, Wash. SEND FOR LIHT of real estate for sale Geo. M. Cole. Wlllamloa, Ore. SURVEYOR'S leveling twiwii for saleinquire Water Bust., City Hall FOR SALE month old plff" A4 dre Grorg La Fontaine Bos IS. FOR SALB All ktndt or Ineorano '. M. H. Eat, 414 Mat B4.. Phone 404. FOR 8ALB Solid- oak cabinet graph fl'hon and 160 record. ' Cabinet ld leg reoord-gond condition P4He24V..W at call 120 Market. FOR KALE New gruphonolu cheap i" term If desired Inquire at The Putlm. AUHiKK-s PAT'OLD CHICKB oetter than ever. For the toett Iter red Hoeka, R. I. Reda, Brown Le. fcorne" and White Lekhorna. , t ti. ulre chicle Order nqw for l!J J. R. Mumiire.' 717 Oreirnn ( Vnrt. land, Oregon. ' i . i The aueceiwful biddor wUI be requir ed to fiirnbih a ibond in a ttiim equal to the total amount of hi bid. The director of the I'mntllla Druin age Platrlct, reserve the right to re ject any or a(l bid. ' '' ' v ' I. .O. PRARBO!, Pres. ' "', ' '" " ' A; IKiLTK, Bee. 1 ' Handy Business Directory of Pendleton and Vicinity thli Directory la eapeclallf handf (or the out-of-town reader who may want the name and mddreae of rteponaible ttalo men vita t epteoel the following line. Ail re reMbie, Mnpeoaible aualnea concerna who u dready to five joa prompt rvlee. FOR RE'T furnlHhed hoiieke?p. I room c4oi In I'hone 343-M. " ' l'wn jh..N'i Room with er without JXjnrd -tlose In Phone T45'iJ. I KilKKNMAKING Mr. llPMie ElKItia, 1? ThompK'm Phne JJO-W. . CARTER 8MTTHE, AtXrBr at H EMSTITCiriNO Mall order Mr. Lew. Office In rear of AattrloM Ilalph ttameil 417 Buah, Fhoa National Bank boJkltac III. Kdlt.RBNT Furnlahed hot,Pkoep. lBEtB NMITHT fo wall' paper and . in room IS Jane. Phone 39,M. I , houM c'a"'ng Call evenlngg. Ii-J OR IIKN'T- Heunekeeplng ApU., In - private hoai oa .North Hide I'nona -.-.,..( : , I MRS. ADA FIELD ptrtlla, eoraetler I Pbone 124-VV. Addrta (14 Jan. RKOIKTERED and pedigree Cheea peak Hay-RetHevrr Pup for aale. America w beat duclr ; dor, 'excellent """"""W lover or children. Juat rijfni tor meaj ChriMmM r1ft.W. -R. Magulre. 77 Oregon 8t Fortland, Oregon. , . FOR RALK ( head ot good mule, 1 j FOR 8ALK 4 SO acre A-t wheat i head of horse all good tock See Bturgi v etorl. FOR. BALE Mt)rop4 abUH ' harer, 11I oel. geed term Bturgi A vtorkkt' " 1 PPIANEIHIO i-i. 5; 4 land, located In ht vhui .ui in Washington., 210 acre In crept can be bought with or without equipment. Chamw to lees (40cres Jolnlriir. Good terni offered. -No 'gnt Writ H. FVnder, Prec(tt, Wash. ' ia. IX8 ANdF.LKa Cel.. Dec. . (A. P.) Navy seaplane No. li, with 10 person aboard, fell fro an altitude of 1100 feet into the oreai) off Newport Reach, about 20 mile south of Los Angelea harbor, lata yesterday and for hour drifted- about until midnight, The plane waa returning to Loa An gel from atrip of Inspection to Ban !.. Over Newport Reach, the en gine' broke down, but the pilot man aged to volplane to the wiUej. The plight it the plan wae net Ilea' during the' daylight ' .although only a mmraratively short diseaaee(f shore. When night fell, the crew sent up .rocket. Residents of Newport bench saw them. A , rescuing pnrty wa oranited a,nd the crew' taken horo. ' ' ' . ' . IXJH iUR u. r - Fin borne on the North Sld,it e t romi 4 . .4,3 yt ' room reeldenee. do In oa easy iwymente. - Is room ralAnm h...l a I have hounes for aale In altnott any part of the city. , - , , fo. W. Elder 111 Main 8L ' '' Re. Phone 17,2-W. Phone 1)3 Nnilce of Kid for Count run Ion of Crosswalk Notice is hereby.-cWen that sealed bid wll. ho received at the office of the City Recorder lu' to 5 o'clock "p. m. oa December 15th liift. for th conntructioo of the following described concrete Crosswalk la the City of Pendleton: . ', i Croswalls.on Railroad Street on the west llne of Lllleth Street, :, ' 1 Crosswalk on Railroad fitceet on the west line ot Aura Street. ' I 1 ffaiCr tlrfl lie rr 4 ltn O . at,. v H4V UH 1113 1 011th line of Bluff Btreet. ' frr 1 frown wulk nn t;lBl Gtrt AM 4t.lvu west line of Aura Btreet.'' '- ' I 4 ..i m . 1 - . . . 1 4 v.iUAwaiJK on inmin oirecl OB in west line of Cvntle Street; 1 -' 1 Crosswalk on Aura Btreet 01 the south line of Tustln Btreet. ' " 'l'Croaswalk on Tustln street on the east line of Aura Btreet.' ''''- -:' ? 1 CrosRvmlk on Iiew-1 Street on th went line of Jeff pnvls Street; FOR RENT Front room with bath .' for gentleman only 11 g Jefferson sireer.," .. . , . - , FOR RENT Front bed room. In prt- vnte home moaenable J 14' Jane ttreet. ',1 i,r - j' - FOR RKNT Furnished room at fill Bush Br., posetbly arrangements for beardV ; , ..1 FOR RKNT Downstair J room Apt. AilulU only Phone 289-W 197 Aurac St.. .1 RENT Nice . RMDlDg rooms. Board across. th street. Phone ttl-M. . I1C Ocu-deo. MATBRNITT and oonvaleacent h pitaJ Mr. iraU. 114 & Bluff 8t Phone 177. , . L . THE COSY LODQINO HOVSK has been taken over and now under ns' management, J. M. I!Utt , RAa RCG9 and carpet woven. Also " first class crocheting and embroid ery. All order promptly filled, See wheelers, at 1300 W. Railroad. 0 We WAW1 and clean the finest ruga satisfactorily. .... Reference - gives. We makeefiuff rug from old, carpets, Walla Walla Rug and Carpet Clean ing Co. Phone 14)77. - ' 8. A. LOWLC Ahoroey tnd Counsel lor at Law Office In Deeimia HUlg, 3. A- NEWPKRRt. Attorney at La,w. I ederai ihilldlng, PETERSON, HIHUOr at CI.ARK, At torney at Law. Boom S ssd 4 stnlili-C raw ford! Illdg. , B. PEKRT, Altornay at Law, Office orsr Tailor liardwaee Cowj- pasi, . ... ... , ,.... n . . RALEY, RAIJTr STE1WER. Attor- ney at Law. Office In American National Hunk Bntldiaut. , FRED H. BCHMirr. Attorney ai Law. Boon Si, knltiaarawforil Bide. ....'. "... THB OREGON JOURNAL delivered t eent a month, Sunday laclttded- FOR RENT 2 room apartment In u3. W. tiooker, agent Office, Alice BATTEniES PHILADELPHIA DIAMOND GRID BATTER 1E8 guaranteed' fcr II mon'i. W. E. cbaae Co 121 B. Court. Telephone 211. Peodlstoav Fuilhag nidx... 901 Main Bee Mr.' F. M. Hampton, Rom 9 U. S. NOT ENTITLED TO " TAKE PART IN LEAGUE . FOR BALE One of the best estab lished hardware and Implement house In the northwest; Under one manage ment 20 yearst Did 1SS thousand dol lar business thla year, stock and flv turea will invoice around La thabund dollar. Located, la new brick fluid Ing on best corner tn town. Btre ha full cement basement. And furnace heat. 10 year leas ran be had" with low rent.), Larger Interest In Califor nia reason for elHng Write II. Fen der, Prescott, ' Wash, ' af once.: No agent. '-' ' ' t! 1 UOOil TO RNT for two young ladle ' or: two young men can get their own ftrtakfust or lunch mornlne 'I Crosswalk on Jeff twvur Street on, id evenings rhone 241-M. , the north line of Lewia t-treet. ' I 1 t rosswalK on iseauregord Btreet on tne sontn line or ijewi street; . 1 fresswalk on. Lewi Street on the east line ornenuregard Street. "" The Common Council rererves th right to reject any and all bid at It pleasure " Dated This, 2nd day of 1120. December, TWOS. F1TZ GERALD, -' Oty Recorder. LOST AND FOUND ROY AGE 15 wants Work oa ranch for board while going to school- Call jo-j-iw. ,,.....;.." FOUND Boys mnckinaw, .a-wnee-can have same by calling at this office, proving same and paying for this ad. -f- USED CAR EXCHANGE WANTED WANTED Sewing plain or taney ' Phone l(-M. WASHINO AND IRONING done . the. day Pboae 730. W.- n by Shinning Parlor (Al Ric hardeoo' Ploee) 101 l(ai St, Phose lit. MARRY AT OXCK We put you In correspondence.' with thousands, of charming and refined ladies who wish to marry, many, worth from. 11.000 to ftSS.0 and upward: Particulars free. Address Allen Ward,- B 7S1, Valley. Nebraska. AUTO TOPS PREBT-O-LITB BATTERIES Best by competitive test..- Hervlce ea all makee of batteries, rvaranteed. Prel O-UTB Servto fitatloa, 491 Court Pbone 1(4. MADE TO MEASURE 1 x yy Ml! ilart K. Franeren, C3ks aUO OPTICAL DA L8 ROTH W ELL Oplom-KrWt sad Optician. Olaese ground to fit your eyes, American National Bank Build log Ptione get OSTEOPATH Pit. CL E. HOLT OsteopalM. phyafM clan and Burgeon. Judd BIdg. Tele. phones, office eo4: Hekl-nce SIP-W. DR. W:.NA M'CON.NELL Osteopa thic physician and surgeoa. Temple ldg. Office pboo 1 4 7-J. Res. 114-la, CATERPILLAR WORK. tATJCHPiLJAKa, harvesters, ga en gine, automobile and geaeral blecksmlthlt.r. '7 KOtitld Up " Oaraa-e, Parks, Xebergali, til West Weak. WANTEi GOOD CLEAN Tbe OregocUxa office. OADWA' AUTO TOP& Plate Glee. Eaci, aid "-trtaJn-.g4 RAGS AT Oosit Ht, ' ' I WANT TO RENT a house for a year or more Res. phone 2K5-R., F- M. Rilty,' business phone S2. .... .jr WOMAX would lika work oa ranch Willing to work for small pay during winter months Phone 15F4. - WANTED TO RENT Furnished or unfurnished bmi . enfurnished preferred Apply to Wilt H. Bennett. Phone 15I-J-- asws-ja , n nn1 'iTgjjgj-i tu WHOM IT MAT CONCERN:- 'I I hereby give notice that my wife ! Motor rv. .... . uln, ;iy jur vtu mm board without cause or provocation and against my will and wlshc. and I not now living with me; and all per- son are hereby warned and notified CLERKS, (men; women) over 17, for ; Postal Mail Bervlce. 125 month. Experience unnecessary. ; For f reo particulars, of examination, write J. FOIt.RLIHud(onJo,cmllon.lon-r'Ji (former Civil Service Ex- HOOvUO hrenuel Motor. Ca, 14 Gaiv sea,, i.-r '- .- - -' ton BALE Lexington Roadster, A condition 714 Thompson street. I FOR SALB Overland model 14, per. feet condition, 1525. 01 Frestxel WASHINGTON, pec. . .(A. P.) The United Kiates, net )le- s,-Tnirra-her of the Ieague of Nations cannot participate lit tbe deliberations of the league council, pr . of any comtutwloa acting under th council. President Wilson has decided In declining the council's Invitation to appoint Ataeri can representatives to sit on the coun cil' commission on the reduction of armaments.. The president' decision was embodied In a comunlcatlfln sent today by Acting Secretary bf State Da- vi to Paul Ilyans, president of the league council. ' Sympathy, however, was expressed by the prerident "with any sincere ef fort to evelvoe a constructive plan for disarmament which I necessary for the economic rehabtllatlon, peace and lability of the wo'rteV . 1 " , OREGON CHEESEMAKERS AND BUTTER INIEET rot to extend to the said Esther Miller ny credit upon my account a 1 will rot be responsible for any bill here- alter rontracred for by her. Dated Decomber 2nd, 1910.' -I;"'.-' GOTTLIEB MILLER. FOR BALE Chevrolet, 1110.00. Just overhauled Frenttel Motor Co. . PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. The ele venth annual convention of the Ore gon -Butter and Cheesemukers open ed here today. The program as an nounced by ,V, ,Dy ChupjieU, of? Cor vallls, secretary, Included addresae on many subjects .pertaining to dairies. Butter and eheeso exhibit ure a fea ture of . the .convention. Butter .will be scored by F...W, Bouska and cheese liy L B. Zelmer and Otto Frteldll. "'Fonowfivg'' at -Bdri-'-' by -W-Y; Franklin, Portland, president, P. M. Rtandt, of the-Oregon Agricultural college was orj, the morning program for... a talk on i "The Dairy Council tuiij the J)aliy Industry." It W. "Ihoina1), Coos county cheese inspec tor, nlso was ,ot the pro-gram for 'Observations." The afternoon pro gram Included an; address-by C."C. Chapman on "Uw Makers and Law Breakers."" : F. W. Houswa, Chicago, on "Neutroil-uiHon.',. George Jacohr aon, Portland, '"Pasteurisation.' Ohrle Nelson,' Myrtle' Point, "Gassy Milk.' NOTICE Nolloo ot ntytnent 4 Ctty of Pcmllc- tnr Ortrrsl fndchtrcnies Bonds Notice Is hereby given that City of Pendletoni General Indebtedness Bond No I to 0 inclusive will be paid upon presentation thereof at the hanking house of Koilntie Rro, 141 Broadway, New-. Yertt City after January 1, 1921. t Intet-est on the above Bond cease January 1, 1!L, Dated December I, 1920. ! : ' . LEH MOORHOUSE, Treasurer, City of Pendleton, by H, W. Dickson, Deputy. FOR &ALE Or will trade for - live ntoc-k, one Ford truck large body, tn f the. running order new tires See Echwara, City Meat Market 101 W, Webb.--r- -- - ' - - FOR SAI.F We have a few 'second hand Ford, priced from 1160 to 500. These are alt. worth the moneresll and see them Simpson Auto Co.. Water and Johnson SM. ' " -. nminer) S.4 9 E'liiltalilo Ktdg., Wash ington, D. C. . AUTO ELECTRIC WORK WE REPAIR anything electrical on ' an automobile. W. EL Chase Co. I ' .- TI11K CARE '' ' WeDon-i-W-aillotoo tsta Stage' . ' lse Weston for PendletM it :te. m. and -11:44 n . Leave Athena for-pendtetos at e 1:01 a. m. and 1:00 p ro. Leaves Adkme for Pundleton at - :! a. tn. and 1:! p. m. Leave Pendiete (Allew-Khlght Ca. btarcr "Or Weston at 1:M 4 a. m. and 4-p. m.'" - '' " O. H. MeF HETtRIN, Prop. CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS PARKER As BANFIELD, Designing, Engineering, Coo-nictJng, 14 years experience in concrete and brick con struction, a li Third St. North, Port- land, Oregoo. CHIROPRACTORS POULTRY SUPPUES ; CHIC FOOD, Scratch food, toalca. 1 Done, shell, grit, corn, oats, roiled barley. Umatilla Flour at Grate Ca, PHONOGRAPH REPA!RI3 PHONOGRAPH REPAlRJNO Ail make Warrrn' Mania Hoaae, lt Mala St, Phone 114, PIANOS AND PUYEBS PIANO TUNING and repairing- Le Moun Phone (52-R, -Jack DR. R. C. ELLSWORTH Specializing in nervous disease and disease of women. I to 11 a. m. to 5 p. m. Evening 7 to 4.' Pbone 7B, rxnitb- Crawford Building. HIGH GRADB PIANOS of pleastadl tone quality. Players af lndlvldaaBty, Its th construction that ananta. piaao on display, write or phone na Ore- Hive, 128 Mate M, Rwaw 17 if , Par nail. Factory Rep, Xolaa M Chase Piano Co. . rtkx Br--Pendleton Awb Slhge Leaves tin Rock at I a. m. w Leave "eiylleton . 10:30 .. a Leave Pilot Rock at 1 p. m. Reaves Pendleton at 4 p. at. : FANCHO 8TUBBLEFIETJA!. Prop. 4 e444ata. a AUTO TRANSFER A. M. HOYDEN Stand o Heaulng Cigar store. Country trip I'booe . AUCTIONEER COL. W. F. YOHNKA Auctioneer. Call at Fturgt A Storte'a Implement Co., for al date. , ., . DR. LENA A.. BOONE -Chiropractor Office hour U) t 12: t:3 K 1:04, 309 E. Court St., Laatz Apt 14, Pbone 977. CLEANING AND PRESSING MODEL TAILOR A CLEANERS Pressing and retailing. 3U4 VI. Webb St. Ilvone 321, Pendleton, Ore. DRAYMEN W. O. FISHEftStand Rilty Kemp, raoae AlS, ... I K. WILLI All SON 8 And at GrtgO Cigar Store P hon. 1075. AUTO TIRES AUTO PAINTING- T MEN WITH YEARS of experience - Motor Inn Garage, 711 Cottonwood. Ward A. Uoagtaad, Prop. FOR RENT FOR RENT Rooms 407 W. Alt. I PENDLETON CYCLE CO. AJax, Re vere ar.d Kevare tires, tit K, Court Street, APTS. AND ROOM8 , AX9A. AP9H jl R RENTLEY te CO. Goodyear and FOR RENT Furntsfcetf Afcartmenia-? 402 Tustin. ... ... XoMr of Hid 10 Furaiah 1nmbrr Notice Is hereby . given that sealed bide will be received att the office of the' City Recorder In, Pendleton, Ore gon up to '5 o'clorlt j; nw on December lttlj 1980.' for furnishing to The City of Pendleton, F. O. B. the Lee 8trt RrldKP 1000 fet of TUmber ii In. by 12 in. by W ft.' The Common Council reHerve the right to reject any and all bkla a Us pleasure. Dated: this tnd day of December, 1920. : THOS. FITZ GERALD. City Recorder. FOR RKNT Furnished houakepng rooms Phone -204-M. ' - FOB. RENT Turn limed room 1114 . Court, . leopisg Diamond Tire Tir wrrtc oil and acoeeco riea- AKa an.1 Cardea Sts, WALLACE! BROS. Flsk Tires, eerds or fa brio. We. do our own adjust. Ing 80-u Jotonnoa St. GURTSON MARTY Gate Half Soles; 400O miles 'guaranteed 1-2 coax et new tires, ST Cottonwood 8k FOR RENT Sleeping room Inquire 110 Aura, Phone 342-11. . - REPUBLIC DECLARED T.BY VIENNA, Dec. 9. (A. P.) The Funfklrchen district, 105 mile south west oflt udnpest, which waa awarded to Hungary by the peace -Irmly, has been declared the repuhllo of Baranyn under the protection of Serbia, which promises military aid la th event that Hungary attempt to occupy the dis trict according to dispatches from Agram. The action followed extended conference between th Belgrade gov ernment and 'the fornir Hungarian (iilnlxtrs jnskl and Lindner, the dls ' patch ala,, ; , . , . IN POUND Th following described animal have been takes up by -the marshal ot th City of Pndeton,' towlt; " On brown mare, 7 year old, weight 1100 IN. Branded on left shoulder. VX connected en side. Left bind foot ' Porrel yearling colt; no brand. If, ald animal ar not claimed by the 'owners er those entitled to their possession and coats and expense paid and taken ' away within ten day from the date hereof, then at 1 o'clock p. ni. on the 19th day of No vember, 1920, the said animals will he old to the highest fcldder, at public auottofe te cash, at th City Pound, In wvld City of Pendletoa, the proceeds ef such sale to be Applied to th pay ment of such costs BJid expenses of making sal. ' Dated, thla ftth day of, November, till. ;.- . ' At' ROBERTS, City Marshal.' NOTlCF, TO CONTRACTORS . 'Sealed hid will he-received by th Directors of the TJwiitlll, ' Drainage District, at the office of the-Furnish Ditch Company, In Stanfleld, Oregon, t;nttl five (6) o'clock p. m. December lOtfl, 1920 for the furnishing of all labor and materials for the construc tion of a drainage system as set forth In the plans and specifications a pre pared fy E. 8. Severance. Engineer for said District for the following Appro. Imetn Quantities. 24, too Cu. yds. Main ditch excava- '' I Uon. , . . I 5,0 e. j-nds. Lateral Ditch exca. vatlon. 1,800 lln. R. Clearing. S5.000 board feet of bridges. 70 cu. yd, concrete, . 2fl lln. ft. SO Inch pipe laying. I cu. yds. concrete abutment! Bid to b mad oa form a fur- BIMPSON TIRS- 8ERV1CB CO. Re publ an Fireetona tires, ords or FOR RENT Two upfltrnished house, fabric. S2S E. Court St Ftoea tit. keepiwg .rm,e-Phone 1042. - -- " FOR RENT Outside sleeping room. ; CO Barney Oldfleld. Goodrich Sll Phone 211-W, 4W- Lewis St, If desired. ' - ' AUTO REPAIRING WH DO ALL" KINDS of autombhUe ' and gas inirme-repaiiing West End Garage, WiWebB and Maple SU. ' THE "PIONEER" AUTO MAN Satis faction guaranteed. We repair any make.. Glen Lone, 431 Cottonwood. CALft PENLAND Bros, Transfer van to movs your household goods. We also pack or store goods, we do cean try hauling, 'felcphoae 33s. DENTIST DR. FLOYD CR0UR . ..... Dentist Boom 101 American Bank Bldg. Phone 32" Pendletoa, Ore. Painting and PaperHans!n3 PAINT WaU Paper. Picture rraa I Ins. U t. McAteav Use Praetieal Paint Ifan. Lowe BroeL, paints. v RADIATOR REPAIRING ALTA AUTO RADIATOR WORAU 701 East Alta atraet. All makes el radiators repaired. Work guars teed, C. Blashers. Prop. V , 4 RESTAURANT THB QUELLS. A good place to A, SECOND HAND FURNITURE WE BUY, SELL- or exchange house hold goods. We also do general fur niture repair work Phone 122. Jitley. & Kemp," 623 Main St. ' THE SWEDISH INSTITUTE' nR- H. M. HANAVAN Dentistry, Room V, Temple Bldg, Phone 773. EYE, EAR, NOSE & THROAT OPTICAL Dept., any si, styls or shape glaa while you wait.- Bv N. Rebar, M. D., 7. s, B, Belts Bldg. PERKINS 4k AMMONS. Automobile '- .n,l,ln. Tnnl nt.M.Ml Oliiil.. baker or any make of oar.' Service at any time. 830 Cottonwood, Pbone SNOW 8S. FARM LOANS ATTORNEYS GBORGB W, COUTT9, Attoraey at Law, Room 17, Schmidt Mock. R T veimR ljm I Room 24. Smllh-awf-jrd RolUliag. Board rcrtown Cord and Perhsylvaola Vacu- (FEE A FEB, Atteraey at Law. Of DOINGS OF. THE DUFFS :v HELEN IS NOT GOING m TAKE ANY CHANCES . . 5Y ALLUAN - TOM4kOI.OTHtMKN0N, -THAT HetCM l POiMd HE? OKU 1 ' Moose vwrICth Ar You weu.0 jv scb mmo of aj , ELECTRIC V4ASMW4 NAOWMC r XrtAT VQ ' Vot ICHOVI . ABOUT 'CM? y4H)l, porfr kTMOW MUCH APtVT THCM-I UMPERSTeWPf Titev Aae rVtiReAY heup to i T44y ClAlMi Wt? AB VEKX . I A ... .,u TirtOceAne! 1 F ll-WJ f'TkrMOW MUCH J i I n J Vi6ii.,71ev JdlfittT BE. A, .11 r goop THwt; AT i I 1 I ' 1 "MTr i -.r i i ii .r r s . i ..iii i.; 1 OrtjWltevB.VUluN O I i J kj Jltl NOWltSteJ.! I OwV WANT Vby TO SAY . 'A4,I.- J fOKieOuTHIRt 0 JWiM "'I f' I AWTmuSMOftEroTorlABOUrA V ' H AMIUOTS. PVeASEr .Vi j VJA3HlHMACtwe.-IV0tBEACr' ., i I .vy . Ht'S UASl.e. TO GST IT IMTOHI4 SORE! VoifU VltCbOKj 1 .. Vif V,1 -r r J. H AO THAT THAT A DAYTON, 117 E. Court St. Real Est it. Fire Insurance. Jjrana Loana Sew oa about a loan. ;-JUNK, JUNK, JUNKr 8RIN9- your junk to th PendiMcs Bid A 'Junk Co. eee u before yon tell. IV IX Cameron, Prop. KJODAK FINISHING PERFECT DEVELOPING and print. Ing for the amateur enlarging. Prompt work. TaJlman Drug Co. LAUNORY EVERY Article Laanderea Perfeetly. Vkere'a aa agent ' In your town Troy Lanndry. . (01 Garden St. HEMSTITCHING HEMSTITCHING at th Singer shop. Mail order promptly attended to. - Msssage and Steast Batlt Electrical cabinet bath, medical tub bath, electricity,' V-Say, vibrator, eto, at The Swedish Institute.- If yea suf fer from rheumatism, stomach trou bles, nervous, run-down, paralysis, adiposis' (reducing of weight) com and' see us. G. W. Brown. M. G. U. Graduated tn Sweden. Expert Lady Assistant. Over Taylor Hardware Store, Mam SL, 743. Phone 1179-W, SECOND HAND DEALERS , V. STROBLE, dealer In new and"s2 ond hand goods, Cash paid teg second' hand goods. Cheapest plasaj to buy household goods, 118 & Oewrt Pbone 271-W. . " SUGGESTIVE ' THERAPEUTIC! THE moat up-to-date effectual lead ing science practised. K. F. Gtboest P. S. T r N. D- Boom It Feebler Bids, SURVEYOR AND ENGINEER- LAND SURVEY General ena1neerts work. E. A, iansdale, C. B River side, Pendleton, Ore. TAILORS S47 Mala Phone 1808 IMI DELICIOUS FRUITS Gi-aite Friiit .... 10c . v i Figs in Packages, 2 for 23c Golden Dates, package? . . . '. : 33c Black Figs, lb..;. 25c Delicious Apples, box $100 and $4,50 Winter Banana ' Apples, box $2.00 and $40. ' ; ' Fall Butter Peal's,' : . basket '...60c BUTTERNUT RREAD 16c Dainty Cakes Comb Honey. 20c 40c THg Dean Tatom Co. Meat Dcpt Phone 86 Grocery Dept. Phone 688 !!ii!l!l!l!Hil!!H!ilIKni?H!ini I i i H I 1 I ' 1 ' 1 1U iii iiiiiaiiiiiiiEuiiiiiiiiHiiiisieiii y ..... m mvA-slMftA AAA A AA. AAAA-AAA AA AA M AAftAAAAAAA.ttVA t4Mfcfe4t AAA. AAA AAA A AA.ihiAiiAti