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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1920)
BUY A lURHEL OF FLO UK f StDER PENDLETON 1 1X)UR OKDEK YOUK BARREL NOW DAILY EDITION DAILY EDITION Cumber of copiet printed of yeatordar'i Dully ' r 3,318 This paper la memlwr of and audited by th Audit Uureau of Circulations, V:" Et Orfonln Rajttra Ore gon b grtt newpirT ant ua a fliinff fore gtv in th tuivpra over twice gunrmntrnt p4 rou Uttoi in Pn'tlflon unet -Kruno. 1ft ckub tr of any other nwsppar. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER CITY OFFICIAL PAPO -1V V" ata - a VOL. 82 ' DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 8, 1920. NO. 0694 Z!Tlmmmm"m''m',mm"-,"'m nmmmmmmmlS$is!'Zf ' ''7T ,uumm., it- i OUTLINE IS GIVEN liWAS AID IN TAX PROGRAM MRS. WILSON TODAY Secretary of Treasury Houston in Annual Report Offers Guide for Passing of New and Necessary Revenue law TWELVE BILUONS MUST BE RAISED IN 3 YEARS Slight Boost Recommended on Incomes Under $5000, Flat Corporation Tax and Big In crease on Tobacco, Gum, etc. WASHINGTON, Dec. (lly Ilulph Couch, I'. P. Staff Correspondent) Secretary of tlio Treasury Houston to day asked congress to boost federal In- I come tux rate to two ier cent on In come undor $5vu0 anil lie a I ho asked: ! That sur-taxes lie lowered on some j Incomes over $5000. ! That corporations lit made to pay a ; flat tax of 20 perctnt on undivided profits. I Thut big Increases be made in ox- , Istinir consumers tuxes on totHireo. j cigars. cigarettes, - candy, chewing 1 sum and tlie like. ! That gasoline be taxed two cents u gullou und gutos KM cents per Inline power. , Houston's proposals arc contained In an annual report presented tod"'- n Speaker Gillette of Ihe house. They are Intended to net tlie government I approximately two billions u year. j That part of the report deullng with i taxation U Intended aa a guide to j congress In passing new revenue luwa I to replace those enurted during the I war, which are now falling to pro- ' ducc Kufflcieut revenue for the gov. j eminent, according to I he secretary. ! At least II 000, (inn, (Kill must be col- lected during tlie next three years, j Houston declared. If tlie government Is to pay ordinary exem-s und meet j seven and one half million worth of j floating debt and victory , noted lie- , fore May, Tllo wcs. profit j tax," wrote Houston, "must Vm re- . placed, not merely repealed, and I ! . believe it should 4j nfAa.d In tiuge " part by some form of a corporations profit tax." i -." ' - War Cost 2 1(1 liilllons WASHINGTON, Dec S.tA. I'.l The net cost, of the war to the Amer ican government wan fixed today by Secretary of the Treasury Houston at I240,010,0a0,nou. The total expendi ture, excepting only pnBtai dlHburse menta waa 38,S3.SIi'.l5. Of thl l.07f.814,O9T ' wcored In taxea and revenue from other eourcea than borrowed money. A loan of 19, r23, 000,01)0 to foreign govern tnenta la to be repaid. i r ,X ' " i f x - J Ai t - , . , '4 I f k ' .-' 1 . - - 'A . i - J S ,; . - .... - ' GAINING TRUTH OF CONDITIONS HELD BEST AID LAZIEST GENIUS ON r CAMPUS' IN VENTOi? OF LIGHT DOUSING DEVICE Miss Mary Mac Swiney, Sister of Late Lord Mayor pf Cork, Testifies Before Commission Investigating Irish Affairs. CROWDS THRONG ABOUT HALL EARLY IN MORNING POJITLAXD. Dec. . (Spe cial I The genlna who invented theeccentrlc on the ateam engine becauae he wan too lazy to open and nhut the ttteam-valve haa a counterpart at need college. Harold Kohlnaon, a Iteed junior, who ia knnwn aa the official torner-nff of llghta, wlna the up- h'llotered eaBV chair aa the la!let genlna en the cam pun. Tiring Witness Declares Struggle of Nation is Not New Thing; Widow is Expected to Give,t Account of Hunger Strike,. ( WAKHIXflTOV, Dec. 8. ,'A. P.) American aid for Irleh Independence t can beat be given tJiroiiah efforts to ! gain the troth about actual conditions ; Alary MacKwincy, aiHter of the late lord mayor of Cork, teal if icd today before i a coinm'Ksion of tbe committee of 100' lnvcallgating the Irish uiu-atinn. Hliel a&wrled that proteatunta and Catholics i are enoally repreaented in the inde- j pendence movement.' Thai Tut Cuiiuniion. U AHHIXOTOX, Det;, . (V, P.) J Before moat of leisurely Washington aas unake, Irlnh aympathlzcra today1 '. -begun to assemble outnide the little 'MlSS hall where Mra. Mur'el ilucSwlney was to tell the Ktory of the hunoei strike that ended In the death .of her of hla nightly rounds, turning off lights, Hoblnson Invented an electrical device which auto matically throws the campus lu dat I ness at the appropriate mo ment. The device is a simple one, and according to Itoliinson, it ia much more accurate than the former hand-method, especially on a co-educational campus, where evenings are often devoted to other than business Interests. The present danger la that the college will buy the Invention. ad abolish the Job of lisht douser which now. paya Kobin aon'a billa. DEVEL0Pi AT GENEVA IIAF u; BRING RESUBMfSSfOi. OF TREATY TO UNITED STATES COWS Interpretation That Article 10 Does-Not Guarantee Integrity of Territory and Refusal of Denmark to Lend Troops Until Sanctioned at Home, Brings Hope to Mild Rescrvationists. TELLS DETAILS OF W'ASHIXGTO.V, Dec. 8. C. Po ll 'resident Wilson ia considering re submitting the treaty to congress, and .sending with It a special message on J the subject of America's foreign re- lationa. It Is Intimated In administra tion iiartern today. The president Is raid to believe that recent develop, merits at the (Jeneva meeting of th,- j i ir Wrtt1t6inrSlsVmhly makVtiits (Covenant more acceptable to the sen ;ate than It has been here-to-fore, I , Call at Victim', Home, Quarrel j ,u,7to ZZ mZZ and Scuffle Are Described M'na,ore WTrT the Interpretation that , . ;riicie i u aid not bind league members Oj Companion.' and Death-I to guarantee the territorial Integrity bed Statements Repeated. ! ZmT't a",d ,the. Ttioa oi r uenmark In refusing to lend troops to ' 'he league until euch action Is apprcr- Frank Hale, only eye witnera to the ; ed by the Danish parliament. Iea thooting of E. K. ilcCue at the handoifcue suppurters believe that the Article of Frederick Kader neai:y three year! 10 interpretation meet, ohleciinn. ,.l (ago in Grant county, this morning was -league opponents, and that the Danish f.tne first witness called by the defanse I action ehowed clearly that America aftei the state last evening had rested j would not have to lend troofn to the i.e ..noui caning Male, lie told i league unless congress approved. Iva in detail of the events leading up to i gue oooonents. hnwever hi- the shooting. J onl tnat ac,illa, ,,,,,1. irlui. m ' ,h Kader and Hale rode up to Mc- t league intervened in the Vniil,.! ith... Stasia Walsh Visits in Paris and and Te of Present Ouarter-bUJ"T.W"l! Mi'Coe and dlsn'"Jnte. ; r.ot be acted upon this aea-lon, even ana leUS 01 rresent quarter K0ing into the house. Shortly after-j through resubmitted gnd democratic in Old Jiracow Monestary. T : 1 Cut-s ranch on the day of the vhoot-ianin r!ixnni un.l f , -i-m Irelandl!"S. Hale told the Jury. Rader had; , Senate leaders said the trentsi.ould IIUBHU l III Mil nilKIIHII Ill'Utlin. Al !KJfc-4 . i ... ... I :.lrv Mswin-v -.,, i.r . ,i,- 1..,- " in Old KraCOW Monestary. " Jenea lne uoor and invited I senate leaders Indicated to tha.nrea- j lord mayor preceded her as a wttne.i ' ' , I" Z ", "?. T'". h.l" W" th do -ch a' before the commission formed by the Miss stasia P.' Walsh, Pendleton mounted, tied his -n.i i" 1 ' adv"iat"p- . . .-..viwn. .-rw 1 -n iimsuKMie-. 10 iiivcs- ; nurse wno is uomg isea uross nursingito the house I tiaie the c-jiidit'cna in Ireland. Ubroad. writes to Mrs. M. J. Cronir. Tti Found guarreliiiB '.Miss MncSwIne'y thanked the com- lhat he is now In Poland, with head- When he reached there, lie testified mission for the chance to aunear. de-1 Quarters in Kracow. She will remain IjicCue and Rader w..r miarr-ii coring the commission is "trying toj'n Poland for the winter. , j.UcCue had P.ader down, rubbing his' carry out one of the purposes for Following are ..extracts from the let-1 nose ,, the f,oor Hale asked McCue i v.hUli America entered the war." Dls- Ur: i to let his adversary up. saving that h cussing me repuoncan movement Inf '" iiii"" u viu pmcc "T.i.AOuld tfv to settle mailers peaceably Ireland, she sa d: "It is not a ne(f"'" I Kt started I think I will like McCue complied with the rennet (thing but the same fight that ha:':- rather well. It is a very poverty iind Hale started to lake Rader away ibcen going on since England cunqut f-i stricken country. I don't thir.k I will , he told, when .McCuc suddenly made' jed Ireland. The Irish , people - huv "ver .find children, as sweet to care; another pass at Itader as If to strike j in ver a. ;epU.d the English : govern-1 f"r a the Serbians. I him. Kader reached for his gun and ; iiieiu, , . . j L I Weill iu irejaiiu 111 ho nrraa, I , 1 ' , t fit is a very sad country now, I hope things nvil! be brighter for them later I on. DECEMBER WHEAT-JS m Tfi ci 1 WASH1XGTON. Die. H. Jfrs. Wilson Is shown here as she looks today, r.fier a year of the most exciting service, caring for the piesldcut during his UlnCTiH. This Is the first picture of Mrs. VV.lMin snapped In recent mouths. eue loose siihiii-u won 1 ue iircsouem nue niotoi.nK. 11 was insen as sne!(jav ,.i((8in(r a, .1,- fla)IP ft was entering St. John s Church to attend the funeral of the .Swedish ambassa- i , . r, M h .h.,. ., ,i the .world. dor. Mrs. W llson has appeared In public very rarely, devoting her ontire time t, .7 r,j i , cc 1 . 'J hue I'tvn ur,,t. , , , Mihs iiu-u Seen j "I saw EK'antlne .Mouss'.l in l'aris a number of times, , There are several I sirls from California and the western . states and I oeen to the Pendleton Hound-Up, snot. At the time Hale had hold of Itader, but when he started shooting lie left him and ran out of doors. In all there were six shots fired, one lodging in McCue's wrist, another in his head and three in his abdomen. Deathbed Statements f.iicn. Deathbed statements of McCue were 11' fS FORMALLY CHARGED JYITH RECENT f.'LpER '."'.' ' " . Wife of Dead Man's Nephew Explains Relationship - of Late Millionaire and Secre tary Now Hunted as Suspect December wheat fell to. 1.S!) to-j KNOCKOUT BLOW KILLS PinSBURQ HEAVYWEIGHT JEFFEHHON CITV. X.' J., Pec. (i. (U. P.) Mickey Bhannon, Pitts burgh heavyweight, died early today due to a fractured skull sustained In the sixth round of a bout wlih Al llobctls hero last night. Shannon fell from a Wow on the Jnw and struck the hack of his head on the ring floor. Itobcrts is being held on a ch irg of nssau" HEALTH FIRST AIM IN PROGRAM OF SCHOOLS ' Training" the body as well n:t the mind of a child is one of the func tions of the. present educational Mos lem. In various way:i the - locol schools this week are endeavoring to demonstrate the attainment of the seven objectives of education, thq first of which Is health, - The health program us In force in Pendleton's schools is grouped into iwo phases. Tlie lii-'t phase Is exer- An expert restoier of ancient doeu- icise, the second, healthy liabiis of effort is made ments In Washlnato In able to split a (living. Ftw, If any, of the l.ltio sin- Vuungstcis into thin Bheet Of paper, separating the 'dents in the city a schools escape at- whitlng on the two sides, Insert ajlcntlon that will require of tliciu an mlddlo 'layer of paper and cover the , observance of both phases, entire Bheet With "a thin silk gause. j Calisthenics are given in the grade Thla enables the document to, stand ' schools dally. Twenty minutes each considerable handling. duy, in addition to recess limn, is de- voted lo call .ithcijjcs. I'udcr tlie di-l rection of tile (oachei-s :md ' trained I 'ot' T'.tudent leaders from the upper (Trades, j M'1" Ihe entire niemhership of the Trade I "'' sclTools avsi'lnbles on t lu nchool j -jcconnd when wcollicr coiulitions per-i'y mil j for a f w formal oorrisa. . j ''''' , - ; Pbiy 's OiKHiiircd. ; " 1 M recess time, which is 1 part oj M" (tie school day for (ho (Trades, organ-j iruMi play is brought into use. . Every 1 to engage, jjl the j 'tmple, yet invlgoiat-1 Following are the quotations from jOverbeck & Cooke: Chicago (;iin .Market, j Wheat i t , Open High Low 'Close jDcc. Jl.Tt J1.7J I.5 11.09 iAiar. 1.68 1.7(1 1.6! 1.67 ; t'lllll Dec. .74 .74 "i .73 I Hay .76 .77-4 .75 -.4 I July .78 .78 .76 Oats .4 8 ' '.4S .4 7 54 V-Si .5 .51 -S, .51 .SJ .50 lic 1411 Mm 1..17-V, I.f.!i4 I 6(1 1.4 1.65 Parlcy . .74 AKDMORE. Okla., Dec. S. Clara number of them have. r'lated b" K-"'ck Hicks, of Canyon City,; Smith Hamon, sought in connection ni,w'". w'ua isianei, 01 Monument. two' oe :ysienous snooting 01 Jake iHamon. was today formalty described as one of the wonders, of We urtUical lakes, a church with statuary "6 rrtdeJ "ear Wall. dy r Jollowta, a telegram from and altars, all carved of rock salt. I d th declared that he ws-: Sheriff Crendorff. of El Paso, statin Even the-chandeliers are of salt and "V' " L"a,tler a,m ,, .. V" J 1 re"BU'e mtorma- they look like pure chrystal glass. It 1 " iu nnumrai. . ..... ki. r ..i..t..t ... 1, (... " -.iiotri, wi i-oiiK rees.. 'w1""", aa louay mrmaifv cnarcea joi rr t svioc a.i """ p,. i,., ,.j r, :.k .. j w . , ' - mm vtcoige xi. inonip-j"" -or wiuiuvr ui me millionaire oil r.f H'llrt 1I-I, ,. . 1 1-... .1 ..,.(., j ... went down In an ele-J " ", ere aiso caiieui""' uumicui leaaer. 1 nis action l"u".T ut-ieuse. iney ootn anew faiweii. oiiicmis sat a. so as to b ! t:ikea two hours to see the mine, I There are 300 men employed and sev eral horse's. It Is an inexhaustablc supply Of difkrent kinds t salt. ;tion" that the woman was across tim The defense has a long 1st o' " ! International boundary line in the fi nesses to be heard and most of this cinlty of El Paso. -.74 14 .76 "4 .77 Kracow Interesting . "Kraccsv is a very interesting place. There is an Immense castle J'Jst across . j tho street from us. We are living in nn old mnniiKtnrv. Tt is a fine 'brick ;!liulldin'g but cold as a barn 'and no coal to heat It. We have one room (with a stove and We sit there andj wr'te, and so forth, during the day. j ! vFOur other girls and I are going to I Vi:iw tonight but we expect to come weeiv is expected to be consumed hearing these and the arguments the attorneys. 1 . - - 1 ' .61 j 1.4(1 1.58 OF WOMEN ARE GUESTS Fifteen Pendleton business men. 0( ;tathe-S of local children, left office yesterday and joined a ing games, designed as much to relax EVI UI'TT TO Pl.AV I.OXG lil.U ll I.ONO PEAe'H, fill., Dec. 8. (A. ) Tho Everett, Wash., high school m..- knows thev 'n,r,vland 1-eep us here. I an. having all my mail rong. 01 f. mothers who visited ,t.V 4 de Cheureus.-. ln h"?' - Li.,, loiium iya, a pan 01 ine Paris, Red Cross headquarters, and we . .... . . I V-bi'ii u p. rri.r D.ri'lno rst ; hllKhed the muscles and to milcken the mind ! n" ,Ci,m rrve nere I H-cem- j - e - " iousiks ami 10 quit gen ine minu .-between Pur's smt Warsaw so our mail School Week program The pupils did their regular school i- 1,1,.. c.e of ,,r..uerlT. The Polish """"- ,artras ,nus ni,a an Wr- '1 , . . . , , -1 i.. 1 Mil und fcuierlorl!y of bmwn'but IoikI.vio ! '1 WJtl aanonnwa nere toaiiy. s J.-mgi - . - - -SZ , - the -ntiul funaumeotuls of educa- u to provitf art uul exercis'. Oruun- i.fd phxy dot's not strews fomptUition ; the I.onsf BetLuh hih school eleven , Itunity to tee their children leur bring out the diffident child, the -alert! Beach Is .logottulng for a game here . the cl her is perfectly aafe. PENDLETON WILL TAKE LEAD IN BUY A BARREL OF FLOUR DRIVE THROUGH NORTHWEST youngster and those of average quick- I ihs.s iit one unified Contest. ,, hoik dancing taught the youn ger children in the grade schools aiid to some extent the girls in the Upper Vadca and the hlgli school. This pro vdes a certain amount of exercise and stresses co-operation und team work. It is Intended to create n taste for beauty and grace In posture movements. December; l". with cither the (Ink Park or Englewood high school of Chicago. I ITU'ltiHTEU IS A I IHE AT SEA. SAN FHAXCISCO. Dt. 8.--(U, P.) The frtlghlcr Suddbury Is afire of Sunp,edro, Ca'ifornla. and is racing , for that point,' according V a wii-c- Im- in. ISetieved Acrm Bmrdc-rr ' orj FC-KT WOKTH. Tex . Dec, 8. A. jP- Lawyers announced todav that J; U irtawerior T-mis wrf.ftfff wtfTr route to a small Mexican town with a ' proposal to her to return to Ardmore, vitia., ior possiDie court action in con nection with the death of Jafae U Hamon. . Xcpliew s Wife Kxpiains, SACRAMENTO. Dec. 8 f U. P V Charges that Jake Hamon paid his wife 81000 a month to stay in Chicago mo. not Dottier him. were made in un interview with the United Press today by a woman who claimed tp be the wife of Frank Hamon. nephew of the lead politician. Frank Hamon ia the . divorced husband of Clara Smith Ha mon, sougnt as the slayer of Jake Ha mon. Mrs. Hamon declared that Jake Hamon paid her husband llt0 a montn ror marrying Clara Smith so that the latter could legally carry the .tone 01 namory m this wav 1 . ah mng tion. Many parents visited not only 'lh room.. In u-).1..t, Ih-'p l,lpAn I upils, but o'.her rooms also. Several ,s,ld the relations of Jake Hamunand declared that they would visit the school again this wetk M'.ss 'Elizabeth Fox, dean of women at me t mverstty ot Oregon, was am. -iuia sMimn were calculated not to ti. cue suspicion. "As to Clara Smith, living aa tlie nne or Jake Hamon, am dosUIvi-. of Pendleton will tnko tlie lead in the jtlodr here. As smm as st linrret or Hour' campaign in L'kers -can be "Uuy the northwest, It was decided last night at the monthly meeting of the Pendleton Commercial Association. Packages delivered in and near the city, as well aa letters going near und " far, will bear a slicker wlih the slogan, "Buy a liarrel of Flour'' and commer cial bodies In every Important wheat growing community of the three northwestern states will be addressed a letter asking Its cooperation In the move.. joc1 merchants will be called upon by a committee, consisting of County Agent Fred Bennion, B'red Donert and Sherman Mitchell with a request that they cooperate to boost the sale ot llnuj t'tn. K. .-.....-..I t.,.1,.1. u1' J meiTiate, assistance was asked. 1 , . . Com-H'tilicn I jicourag-cd. j . CompT-iitlve athletics are cm our-; BARREL OF FLOUR USES ageo ootn in-tno grmles and in .nc high sellout, this activity being limit- j cd, however, to a lesser number than j the other forms of physical training. I It takes form in the haskctltill and .baseball series such as the' boys and; j girls of the grades are now complet- cng the guests. She praised the work ! " nue sne was stopping at our jof the teachers and the principal, Misshous0 Tucson, Ariz,, she received Delia Hush and also the work of the several telegrams from Jake M.,..n pupils themselves. . iaH of which implied she was his wife obtu'.ied by the usocinilon. they will be delivered to all local business hous es with the request that they lie placed on all packages for delivery and all loiters sent out. A stimulus in wheat sales Is expected to result. Will Etucrta'n Wool .Men. rue state coinemum 01 me . .regon j tlllt (he first named sport wool t .rowers- Association ,w 111 prou-is ,in brijigs out the track meets. ably lie entertained by the Couimer- ;htl.rti.,. wlln .., ,hnoi eii,iation cm! Association at a-smiiKer on tne ,.ont,wt!, ,,,) extending to the county 1 night of December 18. Mac Hoke, sec- eli,iinpionslilps. j rotary of tho wool men, appeared be- The Meh s,iUH)i engages more ex-! fore the association, asking only the (l,IJsivoiv competitive athletics. It' use of tho club rooms. and the good has foot lutl and baHkctball in the win ot tnat oouy. 1 ue association ue- fll -,, W,pr. ..,,.1 .,,,,.1; t ti,-. TWO SACKS OF WHEAT AND COSTS ONLY $11 The 1 ! The "Boy a Parrel of Flour" moVement. -.'tailed by the farm- ers of the middle west and eit coui-ue.i here, is expected to benefit not the millers but the growers themstlves. A few sta- tistics vtt re given today to add interest to the niov. inent. V barrel f flour PARIS, Dec. 8. (A. P.) President Washington school has its Visitors" Miliei aud and many other leaders in j Day today, and the high school ou French political and mflllary life will .Thursday. participate In the dedication ceremo-' nies at Vet dun today of the monument ; Just completed there to commemorate , one of the most famous war shrines in France, "the irench of bayonets.. The j memorial has been erected ut a cost of , jjVO.ootl francs, and is Ihe gift of the i late George F. Hand of buffalo. X. V. j Mr. Hand was killed in an airpliane 'accident in France in the spring of ilsl. His son. George F.'Kand. Jr.. . knowing his father's wishes, has con- Admits 1-aM Mortiraai. "Frank tried to make nm ., believa (Continued on page 3.) dared llsalf for showing the woolgww-!p, jng. Within the school m e bas-1 era a good time und - plana will be tetball t.nj baseball contests among! shaped to entertain them in- proper , tIl(( ,.i,iSHes. The boys v ho do tibt en- style. Hetween 60 and inn wool men ter the competition for places on their nr expected here, for the convention W,ool or class teams nre still obliged Which will be held on Friday and Sal- to take their id minutes of athletic! urday, December IS and 19. .. work daily in the gymnasium. ' ! Muloa are cheaper than tractors all Starts With Mcnsurcim-nts Present nrices. of tractor fuel, a com-' Th b,nitb i.iiv,',,... r ,i, t.i.,,i munication from , members -of the tending to promote healthy habits of : county farm bureau to tliu association living, starts with measurements of sold. Tho farm bureau asked that the the youngsters In the grades. Weight association get together with that body and height, strength, lung capacity jtvwfttiiiucJ. oa gits 8 ) i (Continued on p; 5.) and a half bushels of wheat, or nearly two sacks. E.ght barrels of fiour will use Ihe crop from the average acre of grain In tills county. A barrel of flour is' four sacks of 1S8 pr units. A barrel of flour retails for approximately til. At present wheat prices a bar rel of flour would mean about $d.75 wt rth. of wheat. If every lum'ly In Umatilla county buys a liarrel of fobir. the above figure should b mul tiplied by jiji'O or 69'Hi. ' WASHINGTON. D. C. Dec. tU. I President .Wilson today sent to tinned the work and with his two s'.s-'the Senate' the name of Lester Cronln ill use four iters, will be present at the dedication, j fur confirmation as Pendleton post- WaiMt Reported by Major l,ce Moorhuuse, official observer. . ... ,.: Maximum, 4i. Minimum, 33. Harometer. S9.5I. . 1 " ' Trace of snow. The trench of the bayonets" is I muster. ! probably the most Impressive remind-1 Mr. cronip rftis held the office of cr of the horrors of war remaining in t postmaster in Pendleton since the j France today. The explosion of a i death of the late T. J. Tweedy, a year Uerman shell In one uf the lilies be--ago. Prior to his service as ppst- jfore Verdun burled a number of sol-master, Mr. Cronln served for many diers. killing them instantly. Their!; cars in the local postoffu,. ibnvoncls alone remained above the - esr'h. 1 ' l.UAt.UK Pl-VNS TTACK:. These guns may be seen today with i GENEVA. Dec 8. (A. P.) Plana the ends projecting from the ground jfor the formation of a technical or- ,and It is to preserve and commemorate jganiftatton of the League of Nations this striking reminder that the monu- jdealing .with finance, health and eimen; haa been built. transportation were sharply attacked I It was fell by Mr. Rand that thejin today's session of the assembly by 'toot wits synjilHriV of the hcruism ofiNcwton W'es'cy nwcll. former preji- the, Irelli. tiOlU.vra . . . Idcut ul thv C-iiHtliD prtv council. K2W Tuiilght and Thura. prob ably rain. JUUS -- 5'-'--t. I' Ml i m mm I tt s 1.