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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1920)
'-. v ' " r- v r V IHUY A JJAISKEL OF FLOUR QKDEU YOUlt I3AHKEL NOW! 1J iOKDEK PENDLETON FLOUR DAILY EDITION DAILY EDITION Number of copi"J printed of yeatordajr'i East Oregon!) I F.wn Oro inn'i greatest newspaper and a selling force glv to th (dram over tlc th guaranteed paid eirca latloi In Pendleton and Lmalilla coun ty of any other newspaper, , I "I 1 I V Thl pHpor t m.-nllirr or nnd nilriltcd by th o Audit llurcuu or Olrruliitiona. .-.-J COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER VOL. 83 CITY OJTICIAL PAPE3 DAILY EAST OEEGONIAN, PENDLETON. OREGON, THURSDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 0, 1920. NO. 9695 PRESENT TARIFF Hi REVENUE TO STAND FOR YEAR Republican House Leaders Agree on Time After Making Preliminary Plans for Revis ion of Two Tax Measures. HEARINGS WILL BEGIN IN LOWER BRANCH MONDAY IIAIIWNG GET&.TO WORK ON LIST OF PROAir;T DEMOCRATS AND WOJVSsf ill WHOM TO ADVISE PROSPECTS OF FORMER SECRETARY, CHARGED WITH MURDER -co WIDOW tD TO FILE, ' WHEN DEATH .AKES SHERIFF TOLKDo ( iv... Die. 9.- (A. P.) Mrs. Mi.bel Simpson wan today appointed I'V the county court as I sheriff of Lincoln county succeed ing her lilO'linnd, William Hrm Hon, who died If t Mt week. j Senator Hitchcock, Spokesman for Wilson' Through Long Fight, and Shields, Irrecon cilable, Sure to be Called. TRUCE FLICKER Oil GREEN ISLE Recommendation for Increases Made in Report of Secretary . Houston Will be First Mat ter Under Consideration. PRAIRIE CITY ELEVEN SEISM TO M-'Sr. ma m on, Dec. .i-(By Raymond : Hope of Peace Goes Glimmer fiapper, V. P. Ktuff Correspondent.) - j , . tl im,:.., i,Cu lllJ, ctllU MICH IIIICI VICVV Willi Lloyd George Revives Op timism of London Press. Prairie City high school, located away out la Oinrii eouuiy, ha set up u claim fur the K.n-iern 'Oicgou foot Ijill title lii-ca i- Pendleton high will j (1 u I)lwt Kllme, The , WASHINUTdN-. Iiw. !i.(ll. H" ; claim ava iiiudo followinn the lioldiiig bert Walker. l 1'. Staff Crreipoivl. j , KrilnMlll tllKn, f ,.,., lillul, , tt lt rnt.) Present revenue and tariff lu, , ,, vll.,ry SxvunM-r'tl. must continue for u year, republican! Knillkl ttJlVol.-d to Raker, 3C """,r " ""J " v-. mi MM. iiini h h.Vfri u v;imn till 1 hinkwalviiiir dnv mik! thn. with one ll I1 l ,,u :. t'.uv ot rout, went Jnlo the name with Prairie, after aiuMher ride over ihv Mukfn good mi catnpfiitfn pnimiHPii, rrt'Hltlcnt-elect UitrdiiiK- It wnrkhix on the Ifnt of ropreHcntutive womiph ami Prominent rlt-inofrat he intendH to cull In Marlon to advice him on the lyugue. of NathniH que t Ion. Anions the demo- rt'jU. it y cortutn thai Senator HUcn- wax Prt'stdent Wilson n ' in the senate thruiiKhoul J ill hf summoned. Amon j otliern will be senator Shieldn who, nl- j lhoi.Kh a democrat, wun umimjj; the J irifc nctii.ble truty -jtp'nentH. Ken. ator ili'rdin r; not divided the n-iti. ,f li, women ho intendn to call, but it 1 !ikel AIth. Kaymonu oldn:i of rhicj, ( and Mm. Unrriet Tdj'lor i'lttoii of uhio will be on tin RECURRENCE OF FIGHTING HOWEVER, LOOMS TODAY Government Seizes Municipal Building for Officers and Concentrates Troops, Preparation for Bad Winter. 1 1 HI. thfVHt two meaNuri'M. Fonlney, chairman of tJu- wavn and meanH committee, nald conri'Mi wo'h 1 he tthowlnir jc-mkI M'C'mI If the repuh. Ilcan revenue ami tariff lmvn weie im thn Hlatiilo l)ool( hy Die ci:d of ;. He hellevcM that at li ail nine month will he required In rcvlxion of tlei turlff. Hrarlnm on revenue revon und-r rrexent plamt will Mart m t .Moiu'dV Hecommettdation for inert ; tuxe'j In the annual r port of s.t r.- :i i i.rl Treatury HouMon v ill he n,n:!en"l J fii'Mt. Appurentl , HoiiMton'M i,."C".-- tlon for repeal of the e profn. tax Ih the only one upon w W4t lh' committee iiutnhcrN aciee. Kelicf iw ltn,rai'ticahle WASHIXiT.. Die. . -( IM Income tux relief lci;txlatloil ipmui fTi i hy buMineKtf lutereatN Ih Impra'-th aMe ut thla BeMiion. repuhltcan mcmhei-K of the iun.ite ftnanco cijmm'U'-n dei hh.-d today. ICK ON Fi lone MounluifiM. Tho I'ortland team won hy one liotnt. Thus wan the Tralt'le claim net up. l"ru-klln hiirh hwl to' WanhliiKton hlirh In roilhmd and WaahhiKtoii, an well a h the other teamn of Portland, declined a Kame with Pendleton. Tho UiiCiunde and llaker elevena bol'.i honed to I'enilletnii. Pranklln scored j , '. '.,' twice the number of ,,oim "Xw- Bu)k(,r 1)m(Je ,,. K,.con(Ill twti l aker that the local- did hut their th(i lltu the ,.; in the r,jurth krorimc power after one day of rest, I i(J (,f th(,)r Murphy got a and playltiff a hlKh altltudn. handicap- . Madden, who went Into PUIiTLAXD. Dec. H !'. I'.i-nut-tllutr l.evtnuky laBt.nlttht liwt match to Hoy i.McConnlck In the w venth j lound on a foul. There wun plenty ol nctSun until that lime with the flKht ped ihem c have tin ne claim. uiHideiahly. laical offlciali. I a di af eir on the I'lairin) the ring on Bhort notice. DenipBey put Purdy away In the second round Taylor scored a technical knockout over AillBon In the curtain raiser when the referee stopped the fight In the third round. Acthm M-frrril ' WAHHIXliTON', lie' . V. P. Hi-nuhllcuii memhvrB of Mo- m'tiatf , defer action on the apiicil of Inisst!' men for poBtponruient of Income tax iiaymentM and for an exicimlon on Ii.hscb. Tlie di cislon t i deny the re- i lief requeKtcd wuh rcuchi.d after tucly of the recent ;.l!i meal hy retaty of the Treamny llouatou. who raid that the Rovei nul' lit could le t afford lo isrant cither of the m ' iiiie, ttBkcd. TO SKILLFUL POSTER FREI LONDON', Dec. 9. (A. P.) 'Pros - IK-ctB of Irish truce, which laat nihl j were regarded as havinjf receded out! of night, have been revived, according to the Dally Mail an the result of a pri- 1 vate interview Iw-t'-een Monsignor I Patrick Joseph Cline. lilshop of Pertli j and Lloyd George. The Mail quotetaj the premier In saying that prosper! I are brighter than, they apiiear on the I surface. t in - X t - '-t, 1 t . - inn r i -ii r 1 L . " ".T).. -. LIFE STOR Y IS TOLD BY 11017 .OF LORD I .Account of Hunger Strike and Last Suffering in British Prison is Given by Muriel . MacSwiney in Washington. proponentFrIsolved ' to see no compromise lr-". A"V. 1 n ADA 6MITH England and World Will Know No Peace, Witness Declares, Until Beloved Irish Republic Has Been Recognized. WASHINGTON. Dec. . fA.'P.) I'roponenu in Ireland of the Irish re public re resolved that "England anj jioc worm snail nave no peace until our j republic Is recognized." Mrs. Muriel MacHwiney, widow of the late Ij,rf i mayor of Cork, declared today before ,0 com miss on of the committee or 10 jlnvestlftating Irish conditions, -he,, jalso told her husband' life utory. liilld ttiieaka So iS1t-h. ... WASHINGTON. Dee. . fL. P.J ' jThe atory of Terence Mac!winer. and I Ma final huneer strike wit. tolrt h ih. HAMON HkIiHhk Ih Iniinlncnt LONDON, Dec. 9. (By Wehh .Mil ler, (. I'. Staff Correspondent.) ac iirrence of flghtinp letween the Hinn Fein and PritlHh forces In Ireland i expected today. Hope of quick peace ;or ounendrr hag heen expected hourly appeared to have been lost and the'sinCB officials reported having located Snvernment. hv seizing municipal I ,,er n'ar ,he Mexican border where buildings for its officers and concen- she flert an,r ,h da,h "f J;,u"' !- Ha" tratlns forces, Indicated that it Is mal:. ember of the republican na- inn ready for a hard winter campaign j ; " I M Irish on ice dec.ared that Bum Fein attacks on police had continued throughout the present week. The I'oveinment has also conthmed its raids on the grounds that Irish re publican leaderH hud not suiri'ested I peace. . .0 kii.1 mincer scriKe were tola oy the I widow of the late lord mayor of Cork. I who appeared before the nation's un- orrtc!al commission investlaatinir con . 1 . i . . . .. .1 u.iram. in irriimi. no iierce was ilac- ( lara Smith lUmion whose capture committee, anil millionaire oil ISwiney's 1(ve for Ireland and the kinj. The fugitive was formerly sec-I Irish language, she ald, that hi ba retarv to the murdered man and the by daughter couldn't apeak anything wilt-'of his nephew. Frank Hamol,,"C,, Ir'"h 'ansuage' nev- er heard her father or mother speak who divorced her on May 23. 191 1. j, word of English," aaid Mr. Jlac- j " ' . , j Swiney. . . -Mrs. MacSwiney i a small, fragible I w oman, dressed in black and speak Wealth of Cclor and Design! PIANO MEN, ON ST F, IE, nOTnm CIIIt'AiiO. Dec. B. -ll'. IM -Sltil;-InsT piano workers, deadlocked with their employers over demand for in creased wages today announced a plai. to manufacture their own pianos. A company has been "formed and the inker will put tip IMUMHI to finance It. The workers will contilhuie th.'r first month's warns to put the new firm on its feet. WASHINGTON. Dec. .--'. P.) .'elision of fteight rales throughout 'ie Mississippi valley, and of raLes be- Marks Exhibit at County Li-'" the Mississippi vaiu-y nd an .... . . 1 i .it ts of the. I'nited tjin'eu will be ne- brary Which i3 Feature of rv , n. ,iring ihji the . interstate City's School Week ProgTam 1 '"""' CommisS:on announced to- rf : ti;iV. i This will result from the decision In From the simple cut-outs made by )lc "Memphis Southwestern InvestlKa Ihe fitut graders,'" to the skillfully ,n ,vnien the I. f. C, held that I executed posters palmed by high j Mlasiss'iM't Htver water competition no ! u hool students, art Is expressed in tho , ,,nVer Justified lower rates ut river ! exhibit of work of Pendleton school ri,l!lU ll iu, ut intui mediate interior pu4ntK Th commWan has extended until March I. June 1 and December 1, 1921, the time for readjustment of these and othir rate hanges. These son. Huinlicd!i of .drawing are 'sweeping Increases, but merely exieu !'! and every gradp in every school slve revisions of tariffs is represented. A touch of Cubist art is noticeable in cut-out of coats and boots done by pupils of the lower grades. Jtont. Chinese figures, Indian war bonnets, and many other designs comprise the nil work of the besliiners". All INtKim Ortirinu! All design work done in the varloio--nides Is original, one conventional di n wing shows shadings of rose, gold i.uo'Im Kiioivn this week at the county .' library as a part of the School Week nniet'iiiii 1 Tloo-e iu u Ui ullh of Color 1111(1 design in the display, which Is prevailed by : spirit of originality and self-expres MAItloN. Dec. 9. (Hy Raymond and brown, and 'was Inspired by the Clapper. V. P. Staff Correspondent. - 1 iiaugements of seeds In a half section Senior Harding will retain his seat in I of nit apple. Hulterflles and Indian the senate for the present, and no mi I mollis re used In other drawings. mediate action will be taken on the I Combination' of flat drawing with , oner ot .oei nor v ox i.. oo .. LIKENESS OF SHERIFF IS MODELED IN CLAY (East urcgoninn Spec'.al.) L'MAI'INli. Dec. 9. Oil Monday veiling a mass ' meeting of abuut 60 ranchers of te Fruitvalo and Slate l-ine neighborhoods was held In the Fruitvale sihonl house for the purpose it disc,; the road situation In that .icinity and plan for Improvement. A. W. S;nimons was elected chair man and after explaining the purpose if the meeting a general discussion A very faithful reproduction of sheriff Til Taylor en his horse, mod- . eied in clay, has just been cona;ileted hv A l'himister Proctor, well known sculptor, at his studio in Jv'cw York I City City. A photvri"Ph of the mod::! was received Wedr.tsday from Mr, Proc:or by Mayor John L Vaughn n,. . The model was to Im- submi.teil to the Til Taylor Memorial Association shouk' it be decided to expend the memorial fund for a statue. Mr. Proclor wim, here at .Round-Lpi and 'no, mado the model since thai time. It shown the isrle' sheriff in excellent 1979.70 on a 0790.19 sewer job as the detail, in n characteristic riding 'pos- j result of force' account work and ac-j ture on his horse. - The view is froi.i ; cepted a report that the city nata-j the right lde. ' . ' 1 lorium cleaned $497.55 during the Estimate of the cost jf such aSimimec jutt passed and a recommen Mtaiue. were received earlier from Mr. 1 ,.,ii,m from the natatorium coinmit- '" "eld. Walla Walla county has , i.r0etor. A 10-foot size without base ! tee that a-heating plant should be in ar'reed to gravel the State Line road iVOUt cost about f-',( and a 12-tnot i stalled by dext year, from the store to the road leading tOisiz about $22,000. A marble base. ! it w is n linsv- session, thaua-h not f rutlvale, a distance of about one mile jhe said, pre bably. would email .in ad- j lengthy. Adjournment was held up nd it was agreed ny muse present ditional expenditure of 000 or 15.- ; several 'minutes )ecalie of the ab sence of Councilman Henry Taylor. I -jinir with a bit of a brogue. She said ithe f;rst met her husband In 1913, 'and again ut Christmas. 1914, when he was an officer in the Irish republican jirmv. I used to go to jail to see hi, and we were married in June, , 1917. o an insn pr.est, in our own lan KUaee." .. , Mrs, MacSwiney said their Juhv wi. .born while .Mr. MasSwiney was In I prison. "I felt in August. 192. Just $22i000!aft" mv husband s last arrest, that he I "Ould die. So the shneb nr at the first, not later." There was a " faint break in her voice. "But thr should be tears of Joy. no (frier, for Ithoee who die for Ireland," she con tinued. "Not any of Mr. MacSwiney's - Pendleton's city fathers last tyght i sheThard ,h hi-" h ' .iirpesed of S.-.OOO worth of bSnds ! 'h, J P"r" foe 11 Ml l heai-rf nf a savinir lit t - . 1"" m IIO- . Disposes . ' of Worth of Bonds for $21, 804, - Heat ; of Saving on Street Job and Natatorium. and. that Umatilla county should lurnis.i i ,',oo. the labor to spread the gravel. H. B. j Dean, county cominissioncr-elect from his end of the county attended the meeting and assured those present I hat he w ould use his best efforts with the other members of the county court to see that this labor was paid for by I'matlHa county. Kd Hoon, load supervisor for th's district, was also present and was R( RMS MEETING DEFENSE BRINGS RADER Portland Hid Adi'lKcil. The bid of Carstens & Kurles Co.. of I'ortland, for the purchase of the Tk. of th. K.,.t v.,.i, iCity s liond Issues for fire apparatus heartilv In accord with the plans as ,...,. ...i..! i,.. .., , and park purposes, was accepted up- oiulined bul stated he hud received l u1v -u-ill c0 to the iurv. about liistructionM to ston a t ;work HI mis ....,. ..,.,Pn. , u...a n,u.iinia ot time on account of lack of funds.!,,.. house' today. ' The taking of'J" vm- lftS!' m? ".err:nt fw at,or l..... . .... i f i..i' .... nov fe nml linnils. euvlnir a nel 1-e- ineueecouui m i pi oune n ; uu.ui.iui tMiniuiir was completed yesterday I cut-out work is sTIown In a green jar i - '" """" support from the county at this time.!,,.. rfw n,i th taking of -re filled with cut-out scnriei pouiwiian i ............. ,.,,,,., i The people of the Fruitvale district i,uttal testimony bv the Sportsmdt from Pilot i.ock, r.cno ,nrt Christmas caienoars fiuivom "'' " ,,,,- v . have done a large amount of donation j oompete( this morning. and Helix were guests last night t ; cut-out holly wreaths. 1 nese ami " ', T. .' ...!, I "' 'K hls. fall and as a result have I Tlie de'fense,it rebuttal this Col. J 11. Haley wltlT the iiiitirniln hi a duck dinner at 11:30 In lennedii.te grades. the dining loom of the Klls club. lhe,- .interesting- indeed Is tho exliimt 'l , . , ...! county this year will be In a much jtornevs will be made, lt is hardly belter position to travel this yenner exoected to bo finished this evening state was l-clio ,rt i Christ ma calendars showing as muirai - Penilleton others were done hy pupils oi me in-. """ "." " " " . . graveled many of their worst spots and i ..nei noon and following the comule ii.i.. rf.i ti. iu i.i'iiieni illness oi . i . m ' , Vi-'mi . .i "even with no assistance from thO;tjon or tnjs, the arguments of the at HI. V II I IS l.lllll'I. The holiday recess of congress next week will give further time for the de cision, the statement added. Harding sent a telegram to Cox, expressing his I 7 : : Harding ar- Km th, emp.oynien, of a fru PASSAIC. N. J.. Dec. 3 -If P v w ho always places the motion to ad-. Missing since November 11, Rev. Cor join. .After a few moments of deli-jnelius Densel of the Netherlands lla beration his colleague from ward I. ; form Church has returned to Passaic Councilman P. J. -McMonies. moved j it was learned today. The reiterated for adjournment. I prediction of Mrs. Dense! that "Jje will come hack" was verified last night when the missing pastor walked Into meeting of the church consistory, which was just about to decide on minister to replace him. "I've made a mistake, a terrible mistake." Densel said as he tendered his resignation. When she learned that her husband had returned. Mrs. Densel shut her self up in her room and refused to un lock the door to anybody. ,KAB i.. I , Pleted by a force working under the - daughters said. . - , , , on recommendation of the finance committee. Their bid was $1001.11 nev fees and bonds, leaving a net re turn to the city for the tssue of $21.-SlH.42. The Turner street sewer, just com local men played host as a return for j j'nlnier method writing done In the various grades. tilfls arc .Made Third grnde pupils of lhe Washing ton school have muilo "something for Mother" under the direction of Miss I.uru Hendricks. Continued on page two lh courtesies extended bv lhe dull members from the eo'inly lowns and ' 31 men at down to the dinn i A mallard roasted to a fine brown'. praced each plate ntvl a meal with all! the nrecAviry acct ulreireuts was pro- i vlded by Secretary .iiiiilan. of the lodge. L'iich place was marked by n ; red carnation and the same fiower graced the tables. , Every r. nn Invited lo the ili in'r vas presort and each was called upon to respond to a toast. The guest list In cluded the following nun: ' levl Kldildge. .(leoifre. Done. L M. Schannep. (ieoriA' Caines 10. K. (' teel. Newt ltnyer, C. W. Paiiln C. (1. Brn'cher, Will Class and M. M Kanniim-, nil of th" Klkhoin Club, Pilot. Hock; u.,1.,1, Qi..nllelil l'ete Sheridun. A. H. ., ,. v i.Mn i i nil l.i. Conloi Mal'tlli. V. Stuff Oi lr nil of I cbo; Kre.l .vines ami Curt me rcius.u Kngdahl of Helix and Dr. Frank beau lender of the senate, lo sanction Hovun V I' Marshall. Tom Thoinp''he introduclion and nassage of the son h 11 ".hOmpson, v'v. .J. Peterson. ;Knox peace resolution at this session Fred fitclwi r J. K. 1'nlcy, J. H. Haley, of congress, today started an insur ' Marlon Jack' VI .1. Sommervllle, F. S. '.Kent movement which may result in k..i i.- iv M.-Coiniis U C Schiirnf .lhe presenlallon of the measure de- and D D. Phelps, of Pendleton. than heretofore Cither matter of were discussed at this meeting, union Following the arguments the jury the city $2790.! 9. F. Ii. Hayes, engi neer., reported. This was $979.70 lower than the lowest private bid made on the work and $2672.22 under is ,,.,i,. ir, nrntect him on ' ' The results of their ,, ' " A : ,. i ...Jct unt packing and grading official for th .immunity interest lnust be charged by lhe judge and the me oiuei em m..,,.,.,.. . !..,. .1,... t l oom OUIS were icj.-neo . uv The defendant ltader went on the "ben they both exceeded the engi- own neer s estimate, ioi . lue- wor.t. me stand yesterday afternoon in his t-pniiti' dorinsr his absence. Ii lielnu understood that the 'behalf and corroborated tlte story s--- . (county will be asked to appropriate , told by Frank Hale, only eye witness: $1200 fur that purpose next year, lt i to the shooting of K. I". McCuc.'Who I was unanimously voted that Ihts muni was called by the defense yesterday..! Was not essential and even were one ltader is a rather . slioit and acme (Continued on page 2 ) WASHINllTON. Dec. 9. Hy I C be referred to the foreign . relations orrespondcnt.) j committee and left there. Lodge Indi cated, i employed he could not satisfactorily handle lhe matter us the volume is too great. suite Lodge's disapproval. Lodge to !ilny Informed the insurgents that lie does no! Intend to have anything done with the measure during this session. They told that there are enough! democratic votes available to puss the BOSTON, Dec. 9. ( IT. P.) Wases resolution over President Wilson's ve- of New England textile workers will to. but Lodge said his plan I to let the be reduced 22 1-2 per cent within a jwhole thing go over until tho sin'Cial short time It was learned today follow session after Harding's inauguration, lug a meeting here in which practlc- Senator Lodge was much interested ally all of the textile manufacturers ol ;ln the reports that President Wilson the New Knglund states were repre jinlght resubmit the Versailles treaty, sented. Approximately .liio.Ouft ope jNothing would ho done with It, 'Lodge ratives will be affected by the wase 'nude ck-ut. 11 resubmitted, It would (.ut. ' MAYBE SHE LOOKS LIKE LIBERTY ATOP ; COURT HOUSE ROOF She does not look like Venus le Mllo,. for" Venus had both arms severed at the shoulder. Tins lady has one arm missing, that belongs to her right side, elbow to finger tips. John Vaughan does not like to put her in his window. The lady with Hie missimt right forearm Is done in curd board and belongs to an Kdison electrical appliance window dis play set. She came in several parts, Including one "forearm. IJulte a search was made of the mayor's place of business ihls morning n find lhe missing fore arm but it could not be found. Now fhey are wondering If the display can be altereM to show the saving which can be effected hy electrital appliances for n onc-ui nicd Moiinin. man. dark haired and swarthy rom plcxioned. a type of man often fojmd in the cattle country such aa that about Long Creek where bo lives. ltader told of McCues words with him over the money for a pasture bill owin gto Hader's lather and other incidents loading up to the shooting. His cross examination was iu.... f (ho l!uIs,1(jvtkl ,v, be lold ov Vr this mor.iins by the state. ..isi,lh iioldman former Jewish rabbi. I ".Mother is sick. He is house," Mrs. Densel replied. In the SCOTCH WH1SKKY ' COMICS HIGH KKGINA, Sask., Dec. 9. (A. P. Scotch whiskey, as sold under the provisions of the Saskatchewan Tem perance Act, 1920. will cost the con sumer two dollars for an eight ounce botlle. Wholesale prices have also been agreed upon and It is estimated jruggtsts will sell on a margin of 50 per cent profit. , Conditions in Kussia and an expose WAR RISK BUREAU WILL j SPEED INSURANCE CHECKS j INDIANAPOLIS, lnd.. Dec. 9. In Iresiuiuse to the request of national of I fleers of the American Legion a spe icltil effort Is being made hy the l-'u-reau of War Hisk Insurance to see that ex-service man entitled to ieompens-uion during December gets his checlJiefore the fifteenth of the I month, in order that he may have it for chrftmas. I Tbf War Rsk Korean officials Ivivp jannounced that they have succeeded im so perfecting their machinery of operation that the long delaxs hither to attending the sending out of checks Are the Polshevikl. to the 210.000 disabled ex-servie me.iioccupv the pulpit on Sunday morning i drawing monthly compensation will ir. jivlth tho theme "The Homecoming of at a mass meet lit- to be held in the Haptist church here nevt Sunday after roon al 3 ci'clock. Dr. Goldman is the same man who spoke before a lurge Midlence in Happy Canyon on the day of the Rignii'ir of the arinisiive two eal'S aye. He is a KussUin and his wife and; six children were killed by lhe "Black' Hundred"' which are said by him to be the forerunners ol the present Hoi-' shevilti. With a son, Jerome Gold-1 man. he fled to America after thai ioutraves. The son was an American I 'toldicr with lhe 91si division and was killed in battle. I lri addition to giving his lecture on I "The Inner Life of Hussia and Who, Dr. Goldman will, Wealfier Tin Weather. . Reported by Major Lee Moorhouse. Maximum, GO. . Minimum S2. P.arometer 29.20. Rainfall, ,0 inches. , Storm brewing. tho tutuic be d"!;e away with. lsra- 0 Tomiht and Friday ruin. T.--r,-M