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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1914)
PAGE SIX DAILY EAST OREOOXTAy. PENTJLETON. OREGON". SATTIIPAV, OOTOKKIt 31, 1014. FTOTTT PAGES nuimitiiiiuii f 1 m Mr. and Mrs. Taxpayer and Wage-Earner of Pendleton WOULP Y U GO o 0)UU (V 0 n n r? W Inl Ii Below are reproduced actual nhotoeranhs shnwino- tVi kncJ f PJIf J..: DL:L:: f inno inn y.jj i y d"ve way our present prosperous times, increase your taxes, vote yourself out of a job and home and go back to these conditions. This m IS What Will naDDen aoain U rrnhihihnn i-nrr-Ao nf tV ,1. T. V.. L 1 Jia. M . i,- v stj-. -n 1 l vw,w ui iuv, utuiuu ucai mcauay. 1 ou can neip aereau u Dy voung ojo . 1 runic it oven ;v ., j t i 1 ' : - i! t y . j tf I f l J v 'Si . 6 l 1 S i . J'l 1 . vi t I I k t"1 .i-K.,. Ull..,.., j f ' f g4,..,...,-p'i;T: 5 ? rv 'a--? . . j . I I - - w ... i .... .a. ,j t ki i k ' Es y. i y : -V . A yr- 1 - j ' 1 ( . l ,nr-i, a Xj'.. ..,irt -.r uku ... mm j. j . tarn mam m mwmima " J ' p . ' i !.' HI I. ( 1..l..yl.. I .k. .... ., 4. insanl mmm 4 1 f 18 . . Asia: :6: oyf i 1 a ::: xx--' " & 1 ii.ni1- " M. 1, 'V ' C. ' i. a i : i : i H R 2 R:'-V - - "1" , ... . i . jj,,, i -i ; " lin.y CT:giae:a.n)TO. . . I ! v.i ,jr j? , Una jjre.. tt . Giitni.ui l.'uK-k in heart of Pendleton lmsincrs distrii-t, lxth torc rcoins empty diirinjr Pendleton's prohibition period, now oeeu j'ied by the Prench Kestaurant, one of the best known restaur ants in the northwe-t and bj- Peters A: ilnrrison, win desalt and retail liquor dealers carry in; the lart stx-k and d'in the larire-t bn-.ine in Kasteru Oregon. Urownfield biiil!injr, empty during prohibition times and now oc cupied by the Hub, one of Pendleton's thriving stores. The room next dix.r, part of which is hovn, was emp: during prohibition times and now (xeuj ied bv the State saln. 1'n'tz building. emty during j rohibition times, now occtipiel by Prazier PHik Store. (Vrner rofni of De-pain bhx-k, no tenant during prohibition times, now occupied by jrrain offices and Fanners' Union. Elks Luildine, empty durins prohibition's rule and now ocenpie! by Hainley t Co., one of the largest saddle and harness manu acturins establishments in the northwest. ' OjN ra lnnw block, emptv durinj prohibition times. Xote the dclajddatcd condition of front of building. One room now occu pied by Griirs' thriving procerv and one room bv Anton Kraft's ()cra bar. Top floor was empty, now all taken. 7. Martin buildinir, Main street, empty during prohibition times, now occupied by "Doe" Kvans ci:ar 'store. S. Uasler building (now Temple buildinir) e:njty during prohi bition times, now occupied by Cosy Theater and ISoynton's jrro cery. Was one story then now two stories with entire top floor rented. Store room in LaDow block empty during proliibition times, now occupied by K. L Smith k Co. Milarkey building on V. Court street, omptv dnrinir our dry era, now occupied by IJownian Cleaning works and Pendleton Kl'ectri? Supply house. P'Km in Kast Oregon ian buildinir on Main street, empty durinii prohibition era, now ficcupied by offices of X. Perkely and Man uel Fried ly. ' Dining ro(ni of Golden Pule hotel, empty during pndiibition times, now occupied bv Paris Cafe. Empire block on Webb street, emptv during our drv reirime, now occupied by Scott's procery and Powlsby r-econd hand store. Store room next door to Standard Grocery on Court street, empty during prohibition times, now occupied bv Pendleton Cvcle and Supply Co. ....... 0. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 10. 17. IS. 10. 21. o.y Store rooms in MatWk-l'rownficld building next to PoWinan ho tel, empty during dry time, now occupied by Pound up hall and Cresmit saloon. Stan'gier biiiMing on Main street, empty during ftrohibition rule, now occupied by Stangier cigar store. Smith-Crawford building larsrc store room?, empty during tho dry era, now occupied bv the big. fa-t growing Gdde'n Pule Store. Store room on Wet Wibb street empty during prohibition times, now rented to Pound-up liven barn. Store room in LaDow block, empty during dry era, now occupied by Pendleton PuMter and Supply Co. Store room in Powinan hotel building empty during prohibition times, now occupied. Store room in Fagle-Woodman building empty during dry regime, now occupied by Pioneer Pottling works. Store room in East Oregon iati building on Webb, street empty during dry time, now occupied by Xorthern Pueific Co. Store room in Association block empty during prohibition era, now occupied by Hansen Millinery. WOULD YOU GO PACK TO THIS? Defeat Prohibition and "Hard Times. " Mark Your Ballot 333 X NO (Paid Advertisement. Taxpayers and Wage Earners League of Oregon, by II. E. Pickers, Pendleton, Ore.) BENEFIT Dl IE E BT MELD LADIES J-KSiniAT KI.Tt'HNS I'KOM VISIT TO IOW A OTIIl'lt PI n SOWL XOTIX (?leclal CorroRjuinJrrire ) -STANFIEIJ), Ore., Oct. 31. The Cnthotlc ladies (rave a brifit dance TlmrsdHy nltiht In the WatU auditor ium. About one hundred and twenty five attended The music was fur til.shed by the United Orchestra of Pendleton. Mm. E. E. Cotant returned Wedne? day from a three months vlxlt with relntivt-H and friend in Iowa and Minnesota. Wm. H. Da-JKhtry of Portland ' in spending the week here. Mrs. J. S Dan.rth. Mrs. Yv. Essel "n. Mr. Eteb. Mm. Copjjer.ger of Echo were In tuwn Thurnday. The WomenH Study Club met at the home of Mrg. Baker Thursday 623 Main St. Phone 90 Columbia LiquorStore H. PETERS. Prop. EXCLUSIVE DISPENSERS OT Anheuser-Busch Beer on Draught BudwrUer nd Rkinirr Bottled Beef. California Wine II.2S Ctllon Paper were read by Mrs. Ilagan and Mrs. M. Karragar. The repuMicana held a very en thusiastic rally Thursday evening. A number of upeeches were made by the different candidates. F. It. Pridges and wife gav a very enjoyable entertainment Wednesday nlKht. Mr. Bridges is trying to get up a class In music. F. M Murphy of Pendletoji was in town this week. T. O. Yates and family motored to Pendleton Sunday. A. X. Eobo was looking- after busi ness interests In Pendleton this week. Mrs. Wm. J. Howe who has been vli-itlnK. her sister Mrs. V. P. Ward returned to her home at Fargo. North Uakota. The teachers of the public school of this place are attending the insti tute In Pendleton this week. Asa Fulford went to Weiser. Idaho, to bring back a carload of bheep for H. E. I'artholomew. samples of American rifles Nobody escaped observation, not even Tim othy Healy, the Irish member of par liament, who evidently did not relish the cross-questioning he hal to un dergo. PILES CURED AT KOIIE BY NEW ABSORPTION KETHCD. If jroo suffer from bleeding, itching, blind or ijrutrtHilog I'll, send me your ad'Jrcai, nil I will tell you how to cure yourself at b"me by the nw atworptlon treatment; and Kill Hcnl mitm ttt llila fw,m t ph t free tr trlel. with references from yonrj own liHslify If requested. Tiers report Im-1 Ui-llir r-lif ni cures Kend no niniKjr. hut tell dtliers of ttils offer. Write; t'xlay to Mrs. M. Hummers, Itox I', Notre Lutue, Il1. J Sitt S'fUglit on IJiior. LIVERPOOL, via, London, Oct 29. Having received word that 22 Ger man spies were on boarj the Cunard line steamer Mauretanla with fraud ulent pawports. several officers of the home office subjected the passengers of the liner to a rigid examination oh her arrival from New York. ine orncers were assisted by a rcipa of interpreters, who devoted most of their time to questioning French and Scandinavian maids or American passengers. Through the courtesy of the foreign office, Edward I'll, second secretary of the Ameri can embassy In London, anj Horace; Lee Washington, the American consul at Liverpool, were present at the lo ves. Jeatlon. No spits were found on board the steamer. The only victim of the In '1'iiry was the agent of an American aims manufactory, who had with h!m AT ONCE! CLOGGED NOSTRILS OPEIl HEAD COLDS AND CATARRH VANISH lirrathe lYrrly! Clean Stuffcd-up, ' InfUnind Xo nd Head and Mops atrrtia Discharge Cures Dull Ileadadie. Try "Ely Cream Balm." Get a small bottle anyway. Just to try It Apply a little In the nostril and Instantly your clogged nose and stopped-up air passages of the head will open; you will breathe freely; dullness and headache disappear. By morning! the catarrh, cold-lnheaJ-or catarhal sore throat will be (one End such misery now! Get the small bottle of "Ely's Cream Balm" at any drug store. This sweet fragrant balm dissolves by the heat of the nostrils; penetrates and heals the Inflamed, swollen membrane which lines the nose, the heaJ and throat; clears the air passages: stops nasty discharges and a feeling of cleansing, soothing relief comes ImmeJlately. DonSt lay awake tonight struggling for breath, with bead stuffed; nostrils closed, hawking and blowing. Ca tarrh or a cold, with Its running nose, foul mucous dropping Into the throat, and raw dryness is dlstresslnr but truly needless. Put your faith just once In "Ely's Cream Balm" and your coll 01 catarrh will surely disappear. i i - j Camera Supplies Everything: for the Amateur AGENTS rORJ A7ISC0 CAUERAS A.1SC0 CHEL'IOALS CTKO PAPER Bring us your Films to be developed and printed on Cyko paper 'TAere' a Difference" Tnllmnn A fin Leading Drufgliti i 3 i m 0 I!