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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1920)
. . , , i i , t V 1 ',). ' AC2 fCC&TLEN UAllX till ., r- ti-'pk :., ' , :;:Cv,i;.i.r jiiu CIS.? EAST C22aom, PE31DLETCJT, OSSSOIf, THURSDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 9, 1620. rOUStEEN PAGES 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 DAILY MARKET NEWS, LOCAL AND GENERAL Including Pendleton Prices and Associated Press Reports onmuR3TS OJS eyerett TRUE okn and No ArrUalti of tattle itionrd Only hog and sheep were reported in th North rurtlnml yards fur the Tuesday trade nd In both of th. lines wnknon and lower prices wore Indicated. Cattle fulled to arrive. In the ting alley there iai a drop of 6e In the price of tho start of the Wednesday morning trade. While tily about five loads came forward, the much lower prices shown in the KhM had the effect of forcing- learlsh- $Jf builders Flowers for Christmas Morning Give flower for they more than adequately express the sentiment of the donor to the recipient. Order by mail today and re ceive them tomorrow or phone In the morning and receive that evening. "Say It With Flowers" Walla Walla Floral Co. East Main, Walla Walla. new Into the local situation. Extreme tops were quoted here during the day at f 12. General hog market range: Prime mixed $ 1 l.MHf 1 2.00 Smooth heavy 11.00911.50 Hough heavy S.OOKf 10.00 Fai pigs -10.00 M 11. 0U Feeder pigs .00iff 10.5(1 No cattle were received at North Portland for the Wednesday morning trade. None were wanted. In the cat tle alleys the trade Is playing a wait ing game. Absence of supplies was not r,t all felt by the trade. General cattle market range: Choice steers Good to choice steers . . , Medium to good steers ., Fair to good steers Common to fair steers ., Choice cows and heifers , Good to choice cows and heifers Medium to good cows and heifers" fair to medium ew anil heifers 6.00 Common cows, heifers.. 4.00 0 Canners 2.50 pu9 5.00ISJ f 8.508.75 8.00 g.50 7.50 i 8.00 7.009 7.50 ,00 7.00 C.507.O0 .00 7.00 6.5C (.00 5.50 5.00 S.50 6.00 of P?uty '"Q' 017 TofcMo, Locu Frank J. Chsney makes oath that he Is ttntor partner of the firm of F. Cheney Co., doing business In the City of To ledo, County and State aforasatd, and that aid firm will pay the sum of ONE HUN- uncu 1A11.UK3 ror any case ot Catarrh wimi cannot oe curea cy th use HALL'S CATARRH MEOIC1NP. , . FRANK J CHENEY. Sworn to before mo and subscribed In tbl" th dy 01 Dccnibr (Seal) A. W. Gleason. Notary Public HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE is tak en Internally and acta tnrough the Blood an the Mucous Surfaces of the Bytttm. Druggiits, 75e. TesUmoniala fr... F. 1. Cheney Co, Toledo. Ohio. Chnlc dairy calves .... lJ.OC 14.00 Heavy calves 7.00 Si 9.00 Rest light calves 11.00VH3.00 Medium light calves .... 9.0OU.O0 Cholc feeders .50fi 7 Fair to good feeders ... 5.710 C75 Rven at lower prices, there Is prac tkally no market for mutton at North Portland for the Wednesday trade. liccelpta during the day were limited but these dragged heavily. General sheep and lamb range: Fust of mountain iambs $ 8.00 W 8.50 Willamette valley lambs .50 8.00 Feeder lambs 6.50 W 7.50 Heavy lambs 6.00 7.50 Cull lambs 5.00 6.00 Yearlings 6.00 Sj 7.50 Wethers 6.00 i 6. On Ewes 1.00 W 4.0 Buy a Barrel 6f Flour Do yon want money? If so, come In and sec us. We are prepared to negotiate loans on wheat land lying north or east of Pendleton. live years to pay and a very reasonable rate or Interest. ' We represent the VERMONT UOAS Jk TRUST COM PAN V of Spokane, and will give you prompt service. SHE CS ABOCT A VOATt SOW Snow & Dayton "WE SEIJj LAND" c 117 East Court St, Phone J07J REAL ESTATE FARM LOANS IXSCKAJfCE Adverse Factors Continue at Work on Stocks. NEW YORK. Dec. . Additional depreciation of quoted values on the stock exchange yesterday was accen tuated by a continuance of the many adverse factors which have kept the securities market In a state of fer ment for the past month. Standard or representative shares werej relatively steady hut speculative issues, including numerous specialties which are likely to modify or suspend dividend payments, broke 2 to 8 points. Pierce Arrow preferred was in a class by itself, sustaining a gross decline of almost 20 points, but regaining about half. Concrete examples of dividend pol icy were furnished by Stromfterg Car buretor, directors of which ordered a 50 per cent cut in the quarterly dis. bursement, and United States Food Products, whose executive commit.tce recommended the passing of the cur rent dividend on that stock. There was heavy selling of Mexican Oil and Pan American- Petroleum at extreme ercessions of 8 and 4 points, respec tively, based in part fi the failure of the latter company to announce its 'dividend accompanied by rumors that proposed absorption of Mexican Oil was off. Other oils fell 2 to 7 points and motor accessories 2 to 5. Steels. Including Vanadium, which announc ed an Indefinite suspension of domes tic operations, broke. 1 to 5, and reces sions In food, metal, chemical and fer Itiliser Issues ranged from 2 to 5 ! points. Irregular rallies at the close I were most effective in Investment stocks. Included In the few actual gains of the session was People's Gas, which rose four points. Sales amount ed to 865,000 'shares. The noteworthy feature of the mon ey market was the absence of new of ferings of time funds, all accommoda tions being limited to renewals. For eign exchange was a trifle steadier, Scandinavian rates rallying sharply. Local tract is were the weak fea tures of the bond list, where lower quotations prevailed. Total sales, par value, aggregated 516,900,000. Old cent on call. U. S. 2s and 4s again reacted 1-4 per I STltC INSIST THAT X OOCiHT TO T5C5 POT OM The (Wr3 rVVD MANS COf-IMlTTOO? e- A -rTrr ONWY HlH3eif ANO A p'i .v-rv i etc tonntTTcs: how to 0 I The Store liere "Quality Counts" and Where You Are Pro- g 15 tected on Prices X "it It s n i 8 8. 8 8 8 8 8 8 $ 124-128 E. WEBB ,w - i.t u g fa GIFT RUGS Tiat would make a nicer present than a beautiful Rug? There's noth ing, that is as lasting or as beautiful or would please the recipient any more than one selected from large stock. our Fine Grade Wiltons in all sizes. Many beautiful patterns, 9x12 . size. Everyday price $120.00. Medium Grade "Wiltons, all sizes and patterns, 9x12 size $93 and $100. Aggressive Selling Makes Wheat Price prop Slightly. CHICAGO, Dec 9. Aggressive sell Ing in which houses with eastern con nections were the leaders made the CHILDREN'S FURNITURE Something practical for the child. We are showing some pretty sets con sisting of chairs, rockers, tables and desks. They are finished in a rich ivory enamel. We have a goodly assortment of wood and reed rockers for the little ones. SPECIAL A Mighty Good BROOM You can't afford not to have one at this price. $1.00 Each 3! a CilBI & HAMPTON tern. S 8 v- 1 Jhitim 8 M Mai PHONE 548 g wheat market average lower Wednes day notwithstanding several lively bul ges. It was not definitely known un til long after the close that meanwhile purchasing for shipment to Europe had been or. a mucn larger scale than usual. Prices closed settled, 2-4 to 1 1-4 net lower with Dec. 1,69 and March l.H S-4 to 1.67. Corn finished 3-8 off to 6-8 up, oats gained 1-4 to 1-2. In provisions the outcome was unchanged to 25c lower.' Opening prices for wheat had a no ticeable upward swing, chiefly as a re sult of rains in Argentina and of at tention given to Indianapolis dispatch es about plans to finance exports. Ad vances In the markei, however, were soon more than wiped out through the enlargement of selling pressure and through opinions which were rife that urgent foreign buying in the U. S. was nearly at an end. Removal of hedges on Canadian wheat taken by the Brit ish doyal commission tended to lift prices later, and so too did talk of placing an immediate embargo on wheat imports Into this country. Nev ertheless gains failed to last. It was nearly nightfall before estimates were out putting European buying of do mestic wheat at 1.50o,0f 0 bushels and of rye at 40,000 bushels. Xew Re quirements of Canadian wheat for Great Brita'n were said to total 2,000,- 000 bushels.. Corn and oats were steadied by re ports that the movement of corn waj not increasing to the extent that many traders had looked for. Provisions fluctuated in line with the hog market, closing weak. Coarse Grains and Feed At Seattle Steady. SEATTLE, Dec. 9. Feed Scratch feed, $66; feed wheat 567; all grain chop 156: oats $52: sprouting onts $54: whole corn 5S; cracked corn $55: rolled barley $53; clipped barley $60; mlllfeed $43: bran $43. Alfalfa $29 ton; double compressed alfalfa, $35; ditto timothy $40; east era. Washington mixed $37. Hogs at Seattle Steady g Cattlo Market Is Wea. SEATTLE, Dec. 9. Hogs Receipts 38. Steady. Prime 12.50 13; medi um to rtiolco ll.504iU2.60; smooth heavies $8.5009.00; pigs 10.5012.00. Cattle Receipts 10J. Weak. Prime steers 9 9.50; medium to choice ti 8; common to good, 666.50; best cows and heifers 6.5007.00; medium to choice 6.00 !fi 6.00; common to good 4.00015.00; bulls 4.005.60; calves 6.50fi 13.00. .. Cattle Steady, Vealn and AH Sheep are Im or. KANSAS CITY. Dec. 9. Cattle. Re ceipt 7500. Feed steers butcher stock and canners steady; one load Christmas yearling steers 16.50; other sales'6. 50 10.75; few heifers 8.75: bulk cows 5.0096.00; stockers and feeders steady to strong; veal calves averaging $1 lower; early top 12.50; bulk late 11 down; other calves steady to unevenly lower. Creamery Produce at Seattle Is Vnclianged. SEATTLE, Deo 9. Eggs Select local ranch, white shells, 65c; pullets, 55c; storage 55. Butter City creamery in cttbes, 64; bricks or prints 55c; seconds, in cubes 48c; bricks 49c: country creamery ex tras, cost to Jobbers, In cubes, 60c; storage 48. -De- CHIC VEL0UR FROCK Winnipeg Wheat Market Hovers Around $1.78 WI.VVfPEG, Dec. 9. Wheat- ccmber, $1.78Vs; May, 1,78. Ohs December, 54c; May, 684c. Barley December, 85c bid; May, f?c bid. Flax December, $2.18; May, $2.29. Rye December, $1.69; May, $1.85. Seattle Quote Wheat From $1.55 to $1.65 SEATTLE, Dec, 9. Wheat Hard white, soft white, white club, hard winter, red winter and northern spring, $1.60; red Walla and eastern Walla, $1.65; Big Bend bluestem, $1.66. December Wheat $1.604 ami March $1.82 MINNEAPOLIS, Deo. 9 Wheat December, $1.6914 ; March, $1.62, Barley 55 76c. ', Flax- No.. 1, $2.22 $2.23, VACANCIES FOR BCHOLAROTUPS OREGON AGRICULTURAL COL LEGE, Corvallls, Deo. .9. Vacancies ofr West Point cadetships are open 10 u. A. c and other students, ac cording to word received by Lieute nant Colonel Joseph K. Partello, pro fessor of military science and tactics. Other states in which there are va cancies are Arizona, California, New Mexico, Nebraska," Montana, Wwom Ing and Oklahoma f Y 1 L SAVES Baaai a san r ll A ainr I IAAI6 IVO ' r The.;- TelTMy-looklng Teloara elaborated with embroidery make tip many of the smartest frocks. Illustrated Is a model hi dark bine veldya with embroidery l gray, ate skirt Is gathered even ly an round at toe top and tamed la a. harem hem at the foot- Top. i ping this to a long blouse with a ' low-eat Teat of gathered ehlffon ' eloth with a high stock and a ' raeha that adda another inch to It. ' A new sleeve feature a flare from ' Um elbow with trilling oatlltUog tut edgea. Buy a Barrel ot ..v,-;;"vFlour;-;"vv,v; ' ; get our prices, r; Genuine Boneless Cod Fish, pound. . . , . f . . 40c ' Extra Choice Rome Beauty Apples, box. , $2.00 '. ( Fresh Ranch Eggs, dozen ....... '. ..... ; :'. 80c Swift's Premium Bacon Sliced to Your Order, pound 60c Fresh Shipment Just Received of Christmas Candy, Priced per pound 40c to 50c. ' ' Special Price by the Pail. 221 East Court Street. V ' " The Most in Value. . The Best In Quality '' ' ... Phone 871. 0pSPflf60pS!l! Tit cyttotigrowers were saved from utter ruination by .UM "Buy a Bale, of Cotton" movement, and now the grain farmers are going to be extricated by the "Buy a Barrel of Flour" movement. Kven If you have no nne for aueh a quantity, buy a Barrel of Hour anyway and have It stored for future Nile. Do it on tlm "Knur f the OivaNton'' and help "fieve the Day.'! i , , 3 r VA The AiieironT&iQiial Bank PenrDetoa. Oregon. 'Strangest Sank in &otern Oregon' J J lisiiiiatrHi tuamitim turn m m wmti riiTiiHt iuTaTitti Turn HM4hBUiiumw MituB.nn a- YOU CAN TEACH A PARROT TO SAY "JUST AS GOOD" , x. : But He Doesn't Know What He's Talking About INSIST ON . ' : '' -a.. Tlie Butter Supreme HAVE YOU BOUGHT YOUR BARREL OF FLOUR? . '. VV", " JWIie!lltWIIJll!SillllljaMJIM!III(JIM ' ' uaiwsruTMiiiwwaluW ' . '' ' iiMi'I'liHnvfi:);t Wl?i!!WjltHt!IltWtll9tr CHEVROLET We now have Chevrolet 490 Models for unme diate delivery. ' ' . . - . Remember, !n cae of reduction in price be tween now and next Mar we will refund in cash the full amount of any reduction... Better protec tion could not be offered. . , We are alwaya glad to demonstrate. ' .", ' " ' . I Oregon Motr Garage j Dbtrioutora . y BUICK, CADILLAC AND CHEVROLET ;' '"-'t ? . ' .' '' .1-1 .v If ' rafmarraara)