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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1920)
- . DAILY EAST ORE CON! AN, PENDLETON, OSEGOJC" THURSDAY ENTODE(Egl820. uoto : r - t J 0 AIR CAPTAIN HELD The (-election nf proper title (r a photoplay l onv nf tt nnwl tronble im tiiKkn hirh Ihe producer ban l hnmlle, H will he mnernlly conceded Ihnt the title mraii a great deal mid M follow that much thought bt jriven the selection of II. . , When pairi'ii f the Alia theatre we ' Ho'mf-r or Ijtter, uwen Moore's Intent Unlck Plotiire. during its one rtv enpiiKcniiMit today, It w ill soil to their interest In knnw Ihnt t.ouls Alan lm-nc who nroir ihe 8tiry especially t't Mr. Moore, rnlhd It "l'btns of Alen;' UaX later It w-m clvtriMed ti "VV'ho'K Who," and ihnt, family. It wan mveti to the picture pul)c tnidi;r lis )rcKcnt title, "Sonncr jir Iuer, Al!t AIM" TtUV M.tti;X or ;ki:at nr.AtTv iisTix;nsii xi.w in: Min.i: i ium f-'tnire RCttinRj of unusual beamy nre secured in any photoplay benrins; Ceill It. 1X Hllle'a name mid "Somciin To Think About," the Puranxuiiit picture which Hill be shown at the Arcade Theatre today esily reaches the hlsh standard et by previous He Mille pro. dticttoits. lint "Something To Think - About" has, in addition to several stase set tings f remarkable beauty, some, of the mo.t realistic backgrounds of a humble aort ever seen In a motion pic ture production. The story offers a crest opportunity for contrast and due advantage has been Inken of ever)- opportunity. Jn thin production, has been supplied a humble blacksmith's home, hi work rhop and the poverty-stricken apart ment wherein some of the most im Pertant action of the story transpires. Against this background Cecil It De Mille placed a home of exquisite beau ty. Hy thua eontrastins the xn sur roundings, they have emphasized the realism of one and the artistic perfec tion of the other. ' . Notable examples nf this dec-ativs lavishnexa are to be found In the Orien tal living room, library and music room which comprises one portion of the residence in Question. Another striking sample of the ultra-modern Influence In Interior decoration is in the dining room of the same dwelling. A boudoir ot striking beauty completes this household. ! . I t -m. v. fc ! V k v ".- . . i j . . . v,? CAPT.KCOLUm 1TESTVIULE. 0k1 K 1 1 h Collins, or Council Bluffs. Neb. former captain in the V 3 sir service, has been arres'.ed here, charted with participation ta thf robbery of the Burlington fast mall train at Council Iiluffi re- i ccntly Itonds and currency estl- mated at $3.5fl0.nttn were stolen ' Five other nae been arrested It is said Collins has confessed, claiming he burned his share of in loot, fearing detection I known officially, won the, world title, j Biu money has been made by Ia i londe in his athletic work. In the re jcent three-xame hockey series here It was estimated Lalonde received $ a (minute for the 180 minutes of play. NYENJ tUUilUr.1T AUU lathi I .. i nntryn A l?-OTTnk A r: I Combintd in Hood's Sartaparilla, s tbt Blood Medicine, ' E ta spite of th IncreasKd dosts H anil gi' Hi'arcity of imporiattt roots, hern. etc Ihe alaiul.n'd of quality ami the auantity of Hood's s t Sarsunari;) have been faltltfulw maintained, unit are today the same as when this medicine was II rut per fected and offered to the public. A bottle of Hood's Rirsapnrltla will averase to last three or four weeks, while others Inst but a week or two. and some even less time. - Hood's Sarsanarllla Is effective as a blood purifying am) tonic medicine and also after the Flu, Orip, fevers and other debilitating, blood-polsiMtlng diseases. It puri fies the b!ood. creates an appetite, and makes food taste good. m and SATURDAY Wnr Tav 'included ' " CHhWeN 25t ' 1 tTT TO Kl , We .Guarantee This Attraction, it is One of the Bigpest Pictures EvcV Brought to Pendleton. PRESENTS 1 1 'JtSSE L.iASKY PILOT ROCK MERCHANT Cy lS yVli U cat ; 1 i -e , . B VANCOfVKR, B. C, Iec. 9. (A. P.) "Newsy" lalonde, who has been called "the 'Babe' Ruth of Canada" recently completed him summer la crosse seascn here and left for the east to play on Montreal's team of "Fly ins Frenchmen" in the Xational Hockey Association race. Refore he left Lalonde helped Vancouver cap ture the Minto Cup in the western la crosse race. For 15 years Lalonde has been lie fore the Canadian sport public, play ing Ice hockey in the east in the winter and lacrosse in the west in the sum mer. Critics generally regard him as Canada's all-round professional ath letic mar. Although a veteran he Is as fast as he was years ago. ' Lalonde has played on several cham pionship teams. Several times the Lcs Csnadiens. aa the Montreal team is tKast Oregonian Special.) C.l'UDANK, Dec. . Frank Chap man made a trip to Pendleton Satur day. Airs. John Lightfoot spent last week with her brother. Will Chapman, while I Mr. Lightfoot was hauling wood from Ibo mountains. Ony Frerwh and family went to rilot Uock Thursduy' Utking Grandma French down, where she left for Port land for medical .treatment. Mrs. French hits been ill for sometime. I A d.ini-t) was j,tvpn at tne kosh snecp shed Saturday night by Tom Belts land John Ross. The dance was well attended, some coming from Heppner, Pendleton. I'kiah and Pilot Rock. A'.lirecht'a orchestra from Pilot Rock furnished the music, dancing until a U.te hour In the morning. A nice lunch was served cafeteria style of cake, sandwiches and coffee. Charles Kly made a trip to Pendleton last week returning home Saturday. Ed Hammer pulled another engino up from the Frank Jones ranch and completed the threshing in this vicin ity la.t week, i Henry- Lehman and Agnes Mettle camo out from L'kiah Friday. She was an over-night visitor with her sister Miss Marie Mettie and attended tho dance at the Ross place. They will bo on to Pendleton befor? returning homo to I'kiah. Frankie, the young son of Joe Pedro iwas taken to Fendleton last week to 'a doctor having been sick for several idays. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Tom are on the ranch -while the Pedro's are. gone. Try Instant Postum ten days instead of coffee; note ycjr feeling and then judge for youraelf. " There's a Reason " f jlHSTAKT CM I rlrr"Ti. :!OP0STUtM I i ii 1 1 1 1 i ' 'iTTTP'i? 00F.I WASHIN'GTOX, Dec. 9. (A. P.) iEetween 500. 100 and 400,000 children iwere deprived of schooling last year jas a. direct result of the shortage of 'teachers, according to estimates made by P. P. Claxton. federal commission jer of education, in his annual report made public last night. Xo relief for jthe. situation is seen by the commis sioner who added that while from 110, 000 to possibly 150.000 new teachers would be needed during . the 1 coming year, "we shall have at the outside 20,009 prepared'teachers to fill vacan cies or a deficit of at least JSA.OOO. Fine Residence on . North Side Will sell or trade for farm lands, business property, stocks or bonds. If interested address, Post Office Box 582 Pendleton, Ore. "HlCHESTt'R S PILLP Mi . t . 1 1 kke n MMf. Hoy r a tsMAji'lM fill NO rfLX,(otk VCMk ktwrwj as bt, gaiost, JaiMlyl k mt t ssv It if of f Mr " SUED FOR DIVORCE K " riLOT WICK, Dee. n.-t-Mrs. Charles I S Uracher entertained alsTroitp of friends la at dinner Monday evonlim, tho occa- 3 ion being Mr. Hracher' birthday 2 Tho table was centered with a larne S birthday cake bearing 44 sparkllna ! S candles. The guest of honor created a!s ileal of meriment by apix-aring In his 2 wedding suit, a "cut-away" dating Sj back unite a number of years. After S the presenting of a number of gifts, the evening was sent in playing. 500" The guest list Included Mr. and (Mrs. l.-oulu tiharpf front Pendleton. Missis Clara Pracher from Portland, Mr. atid!S Mrs. Ernest Fanning, Mr. and Mrs! 2 Charles Rest, Mr. and Mrs. William I Glass. Miss Velma Smith and Victoi S Pracher. ! C. V. Paulim returned Tuestlay 3 morning Horn a brief visit In Port- land. x Albert Gilliam was In Pilot Rock Tuesday. 'S Walter Gegner was a business vLsitoi ) ill no'i nirauii.i. . 1 A wedding of interest to Pilot Rock people occured in Pendleton Monday Dec. when Miss Gladys Ostawold of Portland became the bride of Louis Beck. Tho couple will make their home In theJohn Day country where Mr. Beck is engaged In the lumber business. Mis. Fancho Stubblefield was burn ed slightly about the face Monday w hen kerosene which she was pouring into the stove exploded. Her injuries are not serious. Mrs. J. Schannep is confined to her home with scarlet fever. Mr. jschnn- nep will remain in Pendleton while the home is under quarantine. Two new students in the Pilot Rock high school are Miss Garnet Wegner who has been attending St. Joseph' Acamedv in Pendleton, and Homer Landers of this place. Mrs. Pearl Russell who recently un derwent an operation at St. Anthony's hospital Is convalescing and expects to return to her home here soon. Mr Russell has sone to Pendleton to ac company her home. Otis Jones of Pilot Rock Is reported to bo ill in Pendleton. Frank Done has been employed by the city to operate the power plant. Mr. and Mrs. Kmery Hassell of Port- Jcnd arrived here Tuesday and will be guests a few days at the home of Mr and Mrs. Jlarion Smith. Airs. Hasscli was formerly Miss Winnie .Smith of this city. The election Tuesday of a mnyor and four councilmen for Pilot Rock created a great deal of Interest. Every eligible voter did his duty at the polls. Tho following men were elected: Mayor, Charles Rracher: Councilmen, Dr. Oscar DeVaul, Grant Chittenden Charles Miller and, Xewt Royei , Treasurer, C. W. Paulus. , . Mr. and M,rs. Ernest Hutchinson I spent Tuesday in Pendleton. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Scharnf of Pen- ; dlcton were htre Monday. Al Boylen trnnsagfed business in Pendleton Tuesday. .Mrs. Herbert Boylen, Jr. underwent an operation at St. Anthony's Hospital Tuesday for removal of tonsils. Miss Clara Bracher left Tuesday for Pendleton where she will visit at the home nf Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Scharpf. The date of the church bazaar has been set for Deo. 11. It will. 'be held in the Pilot Rock Mercantile Co. hDnni imnM e 7 1 i 3 A itfY ,'A . ,i'V .I- IDAHO CO-EDS HIGHER THAN MEN STUDENTS , MOSCOW, Idaho, Dec, 9. (A. P.) Co-edsf at the University of Idaho here are substantially better student that the university's male undergra duates, according to statistics for the ' "A S ' V. v o.. ' .si . i' X ..'J ... By- V-S.'V.- Jeanie Macpherson ,1 Tl;e Intimate life of a woman ' , .who thought she knew what 4 ...;.,,',, y; love Is. V'ntil loving led to hate, , ! .v. f : ' ' i. " - ' and' then V . ! - it ".;,.. - . . ' . L The rest is ' something never portrayed till now in a motion picture! An attraction as different from all that DeMille has done before as his "Why Change Your Wife?" was different from the first screen drama. ' Luxury, beauty, fasljlon, al lurement, as only DeMille knows how. But something more! With mnrin Siismi, i:ililt Dexter. Tlicoxlorc KulM-rts .Monte liluc. Bray Pictograph 'v- '' I J 1 '. , - - i -vV I x ' I ' -i V.; i , s : M' I ' ' v ,; ' X ' i t 1 ; '..j- J'- I ' ..i'.'"-r.iM,: l T l ; i - , - - 5 - v " v ' : : S y4 "1 V5T- I 1 s ... , , , vvr 'S J I v'V V . ! I l , -.... . V ' i I.', a . 1 Paramount yiciure iiiiiiimiuiiiuuuiiiiuuiiiiiMmiuiuiinuiiHiiiiiiiitiiiuiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinmii jni!I!lllll!!!lllll!l!ll!i!ll!ili!ll!!IIO!!!l!lli!! 1919-'2 collegiate year announced from the office of J. G. Kldrigc, dean of the university faculty. The grades of alt women averaged approximate, ly 10 per cent better than those of men students. i Members of the senior class led the lower class groups in the mattci of grades achieved, with the fresh men last. Students in letters and science made the highest averas among the several folleges of the uni versity, their grades running weH above those of undergraduates in technical courses. 'ALTA CHILDREN 10c i. ilillll'III.H 1 ill II ; i '4 v- X. 'f PASTIME X i bday Dr. Lynn K. Blakeslee j Cbronlo K 4 Nanrtraa IMsssisea ana I Dismms Women. X-Uaj tlactre I Therapeutics. I rempla Bldg. Booat II I Phone 41 t i DR. C IL DAY lliX-st. ami tSarceo Poo ma it and It Kmlth-Crswf ore t BuUdlii. Wal. Mil- K ...... 1 V. . 1.. V .1,11 Cl 1 1 f lace Schutx. an-n? nf waukee, has filed sua for divorce from Nadejda- Troubetzkojr. be cause, as he claims, ihe already has one husband. Mine Troubutz koy, safd to be a Russian princess, -.iid once called "the rnout beaotl ! tl Red Cross nurse Id Eurepe." was married to a farmer officer of lbs Imper&l curd, a Russiao pricce He was believed dead. Kost Oiptalo Schotx smts be has been discovered to be stive said rui in, sew York .uta. , . CHILDREN 5c ADULTS 20c . Harry T. Morey In A DRAMA OF THE BACKWOODS r ' The Gauntlet 0 Virile Romance of the Kentucky Mountains. Where "Moonshine" is made and "Furriners" are not welcome. HANK MANN in "HANDS UP!" Today Only ADULTS 35c . . ' - i i urt 'J';::' Ladk-Jii ' L .... w i vJV ft ft tl ' ti. OWEN MOORE ? Sel zn i ck Pi t r 1 ooner,'6riCa.teri i 3 X 3 L2 II se- r s - T3 i! ' i S3- El i jjvv ia xviicii iiuvvtic,, "' Direction Wesley Ruggles. , ' RHMIOARING FARCE! " ' Glean As a Whistle Made for liiiugliing Purposes Qnly. PATI1ENEWS v.1 Mr I t 'rM'1 1 E'3 13 2 1 'r:3 El II Z-3 JIIIII1I11IIIIIUIIIII1H 1 'J','"