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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1914)
fa j ifas-'- I DAILY EVENING EDITIOII DAILY EVENING EDITIOII Forecast for Eastern Oregon, hy th United State. Weather Observer C fori land. TO ADViltTlSEKS. Tbs Cut Oregoolta bat th largest ! rlrralattoa of any paper In k-eguu. east st Purtlaad and over fair tb rirculatlua la t'radlctea t a7 atacr aewapaper. Tonight and ably rain. Tuesday cloudy; prob- COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER VOL. 26 DAILY EAST OREGOXIAN, PEXDLETOX- OREGON, HONDA Y, NOVEMBER 2. 1014. no. mi a a 5 - sr M HI REFUTE AI 1 ES MADE AGAltlST HIM Ex-Judge Relies on Loud Oratory, Not Facts, to Win Votes His Course a Confession of Weakness- mm ust hour fakes DR. SMITH MAKES PERSONAL APPEAL TO OLD HOME FOLKS . ,. . J'rt!iMil, On-., Xov. 1014. lo tuy l.inatilla Coniitv Frit-ti l-:-I Lav.- i,.,t U-cri aWr Jo M--U.1 tlu time itli you I votiM like to Lave gimi, but I Jia.l JiojkM th was not un-cary, that y my more than twenty year of life with you anl anion? you I mi?!it have Ltvotiie known to you m that you eouM determine whether I was entitled to vour tnist in the prcat office of p.v-rw. I rrj reel f nil v an.l earnestly hoi yon may k-c fit to pive m your votes tomorrow tn.l if you lo and I am elected I you the game port of wirier- I tried to pive when I wa in I'matilla county an.l wurkeJ with you for it interest. J. SMITH. am ii of Bridg Transactions atomag Gross Robbery of I'maUlU Banty by Ue Bbertuurt System" (;raJi liMimated at More Tba 20000. Look out for laat minute fake re port and explanation! circulated with view to aiding T. P. Gilliland In or rrcomlng the maw of damaging evi dence against him regarding bridge wlndlea. For over two week the expose ha teen underway. The facta have been. presented 1n often and above board manner Java before election. The most Important revelations have eon luted In statements made under oath. Ei-Judge Gilliland hai had full and mi, lie opportunity to answer the charge against Mm. He haa been unable to refute any of the main ac-j cusatiorjr. Fome of the Important) point he has failed to meet entirely: cithern he haa met with outright mis statements. Gilliland htm relied on loud oratory, not on fart, to Justify Ma record. To offset the A. It. Coo tey affidavit showing Eterhart'a con fession he had swindled the countr cut of $5000 on the I'matilla bride r.d had bribed the county court. Gil- Mnnd relies upon a denial from Eb erhart. It 1 quit natural eurh a de- nUl ahould te made by EWhart fr should he openly admit Ma ronf elon he would be pl ading guilty to a penitentiary offense. . Tlx Ky.m Ttx-y fmsl. The moet damaging thing in the long liat of mUd-eda charged to Gil II land U the fact that aa county Judge lie permitted a avstem. In rerard to tridg contractu, that led Inevitably to hA r.J.hpv f tit riiinft f'nip lh estm Etwrhart. mho sold steel! . t ' t-nl-s. was emcarrj in anw juanp for the county bridges and was paid for doing the work. ITe was alo en rrr$ to superintend the work. Eh erhrirt was eltw1 to have a copv of the f.lan fr tils o n tixe Another coi'V a fll. d with th ronntv rlfrk. j 1'riAro builders nslde from Eterhart j c,u!d r't sr-riir coplr of h tl-ins so t,. m:.ko t.Hs and dWant bidd-rs i,i:'r rrfiis to s-nd p-rionat rpre-1 -r; itl here to lnuTx''t tlie plana In th i bTk's offlre. Furthermore the iTl'lge trrn afl te from Eb-rha roj;ild to co'i.pfte In e.irnet t-rcaii, t?."v Vn'' E!rh'rt was ti superin-j ten t the work and would prohably t Ji.l'" tlu-m should tliry STUre a con-1 trat ni,yabo Imw Eberhart r nulii g-t trblge plans rhani:d when be wantf-d to evrn aftr colitrpi-ts ha J I Mtl rt. Ttio utter impropriety of that ss tern i't doing bulnevB waa discovered by the present court at lt very flrrt seesion and it was done away with. Url.lge plans are now drawn by the county engineer and coplea of the und specifications are sent to all bridtre funcerna wishing them, no tnatter where they may be located. Fo there I. as !een real competition un der the present court an! the cost of. bridges tiased on a pound basis, has l.c n uhout half what thoy were u'i!''r the former court. IHtdiart Ilavrl Monofioly. fnder the "Elxrhart system" Eh eihart snured all the contracts. He built a total of SS bridges and the ag gregate cost waa f 91.CS1 !S. Out of Inrge number of those bridges checked by competent engineers, only one bridge wo found where a rea sonable price was granted the county. If wa th very first bridge built. In the cases of the other bridges Investi gated the bridges were sold on a ba sis or from nine to Jl cents a pouno for steel. The present county rourt Is building a better grade of bridges at prices liiMd on from five to slg cents a pound. for tel. The Main street bridge In Pendlvton coat on a basis (Continued on page six ) EF.'GF.'.'jUS floor orders EEIHS OFfEBEO FILLERS I'oltTUND, Ore., Nov. fKnor inous urders for flour are being of fered by Kuropeun governments to lu cul millers, although latter refuse cither to affirm or deny the fact, It Is known positively that person connected wltli the Hurling European com riiineiits ere seeking millers In miter to pet ijntck delivery of flour The price of patent flour WHS sd unml go cents a barrel by one of the I :. mills (iidv. A K'niiul udvunee a, -j l . in. nil' in u 3j or so. Ir. C. J. hmitli who Is in the race for governor. U tlie home candidate of Pendleton und Ciiiutllla county. Koabler man than he ever sought the orfice of governor. On Die ballot tomorrow there sre two 8initlis, Dr. O. J. Hmltli, di inoiratlc nomtnee, and W. J. Kniith. socialist. He careful to JiKtliigulsh between them. Jjr. Siuitb g nu:i.ber U i and the name appear on the ballot u follows: It C. J. SMITH of Multnomah County. Ltouiocratle Mark a ciohs between the name and number. FRANCE BI11S WITH TURKEY HOnMEAfX, Nov. t That France I French interest in European Tur- bss severed diplomatic relations w 1th ! k, ere placed m the lui.da of it. Turkey was officially announced. The French uinbuHudois at Com-tan- llnople d ii.u mlcii und J'u:Hji I ts :;! j day, I'liited Hutea ambatuiudor, l)NOV, Nov. J-Tewfik I'ai-ha (ecelvid Ills j Turkish ainbushador Jlere, rn'e.ed 111 ( pui-.'-port todj. J E PHELPS DID II SH DEAL Circuit Judge Testi.led Before Grand Jury He Could Recall No Such Advice to Old Court. In his oratorical plea for vindica tion and vote. ex-Judge GiUlland has been making fre uae of the nam of Judge O. W. Pbe:ps mho was dis trict attorney when the Umatilla bridge deal was pulled off. Before the grand Jury that invest! gated the case two years ago Judge t-neipa testified he could recall noth ing of having ever been asked any advice regarding the Umatilla bridge and could not fecall having ever giv en any advice upon the subject. He said he had asked the old court to make its request In writing when ever it wished an.vthing of him and had Informed them he would always reply in writing. He testified he had no record of any Inquiry or of any opinion given regarding the Umatilla bridge. So if he gave them any ad vice they should have produced his written opinion. Furthermore. Judge Phelp testi fied before the grand Jury that if he expteasel any verbal opinion to the old court he merely told them they could proceed under the section of the (eld law regarding building bridges by county under a superintendent. EIGHI ARMY C0F TURKISH TROOPS BEGIN INVASION Of'tniPT SAKS REPORT FROM LONDON Gilliland Afraid to Meet Maloney in Bridge Debate At Open Meeting Tonight By rt fii-itirjr to meet Jwlc J. W. Maloney in debate tonijrht ex County Judpe Gilliland once more confessed his unwillinjrness to frankly meet the charges made against him. Through the democratic chairman, Will M. Peterson, Judge Maloney this morning challenged Gilliland to dijx-uion of the bridge subjects tonight, offering to take any time alloted him and to allow Gilliland to talk as long as he Ileaod ltoth Ufore and after the Maloney talk. The proposal vra submitted to Frank Curl, republican chairman, and very shortly after wards a refusal of the offer was made. Gilliland himself was then sottirht out and the challenge made to him direct. He said he would refuse absolutely to meet Judge Malonev in debate. Why is Gilliland po fearful of meeting the accusations ainin-t him ? "Xotie need fear the truth save those whom tlie truth would inhct. ALLIED FLEET IS IB i AITII! 110 TO DEAL Dardanelles Will be Objective for Mediterranean Warships- -Egypt Able to Protect Itself. ow listen. Gentle P.eader, such an opinion a that would be a very dif j ferent thing from tell'.ng the court to proceed as they did at Umatilla.! j The point is that in building the' j Umatilla bridge the old court did not - have the county do the work itself under a sut-erlntendent. The brldee was built outright by a contract, for a complete bridge, erected In place That contract Is still on file in the court house and It shows a direct vi olation of the lawi ?o Judge Gilliland has no license to hi le behind Judge Phelps in trying to excuse Ms bridge Seal. The Information a to Judge Phelps' testimony before the grand Jury ha been thoroughly confirmed! by this newspaper. American Consul HHd. WASHINGTON. Not. ;. An offfif cial message received at the state de partment from American Consul Johnson at Ostend said he wa being detained at Ghent. Johnson reported he was forced to flee from Ost'-nd and now waa unable to leave Ghent. NEWS SUMMARY Cncral. Eighth Turki-h army corps have Invaded Iint 6ay report In Lon don. ClUcaco stockyard are closed be-cait-o of djtcdvrry of fool and mouth !iscasc among livestock. Twenty-one Indictments are re IIEI7 HI HEADS ARE IIIDIC1ED; 21 DILLS BROUGHT III RUSSIA REMAINS INACTIVE Oar WltMioM AtcitsmIto Action. I tan Iieiruj to Compel Turkey to Take the Initiative New, from Mack Sea (Viwnrrd So Xo DctalU IIa(c liecome Known. NEW YORK. Nov. 2. Twenty-one Indictment against the directors of the New Tork, New Haven and Hart ford railroad were returned today by the United State grand Jury. Among the Indicted art William Rockefeller. Robert Taft. Lewi Caas INFORMATION FOR VOTERS The following information will assist voters at the election to morrow; Wlien to Vote. The polls will open at 8 o'clock In the morning and close at S in tlie evening. Where to Vte. There are t n precincts In pen d'.eton from 37 to 46 inclusive. The following are the precinct boundaries and polling places: N. JT Bounded on west by Thompson street, north by river c;ist by city limit nnd eouth by Webb st. to its Inteectlon with Court i nd then by Court to city limits. Polling p'.ace, A!ta House. No. 3S Hounded on west by Vincent street, north by Webb and Court etretts, south and east by city limit. PolHr.g place, lent at corner of Webb and Clay til eeta. No. 3 Bounded on west by Main, north by river, east by Thompson and aouih by Webb. Foiling place, old sample room of Hotel Ptndleton. No. 40 Boumltd on west by Main, north by Webb, east by Vincent :.nd south by city limit. Polling pi ice. UeikeUy and I-V.edle) a otfiees, Kut oresonian buil ling. No. 41 Bounded on west by Alia, north by river, east bw Main and south by Wtbb. rolling pUca, Milarkey hall. No. 42 Bounded on west by Calvin, north by Webb, eat by Main and outb by cily l'-nil-Polling place, sample rooms of Powman hotel. So. 4 J Bounded on west by city limit on north by river on cast by Aura and on south by Webb. Polling place, field school. ,. 4 4 Hounded on wet by city limit, on north by Webb, on eusi by Calvin and on aoutn by city limit. Polling plac, went end school. No. 4 6 Bounded on weat ly Perkins avenue, on north by city limit, on east by city limit and on south by river. Polling place, basement ut Christian church. No. 46 Hounded on wet by city limit, on oorth by city lim its, on rast by Perkins avenue and on south by river. Polling place, IJncoln school. OlifT luforitiMllou. Kample ballot may be secured at each polling place and studied before filtering the booth. It U a violation of the corrupt j rat lb . act to campaign for a ir measure tomorrow. Cards may not be distribute nor election button or ribbon worn An X s'oould be plainly in-ik- ,1 iM twei ii the iiumlu r and limine of the preferred or be tween the number und the or "No" ft t'e measures tarn ex I against tlie directors of Ute Xevv VorV, New Haen and Hartford Ledyard and Theodore Vail ruiruau. - - Iannp nnd Turkey break relation and TurkMi ambassador at Ixmdoo also recefvea )orU. LONDON, Nor. 2 Eight Turkish army corps have Invaded Egypt, ac cording; to a report received here thla afternoon. The report haa not been confirmed but the war Information bureau permitted Its publication with out a guarantee of It accuracy. Egypt, It wa said on official au thority, waa fully prepared to protect Itself, Lord Kitchener having taken every precaution far In advance and ! being confident .that the Egyptian troop will remain loval to the British. Arrangements have been made safeguard the Sues canal. An early attack by the . Anglo French Mediterranean fleet on the sultan forta in the Dardanelles Is to Local. t.llliland afraid to nieet Maloney In deliate tonight: dexlinea challenge. Dr. Smith makes personal appeal for tMcm of his old home ieople. Jud;re rhctts did not sanction Uma tilla bridge deal ma Gilliland claims. Gilliland ha not refuted any of rtamains accusation against him: beware of last hour reMrtt from hint Portland park Miicriiitcndcnt here to KiiMTintend building of natatorium. Pour hiHse team struck by freight train. Another '"first hite child" disputes claim of Weston man. Teachers take stand on matters up at election. i PolN Kn twclie hours toniorrowJ expected. The IH32tmenU cfiSfet-a violation The Turks are reported to hare de- of the anti-trust law "by having com- talned all the Russian consul within Dined and conspired together with Turkish fortresses along the frontier numeroua other persons to monopol-j1" order to secure the safe return of Ire commerce, consisting- of the; their own consuls from Russia. transportation business." j The speody release of the prison- The Indictment affected probably! er" ' "ntlclpated a a Petrograd dis patch ria been received annonnctng that the Turkish ambassador already has started for home. PETROGRAD. Nov. I Rurwla H , still delaying atrgrrssive action aga!nt year's imprisonment or both I UPON THESE GRAVE POINTS G INLAND HAD NO AlfflFR ..w I ts the largest number of millionaire er. er accused in a single court transac tion. They include all the New Haven directors who had charge of operat ion when the road amalgamated ltti various New England systems. me indictment enumerated 1J5. Turkey. corporations whose business, it was The plan was to compel the sultan ih.irged. was t.) be monopolized. Thej to tak the Initiative It was expected t'ody of the cc.mrl.iint mention the that the Turks would concentrate iaie j u-rpoiu .Morgan as one of the ntalnst Egyrt snd that a "holy war" alleged conspirators. would be proclaimed but the' allies The ch.irge of conspiracy Is a: did ri.t believe the Vohammedvn offense for w hich the max-, either in E?vpt or India would rally mum punihnunt is 1500.) fine, one to tue auttan's l.ird. 4 I'rllge a l ake? 4 GiUiiard h:is never answered t'-.e question to whether the Atlas Pri-tte Co. was lncorporat- ei or whs a pure fake corpora- tion as it exidenlly Is since no record of such a corporntion can be found anywhere. It I not incorporated In Oregon or elsewhere ns far as can he rlia- covered ami is not listed in Hradstreetu. He did not ep:ain what possible motive A H. Cooley. staunch repuljll ci.n and well known farmer, could have in making an affidavit to the ef led that Eberhart confessed to rcceiv lug graft money and diviJing it with the court if It were not (run Me dij not explain why a 5J0 f,,ot! brldce wa too short to span the rixer' m i main. a at the same point where a 3i) foot bridge was built. He did not explain why It was that he originally defended the change of plans for the Umatilla bridge on the ground thst the first plan did not in. elude approaches. ri.ick sea news was subject to a strict certsorhlp. Pif'n'te nstirmces bnve been re ceive! tiat Pulgirla wool! remain reutrat Lafer. tt wn thoutht. Tilitarla might J..ln the allies hut It w-i said that for tA present the countrv I to. near national bankruptcy to en F.iee in h.vitililles on either site. Th" Riissiars, according to a slate- j mept. were still drlvfnc the Au.'rl.m hack In te Pmva'kl provln -e in Uu rhn Poland To the west of the VIstuM river th Russians have retsken Piofrko from the kii. r's t'enpn pri.j now oeciijiv the town as welt Opocrtio and a row. In his 'defense" Friday evening, ex Ju.lge T. P. Gilliland trie.! to explain away several of the charges made against him, but there were many other charge for which he had no answer, and this, perhaps, is -the rea son why Ii served notice upon the audit n. e that he would refuse to an swer h ii v nuestlorm which imy of his hearers might propound. lie did not explain why If was that lighter stet I than that specified In the plans was substituted in the bulll, ing of six different bribes n 190$ He did not explain why tie permit ted a scheme under which pberhart drew nil of the bridge plans for the county and under wli'di Kberhart had a copy for his own use while other Intending hi bjera could lot e. cure copies, but must g, personally l.) the ileik' office to see the one on file He dl l not ck plu iri w hv (he I w . hi ;m was violHted In the building of the llitih lubtgo. the Ithe ere. k bridge sod the f.lHle M.'Ktv rreefc t.r.' by not sfklng for bids. lie did not explain whv Kberhart was permitted to ''t "S brl ?re Insp.-c lor for ti e county and thus pass judg. in. i t upon Lis ( wu wot k joe scon I'll 8E FAITHFUL TO HOST Here toj. i He did not explain why the detailed statement required by law was not the campaign J s filed with the county clerk by the old of C. a. Barren for ourt ir. a lie claimed the bridge wa noi ouiit under a contract. It. : . . ne oij not explain how he oaifje ju.lge Maloney H. rt. MM.nsibillty for the present court when the court U Controlled by two republicans. Messrs. Waterman and Cockburii. the latter running fr re. election. He did not explain why he charged that the opposition of the East Ore gonlan to hi candidacy was due to me wiuoiiawal by the old court of the paid statement of expense when i"e rile or the newspapers of that time show that it was th Tribune ii. it ...... I-, i i. . - .... ... ' o.e,! wie rouri While Hi .;aj(t "icKonian. not knowing then of the graft, actually defended the court. Most of these riiitstlon i..r U.UJ .lli.ctly by the K,,t nrtironlan an. I he did not anwrr. With a copy of th.. Ka-t i!..o.,!.iri in hi i h ,l,.,.,,rr,1 he Would atifcW.r mi of th "llltstlolis W hi. tl had been Hsked hllll lie iitt. ni.t,-d t .s. r bijt nil m.iiMon of thow whi'b I ' I' i I to t.e j ,,l.t ul,.,lc v, (,y w . it upon the hist dtv of N, oiinonent the J.'lrit senator ship, m.kes the follow !nv st (I. merit in whb-h he pledrfe. fnthfu! riei.ji or I. fi .. . I.. t t L. I , , . . . cani11 o'siio..ii i.eeie.iei nen Jir r.irrtt flm' r m f..f the I.gUlatjre upon progre-ive prin ciples. I In common with rnanv t.rhef itemocrHts supported him nn.l helped t. elect bloi against 'lie opposition of the st in I pat el. icetif In IMn . oun. ty sn. had I f provtri trie ii thosn !rln Ijil.s would ,, b,. 4 ,. dilate ss.ilnt bun ' Mr parrti' s re. ord In r s List two session shows he toil '.. I wlrh the srjiol (at "r riia'bl.e crowd that has dornlri tls.i the et i'e iMle If the people of this diirh t do lioi pprove of oh a oi(is Ihty i.ouM l.etlie Mr Hill' It o .r!u" I;'.- "If I Itll I. . I.'d I f,f orolx,. the 4,t t - i. u-iii. r inir ir n i n be ili'i.ll II . .1 I Ii it I, . If , ,. ,) In I l r i r i i ' t ui'ii M h ioi , ir ..l" f n it I V no ir ,r l. .l .4 'on- Ii .1 y ir Mi ll.,. .1.. t' . III! I .l H ' ' I'll lit I l I f lif 1 1 - i,'. r. ,.f Ih II,., ,. c,,.,,i f Mi, ,!,.i,t f,,r i,n il- I n. ' r t f wi'i r. ii a, 1 1. I 'I , 4 I ' '