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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1920)
tier, tlx DAILY EAST OSSaOKlAW, MHT-LETOIf, CSfStSOIf, WEDNESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 8, 1020. TWELVE TkCZZ o o o o o o Of. o o o o o o o o o o o, C; Ol o: o O; o o o c o o . O! o o o o, , O o o o o 0. O' o e o SociaZ and Club News ISTKItKSTIXa Gl'KST IH1TS. and several musical numbers added The presence In l'emlleton esieidrty to the program. -Mrs. Vinton ltobin nf Miss r.ilmibelh l''on, dean of women on playing a, charming violin foIo Hi the riitversity vl Oregon, was the (with piano accompaniment by Mm Inspiration for a number of events of ltauid It. Hill. Mrs, J. U. McCook Interest. Pcan Vox was the guest of (and Mm. ltuymond Hutch mnn a do Mr. Jrnnn John at her home on 'lightful duet with Mrs. 8. 11. Korshuw JutkKon at reel and at th luncheon hour she wan complimented by Mrs. John and Mrs, CJ. W. 11 jj who asked a few friends to be their guests at the Klks club. The affair was most Informal and the list Included several mothers of University of Oregon stu dents. lean Kox spoke at 3 to an audience In the Auditorium of the library. "What the I'niverslty Stands Kor," was her theme and In describing the various departments lHun Kox em phasised the list of widely distin guished men who are serving on the Inlverslty of Oregon faculty. She de scribed, as far as words suffice, the famous "Oregon spirit," and she went on to explain the quadrangle plan under development in campus addi tions, special mention being given to provisions for women. Hean Kox was Introduced I.yman G. Itlee, I'nlversity by Mrs. alumna. as accompanlM. Mrs. Kx was greeted by many friends here and sue departed at S after a visit of only a day. SOHAUrKS HAVE CVEST. Miss t'lara Itracher, of I'ortland, Is the house guest of Mr. and Mrs, L C. Schnrpf for the week. Miss ltrachcr is a sister of C. O. Hracher, of Pilot Hork. and has recently been visiting in that city for a short time. She will return to I'ortland from here. TIU KSPAY CI.VH TO MKKT. Sirs. S. A. Lowell and Mrs. A. J. Owen are to be, hostess tomorrow for a meeting of the Thursday Afternoon Club. , CHI RCH ilAZAAR PLANNED. The lluptist Ladles' , Aid Society will hold a sale of cooked food and miscellaneous articles Saturday. The HOf P'S UPSTAIRS SHOP -fife ' i Jk. X. V M f S I ? i ii Suits Now Half Price Dresses to $37.50 Now $19.75. Coats at Great Reductions. Great Valuqs in Georgette Blouses for Xmas Gifts. M (I Over Taylor Hardware Stere S If- i 2' - -i n & K S S i 8 n s H All out-doors invites your nnstmas ivodaR It's a gift no sooner opened than it's used. We don't mind the Christmas rush except that it causes inconvenience to you and the rest of our customers and, of course, we don't like that. Shop early in the month, early in the day that's pretty good advice but of course we're glad to see you any time. Kodaks from $9.49 up Brownies, $2.86 up. THE PEJN DLETON DRUG CO. THE REXALL STORE 9 I 1 v 8 S i- 8 8 8 V i i1 i 8 8 a Oldsnioblle room opposite Motel Pen dleton will house tho affair which If. scheduled to open at 10 o'clock. Mrs. Louise ljimpkla is chairman of the apron booth, Mrs. Will Wyrtek of the fancy work, Mrs. K, W, Meyer, of the cooked food, and Mrs. Mason Thompson will have charge of the c&njly table ORClfKSTRA COMPL1MENTKD Kishty-flve friends were guests al the homo of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Scott an LewU street last evening when members of the Choir of the Christian Church entertained In honor of the McDonald, yrchestra. The fourteen orcestra members play each Sunday evening at the church services. The game of "rook" afforded merry diversion for the earlier hours, IS tables being arranged through the spa cious moms, and each was tinlquely covered with a brilliant crimson poln setta. 'More of the Yulellde motifs ap peared about the home, their vivid color vielng with the rusaet of rag ged yellow chrysanthemums. An In formal program added ' pleasure through the following numbers: Songs. . Mrs. David T. Stone of Athena Songs Mr. Scott Male Quartet James Phillips, Harry Hooper, Walter Freeman, Mr. Scott Headings Mr. Hooper A delightful buffet supper marked the final hour and the evening proved a most enjoyable one, the entertain ment of the choir members being graciously supplemented by the hos pitality of Mr. and Mrs. Scott, BRIDE-TO-BE IS HONORED Miss Verne Mlneau, fiancee of Clyde Overby, of Baker, was compli mented In a charming way last evening when Miss Rula Simpson, Mrs. Ed Stansbury and Mrs. George Swarti en tertained at the home of Mrs. O. W. Simpson on West Court street. Hearts in crimson and white pro fusion decked the rooms and at the concluuslon of a prettily appointed buffet supper, ribbons lacing a huge Lheart, were cut and a deluge of dainty guts showered down upon the bride elect. ' A cleverly arranged mock wedding filled the final hour and proved a uni que diversion, apropos of the not'-far-dlstant event. The guest list Included Miss Mineau, Mrs. Simpson, Miss Lillian Culley. Mrs. Thomas Barclay, 'Miss Helen Romaine, Mrs. Guy Moneys, Miss Faith Snyder, Miss Pauline Dohnert, Miss Minnie Knapp, Miss Laura Schwartz, Mrs. H. S. Crispin, Miss Cora Bender, Miss Hazel Muir, Miss Lois Swaggart, Miss Evalyn Hurd, Mrs. Ed Geist, Mrs. Granholm, Mrs. Stansbury, Mrs, Sch wartz, and Miss Eula Simpson. ROYAL NEIGHBORS ELECT. Election was held by the Royal Neighbors In Eagle-Woodman hall last evening and the new officers ore to be Mrs. Fern Patty, past oracie; Miss Ida Elder, oracle; Mrs. Lorene Cook, vice oracle; Mrs. Delilah Wright, chancel lor. Mrs. Marietta Jones, recorder; Mrs. Asa (Edwards, receiver; Mrs. Winnie Lincoln, marshal; Mrs. Eliza beth Bramwell, assistant marshal; Mrs. Eleanor Osborne, Inner sentinel Mrs. Eliza Dunlay, outer . sentinel Fannie Carney, musician, and Mrs. Lottie Long, manager for a 3 year term. Mrs. Jones was chosen to at tend the state convention In Portland in March, with Mrs. Carney named as alternate. A social hour and refreshments fol lowed the business session. Bessie Lovell, Mrs. Patty and Mrs. Jones act Ing as hostesses. Initiatory work is scheduled by the Royal Neighbors for two weeks hence. MACCABEES ELECT OFFICERS Maccabees met yesterday to elect officers and the following members were chosen: Mrs. Ola Bissinger, commander; Mrs. Dora Allen, lleuten ant commander: Mrs. Margaret Elder, record keeper; Mrs. Sue Payne, lady at nrms; Mrs. Lillian Conroy, sergeant Mrs. H.ittle Ferguson, past comman der; Mrs. -Hattie Davis, chaplain; Mrs. Marietta Hanscom, sentinel; Mrs. Nona Rogers, picket; Mrs. Sue Dupuis, musician; Mrs. Seatta Newton, mus ical director; Mrs. Ella Brown, captain of the guards: Mxs. Lena Pinson, color bearer, and Mrs. Mad go Massey, color bearer No. 2. The retiring past commander Mrs. Martha Hansel was presented with i handsome Macabee badge at the con elusion of yesterday's meeting. i ! . y ... 4. - llaaillilMfl llVlatTli HAVE YOU JOINED OUR HAPPY LINE OF SATISFIED CUSTOMERS? You Will Find U th Best in Our Line. BUY A BARREL OF FLOUR !'''''. " We can fill your order for the best the market affords at right prices. WE SELL ... Walter White Satin and Hard Wheat. Collins Snow Maid and Hard Wheat. Pendleton Roller Mills Blue Ribbon and key Red. : Olympic. ' , Tur Gray Bros. Grocery Co. THREE fHONES QUALITY HiTC.Mmm.iMnw:.riMimHiih .niinH'H'uc y miitHtij,ijtujmna,ii,Litmi,attm....ti.i..mii.-....,.... .ii , il THE THOMAS SHOP COX WOULD MIIE'TSuffiuii HARDING'S PROGRAM Ii J1P-R00T " ' '" - . v aM . ' T y -aiaa , f COLUMBUS, Dec. . (U. P.) Governor Cox, defeated democratic candidate for president, today wired Senator Harding offering to appoint Senator-elect Frank B. Willis to fill the unexpired portion of Harding's term as senator, should Harding care tu resign Immediately. : Governor coas telegram1 to the president-elect follows: "I have read In the papers of your intention to resign from the senate January to or 11, at which time the new governor will appoint Senator elect Willis. I have no doubt that In preparing for our executive" tasks you are desirous at the earliest possible moment to bring your senatorial, re sponsibilities to an end. It it will In any way give furtherance to your plans or add to your convenience, 1 shall be most happy to appoint , Mr, Willis Immediately upon your resigna tion. This suggestion is prompted b a spirit of helpfulness which must possess all people without regard tt- political association If the govern ment Is to efficiently meet the needf of humanity." v Harding Will tourer MARION, Dec. 8. (U. 1'.) President-elect Harding said today hi would make no statement regardlnf uovernor tots proposal to resign a senator until he had an opportunity to talk matters ever with Willis. coooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo o : Skookum Pancake Flour NONE BETTER SKOOKUM PANCAKE FLOUR The only PANCAKE FLOUR MADE AT HOME. ASK your Grocer. 220 E. Court Phone 351 OmiA FLOUR & CRADI CO. MRS JOHNSON IS HONORED hen Pioneer Club members met yesterday they elected 'Mrs. . "Winn Johnson president for tho coming year. Mrs. H. E. Bickers was chosen vice president, Mrs. Louise Lampkin, gee retary; Mrs. L. Overturf, treasurer and Mrs. W. B. Mays, historian. The meeting was held in the club room of the library and hostesses for the affair were Mrs. Waltef Jones, o ! Mrs. Charles Hamilton,, Mrs. Lee gj Drake, Mrs. Nellie Harrison, Mrs. Kit O I Bowman and Mrs. J. 8. McLeod. 0 The following program, given in O formally, was enjoyed: ' Ol Herding. ....... . Mrs. L. Overturff Heading Mrs. Mary Lsne Vocal Solos. Mrs. Clem McCoy o B S SUGGEST WASHINGTON, Dec. S. l P,) President Wilson's recommendation to congress will be dismissed witl scant attention by republican leaders they made it plain today In discuss ing the message read to congress yes terday. The republicans sutd'in ef fect that while they agree with Wil. son that the reconstruction job should be tackled and finished as soon a; possible, there Is no hope of agreeing with him regarding the methods to bf followed. One exception is noted Id the general rejection of ' the presi dent's request for immediate . action. This waa the bucget bill, 'which .-is scheduled to pass soon. T FORT WORTH. Texas, Dec. 8. (A P.) That Clara Smith, sought In con. nection .with the killing of Jake. L, Hamon, is In a small Mexican towi: opposite El Paso, Texas, and will sur render In a day or so on the advice ol her counsel, was usserted here yester day following a conference between the young woman's father and a firm of attorneys. VISITING AT HELIX. Mrs. W. C. Minnls Is enjoying a visit In Helix as a guest at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Sir. and Mrs, Ralph Porter. RETURN FROM SPOKANE. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Engdahl returned from Spokane this morning after a week-end visit there. PEACH MIKKMXY COSTS MTIXIOX WASHINGTON, Dec. 8. (A. P.) President Wilson sent a special mes sage to the senate showing 1 hat ex penses of the American peace mission abroad amounted to $1,601,191. Card of Thank We wlxh to thank our many friends ;S"ne. "Pape's Diapepsin" at once ends Indigestion, Gases, Sourness, Acidity You don't want a slow remedy when your stomach Is bad or an uncertain one or a harmful one your stomach is too valuable; you musn't Injure It wllh drastic drugs. When your meal don't fit and yon feel unconimortable, when you belch gases, acids or raise sour, undigested food. When you feel lumps of Indiges tion pain, heartburn or headache, from acidity. Just eat a tablet of Pape's Dia- epsln and the stomach distress if and relatives who so thoughtfully gave us their aid during the Illness and dcuth of our father, A. Perard. p- cially do wo wish to thank the Kaglea Club, those sending the beautiful floral offerings, and those who gave us as sistance with their cars. Millions of people know the magic ni I'ape s Diapepsin as an antiacld. They knew that Indigestion and disordered stomach are so needless. The relief comes quickly, no disappointment, and they cost so little too. For many years druggists have watched with much interest the r. markable record maintained by Dr Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kid ney, liver and bladder medicine. It Is a, physlclun'a prescription.'Root 18 tt strengthening medicine.. It helps the kidneys, liver and bladder to the work nature Intend ed they should do. , . i . . ' Swamp-Root has stook the test of years, a is -sold by all druggists on its merit and it should help you. No other kidney medicine has so many rrlonds. Re sure to get Swamp-Root and start treatment at once. However, if you wish first to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Blnghampton, X. for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper. ERS ARE ADWSED LUFT WE ARE NOW CONDUCTING THE " MOST SENSATIONAL sale EVER HELD. ! . I! ON WOMEN'S AND MISSES' APPAREL. SUITS AT 1-2 PRICE ) Now $24.75 to $48.75. All colors and sizes. v V1 DRESSES I One big lot of SUk and Wool. -v Reffula r up to $85.00 at $35.00. COATS, SKIRTS, 4 WAISTS, ; PETTICOATS AND ; SWEATERS ; Now from -4 to 1-2 Off. i COME AND LOOK 20 Percent Off on Silk Underwear! Expressing the desire of tho federal reserve board - to do everytmnj it properly can to help the Qtrmers In their present predicament. Governor Harding declared it was Impossible for any banking system to provide funds for withholding all staple crops entirely from the market for any jlength of time. , Some '.agricultural products, he said, may not be salable at any price and as they must bo car ried over for account of noma one, "they had better be carried for the account of the producer." . He suggested that the . federation consider co-operative marketing, greater diversification of crops and INDIANAPOLIS. Ind.. lec. 8. (A. P.) Declaring his uttitude un fhanged toward extension of credit to snable the withholding of staple -tops from market, Governor Haid ng of the federal reserve board last light urged delegates to the American .'"arm liureau federation convention lere to take to heart the old saying "things are never as good, or as bail w they seem." He told the farmers tho country was passing through lis i . I readjustment and said the maturing of farmers' obligations that It is most desirable that thereover periods extending 'from. October be no feeling of undue depression 01 to March as a means of preventing a lespaif. rpnellftnn ef tiruci. , It Itna Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets Get at the Cause and Remove It Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, tlie luUtitute for calomel, act gently on the bowels and positively do the work. People alllicted with bad breath find quick relict through taking them. Dr.- Edwards' Olive Tablets are a Vegetable compound mixed with olive oil. They act gently but firmly on tho bowels and liver, stimulating them to natural action, clearing the blood, and purifying the entire system. - They do that which calomel does, w itliouf. any of the uod-aiterhct--Take one or two every night for a week and note the pleasing effect. 15c and 30c a box. W . : V. I . , ! ' ' 1 i ..;' 1 ; i ' 5 ; : 1 jniy in morf s h opping ' (lays beforV. Xmas. See Our Windows SHOP EARLY I Special Off erj IN IjFREE Records .' Given with the purchase of a Maridel Phonograph This is a bonafide offer and there has been abso lutely no advance or , change in prices of 'Man del Phonographs.". .- MANDEL . . "Most Beautiful'' PLAYS ALL RECORDS Filing Space for 50 Records. ; If 4 -1 : Phone 496 RDfOWSECO. ' ' " : 103 E. Court 3 Phones 351-1014 Signed: A. J. PERARD D. J. PERARD N,A ft .!, ri-J PHOTOS Hav roar Xmas photos made b ceoeooaooooooooooooooooooooooQOOooooooooooooogooo9 Ward w will lake you in your home , ...- V ' . . . .-.. . ..... . ' . . J t w5- ? v!l Ui! ( ,3 ts'i 1 r DMIMMMKODIMlf,,,,,,,,,,,,, a "... fi, . 220 E. Court . . . .