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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1920)
' 1 A St ! M I ', 37 KEEP POSTED CN DOINGS IN THE SPORT WORLD DAILY IN Ate STAFF WRITERS AND PRESS SERVICES ON THIS PAGE. 1 ..' TWELVE PAGES .. SECTION TOO PAGES 7 TO 12 . . TWELVE PAGES SECTION TWO PAGES 7 TO 12 'soil DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. WEDNESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 8, 1920. ICLESBY BRILLIANT BACKFIELD ARTISTS EARN PUCE ON AMERICAN 11 Lourie, Davles, Way and Gipp Eecognixed by Farrell . in Choice of Start; Guards and Endi Lacked in Lustre. NEW YOKK. Dec. 8. (By Henry L. Farrell, V. P. Staff Correspondent.) -It's a ithame that eleven are only eleven. . If an AU-American eleven could be tretched Into a dosen and a half or two dozen, picking- the Reason' com blnatlon of beets might not he a prob lem ao cloudy akin to settling the Irish question. After a season In which the arid Irons of the east, went, north and aouth were almoat crammed with his-h-class football petrformer. it In a tank far beyond one pair of eyea to Judge the eleven beat, Coming- near to It I a more human task. The aeaaon of 1120 developed a pre ponderance of brilliant half-back, quarter-Darks ana centers, with a food number of tackle. No guard atood out like . "Hwede." Youiigstrum of last year'a team, or no enda blaxed acrom the field like Hob Illffgina and Heinle Miller. Writer Judges tYom Rrtmrla Baaed upon the teama neen In action, news accounts of the games and the Judgment of others delegated to look them -over, the following teams have been selected subject to anything but personal violence on the writer: ' First Tram Carney, Illinois, end: Keck, Prince ton, tackle; Griffith, Pen Htate, guard: Alexander, Syracuse, renter; Callahan, Yale, guard; Oullick, Syracuse, tackle; 1$. Anderson, N'otre Dame, end; txiurle, Princeton, quarterback; Way, Penn Btate, halfback Davie. I'litxhurRh. halfback; Olpp, Notre Dame, fullback. (Second Tram .-. Robertson, Dartmouth, end; Dick ens, Yale, tackle; ' lleas, Penn State, guard: Cunningham, Dartmouth, cen ter; Woods, Harvard, guard; Stein, Wash, and Jeff., tackle; Weston, Wia- cousin, end; McMIIIln, Centre, quarter back; French, Army, halfback; Oar rity, Princeton, halfback; Crangle, III inota, fullback. . . It will be observed her"are repre aentatlvea on the teams from everv fwilnn except the Pacific Coast and the far west. WitH the rill realisation that In those fertile fields of football there are many players of sufficient ability to hold their own with some on these three mythical aggregations, the writer had to Ignore that aectlon on account of lack of detailed infor mation regarding; theee players. The hardest task In sifting Out the si era came among the quarterbacks, the centers and the halfbacks. Hob McMIIIln Is a great quarterback.' but the writer after watrhlng Lonrie In three major game, can't Imagine how the Southerner can be superior to him. . Ilourle doea everything that McMII Iln doe and he kicks In addition. He ! a crafty a general as rnnma the chulk-llned Hold and he kept his colors high through a much harder schedule nnd much greater opponltion than Mc MIIIln. Mike Callahan, Princeton, and Stein, Pittsburgh, are two grent centers, but they are both bad passers. Klein was removed from ( consideration because his bad pniifl kept Pitt from beating Penn Btate. Olpp, the star Notre Dame back, stood out ae the greatest hulfhuck of the year and the one who had to he on the mythical eleven. Davles and Way were picked because almost alone they carried Pittsburgh and Penn Btate to the record that makes It possible fur them to claim the eastern champion ship. ' French and Oarrity by all means should be on an All-Amerlcan team, pnd Cragle, alao, but they suffered by having their stars shine In a flrmu-i ment filled with meteors. I WILLIE HOPE TAKES BY BEATING SCHAEFER Champion at 18.2 Billiards is Assured Honor if Winner To day in One of Two Matches at New York City. 'In Every Respect" says the Good Judge SACRAMENTO, Cal., Dec. . (A. P.) Discussion regarding use of the 'apltball" In the Pacific Coast Base ball League are expected to take up some of the time at the annual league meeting, which. President William II. McCarthy, Ban Kranclsco, has an nounced, will be held here December NS. At the present time any "splthall" pitcher In (he IcaKtie can use the moist ball but newcomers are barred from delivering It Several league mana gers. It is said, would like to have the "spltter" bark ao all pitchers could use It. Rumors regarding transfer of the Ball Lake City franchise to Vancouver 11. C. probably will be either confirm ed or denied finally at the meeting. According to to reporta received here Vancouver baseball people are willing to purchase the Hah city's member ship. NEW YOIIK. Dec. g. (A. P.) Willie Hoppe, holder of the vorld's professional 18.2 bulk line billiards championship, won hta second game of tho titular tournament, hare last night, detent nn Jake Srhaofer of Ban Francisco, 400 to. 176. in 14 Innings. The champion, to retain his title, has only to win one of IiIh two game.- Wednesday with Bchaefer and Welker Cochran of Ban Francisco, each of whom has won once and lost twice. Hoppe set a high record for the tournament, when he ran off ITS uoints in his third Intiiim'. C'aitiwrax (Vatic liurk lege at Portland 28-0, won from Occl CHICAOO, Dec. 8. (A. P.) Itoh. dental College ib-0 at Los Angeles and ert Cnnnefux of New York, staged ar"UKfu a - tle WKn tne University or remarkable cumeback Inst niuht In hlKiMontan at Missoula, Mont. , ilrxfupepnrance in the final round of I'-rown. In 191H, cume west and lost Hay thenatlonal three cushion Ml- to Washington State 14-0. On New Hard championship, the present title. ypaI"" 1lly- 191 "' the University ol holder defeating A.igie K cTkhefer of I ''ennsylvan'a lost at Pasadena 14-0 to Chicago. B to Nin 92 Innlnn 7.ftprllne University of Oregon. Nebraska in You get more genuine chew ing satisfaction from the Real Tobacco Chew than you ever got from the ordinary kind. . The good tobacco taste lastfs so long a small chew of this class of tobacco lasts much longer than a big chew of the old kind. That's why it costs less to use. Any man who has used both kinds will tell you that. Put ufi in two styles W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco r : v ": SPOKANE, Wash., Dec, 8. (A. P.) Intercollegiate athletic schedules for HJ1 will be drawn up at the an nual meeting here next Friday of the Northwest Conference. The meeting will be attended by representatives of the seven confer ence member schools, Vniversity of Idaho, Whitman College, Washington State College, University of Montana. University of Oregon, the Oregon Agricultural College and Willamette ! University. I Gonxaga University of Spokane may apply to the meeting for admlsKlon to the. conference. Oonstaga's foothall team during the season Just closed made an excellent showing against j conference teams. The conference track and field meet 'will lie held June 4 at the Washington State College at Pullman It was an nounced representatives of the northern schools at the Pacific Const Conference meeting at Berkeley. the Chic.'iKcan hud led through moat of the gnriit-. Canncfax had a hlh run of 10, BOXER'S SKULL THOUGHT Tl JEUSKY CITY, N. J., Dec. 7. (A. P.) Al Koln'ru, Staten Island heai'y- welght, knocked out .Mickey Shannon, of I'ltlxburg, in the sixth round of a ln-ioor.d muKh nat niKht. Shannon r.illed t.i regain conwlousness and.vas taken to a hosp:tal. It was thought he niitlit hsve fractured his skull when be K'rp.h 'l.c floor. Roberts weighed 'lt:: poimilif and Shannon 19a. ticne Tuiiiuy. A. r.. F., heavyweight (hampion, otn 'ought I.eo ilonrk of Ivii'cafltcr, Pa,, hi a 10-rmind contest. Ml V icpii i.) ih ntci Eil.lle Wal lace in n ('-i.'miiiI n 'st s Lolh a-e M'".M: .v)orht ,v. l..l.i.-. Snii Mo.l. rg. ." ot tn l.'-i'-i- woisht title . t.i" i r.j.a- ui cs, ai d Frank Cassiday nnother ft the Anicr- ciiii tenin, '.-:oi! i'ir Tr M. -.n- ance as profcKioniiis. .vlos.. - w n ilic I i i:ii.. b:,u' on j. nts. 1!'16 defeated tho Oregon Aggies at Portland 17-7. On 'ew Year's Day 'of this year Harvard met Oregon at Pasadena and nn 7-6. In Thanksgiving week last month Dartmouth College played the University of Washington at 8eattle and won 28-7. ( f the nine games played in the west by the seven eastern teams, the v.-;ir.'- wen lt tvo nnd tied one. Ieave for West Dec. 18. COLUMBUS, Ohio. Dec. 8. (A. P.) The Ohio Btate football team which w.,i jiiuj tne cimersity of California at Pasadena New Year's day, will leave Columbus on Dec. 18 and arrive In Pasadena Dec. 24, according to a traveling schedule made public laast night. Two practice sessions will be held en route, one at Denver, on Dec. 20, and one at Palo Alto, Calif., Dec. 23, where the Stanford University field will be used. The Ohio 8tate team, on ' a field lighted by large electric flood liirhia. the taps of which are shifted from one j part of the gridiron to another, fol lowing the play, has been practicing dally and will be in good shape for -r rlrrtore it was stated. Re-Adjustment Sale Here are some wonderful values in WORK CLOTHING, and at a time when you need them. Better come and lay in a supply while our range of sizes is complete. Men's Flannel Shirts, sizes 14 't to Wi in brown, blue, grey, red or green. Our former price on these shirts was $4,95; Readjustment Sale Price . $2.9.? Men's Heavy Work Pants in sizes 32 to 44. Our for mer price $7.50; Readjustment Price. $4.50 Boys' Suits in a large assortment of styles and ma terials, sizes 8 to 18. Former price $15.00. Re adjustment Sale Price $7.50 no EfflJB UPf n Nature's ow a respective mother prepared for babyS comind. Dr. Lynn K. Blakeslee Chronic and Fervoua Diaeaeea aad OtBeaeee of Women. X-Mf Electrc Therapeutic Temple Bids. Rooea 1' DR. C IL DAt - PhyakJari and Keurseoa . Oateopatli Rooms 21 -and it Bmllh-Orawf ort BuUdlns. twieplMjnei tee Rea. t4i-B niiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiminiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiil QUAUTY SERVICE SANITATION Christmas Trees Place your order now for one. All prices. . Make the little ones happy. sizes and Have you purchased your barrel of flour? Pendleton Trading Co. ; ' Phone 455 "If It's on the Market We Have It" SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. t (A. P.l Ohio State College, which meets the University of California at football at Pa?adna, Cal., New Year's Day, will be the eighth big school frofti ocrora the Kncky Mountains to send Its eleven west for interseotionnl games accord- ng to records available here. Twenty one years ago, in 1899. the rfecords show, the Carlisle Indians, the filgt of the eastern teams to journey west, defeated California here 2-0. Three years later the University of Michigan defeated Stanford University 18-0 at Pasadena. No more games were ployed between eastern and western teams until 191n 1ien Syracuse, on a winter trip west, lefented the Oregon Agricultural Col- MILES A MINUTE 4t)tll HIMI ' " REGULAR WEDNESDAY NIGHT DANCE DECEMBER 8TH, 1920. LIBERTY HALL tK Sawyer's Orchestra COME AND BRING YOUR FRIENDS 3 i i-x i ) jfim r i ' iiimiiiMif Evolution. Ofall the vital adventures in life, the birth of a baby is the climax of nature s most wonderful evolution. During this period," nature' is' supposed to be preparing the internal organism of a woman for a safe and speed delivery; but it is more the exception than the rule when nature, unaided, performs her part at the crisis in a manner to relieve pain and contribute to comfort. 7 'was afraid," writes a prospective mother, "until on experienced mother told tnf about Mother's Friend," "but now I cannot recommend Mother's Friend too highly for I know it helped me wonderfully, and I can almost say my baby was born without pain. At the present time I am using it again, as I do not want to go thru the ordeal without it." Three generations of prospective mothers have used Mother's Friend. When gently applied, during the period of expectancy, it soothes the fine net-work of nerves, lubricates the broad, flat, abdominal muscles and prepares the way for an easier, quicker and practical delivery. For tahahl lootyd "MOTHERHOOD and The BABY" fret, fill tn coupon ttloa and mail direct le Ine molten Mother's Friend. WARNING! Aeoii uttng plain dig, pcattt and muktHhntt ' then act on ee the in and meg cmix harm without Joint goad BAZAAR . m . Given In the Odd Fellows Hall s Thursday, December 9th By the RebekahV Cafteria Luncheon served at noon and evening. Come early and get your Christmas Gifts, Articles as are for sale make presents that are always acceptable. A Program Will be Give n i n the Evening: Used byFjcpectont Mothers for Three Generations. j BRADF1ELD REGULATOR CO, Iuepx. jo, Atlanta, ua. Pirate tend me your FREE book- 1 1 let on MOTHERHOOD and Th. BABY, j 1 E i Come and Hear the Rebekah chestra. Or- j St., R. F. D... Town . State.! - PCBIJC INVITED 0 T Women and Health f Too many women, unfortunately, suffer in Jiealth, hence in loss i ol happiness, thru conditions or irregularities peculiar to their sex which might easily be relieved, with a consequent restoration of health and all that it means. To every woman suffering from such troubles we advise the use of Dr. i. Brad field's Female Regulator, as a tonic of great value. This remed v, for women only. has been sold for more than 60 years, and is today, as always, depended upon for I good results. At an druggists m ti.uu Domes. ikk u. HlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIllllllllKiin QuaUty PRINTING at Reasonable Prices East Oregonian Printing Departmf nt iimiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiimmiiiiiiiuiiiitiiitimiiiiiiiiiiim - - - - - - A2tllIIIIlIlllIfllllltll!illlIlIUIIIllllllllllIIIIIIIIlltlllIliniltIIfIIIIIIIIIIIIlllIIIlllIllll IIIIIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIinMIIIIIIMIIIIIIllIIIItliltllllllllllllllltllliiiitllllliHiiiitfrU Buy CAPt C.C fifOSt.EY MTNNEOLA. N. T-Cr.ptaln C ! Mosley recently attained a speed of three mile a minute In' his American made Vervllle- Packard army plane, and eopped the Bret Pulltier trophy aeronau tical race hera. Mosley l sta tioned at the air service .beatt a.artera tn Washington,' sa Barrel. of . ' Flour 00000000000000000000 BOND BROS. Pendleton's" Ix-adlng tTotlii"!. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . ri 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 3 3 fi 5 l.ltllllllltllllltltllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllltlltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllttt lllllllfltllltlllltlllllllllllllttljlllllltllltlttllltsitlllttlllllllflltflttltllflllilflftf3lff f 44Aa fc.w.mJUl . .4 . 9