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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1920)
Hie E5ST Cr.ECGNIAN IS THE OMLY INLAND EMPIRE NEWSPAPER GITO ITS READERS THE BENEFIT CF DAILY TELEGRAPHIC NEWS REPORTS FROM EOTH THE ASSOCIATED PRESS AND USiiTED F,!.U DAILY EDITION 'i Esst OTegonlsa la Emt-ra dra gon's greatest newspaper and as a dim force gives to the il-m-r over twice th imtiBliwI Bld aiirru lstloq In Pendleton and Umatilla euiia tjr of any omr newspaper. CITY OFFICIAL PAPE2 VOL. 83 DAILY EAST OEEGONIAN, PENDLETON, OEEGON, TUESDAY EVENING, DECEMBEE 7, 1920. NO. 9693 PRESDEHr-n LAST MSSAGE TO COfJuRESS, PLEADS FOR THP by Audit Bureau of Circulations, r. .. : ' ' 3-"------f 7 "jpf Cri4i4KIYYV'- . ST 1 J COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER ' - -""" Ajj "" 1 H OF DOWACY I en B OF TRUCE FLAG W?' mm a feiii ma TO PARLIAMENT 111 LONDON Labor Leader Comes to England Direct From ' Conference in Ireland and Important Intermediators Hasten Back and Forth, Yet Hostility Goes on Until Last Hours. ' LONDON, Dee, 7. (By Wobh Mil lar. V. P. Staff Correnpundcnt.) Ar thur Henderson, bearer of a truce flute, will' present Bin Fein pence pro pnaala to the British government. The British labor leader enrne direct from Ireland today where he tulked wllh Sinn Fein leaden, and other Important Intermediator hastened back and forth with peace messages. No flat declaration that truce Impend waa made by authorities of either aide, bul the atmosphere la clearer today than In months. It la Indicated that fighting will con tinue to the hour of the armlHil'. If It comes. The government will con tinue to raid and arrest, and Sinn Fein terrorlata will continue their campait of ambush, A lorry load of police ncftrlng Bran don waa surprised In the darknem D attackara hidden In bushes laat nlrhi. The police hastily took to cover and apparently without Injury to anyone. They were rescued shortly afterward by soldiers attracted by the gun fire. Th government pursued Its policy of tracking down Sinn Fein leaders by surprising a Dublin corporation In the city hall and arresting six members. One of them was a member of par liament, elected by the Sinn Fein. DOG, MOTOR ENTHUSIAST, FITTED WITH GOGGLES P.OSTON, Dor. 7. (A. '.) A dog with nii'ta'l'n was shown ut the an nual fair, of the utiliiiul rescue league (oduy as an example of humuiilturlun assistance to man's dumb friends. The unlmal was Nemo, u spaniel of hlgb degree and company la the family of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Allen. Hiding in an open uutomolille on windy dus had weakened his eyes, It was ex plained and goggles were prescribed and fitted by an oculist. MACK'S LOVING FRIENDS ARE NOW SUGGESTING GUN MINUS SAFETY There are lots of geese In the west end of the county.' So far as Mack Foster Is concerned, there probably will be just as many for quite some time. ; The a portly farmer and sportsman has had his goose hunt and after three days, killed his goose. The other, 99 are still breathing the glorious, air of life and freedom. Mr. Foster has a ranch out northwest, where geese are wont to congregate. Ife went hence a few duys ago, dug pits and hunt ed. At least 100 came to his lanch, his friends say. Some aluihted upon his hut, the more forward friends say; although this is not substantiated,. At any rate, Mr. Foster killed one of the biros. One reason advanced for the light casualty list is Mr. Foster's accusation that Sol Buom sold' him shells without shot in them. . Another Is that they don't make guns without safeties. The fact that the safety on Mr. Foster's gun was on Is blamed for most of the difficulty. SAN FRANCESCO ROUND-UP NETS 161 FOR COURTS Suspicious Characters Hailed . Before Police From Hotels, Drink Parlors, Pool Rooms and Streets During Clean Up ORDERS TAKE ALL WHO NOBLE PEACE PRIZE WILL BE CONFERRED ON WILSON DEC. 10 COPENHAGEN, Dec. 7. An nouncement was made today that the Nobel peace prize will be conferred on President Wil son on December 10. TWO VAYS POINTED OUT BY WHICH UNITED STATES CAN PROVE ITS GREAT OBJECT! Goal is First to Make and Enforce Laws Unquestionably Just Which Secure Full place of Labor, Still Safeguarding Right of Property, and Then to Aid Weak Nations. SAN ANTONIO, Dec. 7. Officials i fAnl'T CYPI AIM PnM IWfS "re lHaay 'nvestigatlnir a report that vrn i tni unm wllmiu i -tai-a Smith Hamon. sought In or.n nection with the death of Jake Ha mon .is hiding in a ranch nous 22 nines south of San Antonia. BACK TO $1.70 1-4 TODAY ' Decsmlier wheat, which closed yes Urdty at 11.79 1-3," dropped to $1.70 1-4 after opening at SJ.77 and finally closed at $1.70 1-4. March wheut al so declined, closing at 11.87 1-2 aftr opening at $1.73. Following are the quotations from Overbeck ft t'ooke, local brokers: nicagfi v.rHfii iarhi-n Wheat. Scores of Underworld and Per sons of Questionable Livli- ' hood Flee From City as Kill ings Bring Wide Raid. MOVE WALL BE TAKEN Pec. Mar. Pec. May July Pec. May July Pec. May Open 1 $1.77 1.71 .75 .784 .79 .49 .S3 .63 High 11.77 173 Corn .75 ' .7814 .79 Oats .49 .53 .57 Hartcy .7314 Low $1.7014 l.7 :n .70 14 .77 .47 .51 .51 .7J14 Close $1.70 1.67 .73 76i .78! .48 .51 .51 .73 .74 Peel May 1.44 1.A0 1.41 Hye I. Oil 1.59 1.44 1.40 Foreign KxHumge London, 3.44. Paris, .0588. ReMln. .0130. Wheat It was a weak market from start and although spasmodic buying caused rallies from time to time, the close was at bottom figures. The fnTl ure of export buying to develop on tho decline was a disappointment which caused considerable selling. Local In terests reported 30 loads sold, but the seaboard claimed a complete absence of export Inquiry, In fact It was Inti mated that quantities of both Amer ican a r.,1 fnnnrilno fwhent worn being offered for resale. , The only combination past grand chancellor's snd 25-ycar veteran's jewel ever presented to a Knights of Pythlos veteran, Inst night was given to J. II. Qwinn, of Damon lodge No, 4, if Pendleton, In recognition of his long service to the order. The presentation was made by W. J. H. Clarke, of Port land, grand chancellor for Oregon. The Jewel, a beautiful gold wetch charm, was especially made for Mr. Clwlnn by order of the supreme keep r of records and seal. None 4lke it has ever been made In this country. Mr. dwlnn at Present Is an officer of the supreme lodge and Is keeper of records and seal of the local 4odge. Te'enty men were given work In the Pag rank at the district convention last night as an added feature of the meeting, attended by delegates from all of the seven lodges of this county. A banquet In the Eagle-Woodman ban quet hall, attended by nearly 300, whs the crowning feature of the evening. The delegates were welcomed by W. W. Green in a short address, all lodge present responding. Mrs. Raymond Hatch and Mrs. J. B. MoCcfrtc gave a vocal duet, Clyde Phillips sang a solo and the McDonald trio played Instru mental selections In addition to Mr. Clarke. Past Su premo Representotlvo W. M. Cake, of Portland, Snd Supreme Representative Emll Waldman, of Portland, were present. Grand Representative M. F. Hardesty, of Seaside, was among the out of town grand lodge officers present. First Day of Open House in Pendleton Institutions Draws Interested Folk Who Find Unique Systems of Teaching; Seventy-one visitors, including moth era, fathers and friends visited the Hawthorne school yesterday afternoon in response to the '"Visitor's Day' in vitation issued by local schools as a port of the School Week program. Pupils of the school, sow In number. apl-lrtigrns. , hriV imply went. through the regular rou tine work .which occupies the school program each day. This was done so that guests of the school might see tnc dally work of the pupils. Dramatization of stories Is one of the projects of Hawthorne school and this proved an interesting feature. The children In the various grades show a keen enthusiasm In dramatizing, and Every Commercial Body and Newspaper Eeceives Re quest From Farm Bureau for Aid; Householders to Help. MRS. HARDING IS GUEST .BAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 7. !'. P.) Ono hundred sixty one n n from hotels, soft drink parlors, cafes, pool I rooms und the streets were haled Into j police court today as the net result of ithe first day of a round-up of euspi- clous characters, ordered following the alleged Howard Street gang at tacks on girls and the killing of tbreei peace officers at Santa Itona bv-sup posed gangsters. The round-up is con tinuing. 'The tiolice are under orders to ar irm c.rrj mail n iiiiuiniui unci iwi- j isfactory explanation of how ho lived t without working. (a')iile the round- up was progressing, police reports Every commercial body and every showed that scorta of underworld j newspaper in I'matilla county today characters and persons of question-j received a request from the county able calling were joining In un exodus, farm bureau organization to lend its :l 1 .1 1 1 "i I n,i,,in , i. . i . . ...... . . auum lilt- nujr tH Barrel of Flour" movement. Pendle ton paperg were asked to take up with their grocery store advertisers the pro posals to place the slogan In ail ads. The Pendleton Commercial Associa tion tonight at its monthly meeting will take action on this comnuizn. ther bodies in the county are also to take It up as quickly as possible. I Householders in this city afready are -ai-'tis; hold of the idea. The farm bureau on Saturday urged all its members and all farmers In the county to get behind the movement by buyinsr a barrel of flour for their own use. Householders in Pendleton like w:so are to be urged to day in their supplies of flour at once. Local grocers already are sending in orders to the local mills for flour, the WASHINGTON, Dec. 7. (IT. JP.) Here are the outstanding points of President Wilson's messsage: "The day has come when democracy is being nut to the final test." "I earnestly hope one of the first steps to be ratferr by the present congress will be to pans the budget bill." "The fundamental fact which af "present dominates the govern- ment's financial situation is that $7.SU,4uO.0 of this war's Indebted- ncss will mature within two and a half years." "Simplification of the Income and excess taxes bas become an Im- mediate necessity." , - ''1 earnestly suggest that congress authorize the treasurer of the United States to make the struggling government of Armenia such a loan as was made to several allied governments during the war," ' It Is now our liberty nnd our duty to keep our promise to the Flll- pinos by granting them tiie :ndependence which they so honorably covet." from the city. SERVE15AND18YEARSL- DES MOt.VES, Dec. 7. (A.- P.) Fred Poffcnberger and Orville Phil lips, participants in the big Council Hluffs mail robbery were 1 4ui-v sen tenced to IS and 13 years following the' r pleas of guilty. lioth I'liiul Guilty. i DES MOINES, Dec. '7. It P.I j rred Poffenberger and Orville Phil- i flnrt rinll l.n.nni. nd vrnmmar !. i Hps. members of the gank of 11 who sons quite pleasing because of the new ; robbed the Purllngton mail .. car of millers reported this morning. With method. Art Work Shown Although mom of the art work done by the school has been placed in the exhibit at the county library, each of the eight rooms showed some art ex hibits'. These, supplemented by potted ilnnts. addod to the appearance of the -"linol rooms. In the first grade room, which is under the direction of Mrs. Ida Keane, picture cut-outs, a Christ- (Contlnued on pact I.) money nnd bonds valued at 15.0110,000, pleaded guilty to their connection with the crime in court here last-niRht. it was announced today. iix;k iklys rksolition. WASHINGTON, Dec. 7. (U. P.) Senator Lodge refused to let the sen ate cons'dor today a resolution direct ing the secretary of the treasury to revive the war finance corporation im mediately as a means of helting far- pounds and the retail price at present mers find markets for their products. i around the $10 mark. only small stocks carried both by the grocers and the millers, a quickened demand for flour would result in the necessity for operating to supply the local trade. With the movement coun ty, state and nation-wide, mills would soon be obliged to get into the wheat market for supplies and thus would encourage the farmers to sell at a profitable price. A barrel of flour constitutes but 196 "GENTLEMEN, BE SEATED" IS WINDING UP AFFAIRS GENEVA, Dec. 7. (It. p.) Argen tine's delegation to the League of Na tions assembly wound up its affairs today. The members of the delegation will leave for homa the lutter part of the week. The assembly, meanwhile, pro ceeded with its tusk as if nothing had occurred. The organization showed Its determination to reject Argentina's amendments for the time being by . referring them to a committee to be reported on at the next sexsion. MEASURE Tr'AVORAni.Y RI'll-OHTKD. I WASHINGTON. Dec. 7. -(U. P.) A resolution repealing war laws was favorably reported by . the house Ju diciary committee today and action on It may be taken In the house on Fri day. The laws exempted from repeal are. the Lever fond and fuel control, trading with the enemy, war finance corporation nnd lllierty bond acts. WASHINGTON, Deo. 7. (A. P.) For the first time within the memory of the oldest attache of the White House., a flnrt lady of the land enter tained yesterday a next first lady of the land. Mrs. Florence Kllng Harding, wife of the president- elect, was the guest of Mrs. Edith Dolling Wilson, wife of the president, at an Informal tea for two at the executive mansion lute In the ufternoon. Mrs. Wilson met her guest In the front hall nnd escorted her to the blue room where tea was served. After Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Harding 'had chatted a while, they walked I about the White House through the green and red rooms nnd the stati Mining room over which Mrs. Harding TVUI OR CHIieu Uiuu m inrmnn .. next March 4. Mrs. Harding did not meet the president, who hud retired to his study on the upper floor to read, nor was she shown over the White House kitchen. Mrs. Harding prepared to depart ufter spending on hour with her hostess and hud pro gressed us far as the front doorway when Mrs. Wilson suddenly recalling details of the White House household organization, which she had forgotten to Impart, Invited her buck ana they withdrew uguin to the blue room where they talked for another !0 min utes. fpon leaving the White House, Mrs. Harding remarked that she had "a very pleapant visit Indeed,'" but she asked to be excused from answering any questions as to her visit. This was her first meeting with Mrs. Wil son and her first visit to the White House, Mrs. Harding had a busy day in Washington. She went to the capl- ;tol In the morning and was In the gal lery at the opening session of the sen ate. As she left the capitol lunch room, she met Mrs. Marshall, wife of the vice-president, and Immediately, as old friends, they embraced, A cosl mine owned by South Da kola ships two hundred tons of coat tlaily. The coal Is furnished to the Mate Institutions but Individuals may purchase coal at the mine. rre'fit4; --- WASHINGTON, Dec 7. (A. P.) The president's annual message to congress today began by quoting from Lincoln, "Let us have faith that right makes might, and in that faith let us dare to do our duty as we understand it." President Wilson declared that - this sentence "marks for us In the A club house that will cost approxi- "lalnest manner the part w should rpately $3000 is planned for the Pen- play alike m the -"rangement of our dlcton Rod & Oun Club early next lomestlc affairs and In our exercise of spring. The club, at a meeting last!inflllenc' unon thB affarrs , of the night for the purpose of completing wor,d- 11 wa thl 'al" which prevall plans for a Turkey shoot December lcd ,v-r the wcked force of Germany. 19. also decided to ask for plans on I Tni to the time of others when the club house at once. (democracy should prove Its purity and A building committee will be ap- iu "Plri,ual PveT prevail. Then, pointed at the next meeting which will re two waya ,n wnich th United be held as soon as possible after the States n ,tet to accomplish this Christmas shoot. The committee freat obJect fir9t to make Bnd nforc hopes to complete the building before "ws unquestionably just, which se ttle spring trap shooting season opens. CUre , 1 ' labor "nd ,h About 200 Wrds will be put up asi,H,me tlme f"Bard the integrity of trophies for the coming shoot, with a !Pper,' a"d econd standing tor fo,- r.i. rn. fci-w rlht nd JusUco as towards indtvltf- guns. Committees on the shoot are1 - "-'ons. The Influence of .very as follows- nation should be for the protection of Fred Lampkln, Sol Baum, Guy Wv-Iweak nation- The United States can rick. Jim Estes, Gtrr Matlock. Bill Mi"l-!not re,ufe thl" ro,e ot tampion wlth ler, u C. Scharpf. W. A. Rhodes, Finis iout PutUnS " w8 of rejection up Kirkpatrlck, and Dan Bowman, for the l"n th? f2' and -vl men who general eommitte. nnd finv Mstlock I ""- government into exist- brought this government L. C. Scharpf. and Dr. Ingram on fin- !. "nQ ""-onsnea it m the face ot ence. Purchasing birds ond prizes, .almost universal opposition and in- committee: W. A. Rhodes, Bill Miller ! ' . and Dan Bowman. On the refresh- " Message Is Sent. ments committee which will have) WASHINGTON, Dec, 7. (By JVC. charge of he roast pig are Fred Earl, Martin, IT., P. staff Correspondent.) Finis Kirkpatrick, and Earl Kirkpat- President Wilson today called upon tick. Jim Estes and Harve Hanavan ! congress to enact a program of legis lation which he said would put the will compose the amusement committee. PLEA OF WIDOW AVERTS IG SANTA ROSA.. Cal., Dec. 7. (A. P.I The widow of Shpriff .Tnmnn A I'ttray alone prevented a crowd of his friends from attclnpting to lynch George Boyd, confessed slayer of I Sheriff Petray of Sonoma county, and I Detective Miles M. Jackson and lis ter M. Dornuin of San Francisco, and I Boyd's companions. Terrence Fitts I and Charles Volanto, It became known lust night. The three officers were shot and killed Sunday when they attempted to arrest Hoyd, alius George Barron, Fitts and Velanto in connection with Lmtea Mates In the forefront of & movement to make the spiritual power of democracy prevaU throughout : the world. In his final message to con gress, which was sent to the two houses by a messenger, the president said th.-. two-ways in-whtch th United States can lead 1ir establishing the doctrine of "right makes might." These ways, he said, are;, . "First; by offering an example with in her own borders of the wlU and the power of a democracy to make and enforce laws which are unquestionably Just and which are equal in their ad ministration. "Second, by standing for right and justice as toward individual nations." The president declared that "a dis play of Immediate disposition on the part of congress to "remedy any Injus tice or evils that have shown them selves in our owd national life will af ford the most effectual offset to the forces of chaos and tyranny which are piuvinc-Ko disastrous a part In the for- Jcutrages a set of gangsters are ac- j tunes of the free peoples in more than cusca 01 perpetrating on young wo-one part or the world., men in a small shuck In Howard Treaty Left from Progrtun. street, San Francisco. President Wilson did not mention Following the arrest of the three (the peace treaty or the League of Na men a crowd surrounded the county jtions but submitted the following pro jail here and threatened violence. Two! gram to carry out the aims he out attempts to break into the jail were ''lined: fittstrated. During the excitement a Immediate passage of dithering ot former neighbors of 'bill. Sheriff Petray from Mealdsburg went j Strictest economy in to the Home of the family. The .appropriations. the budget government friends said they would break into the jail and get the three accused men if the Petray family desired that quick vengeance", according to officials who learned of the occurrence tonight. Mrs. Petray stood firm against the proposal, it was declnred. Her hus band was an officer of the luw and 'law-abiding; It would be his wish the lew take its course, she is credited I with saying. ) "Two wrongs would not make a right," she declared. According to countv officials the withdrawal of these friends of the sheriff was ail that prevented an -or-lized and successful assault on the Jail. Immediate revision of ta U Adequte provision for disabled sol diers nnd sailors. (Continued on page .) Weather Reported by Major I, official observer. Maximum, 4 3. Minimum, 33. Barometer. 33.52. rrr " Trace of snow. E It LOS XNGEt.ES, Dec. 7. (A. P.)' Fourteen persons employed In a ware-; house building at Sixth and Alameda streets got out yesterday when the up. per ceilings began to bulge and five minutes later building collapsed. One man was hurt but will recover. M MATED FCSECAST Tonight and Wed. fair.